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Do you have PoA? If not I would secure those and work on contacting the charities and updating the contact information and stopping the payments permanently. In terms of family it’s gonna be a bit ugly unfortunately but you can’t worry about that.


Yeah I have a durable POA


The money situation can get really nasty with family. I had a family member that drained my mom’s account at the height of her diagnosis because she trusted him. Disgusting but fairly common. Protect her as best you can. If your cousin wants him to have the money he can send it to him himself. It’s not your or your mom’s responsibility.


Have an uncle who literally told me and my mom that his son should get whatever she owns because the daughter ie me lives overseas and won't need it. People are so mean.


Have an uncle (moms brother ) who reached out to her asking for money. We noticed back to back zelle payments so he was obviously taking advantage of her dementia. My sister told him if he did it again she would never speak with him again.


If it’s a cell phone then restrict in-coming and out-going calls to those on the contact list. If it’s a landline, then it’s more complicated but TeleCalm provides a LO’s guardian the ability to restrict phones calls through an app. This will block all the charities, scammers, telemarketers and grifting family members. My LO had over 100 daily calls from telemarketers and scammers, and they are now all blocks.


Sounds funny now, but was super scary and creepy when it happened. My mom killed her air conditioner by repeatedly turning the power off and on, literally while i was on video call with her. Then called an electrician, who scammed her and me and demanded a huge amount of money to just fix it. When I refused he began showing up at all odd hours, she was super nice and sweet to him, and refused to listen to me or her caregiver. She can't remember my phone number, but managed to write down this con-man's phone number, name and his address. I had to yell at the guy, threaten him with police, and call a useless male relative to scare him off. Couldn't sleep for days and was scared at what he could actually do in terms of robbing her etc. In the end i had to fork out $$$$ to get a new air con, because it is too hot where she lives. And now she doesn't even remember all this happened. and I am the bad guy.