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That will make the second season in a row with the theme "ok we'll finish the game, we guess"


There’s some stuff that should’ve been in there at launch, but some stuff is also adjusting to their audience. The game launched with some indecision about whether it was targeting D2 or D3 players, and now we’re starting to see it form its own identity off of the feedback they’ve received.


You mean they chose d3 right?




Nothing from the start of this game has targeted d2 fans.


Luckly, could have been a disaster...


Ur saying the way this game released wasnt a disaster? 😂😂😂


Well, yes lol


The art style and including Druid as one of the first classes definitely an attempt at getting d2 fans on board


As a d2 fan, i havent been playing d2 for 20+ years because of the art style, lol.


They tried to with the wide range of item affects.


You mean the useless affixes that had to be removed from the game?


I said they tried, not succeeded.


This is patently false. Tons of D4’s initial problems stemmed from trying to marry two very different games in D2 + D3.


This was just an overview of the things they're wanting to test on the ptr. The full season theme, powers and story line will be revealed in the season reveal closer to the start date. They hinted that it will involve going back to hell so I imagine there will be a good chunk of story content related to that


Going back to hell is the wave thingy no? People said the same about the season theme for s4. It is just a season in name and was deceitful revealed late.


I hope not. Loot rework was great but seriously I want more than just fixing the game. I could use exciting new season after Season 4


Exactly this, but when I said Season 4 and 5 are filler seasons people downvoted me as fuck. Filler 'cause the majority of their content are permanent and should be in the base game since release. Season 4 had no theme, it's literally just fixing stuff and random skins in the battle pass


A game like this will never be "finished" until they stop supporting it. There will be always things to fix, improve, change and add.


You mad bro


The person saying this prob has 300 hours. Cry


They should only cater to people who spend 20 hours in the game max before never playing again.


And who should the game devs cater to? People that only play it for the story and never play again or people with 300 plus hours that keep coming back every season and want the game to be better because they clearly want to put the time into the game.


The real answer here depends on information that blizzard hasn't made public about who buys skins.


You say that as if catering to both isn’t possible. In the contrary. Blizz has the “usual suspect” customers. For example, in the food industry, we have customers that are called regulars. We would have to fuck up REALLY hard to lose them, they are attached to the brand and product. If we ever lose our regulars, chances are we chased away a bunch of non regular customers along the way. So who should Blizzard chase, the regulars who will buy every expansion and DLC regardless of quality, or the person who isn’t quite sure? It’s in their interest to make a regular out of the “tourist” instead of making someone happy who is going to fork over their money on principle anyways. If you’re still on the Reddit talking about D4 a year after its launch, then you are either someone who is returning because the game is improving (such as myself) or someone who stayed the entire time anyways. If you’re someone who stayed, then you’re the regular. You were there regardless. On the other hand, me? I’m the tourist that Blizz wants a regular out of. Your money is given, mine isn’t.


I have over 900 hours in game so far 😆


Yeah I read the 300 hours comment and thought “that’s not much right?” 😂


😂 glad I'm not the only one


Yeah fuck him for giving the game a chance. Playing it at length and giving feedback for a $70 product is for suckers right? Next time we should just worship the game no matter what so it sucks forever.


5 seasons of early access. #capitalism


There would be no d4 without capitalism


Aye but there’s a balance to these things and we’ve gone a bit off kilter I’m afraid.


more like "Season of Shitton of New Build Variety" ... I mean with 50 New Uniques!??


its 50 new unique and legendary powers combined


Frostburn and Azurewraths ....straight to the vendor.


Frostburn is nice as a noob :( Everyone is so mean to it here.


I think they said all current uniques will get an update pass but not in PTR but S5. Correct me if I heard wrong.


I want to see a season where mothers embrace and azurewrath and other almost never used uniques become highly desirable and exciting to get.


Azurewrath is okay it's just not super top tier. You can have fun with it. Mother's embrace is just a garbage starless sky. They should just completely change it and make it more Lilith themed like make the spike waves come out on Lucky hit or something


Pretty Amazing!


kinda yea. but the legendary powers from the patch notes didnt excite me much (for sorc) not sure if they revealed all yet


Sorc overall did not excited me. I mean lightning uniques is nice and all but I wanted some rework of skills/paragon, not sugar coated nerf (I agree some nerfs are 100% justified like flame shield but Teleport? )


Season of Barb. Wait that's every season.


Feeling like it's a spin to win season again but now with working twister glyph, attack speed and ww size.


Well there’s actually no word on them fixing the twister glyph as it’s currently not working. Unless there was a recent blue post on fixing it.


Wait I'm level 90 and have been using twister the whole time for nothing?


You get the additive damage from the nodes, but you do not get the multiplicative damage for activating the glyph with those nodes, currently.


So you can put any glyph there, or what? Sorry for the noob question


Most are rerouting paragon boards to fit and activate the disembowel glyph currently.


All that new stuff *a n d* druid sorc and Necro can use new uniques that already exist


Using a unique is sorcerer is basically gimping yourself. There’s no room for them on a sorcerer already.


Really they should just rework some of the useless shitty legendaries and uniques we already have so we have less to have to sort through.


They said they did exactly that in the campfire chat, many of them by 50-100% and adding temper like affixes.


The way how 90% of the uniques currently are absolute garbage, this change doesn’t really seem interesting. What they need is to fix the exisiting ones and make new ones actually Unique so that they can be considered useful compared to normal Legendaries with GA


and we are going to use 3 , like we do now


10 new uniques*


uniques… and legendary aspects.


Uniques, and legendary aspects!


Of which 99% are useless. Doesn’t take a genius to see every rogue using the chest snd every druid using the gloves


2+3 will be viable. The rest will be vendor salvage material, just like the rest of them.


Don't be a doomer


Even if many are not s tier for me I only really care if I'm having fun so if they come out fun I'm good.


They’re not, they’re a realist.


This man understands.


I mean, if all they announced for season 5 was more loadouts and storage space I would be happy considering theyre pouring most of their time into s6/expac release.


Don’t forget LFG option


Excuses, excuses. 1 thing does not have to be sacrificed for the other.


Then they should have saved all of their balancing for the expansion as well. Instead of ruining 90% of non-barb, non-rogue builds and trying to make up for it with some shitty new uniques that they said have to cause you problems you have to fix in order to use. How many expansions do they think they are going to sell if people desert the game just before because their class has been dumpstered?


Sort by controversial. Sorc is gutted. This is season of barb


Blizzard: Barb is too strong. Time to nerf sorc again.


Don't forget a 5 second penalty to Ocon




And necro. Did you see what they did to Blighted?


To be honest it's the right move.


Yup. Equip a doombringer, grandfather, and 2 other weapons for 100k life and 1 billion damage. Why play anything else that is being nerfed into the ground.


Cause theyre fun 🤷🏻‍♂️ Imagine that right


If only it were as easy as you make it sound. Thorns getting nerfed into the ground, Hota bash nerfed into the ground, flay and other bleed builds nerfed pretty hard with the hemo cap change, and all builds losing significant HP, but most of all the builds that would equip doombringer which you commented about.


Why am I not surprised by that barb flair. Delusional troll.


Everything I just said is found in the patch notes if you only had the ability to read instead of complain.


Yup. Equip a doombringer, grandfather, and 2 other weapons for 100k life and 1 billion damage. Why play anything else that is being nerfed into the ground?


Stop crying over a game


Na, they're all season of barb


Man do you guys never think to yourself "when 10 other angry dudes already copy pasted this, i don't have to".. you contribute nothing with this echo chamber bs


Well, maybe, if more people mention it, Blizzard will actually do something about it. One can hope.


While Barb has more aspect slots than all other classes, it will remain on top. Nerfs to other classes is a head shaker.


Yup. Equip a doombringer, grandfather, and 2 other weapons for 100k life and 1 billion damage. Why play anything else that is being nerfed into the ground?


Quality of life for everyone except Sorcerer players.


The quality of life is we don’t have to play sorc ever again, according to Blizzard.


How is it quality of life for necros? They nerved the best build (which is actually only mid compared to other classes) and gave it a buff that's still weak. It's not only sorcerers.


Fifth season of the barb, here we go😴


They are working on it. Adam said it’s complicated and need time….we can only speculate when it will drop.


Adam is one of those guys who legit should be fired by now. The only good thing he does is talking about buffs on stream and keeping a straight face while knowing whats already written in the patchnotes. Guess thats what he uses his whole workday for, trying to practice how to keep a straight face while lying.


I just want the Armory back.


Too bad they can't balance classes or build interesting skill trees.


They are not using skill tree solely to build the skills. There are aspectsuniques/temper sublimated by paragon. Before people Wendy’s nuts, d4 is not alone. PoE and unDecember, wolcen etc do not use traditional trees as well. PoE and unDecember use socketable skill/support skills gems /runes. I would like the skill tree to be more evaluated like many. But it’s important not to forget it’s part of a complete system, not all. It’s not a skill tree focus system like last epoch.


All tempering and paragon boards do is add x damage. They’re so boring and uninspiring.


Did they say anything about more GA drops at level 100? I’d love to trade and upgrade more and I feel like I’ve hardly done it since hitting 100.


Yeah, guaranteed GA in a chest in the new Pit-like event


Thank goodness. That’s my only complaint. They pretty much destroyed changing builds in end game or it’s taking days and hours upon hours to get two Ga and most of the time they don’t help at all. I want to cook. I want to try another build but don’t want to go down in power.


Yeah and it’s been a blast so far. Looking forward to it.


Lol u all thinking the worst. I got game at launch and dipped out knowing it was gonna get better. S4 dropped I came bk and loved it. My wife's now playing again and got my brother and 2 mates into it .none have ever played .the games in such a good spot I can recommend it to people without looking like a dick. And things are only getting better.


Not if you’re a sorceress main … ;)


50 new uniques is an amazing amount. Hopefully, existing uniques that are under-performing are brought up to at least being useful. I'm crossing my fingers that they are all viable in one way or another it would suck to have MORE useless uniques.


Second season of patching up and nerfing.....literally reskin vault + NMD as a new end game content to make the casual happy so they can get everything in 1 place so they can spend S4 & S5 working on the expansion. And the casuals just praising how 🔥 s5 is for just a balance patch with no gimmick or power is just wild. I guess as long as its easier to get gold, material and Uber drop from anywhere is enough to make people happy playing the base game 5 months in a row.


Why are people ignoring the fact that they’re also adding more endgame?


Wouldn't call a cursed chest a new endgame


But they aren’t… 😂


When is it ?


Theres still gonna be a season theme. They didnt reveal the iron wolf stuff until after season 4 ptr


All of the QOL changes and additions sound great! Why am I hearing rumblings of sorc getting further nerfed though?


Will there be matchmaking


And imagine season 13 and 15 are the Druid and Sorc ready season


All the quality of life they use to give to the world and other classes, they legit drain from the sorcerer players.


I haven't played the game since launch. Literally picked it up last week and if feels so much better it's actually insane. Seems like the devs are tackling core issues instead of one off themes and it's working. Im amazed by how difficult the game feels now


Still a beta test till around season 10 just like diablo 3 was.


S5 will be beta patch 1 with all changes requested since prerelease. The game will get good in a few years, we just have to buy 3 full price expansions, and it will be almost as good as d3.


They set the date themselves OP. It’s not like they didn’t know they were going to release an expansion and what date. Coping to the max here.


They are only doing season 5 for the $10 battle pass


After reading the class changes it feels more like a Season 1 Reborn idk :D


Don't expect much from the S5 itself, what we got for the PTR much like with loot reborn will be 90% of what we are getting. We will get a little flavor text and vendor kinda thing or whatever something on the scale of what we got for S4 on top of this. Which is more than fine, but don't get your hopes up that this is only like half of what we are getting or something. This is the new season, this is what we will be coming back for, the rest will be a little cherry on the top.


There’s zero chance there’s not a significant season for a second season in a row leading up to the xpac. At that point you just extend season 4 two extra months. Edit: To the goofball delusional below, check the 1 hour 39 minute mark of the campfire and listen to them tell you there's more to be annoucned.


Downvote me all you want but you are 1 delusional. I guarantee you there will be almost NOTHING additional than what was already announced for S5, you are setting yourself up for massive disappointment if you expect anything beyond the blood wolf type of thing we got in S4. Remind yourself in 3 weeks when they do the actual reveal because your going to be way off.


There's EVERY chance. This is just Loot Reborn Part II: Uniques. They can't have us test the base game for them if there's any seasonal power to use. And of course they make a new season, a new season means a new battle pass, an excuse to refresh the shop, a new round of free publicity from content creators etc. They wouldn't just extend the existing season. They are too greedy for that.


No, there's actually not. They've done the "No season, season" already because it delivered big changes and fixes we've been crying for, they don't get to do that again without delivering twice as big. If they show up with a season 5 without any mechanics and just *slight* changes to the uniques, everyone would quit within 2 days and they'd sell no passes. Their whole model is built on selling passes and cosmetics, none of which they'd sell if they upset the playerbase this badly lol. Look no further than season3 and how many people quit so fast due to the bad playthrough of the vaults, and despite changing those very rapidly, it still failed to deliver even after the player base was immediately halved on launch. Christ, you'd lose pre-orders and get thousands upon thousands off charge backs on "non refundable" pre-purchases and Diablo 4, the dev team, and the company itself would immediately shred every ounce of support its' built back for the game.


If that is honestly your reaction to all the things they announced for a 2 month season is ohh all they have is 30+ uniques 20+ legendaries and an entire new end game mechanic and ask where is the actual content, I just don't know what the hell world your living in where you are going to get 2x that


You are telling me why it should not be the case, and I am not disagreeing with you. Yes, it would be very bad for the game for this season to have no theme, for there to be no borrowed power to make up for all these nerfs, and all that. I agree. So they are ALREADY way off the mark with the reaction they got today. Don't you think they would have even said - without the details if necessary - don't stress about these nerfs, they balance out, you'll see? But no they said no such thing. I would bet $100 there is no season theme beyond what we've already been told, we're getting a small bit of story indication that's meant to bridge the gap between the main campaign and the expansion, some new items, some more QoL, a ton of nerfs, and that's it. Should there be a banging season with cinematics hinting at where the expansion is going and a decent set of quests and themed items and new cosmetics, pushing the game to the very edge of the expansion, leaving us all clawing and howling at the release date? YES. But there won't be. Just because there should be doesn't matter. This is Blizzard, and Diablo 4. If I'm wrong, please, feel free to come back and tell me you told me so, because I'll be very happy to be wrong and won't care. Please come back and tell me you told me so if I'm wrong.


>and I am not disagreeing with you. You literally just did though, lol. >So they are ALREADY way off the mark with the reaction they got today To fucking who? Every single person who plays this game was fucking hyped at today's announcement. Obviously nobody likes the nerfs, but they were bound to happen, but the gains **FAR OUTWEIGH** the nerfs. Summoning portals popping back up the second a boss dies? FUCKING LOGIN BRO >Don't you think they would have even said - without the details if necessary - don't stress about these nerfs, they balance out, you'll see? But no they said no such thing. Why would they say it your way? Seasonal themes amplify power and aren't permanent. Saying such a low-iq remark would give the impression that they'd *forever* push content to "adjust for the nerfs" and that's a no-no in development. >I would bet $100 there is no season theme beyond what we've already been told, we're getting a small bit of story indication that's meant to bridge the gap between the main campaign and the expansion, some new items, some more QoL, a ton of nerfs, and that's it. Great, bet taken. Let everyone here on this subreddit serve as witnesses that you'll soon be paying me $100 (i'll take it as a bnet gift balance) for this awful take. >Should there be a banging season with cinematics hinting at where the expansion is going and a decent set of quests and themed items and new cosmetics, pushing the game to the very edge of the expansion, leaving us all clawing and howling at the release date? Cinematics and seasons don't generally correlate. You're conflating seasonal content with pre-expansion hype, and I'm certain the team have things planned to do that, outside of the seasonal content of diablo 4, because that's not what its intended to do. >If I'm wrong, please, feel free to come back and tell me you told me so, because I'll be very happy to be wrong and won't care. Please come back and tell me you told me so if I'm wrong. Of course you're going to be wrong, specifically for the points I made that they cannot deliver two back to back seasons without significant seasonal power. But then you went on to move the goal posts and say "well, aside from the stuff we already know, and the extra content being added, and the new end game, and the list of all these things going in the PTR" Like holy shit bro, log out if you hate the game so much and can't see beyond your own hatred of it. Edit: Oh noes, guy blocked me and I can't collect my $100, check the live stream at 1 hour 39 minutes or so to hear that they have more they will announce.


Okay you’re a jerk. I’ve played 2,000 hours of this game and I run the most popular Discord bot for it. I am blocking you for your rudeness. Have fun.


Remind me when this troll is seeing a completely different tune in 3 weeks.




Just play barb. Equip a doombringer, grandfather, and 2 other weapons for 100k life and 1 billion damage. Why play anything else that is being nerfed into the ground?


I take it this guy didn’t actually read the patch notes 😂


Just check his profile to see how upset he is, posting this same comment everywhere. lol.


Don't think anyone did.


He didn’t because he’s a bot and has commented the same thing several times.


How many times are you going to copy-paste this. Stfu, we get it. the barb is good.


The issue with all these items is power are too easy to get you basically get the end build and never have to craft something with what you have.


Never have to farm after bricking an item right? What even is this word salad?


Nah I mean you don’t really get to try random build with whatever aspect you find because you get them all so quickly. So even if they bring more most player will just go for the meta build early because we get everything too fast now we don’t even need to craft a build with what ever we dropped.


>you don’t really get to try random build with whatever aspect you find because you get them all so quickly That's a contradiction don't you think ? That's exactly the reason why i can try many things in the first place. We now drop more legendary items (Aspects) because of the new codex system. We need them for upgrading them in the book. The real gear comes from items with multiple GA's and that's quite rare. On top of that you have to be lucky with tempering and don't brick the item. So it's not easy at all to craft the good stuff. >most player will just go for the meta build. We would see no sorcs or druids then. Not everyone cares about meta and some enjoy taking the challenge to create their own builds with unpopular skills.


Nah ain’t much of a loot game if all the options are available as soon as you start. It’s lame. The same reason why none of my friends play it anymore one of the worst loot/progression system I have seen. It’s pretty much d3 all over again and it’s lame. Good thing is I’ll save money not paying for an expansion.


I somewhat agree. Since uniques became weaker (in comparison to tempering) in S4, you don’t get excited anymore when finding one because they are no longer as build-defining as before. I like the aspect mechanics though. But yeah, maybe late game items could roll these aspects higher (and those cannot be salvaged to be added to the codex)? Don’t know if this is a good idea - I am torn on this.


Didn’t we already have that season?


Every season must be QoL season. It's like pride month, or mental health year, or environmental decade etc.


Wow downvotes. I explain - QoL improvements is healthy process (and never-ending), you can't just theme season around just QoL.


You should play the sorc. Let me know how that works out for you. 


What qol besides respawnable bosses?


Helltide chests, obels and whispers can drop uniques and mythic uniques. Mythic uniques for a new color flare and text and sound so you know they dropped. Helltide whispers are faster to complete. Varshan only needs 1 type of mat. No more dungeon run for beast of ice. Tempering GA items gives you one more attempt per GA. They shuffled around a bunch of tempering recipes so there is more variety. End game Bosses drop gold instead of rare items. Helltide threat scales better.


New hell area drops pit materials


To add to the other comments they also confirmed change(s) coming to the pit where you only get 50% of pit mats if you didn’t open the instance, they said they’ll confirm the change(s) when S5 launches but I’d be surprised if it’s not the ability for everyone in the group to pay they own entry cost to each get 100% of the reward mats.


Beast in Ice is getting normal entrance instead of nightmare dungeon, you will be able to get uniques from obol gambling and helltide caches, new seasonal activity allows us to target farm even more and even target GA item specifically, GA items will also get additional tempering rolls


If they added "tempering remembers previous temper and enchanting defaults to no change" I really don't really wish for QoL in the game for the moment.


Season 4 and 5 are just slow drip "QoL"..what a pitiful excuse.


So release the game and then every season is just updating your trash you never tested or thought of before 😂 the seasons have been very underwhelming


If this is the case, what are you doing on this sub 4 and a half seasons after the launch? Get lost


So you hate the game but you keep coming back to the sub just to hate it, your life is very underwhelming.


I am so sorry man. The D4 bad memes are having a very difficult time after seeing a very positively received season with what appears to be another large season of quality changes incoming. It isn't easy being one of you insufferable douchebags these days. Can I offer you an egg in these trying times?


Mucus slicked egg?


Then why do you keep playing?


my dude is just now learning how live service seasons work 🫵😂


See ya 👋

