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Homeless mentally ill people by Merle Hay is a regular Tuesday anymore.


I guess so. It’s just fucking sad that there are SO many people who seem to be in desperate need of help.


She may have been a professional panhandler.. who really doesn’t need help.. old guy may have been calling her out on it.. kinda what comes to my mind.


I was thinking, your gonna call the cops to assist... a panhandle? Don't cops usually un-assist beggars?


I mean that still wouldn't really give him the right to harass and be aggressive to her


I could see him getting agitated because posers like that ultimately can affect him… with people like me that just don’t give anything now because of so many phony’s. Not saying he’s right but he’s not wrong either.


You just like having a justification for your existing prejudice. He is wrong, you are wrong.


Or just trying to use rational thought to understand why he was doing what he was and having sympathy for a guy who’s potentially having his livelihood threatened by someone pretending to be in need 🤷‍♂️ I mean if someone was threatening my job I’d pry be upset too. Besides right and wrong are subjective… like I think it’s wrong that our federal government sends billions to other countries such as Israel, Ukraine, Palestine, ect.. while we have US citizens genuinely in need of housing and food.


How do you know the man was in the right and not just mentally unstable? How do you know the woman wasn't also in need? Maybe the man is a violent rapist and the woman has good reason to fear him. I'm not saying that's true but it's just as likely as your suggestion. Right and wrong are not abstract metaphysical concepts in this case. This is not the first 5 minutes of ethics 101 I say it is wrong for the man to assault the woman on the side of the road because it is bad to do violence against someone unless you are defending yourself. Enjoy your life you aren't worth any more time


Maybe.. but maybe my scenario or potential interpretation of the scenario is right? Who knows.. it’s all speculation ❤️


He is wrong. What happened in your life to make you think it’s not wrong harass and threaten women? If you think someone is breaking a law that doesn’t physically harm someone, call the police. You have problems dude.


Did you assume my gender? And it’s irrelevant in this day and age of equality whether the potentially fake homeless person is male or female.


I didn’t refer to you as any gender. So we’ll disregard that it was a woman and assume you think it’s okay to threaten and harass any vulnerable person then. How is that better? Some argument you got there


Did you specify women because it would be okay to threaten and harass anyone else or for other reasons?


Probably bc the post is about a woman being threatened and harassed. Reading comprehension and context are things you can learn in elementary school.


Outer Limits man gonna get you.


Why would she be doing this if she didn't need the help? You think standing on a street corner on a kinda dumpy part of town is lucrative? And even if it is, is that any more outrageous than the people who try to sell junk door to door or blow up your cell phone with telemarketing calls? Also, millions of people work full time and still qualify for food stamps, child care vouchers, and section 8. If you wanna be mad at someone, go be mad at the corporations who rely on tax payers to make up the gap between the wages they pay and the cost of living.


Don’t you remember the fake violin players posts? They stand and pretend to play music that’s recorded through a loud speaker. It’s a total scam, they aren’t homeless or even broke.


Saw a fake accordion guy the other day. That was a new one. Outside Windsor heights Walmart with the same obnoxiously loud amp.


We had one show up at the Dollar General in my town.Soneone called the cops and she got shut down never to do that again .They had a segment on my local news about a fake homeless guy that when arrested had 1000 dollars on him from panhandling.He took the one way ticket out of town on the bus .His other choices were Salvation army housing or being arrested for vagrancy.


Literally who cares?


The artists whose music they’re ripping off, the people who are suckered into giving them money, actual homeless people. Lots of people care.


Lmao you can't be serious.


Why is this so hard for you to comprehend?


You're the one who seems to have the problem lol


There are a lot of people who stand out there collecting money for “sick babies” that don’t exist. I’m leftist af and I get where you’re coming from. I’m not against helping homeless people, but stay vigilant because some people really are just out there scamming.


There are people who beg for a living. Sorry, but it's true. I ignore them all.


There are several professional panhandlers at busy intersections. Ive confronted several that are retired people that walk to their $50-60k truck and suvs after theyve had their fill. They do it as a hobby for some extra cash. Stolen valor, stolen poverty, a nice doggy, etc. I'd say 80% are real but there's a chunk of grifters. All of the fake ones Ive uncovered personally, about 6 have all been white and all but one was male. This guy might be nuts and probably is wrong about her. Its also possible she does sex work as well and he is some dissatisfied tweaker that paid her with drugs to fuck him during his dopamine binge. Maybe she didnt live up to whatever imaginary expectations said tweaker had set for the relationship.


"I've confronted several" lmao no you fucking haven't


Scammers and professional pan handlers are a thing. I once got approached at a gas station off the interstate in Erie PA by a dirty looking guy asking for gas money. I told him no, and he slunk off. As I was walking into the store after getting gas, I saw him pull around from the back of the store in his car and peel out of there, lmao.


I've had a guy like that once.I just told him I just had enough money for gas and he walked .The guy behind gave him a twenty and he waved it in the air and smiled .


Are you inferring panhandling isn't a thing?


First off I’m not “mad” you seem to be triggered though so consider yourself hugged… I’m stating a very likely scenario. There’s a whole industry, where people pan handle because they’re too lazy to work. They receive tax free money that’s hard to track. There’s been plenty of documentaries on it & News programming doing investigative reporting on it. Folks leeching off of other peoples charitable hearts. I’ve seen deadbeats like this pretend to be homeless with my own eyes.


Literally who cares? Standing outside in the elements debasing yourself for money sounds like a job tbh.


A job provides a service. Those people are thieves.


The service is giving the suckers the excuse to pat themselves on the back. The faux outrage is hilarious though


I mean, fair point. Me, I dont pretend to be kind, so I have no problem saying no. I think they need to stay off of the medians though, just isnt safe.


Can't argue with that


Merle hay is a dumpy part of town lol And do you not realize how much money people standing on a corner make? People drive brand new cars and own homes and they do nothing but stand on corners. Half of them are scammers no doubt How out of touch are you? People fake handicaps and mental diseases, pretend to be veterans. What rock do you live under?


Yeah there's absolutely no way "professional panhandler" is a real thing


Leave Mom’s basement. You become less “convinced” and more enlightened


Who cares though?


Apparently the OP cared enough to post about it 🤷‍♂️


Seem to be


It’s the illegals that came in 4 million


Dude you aren't kidding. Saw a dude carrying a literal cross with an American flag hanging off it on 63rd and Hickman today. Not technically on merle hay I guess but he was waking west so he would have been at merle hay a little before I saw him.




I mean they are people... As a nicerespectfulguy, it may behoove you to remember that. Obviously no one should be subjected to the behavior mentioned by the OP, but presuming anyone asking for help is a junkie beggar seems a bit short sighted.




Yea… hope you never fall on hard times.


Obviously you know nothing about drug addiction and mental illness.


Source: dude just trust me.


i don’t think you know how close to homelessness so much of this country is. literally for an average american family with two working adults, it could be as simple as hospital bills due to a kid with serious and/or chronic health issues. think about how many well to do, educated people move back in with their parents at any time in their twenties. if the need to do so strikes someone without living parents or from an unstable family/upbringing that could easily end in homelessness. it doesn’t take being a junkie. honestly it might just take some bad luck. and even if it did, that doesn’t make them automatically undeserving of compassion. do you think begging for money is what any person wants to end up doing with their life? even if they are an addict? you’re mad at people who are living at rock bottom. and that, to me, is cuckoo bananas.




i think you should try to imagine a persons life and what led them to that point. it’s common to not want to help them, and a lot of people chose not to give them money that they think will end up going to drugs. i’m not going to get into a philosophical discussion on that. but what i will comment on philosophically is “veil of ignorance”. if you don’t know what that is look it up and read about it. sure some people, end up homeless and/or addicted and it’s no one’s fault but their own. but i think being a mature adult capable of empathy is realizing that the life you’ve led is not the same as the lives others have led. and to try to put yourself in their shoes. if you can do that you will find yourself being less hard on the folks that now seem to disgust you. addiction is a disease, and it goes hand in hand with, growing up in poverty, growing up around crime, being from poor areas, falling through the cracks, etc etc etc. sometimes addiction can start from realizing you can’t handle alcohol like non-addicts can. does that mean no one should ever have a beer because they might be an alcoholic and not know it? i’m not here to shill for booze and to say that everyone should be drinking, but it’s physiological and genetic and even if it is a choice, it isn’t always a *choice*, you know? there are so many factors that influence where people end up in life. imagine you’re 12 years old. both your parents are addicts. you’re from a poor area, there is no one to look out for you, no one to take care of you, no one in your corner. your schools suck. you’ve fallen through the cracks and your friends are in the same situation as you. there are drugs lying around your house and one day you try some. that can lead you to being and adult begging for money outside mearle hay mall. you were a child when you made the decision that ruined your life. yes, it was stupid, but kids are stupid. and the kid in that story did not have the same chance you had. and sure some kids, many kids, even most kids can make it through that to be a functioning productive adult. but those who don’t can you honestly blame them, and them alone for where they’ve ended up? none of this is to say you should invite homeless addict strangers in home to bathe them, feed for them, care for them (that jesus guy from the bible said that, i didn’t. i don’t even believe in him… and so many of the bible thumpers conveniently “forget” that this was his message. anyway this is an entirely different argument). i’m just saying that when you see someone who is living a life you don’t want to live, and they’re desperate enough to beg… maybe just try to understand that life is so profoundly unfair to so many people. and instead of viewing them as a disease in your city and the scum of the earth, AT LEAST try to realize that they aren’t happy with their lot in life either and if they could trade places with you now, or when they were that 12 year old, they would.


It’s bold to call someone else stupid in the same sentence where you errantly use “their” instead of “they’re”.


Fr the intersection of merle hay and Douglas is like a mini circus


FR! Makes me realize how lacking in services we are here for mental health, housing, etc.


Well the Republicans have been in charge of the state for awhile, this is what they do, they cut damn near all social safety nets.


California (San Francisco in particular) is just killing it in the regard of helping homeless and more so the mentally ill. Spare us all with the dem vs republican bs. It’s the government as a whole. They don’t fix problems because then they lose that fundings $$$.


Most of those do it as a side hustle


Where’s your data for that? You don’t have to help people, no reason to justify it with made up excuses


Watching them.


Exactly, you made this shit up bc of your feelings


Nope, again, by watching. Visual evidence is not a feeling is it?


The scary thing is there are more services here than in Texas...


Once I saw a very overweight, middle aged man in tighty whities get arrested. He was running from the cops and ended up in the median. I was test driving a car. The salesman was unfazed. Says he sees stuff like that all the time on Merle Hay.


You must not get around town much. That is mild compared to a whole host of other intersections in town.


Not saying the dudes reaction was by any means appropriate, because it absolutely wasn’t. That aside, there IS a Latino woman (and the rest of her family) who is known to be an outright scammer and I’ve seen her several times on the corner of Merle hay and Douglas/Euclid. Regardless, you calling the cops will have gotten her removed either way. 


Agreed. While it’s not right to verbally abuse/ frighten anyone, fuck those freeloaders


Who cares? Don't give them your money.




Sure, Jan...


Was it an Asian woman? There is an Asian woman that’s a notorious scammer around there and WDM. Also the people that pretend to play the violin in parking lots … it’s a recording…


Dang the violin people get around. They were in Sioux City on the Eastside last summer.


I bet you're fun at magic shows. ITS NOT REAL. CALL THE COPS!


They’re scam artists. Cops not needed. I just park by them and shout that they’re lying for a minute lol


Sounds like you've got a lot of time on your hands




Who said no evidence? At any point? You’re the one thats ignorant. So righteous bud. They aren’t homeless at all … that’s the scam lmao


First time in a city? This is commonplace. I don’t have data to back this up, but I’s estimate 90% of the ppl on corners in DSM are scammers. Many are habitual grifters who are known around town.




Like I said, an estimate—I don’t have the data. It could be lower, but there’s certainly a large cohort, some of whom operate in teams or groups, who systematically target corners/intersections and scheme to maximize profit. They’re scammers because they’re being intentionally misleading, and many are capable of gainful employment and instead choose to panhandle because it pays better and they’d rather not work. This is not about poverty. Poverty is a severe problem in the US, but the problem here is manipulation of naive/caring people for one’s own gain—not based on need. Also, idk exactly what they rake in, but I’ve personally spoken to several who have made hundreds in a single day, far more than many people earn doing honest work. I would happily give to a panhandler who was genuinely in need, but with so many scammers out there, it’s impossible to know anymore. Best to avoid and instead donate to a reputable organization.


It’s not a show, you don’t pay to watch


Saw a lady with kids and an "anything helps" sign over in wdsm. I stopped to offer some food I just purchased at the grocery store. Packaged sandwiches, chips, drinks, etc. she said "no, money only" and seemed offended that I offered food. I told her to fuck off and have never tried again. I know there are real people in need, but these scammers are ruining it for the people who ACTUALLY need handouts. Donate to the homeless shelter or food pantry instead.


Had a similar experience and I agree; it’s hard to tell scammers from legit people in need. I also would rather give my money and donations directly to a shelter or food pantry.


Same logic should apply to your position on vast government social programs that wastes most of our taxpayer dollars. Not saying that some people don’t need legitimate help but the government throwing money at a problem rarely produces the results they intend. I’d rather donate directly to an organization than trust the government with my money.


A while back my son asked if we could go to BK and get the guy on the median some food.  We did, pulled around and tried to hand it off and he loudly berated  and swore at my 9 year old for "assuming he'd eat that shit." Solid lesson for the kid. 


Exactly. I don't give money to panhandlers, but do to the Food Bank Of Iowa, because I know it will only go to real people in need, and they are always short of money there..


I never give them anything, imo they shouldnt be standing there. A quote from the great Michael Jordan " If you can ask me for money then you can go say welcome to mcdonalds how can I help you"


If they say they only want money and not food they are scamming people. I got cussed out once because the guy only wanted money .


Yes because the food pantries in Des Moines aren't problematic at all. Have you read the news over the past year or two? Not to mention the huge gap in services. There are far more people in need than the homeless shelters can support. And most vulnerable people stay far away from them for their own safety.


Yes I have been reading about the problems at the food pantry, and I am aware that the homeless shelter is far above capacity. However, those services do still exist, and they would benefit from the money more then some jackhole on the corner who is just scamming people.


Please stop giving money to people on the medians. Most of them are not indigent, and it is dangerous to have them there


Where’s your data for that?


Outer Limits guy cummin’ for you


Direct experience


Right, your feelings.


Directly observed. What is your issue?


Show us your count then. My issue? Lol, you’re the one making shit up to justify abusing homeless people


Seek help


“I have no actual argument, I just hate seeing vulnerable ppl.”-You


I have no issue with homeless people and I wasn't abusing anyone. I support services for them and there are service for them. They should seek those services. They should not be on the medians. It is dangerous for them and for drivers. I've camped out watching them. My numbers? 2 or 3 out of 10 have legitimate mental health issues. The rest are posing. They get in their cars or walk to their living spaces after panhandling and go one with their lives. Why don't you take 3 hours someday and park and watch? Merle Hay and Euclid or MLK and Euclid are great places to watch. And I live in the neighborhood of these intersections.


You must not have much experience with homeless, panhandlers and scammers




Indigent means poor or needy. Indignant means rude. 


There are scammers about.


And there's usually a pile of garbage at their feet while they panhandle. That's what I don't get. You can be homeless but still courteous. These people are not. Garbage thrown everywhere. Skywalks close because they use it as their personal kybo. Then they get mad when people don't want them around.


If we ignored them, they would move on.


Exactly. I hate it when people hand cash out at lights and stop signs. If you want to donate, give it to a shelter that gives a hand up, not a hand out.


Those ladys are scammers, lol they are on every corner


a message in general, Dont pay these panhandlers no mind, dont give them money, do not engage with them, let them be. If a homeless guy is being a dick to them? Let it be, bc chances are youre just gonna get put in a situation you dont need to be in. I understand helping someone out, but these panhandlers out here a lot of the time are scammers and not nice people who are preying on good will for easy money. Personally I woulda just let it be, thats how it is in the city, Youre just lucky he didnt have a knife or some crap. I implore everyone to leave the dsm crackheads alone it isnt worth getting hurt over.


Unfortunately calling the cops probably created more problems for her.


Well, let’s hope not. It got the guy to leave her alone, so I’d say that’s one less problem for her.


Except it’s a banned intersection so it’s just causing more focus on her. Check out this article from Des Moines Register: After OK'ing panhandling, Des Moines bans standing in medians of some 200 intersections https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/2019/04/22/panhandling-des-moines-ban-standing-medians-safety-aclu-city-council-jeff-lester-police/3539127002/


Ok. They’re still there all the time and cops drive right past them. So if they’re not supposed to be in the median, obviously it’s not being enforced. Also this woman wasn’t standing on a median in the street, she was by the Douglas entrance to Target.


I don’t think you’re getting what people are trying to say.


Nope, I got it. Everyone thinks I should’ve ignored the situation bc apparently it’s more acceptable for a woman to get assaulted than it is to call the cops to hopefully prevent someone from being assaulted. Tired of everyone playing Monday morning quarterback. I’m interested in what all these people are doing to actually help the homeless rather than making shitty self righteous comments on redit


My degree is social work and I work with the homeless. So I’m commenting from experience.


Specifically women getting out of prison who are homeless.


I also was a social worker. Almost 10 years as a services coordinator and advocate for the homeless, specifically homeless teens. So I’m not talking out of my ass. I’m well aware of the problems homeless face in regards to the police. In this specific instance I did what I could bc I wasn’t going to ignore it. Had I not had an oncologist appt, I would’ve stayed. I originally posted this as a heads up at Merle hay. In no way am I congratulating myself for being a Good Samaritan and I wasn’t trying to get anyone in trouble. I was trying to help a woman who was scared and possibly going to be physically assaulted. End of story. Fuck.


Unfortunately, I think a lot of so-called "beggars" are scammers, but the guy could've also been cuckoo.


Damn. It’s hard to know what to do in that type of situation. Good for you for being the bigger person! I was at the Valley West Target today and a small Woman, who was with three children & a black fabric wagon, approached me. “Excuse me, mam, money? You have money?” *waves to children and items in wagon*. She then looked back at me with huge eyes and said “money?” This happened as I was sniffing candles. I was extremely caught off guard. She didn’t speak English very well and her children looked nervous. I told her I didn’t have any money, my female spidey senses were tingling because something just felt *off*. I’ve seen the woman and her children before at the Valley West Dr. stoplight where Hy-Vee and Target are located. But yeah, approaching me in the store and asking for money felt very very manipulative…. Idk, just had to share!


I have had this exact same experience with the exact same woman *more than once* at the Hyvee on Mills Civic & 50th!!!! She always fills that wagon with food and literally walks around Hyvee with her kids asking for money…. Wtf?????


Yikes 😅🙃🥲


I heard a few of them were fighting over one of the spots on the intersection the other day too


Cops are probably going to be more hostile toward a homeless person who isn't white than would be a help to her. Don't call the cops if you can't stay there to vouch for her and explain the situation or else you're just making things worse.


yeah - scammer or not calling the cops is never going to make a situation better lmao. "i had to get to a dr's appointment" - then you should have done nothing


Thanks for saying that. I can’t imagine calling the cops to come to a homeless person of color and then leaving and thinking you’ve done a good deed.


I posted this as a “be aware at Merle hay mall”, not to pat myself on the back for anything. When it happened I honestly didn’t know what to do. I wanted to help but all I could do was yell to leave her alone. I was in traffic. I looped back around to her and the man had left. She was aware I was calling the police and I figured if she didn’t want contact with the police she could’ve left before they got there. I didn’t give the police her description. Not that it’s your business, but I did have to get to a Dr appt. It wasn’t something I could cancel last minute or something I could wait another couple months for. Fuck you very much.


It honestly would have been enough that you looped back around to check up on her, but you basically cancelled out any help you gave by calling the police and ditching her to either be harassed by them or force her to vacate the area. Leave the cops out of it next time, especially when you know you can't stay to give your statement to protect from the cops very people you're trying to protect with them.


That person didn’t stay there. As soon as OP drove off, she gathered her crap and ran away. Scammers or homeless will do that before they mess with cops.


Well, then you're a complete fucking idiot. "It was a person of color!!!" My god.


Drugs and mental illness in the metro are an increasing problem. There's also increase of people begging on the streets, plenty who misrepresent their situation to get money. Multiple things at play here.


Mental illness and homelessness is a sad problem in America.


How long have you lived in the area? That intersection is scammer city, has been for at least the last 10 years. The guy yelling at her was probably actually homeless.


It’s like that all the way down to Euclid.


Dude the homeless know what’s up they’re the ones who are screwed and the panhandler scammers are taking the cash. People who camp at intersections are often not actually homeless but grifters. This has been going on for years and the game just gets crazier. I’ve seen people out there with kids in strollers in the heat. I help out people where I can. Typically someone sitting on the ground or resting against the gas station is there because they have no where to go and not a dime to their name.


You should have not called the police because the police definitely swept the homeless people up and locked them up because you called the cops. Des Moines cops don’t give a shit about stuff like this. All they do is beat on the homeless people.


The homeless are not taken to jail for being homeless, they’re taken to jail (sometimes) when they commit crimes due to being homeless. Panhandling isnt a crime, but trespassing is so, that’s why they’re not at the entrances to stores or in the mall doing it. I believed she was going to be assaulted, and I wouldn’t have been able to physically defend her, so I did the next best thing I could to help her. Would it have been better if I ignored the situation like all the other people in cars around me? Would it have been better if that guy hit her bc I didn’t have the correct amount of time to properly help her?


I thought they decreased the size of the median so that these people can’t stand on it anymore (at least from the Douglas side) but people are always there. There’s one guy who is often there dancing. He cracks me up. I tend to avoid that intersection entirely because of traffic but if I have to go through there I just refuse to look at them. I donate in other ways.


You're a hero.


Not there to know for sure, but there is this couple who all they do is stand at certain corners and scam their way for donations. Typically the husband is soliciting while the (I presume) wife sits there with a kid looking depressed. A few things to note about them, they only show up on nicer days and have an entire setup, they are always wearing cleaner/newer clothes and shoes, and their kid seemingly never ages in the multiple years I’ve spotted them around the metro. Hoping it was them and people who are in actual need are calling them out and pushing them out. Fucking scumbags.




I guess I’m just skilled at observing the world around me and making judgment calls based on the evidence presented. For instance, seeing the same people who are asking for help regardless of the weather, but when the weather is nice, you know the few weeks of perfect weather we get a year, suddenly the same group of people show up and oddly only on weekends, looking fresh and clean, asking everyone, even knocking on car windows, for help. Their sign is perfect, they have a nice clean easy-up, and blankets and pillows sprawled out. Now knowing how rough it is for people living on the streets, do you think these amenities would be the priority with the limited resources available? Idk I guess it’s easier to just assume malice and be angry then use one bit of critical thinking. So in conclusion, this particular group of individuals are scumbags and should be ashamed for trying to siphon the limited resources away from those who truly need it.




Yes, of course. They either have lucrative careers that they only pursue on days where there is bad weather, or they make so much money from panhandling on good days that they don't need to panhandle in bad weather. Of course, it's never occurred to them that they should just work their lucrative job everyday. Or that they could panhandle everyday and then Scrooge McDuck through their piles of cash, retire early, and buy a condo on the beach. Clearly they are rich from whichever scenario this is. Because the working poor can't afford nice houses or cars or trips to the laundromat. But these people are neat and tidy and pack it up and head for their suburban enclaves at the mere hint of raindrops or dust that may dirty their designer clothes. They are also geniuses. Because millions of people in this country are homeless or dealing with food insecurity. But none of those dummies can figure it out. Just these scammers, who have cracked the code. All you have to do is ask people for money a few days a month and soon you will be financially stable, laughing at the poor schmucks who work 40 hours a week and can't afford a $500 emergency. Why didn't everyone think of that?


To answer all questions so far, she was not Latino or Asian, I’m guessing Indian or Pakistani based on her clothing. Whether she’s a scammer or not is not the issue. Her race is not the issue…except to the guy going bananas on her. No one should be treated like that. Period.


I don’t mean to be rude and this is more of an educational moment, but India and Pakistan are countries in Asia.


My apologies, wasn’t thinking of South Asia when I said Asian as a broad term. Did not mean any disrespect to anyone.


Blue bike, right?


I don’t remember the color of the bike, sorry.


He sounds like my ex husband, but I don’t think he’s in this part of the state. He maybe, but who knows.


I lived near the mall for a couple of months and each intersection has an "owner" amongst the beggars. Most likely they were fighting over territory.


Professional panhandling Homeless begging ...I just don't see a fundamental difference that is worth arguing over. Is one 'better' than the other? Why? Either way, it's people standing and asking for money on a street corner. Seems like a distinction without a difference to me. I don't view one as more acceptable than the other since either way they are doing the same thing.


They are scam artists, the guy probably got scammed and figured it out


also side night, most homeless veterans panhandling do not need to be. the VA offers TONS of services for military and veterans regardless of class. anyone with a veteran sign is CHOOSING to turn down help


He might be right. There's a group of homeless people that stand in the middle of different intersections all around Merle Hay, making tons of tax free money everyday.


How far gone must you be to think the real problem is the homeless aren’t paying enough in taxes?


😄 That's not even close to what I meant.


They need some high vis vests


What happened is homelessness is skyrocketing in the US and most cities have no plan go stop it other than tell them to go somewhere people can't see them. This has been a big thing in larger cities and as it becomes worse it is starting to hit small-medium sized cities like Des Moines.


This is pretty normal for merle hay tbh.


Seems to be a group that travels and uses signs claiming to need $ for sick child or to bury a child (it’s a common scam in bigger cities). I think some of the people that usually claims those spots are upset about having to share their territory. I saw a guy walk up and threaten one of them with a cinder block raised over his head a couple weeks ago. Wonder if it was the same guy.


Holy shit! Someone is going to get really hurt.


This is the only spot on take of the entire thread. Those guys are 100% scammers. 99% of other pandhandlers are not.


There are panhandlers everywhere. A relative was at MH and Douglas, and the guy walked up to the car and was harassing her about money because he could see her purse. Not smart in this day and age. I don't give, but I will donate to other organizations. Calling the police could get them arrested.


Not @OP, but everyone else in this thread: no way are you guys scared of merle hay and Douglas lmao


You’re conflating fear with general disdain


Even worse then


I’ve been to big cities before I can’t imagine any of the people on here going to a big city they would have a heart attack


Most of those people are running a little scam/lying… but no one is forcing anyone to give money. As long as you don’t reach in my vehicle or block traffic do whatever you want


I've obviously seen folks panhandling that I've wondered about. Really, I'm not against it, if you want to stand on a corner and beg for money, who am I to judge? You have to be in a pretty bad place to do it or maybe you're not but see it as a way to make easy money. But I'll put this out there - some people who are panhandling are the victims of human trafficking, people who are vulnerable on all fronts. We have a choice as to whether to give or not. Try not to judge - don't give money if it doesn't seem right but keep in mind that 1) they may not be grifters/they may be exploited/they are desperate people 2) maybe they are addicts but are fellow humans who have friends and family who love them 3) you yourself could be a catastrophic event away from being disabled/financially ruined/unable to function in a way you now deem "acceptable." Be kind, give as you feel led, or not, and don't be so arrogant that you think this will never have anything to do with you or someone you love.


Human trafficking or something shady like that went through my mind bc the guy was also screaming that a man in a van picks her up and drops her off every day 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just hope she is ok.


Kinda answered your own question there, but it’s incredibly sad that there’s so many ignorant people in the world to emotional beat down a homeless person, for sure.


Why is everyone calling them scammers? They're hustlers. If you can make $200 cash/day panhandling and only $100 working a low wage job, which one are you picking?


That was my mom and dad. She left to get milk 6 years ago and he is struggling with his sexuality. Very hostile relationship but the love each other to death


Good for you for being a caring human. No matter the person's situation it's best to "see something, say something "...we live in a crazy world!


They are Gypsies. They will take your soul. Carry hair with you always.


Yup mind your business and just drive off.


Bidenomics make people poor and crazy


If it makes you feel any better; watched a beggar leave his sign and junk behind while hopping in the passenger seat of a Corvette at Valley West Drive and the interstate ramp. I'm in Texas at the moment where apparently stopping for fast food means being hit up "for a few dollars so I can get something to eat" is basically just a queue-line. Once he gets his; the next one steps in line and this continues unendingly. Said food/money is just walked back to the encampment in the woods just behind. The system is rigged. The only way to help is to hand them an application to ANYWHERE!


For some reason, the crazies are REALLY hung up on the idea that these are organized scammers. They especially freak out over the guy pretending to play the violin.


Thank you for your service and I'm sorry that happened to you. Also, they all know each other and interact on a daily basis. I would guess he's right, but your virtue has been signaled.


Nothing happened to me, lol. I just wanted to share bc I’ve never seen the panhandlers get aggressive like that there. I really thought that woman was going to get hit. Judging by this, it seems to be a frequent occurrence. Guess I haven’t been in that area in a little while.


They’ve spread from the Southside where I live , I feel so bad going to Walmart since I can’t help them but I feel guilty so I’ll admit I’ve ran a few stop signs because of it


Nice job getting her arrested probably, white knight.  


Totally would’ve been better if she got her ass kicked or pushed into traffic 🙄 I don’t think it’s illegal to panhandle, and if it is, obviously it’s not enforced bc cops drive past them all day long.


Biden ‘24 🇺🇸


sounds like iowa:)