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Teebird. Have had this particular one for years. Even with it spending one whole year at the bottom of a pond.




Username checks out


Lost my seasoned Teebird recently. Threw it on 18, walked to the lie, threw from there, finished the hole, drank a beer with my buddy for 30 mins before realizing it wasn't in my bag... gone from the course too (inked of course). Disc thieves suck, although it also sucks to be an idiot.


I had a beautifully beat in teebird that was just awesome to throw. Until my gf dumped it in a deep pond. Still miss it lol


kinda mean to leave your gf just for a disc


Look, if she wanted to Come back home, she would learn how to swim


Almost the same, TL for me. Been in the bag for probably approaching 10 years.


I’m willing to bet it’s my putter. It’s the most used disc in my bag. I even use it off the tee for up to 280’ shots.


Mine too. But mostly because it’s the original putter I bought when getting into this sport many years ago. All others have been lost, but my black putter remains


Mine was too.. beautiful Ion. Then I lost it “putting” on one of the hard water holes at idlewild when a gust of wind man handled it


Star Wraith


Quite possibly the greatest disc ever created


I hear ya... my oldest also. Other drivers have filled the same slot but it always gets first pic


To Wraiths! 🤝 I've got a Pro from 2017 that's never leaving the bag!


Probably my Innova Thunderbird or Sidewinder


My sidewinder is my ol reliable. Sure it goes a little anhyzer but always comes back to center.


I bag two sidewinders! One champion and one star. The champion is almost definitely my most traveled disc (funnily enough I was just talking about this exact topic with my friend the other week). Also, building off your second sentence, the sidewinder does not have -3 turn


You're right. Mine has -4. It's an old dx with several deep cracks.


Anhyzer is the release angle not the flight shape, but I get what you mean.


It might be my champ Thunderbird. It was my Destroyer disc when I was starting, and I fell in love it with it again. Accurate flight with good fade. Slight flip forehand disc.


I gotta try mine out again. Have been really wanting a 9 speed between my Vandals and my Sexybird.


For 9 speeds, I have a halo Firebird, sexy bird, champion Thundy, Inertia It’s stable but true to flight. If I had a star or G star it would better bridge the gap between a -2,2 slot. It still fits the workable stable fairway slot.


Thundy is perfect for that slot


Got a used Rhyno in ‘97. Still throw it every round.


Can't wait till I'm old like you and have those discs that have just been around for forever in my bag, one thing to look forward about getting old I guess hahaha. One thing I love about discgolf is how many people of different age groups love to play it. It really makes the community feel like a big family at times.


The older you get, the more it physically hurts to play disc golf. Enjoy your youth my friend!


Stretch, stretch and stretch some more. Before, during, after. Morning, noon and night


Played 18 today. the only thing I was concerned about was not throwing my back out.


I also played 18 today with my son and a buddy and I was mainly concerned that my arm was going to detach at the elbow. Getting old sucks


I may have misunderstood the question, but I am from West Virginia. I found a destroyer in Tennessee while I was visiting my in-laws. I called the number on the back, and the owner was from Texas and didn't know how it got there. He told me to keep it.


Ha that's not the question, but it's also the question.


Nobody saying their putter. KC pro aviar has tons of distance over the years of practice and use on every single hole


a lot of folks like to cycle putters, or have two they use interchangeably


my r-pro pig that i throw for nearly every upshot haha


Just picked one up and have played two times with it. Absolute beast and will 100% be replacing my super soft zone.


they get even better beat in!


Champion Destroyer 168g


Z zone. I love my zones


Lat64 River


I have a Star Valkyrie that has been in my bag for 10 years. It's beat in to the point where is just fucking bombs. I throw it all the time. ...that or a putter, maybe, because they see use on pretty much every hole.


My Neo Origin. Usable for a lot and bombs for a 5 speed. If you throw a lot of woods like me it isn't that weird that the answer is a hyzerflip 5 speed


Technical Dgolf is best Dgolf 


Innova Valkyrie


I only started playing disc golf because I found a beat up buzzz on the only course around 15 years ago. Still in the bag to this day, never taken it out except to throw it.


My LE ESP Comet. I've had it since they were new. It's probably been thrown a couple thousand times by now, between golf rounds and field work...


If I ever need to throw something in a straight line and go farther than a putter, my ESP Comet comes through every time.


That’s a good question. A safe bet is one of my destroyers. But I’d be curious if there was a stat tracker magically keeping this statistic, it might be my Yeti Aviar pro. I’ve had it since the day I started playing disc golf as a hobby and not just with my stoner buddies. So around 14 years ago. In the last 5 years or so I’ve been driving with it on some more of the straight on holes. So it would be a cool thing to measure.


Just because it's my oldest disc in the bag, had it for at least 6 years at this point(I'm a teenager now so I've basically had it since i was a kid), my super beat in Electron Octane that I have gotten all my forehand distance records with. But in terms of what's getting used the most and going the farthest without hitting a tree lately, probably my TSA COALESCE. If you are a forehand player who throws the disc hard (even if it's not going like insanely far) and you love to throw those laser beam shots, the Coalesce is for you.


Pro Wraith. Just realized it’s 8 years old


Champion Archon It truly is a longer Valk. Such an easy distance disc for me


I have a Felon my buddy gave me probably 5 years ago. It’s perfectly beat in so I can throw long flip ups that will still finish.




Old Innova run gummy cline fd3


I’ve gotta say my Anubis. I drive off the tee pad with all sorts of discs, but my Anubis is my go to upshot one. Laser straight, holds a line, doesn’t require a run up for distance… love that thing.


I'm with you! Anubis held that laser straight slot for years. Although, it's recently been replace with a seasoned Pine


Custom stamp star Tern from 2014


25 yr old rancho roc


166g fission Wave. It’s an absolute bomber, and a hyzer flip machine


21 Sexton Firebird been in my bag since a month after I started just keeps getting better !




10x Ken klimo tbird or this old ass purple wraith


I’ve got an Champ Orc I’ve had since maybe ‘03 or ‘04


It was my Athena until it ended up in the middle of a pond recently. Friggin wind gusts lol.


My pre-flight numbers Innova Champion Orc. It has been in my bag since roughly 2007.


Most definitely my neutron crave. First ace disc but also just such a great disc to throw off the tee


Got a Judge as the putter for my used bin "starter kit". Probably won't leave my bag until it becomes structurally unsound.


Any of my putters because I have to throw it 10x more for all of the missed putts


My Pearly Beast. It's older than probably 30% of this subreddit, still in perfect condition, and can still hit 350+ from a standstill.


KC Pro Aviar. 3 aces with it.


Definitely my Harp. I’m throwing it on almost every approach within 200


Aerobie epic has been in my bag since 2015. I’ve taken 2 multi year breaks in there so it has seen probably about 5 years of trees.


My last beat in trespass.


I've had the same BT Firm Harp in my bag for close to ten years now. My next oldest disc in my bag has only been in there for three or four years. For around 75% of shots from 240ft to circle 2 over that time period, that Harp has been the one I've thrown. After around two years it was basically broken in to fly laser beam straight while still handling a ton of power (I love throwing forehand drives with it on short holes), and it's retained that line since. I have a fresh BT Harp if I need more fade, and a metal flake Anvil if I need something a bit faster with an assload of fade. But that 10 year old BT Firm Harp is never leaving the bag.


L64 Bolt.


My Prodigy P Model US.


My Zeus was until I lost it for forehands:/ Now it’s the Cloud Breaker 2


Star Wombat3, Champ Leopard 3, and Opto River (although i have been using it less and less).


Definetely my Hatchet. I like to throw low and straight lines where i can, and the Hatchet is easy to flip up.


I’ve had a destroyer since day one that I haven’t managed to lose yet. Super reliable flight, works well for my backhand and forehand. The only reason I don’t throw it on every long shot is that I like to work other molds in.


Mine is a flx z predator from pre-2010 that a friend and I got in a misprint box when we were dying discs back in the day. Thing is an absolute bomber that flies more like a 9/5/0/1 instead of normal predator numbers. It's giving me such a hard time trying to find a disc that flies similar that I don't think I'll ever be able to replace it.


Almost definitely my CryZtal FLX Zone. I’ve rotated pretty much every other disc in my bag through the last few years, but I’ve kept the same Zone for approaches the entire time.


Mine would be my Fuzion Burst Getaway with a 2019 Jordan Castro Minnesota stamp on it. I haven't used it too much lately, but I've had it for at least 3-4 years now. It was my go to for so long. Definitely gotta use it more lol


My old beat up Harp. It was the third disc I bought and the only one of those three that I still have. I've probably thrown it twice as much as every other disc I bag combined


Easily my blue 400 D2 (Baby). It was my main distance driver for about 5 years. It just lost the main slot to a newer green 400 D2. Baby just doesn't hold up to the wind anymore.


Probably my champion sidewinder. It's probably 15 years old and I'm at least the third owner of it. I don't throw it that much but I'm kind of attached to it. I should probably retire it because I'd be pissed if I lost it.


Probably my Zone only because it's been in my bag the longest. But my Hex might be catching up.


Currently my eclipse hex. It’s the oldest after cycling everything else out. Still have my first discs in my small modest collection, but I can’t use them anymore because they are either too thrashed or too flippy.


My kaxe z was one of the first discs I bought.. it’s frequency of use changes but is always bagged


Star Xcal from 2010.


I’m one that enjoys switching discs in and out of my bag. Always swapping my destroyers for wraiths, buzzz for hex and vice versa. That said I will absolutely never play without a proton Tesla or a JK Aviar. I have never thrown a putter that is as workable as a JK, and I went through 15+ molds before I thought to give it a shot


My trespass, been with me since day one


I still have the first disc I ever bought. Champion Banshee off the used rack.


Esp Zone


Star valkyrie that my friend gave me when I first started taking dolf seriously


Champ Leopard3


Undertaker, first disc I started getting distance on. It’s been in the bag at least 2 years


Quake. It’s my binkie. Forehand only.


Putter or shark


DGA Breaker. Main upshot disc if I'm not putting I'm usually throwing this


The mold that has the most distance is the Wraith. Throw it off most tees. But I've lost a few. Actual disc with most mileage is my old Champ Teebird.


171 gram star wraith


My fuzion verdict is my oldest bagged disc and probably myost thrown .


A 14 year old star sidewinder


I have 3 buzzzzzz. I can't be without my buzzz


Champion Teebird


I have a BigZ Nuke that's been in my bag for years, probably highest mileage on that.


My answer was more exciting a year ago, I had to retire my 2 longest serving drivers in 2023. My 2017 champ destroyer went out like a champ, it was sailing too long & straight before hitting a tree and bouncing to 15 feet for one last birdie, cuz the bounce put a huge crack in it. Shortly after that I retired my custom stamped 2007 Wraith that used to be my main driver but became the roller disc, it looks like the flight plate is 1 rock away from cracking at the rim, so it's on the wall now. My 2020 SexyBird has the title for most birdies and maybe most distance, even though I throw my current & newish distance drivers 50' farther.


Damn mines gotta be the aura mantra as well. It’s my go to disc for straight line drives and it has great turn when thrown flat for me. Also feels amazing in the hand.


Envy. Every upshot.


My soft neutron envy has been in my bag since 2017. Has even picked up an ace in its tenure.


I have a Halo S-Blend Infinite Emperor that I lost in a course 40 minutes from home(Pecatonica, IL). Someone found it at a different course an hour the other way (Dekalb, IL) and got it back to me. A month later I'm playing a course while out of town again (Madison, WI) and lose it, then get a call a week later from someone in Milwaukee that find it and again got it back to me. That disc has traveled all of northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin.


Probably my Jay, for the mere fact that since I use it as my main approach disc it's always stayed on the course while most of my drivers have been lost and replaced several times over.


I have what I think is an Og/early run D Line P2 when it still had Psycho printed on it. A guy at a course gave it to me when I first started playing and it’s still in my bag as my go-to turnover putter. It’ll turn with hardly any power so it’s great for touchy shots and I haven’t found something better than it. I’m currently beating the shit out of a newer DLine P2 to have a backup. I’ve thrown it at least a few times every round for like 10 years.


R-pro Pig, most precious disc in my bag


Not my Firebird because I constantly lose firebirds. Probably my thunderbird though.


I’d be surprised if it wasn’t my purple Grace. That thing has flown 350+ hundreds of times by now


my Heat for sure! i love getting that thing moving.


Probably my stiff p line p2. A been in the bag a long time, and i use it for up shots. So even though it only comes out for sub 150 foot shots, the frequency and time in the bag (since late 2019) makes it come out on top.


You’d think it’d be a driver, which I regular throw a Zeus but they’ve either been lost or rotated out. I’d say it’s my 6 claw McBeast Buzzz. Been in the bag for a year now. Throw it quite regularly.


My glow halo teebird !


Loft Silicon. When I started it was a beefy midrange with utility use to now being a straight flying midrange from a combination of faster arm speed and wear. It's a workhorse mid for me now.


Oof that's tough. I would say my Firebirds. I carry 3, one beat in, one kind of beat in, one very overstable. My flippy one was butter for a while, then it became too understable and unpredictable.


My champ roc 3 is by far my oldest and most abused. I think it's the only disc I've put my name & number on more than once lol


Grace! Beat in to a pulp and flies forever with little effort.


My big Z Vulture. Main slot driver for me the last 1.5 years or so. Especially nice for these windy spring days.


Champion Rhyno


Blizzard Champion Destroyer




Buzzz, by far.  If I’m not driving or putting, I’m probably throwing my buzzz [edit] I have multiple midrange disks in my bag, do I use them? Nope, they’re all in like-new shape, I just grab my buzzz. Hmm, I should use a fairway driver here, I’ll use… my buzzz. Hmm, for this approach, I could probably just use a putter, I’ll use… my buzzz.


I started playing like 12 years ago. Didn’t play for like 8 years in between and just got back into it last year. I have a teebird from 2011 or so that I still bag


When I saw Barela call his one green Luna his "bag captain", it all just clicked for me too regarding my beat-in Alex Geisinger Birdie Marvel. Retired to a throwing slot, Iit's just become a comfort disc I swear makes me look better than I am.


My version 1 opto-x Pure. The first run of KT opto-x's. What a run of plastic!


Proxy, Anax, Destroyer. I swear I could play most rounds with just a proxy/destroyer.


My prized Star TL for sure, though I wouldn’t be shocked if my favorite Halo Valkyrie is close behind despite the TL having a 1.5 year head start


2021 Sexton Firebird. Only reason is I continue to lose my drivers and that Firebird has been a staple and never lost it yet. Knocking on wood as I speak though.


Probably my pink k1 svea. I try to throw it as often as I can because the control I have surpasses all my discs. I can get it just over 300 and manipulate my release angle to either be dead straight forever or have more of a turning finish. Love throwing it off the tee when I can.


I have an S-line P2 and two different Star Destroyers that I’ve had since 2008ish. All three have never left my bag and anytime I’ve lost one/had it returned, I give the person $20. The P2 gets thrown way more and probably wins mileage though. Multiple times discing with my kids, I’ve been looking for one of them for 5 minutes and one of them complains. Same response every time “this is one of the discs I’ve had longer than both of you combined, give me 15 minutes.”


Probably my Lattitude 64 River. I throw it on long and short holes, anything that's straight and needs glide.


Electron Pilot. Use putt with it on every hole and I'm one of those freaks who also throws approaches and throws off the tee with my putting putters occasionally.


Echo Star Valkyrie




Md3 or Lots flies the most for me!


Def my KC Pro Champion aviar. I’ve had it since 1999. It’s been on my wall the last 6 months


I have a red Star Wraith that has my parents’ old landline phone that they got rid of 16 years ago. Nice and flippy now.


My putter, I throw that thing 200+ feet, 10' at a time on each hole


My judges. They fly at least 30 feet by the basket multiple times a hole. Sometimes they roll 60


I still bag the first putter I ever bought. I'm gonna guess that, or the orc I've had for years.




Started playing in 2022. Everyone told me to start with a buzzz. Absolutely hated it at first and didn’t underrated the hype behind it. Started learning the game and getting better and now I understand the hype. The best disc out there especially in the woods!


My Innova Star Wedge..things been hauling ass since 2013.


MVP Nitro Go to os driver…I’ve lost that thing and had it returned like 5 times. I can’t seem to kill it.


An old Katana of mine.


Aura Praxis and Westside Crown


Crave anytime there is doubt in what I should throw it is usually a crave lol


Yellow star tern


Innova star destroyer, pioneers used to ride these babies for miles


Halo star tern! Love that thing


167g yellow champion thunderbird with a rainbow stamp. One of the first 3 discs I bought. It's broken in beautifully.


MVP Orbital. I can't find a disc anywhere near as flippy. I bought a Signal recently, 6 speed vs the orbital's 11. My Orbital is WAY more flippy than the Signal. I throw my Orbital with strong back winds.


Likely my golem, born to be a putter forced to be a mid. it’s a hell of a meathook, I love it.


My putters. I’ve missed more putts than I’ve taken drives. Gotta add up.


TL3 it's my workhorse. Now the question is which one the orange one I took out cause I accidentally dyed it grass green or the neon yellow one. Both have spent about equal amounts of time in the bag


My super flippy 2018 sexton firebird, many aces on that disc 👌🏼


It's likely my Envy. But perhaps my first Sapphire.


It’s gotta be my cryztal flx zone. I use that in so so many situations


Pro Teebird and/or champion bigbead aviar (first and still favorite disc)


Roc3, champion preferably bit now I'm also sporting a halo.


Champ Destroyer


The only Innova disc that has remained in the bag over the years. Good ole flat run of star from around 2016. It beat in to perfection and has held it for years now. My bag is mostly Westside but this one will stick it out for the long run.


My two link putters, I had this thought the other day that I use putters for 2/3 of my total shots at least minimum, especially with all my three putts 😭


Star destroyer. I call it pinky. She's been around the longest. Just starting to get too understable


Probably my Pure


One of my eagles, been throwing it since 2009.


Beat to shit star firebird. Flies beautifully and it's never gonna get too flippy to use, just becomes a different slot in my bag. Hit an ace with it at Brewster Ridge hole 1!


My River. Love that thing


Alfa Atlantis, one of the first discs I bought.


Old glow fd3 because new DM is dog water




Either my sexton firebird or my Calvin destroyer. Had both for 3+ years and they are still slinging forehands


I have a first run apex freetail that's seen some things man, and it ain't pretty


I have a star leopard my uncle gave me for my birthday when I first started playing. It’s the only disc I refuse to take out of the bag. Been 3 years and I through it all the time




I have an S/DS Destroyer that I believe I got around 2011. The only times it has left my bag, it's ended up in a "fieldwork" bag and for a very short recent stretch where I just became scared of losing it. There are countless rounds where I Just vibe with this disc and throw it on almost everything. It used to be hot pink but has faded into a flesh tone. Ace signatures have literally faded from its surface. At some point it seemed to stop breaking in and has just been neutrally stable for several years now.


Pfn Star firebird 167 g it’s my only ace disc had for 9years I’ve changed my bag to mvp but I’ll never take that one out


Until last Saturday it was my sidewinder. Finally fell victim to the water on a hole I probably shouldn't have thrown it on. RIP


Innova Leopard


Either a 5 year old Wizard Destroyer or an 8 year old roc3 that started as blue


I have a 750 A2 that I've been throwing since Jan 2021 and it flies like a teebird now, anything up to 360' I'm throwing it




It's my putter. It rarely goes over 100 feet, but it's an Aero that's lived in my bag and been my go to for 35+ years.




Honestly, my putter. It’s a medium hardness wizard no longer manufactured. I may only throw it a few feet at a time, but I’ve done that thousands of times over the past 15 years.


Neutron Soft Envy (patent pending)


PFN Champ Orc. Has been in my bag and used well for between 15 to 18 years.


Oldest disc in by bag by far is this blue champ wraith. It’s my go to DD. Just flies so good