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Honestly… kinda agree. I have it, and it’s been used the least out of the bunch. I find much, MUCH more use out of my Necrotic/Syntho bond, or Assassin/Claw for invis on melee kills and extra melee charge


What melee do you use with Claw? Even without the extra charges, I feel like Arcane Needle is the best option


Electric slide with needle and spirit of claw gives 4 charges


I don’t think I’ve even touched that aspect. Devour/hellion/bleak are just too good


It's pretty good with Felwinter or the syntho class item


You think that might cook with Osmio/Syntho? On paper it seems like it would be good with Vortex. Or necro Syntho , or Assassin syntho I’ve gotten a lot of syntho rolls


ive been using it with osmio/syntho and its really fun


It's good everywhere but high end content. Not enough damage and you're bum rushing things that kill you within 2 seconds.


With felwinters it holds up pretty well! I was rushing in head first and suppressing everything with felwinters this well in master salvation doing the challenge. Makes for very quick and safe room clearing.


What's your build for necro/syntho? I've been sitting on that combo and haven't thought up a build yet


So far I’ve actually been using the new Barrier Needle exotic (don’t feel like even trying to attempt to spell the name lol) or Astrocyte, but if I’m using NecroSynth most likely just needles and electro slide since melee damage is improved while surrounded. Could use Thorn but Perfect Fifth Ergo is way too damn fun so I built into that with Apotheosis/Star-Eater instead


I belive osmio/stareater is the true God roll. And God dam a 6x nova bomb cooks


That’s the roll I want. I have apotheosis/star eater, being able to throw 5 back to back void nades after a super is nice, but I would like the additional grenade cooldown from osmio.


It's aweaome in high content like gms/raids as things survive long enough for u to get a full recharge. Some times like this week's boss room when u get the waves of adds u can throw easy 5-10 back to back and also with weaken up and 6x sticks one nova bomb can take a full 1/3 of the boss hp pool


I’m going for osmio/star eater, HOIL/star eater, or apotheosis/star eater. Any of those and I’d be happy. Have farmed 9 so far and havnt got it hope I have better luck on my warlock than hunter farmed 54 unique rolls on there and never got caliban/liars.


Just got HOIL star eater today and it's awesome


Can someone please explain to me exactly why this roll is so good? I haven’t played much titan and so I never fully understood how that exotic’s loop is supposed to function. Tossed the HOIL/SE roll on my warlock to see if it would work since I heard good things but I seems so underwhelming and weak compared to something like getaway artist. Not sure if I just don’t have the gameplay loop down or not, but that would probably be my guess


Comparing it to Getaway build is unfair. Getaway is legit one of the strongest warlock builds right now. Look at the solo GM clears and a huge chunk are using that build. HoiL used to be a lot better (borderline broken on arc Titan with storm grenades and touch of thunder). But it struggles since it got nerfed. Still good though and a good option to Osmio.


This is on warlock btw, HOIL gives you abilities back just as fast as getaway but you aren't locked into bleak watcher and it functions for all abilities not just the grenade. Star eater* makes your super (particularly nova, but others also) hit like a celestial golden gun. It's incredibly good for both neutral game and boss damage.


Honestly if there was an option to trade I’ve got a few of the ones people are trying to get lol I’m really only wanting inmost light/cyrtarachne


Osmio/Claw is sick.


Yeahhhhhg this was my first roll and I haven’t taken it off


Can definitely recommend this one, on the surface you'd think it'd be redundant with having so many charges of arcane needle but being able to use it more often while keeping your melee regen at max helps a lot with melee regen due to how the stack system incentivises you to keep your stacks high. On the other melees transcendence will replenish two charges of melees too so having the extra charge gives you a lot more uses of your melee overtime.


I got osmio/star eater and didn’t know it was a “good roll” until I looked it up. Used it, came to the same conclusion about the grenades, and jumped back into my apotheosis/ synthoceps roll. Spamming grenades and melees, transcending, spamming grenades and melees, popping super, and having that super fill up all my abilities to full again afterwards is too fun. Adding in synthoceps for the arc power slam or just juiced arcane needles is a bonus


Don’t need to use it all the time. High end content or boss damage this is Slayin


I’d really like to get necrotic/star eater to make Song of Flame really strong on prismatic, but I won’t kms over it


Would you mind to share this build?


I don’t think it needs a particular build. Arcane Needle spam with Facet of Grace and a Weapon of Sorrow. When you crack Song of Flame you can rotate between melee and grenade and firing a Demo rocket launcher. Should cook


The prismatic getaway artist build is honestly better in most content vs ones with exotic class items. Sunbracers build is still extremely strong.


My very first roll and it’s meh. I have Stag and Vesper combo that is my go to.


Verity and Star Eater are cool and all but I think Osmio + Starfire is a great for all content. Throw in a weapon that has Strategist along w/ siphon mods and surge mod. You’ll be empowering and chucking nades left and right.


Still gonna kill myself to get caliban/liar for my hunter, NOTHING GONNA STOP ME


Osmio-Star Eater >


As a titan main, I farmed pretty hard for the class item. Farmed so much, my hunter and warlock are not getting a class item 🥲


hard agree with this post. This was my second roll to drop and although it seemed like good synergy i often found myself not taking advantage of one of the exotic perks in certain level of content just like you said.


Hoil eater n apo eater are the only ones u need. Use hoil anywhere u want, apo for strict boss encounter focussed.


I got this roll on my second class item drop from a pale heart chest on my warlock… but I’m a hunter main and honestly a bit smooth brained here. How can I use this effectively?


I believe this combo is best for easy/mid content but it works best with threadling grenades and strand weapons. Use the call and pro memoria for easy stacks of verity. Both can be crafted with demo as well, allowing for more nades and often never reloading. Not a big deal to just turn in the direction of enemies and lob your nade that way. Often netting you at least 50% regen after the threadlings hit things. Even more with devour if they kill. Strand weapon kills also still grant verity stacks during song of flame and transcendence and both of those get buffed grenade damage from verity. While not hugely more powerful than getaway or anything it’s actually a very fun strand grenade build that also buffs our awesome grenades in transcendence and in song of flame. If you stack 3 firepower mods you also are an orb generating machine. Making tons of orbs with regular grenades and song of flame grenades. You can also add a third “dealers choice” origin trait weapon in the energy slot like the healing auto and you end up getting like 5% super back per kill as well.


Would you PLEASE point me to the details on this build. I don't have this roll yet, but this sounds like the way I want to play! Thanks!