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My dad got attacked by two dogs while delivering food. He got like a $75k payday from it from the homeowners insurance.


This is one of my fears while door dashing šŸ˜¢


This is why you always bring a rocket launcher and a truck mounted 50 cal machine gun when your dashing.




Damn you must be happy this happened to you. Free money


Tbh I could never DoorDash without a gun , tbh bud you shouldā€™ve blew their brains out but for not having something to protect yourself this is what happens homie


Sue and get those dogs put down!


Happened to me while I was delivering to a ranch last year, instructions said to leave at door. The owner left their back door open and the two pitbulls ran out and started ripping my jeans and biting my ankles. I was fighting with them for 10-15 min trying to leave the property when the owner finally comes out. The lady laughed and said they were harmeless. She called them back but they still kept going so I kicked one in the chest and I held the other one down. I went home after that...


Yā€™all tryna get this dog killed lmao horrible ppl


Did you call the cops?


Yeah sue them. My brother had a similar but worse situation and he didnā€™t sue right away so he screwed himself. He was leaving a friends house and the dog bit his penis in half. It was a dog he had been around a lot so idk what happened. Ever since then I am super cautious and ready to protect my genitals around any dog


Maybe he had peanut butter on it?


Umm.. are we sure the person who ordered the food owned the dogs? Maybe belonged to a neighbor?


those dogs need to be put down


Your a good dude op I would have shot them both no questions asked


Let me guess, pitbulls or golden retrievers?


Yeah the dogs gotta be put down. Those owners need to be punished and shown a lesson.


Go on Judy Justice and bring the owners šŸ˜‚ Judge Judy hates pit bulls and will give you so much money šŸ˜‚ sorry this happened OP! Get better soon! And enjoy your paycheckšŸ¤­


You should absolutely go to the hospital


Get that bag my man. You had a right to be there.




Shouldā€™ve snapped their necks


Sue them.


SUE šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Sue sue sue sue sue!!!!


Taser šŸ‘




Call Mr. Mossberg


How are you feeling OP? What's the latest on your healing, and things with an attorney. Sending speedy healing vibes your way. Praying I never get bit, sorry you had to deal with that.


Definitely sue. Hopefully the judge will order the dogs to be euthanized.


I hope you get some good money


I'm with the others, you need to sue, irresponsible dog owners are the worst. If you need change for a lawyer I'd they won't take it pro Bono drop a seller, we all got some change to throw.


Sue them


Suee u can easily make 30-50k before lawyer fees


!remindme 2 weeks


This is why I would rather punt an untrained dog and let them take care of the expenses for their negligence


1800 sue them


God im sorry


This is a solid lawsuit. Pursue it please. Don't try to tough it out on your own.


JFC, i'm a dog lover and never wanna see a dog put in a position to be put down. this is awful. straight up neglect and i hope these people rot for the damages done. i'm so sorry this happened to youšŸ’”


Bro thatā€™s money coming your way. Lawyer up!


When I worked at Amazon they told me if you ever see any dogs DO NOT GET OUT. Call the customer and get them to get their dogs if they arenā€™t home then donā€™t deliver it


That's the sad part with OP's situation, it was only after they were within the perimeter of the customer's door that the dogs came out of nowhere. OP was pretty much ambushed. Smh.


I feel bad for the dogs. It's not their fault the owners were irresponsible and most likely will be put down for their negligence. As some one who owns a pitbull its my responsibility to make sure they don't harm anyone for their protection as well as a visitor to my home.


No one asked but what happened to the owners of the dogs where are they!? What did they do!? Iā€™m hoping you do not let this pass bcuz not only will you lose but they will win bcuz itā€™s allowing bad behavior by not punishing them so do it for your gain but not just financially but to punish them and teaching a lesson to irresponsible dog owners that shouldnā€™t be owners at all that they canā€™t allow this to happen again. Hope you get better. A freaking food delivery was NOT worth this trouble at all even if you end up getting compensate you shouldnā€™t have had to deal with this. I hope you get well


I donā€™t get out if thereā€™s a dog


We NEED a second part to this




Did you ever find out "who let the dogs out" cue music.


How much will this medical bill be in the US, 500k?


Yo real talk- I think DoorDash carries insurance for us to cover expenses related to things that happen on Dashes. Please reach out to them. I know I've read it somewhere


Omg so sorry!!! This is literally my worst fear as a dasher šŸ˜±


Yeah I just love it when they say oh they're not going to bite. Until they do.


Why did dude get perma banned??


I know someone who swiftly died of sepsis from a dog bite because he didnā€™t go to get it taken care of. Go to the hospital to get it cleaned.


Contact DoorDash and get the info to file a claim I might be able to find it from when I was bit, the irony, on my PC. And get in contact with a lawyer unlike me who was ignorant and didnā€™t think about the fact I could get a payout from their homeowners insurance or whatever.


Urgent care asap. If they have the slightest bit of bacteria youā€™ll get an infection. And if not youā€™ll want the antibiotics for it anyway just in case as you progress with normal life to avoid bacteria getting in it.


I cannot comprehend how so many people do this! Order food for delivery or are expecting an Amazon package, or god fucking forbid there are neighborhood kids maybe going around trying to sell cookies and shit for the Scoutsā€¦and they leave their vicious (or at the very least, territorial) dog out in the yard. And then they ALWAYS say the same thing ā€œheā€™s a good dog! Heā€™s never bitten anyone before ever!ā€ Yeah, because people have probably been getting lucky and narrowly escaping for years and now someone got caught. So insanely stupid.


This is literally one of my biggest fears. I hope youā€™re okay. Jesus.


Those dogs are now going to be ground dogs


Morgan and Morgan my friend


ā€œSorry my dog got a little hungryā€


Thatā€™s horrible and irresponsible owner. I have docile labs and still keep the gate/fence to my front door locked. They are still never outside when expecting an order.


man this makes me want to buy + carry a gun while i dash just so this shit cant happen to me, i hope you sue the living shit out of these irresponsible dog owners


If you live in any of the 47 free United States, you should do that anyways. Your number one priority is to go to your loved ones every night. Your number two priority is anything else Disclaimer: the three missing states are California, New York, and Illinois


I hope you went straight to the ER. Good news is you donā€™t have to do deliveries any more. Youā€™re rich now my friend lol well not rich but at least $50-$60k


You need to sue to cover any losses. They should have homeowners insurance that'll cover it. Don't expect much tho. It's a mess. Lawyers get most of it. (dealt with this same thing 3 years ago) sucky situation for everyone, they just wanted food, you just wanted to work. Sorry this happened.


Holy shit thatā€™s not a bite thatā€™s a fucking chomp. I hope you seek medical attention and sue the shit out of the owners. They knew they were ordering food they shouldā€™ve locked chomper tf up. I hope youā€™re okay OP bc this isnā€™t okay. Wishing you a speedy recovery!


What did your lawyer say when you called them?


Clean case. Get a good lawyer.


You are tough as HELL ! I am so sorry this happened. I couldn't even fathom if this had happened to a 4 ft 11 inches 120 pound female driver or even an older driver . Those dog would have killed them! THESE PEOPLE KNEW YOU WERE COMING !!! DOWN RIGHT CAN see you coming on the app and yet still didn't put the dogs away!!. They are LUCKY they are not facing wrongful death charges. This could have turned out so damn BAD! Please find a lawyer as soon as possible. ā¤


I'm so sorry. My neighbor had me water their plants for them when they were out of town and the dumb mother in law let out the two pit pull mix rescues. The got excited and CHOMP. Emergency room. That shit HURTS, I'm so glad you went to the doctor and they disinfected it and hopefully gave you antibiotics. We didn't sue (although I wanted to!) because my dad wanted to stay on good terms with them. In this case, my friend, call any 1-800 lawyer and SUE THEIR ASSES OFF.


Man.... I don't even let my dogs bark at my door dash drivers. At no point do I open the door until they are in their vehicle. I am confident my dogs won't bite..... But why risk it?


PLEASE get paid.


Yup. Iā€™m getting their homeowners insurance involved by suing


Time to put some puppers down :(


Doordash: "Do you feel safe?" OP: Ah no, I feel teeth! DD: "Customer gave you 1 star, and we refunded their money." OP: But I'm in the hospital!!! DD: This chat is over.


Something similar to this happened to me before. I just didn't say anything. I love dogs ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


call lawyer. or even better.. if judge judy is still doing cases for her show, see if she'll rule on your case. this shit makes her absolutely livid, especially if they're certain breeds she's bias against.


I hope you sue and win a ton of money




File a police report and go after the owners for injuries, lost wages and distress. If they dont have renters/homeowners insurance you can go after their paycheck with a judgement. If they do they will most likely settle out of court. Lawyers eat these type of personal injury cases up its an easy payday


Call 911 fill a police report and call a good lawyer and you will see


youā€™ve got a nice hefty lawsuit on your hands


Damn what kind of dog was it!? That is nuts! I was nearly mauled by a loose dog when I was delivering for Uber.


Congrats bro you are now entitled to sue them for everything they own :)


1st of the month, the rent is due, n u ain't gotta worry bout catching no dog, u gotta worry bout the dog catching yo ass!!!


Get yourself checked out in the process, never know what you could get from that bite


Payday baby! Get yourself a lawyer and go after them




Sue them into bankruptcy. Also, consider carrying.




This is why I have pepper spray. šŸŒ¶ļø šŸ•


Hope you went to the hospital. Too often blood infections can arise from dog bites.


Did they come outside to check on you?


Yeah you should sue man. As someone who has been bitten by a dog owned by shitty owners while delivering pizzas, definitely sue. I didnā€™t, I just asked for a new pair of shoes since mine were ruined by blood. First time ever getting stitches at like 22. But definitely make sure they pay because they were completely negligent owners.


Healthcare worker here. You need to get antibiotics. Youā€™ll be given an animal bite report to fill out, which will be sent to the health department. If the dogā€™s ownerā€™s cannot provide proof of rabies vaccine, you will have to get the shots. The dog will be taken and quarantined. You must report this.


Every right to sue owner. They know their dog vicious put the dog up when ordering food to be delivered.


I'm suing


Sue them


Sue their asses! I always ready to defend against any cur, I always leave their dog food in front of porch and do contactless delivery.


You may be entitled to financial compensation


Looks like people donā€™t care about having their dogs put down, sad to see morons can still own pets.


That's crazy, whenever I order I always select leave on my porch and I never let my dogs free roam


Iā€™m on team dog.


Me too. The dog shouldn't be put down. Just poor decision making on the owners part


Next time it could be a trick or treater, a kid selling something for their team or school, another dasher, a mail person, etc. I love dogs, but dogs that are quick to attack often need to be put down if the owner canā€™t control them or doesnā€™t put up warning signs. You lucked out you were able to get away with ā€œminorā€ injuries, another dasher may not be your size or strength or may be wearing shorts instead of jeans and they would get fucked up and possibly killed. Iā€™m team dog, but this/these dogs need to be cut from the team before they hurt another innocent person.


Well, if this is the dogā€™s reaction to anyone coming to the door, it may have to be. Unfortunately bad owners create a situation in which dogs have to be put down due to multiple bites/over aggression.


Also report incident to DoorDash.


Go to hospital and get rabies vaccine for just in case since you were bit by dogs. Also report the incident to the local animal control officer. Usually call the police department as the animal control officer is through the police department.




I'm sorry to hear about your gf getting bitten as well. How long was the settlement process?


Tbh 99% of the posts here are drivers overreacting about nothing This ain't it. You need to get that shit treated and then sue or something. Get compensated. Stupid fucking customer


That homeowners insurance is bout to payyyyu


Hospital. Seriously. Dogs have bacteria in their mouths a lot different than what humans are used to, you need to have the bites cleaned and treated by a wound care specialist. It seems like you already called animal control, etc. And that's good! But also please get that checked by a doctor if you can.


Sue and get check for rabies!!


Iā€™ve never even seen a dog while dashing but when I do Amazon Flex they are everywhere. I had two jump on me but the only thing they wanted to do was lick my face. Of course I didnā€™t know that and was scared out of my mind.


Damn that sucks. Congrats on the check tho!


Hire a lawyer.


Ok instead of continuing going through the comments let me explain something to everyone here It depends on the state law and how itā€™s worded and what the law covers. Does it suck he got bit yes I have been there my self been through the how sue process it donā€™t as simple as people think. You canā€™t just sue Most lawyers will have to looking into it to see if itā€™s worth there time or if they can even win. Go to a lawyer and ask usually there free the first time after u have to pay. Next not every state covers the law of dogs or aka animal. Some require u to have them fenced in or on a leash or brought inside at certain time that goes with barking as well. Then some state have no law and at that point itā€™s pointless to sue because your just going to lose in court. Then there the whole depends on the judge and lawyers and evidence and if they had no trespassing signs or beware of dog signs and more Does it suck u got bit sure but all this people here saying sue I can tell u ether dont understand the law and how it works Or your to young to actually be on Reddit


For the record, I'm in CA.


Do u know what your law states about animal at home Like do they have to be leash at all time or be put up during certain times of the day or anything like that I know where I live all dogs must be on a leash at all time unless there are in your home. Even if u have them out side in a fence they have to be on a leash or a lead or something to restrain them from coming so far. When I went through it the home owner broke the law for not having them on the leash and not having them in the house. So then at the point the insurance covered all medical bills and got paid 200k for the damage to my leg and unfortunately the dogs was put down. Because the law also states in my state that any animal that has drawn blood or has bitten someone has to be put down unfortunately


First thing you do is get a rabies and tetanus shot Second thing you do is call a lawyer


You gotta sue man. There was no sign amd it could have been a fatal encounter due to negligence of the owners. You got attacked on their property


Pro tip, carry a fat blade everywhere you go. Always stay strapped with something bro. Even if itā€™s a flimsy spike


I'm sorry you got bit but y'all are dramatic af


Every dasher dreams of the day they get a $50,000 2mi 20 minute delivery. Youā€™ve got the jackpot


report it to DD and the Police, get checked out by the hospital, dog bites will tear skin, i've seen some nasty bites from police dogs, they're quite horrendous.


Sue the fuck out them fools. Feel bad for the dogs tho, they're just doing their job


Sue the fuck out them fools. Feel bad for the dogs tho, they're just doing their job


Everyone is telling you to sue - yes, do it. But, most importantly, PLEASE OP go get your rabies and tetanus shots! Rabies is unlikely but it is not something you want to risk having!


put it downnn


Iā€™m so sorry OP. As the owner of big guardian breed dogs, this is why we go way out of our way to be sure our gates are locked, nobody can dig under, kids canā€™t open them, people canā€™t climb overā€¦ I would feel awful if this happened and bet your butt Iā€™d be offering to pay medical expenses and whatever. We canā€™t stop dogs from being dogs and doing what dogs do, but weā€™re responsible for making sure a situation like this doesnā€™t happen. A dog who bites like that - thatā€™s easily a level 3-4 bite - should NEVER be loose in the first place. ETA: Please do file a police report. Imagine if this had been a child or someone elderly. These folks need a serious wake up call.




Document everything and get an attorney could get some bank


As a dog owner I will never understand why anyone would want the liability of not restraining your dog properly or considering that some people are afraid of dogs even if they're not aggressive. Just be considerate


Iā€™d say sue, but unless itā€™s a really rich person you probably couldnā€™t get any real money out of them.


Iā€™m not sure if you answered this already but what kind of dog was it?


I got bit by a Great Dane at a house once and the only thing the person that was home said was ā€œthatā€™s not my dogā€ no apology or anything. I wasnā€™t hurt as bad as you but it still pissed me off that they acted like it wasnā€™t a big deal. The no apology made me more mad than anything.


Dogs are shitheads


Please sue


Tetanus shot time! And Rabies shot time!


Well that sucks, hope the dog got his shots, not sure what he can catch from you šŸ˜šŸ˜‚




What do we mean quarantine the dog. Donā€™t demand the dog be put down either. Sure sue the homeowner if you want. That dog was just doing its job and quit frankly did it well. The dog has no mindset of whether or not you were supposed to be there and the owner wasnā€™t there to give it direction. This is totally a human fault and in now way shape or form the dogs fault. The dog actually did good. The human however did very very bad and I hate when those situations come down on putting the dog down for doing what he was supposed to do. And if the dog isnā€™t even supposed to be a guard dog itā€™s extra owner fault for not teaching the dog otherwise. I taught my two people are good and not to bite because I personally can defend myself and I carry and own firearms. I donā€™t need the dog to be like that.


I didn't ask for anything to happen to the dogs. What the animal services agency does is not my business.


I didn't ask for anything to happen to the dogs. What the animal services agency does is not my business.


Sue those morons. I despise shitty pet owners. They deserve to be pooped out by the animals they neglect


Lawyer up and enjoy a nice vacation when you inevitably win the lawsuit. Easy payout. Hope you're alright though. Could've been much worse. You got lucky


Jeez. I have a dog that barks at the door and I make sure heā€™s behind an extra closed door before opening my front door. If you were expecting this delivery, why have the dogs out? Bizarre homeowner behaviour


Idk, I think I'd hang out for a while. Stay and have dog steak for dinner. Make the owner cook and prepare it. Help them understand the mistake they made. But that's just me.




Yikes šŸ˜¬ am so sorry. Hope your heal soon


Sue asap. Thatā€™s unacceptable.




One tip with dogs altho itā€™s not your responsibility. Standing up to them. Running away makes them want to chase you wayyy more. But standing there and standing your ground makes them stop chasing you 80% of the time. Sure itā€™s not your responsibility and may not work all the time but hey it could help prevent situations like this.


Sue them so the drivers that come after you would be safer


You should go post this in the lawyer subreddit and see what they say your options are on taking action against the owners of the dogs


Sue tf out of them


Happened to me. Get a lawyer. Dont go through DD.


$5 says shitbull


Poor Jean


You absolutely need to pursue legal action.


Bro I hope you've got your rabies shot - get it ASAP


Call your local bar association immediately. Don't post on social media about it


Dude. Sue. Seriously. Talk to a doctor and a lawyer


Youā€™re about to have a payday, negligence all over this. Donā€™t be an idiot and do nothing out of sympathy.


What kind were they?


Should have went full ATF on those dogs, but since you missed your chance. Sue šŸ˜‚


Wow I didnā€™t know they ordered food and the execution of their 2 animals!


Sue, and see a doc asap. You never know if they were vaccinated for stuff like rabies, and dog bites can get severely infected.


You should be allowed to bite them back while the owner holds them down. . . Don't argue I'll eat your dog.


why is op ignoring everyone saying to sue for damages and injury?


He seems scared


Sue the milk bones out of them...


Go to the urgent care clinic, get treated and something from the doctor. Call the police to tell them about the dog bite and then go back and take pictures of the front of their house and then sue for medical bills and pain and suffering.




Update: Animal services and the sheriff's department made contact with the owners. I've submitted pictures of my injuries and have a case #. Lawyer up time.


Iā€™m so curious to hear what your final payment will be. I have no idea how much to demand. My attorney says we will wait several months, approximately eight, to allow for complete healing. I am also going to try to get an estimate in writing from a plastic surgeon because I have some nasty scars from the bites. Iā€™m thinking October before we get a settlement, IF we agree to an amount, or we will sue. Your injuries are the closest to mine I have seen, so I would love updates on how things proceed for you.


Quick google shows dog bites settle for somewhere between $10k-$100k. Iā€™m sure your lawyer has a strategy for this but I wouldnā€™t be surprised if your lawyer comes out asking $1m+ to allow space to be worked down to that range.


Thatā€™s quite a wide range, though, from 10K to 100K. I rarely see anyone tell the real numbers after a settlement. Thatā€™s what I am curious about. I havenā€™t talked numbers with my attorney yet but will be soon. No idea what his thoughts are, but I want to ask for a lot more than I think we can get to allow for room for negotiation.


At least one million


Definitely keep us in the loop!


Good for you. I hope that you get the justice that you rightly deserve.