• By -


if there's no dashcam footage and u didn't opt for any insurance package when renting, unfortunately be prepared to pay whatever amount tribecar states. This is the danger when choosing to rent cars, once u get into an accident they will try to extort as much money from u


heh alright thanks!


it's alright! cheer up and just be safer on the roads in future šŸ˜ƒ


No case


it would be useless ah?


Yeah. Your situation is exceedingly common (unfortunately), and this is how these rental companies make money. Can try searching this subreddit, there is probably a post like urs once every week.


haha ya i realised that is how they can keep prices so low for the lucky ones. i have been looking through the sub for a while alr, though what i found is mostly minor damages like scratches and dents that were charged exorbitantly even if it was not caused by that OP. my one cannot deny le haha.


Exactly! The trap is that everyone signs up thinking theyā€™re the lucky onesā€¦


Huhā€¦ you read about past incidents AND still took the risk of getting predatory charges? Cmon manā€¦ is driving that important?


i only came on after the accident.


I would go for carlite their car is all well maintained and clean no faulty for a p plate car


i seeee though to be fair this was just a very rare occurrence that i needed to do things, else i never rent also.


May i ask why didn't pull up the handbrake and shift your gear to park quickly if u know its going to hit the lorry?


i did not think about that, did not expect to hit the lorry either


Pls donā€™t do that. Short of having either drifting experience or a death wish pls do not ever do that šŸ’€


Is this actually what they teach in driving school for emergency braking scenario?


I hope not because it is bullshit


Common sense if the e brake not working u can still use handbrake


In an emergency situation, one just wants to stop the car as fast as possible, most natural reaction is to depress brake pedal as hard as possible. Still can hand brake and put to P? You're probably the same kind of person say no need ABS, just press brake intermittently in a fast manner. Talk so much because you have the benefit of hindsight.


Whats the handbrake use for? For ur asshole to put in?


Prattle on, obviously you dont know the meaning of e brake. Ebrake can handbrake and put to P. Go back to driving school. The one lacking common sense is you.


Didn't u heard what i say the first comment i literally said it u can handbrake and put to P lack of knowledge pls fk off from road for everyone safety


You are the unsafe one. E brake situation is literally just few seconds max, got so much time for a person to realise brakes not effective, switch to handbrake and also put to P? What you advised was literally a normal stop situation when at a red light. Lack of knowledge is you, new license giving misguided advice.


Good luck OP. Tribecar will charge you downtime that is calculate the cost of rental when the car is in the workshop. Even if the normal repair takes 2 days, they will drag and make it 5 days. You will also be charged for the damage which will only be done at Teibecar's authorized workshops, they will inflate the price and eventually you will end up with a hefty amount. On top of this, you will also be charged for the damage to the lorry. Even if you have a dashcam, sorry to say that you are still liable as you bang the other vehicle in the rear. What you can do is 1. Negotiate a much lower compensation with Tribecar 2. Work out an installment plan with them 3. Ignored and refused to pay. (This is not advisable). Tribecar will send demand letters, send people to your house, cancelled your account and confiscate your balance. It will be hard for you to prove mechanical issue since you know that the brakes is fautly at start of your journey but you made a decision to continue to use the vehicle. You should had requested for a change of vehicle. Like I said, you did bang another vehicle in the rear and you may or will also be fine and given demerit points by TP for 1. Failure to keep a proper lookout Or 2. Failing to keep a proper safe distance


No injuries / foreign cars / pedestrian/ govt cars involved / less than 3 days MC, no road traffic accident report is needed. TP won't get involved




If other driver or pax claimed injury like whiplash and is given 3 days of MC, a police report (NP168) is required. TP will then get into the picture. There is nothing false about what I wrote.


HAHAHA 3 crazy eh i wont la but have you had experience or any idea on how much they will extort for the downtime? as for the negotiation, i doubt i have much to argue for my side leh. like you said it is definitely my fault and from what i have scoured through other reddit posts/forums i think tribecar like no heart liddat one XD even small small thing that might not be their fault they charge several 100s. other ppl dispute then tribecar not happy also. i think the installment/payment plan would be discussed when i head down on monday so yeah i will definitely be working something out.


As I do not have the pictures of both vehicles damage and I cannot assess the damage, i will reckon the final claim from Tribecar to you will be in the region of 6k to 10k. Downtime is calculated at $x per hour x 24 hrs in a day x number of days in workshop. They will claimed that the car cannot be rented out as it is in the workshop even though the history of the car rental record does not reflect that it is rented out 24/7 As for number 3, there are people who does that cause they cannot pay the amount. But do note that is the sum is accumulated to 15k or is it 20k now, they can sue you for bankruptcy. By the way, installment plans max is 3 mths from what I know. I do know of cases where a small dent roughly the size of a 20 cts coin, they will charge $500


understood. thanks so much for explaining! just a small clarification to make, in the bankruptcy paragraph you mean if the sum is accumulated to 15/20k right? you originally said "is the sum is accumulated..." noted on the instalment plan part, thanks so much! i have seen people ignore the 20c coin sized dent charges and they dont seem to have faced any repercussions. but mine is way more than that as an outsider (the uncle) did say it could be up to 1.7k at an external workshop. but of course that is still cheaper than tribecar workshopšŸ« 


Yes I meant if the eventual amount accumulate to x dollars, they can sue you for bankruptcy. I do know of cases weeks or even months later, Tribecar will trace and charge the person who rented car that is likely to have cause the dents. That's why it is very important to take thorough pictures with date and timestamp of the car before you drive off. If the "uncle" assessed the cost of repair is 1.7k, be prepared to be charged double by Tribecar and not forgetting the cost of repair to the other vehicle and downtime. I reckon the final cost is between 6 to 10k. Do pm me on the amount Tribecar is claiming from you. I am just curious to know if my assessment is correct. Thanks and good luck.


If you felt the brakes were defective, you should not have driven it at all, and reported/returned it immediately.


This is why I jam brake in the parking lot everything I rent the car to test the brakes






yes very much skill issue indeed




ok yes true


I must applaud you for having balls - p-plate - peak hour How does it feel to save a few dollars but now shelling out potentially >10k Could have just spent $30 on grab/taxi and have no problems I donā€™t know if you know, this type of post like yours is basically a main stay of this subreddit. Occurs once every weeks or so


Yup next time just take grab, not worth the risk tbh


fucking clowning rn. HAHAHAHA you forgot to add pie, this shit is notorious and i have so far only gone on aye mce cte.


Ya, renting car accident and ask to pay crazy amount This is very well known and very well complain about Not something you should not be aware of If is me and Iā€™m in a rush Either I buy my own car or I just take grab/taxi Renting is never an option, the potential savings just not worth the risk But I wish you best of luck. Highly likely? They will charge you 2X. One for own vehicle , the other for 3rd party


They are aware, they just donā€™t believe they will be so unlucky. Thatā€™s a fallacy


Ya there is 2 ways of thinking about it The rational way would be measuring the pros (savings of renting) vs cons(potential risk of paying 10-20k if there is an accident) Then there is another way of measuring risk, the ā€œIā€™m not so suayā€ , ā€œit wonā€™t happen to meā€ Just like nobody gets married thinking it will end in divorce and they are the ā€œspecial coupleā€


Haha I am not disagreeing with you but I laughed at your point that not getting divorced means you are special


ok yes boss understood. i have learnt.


Hence why PIE = perpetual incident expressway.


Honestly cte beats pie hands down for accidents.




Tribecar huat ar!! Another day another sucker p plate dw to buy cdw.


huat indeed aršŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Pay up lor, ownself go kiss the backside one with no protection then how?


yeh ok bopian


Was it raining at that time ? Be prepared to pay since you collided someone's rear.


Based on the numerous post on Reddit. The bussiness model is on charging repairing cost. Prepare your purse


das true. time to bopianz lo~


Imagine if you get at least one small accident like this every year while renting, inclusive of the petrol and rental fees. You could own a LUXURY car. Well, you actually are paying for the rental company ownerā€™s Lamborghini in some way.


Car rental companies POPs champagne whenever one of their cars got into an accident. They make a hell lot more on accidents than rentals People just REFUSED to understand


hahaha sometimes is really just bopian la if it is once off thing and no car already owned/unavailable. convenience comes at a cost lol


Since u r willing to pay just pay no need think so much.


willing to pay still does not mean i would feel good about it.


Car sharing company is a scam.


yeah figured as much too


Get ready 20K bill. :)


sorry to say if youā€™re not driving often why take the risk with rental companies? unfortunately i think you just got to try to negotiate an installment plan or something, good luck


This isnā€™t a mechanical failure, you felt the brakes and accepted driving the car - the fact you knew they were squishy and still hit something in front of you means you were driving irresponsibly. Is the amount being charged insane? Totally agreed there. Is this a mechanical fault? No, it is yours. Donā€™t try to say itā€™s the cars.


No choice. Gotta suck it up and pay. Expensive lesson but a valuable one.


You signed the t&c, you pay


You have already agreed to the t&cs when you used tribecarsā€¦ so you have no case. Even if the brake pads were faulty, the first instinct would have been to not drive offā€¦ it could have been much worseā€¦ Of course, you should have opted for add on as this firms to mitigate your downside. Your recourse? Pay it up and negotiate for installments if you canā€™t afford it. Lesson to learn: take grab or taxi cheaper. All the best TS.


They shouldn't charge you a blanket $5k + $5k UNLESS the actual repair cost is more than $5k for each vehicle, which, based on what you described, is unlikely to be so. From the definition of excess, it's supposed to apply ONLY in cases where the actual repair cost is more than the excess amount. E.g. repair cost is $6k, so you pay $5k and the insurance company pays the additional $1k. But if the actual repair cost is lower than $5k, then it makes zero sense to charge you $5k and they should just charge you for the actual cost and maybe some nominal admin fee. Cos e g. if the actual repair cost is $1k but they still charge you $5k, then where is the extra money going to? Straight into their pocket with no ethical justification. Zzz. But yeah these car rental companies are notorious for making use of minor incidents to profit off the hirer involved :( You could ask tribecar if you can make a private settlement with the lorry driver, meaning that the lorry driver tells you the actual cost and you just pay him directly, in order to waive the $5k third party excess. You can also try to keep appealing and asking them why they are charging you so much excess when the actual repair cost is certainly lower than that. It's a long shot but you can always fight it out if you want to. I myself was charged $3200 by GetGo for third party insurance excess because of "damages" caused to a safety barrier. There wasn't any damage to the barrier + no one made a claim against GetGo for the barrier + the cost of a brand new barrier is less than $300. It's blatantly unethical. I'm still fighting the case for months but I've made some progress. Good luck!!


oh wow alright, all the best for your case! are you just directly communicating with getgo or did you get help from like a consult or whatever?


I checked with a lawyer friend about how to interpret the t&c and also checked with other car owners about what "insurance excess" means so that I could build my case After that I just communicated directly with getgo and wrote appeals against the bill. Following many rounds of appeal, getgo finally said they can waive the $3.2k if I get LTA to confirm (in writing) that they won't be making any claims against GetGo for the safety barrier. So now I'm just waiting for LTA to get back to me... So in your case I feel like it's similar? Like if the lorry driver isn't gonna make any claims against Tribecar for the incident, then technically Tribecar has no right to charge you for third party damage excess cos no claim was made.. and if the lorry driver does wanna make a claim then Tribecar should just charge you the exact amount that the lorry driver charged them + some nominal admin fee maybe


ahhh alright thanks!


Unfortunately since you hit the lorry behind, the liability is on you. I don't know if tribecars allows you to own self repair.. but if they do, maybe u can take it for an assement first. I think the repair+days you are renting it while it is being repaired will be cheaper than tribe's cost. But if the TnCs don't allow you to repair on your own and it is found out, I would think there could be legal ramifications. Paying tribe whatever they quote would be an easy way to close the case. Don't think any agency or CASE can help you as you aren't being cheated by tribe. Btw.. this uncle that spoke to you.. dunno who he is but in my experience those uncles that find you post car accidents are paid by car workshops to generate business.. so I would take whatever he says with a big pinch of salt


yeah i know its on me for the rear ending. the tncs by right say any damage should be reported to tribecar but now im seeing many people say that it would have been better to self repair... ok la ill just pay, then try to negotiate a bit on the things esp 3rd party. yeah after that uncle walked off another uncle came by and asked if i knew the first guy. when i said no, i was told that i shouldnt trust these people as they might be with some company too haha


No harm in getting your own workshop estimate if you still have the car. At least you know how much more tribe is quoting you. If it's a not much more, you will feel better and can think of it as paying money to have less of a headache. If it's a lot more.. try to nego harder with tribe


Donā€™t pay. Just block all communications with them and ignore. They will do their best to suck as much money from you but just be strong and donā€™t say anything.


i genuinely cant tell if you are serious or kidding wwww


Serious, tribe accused me of denting a bumper and wanted $1k++. I just ignored their emails, calls and whatsapp. Lost my deposit and balance of course but way better than paying $1k+.


tbf your one is accusation and minor. meanwhile mine like jialat and i cannot deny responsibility ahšŸ« 


Better dont ignore, they can sue if they want to for the amount its not worth it. Its really stressful OP is a painful and expensive lesson but no choice ah šŸ„²


I wish I could be a car rental company


I am not experienced in car rentals, but couldnt you secretly go to a workshop and get it fixed? since they did not have a dashcam to show where you went? Unfortunately I think you just gotta bite the bullet and pay, i donā€™t think you can do much especially after agreeing to their T&Cs, imagine if was injured or you kena a chain accident, I will just kms


i could have if i did not report it i guess, i was just worried that the 3p company would raise something. and the situation was quite rushed, i dont have any workshop contacts. yeah agree with your second part, we take small Ws either way yeh. thankfully it was slow traffic situation so people could change lane out to one that can move (until i got off the exp)


yea, next time just fuck it and go to a nearby workshop to get it fixed, dont be afraid. these stupid companies are crooks anyways so dont have to fear or sympathise them. You should join popular telegrps such as ones that show roadblocks, once ure in there u can search for workshops to find


ooo i see, do you have any tele group recommendations? can dm me the links if possible (^^") thanks bro


CASE can do nothing . Its always dicey with a hired car . The advice is too late but always get max insurance add-on [possible.as](http://possible.as) a P plate driver just buy a COE car and practice.Singapore roads are one of the easiest to drive on. you can try negotiating with tribe car but ...


alright i see, thanks!




Pls reference, someone else kenna same issue


wa thanks! didnt see this one while i was searching through the sub


All these car sharing are scam. They purposely don't maintain their cars and hope you crash. With the amount u paid, you could have bought an old COE car that is better maintain and driven it around to build your driving skills and confidence


hi op, i got into an accident with tribecar back in 2022. damaged the rear fender and bumper while parking, total $425 (repair $340, loss of use $85) feel free to pm me if u need more infošŸ˜


Sad to say, things are not in your favour. Ideally, check for bald tyres and brakes first next time if you still plan to ever rent. Don't drive wo a dashcam as well, it's to save your ass. You drove despite feeling the possible brake issue so no chance. TnCs already stated that they will chop you should you get into an accident. Accept your fate, p plate and rarely drives is a spell for disaster. Good luck


No point reporting to CASE. Itā€™s probably written somewhere in the contract regarding loss of use cost etc. So moral of the story is 1) if possible, donā€™t rent from such companies 2) if you do, get full excess waiver coverage or at least $500 excess coverage (if get into accidents the max you pay is $500) 3) if you feel the car is not working well, please donā€™t drive off. You have agreed to the risk once you drive out 4) if you did drive out, keep a safe distance cars, keep on the left lanes. Slow is much better than accidents which is much better than dying.


yessir for pt4, i was on the furthest left and it was slow since peak. but unlucky misjudgement of brake and all that caused this.


I have similar sit with another car sharing company. I only ended up paying the damage of my car (with itemised cost). I did it by getting the 3rd party to signal a waiver form. Indicating they waive off right to claim against the car sharing company(cause it's their car). Reduce from 6K >1.2K


ooo i see, thanks! for the itemised cost it would not make a difference if their own workshop marks up the price right? cos the car got towed back to their side. and like you said, different company so i am also not sure if tribe can. i will consider trying the waiver form if i can contact the 3rd party's boss! fingers crossed hehe


I contested their itemized list a few times. But to be fair they were rather fair. They have reputation risk as well. For 3rd party, do you have their car plate?


I have similar situation with another car sharing company. I only ended up paying the damage of my car (with itemised cost). I did it by getting the 3rd party to signal a waiver form. Indicating they waive off right to claim against the car sharing company(cause it's their car). Reduce from 6K >1.2K


Your only hope is negotiations.Ā  You can lawyer up and threaten to counter sue them for allowing a car with faulty brakes on the road (negligence.) Deny that U knew the brakes were faulty from the beginning. More so as a new P plate driver, you wouldn't have realised the brakes were faulty.Ā  Bring the car to your own independent mechanic to verify the brakes are weak/faulty/overdue for maintenances. You need evidence of their negligence.Ā  Good luck.Ā 


unfortunately the car has been towed back to their workshop so i doubt they will allow me to take it back out to external. lawyer can be said to be out of the options ba, dont want to go so far. thanks for the advice!


Bang into someoneā€™s rear is usually gg in most cases


Do not claim mechanical failure if is not, insurance claim will be repudiated and you have to pay full sum of the damages and pro-longed loss of use when the vehicle is sent to a 3rd party accident investigation company. i used to work in a car rental and workshop company. my best advise is to negotiation with tribecar on vehicle repair and not claiming insurance if damage is minor. pm me if you need more info


alright understood! have dropped you a request


I accidentally hit a wall when reversing a few years back and damaged a bumper and tail lights of a Tribecar Altis. I went down to their workshop and they offered to settle for 700 which included loss of rental. But perhaps no third party involved so it wasn't that bad. Always pay for excess protection if it's available.


I've heard many complaints about tribe car break not working. Never take the car if any safety function is even slightly not working. Faulty breaks need to be reported. Maybe you report to LTA or whichever authority is in charge. Tribe car need to do better.


CASE definitely wont help you because tribecar isnt doing anything wrong, whatever you owe is legally within the contract that youā€™ve already agreed upon. Should have listened to the uncle and repaired it yourself seeing that the car did not even have a dashcam.


Can everyone just start boycotting these rental car companies


+1 bro, i dont even see tribecar on the road and im out quite a bit of the time. dunno how come forums say tribecar is popular lol. only decided to try cos its the nearest to me with p plate provision


bite the bullet and pay the amount. then close your tribe account. tribe cars are SHIT. some ACs donā€™t work, some stink, some brakes worn out. meanwhile, report this to CASE and say tribeā€™s cars are under maintained, increasing likelihood of accidents, causing users to pay an excessive premium. in face, tribe makes it impossible to close your account. you need print a form, mail to them, then within 45 days they will mail you a cheque. like the fuck kinda process is this?


fuck it my wallet $7 only so im not even gonna bother claiming back the money. unless i can get my 100 deposit back? also dont like how they have $1 platform fee every time i top up wallet. so in the event that i bring up to CASE, i should also try gathering evidence of the ones that you have mentioned right? cos honestly i think that my brake one would be hard to prove as many others have said i could have just reported brake issue instead of proceeding.


U rent they win. U bump they win more


No case ; try to opt for settlement !


10k can buy a 6 month COE left car.. rented Tribecar before and never again . Bought my own car instead because I know why itā€™s so cheap to rent so u will want to rent more and when shit happen they cut u 5 digits above :)


I donā€™t know how else I can advise here with others already chiming in, but my advice to you next time will be to reject the vehicle from the company if you find that something as crucial as the Hydraulic brake system has failed. Not just for insurance purposes but genuinely, your life depends on that when youā€™re going 90km/h.


it wasnt the entire brake system failure, felt more like somewhat worn out brake pads (more than what i am used to at least)


Also note that Borneo Motors brings in almost every Toyota that is being driven in the country. They will have a record of that car in question and will be able to bring up at least some history of it on their end. Ask if that car has ever been recorded as having brake issues


If you still do have the car in your possession, it might be worth you trying to take a photograph of the brake pads on all 4 wheels to see how worn or contaminated they are. Also take a look at the vehicle model manual online to see what the manufacturer specifies as acceptable limits for pad wear. I believe there should also be a legal limit set by Viacom or LTA on how thin your pads can get before they need to be replaced; someone in comments please chime in if you know it. Because at the end of the day, it was never your responsibility to service that car, they had the obligation to hand you a car in working order, and if the car got into an accident because they didnā€™t do the maintenance, you shouldnā€™t feel any guilt or fork out anything. You just need to prove that negligence on their end.


If you canā€™t get your camera between the wheel spokes to get a pic, then take it to a mechanic you trust first and ask them to assess the condition of the brakes. It might cost you a bit for inspection, wonā€™t be much. I suspect that Borneo motors who distributes Toyota/Lexus might do it for free, as all the Toyota dealers in the UK have done so on request in my case. But get a paper written report from them and if Tribecar still insists on you paying for damages, use that as evidence to argue that the crash was due to their negligence, not yours. Then send paperwork to CASE when asked, this is the evidence you need to gather to protect yourself. You will find that a lot of people in this world are äøč¦č„ø shameless, and this will be excellent training for you to deal with them later in life.


Sec 1 - own damage (car youre renting) depends on the excess standard Sec 2 - 3rd party damages excess. This will come after I dont know how insurance woeks is tribecar. Review the rental agreement and insurance policy. Also loss of use = downtime car you rented is on repair


Unfortunately u can't do much because their T&Cs would have been made known to u upfront and u have agreed to them by booking their car.


in the US, you have heard that the Ice cream machine is always broken. read about the machine brand Taylor, how they make money off franchise owners having to service the broken machines. read about Kytch as well, the startup that was meant to help these franchise owners. imo, im not suprised if some car rental companies main income will be to suck the bejeesus out of you through these type of claims n probably make it profitable


yeah they profit off bloodsucking for damages and accidents so as to keep prices low for the others


Take it as a painful lesson learnt


Never rent car from bluesg/getgo/tribecar lol Not your car still dare to drive like you own the car. What kind of problem also dunno cos its your 1st time driving it and it may be a potentially problematic car cos they dont really do maintenance and as what many said, they hope u get into accident and u have to pay whatever shit they bill to u. I am sure you have done some research on how much to pay if u indeed get into a minor accident, even a small scratch will cost a few thousand. What they bill u, must pay 1 cannot siam. Unless u migrate to other country lo Either you own a car or take public transport. No in-between.






yes p-plate. nope, this incident that i wrote is my first one.




Wow, cheat people still can be so proud. If you want to rent a car to drive, you should be prepared to pay for any damages if there is any accidents. Or else, take a grab or get your car.


ehhh, no repercussions whatsoever? cos i also scared to get into trouble with them like they will go and hunt me down or what spam call me. and the difference in car company, so i probably will not pull such a stunt haha


Pls dont listen to fatben. Not worth getting into trouble over $10k. Even if it's story is true, it just shows he/she is an irresponsible person.


Sometimes itā€™s better to just take a grab or taxi than rent from these companies. If you want to rent, cannot complain if anything goes wrong. Itā€™s the same, if you want to drive, you cannot complain petrol is expensive. This is a Expensive lesson for you.


Hats off to you for having the guts to drive a car without dashcam as p-plate! šŸ˜„


The moment i read that you felt that the brakes were worn out, and still drove the car, i immediately face palmedšŸ˜‚šŸ’€ Anyway, should have just repaired the vehicle yourself since itā€™s just front hood damage, shouldnā€™t have reported and just extend your rental.


man its not worn like sibei bad la but it was definitely more than what i normally had (driving sch or other cars) yeah got ppl advising me to do so but i trapped myself as i called to report while talking to other party.


Nvm, lesson learnt, so will you rent again in the future?šŸ˜‚ If must rent, rent from companies with better maintained cars pls, tribecar sucks


HAHAHA okok yes, i took it cos it was the most convenient one at my estate mscp have already..




Do not rent. Buy a car. If you canā€™t afford it, drive your parentsā€™ car. If they donā€™t have a car, donā€™t drive. Donā€™t rent!




Next time donā€™t rent and take phv car better


Damn, should had paid for tribeshield


damn right i should havešŸ« many regretti


Well, at least you have the money to pay for damages. I know this is NOT comforting at all, but on the flipside, imagine if you were broke instead. All those huge stress to call up relatives and friends for help in borrowing money. Hope you recover from this incident ya.


Sad truth is, you are the type of customer they are waiting every Month


yeah figured lol, thats how they keep their prices low for others at the cost of playing the probability game


just curious but what did your own family suggest to you about what you should do next. why not ask them instead of getting tempted by your bf's family


Skill issue


You should at least be able to save the 5k if you settled with lorry driver yourself. Did you talk to them at all? What did they say. 5k repair on your own car does not seem unreasonable with the downtime on the car and the repair itself. Doubt you can dispute that part.


Talk to a lawyer, they can help to negotiate down.


You fucked up, no two ways about it. You shouldnā€™t have continued with the car if it felt off from the get go (pun not intended). Also, with ANY rental cars ANYWHERE, you should always make sure to bring your own camera with you and use it instead of the pre-installed one. All the best!


Treat it as a very valuable lesson. A few learning points. If you felt the brakes or any parts of the car is not up to par, ie questionable, then itā€™s better not to take the car esp older cars. Please consider this from the point of a rental car vs a personally own car. Which would be better maintained or abused? If you are renting a car, then be prepared for all risks and responsibilities on the road. It can be cheaper and less taxing mentally if you take a grab. If you really need to drive then better have a seasoned driver next to you. Always give enough following distance between you and car infront. Better to not follow behind big lorry as you canā€™t see road conditions infront. Try looking one car ahead. If you see the car infront stops, the car infront of you will stop. Donā€™t wait till the car infront of you brake light on before you respond.


I a friend who crashed his tribecar renault grand scenic and all he did was extend the timing for the said car for an extra 9 hours (less than 100 dollars) and took it to a mechanic friend to repair it (1150 bucks) and just returned the car with no reprecussions. Adviced to do what he did to another friend who crashed another tribecar (not even his fault another car banged on him) 6 months later and was laughed at. In the end the guy had to pay 8k for something which isnā€™t even his fault. Yr mistake op was to not do enough research on companies like tribecar and immediately informing them for something as small as cosmetic damage that has zero serial number tracking and can be repaired at any shop which has parts and tools. Tribe is a notorious company which will suck money from victims at their lowest point. I once hired a tribe for 2hrs, went there to find the vehicle missing, called them and finally got a line 45 minute later and the person promised me that the vehicle is in the carpark and i am just not looking at the correct spot and made me wander arnd the entire carpark like a madman for another 45 mins. 1.5 hrs later lo and behold the car comes in and guess what. The previous hirer extended the trip and tribe didnt even have the courtasy to inform and had the balls to even charge me a 40 dollar late return fee which i didnt pay ofc when i took the vehicle 1.5 hrs after my booking time and returned it 20 mins past my booking time and drove it for a grand total of 40 mins. If i were you rn op. I would just fight it out. Tribe isnt a big strong company and has alooot of loose ties here and there. Just bring in someone who knows law and enjoy them instantly jelly up and suddenly remember the repair cost is just 1000 dollars and not 10k


wow interesting haha. thanks a lot bro!


Donā€™t forget to bring in the faulty brakes thingey cause even if you get charged in court, For an accident like this youā€™ll simply get a fine but tribe will be charged a rather hefty amt for having shitty vehicles and a potential check on all their vehicles by the LTA for issues (which will quite literally end them given we all know how crappy some of their cars are) so there is a higher chance tribe might even waive off the whole thing to save their asses


Tribecar's business model is exactly this: to attract noob drivers and let them commit mistakes which damages their vehicles and tribecar will in return charge them huge sums of money that they can't dispute.


Itā€™s not about the internal damage to the engine and so on. Even the frame cost a lot to fix, if u look at the front of the car, thereā€™s already a few parts like the bumper, head lights cover , side panels, front panel. All these cost $$ and labor to knock it back to shape and head lights cover cannot be repaired, it needs to be replaced by a new part. And u din mention about keeping a safe distance. If u kept a safe distance from the lorry, even if the brakes are a bit softer, u should be able to brake in time. Itā€™s a common mistake to tailgate but very costly mistake because in insurance claims, the car that tailgates and hit the car in front will be fully liable. Iā€™m sure Tribecar gets quite a few accident claims of such nature and I doubt anyone can appeal and go CASE and win easily. Once u rent their car, u r locked into their terms and conditions


https://youtu.be/7hctlfRgvt0?si=glwr68yzcv8crjVE Maybe this will make things clearer for anyone who considers renting cars.




yeah, but like you said in future. my errands cannot postpone to like 10 years out ma haha


This weekend go Leng Kee la..byd got sale haha.


dont got that kind of money la sial, im not going into the workforce soon