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stuff like this amazes me honestly because personally i would rather push my car all the way home than ask a customer to give me money


That is peak human embarrassment you’re either a scammer or someone insanely desperate if you have to do this


I drive about 20km to get to my zone and I’ve had one super close call where when I stopped my car I had about 3/16 of a tank of gas but when I started it again not 5 min later it had less than 1/16 so I had to message them I was going to be late threw $20 worth of gas in finished the delivery than drove home lol


Drug addict. I was one.


I'm assuming from the "was" that you got clean, so congratulations to you! That is so freaking hard to do and I'm proud of you.


Thank you! I'll have 10 years on May 25th, which is the amount of time I was addicted to opiates. I finally feel free of all of it, but still understand why someone would beg for additional money like this. It's a hard life.


I have a tiny bit over one year sober from alcohol and that was hard enough, 10 years off opiates is AMAZING. I understand what you mean though, you can identify with those still struggling and you can see that it isn't the right path. (dialectics, thanks therapy lol!)


Staying away from alcohol is such an achievement. They don't sell roxys at every gas station, restaurant, and grocery store. I am so proud of you, as well.


Thank you so much, I truly appreciate that. :) It means a lot!


If they did sell roxys at each station, restaurant, and grocery store, then the black market monopoly on the drugs would be ruined, and the cost of the drugs would be cheap enough that people who use them could afford them instead of resorting to begging. Furthermore, if the drugs were readily available through lawful channels seeking support to end a chemical dependency may be much easier because it removes the fear of incarceration and softens the stigma society carries towards drug users.


“They don’t sell roxys at every gas station, restaurant and grocery store” You’ve never been to Kensington in Philly have you? 😆 On a serious note, congrats on your sobriety! 🙌


If I had lived in a big city, I would have definitely died, not just the wimpy little ODs I managed in my 100k pop town. Props to the people who can get clean with an open air drug market, fr




Also, so much drinking in movies and on TV.


Chiming in congratulations to you as well. I've stopped drinking countless times after my first attempt at cessation and until this current period of remission I'd managed more than five years alcohol free. I'm about six and a half years from last drink on December 1, 2016. The VA's homelessness and substance use program finally helped me put it down for good. Best of luck to you!


Proud of both of you tbh. Alcohol withdrawals are actually more lethal than opiates, I have a friend whose mother was eventually prescribed lithium to for her recovery. For a legal drug it's wrecked havoc meanwhile there are studies THC can help people with both opiates and alcohol addiction stay in active recovery. However they'd rather dump more money into big pharma. Both of you survived hellish experiences and stigma.


Yup, PSA for anyone with an alcohol addiction. DO NOT QUIT COLD TURKEY WITHOUT MEDICAL SUPERVISION I had no idea the havoc that would ensue because of this. Ended up in the hospital with a doctor who told me he was shocked I wasn't in a coma and hadn't had seizures. DTs are no joke. Horrifying experience. Keep on fighting my brothers and sisters ✊️ you may feel alone but there are tons of us fighting every day.


Thank you so much, and congratulations to you as well! The road to recovery can be one hell of a walk, but I am delighted that you're walking with me. I'm so glad that the program helped you also, we need to do more of that in this country. Sometimes people just need a hand to help them up. Best of luck to you as well, IWNDWYT friend. :)


Congrats! That’s awesome.


Thank you so much! :) Also, your username made me want pie lol


Lol thank you :) I love neon colors and Marionberry cheesecake pie is my favorite!


I have never even heard of a marionberry cheesecake pie before and now I NEED ONE.


That's freaking awesome! I just celebrated 9 yrs, after 11 yrs of hell. Keep it up!!! 💜💜💜


I love seeing fellow survivors in the wild!


Wow, congrats! 10 years is amazing! I just passed 3 in April and I know how hard it is!


Congrats! I’m so proud of you! You are amazing! I’ll be 2 years sober from opiates on Aug 24th and I’m so looking forward to my 10 year sobriety!


Congrats! That’s awesome. I have 7 years which is also about the same amount of time I was opiates.


Congratulations that is a hard habit to kick. Nothing but respect for that.


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too


Hello fellow recovering addict and fellow haydur.


Hey gorl, I hope you never ever choke on a potato.


Not a gorl but I do like me some potatoes. That's toes that look like potatoes. It's my kink.


Potatoes boil smash em Stick em in a stew


I love when gorl world bleeds into the rest of the world.


Yeppp recovering addict here, this is 100% addict behavior


For sure..Glad you're doing well.


also recovering addict, I'll have a year and a half in July off opiates 🥳 congratulations to all of you! I love to see everyone coming together off a random DoorDash post 💞💞


I'd have to go with desperate. If this was an intentional scam they'd be putting their job at risk which would create more problems than a successful scam could fix, and while they'd be putting themselves in the same situation if they were desperate it is exactly why they would try to do it if they were desperate. Of course, they might not be that bright and this completely could be a scam. So I suppose it comes to whatever the orderer decides.


Or you have no shame


This is taking advantage of gullible people, or simply asking another human being for money. Yeah it’s kinda a little sad, but they are still human beings at the end of the day, and I guarantee it’s worked before and landed them a couple extra $$s. This is a simple copy paste they send to everyone, even if 1/100 people send $20, that still $20 they never would have gotten, and the person who sent it most likely came from a place of wanting to help someone. In the end, is there was anyone to hate, it’s the people giving these fuckers money. If they never received any money and were simply called a free loading begger by everyone they asked, they would never do it again. Like why blame a stray cat for constantly coming up to your front door looking for food? Maybe blame your neighbors for feeding the cats over and over again til the point they will stop by every neighbor’s house everyday hoping for food, don’t blame the little thing just looking for some food. If you don’t want the little cats at your house, tell your neighbor to knock it off and inform them what they are doing, dont be mad at the cats and start planning your revenge against the said furry friends.


I mean I'd think to call or message a friend before this. Like hey can you PayPal me a 5 or 10 for gas? I'll pay you back as soon as my pay hits, thanks! Hell a lot of them would even tell me not to repay them. I get that may be a privilege not everyone has but if I was that low on gas I wouldn't do a dash...


I think the having friends part is the issue here.


Probably doesn’t pay them back


Probably has burned all those bridges.


I've had no money and like 1/4 tank of gas and gone dashing. Just stopped when i was just about out of gas and filled up. But I have the dasher direct card so it is automatically deposited onto that after a dash. But maybe this person doesn't have anyone they can ask. I have my boyfriend and 1 friend and neither of them usually have any money to spare. Same for myself. That's what happens when you live paycheck to paycheck.


I do the same, I'll get in as many dashes as I can, before I'm about to run out of gas, then I end the shift, and jump back on. I have the dasher card too, so it goes directly into my account after my dash is done. Uber eats goes in the account the second you make the money, so you dnt have to end your shift, which is nice, because I generally do like 8am-8pm, and I dnt have to end my shift in the middle of the day to get gas..I just couldn't imagine asking a stranger for money, it's not in me, I can't even ask my parents for money, let alone a stranger..


Exactly! I hate asking people for money. It took me 2 years of being separated from my ex husband before I took him for child support.


Yep, im a top dasher in my area so i do like 2 orders stop my dash restart it, pause it and then go put 10-15 in my tank and then back to work. Dasher Direct Card is a blessing. In between checks, it has put food on the table more than once


Or maybe this person is just trying to get free money, because like you said you can do a short dash and get the money on your dasher card! I'm sure they are lying about not getting paid till Monday!


Some people opt to not get the dasher card though. My boyfriend dashed for a couple months to make some extra money and he didn't. So he didn't get it till Mondays.


It's harder to find friends too when your living paycheck to paycheck because you're so stressed and trying to find ways to make that extra dollar.


Yeah I have a credit card specifically for emergencies like no money. It's a smart thing to have if you can control yourself to only use inn desperate times.


Yup. One time during a delivery I got a flat tire. I texted the customer about it and to let them know I was putting the spare on and will get it to them asap. I didn't beg for any money. They ended up adding 70 bucks onto the tip out of the kindness of their heart. Begging is so cringey.


I would barley be able to push my car.


I bet he sends it to every customer lol


I believe you are correct, try it on 10, get 4 hits, extra cash each day, easy money.


Until your account is deactivated. Then you make 0


It is not hard to make a new account. You used to be able to make as many as you wanted. Unless you get burned for something truly bad they can't keep track. You just have to figure out the system which most people have by now


Doesn’t it go by your social since you’re getting paid?


NGL, I consider myself a pretty good tipper but if I get a message like this that tip is going to be $0.


I don’t blame you I would too. As a driver, I would never do this.


As a teacher, I'd tell them the communication was inappropriate and then tip as usual.


You'll have already tipped by the time you see this message. If you take your tip back after the fact, Doordash eats the cost - the money is not taken back from the driver.


It’s a panhandler please report


I feel badly if this guy truly is underpaid and struggling that much to make ends meet but I did report because it’s an uncomfortable situation to deny someone money who has your food and is on the way to your house


Exactly and they know this and leverage it to get money out of you


we can literally cash out at any time and have the money go to our bank account for gas that minute. There are various methods to get enough for gas when it's an emergency.


This is exactly what I was wondering so thank you! So I guess the appropriate answer if someone tries to pull this would be, gee I’m sorry to hear that. You should sign up for dasher direct and you can cash out immediately.


2 parts to it. We can pay a fee for instant transfer to our bank. We can also get dasher direct where they put money on a card for us immediately.


Sadly mine takes a day to hit my account after cashout if I try and I've heard bad things about dasher direct.


Nah dasher direct is totally fine just move you’re money out of it when you get a chance. It’s not easy to deal with problems like false charges cause you have to go through DD support but it is instant and a lifesaver sometimes.


My dasher direct hits within 2 minutes of ending my dash. Been using it for 2 years..


Also if none of your other payment methods give cash back on gas its useful in that respect.


I’ve never had issue with mine. Always hits my account within like 30 seconds


Dasher Direct is awesome. Your money gets send when you end your dash and it’s there in 1-2 minutes. There have been times I was super low on gas so I did 1 order and ended my dash to use the $ I made for gas. I can’t really think of any reasons to not use dasher direct. You can even get cash back on gas (it’s only 2% unless there is some promo going on) and every little bit helps when you’re broke.


I've never heard an issue with dashernl direct.


Ya that depends on your bank. Some banks process those "instant pays" faster than others. They also typically charge you money to cash out early.


To double down on this they said they don’t get payed til Monday atleast where I live I don’t see the money til atleast tuesday cause it has to be verified by the bank and if there getting in Monday they have the select cashout (I don’t have it yet about 5 more days til I can)


Nah, we (drivers who don’t beg) need you to report them.


Except you did tip them. I’m a dasher and this is crazy. This is a very common scam. Don’t give these people any extra money.


We have the option to get our money instantly after a dash, we can pay $2.99 to have it deposited any day we want, or we can do weekly. He has access to his money if he’s that desperate. Don’t fall for it and don’t feel bad.


They can cash out the entire Doordash pay they have earned so far instantly for a $1.99 fee. (Instantly in their bank account)


Dasher Direct pays instantly after each delivery or shift, just whatever you choose and there isn't a fee.


All doordashers are underpaid if they are working outside of peak hours.


You 👏 don't 👏 beg 👏 customers 👏 for 👏 money You think you're getting food that you already overpaid for and tipped for and instead you get a parking lot panhandler. It's extremely inappropriate. Do waitresses go to your table at the end of the meal, see your tip, and then give you a guilt trip for more money? No. Report it every time.


He's underpaid, but that's some panhandler fuckery.


It's normal to be struggling that much as a door dasher. It comes with the perk of making your own schedual. Pros and cons.


No, he can take the money he made on your order and immediately use it to put gas in his tank. He does not have to wait until Monday to get paid. He can get his money out of DoorDash anytime he wants to. You tipped just fine for a 1.5 mile drive. But it’s not a big high, paying exciting order, it’s simply a decent appropriate one, so the new trend seems to be that if you send your customer a message and try to make them feel sorry for you they will send you the big bucks. I mean if you knew that this person really was in a desperate situation, and decided you want to help them out, you probably wouldn’t send them an extra $2 or $3, you might send $10 or $20. So anytime this little scam works They get a nice little chunk of cash on top of whatever they already made. Those drivers are making the rest of us look bad and they absolutely have to be reported immediately. so I’m glad to hear that you did that. Unfortunately I don’t know if DoorDash is actually doing anything about it. I have not heard of any drivers actually getting deactivated for this behavior, but it might be because the people doing it are not admitting to it. Would love to see them all get deactivated because I am so tired of seeing posts like this it really disgusts me.


He's a scammer. Don't feel bad for scammers; he doesn't feel bad for you


Looks like a sign someone would be holding on a street corner. Beggars are gonna beg no matter what.


On the same token I'm pretty tired of people ordering 100 dollars of sushi, me driving 10 miles away to their 4 bedroom 3 level nice ass lakeside house, finishing the order and seeing they tipped 0. I've never panhandled, but I've screamed a loud "FUCK YOU!" out my window before as I peeled off. I may have also dropped a box of cookies from knee height before while staring into a ring camera. Anytime I see someone living in a nice ass house, ordering something like crumble cookies or some other overly expensive fruity shit and not tipping the one who did the legwork it screams of someone who's never had to work for anything. I genuinely hope they're dissatisfied with ordering from door dash. 4.94 positive reviews btw. 3k dashes. Still employed. Fuck some of my so called "customers".


3k orders and you're still falling for the hidden tip? Or why would you take such trash orders? I haven't dashed in almost a year but I do order still and always leave a tip of minimum 8 bucks but usually 10-12 bucks.


It's because your acceptance rate goes down if you unassign orders. Your acceptance rate has to stay above 70% in order to be a candidate for top dasher and priority orders which are higher paying orders. Which allows you to make more money.


I am a dasher, and I think it is unethical to beg for money. If ever another dasher begs again to u,better call support and have the dasher block so that he/she won’t deliver to u again.


Some reason I read that as better call saul


Na he’s a bum, you can cash out your earnings everyday if you need. “Paycheck on Monday” TF outta here.


Could be a new driver. There's a threshold to do fsst pay, like 2 weeks and 30 deliveries, minimum when i used to dash.


No. Not a new driver. I've seen this same message before; word for word. Scammers are lazy f*ckers.


Doesn’t excuse him from asking a customer for money


Oh hell no, it's your own damn fault if you dont have gas money.


DoorDash requires gas


Fast pay was available immediately when I started dashing 4 months ago.


Mine comes on Tuesday, if I try to cash out it'll take an extra business day for my bank to process it.


Cyber Panhandler, please report them as They give us all a bad name. If this happens again, do not respond (pretend like you didnt see it) nor let them know what you're about to do next: just contact customer support as they can see the text messages. Get these beggars out of here. Now with that being said, I'm pretty sure I can speak for all of us when I say we definitely appreciate cash tips. If Your dasher does Is a great job or goes above and beyond, Then absolutely nothing wrong With slipping a few bucks under the rug for us. but at no time should you ever tip someone Extra just because they're begging you or giving you a sob story. it's a scam.


They give all us cyber panhandlers a bad name


I agree. On a side note, I ran out of gas and I don't get my paycheck until Monday. Could you spare me a dollar?


I can’t spare you a USD but i can spare you a shrute buck if that helps




Nah he just straight lying to you, we can cash out anytime and have access to funds. Please report this ebegging sack of shit.


Not so much a scam but scummy and uncool


Some dashers just act like this. I think it’s pretty embarrassing and I’d never do it. If I don’t think an order is enough money I don’t do it, I don’t beg the customer for more money.




YES! Hahaha!


Diabeetus. Barley.




I’m just gonna tell customer service about this if it ever happens to me. This is digital panhandling. It’s rude. You wouldn’t go to a restaurant and the waitstaff be all “ Hey I need gas money can you tip me a a little extra”


As someone who is dashing to make ends meet between paychecks - unprofessional. Absolutely no. I would never ask a customer for money, I would just be grateful for good tippers.


Yes. They can cash out at anytime


How is this not an instant ban on the platform


Well, unless they are riding a horse, they don't need barley for anything. However, that is a segment of the market that hasn't been tapped yet. Horse riding delivery persons.




You did nothing wrong. Reasonable offer for distance. This driver is just…. A panhandling asshole


It’s not a scam, it’s actually your dasher begging you for money. Digital panhandling. Dashers can cash out same day so he’s also lying.


Not a scam just begging and taking advantage of people or at least trying to.


It’s a scam because all he’d have to do is end the dash and he’d have money.


I would respond and basically tell them to fuck themselves and learn to budget


You can cash out multiple times a day with doordash. So this person was trying to get you to gove extra money


If you use fast pay it’s once per day, but the same point stands. They’re begging.


A scam? Lol, he’s being straight up and asking for more money.


Not likely. Most people dash because money is tight.


Yep and unfortunately $2 50 base doesn't help


Anything or anyone who asks for money is a scammer


Report them


This is gross and unprofessional. If you tipped or planned on tipping I’d take it tf back.


Please get these people fired


Once you've been dashing for a minute you have the option of daily payouts and if you have the dasher paycard it's pretty quick to hit your account. This whole 'I don't get paid until Monday and can't get gas unless you pay me more money' sounds like BS to me.


We’re all having a hard time, but this is not the time or place to ask for handouts. Unprofessional af.


So ever heard of credit cards?


Lol. My credit cards were always maxed out when I did doordash, since you make less than minimum wage.


I think this is the new scam, even thought it's just flat out begging everyone to see who will cave in and give and who will not. Before covid, people used to do this in person and come up to me with ELABORATE stories about why they needed money and would play the sad puppy, but all they were after was the next sucker who caved. Picture the same people pulling the "a nigerian prince wants to give you all his money, all we need is your bank account information to transfer the money ", scheme and YOU'RE just sitting amongst all the other people who fell for it. Just different generations of people running around and phishing! Unfortunately, an alarming number of people, especially older, fall for this foolishness and wind up finding out the hard way. Keep your money customers. If you tipped and the service was good and you want to add something after, (which can be done on most delivery platforms now), then by all means. Other than that, if asked by a dasher, i would report them immediately.


I barley have any money either tbh.


It's a scam as far as they're pretty much lying for extra tips. We have 2 different options to get paid daily, one can pay multiple times per day. There is no reason anyone has to wait for their weekly payout unless they choose too.




personally i would rather die than beg for money like this 🥶


This is why I don't do any delivery service except if the restaurant has it. I got along fine before all these services came about.


No it’s not a scam, just a beggar. Scammers will try and get you to buy them apple gift cards, or super expensive stuff and say that the app won’t let them tip that big, but they’ll pay you in cash or cashapp when you get there.


Those types of people are absolutely pathetic. Might as well just get some cardboard and stand on the corner…


If she has been dashing all day, she should have plenty of $$ for gas. I am a dasher and I would NEVER beg a customer for more money. Like tf is wrong with people? I hope u said no.


Lmao this is the same speech you get from a random beggar at the gas station.


I work in social services and a fair number of the recipients work as drivers, sometimes with their kids in the backseat (doing homework until they have enough $ for a motel room). They are living right on the edge. For this reason and others, I think people who don’t tip fairly (or generously if they can afford to) are awful. I don’t think it’s fair for a driver to ask a customer to bail them out, but I do think it might be a reflection of how desperate some of the drivers are.


I don’t think this is a scam because he had no intention of paying you back, just pulling on the heart strings to get a bigger tip. He could have an issue, could not, your call


Judging by this reddit, you would think every DoorDasher is panhandling.


It's not a scam but its tacky as hell.


Does everyone not have access to dasher direct? The debit card can be used instantly for gas with no withdrawal fee.


It's inappropriate, is what it is!


Yes!! Report them.


Not a scam, but this is 100% manipulative behavior. If I need extra cash for gas and I’m broke, I ask family/friends. I would never request money from a customer. This is so over the line to me. I would report this as it’s very inappropriate.


Dashers have the ability to cash out at anytime tho right?


Heres the problem when everyone says "it was only a 1.5m trip" u don't realize that amount of time that has to be spent to pick up your order. Most times we get orders that are short like that and since those things pop up randomly, we could be driving opposite directions then have to adjust. Most times we have to travel 10 mins to hat restaurant then get there wait anywhere from 5-12 mins for ur order then travel another 5-8 mins to you depending on traffic then park and bring to you. So honestly yes it's not much gas but time is rly wut the problem is. If we spend 25 mins picking up an order that only pays us 7-8 bucks ($2 dash pay,+$5 tip) it doesn't seem worth it and we just waste almost 30 mins for less than 10 bucks which could lead us to only be making 8-14 bucks an hour. So yes a bigger tip would be best especially if your privilege, have houses deep in wooded areas or big mansions. Have so much problems with those situations the most


I mean how is it a scam? When I think scam I think a customer is trying to sneakily get money from you. They’re pretty up front about it. They’re basically begging you for money, which obviously is out of line but it’s no scam


I don't have any addictions like that but I'm so proud of yall becoming sober and staying sober that drug life and drinking ran in my family from my grandparents to my parents so I get how hard it is. I'm so proud of all of you.


I've had to do this once. I had a valid reason but still asking for more tip felt weird. The customer put the wrong address on DD and didn't tell me until I was at drop-off. I was at the drop-off trying to find the customer only to get a call tell me the address is wrong and they will text me their new address.. I wasn't about to go to a whole new address, without extra tip. This wasn't, oh I enter the wrong address it's not 370, it's actually 310. The new address is about 10 minutes away.


Total scam. As a former DoorDasher, you can cash out everyday.


It's like your cashier at Target asking you for money for new work pants. This is so wild to me!!


They can literally take that money out whenever the fuck they want they're just choosing to wait til Monday. There's absolutely no reason someone wouldn't be able to do fast pay and eat the 1.99 to put some gas in the tank


Anyone who has more than 25 deliveries can cash out anytime. It is a scam, report them and move on.


People are such bums... like get a jo......o wait, they are literally working already ...smfh


That is completely inappropriate. Sounds like the words of a drug addict trying to get their next fix.


It's sad, but illustrative of a systemic issue being that Door Dash does not pay its contractors well. Most who I have talked to have to work insane hours just to scrape by.


Actually, dashers can cash out daily if they wish. So if gas is a daily issue, they can grind it out and pull out the days pay to get gas. This is a weak attempt to extract extra pity tips. 😕


He can cash out. Wtf


Man. I guess some folks have no shame.


Of course it’s a scam or general grifting


As a dasher, they should know you have the option to cash out every day. They don't have to wait until Monday. Smells like bullshit


Um doesn’t dasher direct let them get their money asap after finishing a dash???? Maybe they need that or maybe they are completely stupid and just simply panhandling LOL


Just trying to prey on your sympathies. Please report them.


But why did he just use his cash out I wonder also


I understand because dashing has been a shit show lately, but I also have some self respect.


I bet they still have weed though. Not your problem. Cancel the order and contact support for a refund.


All drivers who do this should be deactivated.


If you have a gallon or two of gas sitting around in a can, and don't mind giving it to them, offer that. If they decline, they probably didn't need really need any gas money.


This is just a technique piece of shit dasher use to get money.. I've been dashing since COVID.. they just gotta do their job period. Just my opinion. I'd never ask such a ridiculous request.


It’s a pure hustle


It’s the barely for me, good grief. At least get the spelling g right if you’re begging.


No scam, just a beggar.


Just end the dash and get paid?


Sounds like a fucking loser to me. "I've decided to deliver food via my car as an occupation, yet somehow I've forgotten that I need to pay for my fuel to supplement my "business" which is me driving my car to deliver food". What a peon thing to do. How are people not embarrassed of themselves to do this shit.


I can’t believe people are doing that! I could never! Ridiculous. Making other dashers look like trash.


These messages are so cringy, I would never ask for anything or try and guilt a customer, why is this happening so much?? If you accepted the trip then do the job and stop being so gross. 🙄


Tell them that they can get their paycheck instantly on the app.


Honestly doordash causes rough times. Although it takes nothing to set up dasherdirect and get payed instantly after every dash ends. So tell them nah..


> and get *paid* instantly after FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Charge your DAMN phone


I love seeing post like that because it's like you know what? I know for a fact I'm doing a good job. All I do is let people know that I'm on my way or that I'm waiting an extra long time for them or that their drink is not right, or that I'm outside waiting for them to bring their ass outside or I'm in the mall waiting for them to show up to a store that they say they work at I never asked for anything extra. Ever.


Report that fucktard.


Yes, it is a scam. I mean, if you are a dasher, do not help any customer or even a dasher because it's not your place. I am seeing a lot of posts about customers or even dashers who want money and do not do it. Look at what happened to that woman wanting a bigger tip, and she took the customers' food back. DOORDASH deactivated her account for treating the customer that way. Point is don't give in and do not give anyone money. If you think there is something going on and wrong, call DOORDASH and have them deactivate that dashers' account. I WOULD REPORT THAT DASHER BECAUSE HE/SHE IS BEGGING FOR MORE MONEY. IT IS NOT YOUR PLACE TO HELP WITH GAS. NO GAS DONT DASH ITS THAT SIMPLE. I used to DOORDASH, and what some of the dashers or even customers are doing is wrong.


If you can withdraw the tip and pay it in cash, it would be the same and he doesn't have to wait for the check.


Well he doesn't get that money right away he said he needed gas right now so kick in