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Screw you lol I can’t get a good roll of this gun to drop at all and you have two amazing rolls. The second one is great though


Tried both out in ib, and I can say that the 2nd one was slightly better. The range on the gun is good enough, and keep away isn’t needed for mid-longish ranges. It is a 450 after all. Zen moment is wonderful though. Target lock proc’d pretty often, and the gun itself is pretty fucking stable. You can farm it this week and the boss is very easy, so there’s that. Good luck dude!


zen is the anti flinch perk and is goated add in target lock for res checks and some forgiveness its a great dueler


Yeah personally I'm not a fan of tap the trigger.


I got the keep away Tap the trigger roll last night and it just wasn’t it to me. Really want Gutshot preferably but Zm/Ka work too + Target Lock or Dragonfly + Voltshot for PvE.


I’m just tired of getting fucked over by zen/tl without a good enough auto to counter it. Gets old after a while


Tbf, you don't need a perfect PvP roll for it to perform. I took a rewind frenzy one into PvP and it's claps hard. With that said, I'm still looking for a better one for PvP haha


Just feels like that meme where squidwards looking out the window


Haha, yeah that's a fair point, keep going dude, you'll get it eventually


This but relentless


Second one for sure


Second, Zen is just that perk, if you have Zen, there’s no need for a counterbalance mod, chambered/arrowhead or even TTT plus Target Lock is pretty solid on 450’s, but you should try going for a Zen/Golden Tricon, that’s the GOD off the god roll


It’s not an adept, so honestly, let the counterbalance rock if it feels good. That said, I do agree, zen moment is that guy on autos. And target lock is also at full power on autos, only nerfed on smg’s. Pick 2 is a great all arounder


I mean if Counterbalance feels good for you then sure, rock it, but Zen completely makes recoil direction redundant so quick access or even targeting are the real winners for me(quick access being #1) and Target Lock is good on all autos except for 600’s, shits ass on Summoner etc


>Zen is just that perk, if you have Zen, there’s no need for a counterbalance mod Wait you serious ? As in does it not do anything, or does Zen Moment just compensates for the lack of it...?


I mean, sure, counterbalance does help, but Zen reduces it by a lot and makes it very unnecessary, but you should use what feels good for you god rolls and mods etc are very subjective, what I feel is the very best mod/roll will not always be your very best mod/roll, but yes in my opinion, Zen makes any extra recoil direction reduction perks redundant especially on Auto’s


4 years of using Gnawing Hunger with maxed out Stability and Range, Zen Moment, Kill Clip and I never knew Counterbalance isn't even needed for it...


Why if I may ask? As I have one…and did find it saucy but then got a keep away target lock. But I prefer zen for the anti flinch


Why GT over TL?


It’s just preference. TL is neutrally better, Golden Tricorn is better after it gets setup.


Got that zen/ golden tricorn, high cal, extended barrel and a range master work! It's okay....




Target lock as it will lower your ttk


target lock doesnt lower ttk for any gun anymore, it just makes it slightly more forgiving


This shouldn’t be downvoted, it’ll provide consistency but it won’t consistently affect TTK, especially in what is a pretty high resil Crucible right now.


Target lock on the prosecutor will lower ttk for tier 5 resil and less. .8 ttk to a .67 ttk


Yes I noted that but were In a very high resil crucible overall so your chances of finding that are pretty slim overall, it will however work as a consistency perk all fine time that lowers need for body shots which is just the better way to conceptualize the perk in the current sandbox


The problem is even hunters are running higher resil exactly for reasons like this.


That's what I'm saying, Im Getting down voted when I'm right


Target lock was only nerfed on smgs dont be stupid the perk itself has not been changed it still gives the weapon that its on more damage as long as your landing hits and not missing Edit: hence why they said it lowers ttk it means that it makes the time to kill very fast


It only changes ttk at 5 resil or lower, anything above remains a .8 ttk


Eh, I never noticed a ttk increase when I've used it, snd it's super inconsistent anyway because missing one bullet makes the perk useless, which is pretty common when using an ar


Yeh sure on resil levels that aren’t common in the crucible and if you hit headshots, it’s a consistency perk over a TTK lowering perk. Yes it was nerfed on SMGs but on a slower firing auto it’s less effective cause you just need less of the Mag to Kill


Yeawhy you're being a dick about it when you're wrong, it only lowers ttk on guardian with 5 iron less resilience, even in casual play people run way more than that, so my point still stands


That "don't be stupid" was completely unnecessary 


Target lock/zen moment is better


Second one is 100% better right now. You can shift your ttk on some people with good aim. Next week precisions are getting a nerf so target lock can’t do that anymore. So it will become do you like the stat bumps from keep away plus tap the triggers early engagement help. Or do you prefer zen moment and target lock helping you stay on target and keeping your ttk more consistent on each target


Zen/TL for sure no doubt about it.


Try them both, if you’re asking you probably don’t know exactly what you like in a gun and should experiment and find what matters to you the most!


The one you play better with


How do you get this gun? 😅




Sounds like something that's too hard for me 😭


First boss of the prophecy dungeon


I ran the dungeon last night hoping to get this and only got armour. Can you run the first encounter more than once with the same character and still get it?


As others have said, you can farm it this week. It takes ~5 min total per run with a coordinated team. You can find groups on D2 LFG discord running it. Basically, rally, everyone goes and waits by one of the knight spawns, kill knights, collect motes, kill next knight that spawns, collect motes, everyone dunks on their same bowl each run, melt boss. In order to get the farm rotation working, the host will swap between two characters with the checkpoint. E.g. everyone joins on host’s hunter. While in the load screen, host switches to character they want to complete it on. Activity completed. They leave, switch back to hunter, rest of team joins on Hunter, they restart the activity and swap characters during load screen. Rinse and repeat.


2nd one all day! ☝🏼


I have that first roll, and it's my fav


This is the same picture


second one should be your go to for pvp


2nd roll


Zen moment + target lock is the same roll I have, unfortunately with a reload masterwork but it still slaps.


The Second roll. It is almost perfect could be range mw but beside that perfection


I have the second one and it slays. It’s probably the best legendary gun I’ve used since the sandbox changes


Zen Moment


I have the zen/tl roll, it’s fantastic in pvp. The other roll is worth keeping too tho Look out for a dragonfly/voltshot roll too (more for pve, but with the excessive hand holding it has its uses in pvp too, I haven’t gotten one yet)


1st one for more consistency, 2nd one for more lethality I'd take the target lock one though, but use both for some time and see how you like them


Zen moment is s+ tier


ok get volt shot and firefly it goes insanely hard.


The Prosecutor, if I had to guess.


I would use the first one, target lock on autos dosing do much unless they have os, it takes to long to really make a difference in the gun fight. Some of its preference tho, I think have a roll with tl so I can’t fully say


I run rewind and target lock. You're able to get about a 60 mag if you can hit your shots.


Both great rolls. I’d do Roll #1 for 3v3, Roll #2 for 6v6. I think for me personally, I’d do more harm in pvp with Roll #2, though.


Prosecutor (Target lock)


I think get the first one because you will eventually get more stability by upgrading it


Well I have a rewind rounds/golden tricorn or a class item to take into PvP because that’s all I’ve been getting when farming the encounter. Personally I’ve been liking this roll since for PvE and PvP since I can keep the kill chain going (theoretically) with GC up.


Oh god I forgot I had to farm prophecy this week haha




Wtf, is this not the last breath lol??!?!


Don’t sleep on golden tricorn! It absolutely melts


Personally, I would just run Prophecy again


second one is better all around, it going to get more stable the longer you fire, and do more damage the longer you fire, it a win win with the second one.


prob the zen one but definitely try out both for a bit


Zen moment and Target lock. TL won’t change the TTK value, but makes it more consistent




Prosecutor is first encounter only. I keep getting the boots.


Not only, it can drop from chests and last boss too.


Last boss drops the rapid fire pulse and hand cannon.


He can. He can also drop prosecutor. I got 3 prosecutors in one run yesterday, first boss, chest at the bottom of ribbons, and last boss.


The auto that dropped from the boss would've been the powerful/pinnacle reward from the challenge. This can be any piece of the dungeon loot. Same thing can happen in DSC raid. I've gotten a Trustee from the Boss, but it's not in the boss loot pool. That's cos it was the reward from the challenge. The loot pool is as follows: 1st: Auto/340rpm pulse - 2nd: Shotgun/SMG - Boss: HC/540rpm pulse


There are very few weapons that target lock doesn’t make better…


the prosecutor obviously


>God Roll >Random Bullshit which one is better? :)


both are god rolls other than the first one has a bad barrel and second has stability masterwork


Dude, no. According to light GG, Zen + TL is the 2nd most popular combo at 6.53% of rolls, only being slightly beaten by the Dragonfly + TL Novelty roll. In comparison, Keep Away + Tap doesn’t even make the top 8. Perk wise, TL is by far the more popular perk at 30.5% of weapons, while Tap ranks in 3rd at 16%. Zen Moment and Keep Away are more competitive perks at 26% and 20% respectively, but the top Keep Away set (4th most popular at 5.91%) is Keep Away + TL 2nd also has the most popular and 3rd most popular barrel options, and a stability masterwork is more than workable. Overall, the 2nd image is at minimum a 4/5 God Roll while the 1st image wouldn’t qualify as a God Roll at all.


You seem to define a god roll as the roll most people try to aquire which is fine but most people dont actually understand what makes perks and guns good in pvp and therefore usually just go with the popular rolls.


Popularity is a lot of what makes a God Roll a God Roll. Remember that many players get their information on what is good in PvP from streamers who play a lot of PvP. In the case of the prosecutor, the consistency of the TTK granted by TL far outweighs any of the other perks in the 4th column, meaning any sort of God Roll should have TL. 3rd column is where you have the most wiggle room, but Zen Moment is one of the best choices in that column given the strength of the perk in general. People can have their own personal God Rolls, like how I always choose Stability on 140RPM hand cannons over maximizing range, but OP doesn’t have any strong preferences for Tap the Trigger


I like the Tap the trigger roll


Prosecutor is better


Definitely 2nd one


i like the 2nd one


For pve the second one, for pvp i dont know


2 with corkscrew all day


The last breath is better, duh.