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At least it's only getting nerfed in PvP.


yes i am happy with this.


What is the actual nerf to it, did they just reduce the damage from the ricochet against guardians?


Two nerfs but one is really more of a bug fix. The first thing is that the random-ish super stable recoil was only meant for the ricochet shots, so that’s being fixed. The second one that’s an actual nerf is the ricochet bonus damage that’s going down from 15% to 5% against players specifically.


Yeah but also they buffed stability by a significant amount. It’s not going to be as stable, but it’s not going to be half as stable as the bug fix would suggest


Ah I must’ve missed that, thanks for the correction!


Damn that's hella extreme


If only all pvp nerfs happend in pvp only


Thing was so objectively OP it was ridiculous. It made playing close to your teammates genuinely unviable. Glad it got its nerf, it is still going to be really good since it will be able to negate health regen in many situations


Shit was so bugged and OP that people will almost die again after they respawn due to a desync.


I was doing better than fine against it using a legendary hand canon


Then they were bad with it cuz that thang was redonk


It seemed strong but not OP to me. I want more options to disincentivize team play, like arc web.


The problem wasnt that it countered teamplay, the problem was it ALWAYS countered it, the uptime is 100% and extremely effective. Way more so than an ability or a normal weapon trigger


The uptime is 100%? Isn’t the speaker’s sight nerf an indirect nerf to the uptime


Almost 25% of kills is a problem and with a TTK still faster than a HC after a nerf yea it needed to be touched. Also if a HC user misses 1 headshot it has a faster body TTK than a 140 3c1b


And 15% of hp to other opponents just for being in the vicinity of the gunfight on every 7th shot is oppressive. Singer helm made it even more oppressive with the orb generation. It's still a great gun after the adjustment, and good autorifles are still out there in crucible.




Didn’t once comment on auto rifles needing to be nerfed, mentioned the 1 auto rifle that is overtuned. Also peak shooting vs. an auto, the auto can prefire with a few of its 42 mag (summoner), creates flinch, and if you hit headshots still going to out kill a HC.


I love auto rifles in pvp, always have, always will, but khvostov was a bit much. Its ridiculous ease of use, literal broken recoil/stability stat, and bonus 18 dmg per every 7th shot is wild out in the field.


>Yeah but a Handcannon player is hiding behind cover 90% of the time And that takes less skill than praying and praying?? Lol. Just look at the player numbers and player sentiment whenever ARs and SMGs were relatively good. According bungie themselves ARs are supposed to be easy to use options but never compete with precision weapons interms of raw dueling power.


I think the point is that missing a hand cannon shot isn't a good argument against the TtK of sustained damage weapon when you can use cover to chuck damage. Don't forget that flinch is still a bounce from body > head > off-target > head > off-target looped. A skilled hand cannon user is just going aim at the body to get flinched into a headshot and then go back into cover. In that regard, autos still can't compete in this kind of duel. But similarly with archetype and weapon range, it's entirely the players' choice to engage at an advantage or disadvantage-- whether it be trying to outgun a 120 HC with a 180 HC at long range or trying to outgun an auto in an open area with a precision chunk damage weapon.


Firstly flinch isn't as predictable as you think it is. No one can account for flinch in this game. Flinch is determined by so many things including your mag options as well, distance of your enemy etc. Even players at the highest end of the skill bracket with years and years of playing experience can not predict flinch. Secondly peak shooting is a skill onto itself and it has learning curve. Thirdly almost all ARs have faster or atleast similar ttk than all hand cannons without dmg boosts and only 180 hcs get their ttks reduced significantly with dmg boosting perks. In the scanerio that you mentioned the duel should atleast end in a tie even in worst case scenario for the AR user. Bungie themselves have said that ARs are supposed to be easy to use weapons and as such must not be as effective as it is right now in the higher end of the skill bracket. Idk why ppl get their panties up when I say ARs are pray and spray weapons that's literally what it is. And ARs are never supposed to be a viable option for anything except 6s or lower end of comp.


Khovostov enjoyer I see, don’t worry we’ll get something new you can abuse in act 2 👍


May Uriel's Gift and Gnawling Hunger keep you up at night


Not faster than a hand cannon when the hand cannon used peekshots


Hot take: Auto Rifles take more skill than Handcannons Yup. I said it. The 600 meta was awesome


In a vacuum, I'd say absolutely not. But I guess an argument could be made when taking into account accuracy, chunk damage, positioning, etc.


And range, and recoil control, and optimal TTK, and other quirks like the inability to peek shoot like HCs can.


Just a casual Reddit player take. Khostov makes this game call of duty in terms of ttk and I liked the gun but it needed a nerf.


Not hot, just wrong.


Let’s be honest, it was a problem.


The comments in this thread are all complete cancer


Nobody can appreciate the joke of the post


Don’t joke about the hunters children


Weclome to Destiny Reddit Subreddit. Cancer, Toxicity, stupidity, all in one.


reddit in general


youre free to not participate


Meanwhile in PvP every Hunter is three tapping with the 10 Hand Cannons they came out with since last year.


imma take og midnight coup in this weekend, just to see how it goes


Good luck Guardian.


It's not the best, but it works very well for the playstyle of most top players. NTTE is still out there, just saying.


Oh I know, I've been using it since the expansion released, but when you're barely even a part time pvp player going up against what I stated, it matters not.


No one bitches this hard when Igneous Hammer has 5m kills, but is hidden across like 3 or 4 Trials Report entries.


Idk highest I saw was 3.5ish mil with the most recent adept iggy being the only version in the top 10, which means the other versions had less than 400k each, probably much less. It was that good for one singular weekend, no other weekend comes close to what khovstov put up this most recent weekend. I'm not trying to defend iggy as a perfectly balanced weapon, but khov got around 1 mil more kills which isn't anything to scoff at. I think Khov is also much more annoying to play against for most, due to ease of use, and the ricochet damage making trying to back off and heal a lot harder. Anything that delays health regen and takes you out of the fight for longer is typically much more annoying to people


I think the fact that the new exotic that everyone was hyping up (which, admittedly, had a bug for overperformance) *only* had a million more kills after the TFS population bump seems about on par. Like I agree about the ricochet being annoying (though it isn’t going away - it still blocks recovery), but I do think that the reaction to an exotic popping off like this has been kinda wild.


I get what you mean, but man, as someone who played quite a bit last weekend it's ease of use is SO high between it's high AA and the bugged stability that was only supposed to apply to ricochet rounds, and the ricochet rounds not only keeping you out of the fight if you were anywhere somewhat near a teammate, but also dinging you often before a fight so you started with not quite full health, while also having a competitive ttk was just all the perfect storm to where it felt really really really hard to win a gunfight against if you were using something else, unless you were absolutely perfect with a faster ttk weapon.


I don't care if they nerf it into ground, I'll use till I die


Shotguns still 1 tap from a decent range still...


1) Over 25% of the kills is insanely out of band 2) We've been in an Auto/Pulse meta for the past few months now lmal


Competed with? Lmao You're delusional if you seriously think Khovostok isn't RIDICULOUSLY overtuned in PVP


Dude you make It sound like it one shots in PvP, but the way you seem to Hate Kvostov I bet you got zero skill and zero bitches. Edit: i said what I said, deal with it.


Lmao Stop it....get some help


Ya it was good… now to go back to rose… thorn… or what ever else hand cannon / shotty for the same old gameplay. I loved the auto sad to see it go.


And yet patron of lost causes 3 tapping all day isn't getting addressed, under a second TTK lmao


Is that precision instrument?


Mine is rapid hit explosive round, it's disgustingly good


And despite that, Bungie STILL thinks it’s okay to let some *cough* “other” auto rifles and shotguns exist


Can you give some examples? Not really in tune with the meta weapons this season.


The Summoner, an auto rifle from trials. The exotic stasis/solar shotgun… etc etc


thats literally not even meta


Conditional was already "nerfed" by nerfing well and bubble as well as the special changes, it definitely isn't as on top as it was. And Summoner is just an AR. What problem could you possibly have with it apart from a skill issue on your part?


That meta has been gone for a little while now brotha man.


Let me guess. You’re not okay with this because you don’t have one 😞


If you think shotguns are still a problem then you just suck


I hope every pvp player will enjoy their shitty "grey sludge" of a meta of handcannons and shotguns/snipers. Woooow more handcannons wooo I sure love when a pistol can compete with a pulse, and auto and an smg and equally come out on top! :D Garbage fucking weapon archetype and I miss the auto rifle meta in pvp cuz you could actually have close matches and getting equal amounts of kills. Wish handcannons just didn't fucking exist Edit: As a primarly or rather mainly PvE player, the fact that it was only nerfed in pvp felt so nice. Finally for once PvP is not ruining PvE. Thank fuck. I don't play pvp ever, unless something required me to like pathfinder or bounties back then for pinnacles. But my god everytime i got killed by a handcannon running an auto rifle I just roll my eyes to the back of my skull with how boring this shit has gotten. Handcannons are such a fucking plague on pvp. I cannot IMAGINE people enjoying doing that shit for fucking YEARS. Like do yall even like variety???? Everytime a HC is not the meta everyone becomes a fucking baby and cries and whines until its nerfed as if it was an outlier cuz it beat handcannons. No THEY ARE NOT OUTLIERS. Something beat handcannons? GOOD. FINALLY FUCKING VARIETY. You can actually beat a dumbass hc user with an autorifle thank fuck dude. I just fucking hate how handcannons just have infinite range and flinch the fuck out of you so literally no other weapon archetype can beat them unless the hc user makes a mistake which is INSANELY flawed.


You have a pretty strong opinion for someone who doesn't play pvp. Anyways rose is only marginally better than ballyhoo.


I think "competed" is an understatement, it DESTROYED the trials meta, it got 25% of ALL weapon kills by itself, that's insane, 1 in every 4 deaths was to a khov, that includes specials and primaries


"Competed" lmao. The word you're looking for is dominated.


Yeah my teammates are shit which is weird because I am supposed to take that role


it really is crazy that once the pvp wanna be cowboy sweats start losing to anything that isnt hc shotty it needs to be nerfed like if you were that good you could adapt to the new meta


Better caption: He tried to compete with Scout Rifles on Multipliex


When will people learn that simply making a gun that’s whole thing is, I kill with one less bullet than the normal ones in my archetype, means it’s going to be super broken


I love how they call the recoil a "bug". In other words, they tried to make the gun super good and enjoyable but to many ppl complained and now its getting the nerf hammer and blamed it on a bug. I am about 99.9% sure that the next trials weekend when this is nerfed it will be never used again...\*cough\* thorn \*cough\*


That was my first thought when I saw the notes on it lmao. “A bug”. Sureeeee.


For real, I love how I am getting downvoted for calling it out.


Yeah, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but unless no one used a controller, there's no way they didn't immediately clock the recoil/accuracy on the Exotic Khvostov as abnormal. The moment I fired it (at a wall in the pale heart. Not even an enemy), I realized the stats didn't match up, and there was zero chance it should've been that accurate on a controller. It felt like a trace rifle.


Yup. I agree, they had to of known and was like yeah it’s fine let’s see what happens.


They had a perfectly reasonable explanation. If you don’t trust them to not lie to you during patch notes I hope you haven’t given them something actually important, like your credit card details.


dude relax....its not that serious.


as soon as something other than a hand cannon gets good all the try hard pvp onlys complain


Maybe cause pvp players know better what is healthy and what is not for pvp. Crazy huh? The times bungie listened to pve players the pvp population decreased instead of increasing.


It smells like bitch in this thread and I haven’t played PvP in months. HC/shotty haters are hilarious


It's actually hysterical. They're always bots as well who say things like "handcannons take no skill" but can't use one for shit


No it takes skill, I hate the versatility of hand cannons, they’re good to great in way too many ranges, and types of fights.


Yeah, they’re basically rifles


They're the cornerstone of destiny pvp, the same way the battle rifle is in Halo. I do appreciate you taking a more nuanced perspective than most here.


It would be like complaining about the bxr meta in halo, like dude, it’s always been this way and everyone else is having fun.


Mad cuz bad


Bungie definitely has it out for auto rifles. They’ve had a consistent trend ever since D1 of nerfing the shit out of them any time they come even close to being meta, and they seem to gut them from most returning weapon pools like Vault of Glass or even the recent season leaving out Steelfeather Repeater… I’m just glad the nerf isn’t gonna ruin it in PvE. Its such a satisfying add clear weapon


It’s the main thing in my builds, I’m happy that they mostly left it alone in PvE aside from the stability change (I’m on M+K so it doesn’t matter much anyway) bc it’s just so consistent. I’m happy Bungie seems to actually be LEARNING and not hurting things in PvE because some PvP mains bitched about not having their stagnant 3 year meta


>Bungie seems to be actually LEARNING and not hurting things in PvE because of some PvP mains Yes and no. They’ve had the ability to do this for years but still been wildly incompetent and let the niche PvP audience dictate balance for PvE. They recently nerfed YAS in PvE because of PvP


Fair, I’m just glad my baby is still usable, Khovostov is my main exotic. I’m still pissed about 390-360 Vex rollback though


Vex still feels great but yeah, it sucks that they keep nerfing it


I wish that they actually gave it anti champion compatible mods for auto rifles, like it’s pretty much an auto rifle LET MY ARTIFACT MODS REFLECT THAT


Yeah I hate that it’s considered a fusion when it’s clearly an auto rifle. Every exotic should have some kind of anti-champ capability imo. Champions do nothing but stifle build variety and I’ve hated them and their artificial difficulty since they first appeared in Shallowkeep. They’re not hard, their difficulty is either 10/10 without anti-champ or 0/10 with it. You’re just turning them off so it feels cheap. If we’re gonna keep them around then all exotics should have built-in anti-champ. I feel like Tormentors and Subjugators prove we don’t need champs tho. These are minibosses that fulfill the same role with actual mechanics that aren’t just “turn off their AI for a sec via a mod”


Tbh vex is pretty good as a generalist anti champ since they added the 400% precision modifier for linear mode vs all champions. But I agree, champions are incredibly annoying and limit build crafting. Lemme use my khvostov for all of em god damn it


It's barely a nerf lmao And I'm just gonna say, AR metas are among the worst due to ARs low skill floor.


Cry about it.


I'm not crying about anything lol


Not yet! 👊🏻


The nerf surprised me, crucible babies do not like auto rifles.


This is sad… first gun I’ve truly had fun with in forever… I’m not a fan of pvp anymore but this did let me get my weekly shit completed less painful… sigh


and pvp players wonder why pve players will not touch pvp to get forced pvp missions or pathfinders done


I miss vex mytho trials weekend


With path of burning steps 😤


It’s funny I suggested that the gun get “nerfed” by making it so that the perk only triggers if you actually landed shots on a target. Making it so that if you just spam and miss one bullet before reaching 7 rounds it would reset. This alone would’ve been enough in my opinion. Unfortunately the post never got traction.


Good riddance




PvP only


the amount of people that actively hate hc shotty "metas" need to just stop playing pvp. it’s like hating snipers in cod, get over it already and stfu, or just stop playing.


I think the main reason people actively hate on them is that these players bitch and moan anytime the meta is literally anything else.


And as someone who prefers pulses and sidearms, I agree with them. I have never felt like there was more room for "skill with a weapon" to be more valuable than the weapon archetype itself than when adaptive handcannons were the hard meta. When 140s are the best, it's definitely clear that they're the best. That said, they leave way more room for other weapons to beat them with skill and positioning. When scouts, autos, pulses or smgs are the best option, they are so much harder to challenge with weapons outside of the dominant archetype. They own the sandbox in a way that's completely different, partially because them being dominant involves them operating outside of their intended band, or some breakdown in the sandbox that's intended to be a balance check for them.


And that’s your opinion


How about you Meta some women for once?


If you get to bitch, whine, and moan when anything but HC/Shotty is the Meta, other people get to bitch, whine, and moan when the Meta that they enjoy is taken away. Stop acting like an entitled prick when your Meta is the main one that this game has.


We gonna pretend like summoner hasn't been riding the backs of hand cannons? I get it hahah funny not hand cannon getting nerf'd, but like, autos have been hot for awhile. Its just THIS one that's too hot.


I haven’t played PvP once since the expansion and I’m really scared to.


Khvostov was bugged to have significantly less recoil than intended. The special bouncy bullets also were doing the same damage on return hits so lowered the ttk by a lot. Other than that pvp is about what you'd expect. Hand cannons and shotguns everywhere, and lots of people using the new seasonal exotic.(also bugged with low recoil, fixed now)


PvP in destiny is not the experience I've wanted, so good luck to the usual shotgun users and handcannon aimers.


If you think it doesn’t need a nerf you are wild


I am enjoying my lemonarque


I feel like the people who say the whole handcannons and shot guns thingy just really don’t like those guns or hate “sweats”


The issue is that both the khvostov and shit like immortal are getting 450 Mil kills in a weekend while the HCs were getting 250 split between 5-10 different weapons in a normal weekend. Don’t try to paint this as a “challenged the status quo” type of thing because it isn’t. The weapon is broken in pvp and makes matches barely enjoyable.


Khvostov was 25% of all kills *on its own*....


That’s what I’m saying, it’s a problem


Every thread like this: Sometimes some guns are good Sometimes other guns are good Sometimes people are happy Sometimes people are sad. Wow. A wealth of opinion and info.


And your Opinion didn't made a Difference in this thread whatsoever.