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I got a foil before they pulled them https://preview.redd.it/6pt8j81oil6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=607a2858eb069dd9fa285cfba7d1cfb57b1a7656


Lucky snag for sure. Did the other buyers notice the name mess up?


that looks like AI created it. I normally like much of Paul's art, but this just doesn't even feel like his. glad you got one for the collectability & if you like it, but for me it's not up to level of art that it could be.


People are throwing out the AI accusations way too easily. Quite the insult to the artist.


not even close


Reposted on Instagram without the names. That original is gonna be a collectors item for sure.


Can they get new prints in time for the show lol curious about the logistics there


I’m sure there will be a version on their website. They’ve been adding online versions after each weekend. Not quite the same but cool design regardless.


there is a version in the store on the website. the marquee just says dead and co, june, 14th, sphere, las vegas.


Not a chance


No they made them available online instead so they can ship then in few months after new ones are made.


Sale online right now


Which poster are we talking about?


I hope some got out


Got away with last two. Literally saw them take it down right after I paid. I thought they sold out


Why would they take them down?


They had Bill as a band member on the marquee and not Jay


Oh look it's the same chick that told me to fuck off after I didn't tip her for handing me a poster lmao. Don't these shmucks get paid an hourly wage?


Tipping culture is insane. I want to karate chop almost every iPad that is spun in my direction.


Absolutely and a majority of those card readers come with the tipping software pre installed. They dont even roll the poster or give you a tube. Cmon now


On the same topic - I had a guy selling drinks on the floor at the D&C show in queens last year walk away from me going “wow, thanks a lot dickhead” because I didn’t leave a tip on a $6 bottle of water. Really ruined the day for me, I even said, hey I’m sorry man, can I give you a dollar? Motherfucker tells me they’re cashless and I’d have to buy another drink to tip him. Really bummed me out, I actually forgot about it until this moment lol. Some real late stage capitalism shit.




I offered a cash tip and was refused the option to do that and wasn’t about to pay $14 so I could have water and not have some guy mad at me. It was also not a fetched drink but someone walking around with a basket like at a baseball game. Certainly if someone took an order and came back with a drink I would have tipped. I harbor resentment for a venue not paying a good enough wage at an expensive show in a sold out baseball stadium where now I’ve got to be called a dick head because I purchased some water. Even if I’m in the wrong it’s just so rude as an employee to just call someone that in public, — if he’d poured a drink or I got a handful of beers or he made a run for me then I’d see his frustration but geeze, “thanks dickhead” sure put a damper on the day. Situation sucked idk, just a gripe.


For real! I hate tipping culture and never tip the automatic percentage. But it only takes a smudge of thoughtfulness to tip a buck for Christ Sake. Especially on the floor when someone is fetching you a drink. I would’ve told that person to go fuck off now on the next drink. Bummer it ruined your day but for the price of a buck play it Safe


It's all an excuse for companies to pay their employees less & it's soooo fucked up. Finding work can be tough enough as is, but getting a shitty-paying job where you gotta beg people to tip you is just sad. That guy could've at *least* pocketed your dollar & said thanks. Straight up denying the tip after it was offered is stupid.


Also roundhouse kick


If you tip at the merch table (not including small bands for their tip jar) there is no hope for you. Tipping culture is pathetic. I would have planted my feet and refused to fuck off for a few minutes just to piss her off more.


Lol she didn't actually tell me to fuck off. Just loudly told her coworkers that I "didn't fucking tip" while I was walking away


Good, I’m gonna look for her when I go in July and intentionally not tip her. I tip well when I am served throughout the course of a dinner, or when someone goes way out of their way to assist me (delivery people, movers, drivers). But for turning around and handing me a poster? No. Fuck that


Lmao I’m going next week and 100% doing this


I'm going in July and I might just seek her out and not tip her.


That’s just as bad lmao I’d have stopped in my tracks and been like “yeah I fucking didn’t” like wtf man these entitled mfs have gotten out of control


I'm pretty non confrontational when it comes to off hand comments like that, but it definitely bothered me for a bit while I was walking around the experience. Until I met big Steve, made my entire night


That’s why I’m probably a generally angrier and therefore at times less happy person than you I would guess. Something I need to work on because I am quick to crash out over shit like that. That’s amazing you met Big Steve tho! Sounds like a great night.


Trust me I still have anger issues. I've just been more conscious about what I let bother me. Pick and choose battles sort of speak. Also kind of hard to be mad with all the otherwise good vibes around.


That’s very true. We’re all works in progress. I try my hardest not to bring a bad energy to any shows anyways so I probably would have done the same realistically but in many scenarios I would have probably made it an issue. Been working on it though! Have a great weekend friend.


Thanks buddy, you too. Cheers 🍻


I was looking for Big Steve! Wish I had met him. Lucky you.


Very blessed indeed considering I was the last person he chatted with before he went inside the staff area. It was about an hour before showtime


Yea no chance. I went to Vegas / Sphere with nothing... Literally got off flight with shorts, t shirt and sandals for 3 days... Realized I was getting cold and bought a hoody at merch stand. Didn't realize it was $86, thought it was $40... But was blitzed and cold. No chance I'm giving a tip. They wouldn't let me try it on. Which I kinda get but for fucks sake $86 for a shitty hoody with literally single color white print of nothing but a bolt on the back and says Dead Forever Sphere on front. I didn't really have any other options at that moment... Had no hotel booked for the two nights... Shout out to Nick the random head I met that let me stay in his hotel and the party favors. You are the man! You made my trip...no pun intended


Ha! Sounds like you had a good time. I may send it for one or two of the July 4-6 shows in a similar way. But ya no shot at those prices and literally what would we be tipping for they hand you the hoodie and tell you to move tf on lmao


Honestly, all this complaining and posturing over a buck tip makes me so glad I have no plans to ever go see Dead and Co. Sounds like all the pricks are showing up in full force.


I know you’re not making this up because she was rude as F to me too when I asked if the sold out foil at the experience would be still be sold at the merch booths later on


I saw that in the screen when I was there. Sorry. Not tipping. (And yeah, I tip 20%+ at restaurants…)


Fuck that entitled people suck. I went to buy a bottle of water in front of the sphere were u entry the floor went to pay cash..nope card only but u cam tip In cash the guy says to me...I looked him straight in the face and said I not tipping you shit on a 8 dollar bottler of water. He was cool with it so he said


I saw a thing recently that I now go by. If I have to stand to order something I don’t tip


Yeah that's the new thing now, lol. We picked up take out and they did the same shit. As someone who doesn't get an hourly wage and only works for tips...its kinda like wtf?


I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the option to tip when cashing out last weekend


It’s taken me a while but I found the corner of this subculture full of curmudgeonly shitbags, and it’s in the replies to this comment!


I am seeing them on eBay..so some definitely got sold. This one is going to be a hot one.


I just stopped by the booth and asked. They said a higher up came through and took them all. They never told them why they did or anything else


The band just posted a new poster on Instagram with the Marquee reduced to just the show date. Damn.


Honestly don’t get the big deal of showing bill on their, maybe seems weird cause they didn’t include Jay tho, shoulda just included both of them


They did the right thing! The poster never should have been printed without Jay Lanes name on it! I don’t care how cool it looks!


Do you think they’ll sell new ones with Jay’s name??


Not right away. Might take a while for reprints. Or they might just scrap the whole print.


Is this true? I got there at 10:25. They told me sold out, im super upset was trying to get a poster for my bday show


What time does it open? Are they really selling out posters this early?


It's not sold out they stopped selling because of a misprint


So what time do they open?


10am - 6pm


What time have they been selling out by?


Foil posters usually sell out at the experience in the first hour or so, the regular ones are usually available. They will have more foil at the venue when it opens but those will probably go quick. If you want a foil you need to line up at the venitian before it opens or get to the venue early regular posters shouldn't be a problem to get.


Hey, Happy Birthday, I also am a Flag Day Kid! Have fun and enjoy the show🕺🎊🎵🎂🎉♥️🎶


Look online they just posted them


"Hey man, you got that updated file, right?"


Oh, sorry dude, I was working from home and baked some hash brownies and watched Judge Judy instead.


Funny that this skipped right by whoever at D&C office, someone in trouble as well as the artist they knew what they were doing, prolly laughing every day that went by that he didn't get a phone call saying "hey, wtf"


One of the better posters,maybe they screw up and release the online variant.


Aw man that sucks. Where was bills name on it tho? I didn’t see it


On the marquee


Ah yep I see it. Odd that they didn’t include Jay in there too. Hopefully they get a new poster for the show up


https://preview.redd.it/o0lm7zhupl6d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f136b38567a7414b5b27e9d08b62d97dc2a51dd0 i got a foil and a non foil! got it at 9:59am


This was THE one I wanted


I just ordered the corrected version online for anyone who doesn’t want to brave the pop up at 2:00.


Literally saved me a trip thank you


There not going to have any at 2:00 those corrected versions aren't going to ship for a while.


I ordered online and looked like it went through and I have a confirmation, but when I checked order status online it says refunded so who knows.


Is it crashing for anyone?


Man, I love those Fear and Loathing shirts. Shame I won’t be able to get one.


They are pretty cool! I snagged one at 5/30. It's actually the only Dead and Company merchandise that I have ever purchased. If you really want one, just reach out to the community. You should be able to find someone willing to send you one for the cost of the shirt and shipping.


Anyone who snagged one this morning automatically has an incredibly rare and valuable poster now lol


I got the foil this morning at 9:30. Phew.


Can we get a pic


Very interesting to see that they are still selling posters from previous nights. I suppose that shouldn’t be surprising with a residency where every single night has its own poster. Is the overall residency poster (the one with the sphere in the center) still available? I don’t see it here.


If there from previous nights and they are still available, its means they aren't very popular and they are still trying to get rid of them. Those same ones were available online for a long time while others sell out instantly.


Yeah, of all the ones pictured I’m really only a fan of the cowgirl


The fixed version is now up on Dead and co site: [https://deadandco.store/collections/posters-prints/products/dead-forever-june-14th-event-poster](https://deadandco.store/collections/posters-prints/products/dead-forever-june-14th-event-poster)


Is it working for anyone? Can’t seem to get to checkout


I can cart it and go to check out, I don’t want it so didn’t actually try and hit purchase. I emailed them yesterday and haven’t heard back, I haven’t gotten the poster. I ordered from the site on 6/2 or any information about when it will ship.


In the past it has taken months to ship stuff


What are the prices on the posters? Merch? Haven’t seen that anywhere. 


Primus’ selling of posters is awesome, because their ticket prices aren’t gouging, but it’s been bad for consumers everywhere else. All acts with expensive tickets have no F’ing right to charge more than $30 for one.


Primus sucks! They're what got me into this poster hobby in the first place.


Primus sucks!!!! 😊


Primus sucks.


Anyone have a link/pic of the now redacted poster in discussion?


I'll be there next week. Are there still emeks available?




Bc it has Bill K name on it Also missing Jay


Ahhhh shit thats why it was re posted on facebook


Poster A looks really cool. Any Northeast heads want to get me one and I’ll meet up with you to make the exchange?


I’m only seeing last nights poster (and what would’ve been today’s poster, aside from the prior events). Do they only sell the poster for each given day on said day? Figured you could choose between the 3 weekend prints when the store opens on Thursday (or Wednesday for that matter)


Last year they were selling all the posters for multi day shows on day 1 and they would sell out, people only going the 2nd or 3rd days couldn't get any.


I want a misprint one!


honest question from a guy with hundreds of posters on the wall from all the years. what doe a foil matter unless you want to resell it? Its just art on a wall. Foil adds nothing to the piece beside rarity... educate me


I like this one the most I think. Very cool


Could the band be getting back together. Seems weird that he’d get added in there by accident?