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Uber needs to redo package delivery so you can only pick up from verified businesses. If it's not this, it's getting pulled over for being an accidental drug mule.


I 100% agree with you. You can be a drug mule on food delivery orders too. But this is downright tragic. The woman could hardly even walk right and this man shot her out of fear and suspicion. I live in Ohio and love that we have castle law… but this guy just made his own rules on how it works. I feel so bad for her family and friends. Makes me a little more uneasy about gig work.


Guys like this are the reason why I carry. I mean to be realistic, if you have a gun drawn on you like in the picture there is nothing you can do. Any advantage you had has been lost. If anything looks sketchy or unsafe I call support. It is a scary world out there and it’s only getting worse as people are starting to get more scared of each other.


I wouldn't say nothing. You'd have to be damn lucky and act quick but the possibility of physically overcoming a gunman isn't far-fetched.


You'd be amazed how quickly a decently healthy human can close 15 ft.


The thing I don’t understand about people paying for package pickup is that most places (I know for sure usps) does package pickup for free


If someone wants a parcel to go from one place to another RIGHT NOW a courier is the best way.


Can't be that often but I'm sure if youve got thousands of orders delivered some of em had drugs in em.


It depends on what you’re delivering and where you live. I doubt the fast food workers I encounter are selling drugs. But these services where random people can send packages through random people are definitely perfect for sending drugs. When I was a kid I would send large quantities of weed through the local taxi service.


The fast food workers who vibe like drug dealers are my favorite people though.


Every package I get is literally drugs. Mostly weed. I could always smell it lol. I don't do package deliveries anymore unless totally worth it. Usually the pay is extremely low anyway


You got that right


He murdered her. Chased to the car and shot her without calling the police.


He absolutely did.


And took her phone out of her hand


What the f!!!!


And he still got bail. What the actual fuck????


I’m sorry what?????


The article says he posted bail and is out.


It was a tragic thing to see. In my state and not sure of other states, but if a person is retreating, they are no longer a threat. I didn't say that the lady was a threat but I'm speaking in general.


This is SO sad. I saw this on the news last night and cried after seeing the dashcam footage. This poor lady was begging for her life and was walking backward when he shot her a bunch of times. I hope he spends the rest of his miserable existence rotting in jail. And the scammer who set all of this up needs a life sentence!


I just went and found another video on it. It’s so sad. I do hope they don’t go too lenient on him. Everyone has a right to own a gun as long as they show they exercise good judgment with the intent to use it. This was by no means good judgment.


In my state, you have to re-take a driving test at 65 to continue to be able to drive. They need to do the same with gun ownership. Prove mental stability and the ability to use good judgement. Yeah, a pipe dream that's not enforceable really, but this guy would have failed that test.


Then you'd like the gun laws in japan


Except that’s not the rule for owning a gun. Gun owning as a right is a stupid and reckless concept. It should be a privilege just like owning/operating a car. The gun should be registered, the owner should be trained and licensed, and should have to renew that license (with vision, mental health, safety checks, etc)


I don’t believe anyone has the right to own a weapon capable of mass murder without proper training and mental health certification. All of these shitheads just prove the point.


Because a 6 shot revolver is a weapon capable of "mass murder", I think the guy could've had better judgement for sure. But the Gun wasn't the problem here


The gun was certainly a very critical component of the problem. It made killing extremely easy for this person. It makes killing too easy for *a lot* of people in this country.


If he didn’t have access to a gun this wouldn’t have happened either.


You're the epitome of speaking out of ignorance. Because I know you do the work yourself, here's the link describing the legal definition of mass shooting. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_shooting Just in case you don't wanna read two paragraphs, the "Investigative Assistant for Violent Crimes Act of 2012 defines mass killings as three or more killings in a single event. So yes, the gun was the problem. Without it, the geriatric killer wouldn't have been able to stalk and murder an innocent woman regardless of desire or intent to do so.


The gun is never the problem, it’s the finger on the trigger. And there are nowhere near enough laws ensuring those fingers are fit to have a weapon. And yes. 6 bullets can kill 6 people. That is mass murder. Injuries to 3 or more people is a mass shooting.


Unfortunately nearly every person with fingers can purchase a firearm.


Very unfortunately. At the expense of thousands of lives. I tried to add up the number of people killed in mass shootings a couple of years ago and couldn’t keep count that high. Insanity.


And there’s more guns than fingers in the US


Pretty sure he didn’t kill her with words, or by throwing a shoe at her. Looks like it was with a gun


True. You don't blame the gun, but the idiot who fired it.


Look at gun violence rates in the us vs any country that has stricter gun laws / no guns


Thats why america has the worst gun problem On the planet, totally


I agree. The guns aren't the problem but the gun laws in US that provide guns to anyone who wants them. Life is much easier in Europe


The fact that its a revolver makes it even more evident it was intentional to keep firing


Not sure how. Either way you have to pull a trigger for each round.


It looks like the kind you need to pull the hammer back every time is what I mean


Most current revolvers don’t work like that. Only in old western movies. Old western “single action” revolvers require the hammer cock. Current “double action” revolvers the hammer goes back and releases in one pull of the trigger. What he did was still inexcusable, heartless, and tragic.


Oh ik. But i mean you see how old this monster is? That thing looks like a relic from 1900


It is definitely vintage!


So will he once he dies after rotting in prison


We have a pretty aggressive death penalty law here in Ohio. I’m normally against it but hope that they use it on this guy.


People will sympathize because he is an old man, but I pray he suffers. I agree with you wholeheartedly.


He wouldn't live long enough for it to be met out. He'd die in prison waiting for the system to dot its i's in his execution.


Me too.


Judging by how old he is that won’t be too long.


Max sentence for this disgusting scumbag. I’m all for the 2nd amendment but this guy just started blasting her for no reason and she was unarmed. That’s crazy.


He wanted any excuse to murder her, because he just *wanted* to kill her. Wouldn’t surprise me if he’s racist or has severe racial bias.


The man only had a few years left on this earth. So 5 years in prison would be the max because he would be dead by then. 😋


2nd amendment does more harm than good. It just gives cowards like this man a way to kill someone because he was inconvenienced and afraid


Disgusting old man


Why do some of the shittiest people make it this far?


He looks a bit proud in his mugshot to have just killed an innocent woman.




You were, in our opinion, trolling.


once they turn 80 they get that don't have anything to lose attitude and shoot anything


This. And they’ll shoot people trying to help them with medical treatment too. Elderly people absolutely should not have loaded weapons accessible without supervision.


Recently there were a bunch of news stories about people being shot for approaching the wrong door or pulling into a wrong driveway and I always worry about Doordash drivers accidentally walking up to the wrong door looking for an address. Now we've got a new worry for the drivers.


I just saw another thread where someone suggested ordering Ubers to a neighboring house so the driver “wouldn’t know where you live” and this was exactly my thought as a driver. The last thing I want is to show up to some random persons house.


Or here’s a good idea…don’t let 80 year old senile people keep the right to possess a handgun and require mental health checks once we reach a certain age for both handguns and driver licenses?


That old man shoudlnt of had a handgun


Idk about guns, but that thing looked OLD lol


He had that shit for like 60 years lmao


But this 80 year old man needs his 2A rights so that incase the evil commies ever invade America, we can call upon him to help defend our nation.


YES LIKE ACTUALLY!!…. All research points to an unavoidable and definite cognitive decline after reaching the age of 80. It should be law that you re-certify licenses for guns or driving every year. It’s for the best interest of everyone.


You don’t need a license to have a gun in Ohio. You only need a license to conceal carry. Ohio is an open carry state. Strap it to you hip, your shoulder, as long as it’s not hidden by anything you can wear/carry it nearly anywhere.


That is fucking insanity.


Imagine yourself working at a gas station, being a female, alone, 3rd shift and not aware of this law and someone comes in with a revolver strapped to their hip. That was my first encounter with someone exercising their right. My only protection, a little button alarm posted just near enough to my register. lol I didn’t push it. I did inquire, since he wasn’t showing signs of being a threat. He educated me a little on it. Later that night a cop came in and I spoke to him about it too. He said very nonchalantly, yeahhhh you can carry openly here. We get several calls a week about this guy that walks up and down the main roads with a rifle strapped to his back. He’s not bothering anyone with it, just walking, exercising his rights and his legs.


America is really like living in a video game. Jesus Christ. Although that’s exactly part of the problem. So many people think they live in the Wild West.


Same with Indiana. You only need a license to carry concealed. Aaaaand we have a lifetime permit.


This is horrible. But, it just reinforces that Uber Connect orders are bad, always. If not drugs, now they can get you killed when someone tries to scam a crazy old man. And before anyone says "oh you don't know his mental state..." he murdered a woman for coming to his driveway. That's insane no matter the circumstances of why she was there.


He took her phone went after her and gunned her down. The video was traumatic to hear. God bless her family


And of course he’s already out on bond with a murder charge


Of course he is. This whole story is insane.


$200,000 is the price to commit murder and be able to walk out of jail the next day, apparently.


Hopefully Uber will be sued as part of an inevitable criminal and civil suit.


You would think after all these innocent people getting murdered for doing a job. That some type of regulations would be getting put into place for these gig apps. How many people have to get murdered before the government steps in?


That's murder. Cut and dry.


It absolutely is.


I hope he gets his dick shot off like I understand his frustration but you cannot react like that and just assume she knows what’s going on if you feel your being scammed call the police and do not give into the demands fucking dumb ass hole


Another comment mentioned the scammer threatened his life.


Another comment mentioned the scammer threatened his life.


The sickest thing about this to me is that he was let out on a $200k bond 🥲 I live pretty close to where this happened.


Omg!! That woman can barely walk and is so scared. She was just trying to make some money 😢 In what universe is she a threat. What type of person feels ok shooting someone who was unarmed and clearly scared and had no idea what was going on … he is just plain evil!


I was thinking about that in the shower…. Shower thoughts Like this woman probably retired, just doing this gig to make a little extra since social security doesn’t pay much. Got this order and probably thought… let me go make this lil $4 (or whatever the rate is for a package pick-up) and lost her damn life over it. She could have been doing it to get her little grand kids a little something special. Or doing it for her gift money… just anything. I built a 100 reasons why she was doing delivery service… and whatever she was doing it for, she can’t now. He ended her life, her plans, her memories, her memories to come, all out of stupidity.


I cried when I saw the video. This is just so heart breaking. This is something you wouldn’t expect out of doing a simple odd job. This is so tragic.


It really is


Lock him up. Full stop.


Hoping he takes his last breath behind bars. That poor lady.




Lock him away for the rest of his 3 days left. What an absolute idiot.


I ride with my husband while he dashes for this very reason. So sad 😞


If you were in that situation the both of you could have ended up dead.


True enough. I'm still going. Package deal. Plus, we have protection. We're good.


But would you use it on a senile old man? Maybe after he shoots first but prior to that you'd be trying to deescalate and he's not having any of it thinking you're both scammers, he'll just start shooting.


Hell to the naw I don’t care if you’re 15 or 75 the moment you point it at me I’m lighting you up if at all possible


Not a gun owner but this is probably why. Yea, I would absolutely put rabid grandpa down, fuck that.


Haha… rabid grandpa- He was freaked out too- Can you imagine the voices in his senile head?- Some piss ant on the phone convincing him someones coming in an uber and the uber shows up? The fact that both of them were old and got played is terrible 😕


If the choice is between my husband and anyone else, there really isn't a choice. He was more mobile than the woman he shot and I'm betting they were close to the same age. I'm choosing my husband every time. Having a gun is an invitation for someone to shoot you. Pull one out, expect shooting or to get shot even if you pulled first. He started at 60 for no reason on her. I understand that man had been being harassed all morning, that's awful. But he had zero right or justification to shoot at her. If she was my mom and I was riding, I'm popping first, questions later.


How about the scammer who sent her there also going down for murder?


They’re looking for them. What I saw is “they traced the call from Canada and is likely a burner phone”


They'll never find him. I hope I'm proven wrong but multinational investigations are too much work for American cops


They’re too much work for any law enforcement… and the lack of everything when it’s not happening on their soil.


Nah the FBI and CSIS are definitely going to nail this guy and hes going to federal US prison. This isnt a credit card scam, he got someone killed.


Doubt. Its just a small scam, govt doesnt care about it at all and it's not like putting the scammer in jail will save more lives, since senile old people killing uber drivers sent by scammers isnt a recurring issue. In reality, it's a waste of govt resources regardless of how tragic the situation is. Probably nearly impossible to catch the person anyways if they have half a brain


Its not a small scam, it’s a murder lmao. And just because a problem/crime is novel doesnt mean police organizations have no incentive to pursue the criminal


I follow scam baiters whose job is basically calling and harassing these people long enough to keep them from scamming and most of the time, they are not based in America so there’s not a lot we can do.


Jesus christ


Another crazy old bastard with a gun. Heard the voice clip from an interview with him saying he thought his life was at risk, I find that hard to believe when all that happened was a confused 60 year old woman arrived at his house. These paranoid geriatrics should all be in homes, not owning guns and murdering civilians because their remaining 6 months on earth was ‘threatened’.


If he thought his life was at risk, he wouldn’t have been following her out to her car…. But that’s what he said before he knew there was video evidence of him doing what he did. It’s a fucking tragic story the way this woman’s life ended.


Uber has a huge problem


May he rot in hell.


There is a dasher that went missing in Chicago. I haven’t seen an update yet. I hope they find the young man safe. He’s only 24! He dropped his mom off and hasn’t been heard from since.


Elijah Okunola


That’s so scary. I hope he is safe.


Oh shit this was all over the news other day. I was in a diner in the town taking a break from my route. He shot her three times, not like 3 at once but he shot and then argued and shot etc.. Crazy old fucker is gonna die in prison now


As a dasher, the is why my family gifted me with protection. Sooo unfortunate, unfair, unnecessary. Praying for her family 😢


Another example of guns not helping any situation.


There will be plenty of gun nuts on this guy's side. Saying the situation is "fake" and this is a "crisis actor" on Faux News comments.


Yep and this is near my area.


It’s about 2 hours from me.


Guys plz stay safe...


Most of us don’t “multi app” what’s that doing a lot of different services?




Most of us do, actually


Probably a customer. Not understanding the term “us” was meant for gig drivers. Or a newbie.


I've done 3 or 4 packages pickups for DD, never paid great, and I only took them because it was the same house all 3 times and it's a neighbor kinda .. still felt sketchy as hell and was waiting to have a neighbor come out and say something... I stopped just because it was stressful, glad I did.


Right. Like what if a neighbor thinks you’re stealing a package and not doing a package pickup and is trigger happy like this? It sucks we have to think like this.


Stay safe.


This isn't just with packages. Stalkers love to send stuff to people to get to them and I've had people mad at me before over it. I've also had this happen for normal pizza ship delivery where they will order food and demand the person give info to you, and then them over the phone to have it paid for. A lot of scammers are abusing the platforms, so you need to protect yourself. This poor lady didn't deserve this.


These types of orders/deliveries on Ubereats and Doordash should be illegal and here is one reason why.


Very true. Like USPS, FedEx, UPS, DHL (in some areas) isn’t enough? Forgot to mention: Amazon drivers in combination with Flex drivers.


It's all potentially dangerous but private package pick up and delivery WILL involve drug trafficking


Or as we see, potential unsuspecting scammer mules.


I need old white men to stop watching Clint Eastwood movies, this is at least the third shooting like this in a year and that’s just off the top of my head


it’s insane bc I’m around the area that happened at. if the pay was decent enough might just have been me out there. thank god it wasn’t


Well... now there is a family member in jail.


Ohhhhh no he's out on bail. For murdering a 60 year old woman.


There sure is.


This story blows my mind- next level BS has arrived. Companies need to solve this ASAP…




That is terrible


Smh what a piece of shit human


America and their guns again. RIP to this poor innocent woman.


Let him rot in prison for the last few pathetic years he has left Probably was more aggressive because shes black.


Recently in my area I go to an apartment complex for time to time. And this weekend there was a man that went on top of his roof (10pm) and had a rifle shooting about 30 shots. Luckily there was no injuries but I think they later found more guns in his apartment inside.


Was he actually shooting at people? Shooting 30 shots and making 0 hits makes me think he was shooting at bats or something. Either way I am sure there are laws to shooting within city limits /public spaces. Pretty scary situation to live near. I moved to an apartment in my mid/late-20s it was a really rough area but the rent was cheap and close to my bus to get to work. There was like a fenced area to the apartment on the block and my apartment overlooked their courtyard area. First week I get there, some kid got shot. I don’t know how many times he got hit, but there were 5 shots and I heard him hit the ground like a sack of potatoes. Called 911 and kept having to yell out to him to not get up and that the ambulance was coming. That was a pretty scary experience. He was still alive when they took him but I don’t know what’s ever come of him.


I don’t know what he was shooting at but he was at the roof top I guess just shooting his rifle at the air. This was Los Angeles too a pretty rich neighborhood, nice area and all so i didn’t believe it at first. But you can look it up on X they have someone recording him shooting, look up Marina del Rey shooting.


Shooting at something, in no way means you’ll hit the target. My first time at the range - i got 1/30 shots on the target and it was only about ten feet away.


Oh boy. Sounds like you need some practice. I used to shoot at the gun range with my ex. Never hit another target but my own and would keep the target mid range or full length.


no one is saying who and where is the scammer who sent her in the first place.


It was in some later articles. They were actually actively calling the house while the police were doing their investigation. The police actually spoke to the scammers and tried to arrange a meet up, which naturally the scammer never showed up to. The police did a trace on the call, which lead back to Canada, and was likely a burner phone. Here is from 1 day ago: https://youtu.be/EHhxbioBnro?si=jpR1TdiwkB9MZrb_


Fuck this old guy. This is why I always carried when I delivered for DoorDash


If the businesses is not massive like Walmart decline it for safety reasons. My safety is not for sale at any price. And anyone that forces that any of these companies gets sued all parties. We need to protest this by the millions of drivers. Safety First


That’s crazy


Yes please. This is scary. It's a terrible situation. I seen the storey about what happened. Tragic. Forget these scammers people. Pure trash. This lady lost her life and this old man will now die in a prison.


Never forget scammer started this


What a useless pile of dirt this scummy old man is. I’m excited to see his senile ass in a STATE prison FOR LIFE so he can spend the rest of his short and miserable life locked in a cell, dying, away from everyone and everything he’s ever loved. I hope he stares at that concrete ceiling above him, knowing that he’s fading away in a cold, miserable, concrete bunker where nobody cares enough to say goodbye. And then I hope he faces God for judgment. And that he NEVER, EVER FORGETS that this is what he deserves for shooting an innocent woman. RIP to the victim. Horrible tragedy.




Just one more. That's how it starts. That's how it *always starts.*


Humanity is screwed!


Gotta love the Ohio residents arresting cops…


The US needs to rid of its sickness with guns.


Grandpa having a "mental health episode" 😩


I hope that guy dies in prison.


He defiantly needs to be held accountable for his actions. Anyone that uses lethal force better be sure they’re standing on the right side of the law when they do. This woman would still be alive if he did what he should have done.


Yet everyday I read tons of fantasies from geriatrics on Nextdoor hyped up on Fox News & drooling at the mouth waiting for the opportunity to “righteously exercise their right to defend their property” from pranking teenagers & delivery drivers looking for the right address. Our country has fallen into insane madness.


Dude is straight out of the KKK


that's fxxking racisms. specially old white people.


I hope they throw the book at this guy


He needs to spend the rest of his short life in prison.


He needs to be skinned from his feet up because he's a racist murderer.


how much you wanna bet he hasn’t seen his grandkids?


This is the problem in America , people who kill innocent people are afraid of themselves, they think they see people as dangerous killers but they only thinking about themselves. If you know then you’ll get what I mean, it’s an illusion in his mind this whole time he’s been thinking about himself but he was putting it on someone else. Who’s the real killer the delivery driver or the man with the gun ? Obviously the man with the gun it’s all in his head and I hope people realize self awareness before they commit a regrettable foolish mistake that even God won’t forgive . Unless u reprent and never do it again but Hell Is COMFIRMED for killers , hell on earth and the after.


The news media is already preparing you for the fact that they are going to let that old man go. They are already talking about his side of things, of course her side of things are not going to be heard because she's dead. Kind of like trayvon martin. They are already gearing you up for the idea of saying that he was just a simple misled person like anyone could be. And he is an old man who was easily misled and how we should protect ourselves from scammers better. Then they are going to claim that they cannot find the scammer So then they can walk away from a dead black person. Because there's no way they're going to put an old man in jail for manslaughter that is white, for killing a black person. Not a republican gun carrying one They are going to skip over the fact that he does not have to pull a gun on anyone. And he knew to call 911 after he shot someone, but not call 911 when the person arrived at his house. He instead took it upon himself to play Mr police. Because the assumption is that every white man is a natural police officer to a black person So they are going to give him the powers of a deputy of some sort. that's the end result. Because this is America and I do not expect anything greater from you people It has been hundreds of years. If we cannot get it through our skulls that white people will never act right towards anyone else in the United States except for those who are feeding them like china, then something must be wrong with us. Marcus Garvey was right in that we should have left in the 1920s. I personally have been followed by white people questioning where I was going and what I was doing. And this was while I was driving with Amazon with a great big amazon jacket on, delivering packages for Amazon flex.  One guy followed me around while I was dropping off packages and got out of his car questioning why I was in his neighborhood. Another person in a giant F-250 followed me around for the same reason. And I have a Nissan murano. It is not some kind of a hoopty looking car. But I am black. One guy even got out of his car to see if he could stop me. I guess I'm supposed to tell them what I am doing in a neighborhood as if they are the owners of that neighborhood. I guess I'm supposed to fall under their authority in some way. I guess I'm not over them, and they are somehow over me. They also assume that I don't live in that neighborhood! That's the funny part. I don't live in a hick town like some of you where the population is only 9,000. My population is half a million On top of that this is a snowbird place where people are coming and going all of the time every year because it's a warm climate The reality is I don't need excuses for your people anymore because I know exactly how you're going to respond. The definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. You guys are never going to change. You would like that when you arrived towards the native americans, you are going to be like that at the end of the world


There have been a few times where I would not enter the property of somebody’s home if I couldn’t see the house number on there. I will check the house numbers around to get a better idea of which house is the customers and I would reach out to the customer to verify I’m at the right house. Last thing I want is somebody to start shooting at me and then asking questions later about why did I come on their property.