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No, that straight line arrow on the traffic light is a mandatory direction arrow. You can only proceed forwards.


So I assume the box junction is for the traffic on the left ?


It’s for everyone. You can’t stop there.


Unless you are waiting to turn right and the exit is clear. Which obviously isn't the case for op :)




Correction, they mean no stopping - UNLESS you are waiting to turn right and your exit is blocked by oncoming traffic. I.e. when you are turning is the only time you can stop on them (source: highway code) [Highway code re box junction ](https://smartdriving.co.uk/comment/the-highway-code-box-junctions/#:~:text=These%20have%20criss%2Dcross%20yellow,vehicles%20waiting%20to%20turn%20right.)


DO NOT Enter BOX JUNCTION UNLESS EXIT IS CLEAR. In effect, you are not allowed to stop in a box junction. The only exception to the rule is when you are turning right and are prevented from doing so by oncoming vehicles or other cars waiting to turn right as well.


It really pisses me off people that don’t know you can stop in the box when turning right. There’s a small one in Hackney Wick and totally infuriating when people don’t sit in it as it stops 3 or 4 cars getting through the lights.


Are you high 😂😂


Well that’s just wrong


You can enter and wait to turn right if the exit is clear and you are waiting only for oncoming traffic.


Not in this case. All roads are ahead only. So you can’t enter and wait to turn right as it’s not possible to turn right.




It isn't a box junction. The 'box' is formed by criss-crossed yellow hatching. It establishes an area that must be kept clear at all times, so that traffic can flow as smoothly as possible.


What? It looks an awful lot like a box junction to me?!? Leaving aside the additional signage in this case, you may enter the box and wait when you want to turn right, and are only stopped from doing so by oncoming traffic, or by other vehicles waiting to turn right.


Fair enough. I thought those yellow criss-crosses signified a box junction. Still a noob after 40 years of driving!




So what is this type of junction then?




it's a box, not a box junction - I guess.


Box junctions incur fines when not adhered to keep clear signs do not. So drivers will tend to take one more seriously.


Only in London. They would fine for you breathing if they could


Have you never seen yellow boxes without a junction? Outside a fire station for example?




What doesn’t make sense? A box junction is always keep clear. You shouldn’t enter it unless your exit is clear. The only exception is if you are able to turn right so you can enter and wait for incoming traffic to clear. In this case, you can’t turn right.


Understood. So I suppose then, my question is: What's the difference between a "KEEP CLEAR" marked area vs a Box Junction.


They are virtually the same except one is legally enforced the other one isn’t. Keep clear is painted in white lines and doesn’t require traffic regulation to be passed in order to be “painted”. If you stay stationary or queueing on a keep clear you are just being discourteous. Yellow Box /Box junction are legally enforceable and require traffic regulation to be passed in order to be added to the road.


Thank you. Getting a lot of downvotes and I was really just after an answer! Bloody Reddit! Is there some citation I can find for this? I'm actually having a similar argument with a guy at work.


Please just hand your licence in before it gets taken from you


You can never enter a yellow box like this and wait. You can only proceed through the box if your exit is clear.


You can stop in the box if turning right and waiting for oncoming traffic to clear. You can't in this case because there is no right turn allowed, but to say you can never wait in a yellow box is wrong.


I stand corrected.


You're wrong.


No, you can stop in them full stop. You can travel across them when the way is clear, that's it.


A box junction isn't just for people turning, it's for everyone that enters the junction.


I wish you would tell that to a lot of the a-holes in my area who seem to be totally blind when it comes to box junctions.


They’ll get totally fined then as a result ¯\__(ツ)__/¯


They will get fined, even if you drive through them too slowly (don't ask me how I know), let alone stop in them - the fine awaits. These fines are also pretty impossible to challenge (even if you drove through the box... but your speed is deemed too slow), so reduced amount or full amount it is, for those who stopped in the yellow boxes.


Depends on if its monitored or not. If it's not, theres *so little* chance of a fine.


Since the councils figured that having these + cameras = income, the chances of the being monitored+fines substantially increased :D


How do you people pass the driving test?


Because 100% correct on everything isn’t the pass criteria


Being 100% correct in knowing what the signs on the road mean, that keep us all safe when being outside, is quite important. Especially the sign OP doesn’t know about, is quite fundamental and probably one of the ones you learn first.


Wait… there’s a test?


Loads of us passed it years ago when it was easy. Theory test ? What the heck is that ?


“Ahead only” on the sign. It won’t be the first time the app is out of date. Always follow the signs!


Google maps instructed me to “make a U turn” on the M4 once ….


That’s how people end up driving into lakes or getting stuck in narrow lanes because they blindly follow the GPS instructions…


Live in a small market town. The number of HGVs that have gotten stuck in the area recently is insane.


>Maybe it's a shortcut, Dwight


Makes sense, if it told you twice, you be going in the same direction!


Mark it and report it. They are happy to learn.


My mum would have tried. I refuse to get in the car unless Crash Nav is banned for the journey.


It regularly gives me instructions like that. Drive through the river.


Proceed up to the moon


Which is perfectly possible using something known as a junction.


It's worrying how many people don't understand or choose to ignore those signs. Willing to risk themselves and others, especially pedestrians, through ignorance or selfishness.


It's worrying how many people don't understand or choose to ignore those signs. Willing to risk themselves and others, especially pedestrians, through ignorance or selfishness.


I love how googles own camera picks up the signage but maps isn't updated 😂


The green arrow and the white arrow both mean ahead only. Don’t turn right, don’t turn left. 


By green arrow I think you're referring to the green traffic light. But that light is NOT stopping you turning right: i.e you don't require a specific filter to turn right (or left) after a green light. It's the white arrow on blue that's instrucing you that traffic can proceed ahead only.


Oddly, there's no guidance I can find in the highway code when the only green is a green arrow, as in these pictures. Because the code only defines what happens if the arrow is provided in addition to a full green signal and no such signal is present here.


We have a traffic light around here that signals the green up arrow *before* the full green signal. It lets the traffic in the ahead only lane proceed and then when the full green signal appears the traffic that are turning off can then start to move.


Yes, but what I'm saying is that the highway code is apparently silent on traffic lights that \*only\* contain green arrows. They give rules for how they're meant to be interpreted when a normal green also exists, but no rules for when they exist independently.


The green traffic light (an upward pointing arrow) signifies that you can only go ahead - not turn right or left. 


For clarity.. a green arrow traffic light indicates vehicles MAY proceed forward and that no traffic should conflict with this, not that you MUST proceed forward, that is the purpose of the Blue and white sign. Some signals are such that they can show different directions simultaneously and often at different timings. A lit green arrow does not necessarily mean that is the only route you can take at a junction.


I know that Sainsburys. You need to go around. go straight and turn left then left then left, and go straight into the Sainsburys forecourt.


Correct. Alternatively turn left into Courtfield Gardens before these traffic lights, then right, then right again into Collingham Road and straight across into Sainsbury’s.


Thank you for these directions I’ve been trying to work out how to enter it. First time driver here 😅


If you're new at this then let me be clear; do not trust Google maps. She thinks corners are turns, she thinks turns are corners and forgets to tell you about them, she often fails to recognise crossroads, she has a nasty habit of thinking pedestrian railway crossings are car railway crossings, she's been known to think private roads are public, she occasionally thinks cycle tracks are public road, she can be slow to recognise when road layouts have been changed, she sometimes struggles with knowing which road you are on when there are two parallel and near to each other. She is not reliable, always ALWAYS keep an eye on road signs, road markings, and your surroundings, as the chances are reasonably high she is talking shite. Also this isn't a Google maps specific list of issues, all map apps and satnavs have irregularities.


I really appreciate the advice! It’s definitely nerve-wracking having to question her while driving. I’ve been practicing the routes beforehand to double-check their accuracy, so I’m not caught off guard on the road. It’s all about gaining more experience and feeling more confident. Thanks again for the tip!


It's understandable to be nervous but you can only check routes so much, the most up to date information will always be signage on the road. At the end of the day just think, "what's the worst that can happen?" You ignore the sat nav instead reading the signage and end up unsure of your location or a couple of roads away from your destination and feeling super lost. No problem, all you need to do is pull up when safe to do so, check maps and get back on your way! Sat nav is an aid and should be treated as nothing more than.


Blue circle white arrow pointing up - ahead ONLY. Blue rectangle white arrow pointing up - also ahead ONLY but you're on a one-way street. Normally you'd expect to see "AHEAD ONLY" panted on the road as well but I can see on google they've not done that here. Yes, google maps gives an illegal turn to you. Could be pulling it from Waze. EDIT: I checked the map editor in Waze and nope - it's definitely marked as no right turn when heading West so it's just Google that's got it wrong.


Comparing map apps to find out which is wrong, to confirm absolutely for someone you don't know that the ahead only sign really does mean it, is... dedication


No you cannot turn right, the traffic light is telling you you must go straight ahead…you cannot turn left down Collingham Rd either


Not the traffic light itself. The white arrow on blue background. If it was just the green light a right turn would be fine.


Time to revise your Highway Code knowledge I think


The answer to your question is entirely dependent upon what the camera situation is around the junction in question


No Google maps is a psychopath sometimes. See "all the people who have mounted the pavement and got stuck in pedestrian steps" in Edinburgh in the last few months for an amusing example. 


I think it's a social experiment good performers at Google get to play with for a laugh. Like, how many really retarded people can we send somewhere silly today.


No no and no!


You need to retake your theory. White arrow in blue circle = ahead only (or direction of arrow) White arrow in blue rectangle = one way ahead


I thought it meant the lights are ahead only. I can’t see a no right turn sign. If you’re turning right you need to wait for it to be clear and can’t sit in the yellow box. I might be wrong as I haven’t read the Highway Code in 20 years.


is this the sainsburys on Cromwell road?? finally somewhere near where I live lol!! I pass there very regularly. You can't turn right


Circular signs are orders. Blue circles are positive orders and white circles with red outline are negative orders. So a 30MPH sign is a negative order, "you MUST NOT exceed 30MPH". A blue circle with an upward arrow is a positive order, "you MUST go ahead". The aroow on the bollard in the picture is a positive order, "you MUST pass this side of the bollard". ​ etcetera


There's no 'No Right Turn' sign underneath the arrow and I might expect a 'No Entry' sign for vehicles on that side of the road. Just playing devil's advocate here, are we to assume the arrow tells motorists all they need to know?


There is nothing about this photo that says you can turn right here.


How far is ahead only though? Until another sign tells you different?


Until the next junction unless it also.has ahead only sign


I understand you are a new driver but surely you must know that white arrow in the blue circle on the traffic light indicates you must only travel straight on?


Google maps’s accuracy is questionable these days. The sign is very clear - straight only


Just to confuse you, here's a junction where there's an ahead-only sign, but you are allowed to turn right around the roundabout: https://www.google.com/maps/@51.7885189,-1.2705136,3a,75y,175.79h,87.66t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s\_auQr6EBEliNHo9OsTIS-A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


The "ahead only" sign at those lights are for people entering the roundabout. Once you're in it, you follow normal roundabout rules. The ahead only sign is there to stop people from trying to turn left and take the first exit from that lane, because there is a dedicated filter lane that leads to the first exit, and the lights in that filter lane also have a "left only" sign (to stop people from trying to turn right to get back onto the roundabout from that lane).




Awesome example!! Nicely played.


How is that confusing? I'd bet both the left turn only and on to the roundabout used to be on to the roundabout, the left turn lane was separated so they don't have to worry about the roundabout. The ahead-only sign means don't turn left.


I'm evidently here to learn. Why are there no "no entry" or "no right turn" signs or even give way signs on the end of that road if the implication is this is a one way exit out of the shopping centre onto a main road? It's definitely not as straightforward as some people are making out here. Everyone I know takes right or left turns (unless indicated by signs) down multiple little back streets off the one way system in Manchester city centre for example.


Jesus fucking wept.


OP is one of those people who follows Google maps and ends up driving straight into a lake.


The answer is of course no, the white arrow on a blue background means ahead only. But with that said I do think this choice of signage is basically guaranteed to cause trouble, namely because there are still many older drivers who have almost never read the Highway Code because they didn’t have a theory test. And then you’ve got the plain ol’ ignorant drivers more generally. If they really care about public safety & don’t want people turning there, a simple, non-ambiguous “no right turn” or “No entry” sign would prevent a lot of confusion. The cynic in me is suspecting the council of doing this intentionally to drive up fine revenue…


I can understand OP's confusion - it would be worth the time to put a 'no right turns' sign there either instead or in addition.


The blue arrow means ahead only. You'd need no right turn, no left turn, no u turn to match it.


It's also no left turns though and I technically no U turns. Admittedly it's much more common to see no right turn or no left turn signs.


No but if you want to save 5mins yes lol


No, but nothing is going to happen if you do so, carefully. They really should have an added no right turn sign if this is even mildly confusing for people.


If you unsure, you shouldn't be driving. I just hope you're cyclist


Yes you can. The blue arrow indicates which direction of traffic has priority when facing traffic from another direction. Looks up no right turn sign in the Highway Code. You are not allowed to come to a complete stop in the yellow box.


If you unsure, you shouldn't be driving. I just hope you're cyclist


if it’s clear and no cars are coming, believe me I’m taking that right.


Probably if you’re quick about or if traffic is light.


Only if you think those tall poles are for street lights… rather than traffic cameras.


Ahead only according to the lights but there is no prohibition on a right turn, so technically you are not committing an offence by turning right.


Yes there is, and yes you are - under the green traffic light arrow is a blue circle with a white arrow - which is a mandatory "you must go straight on" sign.


Also, no one has spotted, or at least mentioned, that the box junction itself is probably illegal... I seem to remember reading some traffic & signage regulations about ALL four corners of a painted box junction MUST meet the corners of each kerb on the intersection, and NOT extend past this point. If you observe, this one does extend well past the kerb corner ( outside the shop, bottom right of picture. ) and If I ever got a penalty for stopping in this box junction, I'd appeal on these grounds alone and hopefully get off on a technicality!


Of course! Just remember what this [habibi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaeOlooQ3cY&ab_channel=Niaboru) said and you'll be oright


Unfortunately police is always there - there's most likely a camera looking at the yellow criss-cross lines.


Yup. You can enter and stop in a box junction only if wanting to turn right but impeded by traffic. As soon as you are clear of oncoming traffic to move off into the shopping center make your manoeuvre quickly but safely. If the repeater lights turn red and stops the oncoming traffic take this opportunity to get out the box junction asap SAFELY being mindful of pedestrians also crossing here as they technically have right of way under hierarchy of road users. I’d also be mindful not to block those behind me wanting to continue straight on down the road. Give plenty of room on your left side and don’t just plonk yourself in the middle of the road you’re currently on. Edit to add: I also cannot see any “no entry” or “one way” signs at this junction or leading on the traffic signals so will still surmise you’re good to go.


The arrow on the traffic light means ahead only I thought?


It does. Ignore that wrong answer 


To comment on your edit, the right turn road isn't a no entry (as traffic coming from the opposing direction to the GSV view can probably turn left into it), but you simply can't turn right into it from this direction of this road. The arrow on the traffic light tells you this - you can only proceed forwards, not left and not right.


Interesting shout and agreed on the ahead only. Mandatory ahead only, albeit, I would still be looking for a no right turn sign leading up, to strictly say I couldn’t make that right turn.. I’m intrigued where the actual entrance to the shopping center would be if this isn’t it? (To downvoters, this is a discussion and a way to learn/teach, if I’m wrong I’ll hold my hands up and adjust my actions accordingly. This is the first time I would be put in this driving scenario in my 7 years of driving… but downvote away)


There’s no “no right turn” because there’s also no left turn - there’s no entry into Collingham Road. In situations where you’re approaching a crossroads with no legal left or right turn, a single mandatory “ahead only” arrow is clearer than two restrictive signs.


👌 thank you for the opportunity to learn and for not being patronising.


You're wrong. All that text for nothing.


If it's a round signal, it's mandatory


Traffic lights aren’t giving any arrows to say you can turn right,only ones going ahead


No the straight on arrow tells you that.


You really need yo go & learn the highway code. Look at what the traffic signal heads. It’s ‘ahead only’. If the police caught you turning right, you’d more than likely be given a ticket. The excuse of “well Google Maps told me to” won’t matter.


Bit unusual to see an "ahead only" without an explicit "no right turn", but it's not supposed to have you go right. Looking at the map and the layout, I would assume you should have gone left at a previous road and done a "loop" around the block to be coming out from the left road. That way you would have a straight line to your destination when these lights turn red for the main road. Still, I'ma bet that loooots of people pull a right turn into that. Most likely around the time the traffic light goes red. My guess is that nothing will happen if you do and on the off chance that it does, you could bullshit your way past it. Still, no reason to tempt fate.


Sign in lights say straight ahead , so no right turn


what do you think?..


Big blue sign showing "ahead only".


Ahead only, as per the sign.


Moral of the story: don't trust Google maps too much


Straight on only as indicated by the blue DA on the light. Will say Google Maps has gone downhill in the last 5-6 years. Sometimes I question the people that do it have even ever driven a car.


Ahead only https://tfl.gov.uk/modes/driving/red-routes/rules-of-red-routes/banned-turns#:\~:text=Straight%20ahead%20only,a%20U%20turn.


I have the same issue at a Morrisons near me. I've seen many drivers nearly hit someone because they turn left at a no left turn light. The pedestrian will have a green man tomcross and then some idiot just does what they want


Looks like you cant but im sure you can probably use the next right. To get on the same road. Just checked, you cant, You have the junction behind you turning to Point West Access road. Look like it leads to there. For fuck sake, london is so shit. You cant do that either *Legally* Looks like you have to turn left to ashbuton gardens, then left on courtfield road, Turn around on the roundabout, and go back on yourself to get on that road. Fucking stupid.


Do you really need to be told that road signs take priority over google maps. Amazed you passed your test


did you wait here until some answers came through? 😂😂


I'd say no, but if your driving a BMW, audi or tesla it means to what ever you want providing you indicate it the very last minute during heavy traffic


Follow the arrow 😂😂


People have probably said that already, **but note that the picture might be old**, as the traffic control updates through 3rd parties, and the pictures are updated by a google team. If the traffic control tells you that, then the traffic layout might have been changed. P.S. Always make sure to go a bit earlier to check if that's the case, that way you won't need to rush into another car.


Nope. The arrow pointing ahead is a mandatory instruction. (It’s in blue remember?) Just because it’s stuck on a street light doesn’t make it less important. Maps isn’t always correct. It is an app… Rely on your eyes and good common sense first ideally. Our parents did in the good old days.




I got a PCN after following Waze, I hope that helps.




Just use Waze.


I'm quite terrified that this question is being asked. Especially as it appears to be because *google maps*, says differently. I've seen Google Maps be dangerously wrong on a good number of occasions. The road sign is abundantly clear, and if you've passed a driving test, you should be in no doubt as to what it's saying. If Google Maps is causing you to wonder, I implore you to take a step back, and think about contacting a driving school for additional tuition. Not following that direction on this road, could end tragically.


No turning right unless you're in a ford ranger.


No u have to drive passed there will be another right turn just up from there you can't stop in a box junction


Why not, Seems drivers do what they want these days ! !


No, you can’t turn right here, the arrow you mention means ahead only.




No. And I assume the car in the box junction is driving forwards because you can't stop there but either way ignore that. Whether you can safely turn right anyway could be arguably up for discussion if you were in a hurry 🙃




What is the offer available at Argos?


No. You're obliged to go straight on. Look at the signs. Get to know them.


Obvious no. Just read the traffic signs, not what Google is telling.




I used to live there, so I know how many cars have caused issues here. You can't turn right on that junction (as indicated by the arrow on traffic light). To get into Sainsbury's from that side you'd have to keep going straight to find a roundabout/junction until you'd be able to get on the other side of the road.


I did this by accident a few months ago when I was working in the block of flats above the Sainsbury's because the GPS told me too, got a few honking horns but no ticket in the post.


Mandatory direction of traffic is straight on, Google is working with councils traffic cameras to up income from fines 😎👍


Depends what car you drive


Traffic lights are green for ahead only. Take caution when turning right, as there may be oncoming traffic!


No. One way sign on traffic light


It's absolutely baffling and scary how confused people get in regards to following basic rules of the road. The mix of answers here is worrying. Yes OP this includes your stupid question. The sign on the lights very clearly indicates you MUST go straight on. I don't even know where to start with these rediculous ideas about who can stop in a painted cross hatch junction. Can we now start these threads with a show of hands of who's actually got a driving licence, then we can vote who gets to keep there's. FML.


No, but hey no worries you’re get photographed by one of uk’s millions of cameras and sent a bill for £80 👍


No. The straight line is "straight ONLY" gps always tends to get thede exact turns wrong.. Its caused over 10 accidents a year near me! They even put 4 straight arrow signs to try get attention and people still turn or even do a uturn and crash.




No. Frankly it’s disturbing that you have to ask.


OP I would use the Waze app instead, it knows all the speed cameras and road turnings etc so is better IMO for London at least. Google is usually ok but sometimes glitches. Defo don’t turn right here, it tells you to go through via Collingham rd (opposite road to Sainsburys)


What isn't helpful is that on some lights you will see the 'No Left/Right Turn' sign either on its own or sometimes in conjunction with the 'ahead only' sign. I would say that the 'no turn' sign is more obvious and when there is a mixture of signs being used in the same area it adds to the confusion (I've seen this around Stafford). Never trust the SatNav, it often gets it wrong and if there have been changes to the road/lights then they may not have been picked up by the mapping companies.


Sign on post clearly shows ahead only so you can't turn right


Fuck it turn right, who cares just make sure no cars on opposite traffic. God won’t judge 😋


Nope. It says it right there in the traffic light.




In the us it would tell you you couldn’t turn, so you aint guessing


There are so many cameras in London never risk this, Tickets are highly likely. I have stopped driving in London all together as it’s hell!


https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/traffic-signs Clearly states ahead only


The black belt barrister on YouTube has done some good legal guidance on road signage too


Never trust Google maps. I followed its directions once and it’s made me drive onto a bus lane. It switches to a bus lane during certain hours but I didn’t see the sign and trusted Google maps. This resulted in a bus lane fine!




This is why black taxis are safer and better then Uber


You need to take the left into ashburn place then right courtfield road and right into collingham road then you can forward in, Source:I’m a London black taxi driver


If in doubt don’t do it just do a u turn up ahead and then go right. I see how it could see like you can but no if arrows on the lights point in 1 direction then that’s your answer. Sometimes there is a right arrow with a cross stating you can’t turn right or left I think that would be more useful than an arrow pointing forward but personal views




I used to live there! No you can’t, it’s a very awkward section of roads with a lot of one ways. If I remember right you can turn right at literally the next entrance, where that grey vehicle is in the background to access the car park


No. The blue directional arrow sign is an order, ahead only. And given that this is in Kensington, you can bet the junction is monitored by a camera. That right turn is a mapping error.


Of course you can't. Look at the ahead arrow aspect, beneath the RAG on the signals . What does this sign mean? Look it up. TSRGD diagram 606. Extra clue is the illuminated green arrow.


Ambiguity can sometimes exist when this sign is mounted incorrectly to traffic lights without a clear directional arrow acting as the green light too. However this one is pretty clear. The green light is an ahead only arrow, and with the side road to the left being no entry, the meaning is made even clearer. At earlier junctions on the same road there are clear no-right-turn signs, which cuts any ambiguity out. However those locations go with standard circular green lights. But because this isn't the thought process most drivers default to, some will see an absence of a negative prohibition sign to be giving permission, and would not absorb the presence of a positive direction/instruction sign. TL;DR - No.

