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I'm so sorry, I know how difficult it can be. Mine died too not so long ago and he was everything to me, I hope they're both enjoying all the turkey and cheese together now :(


He’d share with your sweet kitty. He was a good boy. I’m so sorry for your loss. 😞


Everyone looses everything in the end. You have memories to cherish. The cat god sees everything and her children are in pain and so many are uncared for. You already know you are capable. When you are ready, Bastet will send you another. This mortal coil is pain and the ones who escape surrounded by love and comfort are the lucky ones. You did a good job. He loved you and it was an unconditional love. Grieve and feel your feelings but do not allow the nothingness of sorrow to shade your life and gifts. There is already another cat making their way towards your life who needs your love and protection. Go easy on yourself.


Thank you. Your words mean a lot. I appreciate them and needed to hear them. 🌹


I am glad I could help. My three cats were taken by my ex wife, theyre still alive. I have to live in the knowledge that my cat boy has to deal with her boyfriends dog in the house I bought, for my children and my family. There are things worse than death. I am glad I could share these thoughts with you.


so sorry. i’m sure you were a great cat parent, they’re just being rambunctious somewhere else now


Im so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry. I tell people that there’s nothing I can say when it comes to pet loss that will make you feel better. So I’ll tell you it fucking sucks. And I’m sorry you’re having to experience this. And also don’t let anyone make you feel like your grief should be less because it’s an animal. They are your family.


Honestly losses of my animals have been harder for me than losing people. I grieved more for my animals when they left me. I understand. It will be an acute pain for a while and then will get easier. Just remember to be easy on yourself and feel the pain.


I agree. I’ve lost very significant people in my life already but his death hits different. He was true unconditional love with fur, a purr, 4 legs and a tail. He never did anything to hurt me. He was only here to bring me joy and love me; wanting nothing from me in return. I’ve never had anyone in my life who loved me like that and probably never will again.




Sorry for your loss… truly one of the worst feelings in the world. I lost my soul cat in August. You will miss him forever, but as time goes on it will become more tolerable. I’m so so so sorry


u/MrsMcHugh21, I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved fur baby. [The Rainbow Bridge ](https://www.rainbowsbridge.com/Poem.htm) poem brought my family great comfort when we lost our beautiful Molly (border Collie). I hope that it gives you some comfort as you read it. Sending you love and virtual hugs if you want them 🧡 🧡


Thank you, friend!


It's one of the most difficult experiences. I'm so sorry for your loss.


My condolences 💐


he is eating turkey and cheese on the rainbow bridge. & playing with yarn. waiting for you. so sorry ❤️😓


It's giving gluten free charcuterie energy


Trauma Trim.


My cat Rusty had to get put down Monday. He was a sweetheart, but he had liver cancer that couldn't be treated. I'm so sorry that you are dealing with the loss of a pet too. I hope he's doing well wherever he is!


So sorry 😢🙏


Pet deaths are worth that people's sometimes! Take some time, therapy! Dont rush grief


I am so sorry for your loss❤️


I’m so so sorry


Oh no! Please accept my condolences.


I'm sorry, OP.


I'm loving you so much ♥️ 🫂🥹




Honestly, losing pets has sometimes been harder than losing people. I'm sorry for your loss.