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"Sure, a ten million dollar bill *would* be nice right about now, but surely the teachings of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, would provide much greater value than this bill represents. Please call 1-88-GODS-PLAN now, and your lust for financial stability will be forgiven."


Mormons: the first step to Jesus giving you financial stability is to give us 10% of your money :)


Try 30 to 40% with Christians and catholics. Really depends on the area. But here in alaska if you want to be in a nice looking church you will pay alot and be surrounded by the most judgmental people you will ever meet! I do flooring so iam around alot of different churches. They are all cults no matter what they say or do.


It makes it sound like it's a sin to be financially stable and not in debt 😂


This is the appropriate response 😂 a dose of their meds


“Have you heard the good word”? “The bird is the word”. Closes door.


Proselytizing is not an appropriate part of this transaction. Don't give 5 stars.


One Star it is!


One Star of David


Lmfao— I see it, don’t worry. You’re hilarious.




Great, then those organizations get to pay for the tip that I’m not gonna give them because of it.


I love this. Shabbot shalom 😌


Ouch. Yeah, this is embarrassing for the rest of us who do this "job" normally and humbly. I apologize on this brainwashed persons behalf.


1 star, report, no tip, maybe even ask to talk to someone about fucking firing his ass


I'd one star without hesitation.


Me too.


Instant report. Edit: I love God just as much as the next person but I'm not going to cram him down people's throats with a piece of paper. God gave free will, meaning people have the right to love or hate him, believe or disbelieve. It's not our place to try to convert people to god. I don't think that pairs with the definition of free will.


Christians in here acting like they wouldn't flip the fuck out if someone handed them a pamphlet by Richard Dawkins with their food. Wild for them to acting so holier than thou...


If somebody left a Wiccan blessing note, they’d accuse them of being a satanist.


As a Christian I would definitely not be okay with a Doordasher handing me a Richard Dawkins pamphlet, but I’m also not okay with handing out Christian pamphlets either. Don’t get me wrong, I think proselytizing has its time and place, but DoorDash isn’t it.


Thank you. In my opnion, this is the reasonable take. You practice your religion. I practice mine. We don't intrude on each other's faiths or beliefs unless the conversation starts naturally and proceeds with respect.








That’s every conservative. They flip out over cancel culture and then go cancel companies.


“Lol the left are so offended by every little thing that they protested losing!” “Hey, wanna burn down the capitol cause we lost?”


I'm not religious. But ppl can hand me a pamphlet on whatever they want..even if I don't agree.. I just throw it away or say no thank you.... Who cares lol You don't have to agree ..but you don't have to get offended either...


Christian here: I wouldn’t. I’d throw it away just like I would this pamphlet. It hurts literally nobody but might catch somebody on the day that they need it. This sub goes bonkers every time they see something like this and I don’t understand. Also, Richard Dawkins is a eugenicist who thinks Down syndrome alone is grounds for abortion, compared Islam to being a Nazi, and seems to be ableist and transphobic. Not sure he’s the model of virtue you think he is.


That driver needs the fake $20 bill that opens halfway and says "Disappointed? You won't be if you accept Jesus as your Lord and savior" as a tip.. Found that shit in the McDonald's parking lot as a broke teenager. I didn't deserve it, but this driver might..


I'd lower the tip amount if I got that.


Same. To zero.


On Doordash? 🤣


Yes. I don’t want or need to hear about your religion when I order food. If I wanted religion, I’d go to church


I asked because customers can't remove tips on delivered orders, not on Doordash at least. Customer service might be able to do it manually, but it doesn't change the driver's tipped amount.


Huh. I thought you could adjust it on your own. Guess I’d be calling customer service then 🤷🏼‍♀️


Even if you called customer service and got your tip refunded, they won't remove it from the driver at all. The best you can do here is a 1 star rating.


I have a feeling if this was a flyer for a pride parade a lot of these tolerant “Christians” would be singing a completely different tune about people suggesting reporting the dasher.


They’d call it grooming and would be all over Facebook.


The drag queens are turning the frogs gay!


Complain. That’s totally inappropriate.


Honestly, I think this would piss me off worse than if they were begging for an extra tip.


0 star review. Guy at work was leaving these on people’s desks. He was also corralling people into conference rooms during work hours and giving presentations on god. These people must be stopped


I’d hope your company put an end to that quickly?


I AM Christian ( Catholic) and Id be offended by this. Not appropriate at all. Im afraid she shouldnt get a high rating. As you say some people (who might have suffered abuse by the church for example) might be very upset by this.


1 star and report. They can do that somewhere else. And I'm a Christian. This kind of stuff is done solely for their own sanctimonious purposes.


I'd ding the dasher and potentially even complain to corporate. Your religious preference is not the business of any DoorDash driver (and a driver's religious preference is none of your business). It's inappropriate for a driver to proselytize like that.


How to make people hate you and your sky daddy fairy tales in 3 easy steps.


Step 1: the crusades


Report. Door dash isn’t the place to proselytise.


Rate 1 star. Don’t even feel bad about it. Delivery is not a place for ministry. I’m a survivor of religious trauma, 1 star her with no hesitation. She’s probably a Protestant too, so they force her into a kitchen and claim 1st Timothy means she’s only a servant. Don’t even feel bad about 1-starring her, my biggest stiffs (non-tippers) are Protestants, she wouldn’t show you the same mercy


You’d hate Northern Ireland so 😂


The cult never sleeps


Zero tip. Zero stars


Please report


This is wrong and extremely creepy. You need to absolutely report this to doordash. Inappropriate doesn't even begin to describe it.


Report his ass 😂 Idgaf bout your religious beliefs, drop that food bro


This is a fireable offense. I’d complain to corporate. They have no right to impose their religion onto you.


I report this every time. Fuck that. I don’t need any religious tracts with my food.


Report. Get him banned.


As a non-Christian and somebody who has doordash and frequently orders doordash I would absolutely report this person. There is no circumstance where it is appropriate to give someone else religious propaganda during a door Dash unless the customer asks for it and in this case you didn't so therefore I would report it because I wouldn't feel comfortable with somebody doing that to me in fact I'd be very offended


I say leave the stars where you feel they should be. I don't use delivery apps like this but if it's a possibility I'd put it down why and then block that person from delivering to me again. And also report them to doordash, as I'm sure it's against their rules to proselytize on company time.


Easy 1 star for me, you didn't ask for that, they sprung it on you, it's awkward, inconvenient and wasteful. I've been on a plane before where during boarding an old guy went to each of the 80 or so passengers with one of these. It was awkward and invasive for everyone and slowed boarding by probably 5 minutes. People shouldn't push their religion on those who don't express interest.


Honestly i would report them. That's not okay.


As a Roman Catholic, this is completely inappropriate for the setting. I am all for teaching and spreading the gospel, but not like this. Religion should (for the most part) stay out of the corporate setting especially in a setting like this.


Separation of church and steak.


There is no “for the most part” about it. You do your weird rituals in your own time, I’m not trying to hear about it while I am trying to make money to survive.


Ppl used to do that a lot when I was a cashier. "Do you believe that Jesus is Lord?" Like ma'am get out of my line.


Oh saaaaaaame. Like ma'am, I have four coffee makers to clean, take your Virginia Slims and bounce.


Ugh report that shit


I would keep it and rate them 5 stars. Then again, I collect religious pamphlets to use in homoerotic art. To each their own 🤷‍♀️


That's hilarious 😂


Happy cake day!


😂 you are amazing




Is there a location where one might view said art? Because that sounds delightful.


The way I would’ve called, refunded my tip and complained. My door has a sign that strictly says please don’t solicit your religion, I am not interested.


Ah yes downvote me. You Christian’s love to shove your religion in peoples faces then get offended when we don’t want it. God isn’t real ❤️👹




That Doordash Driver is a saint. They gave you a napkin.


Report the driver


Service workers don't deserve automatic 5 stars because you "also understand the struggle"


Yikes. Reminds me of a time where I was returning a rental car and while the rest of the experience was great given the circumstances (someone had sent my assigned car home with someone else the night before my rental began, and thankfully manager got to me before i could worry about having to be rude because i hate complaining to employees, and gave me an upgrade for free) the lady getting me checked in for return gave me a business card about the satisfaction survey and it had a bible verse written on it. Rubbed me the wrong way, because I did not ask for that. "Have a blessed day" would be fine but idk, I didn't like scripture directly being referenced on the card.


Not only should you not be giving her a 5-star rating, but you should be reporting this.


As a very Liberal Episcopalian I can relate to this. I would not appreciate a Conservative Fundamentalist tract like this either. I can wholly sympathize with a non theist reaction. No Jew or Muslim would appreciate this either. This is essentially a note telling you “enjoy your meal, filthy sinner”. It is a gross violation of basic etiquette. Waiters are supposed to place the bill face down so you can properly enjoy your food. This should be the same social agreement: No proselytizing. It is not a complex issue. This is plainly, and inexcusably rude. The person deserves a bad review, and you should have a clear conscience about this.


Easy report.


Abso-fucking-lutely not. I'd report that shit immediately. You want grub, not proselytizing.


I'd report it. I am a Christian, and that is exactly why I would report it. Doing preaching shit like this is what makes people believe anyone who believes in a higher entity is a nutjob. Pushing religion through unrelated things is unnecessary and does more harm than good.


I would’ve canceled the tip after receiving that 😂


Y’all are crazy. I read this and instantly converted to Christianity 🙃 /s. Blessed be the fruit!




Hello DD support?


oh hell no.


1 star for stuff like this


1 star


Report. Didn't ask for a pamphlet with the order.




I had some dasher do this. It also did not appear in the photo they took even though it was under the food so they knew they shouldnt be doing it. Was pretty annoying


Lol this is hilarious. I’m of a different religion and I would probably throw it in the bin or make a paper airplane or something out of it.


Read it


Absolutely report them. It’s a food delivery service, not a way for them to feel evangelical


They brought you food AND toilet paper, how kind of them!


There's nothing Christians won't try to ruin. Give them 1 star and know you are making the world a better place.


Roll it up and use it for snorting cocaine


Omg they are infiltrating delivery services now….


I'd leave a 1 star review. Not acceptable at all imo.




Nice! Fire kindling!


Hand them one of the fake bills that those assholes hand out as a tip. Two can play at this game.


I would have been like “hey you dropped this….YOU DROPPED THIS!!!!!” Religion is like a dick. No one wants to see it in public


Report this asshole.


1 ⭐️


This is highly inappropriate, if it violates Doordash terms of service id report. Like you said I feel so bad for anyone with religious trauma who receives that.




Instant no tip and file a complaint


1 star and report them. The hell with people dumping that shit on others.


Thats a 1 star. I find anyone that is religious to the point of handing pamphlets out a nut job. Anyone that openly tries to push religion onto me is considered mentally ill and weird in my eyes. Fuck those people.


As a dasher id straight report that and everything but that's just me I can't stand people pushing religion on others especially when I'm just trying to eat


Remove tip. File complaint. I don’t want your indoctrination pamphlet.


Instant 1 star review


Report that shit.


1 star. That’s an automatic 1 star from me.




Stop the indoctrinating. Keep your cult off my delivery


Hell no. I’d be reporting that bullshit


I would have a hard time not dinging the dasher. Maybe not a 1, probably a 3 though. I don’t pay for proselytizing.


I would report this dasher. It's totally inappropriate


Report him/her.


Report them.


Reported if I get that. I'm not paying you to spread your faith. I'm paying you to give me my food I already paid for. Drop the food without any "add-ons" and leave. It's not hard


Report them for solicitation and feeling threatened. This shit should be grounds enough for deactivation.


So inappropriate. Take action


Report it


I’m a christian and i would complain


Next time he does that, tell him. I'm from (insert) religion. Thank you for your understanding.


report them. to door dash.


I'm honestly surprised it doesn't happen more. Delivery driving seems an easy way for religious folks to evangelize/spread propaganda, especially people like jehovahs witnesses or evangelical fundamentalists.


My advice is to report the driver


Ew. Report that.


I would have removed the tip from the order and told him GTFOH


“Rolling papers, score!” (Door slam)


Shoulda lit it on fire in front of em


Retract the tip or give it back as a tip


Hell no. Idc what religion. I don’t care what’s on the pamphlet. Honestly I ordered food, that’s all I want and nothing else. 🙂


So annoying.


One star Amen !


I guess JWs are dashing now.


Well time to get out the guillotine. So tired of these religious fucks


I read that as “a biblical guide to salivation” and was very confused


How was the pho?


Just words on a piece of paper. Throw it away, move on with your life, and pick up your own food next time


Damn 😂😂 TIL people fucking hate Christians


Sounds like u got lucky after reading sum of these stories. Would u rather have ur dasher A. Give biblical guide B. Give rapey vibes C. hit on ur girlfriend D. Hold food hostage for bigger tip E. All of the above


I would just throw it away if I didn’t want it. Not a big deal.


Most of Youse have no god


Yum! Pho!


If your Door Dasher gave you a pamphlet for any organized religious group that wasn't Christian would this even be a question? It's the unwanted proselytizing, not the tenets of the faith. "Thanks for eating with KFC, if you want to save your soul from eternal damnation just pay this group of people some money and tell everybody else to join too!"


I really wouldn't have given it a second thought. I would have rolled my eyes and placed it in the recycle bin. He/she thinks she's doing something good, and it's relatively innocuous. With everything else going on in the world, it's not worth dwelling on. I wouldn't knock off a star for it.


Imagine if atheists did this🙃


It's great! Why not read it and take it to heart? Actually, it's the single most important thing you could ever do


Of all the things a doordash driver could do, this doesn't register. "Oh, no! The delivery guy wants salvation and eternal life for my soul! Literally Hitler. Just spit on my food next time, bigot."


Why worry about it? What would your response be if it was a happy pride month pamphlet or suicide hotline card. To her she is standing up in her little way and trying to make the world a better place. Take it for what it is she is just trying to share where she found happiness. Throw it away if you want. Sure you can get all triggered and turn it into something evil but that is on you.


Yeah, it would get a COMPLETELY different reaction if it was a BLM card or something 😂


Very true.


Throw it away. Next time if you have the same person, tell her you're not interested in Christianity. Rate her on the food delivery.


I'd rather get one of these that I can throw away than one of those stupid tip manifestos that tells me to zelle someone extra money. I'd blow it off. Reporting it feels pretty Karen-ish. Don't report stuff because you think someone might be offended, let the people who are offended take care of themselves.


Jesus - the effort to post about something so mundane is insane. Post five stars and leave a comment about the pamphlet. Do the majority of Redditors have zero clue how to function on society without "checking in" first? Your generation is fucked.


How was the pho?


Read it or throw it away. People are just trying to help others through their religion, whatever it is. Take it as a compliment that he wishes you well, even if you disagree with their views. God doesn't have to exist for us to appreciate good will from others, no matter how bible thumpy and annoying it might be.


Honestly, I wouldn’t mind to get a tract or other religious pamphlet in my order. First, the deliverer believes that’s an important part of his day. I think it’s just kind to let him do his thing. That being said, it works both ways, if I got a flyer that was truly offensive, I should allow him the same curtesy of accepting it though I might burn it. Just as when I was a kid, my elders treated anyone who stopped by. Even the most annoying. Our 125lb watch dog would just come out of know where and sit quietly. That got the annoying ones gone. As we used to say… Ain’t nothing but a thing.


I would still give 5 stars if you always do, throw away the paper if Yu don’t want it. Like anything else Yu don’t care to have. Yu think it might have made someone upset but to someone else it might have saved their life. If it doesn’t bother you don’t make it an issue.


Idk, just ask yourself what you’d do if the dasher handed you a “salvation” slip to any other religion. If you would react the same way to Islam, Hindu, Scientology, Mormonism, etc. then yeah, take away the tip. But if you react that was just because they’re Christian’s, then leave the tip. Christian’s are getting treated like crap lately while other legitimate extremist religions are “free to practice”


Some people in this post: does me shuving my imaginary sky daddy stories down your throat TRIGGER YOU ?


It's not cool, at all OP, to just hand it to you while on the job. When I did that kind of thing, on my own time, I literally asked. "May I give this to you?" Had people decline alot, but it's their choice, and I respected that.


Hey since you are already going to be shoving things down your throat, figured id add my opinion to the order. Thats harassment. Should be fired


1 star


This does seem like an actual concern that may have actually happened. Those religion freaks are the worst. At least consider reporting the driver to DoorDash, if not the authorities.


Why the authorities? It's not a crime.


I would give them a fair rating based off of their service, but I would report the pamphlet. Whether it’s Christian, some other religion, or possibly some wacky manifesto, they have no business distributing other materials while doing DoorDash business.


I would have eaten it in front of them


Either don’t rate them or rate them whatever you feel proper (if one star then do so) Edit: this is coming from someone who is Christian. Imagine if instead of them giving you something religious w your order they gave you a flyer/pamphlet on why Ron DeSantis or Joe Biden is worthy of being president (whichever side you’re on). Same principle.


Report that shit, she needs to lose her job.


Nice he provided a napkin


Report it. Unrelated, how was the bowl of Pho?


Ugh, that shit pisses me off, I mean I wouldn't take my tip back or anything, but that's just offensive. You dnt knw what religion the customer is, wonder how the driver would like a devil card dropped off with their food..Religion is a touchy subject.


Christian here. This is one of the few things that I would give a one-star rating to. Unsolicited prostilyzation is never okay.


I’d report. Borderline harassment


Report! Id do that in a heart beat if i got propaganda in my food


As someone with religious trauma that was made to hand these out as a child, I would give a low rating and possibly report (idk if there's a reportable reason but I'd at least look)


One star that dumb fuck


Instant 1 star and report. I dont give a fuck if its the hottest fastest delivery I've ever received jesus shit equals fuck yo job


super unacceptable. one star rating & report- make sure this guy knows you can’t do shit like this.


Instant negative review