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Yeah. They don't really serve a purpose. They need a significant rework.


Easy 5 whispers, usually, at least.


Even then it feels like you’re better off farming maidens.


Literally only do them for the gem slot mats when levelling an alt


I want them to Spawn randomly...anywhere....like the Butcher. Walking out of town? Boom world boss to fk up your day and anyone unfortunate to be nearby. Clearing helltide boss? World boss shows up, what now mofos. I'd also like escalating difficulty. First one gets deleted? Uber greed shows up to slap you back down.


This, plus tormented world bosses. Also, I’d like The Butcher to randomly spawn in Helltides.


I think he should show up everywhere. I'd especially like it if when a goblin gets away he comes out of their portal.


Consolation prize butcher haha.


Nobody would ever kill a loot goblin again lol. They’d all prefer the butcher


Ooooooo dude. You know those guys in the Helltide that are surrounded by a smoky circle? You can talk to them and they usually wail before dying or transforming. Sometimes a treasure goblin pops up instead of loot or bad guys. Now take your idea and merge it. Treasure goblin portal? Oh fuck. That’s not a treasure goblin. Now imagine if he didn’t teleport away after killing one person.


How's that different from now?


That would be wild!


That would be terrifying for hardcore players 🤣


Good to see a YouTuber jump occasionally


Maybe they should have a Diablo/Uber Diablo...would make sense....in a Diablo game.


Nah who would want that?


Korean SoJ farmers?


I actually think it would be cool if Diablo was pulling the strings to get all the prime evils essences into soulstones then suddenly shows up to steal them and absorb all of them to reform as Tiamat


Yeah, I feel like the developers somehow don't know their own community, like, CHAOS IS WHAT I LOVE ABOUT THE GAME MAN, MAKE IT MORE CHAOTIC


It's a demonic invasion...it should be a scheduled event lol.


Would be cool if they just had a fixed health/dmg also, like if you cant get 5+ decked out level 100s together its going to be a bad time. The auto scaling based on the number of people who show up makes it lame, it is a WORLD event and it would really encourage community/teamwork if it would be impossible if not enough people showed up.


A level 100 character could do 100K, 100M, or even 100B damage. This makes it difficult to scale appropriately for large groups. Either it has too much HP for weaker folks, or too little HP for stronger folks. Different difficulty levels as OP suggested could be a good mechanic. Another way would be to dynamically scale based on your level until 100, and then scale based on your highest pit on that character (minus 10 pit levels or something).


I don't understand why they made so many item stats be + double or triple digit *PERCENTAGE* dmg increase. That's like, kind of insane. It seems to make the dmg variance between a kitted out toon and a casual super extreme. They really need to think of a way to make the fights more interesting. Like tankers need to tank, glass cannons need to dodge. There's got to be a way to add some simple mechanics that make people need to cooperate to a small extent and use at least 2 neurons.




And there’s plenty of [x] damage that goes above 100. For a bash Barb you get Aspect of adaptability (120x on amulet), moonrise (160x on weapon), and paingorgers (200x plus AOE mega splash). Then you throw in all of the 15-30x multipliers like edgemasters, elements, blood rage, etc. These all stack multiplicative with each other to give you 100 times more damage, maybe more.


A simple damage cap would honestly fix the huge damage numbers people can do. I feel like doing over a billion damage is honestly pointless. Yea, sure hitting 1.5 million regularly on my barb is nice and all, but when people just delete everything with a single button press, it's too much.


This is definitely the case. I remember last season world tier 3 bosses would often not even die before the timer from people rushing the world tier at a lower level, especially early in the season. I would be fine with a super increase in damage and health just for the world tier 4 versions. They just get straight annihilated in a few seconds.


Just cheat and have the WB ignore any damage each second that exceeds its HP / 300 - 600 (random between 300 and 600). Fights automatically last 5-10 minutes no matter what power you lay down.


This and one-shot from off-screen are shitty mechanics.


Probably part of the expansion, imo.


It's been announced they are getting a buff in season 5


I’m pretty sure They’ve gotten a buff each season too. Yet they still end up getting insta zapped


And there rewards suck.




Have scattered prisms drop (almost?) exclusively from WB, allow scattered prisms to reset/reroll tempers. It gives prisms and bosses value. We only have an exorbitant amount of prisms right now bc of the anniversary event. Next season that won't be the case.


I definitely recall glancing at a text messsage for 1 second and missing the world boss I waited 15 minutes for.


So you weren't at the spawn? If they killed it in front of you, you'd get the loot right ?


It drops the loot, but the fight is literally over in a second


I've had it twice where I got no loot from it, though both times still gave the cache. Wasn't like his situation though, my situation was simply leaving my character there, going AFK and coming back way later. I've done that a lot, and usually it has the loot sitting on the ground when I come back, but not always.


Beta Ashava was amazing. Too bad world bosses became pushovers quickly.


Didn't they just say they were re-working the bosses in the camp fire?


Just more health, as in literally every update since the game launched


How else would you fix wb besides just more health? lol


World bosses should just have a dps cap and interesting machanics


They do have interesting mechanics, the bosses just never scaled with us. They hit like wet noodles & die in two seconds. They need a DPS cap and need to do more damage. The beta was awesome for world bosses, if you didn't follow mechanics, you died a dozen times and risked missing the timer for the group.


Beta was good times for the world bosses, was actually fun and it felt challenging, I remember the first vid I saw of someone soloing it in the beta and it was a rogue using shadow clone. Ever since then the challenge has dropped and dropped and dropped till it no longer even resembles a challenge but something you show up for to hit e on the keyboard and move mouse over to say goodbye or thanks to a bunch of strangers.


Well the world boss is still challenge if you are in world tier 1 or 2 and everyone is level 50 or something


Does DPS cap refer to players as opposed to the bosses? I.e. some super OP Barb that does billions of damage can only hit for tens of thousands during world boss fights?


That's my interpretation . It would make the fight last longer and then actually present a challenge.


DPS caps would be worse than them dying in 2 seconds. Destiny is dogshit because they overuse these immune gates and dps caps. I'd rather give them the interesting mechanics, like targeting the highest damage dealers and being super aggressive. The only reason they die in 2 seconds anyway, is because they refuse to balance Barbarians doing billions of damage in 1 second.


OK, this needs a correction: _tens of billions_ of damage in 1 second.


Saw someone hit a rupture for 100bill yesterday


We're definitely not heading towards D3 levels of absurdity in numbers, right?


Wish we werent


this , each player can only deal a max amount of damage , world boss can inflict debuff on you like torment bosses do. Each time a world boss hits you it’s percent based.


Selectable difficulty is rumoured as a future thing. Read a list of supposed changes coming with or after the expansion.


Oh no it's going to be Torment tiers isn't it?


Can't wait to have 25 different torment levels where 80% of them feel meaningless


They’re aware that Diablo 3 is still playable, aren’t they?


Honestly, if there ever is a place in the game for damage sponge and one shot mechanics, a world boss would be the place. Give them a sense of difficulty, you have an enormous arena, a large group that can revive etc. could even go one further and ONLY allow revives, rather than respawns. Anything would be better than what we have now. All of their attacks are already projected well, just make them hit like a freight train. WT4 WB should feel like Ashava did in the beta. Sure it would suck for HC, but more risk would be justified if it was more rewarding, like guaranteed 2+GA drop or something. The fight should be something that isn't a 100% guarantee to kill every time you step in solo to a random grouped boss arena, but it should also be rewarded accordingly. Hell, I'd even get behind a repeated enrage/health reset setup within that 15 minute window, let the first one be easy so as not to gatekeep, but every time the group "kills" the HP bar it enrages, resets HP, gets more health/hits harder, and drops incrementally more of some sort of boss claim resource. Eventually you hit a wall as a group, but the more rounds you make it in those 15 minutes the more/better loot you get. Sure you don't get the satisfaction of "Killing" the WB, but it would still be engaging content that you could push the goal post over time.


Bkizzard level scalling is broken ever since they stsrted using it in WoW and D3. In D2, the higher level you have, the stronger yoz are, no natter the gear you have. In D3 and WOW, as you level up, you become weaker and weaker. At max level you are weaker than at lowest level. Untill you "level up" your gear. After certain "item level" you get as strong as on your first level and then go up from there... And those world bosses and everything doesn't scale with your gear level. Or number of players (not that it would matter).


I only really enjoy them in the first days after a season starts. Then you actually have to fight, move and dodge in the lower tiers. With everyone participating with a lower level character it actually is a challenge. I remember early seasons where I had to use the whole timer to bring one down with a few other players at WT3. Really satisfying. In WT4 on the other hand it's always been a matter of seconds.


The best experience was in the beta, where the level cap was 20 I think but the boss was 25. It was an actual challenge sometimes to bring down the world boss, I would gladly replay that.


Came here to say this. The thrill of having the timer count down to zero as you raced to finish off the boss after dying 10 times was exciting


And no one really knew the attack patterns that well. Ashava would rip 5+ people with one swipe.


I can’t believe they’ve left them in a state where they die in under 10 seconds for nearly a year


I have a feeling that their target audience isn't interested in challenging content


What's the alternative exactly when you have some builds doing easily tens of times more damage than others? This isn't really a problem with the bosses, it's a problem with character balance. If you had a group full of sorcerers and druids, the bosses would probably feel fine in a lot of cases. Add one bash barb in and they're doing more damage than all of the sorcerers combined and the boss gets wrecked. In order for Blizzard to make world bosses mean something, they just need to nerf the absolute shit out of the strongest builds, but we all know how people feel about getting their OP shit nerfed.


That's because they've been fixing pretty much everything else in the game since launch.


They can die in 1 second or 10 minutes for me, real problem is that reward is just waste of time. This needs serious rework.


This. If they took 10 minutes in the current state, no one would do them. The loot is not worth 10 minutes. The loot would have to be much much better. If you just look at it as a loot:time investment ratio, world bosses are currently somewhat balanced. They just need a full rework to make them actually interesting.


They also intended strongholds to be a significant feature. They were supposed to be a living, breathing mechanic, but now you just get some xp, a WP and a dungeon. I wish we got a list of features/content that got cut or reduced because I know it would be longer than a CVS receipt


Reminds me of how they said doing one dungeon affects the others nearby. There were cutscenes for exiting dungeons too, or supposed to be cutscenes.


The game was probably going to be slower, riskier, and more impactful, but there were too many creeping features and the game got stuck in development hell, so they made what they had playable and released it, and now they’re just straight ripping content from Diablo 3.


It was, if memory serves well I remember them saying that the game was going to be much slower than 3, more methodical and you had to actually dodge attacks, and individual enemies had mechanics of their own. And yeah, the game feels identical to 3 but with a MMO-lite feeling.


It’s Diablo 3 with all the “acts” on the same single map. We’re even starting to hit the ridiculous damage and health numbers from D3. Sorc and Druid are going to be the zDPS support classes at this rate. Someone mentioned that they’re adding the ability to select higher difficulties aka Torment levels.


Remember those zone bosses in WoW, pre-expansions ? Like that massive blue dragon in Azshara, people flocking there when the call went out, followed by *absolute carnage* over the better part of an hour..?


raids wont be much different. with the way scaling works in the game its basically impossible for them to make a boss thats not insanely easy or unkillable for 99% of people


Yeh its a silly big numbers game. With people hitting 100mil hits, enemies have to have billions of health. Why not just cut some zeros off. So we do 10k hits but enemy health is 1mil. But people wont like that because they want to see BIG numbers


shaving off zeroes doesnt fix their issue the game is built on multipliers ontop of multipliers, basically every season theres a few outlier builds that hit for 100x more than other decent builds (usually barb) and group content if a group of average sorcs kills a worldboss in 30seconds to a minute and 1 minmaxd barb kills its 2x over in a single attack how could a raid encounter actually be difficult without requiring you to bring 5x or 10x a single class while leaving it unkillable for everyone else


Yep, they did a study and found that most of their target audience wants to see big numbers. I’ll bet my left nut that S4 has any many players as it does because people love stomping through content as a barb.


They should add a tormented version of those bosses


Then we can kill then just as fast for better loot woo


I mean most of the game is like that. Bosses are in a very small lair, you summon them (like wtf) and they die really fast. Helltides are just button bashing really fast. The stupid thing is that most of the content is actually good when you are not too geared but everybody seems to agree that it's normal that after 1 week into the season they stop to be interesting.


They should drop random torment mats, sparks and zero yellow if they want to make them special


I would also like the Butcher and Helltide Assassin specifically to be dangerous again. Really doesn’t feel good to 2 shot them.


World bosses will be broken as long as a core design philosophy is to let imbalances like Bash / Flay Barbs fester. It's also why I don't have much of an expectation for "raid" or other mandatory group content. Broken builds already gain a disproportional amount of representation, but if they make them *required* for content like world bosses it will kill everything else. On the flip side, if the bosses aren't balanced around the broken builds, they will continue to be trivialized by them.


I remember seeing that sorc ultimate the fire snake thing wrap around the world boss in the announcement trailer and you gotta hand it to their marketing team because seeing an almost golden fire super Saiyan snake constrict the boss was pretty damn cool. I thought, "MMO DIABLO? ON CONSOLE??? TAKE MY MONEY. NOW."


Well, they did take your money.


I think these open world systems, or at least some of them will be heavily reworked or changed for the expansion and for now whatever team is doing this is basically just using band aid solutions


New player here. I'm on WT4. Level 70-ish. I often go to the Helltide area where the corrupted hearts go in the containers. A world boss of some kind spawns, along with various difficult monsters. This takes a while, usually even with other players present. Can be fun. Chaotic, but fun. I die sometimes. Once in a while, there will be other players there who can almost insta-kill the big boss as soon as (she?) spawns. Or kill it within 2 seconds! Any idea what these players are doing or what is going on?


Hell Maiden Takes 3 baneful hearts to summon at the dedicated spots on the map (2 per helltide). Can summon her basically as fast as you can kill her as many times as possible as long as people have mats to summon her.


hell tides should always coalesce into a world boss make a clearing gauge for helltides thats actually a progress bar to summoning world boss make them have 20-30x more health and hit 9-10x harder


Worldbosses need a treatment? No worries we got you, -50% to all sorcerer paragon nodes, +10% dmg to all barb skills.


Maybe more HP and more rewarding is a good start then maybe more people show up and with more hp maybe its a longer Fight then


I mean, they sure in 1-2 seconds You could give them 20000% more hp and they'd still die very quickly. Need to cap DPS and increase their damage heavily. With that, but their rewards heavily


The rewards are insignificant. They should do different levels that should reward better drops


I got stuck in one earlier in the season at like level 93 on my incinerate sorcerer and I was able to solo it. It was slow but I still had a decent amount of time left at the end. They are very undertuned.


Like in so many games before D4, World bosses are rarely more than just loot pinatas.


I believe world bosses should have different stages like once you kill it the first time it respawns with more health and can spawn tons of mobs or something. I just think of that one campaign d3 boss on the platform and how intense that fight was with the different stages.


IMO, it’s just hard to really have anything in the open world that’s challenging. The experience would be too heavily influenced by the RNG of who’s on your layer. You’d have frequent moments where you gave up your wives, kids, and three jobs so you could free up some time for the world boss on Tuesday at 7pm, but then you get there and you’ve got like eight level 60 sorcs hiding in the corner scaling up the boss HP. You’d frequently end up in this scenario where you leave the world boss with nothing, no loot, no whispers, no season journey achievement. And no more wives, kids, or jobs left. Not ideal.


It needs to be at the difficulty that it’s at when you show up with 7 lvl 26s for the 35 boss


It was challenging when it was beta and everyone was lvl 25


They are increasing their difficulty I'm season 5. It's in the ptr patch notes.


I dislike the idea of bosses having stages but not opposed. To make world bosses fun and a challenge. Have them be straight up raid bosses and no phases. Difficult from start to end that takes longer than 10 seconds to kill.


I remember during beta when I knew nothing about Diablo and attempted a world boss at level 25, had to beat the chrono and learn the pattern of Ashava. That was a challenge and I loved it. Now I just watch it die before I can even hit once.


They need to be way more often and spontaneous. And have people form around them.


Same thing happens in wow it’s why world bosses are stupid , they become farming trash after launch


It's no fun when they're deleted instantly. But I don't want them to be a total slog. It shouldn't take more then 3 minutes at most.


I've never seen one love for more than 10 seconds.


It's because world bosses are fickle and they fall in and out of love quickly depending on your GA gear


They should be level 250ish


Well to be fair how do you really scale a boss when you have max level people doing anything from tens of thousands of damage to millions or even billions. It's probably not super easy.


5 seconds? Thats a slow kill bro.


Absolutely useless. Rework them completely. Make more of them and appear randomly and to scale with players. Today we were like 6 people and it died in 2 seconds. A


I think the S5 patch notes look great, but I was hoping for revamped world bosses to make them tormented. I think legions and strongholds also need a revisit. Strongholds should resemble the upcoming raids. Also hoping for more changes to Uber uniques.


I miss the challenge from the Beta when you were honestly racing the timer to beat Ashava and everyone in your instance pretty much died at least once. Was honestly a thrilling time. I'd be ok with the world boss having a debuff aura that just decreased everyones damage by like 90% and crippled your resistances / movement speed as well or something like that. It'd definitely be the lazy way to re-tune the fights for sure, but I feel it would be effective nonetheless. I don't really see any 'easy' way to make the fights challenging again because top-end damage in this game is absurdly out of control with multiple classes and builds.


the entire overworld needs a rework.


Honestly thats my biggest gripe with this you wait all this time and its down in seconds? Why is it not a challenge?


Funny thing is the version they had in the Beta when everyone was under level was the most fun the world boss has ever been. At the least I'm glad they gave us a chance to try out Ashava before release during the beta.


1. Big deals can have a time gap. 2. Early is on time. 30 seconds late is late. Be on time. 3. This is probably a good idea to queue for a more difficult boss.


Most people knew they wouldn't last, world bosses are never going to be strong enough in games. All they would do is add more HP which doesn't actually do anything.


Hoping the expansion brings World Tier 5. World bosses were amazing fun in the beta, actually thrilling fights where every second counted.


They should be level 200 and actually drop loot that matters.


It's been announced they are getting a buff in season 5


They need good rewards, and they need to be something people actually lose to now and then, especially early on in the season. Add an uber version that basically whoops you if you don't have several lvl 100s fighting


I wouldnt mind them spawning spontaneously(what does it take to add a little notification to our map that a boss is up in dry steppes desert), scaling them the heck up (we had a genuine challenge on wt2, now i can just afk on wt4, theyre basically loot chest on a timer), and add more of them I'd move the Butcher from NMD trash mob to world boss, and even add Leoric as a fight tbh for example You know the iconic diablo bosses..


I wish there was an option to create a private lobby so you could solo world bosses or do them with friends only.


Somehow having more HP than Pit200’s boss, but not necessarily one-shotting every player would be nice. I mean, world boss having extreme HP is okay, because there will be (most of the time) more players around. Or there could be some system like the pit and every player who dies in the fight takes 30/45/60 seconds of the fight, idk (but for this we also need more HP)


World bosses just need to scale better according to world tiers. T4 should be tuned to be difficult for late game players. Maiden seems better adjusted ATM for that. Maybe since there is a cap on players in the area, they should find a way to calculate all players as one stat stick and then have the boss scale to those stats?


That sounds fun! Why play the game just wait in queue.


Lots of things were marketed. You should be beyond happy that they've considered almost nothing sacred since launch so the game can actually improve. Maybe world bosses will be relevant again. Maybe they never will. The pre launch marketing is irrelevant at this point.


Yeah. They were really fun for that first week? Maybe a few days? When at lower levels, you had to really scrape to beat them in the time limit. Felt good when you managed it. Now, it's really nothing. I hope they get reworked into some kind of tiered system where newer players get to experience the awe and difficulty of fighting a world boss together for appropriate rewards while leaving the WBs as a lucrative endgame experience for higher level players.


Well maybe you should try to be on time more often.


I say this every time this topic comes up: the problem is class balance, not world boss balance. The scaling is completely out of hand. In D2, a badly geared character did 5k damage, a solid character did 10k damage and a BiS character did 15k damage. You could give a boss 200k hit points and it would make sense for everyone. In D4, a Bash Barb does a billion damage and an average Druid or Sorc does 20 million damage. It's impossible to design an encounter that is relevant for both. GRs was the bandaid fix in D3 to let everyone pick their own difficulty, and Pits has become the same half-assed solution in D4


It wasnt just this fact that they disappear so fast but also that I was hoping for more boss and rare elite spawns from the get go. Elites don't feel as elite, we dont even have threatening champion packs anymore. I want to see more roaming and conditional boss, named unique elite, and beefy champion pack style spawns. We could be having so much fun hunting these guys down around the world for their own special loot tables. I do miss D2 style farming specific bosses and elites whenever the mood struck (NOT d4 style enter room, pay price way). Is it controversial to say I wish uber bosses occupied a challenging full dungeon and getting through it is part of the challenge? Or imagine if some special world bosses required you to travel through a very dangerous zone you couldn't skip through to reach them.


Buffing them to take longer to kill isn’t the answer. How bout DPs meters that track how much each player did and reward an extra chest or something to the top x players.


How about take this a step further? Get rid of World Bosses all together, they are a waste of design space, I'd rather them make the zone where the world bosses spawn be new design space.


yeah it's stupid. good thing though: after reading the s5 ptr patchnotes i'm done with diablo again. i played pre-season, then left when s1 started. came back for s4, had fun, but now it's enough for another year at least. i'll be back in s8 or so. maybe. :-)


Should be a boss rush mode. One after the other spawns at their locations and you have to get them down in the time given or the first respawns and resets the rush. Rewards are cosmetic. Because there's literally no fucking cosmetic rewards.


They should make the world bosses LVL 200 torment.


They were gear and leveling is just better and faster.


Hold on a second, Blizzard lied to your face and you are surprised? 😲


Just make them spawn every hour, we have nothing between XX:55 and YY:00. Thats the spot for world bosses to spawn.


You have keep in mind these aren't end game bosses. Tormented, pits and nightmare dungeons are for end game. They are also adding raids. A lot of lowbies come there to get some leveling gear and prism farming. They don't really need major rework. It's simple imo, the mechanics are solid as long as they up their hp. Should be a few minute fight, but nothing crazy like 10+ minutes. The loot table should also be better. Maybe similar to the Helltide boss when you insert a stone. A good handful of legendaries with potential uniques and GA gear. Same can be said for the Legion events. Higher hp for the bosses, but similar loot to the Helltide Boss again. That way maybe they would be worth doing again.


Tbh the open world of the game was also heavily marketed. It just shows that they failed to deliver and instead are focusing on things that work. Nothing wrong with that.


The game is basically parents who keep buying their kids a new toy


There's absolutely no way somebody misses the multiple notifications a world boss is spawning soon


Now they last 5 se ones


All you need to do to appreciate world bosses is fight wandering death in hardcore in WT3. It’s hilarious


Just as pointless as doing legion and running around in circles.


I know it's always brought up on these posts but the highlight for me in d4 is still the server slam or whatever beta it was when you were level capped and could fight ashava and it was a 5-10 battle through all the phases


5 seconds??? wow the ones i go die in 1 second


World bosses should spawn randomly in the world and wander around. They should be a real threat and not be able to be melted.


and "raids" will be just like legion events. it will be a speedrun


I think the game should have a mechanic where, if your character personally (not accounting for any contributions of other players) does enough damage to kill a World Boss in less than ten hits or ten seconds (whichever comes first), you get a cutscene of your character retiring to Donan's newly renovated castle with a goblet of wine and a feast laid out, their demon-blood-stained weapons on display for the adoring townsfolk. You win! Then that character is permanently moved to a server world only occupied by other retired characters, and they all can enjoy their golden years together, defending Sanctuary from the most horrific menaces with the merest twitch of an eye. This world is exactly like the live seasonal one, except all the NPCs use terms of elder respect when they address the players; a questgiving peasant might call out, "Grandmother, a moment of your time?" and a boss might growl, "Doddering old fool, when will you learn?" before it's obliterated the exact second the fight actually starts. I think this is win win.


i just use it as a quick 5 whispers the Grand Cache is a fucking joke, drops 1 legendary


We need Uber Ashava ASAP


Compared to D2R where every boss dies in a fraction of a second - they serve no purpose either. What’s your point..?


It so silly that it still broadcasts messages about the world boss spawning soon despite having been killed 5-10 mins before lol


I think to make it easy, people should able to click and TP there.  Really no reason to run 1 to 2 minutes to get to the  fight. 


The problem is the balance between classes/builds. If 9/10 people there would need 30 minutes to kill the boss but 1/10 needs 5 seconds, the boss dies in 5 seconds.


The game has shifted and they don’t fit the difficulty curve anymore. They are just free mats and whispers at this point. But they would never have scaled as an end game activity either. So I think keep them how they are and just create something else similar for end game.


The game looks like one of those private servers from older MMOs, where you level faster, have custom items to move faster, drops are plenty etc... (I actually prefer this way) The horses make the map feel small, like some custom asset made for the private server "rare" items are more common than "normal" rarity one's Same for legendary items being more common the rares


Make it an epic battle that requires a team or get lost.


I agree, it’s clear their intention going into it was a raid boss that took teamwork and ability to beat. But it just never scaled properly. The mechanics are too easy and they have far too little health. It needs to be dangerous, and actually take minutes to kill for even the strongest. Here are some ideas: -Buff the mechanics and make them less predictable and harder to avoid. -Scale the world bosses health according to everyone’s highest pit clear (as a starting point, if that’s even possible) -Increase the time limit, but make its health regen to 100% if everyone dies at the same time -Have it spawn adds (although this would only help some builds) -Give it a loot table similar to Duriel & Andy, only a little higher odds. Thoughts?


I wish the world bosses were more random throughout the world, so it’s always a surprise. Spawning in specific locations at predetermined times is just kinda weird.


5 seconds? I’m level 100 and I can’t take off more than 1/4th of their life before they disappear. I don’t follow any build guides though


It would be great if the cumulative threat level of every player in a hell tide eventually summoned a tormented boss. Waves of demons and a huge fella messing everyone up


I waited around for a world boss to spawn for 10 minutes the other day and then when the timer hit 0 nothing happened was a very fulfilling experience.


1. Fast travel immediately when the sweats drop the boss. 2. Upon arrival, immediately fast travel back to boss 3. Enjoy new group just arriving or enjoy soloing boss


And this is the reason why I knew the game was crap and empty. NM dungeons were not it either. They make them too easy and the healing/Potion/damage taken is too low. It’s boring even in hardcore most of the game is crap and casual it make no sense.


Be careful what you wish for. If they were actually challenging, you would be infuriated if you had newbs or afk people in your group and unable to clear the boss.


Just cap the damage that each player can deal per second (or other time interval). Would take some amount of tweaking to get right, but it almost couldn’t be any worse than the status quo.


wt4 boss should have pit 200 boss health and maybe one shot mechanics.


If world bosses were challenging for half a dozen or more people to kill then they would be more powerful than Lilith, Duriel, and all other main bosses. It would make no sense.


World bosses are optional. My level 69 hardcore character has never faced a world boss and I'm not missing anything, as I've completed the season journey on Normal.


Just make it the Uber Lilith fight but be able to respawn everyone when they die. It would be interesting/fun


Remember in the promo screenshots when Avarice was being fought in a random field and not in the boss arenas.


Originally they were very hard, but multiplayer gameplay sucks in D4, so it was impossible to get a group going. Then they made it too easy.


World Bosses will never be good content. The very concept of world bosses create a scenario where you need to create a boss that has a singular difficulty regardless of the power level of the players meaning that it has to be balanced for the player who is struggling with even level mobs and at the same time players who are clearing high end pit runs. Now, to make this worse, you can't guarantee any amount of players. You may need the boss to function with only 1 player or 10+. This makes balancing it even more of a nightmare. I would even make an additional argument that world bosses spawning on timers have no place in a Diablo game. Diablo has always been about the player being in control of their playtime. You log in and you do whatever you want. Diablo 4 shits all over the players time by dictating when and how the game should be played based on arbitrary timers. If it's me, I'm removing world bosses and legion events and the timers on helltides (especially resetting of cinders) and bringing Diablo back to the player driven experience that it historically has been. The D4 people posing as developers talked about creating "raids" in Diablo. I think they are going to fail on this because they are dogshit developers but the idea of creating more robust encounters as a whole isn't a bad idea. It would be more like legion events if legion events weren't also dogshit.


They could make them "unkillable", but on a timer. Most damage to the WB gets the highest reward (class balance would be a huge issue here but in theory, scaling the reward for damage output might work.) death kicks you out of the battle, no reward, no revives. Or the WB could have phases, your reward is based on how many phases you survived. I agree that players should have access to the content, maybe a daily token allotted, or weekly whatever, to summon a WB and that sets a countdown to allow folks to join if they want. I don't know if any of this would actually work. I took a break on this game to go back to Elden Ring, and D4 really is such a bummer. I want to love it, but it's basically just a big number generator and little more. I don't find it to require any skill other than reading a build guide or understanding the damage buckets.


I don’t think you needed to split ii and iii into two bullets. I think showing up 10 seconds late and missing the fight are part of the same point.


I thought they're farmed for exclusive consumables?


They are buffing them no?  We need middle tier bosses too. Let me summon Zir as a 160-175 for mats and a stone. The fact there’s nothing at the main gear “wall” except tier 61 pits is astounding. It will allow many of us to play off spec builds 99% of the time and enjoy the game. All I have left to do is climb past pit 70 and beat some Ubers. I’d rather quit until the next season or expansion.


Ive said from the start to my friends, that i think world bosses should get a buff for every 7 days the season is live. So they can scale abit with the players as we grow stronger. Dunno how strong of a buff tho..


I think the problem is that it's hard to make open world content that is both accessible for regular builds while also not being completely trivialized by the OP ones. Like imagine a world where bash barbs needed to take 5 minutes to kill a world boss, how are sorcerers expected to kill it? In order for them to make world bosses mean something, they'd need to do a much, much better job of balancing builds, and would likely need to nerf the absolute shit out of the best builds, something people tend to not like very much.


They are dumb, but whatever. Only change I wish they would make is to make them as frequent as the legion event, just put each user on a cool down timer. It is hard for me to get them simply because of the timing. I have other responsibilities and often my gaming time doesn't overlap the arbitrary boss time. Given this is "a game for dads" one would think they would have seen this coming.


Loved the world bosses when it was beta and we were locked at lvl20, it legit felt great to finally get the kill after getting smacked about many times. Idk how they can even balance them to get that beta feeling again, adding more & more health? Feel like they would need a number with a stupid amount of zeros behind it for the health of them, which in itself is silly


Yeah, and that marketing was dumb. It was based on their semi-mmo , Diablo immortal-inspired vision. Then they realized people just mostly played solo and started reworking shit


they need to drop more mythic unique and also give 10 whisper and a lot of orbels - additionally, make the fight way way harder


Strongholds were also marketed as a big part of the open world. Bow they're just places to ignore. Sometimes we just gotta take the L and hope they get to it soon.


They dont even get to finish animation before dying, LOL