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Dong bai amd cheng pu so far. Still working on all the stories


Definitely Dong Bai for me. Her Musous are some of the most fun to use, and her story is a fun hypothetical, and both of those aspects also suit her character perfectly.


Cheng Pu. He's my favorite out of all the "grizzly old vets" from the series. And he also reminds me of Rayleigh from One Piece.


He's also one of the old Wu members whose presence I've most wanted so getting him was so exciting.


Dong Bai definitely, she's crazy in the fun kind of way.


Cheng Pu was my favorite, tho I'm a sucker for first-gen Wu so there isn't much of a surprise there. I liked Hua Xiong and Dong Bai, but both could have been done better. I hate Dong Bai's design, which sucks because her weapon and personality are fun. Hua Xiong's design and personality were pretty Hua Xiong, but his weapon suuuucked.


Dong Bai needs to rock some boots in a later design >////> or at least, maybe some armor too akin to Sima Yi's design in DW4. BUT, aside from just being borrowed from Musou Blast, I think such frilly and expensive gothic clothing is meant to add to how pampered/spoiled Dong Bai is, as a relative to a guy like Dong Zhuo. Hua Xiong ngl was pretty meh to me. But it's a given he would be brought in so I didn't object too much. Is it weird that I also REALLY liked how Yuan Shu turned out + the perfect Japanese VA to be cast as him? Helps in that he's got a sick lightning beam special.


Yuan Shu was perfect! I have no doubt that guy is Yuan Shu, y'know? Just the perfect everything for the story's character. I just really, really despise him in the story, so I didn't even consider him haha


yuan shu is quietly S tier for his moveset and story. Shame it took so long to add him because he was one of the highlights of 9 for me


Yeah, DW9's club is probably the worst iteration of a low tier weapon imo. That was the only thing I wish I could change.


The club has always been a boring ass weapon, but DW9 just took it to the "generic" extreme.


Xu Sheng that beautiful man


Xin Xianying!


Man Chowder


lmaooo what a name


Xu Sheng and Dong Bai


Xu Sheng cause I think he's hot, and it's cute to make him cry when he's just so happy. As bad as 9 was from a gameplay perspective, I actually really did enjoy a lot of the additions and hope they return in the next game.


Helps in that he's got dem funny hideaway quotes XD He also had to be voiced by Tarusuke Shingaki of all people (Rashid and Lemillion)


Yeah, not gonna lie. The Hideaway lines sold it for me, especially cause I was coming right off of Samurai Warriors 4 with Magoichi. His directness had me like šŸ˜³


Cheng Pu! I waited so long for him and I wasn't disappointed!


All bar Zhange Feis wife? I have no idea of her name šŸ˜‚


Xiahou Ji, I haven't played her story, but tbh It can't be that good. From my understanding, she was originally just a prisoner who fell in love with Zhange Fei


For meā€¦ I think itā€™s the weapon choice. I donā€™t think it suits her look/fashion. I like all the other new additions, just not her šŸ˜‚ Hopefully if everyone is in DW10 when that happens or in Origins, thereā€™s no clones šŸ¤™ Edit - the 7 new heroā€™s to dw9 should keep those weapons, they are ā€œnew, and fit themā€. OG heros should get their old weapons. Dong Bai, she can have the bomb flail, but Dong Zhou should either have bombs, or jagged sword. Xiahouji should have the assassin needle things, and Wang Yi should go back to the giant Sai weapon. Hua Xiong should get Dian Weis dw6 ball and chain. And Yuan Shu I like having a rapier, but he should be totally different to any other user. Not sure what else would fit him. I also wasnā€™t a fan of Xin Xianying having a massive axe, maybe a smaller one or a glaive would look less ā€œsillyā€. I would like them to end DW10 on 100 heroā€™s. We have 23 Wei, 21 Wu, 23 Shu, 13 Jin, 10 other, and 4dlc. So 94. I think they should even put ever force as best as possible and add 1-2 new others and then stop adding new heroā€™s, work on the ones they have. 100 is more then plenty šŸ˜‚ Thoughts, on weapons?


Dong Bai gets Diao Chan's dual maces but with a much more savage moveset.


Great idea! I do miss the dual maces. Meteor hammer maces arenā€™t they? Something like that.


Those all sound like good ideas. I was really excited to see Xin Xianying added due to her foresight and character evaluations. I had hoped she was going to get a weapon that fit this... they give the strategist character a giant axe and called it a day. Ugh, it still bothers me. I agree with most of your other ideas. 100 perfect split of 25,25,25,15,10 would be a fine goal to reach for.


Xin Xianying has the potential to be a great character but to be honest she feels like a proxy of her father Xin Pi in DW9. Her story finishes before she does something in Jin lol. Hopefully they do better with her next time.


Yeah. I just feel a giant Xu Huang looking axe doesnā€™t fit a tiny lady. And I think 100 heroā€™s for DW10 would be nice. Issue is we have 94, so only 6 to add and there ainā€™t no way of making it even with those numbers. šŸ˜‚


If the weapon fit the lady's personality (like maybe Sun Luban or Zhao E if they were added) then it's no problem. I just think it fits poorly for a strategist-coded character who doesn't have the weapon play into her character (unlike Yueying who has been consistently portrayed as a rough-hewn inventor/scientist). Yeah... there's still so many wanted characters for various kingdoms. It's hard to think they'd stop at 25 for each, with 10 and 15 respectively as well.


I think Ji would do better with an Iron fan. They kinda fazed it out in 8E, and it is a classic weapon. Plus, it kinda fits the for the officer known for just kinda being there. Emeri Peicers don't really fit for anyone but Wang Yi or if they add an assassin character to me.


I just miss the giant Sai thing Wang Yi had. Looked cool and had a cool moveset.


I'm not sure why Xiahouji should have the emei piercers. Those are deadly, assassin weapons. She isn't of that archetype at all. She's a fragile, young maiden. If you look closely at how she uses her shield during her air Musou attack, she uses it like a parasol. That's a weapon more fitting with her look and personality.


Fair fair. I thought her being all shy and defenceless it would be a sneaky weapon she has up her sleeves to defend herself, obvs make it more ā€œher personalityā€ when sheā€™s using them. What weapon do you think would suit her? I think they should defo use previous removed weapons for new heroā€™s, like I said with the DW6 Dian Wei ball and chain etc.


I'd like to see older weapons being brought back but only if they're fitting with the characters. In the case of Xiahouji it's either a parasol to me or something that isn't seen as deadly. She's not the warrior type.


Fair. Like Cai Wanji with the harp, something not normally seen as a weapon. Maybe she could have a musical weapon? Or something like the rods like the Xiao sister has?


Dong Bai duh


Iā€™m happy Zhou Cang and Cheng Pu got some love. Now I shall wait for Liao Hua!




Hua Xiong. He's my boy, and I love him. I am, the biggest Hua Xiong simp out there. I liked how Koei clearly made him dumb, but still managed to treat him seriously. He gets to be a competent commander who actually leads troops, to the point where Dong Zhuo's soldiers adore the guy, he gets to point out when the enemies make dumb mistakes, and even Cao Cao says, "Assuming Hua Xiong was a mere barbarian, was a costly mistake." I see him like Goku, when it comes to fighting/warfare, he's the guy you want. My only issue, with Hua Xiong's story mode, was Dong Bai. I love Dong Bai, she's great. But, she had such a weak reaction to his death. I wasn't expecting her to start crying or anything, that wouldn't have fit her character, but I felt like she should've at least seemed 'sad' about it. Instead her dialogue sounds like she was mocking him. I really liked the way the two characters interacted up until the ending. Then, for literally no reason, Dong Bai suddenly develops a random, instantaneous obsession for Zhang Liao, and never mentions Hua Xiong again.


Yeah, I feel like Koei wanted them to be a new couple since most games add a new couple, but gave up on it at some point.


I don't think they were a couple, personally saw it as more of a babysitter relationship. They were great together, but, I never saw, or wanted anything past that.


Fair, but who would be the babysitter šŸ¤”


Dong Bai is a queen and her story was amazing. Cheng Pu is a refined old man, great design and I liked that they included his distrust in Zhou Yu.


Dong Bai and Cheng Pu easily. Jumped up to some of my favourites in all games very quickly. They're great on their own but I also love what they bring to other characters. Cheng Pu and Zhou Yu's interactions are great and I love the interactions between Dong Bai and Lu Bu/Zhang Liao/Hua Xiong as well as bringing out more in Dong Zhuo.


Xu Sheng and Man Chong


Dong Bai


She actually has a nice musou and generally fun to play as, which surprised me.


I never finished 9 or bought the DLCs but Iā€™m going off vibes and saying Hua Xiong, the twink thatā€™s #6, and the green girl despite her being Shu.


It's funny cause Number 6 (Man Chong) was very tall in ROTK (about 6 ft), and they just kinda made average size to everyone else.


Cheng Pu; I liked his personality in the cutscenes in particular. His moveset and weapon is cool. I like his design. He interacts well with the rest of the Wu cast. Seems like a perfect fit. Whereas some other new arrivals I felt didnā€™t gel as naturally with the story and other characters.


Xun You was to me the best edition to the game. His attitude and observational skills are right on most of the time.


Yuan Shu ofc, long awaited debut His english voice is kinda good tho ngl


I really enjoyed having Lu Buā€™a daughter Lu Ling something with her cool weapon as a genera sheā€™s a beast. Other than her I really liked the demon king too, Dong Zhou? I canā€™t remember names well sorry. I kinda went for an evil play through so just wanted badass looking Generals.


I loved it when Lu Lingqi was introduced as a Lu Bu fan since a kid it was awesome to see he had a kid who actually wasn't even a bad person she just wanted to impress her dad and not be lonely.


Thatā€™s cool to know, she ended up becoming my characters wife and at the last battle against Cao Cao to unify china Lu Bu joined our army and we clapped him. So much fun and cool little RP story!


Xu Sheng Man Chong Dong Bai Those 3 are my favorites though I liked all the new characters.


Hua Xiong, Zhou Cang and Xu Sheng are good new characters and Dong Bai is a good material for doujinshi if DW9 doesn't fail


Cheng Pu


Cheng Pu easily. But I did really enjoy Man Chong and Yuan Shu as well


Yuan shu is really good design in 9


Cao Xiu and Xin Xianying! Really want to play through Cheng Pu's story too because I'm sure that's going to be great


I haven't played 9 since launch but Hua Xiong being in def making me think about it.


I'd wait for a sell or something if he is your only reason to get the game. He is only DLC in the game, and without it, he only has one scene in the base game


the Ma Dai lookin dude


Heā€™s not my favourite but Cheng Pu was the most needed by far. Fave is probably Man Chong.


Xu Sheng and Man Chong. Man Chongs a character Iā€™ve wanted for ages now, He Fei Castle is his level to shine, so hopefully future installations will have that battle be really sick. DWOrigins could make that level amazing. Liked his design a lot the white coat is really nice makes him stand out from all the blue/purple of wei, and his weapon was pretty unique and cool would love to see it return. He also has good interactions with characters like xu huang and cao ren bringing even more out of them. Xu Sheng, like just look at the guy his design is sick as. His weapon style is pretty cool as well, flails can get boring but the way he uses the dual flail is really cool and acrobatic I think, it looks like a slow weapon but he is pretty quick with them. He brings good dynamic to characters like Zhou Tai and Ding Feng (two characters who definitely needed more ā€˜friendsā€™) And he also has a moment to shine in the battle where he builds a fake castle to intimidate the enemy. The other characters I think where also good adds, DW9 had a good new roster though I think both Jin and Shu got screwed over with their additions.


Cao Xiu definitely, although his inclusion really makes me wanna see Zhou Fang later.


Cao Xiu is the only one I really got exposed to because I only did three playthroughs (Cao Cao, Sima Yi, Sima Zhao) though Dong Bai seems neat.


I was very happy to finally have Hua Xiong. I was very unhappy he was a Xu Zhu clone.


Cheng Pu 100%. I hope they flesh him out more in later games.


Yuan Shu was quite hilarious but I think Cheng Pu was the best add


Cheng Pu, Hua Xiong, Xianying, and Dong Bai.


I really like most of them, and Iā€™m with fellow commentors; Cheng Pu and Dong Bai are probably my absolute favorite new additions that add a new spice to the other and Wu factions that I appreciate measurably. I love the three old guys of Wu dynamic being semi-parental grumpy vets (Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, that other guy, I forget his name), and I especially really enjoyed the development shown between Zhou Yu and Cheng Puā€™s relationship and characters. Dong Bai, I really just think sheā€™s fun, crazy, her story reminded me of the chaotic days where you could fight the entire world as Lu Bu and win, which you donā€™t really get in DW9 I also really like Xiahouji for how simple her role is and how cute she is while supporting Zhang Fei. I hope she gets her own moveset in the next title if she returns, and I also appreciate her role in lending legitimacy to Xiahou Baā€™s defection to Shu. Yuan Shu adding depth to Sun Jian and Sun Ce and Yuan Shaoā€™s brief appearances was also a pretty cool choice and I quite like how utterly absurdly mustache twirling Yuan Shu is. Cao Xiu is very charming, but I do think heā€™s an example of why we need an aging system in DW, as he looks the same age up until the end of Wuā€™s story. Cao Xiu being compared to Zhao Yun a few times in DW9 was intriguing and I wonder if they will pursue this further. Man Chong is very fun and I like his mannerisms/behavior, and I really enjoyed his dynamic with the longer lasting Wei strategists like Jia Xu, Sima Yi, Guo Huai was very fun, and I really liked that him and Xin Xianying being introduced enabled a more fun perspective with Zhuge Dan in the later hefei castle battle. For that matter, I really enjoy Xin Xianying as well, I have less to say, but sheā€™s well designed and not over the top, she fit right in while not being overly immersion breaking historically. I also think her and Guo Huai serving Wei in Chibi is very interesting for Jin variety. Xu Sheng is pretty unique with the background in Wu of losing his territory to Cao Cao, and he has a commanding presence that pairs well with Zhou Tai. I also liked his mariner influence on his design and how rugged he was designed. I really like that his introduction enabled the fake wall strategy to be a battle. Hua Xiong was a fun introduction, adding some depth to Dong Zhuoā€™s perspective was a fun choice, and the implication of how Diaochan and his relationship grew prior to his death was intriguing. Iā€™m most take or leave on Zhou Cang and Xun You. Xun You is cool and offers a unique perspective on the plainclothes strategy, but he reminds me too much of Xu Shu and they introduced him alongside other very unique and fun strategists over the last few titles, and he stands out the least to me- that being said, I like his design and his concept as more of a battle tactician. Zhou Cang as a concept prior to joining Shu is interesting, how you fight him up to two times during the yellow turban rebellion, but they didnā€™t really do that much with him in the battle in reality, I tend to have to go out of my way to combat him. Once he joins Shu, heā€™s kind of just another guan yu family/worshipper with a a comedic relief role that is underwhelming. I did like the potential dynamic for Guan Ping and Zhou Cang to be the original big brothers of the Guan kids, but they didnā€™t pursue this very much. All in all, I ironically liked him in Warriors Allstars both gameplay and plot wise more, although his appearance in comparison to other options still peeves me in that game.


Xin Xianying because i was i fan of hers in the ROTK series and wished for ages for her to be added. But for real? The new adds in DW9 were pretty bland. Yuan Shu was a good npc and Dong Bai was kinda fun though.


For my part it's Xu Sheng or Hua Xiong, but outside of them, Cheng Pu and Yuan Shu I feel like DW9 was kind of a weak entry for new characters. The three Wei strategists aren't distinct enough, and that's after already getting Xun Yu in 8E. Dong Bai, I get why people like her, just not my cup of tea. Xin Xianying is a weird pick; I think the plan was Xin Pi until they realised they already had three other Wei figures. Zhou Cang was a letdown; was hoping a Yellow Turban would make for a meatier early game, but that section seems just as rushed as usual and all we get after it is another Guan Yu fanboy. Speaking of Shu bias I'm astounded they thought Xiahouji was a good idea given her backstory, and her characterisation just does nothing for me.


hi this subreddit got randomly recommended to me and I have no idea who any of these people are but that first guy is crazy HOT HOLY SHIT


Cheng Pu (ABOUT TIME), Xun Yoh (strategists are too awesome), Xu Sheng (he grew on me), Zhou Cang (same case as Cheng Pu) And also a bit of Xian'ying (dem armored boots >/////>a) and ngl god damn Dong Bai (why she gotta be a cutie dammit?) Yuan Shu ngl is also a cool addition with the perfect name in the Japanese voice industry being cast as him (just basically a match-made-in-heaven scenario for Keiji Hirai). And also LIGHTNING BEAAAAAM


My opinion is only based on the designs as I cannot stand playing the game no matter how much I try, I like Cao Xiu and Man Chong the most. I don't think any of them are bad designs though, even more of a shame that the game itself is so terrible.