• By -


Currency|Kilowatt hour (KWh) consumed per transaction\* IOTA 0.00011 XRP 0.0079 Chia 0.023 **Dogecoin 0.12** Cardano 0.5479 Litecoin 18.522 Bitcoin Cash 18.957 Ethereum 62.56 **Bitcoin 707**


How is power calculated for individual chains that are mined together?


afaik, block size and transactions per block.


>block size Average block size or block size limit? Anyway, suppose we know: * merge mining hash rate, * non-merge mining hash rate for each individual currency, * average energy per hash, * transaction rate for each currency. How do we compute energy per transaction for each individual currency?


>non-merge mining hash rate for each individual currency Just fyi - I ran a check yesterday after I saw your post. I checked 43200 blocks from height 5217397 backwards and only found **137 non auxpow blocks**. The method I used maybe isn't perfect (looked out for the nonce to be unequal to 0) but it gives a good impression how few non auxpow blocks are being mined. If you want to double check: Blocks I found: [https://pastebin.com/t4mUjb2v](https://pastebin.com/t4mUjb2v) Code I used: [https://github.com/nformant1/AuxPoWCheck/blob/main/checkBlocks.py](https://github.com/nformant1/AuxPoWCheck/blob/main/checkBlocks.py)


I have the full chain in a postgres database. I could try to run a query to see if I find something similar. I think checking nonce = 0 is good heuristic but will still miss some auxpow block. From memory you can check the block version to know if it or not a auxpow block see (https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Merged\_mining\_specification). I will give you exactly what need to be find in the version as I don't remember. It should give you more exact numbers. UPDATE: This is how you check if it is a auxpow block using the block version data : [https://github.com/cyber-coop/bitcoin-network/blob/main/src/block.rs#L86](https://github.com/cyber-coop/bitcoin-network/blob/main/src/block.rs#L86) (sorry it is in rust) You need to check (version & auxpowbit != 0) with auxpowbit = 0x100


Lol sorry those numbers are completely outdated and wrong


You're free to post your updated and correct numbers at any time you feel like it.


This is basically rubbish and an attempt to discredit POW. Look into it further before swallowing the propaganda.


It’s Elon, are we surprised. I don’t care what his tweets have done for DOGE, the man is a moron. I really wish this sub would stop the billionaire dick riding.


54.5% of Bitcoin is mined with clean energy. https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-mining-renewable-energy-transition https://www.iea.org/commentaries/bitcoin-energy-use-mined-the-gap


Manufacturing Tesla's batteries are more damaging than Bitcoin mining.


Dogecoin and Litecoin are both mined by the same proof of work algorithm. You can earn both coins with the same node.