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My boss doesn't think Pandas are real, we tried asking him to explain himself, but he just kinda kept responding with "look it up man, not real".


Sounds like something I would say, I like fucking around. I would send you videos of those dogs painted like them and videos of them acting like idiots. Pandas are literally stoners of the bear world. I'm not even sure why they are bears.


I had a buddy who would start playing the flat earth game to fuck with people


if the world was flat cats would have pushed everything over the edges by now


I think this is best counter argument ever. The Cat Reposte


Haha! Tricked you into thinking I’m a moron! Guess it works if you don’t want them bothering you.


I joined the flat earth society in '04 and they sent me a T-shirt! I wore that thing to threads going to trivia at a local bar wih buddies. We called ourselves "Baby Seal Club"`


Fun fact science isn’t sure either. They are technically classified as bears. But because they share characteristics with raccoons, there was great debate for decades whether they should be bears or classified as marsupials like koalas or some other genus.


Not marsupials. Marsupials have pouches.


That is indeed the current view but for a while they debated this. There are other characteristics that they apparently share with marsupials but it was eventually decided that they were not marsupials. There are enough animals out there that that don’t fit cleanly into one specific category. Pandas also don’t fit perfectly into the bear family


This post took an oddly scientific turn


This is why they are called “Pandas” and not “Panda Bears”.


Anytime you see them being themselves in a zoo, you gotta think, how the fuck they made it this far?


That's hilarious! What pranks have you pulled on your friends?


Once fucked with a helper. We were all were telling him giraffes were not real. He ended up trying to bring proof and we all fucking died. This mofo brought proof. To work. That giraffes were real. He never lived that down lol good times.


Did he steal a giraffe from the zoo?


I told my young and innocent newbie that if he didn't jerk off, his sperm wouldn't advance via cycling old w the new.. Poor kid thought about it for about a week after I told him I was fuckin w em lol


You're not wrong though. Gotta make sure they keep on swimming


omg....i have to tell the dudes in my shop about this


Other than that, easy stuff is calling them and saying you were just calling them back. What's up?! Make them second guess themself.


Fun fact pandas have the highest bite force of all bears


No, straight up bite force. They eat wood.


lol apparently they are true bears [on a molecular level](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_panda) but it was a close tie with raccoons lmao.


I told my wife I didn't believe cows mooed for years. I've never heard a cow moo. Fake moos. She was hook line and sinker. We were driving to Big Bend and stopped to see the sunset in the middle of nowhere and the fing cows started mooing. I had to admit I knew cows mooed and I was fucking with her.


The greatest one I ever pulled over on my wife, was early on dating, she made a comment about asking my mother to see baby pictures of me, so I told her that they didn’t exist, because we had had a house fire when I was young, and they were all lost. And definitely don’t mention it to my mother because it was a very sensitive subject for her. This worked for several years, until my parents were over for the holidays and my wife said something about baby pictures, and then proceeded to profusely apologize to my extremely confused mother for broaching such a sensitive subject. By this time, I’ve almost completely forgotten that I told her that, so here’s my mom, asking what house fire I’m talking about, and then it hits me that bullshitted my wife so many years ago. The whole situation quickly devolved into my wife being mad at me, my mother scolding me, and dad saying how impressed he was with my creativity. All while I’m doubled over in laughter.


When my wife and I first started dating. I was a rural country boy my wife was hardcore suburban kid. She asked me why some cows where black and white and some brown and white. I told her the black and white made white milk and the brown and white made chocolate milk. Because they were fed extra cocoa beans in the diet. She believed me until she bought it up to my mom. Almost 10 years later.


Granted, pandas should not exist. If it wasn’t for human intervention, they wouldn’t. Pretty crazy that a species known for rolling over onto their children, being too lazy to get up, and as a consequence suffocating them managed to spawn at all lmfao


Washington DC zoo is getting two pandas soon.


What a weird belief. You should take him to a zoo with them and see what happens.


Currently zero pandas in American zoos


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uVXp2Cuw3z0 He's not entirely wrong...pandas exist but China does like china does and counterfeits freakin' pandas for real.




Blind, probably


I worked with a flat earther. You couldn’t argue with him about anything because he was so dumb and stubborn. Was surprising cause first talking to him his lack of intelligence wasn’t apparent.


> You couldn’t argue with him about anything because he was so dumb and stubborn. It's more that they devote *so much* mental capacity to absorbing flat earth conspiracy shit that they have an answer prepared for every common rebuttal. Now, those answers all wrong and you probably know that they're wrong, but unless you expend even more time researching them you probably won't be able to immediately explain why they're wrong. It's the bullshit asymmetry paradox and it applies to basically all conspiracy theories. It requires significantly more time and energy to disprove bullshit than it does to make bullshit up.


The feign intellectual curiosity, when really it's all confirmation bias.


You know what they call med students that get all C’s? Doctor. C’s get degrees.


Yeah this extends far beyond just the trades office jobs are full of these people honestly Ben Carson the neurosurgeon had some insane beliefs too despite otherwise being smart.


I’m an airline pilot and one of coworkers is a flat earther lmao. Still not the crazies conspiracy I’ve heard once the flight deck door was closed


Is it Rusty?


That is a damn funy combo


That belief fills an emotional need, not a logical one.


My boss told me he turned down a raise because he'd actually lose money from being in a higher tax bracket. Would not hear otherwise that that is not at all how taxes work.


I can't count the number of times I've tried to explain tax brackets to grown ass men 


my grandpa was a bank manager for 25 years and didnt know how they worked. I wasnt going to argue with him but like its crazy how people just coast through life without ever learning how or why the things around them work. Especially that generation.


I know my dad avoids any sort of household finances like numbers are his kryptonite, and he'll die of super cancer if he sees a number more than 3 digits long. So he left our family's finances entirely in my mother's hands... and she had a gambling problem. Yeah, he's not gonna retire anytime in this lifetime. He's a machinist, math is a daily occurrence for him, and he daily carries a calculator at work. It's not a skill issue. It's a cultural one. He was raised as a traditional Italian, and one of the more core traditions was that the husband worked outside the home, the wife worked inside the home - to such a degree that men aren't often taught or shown how to do basic household chores and tasks (like cooking, household finances, cleaning, shopping, child care and so on). While it is sexist to a fair degree (and there is a movement to change this tradition), the women aren't seen as inferior, but simply that would be the fairest division of labour. It's often so strong that men are often questioned on their sexuality and actively harassed for doing "woman's work" like cleaning the household or doing household shopping. So oftentimes it's not that they can't figure out how to clean or whatever, but it's that they're aggressively refusing to learn how to do those chores, as if theyre worried that if they took an interest in learning they'll be seen as basically how a beer chugging redneck MAGA conservative sees a blue haired trans rights university student / activist. Some of them take it to such an extreme that they won't even take out the garbage, even if they're the only person living in the home. So maybe gramps had a similar upbringing and a similar mentality - it's not that he couldn't figure it out, it's that unless figuring it out was a requirement of his job, he was going to aggressively ignore it till the sun explodes, even if he hurt himself severely in the process.


Accepting they are wrong would strike a fatal double blow to their ego.


One of my guys many years ago refused a raise I was giving him for this reason. I explained it, and showed him the figures over and over but he couldn’t get over the tax brackets and he’s, “paying more in taxes”. Of course you’re paying more in taxes but you’re also getting more money in your pocket than before at the same time!! He was a good electrician too so I know math wasn’t the problem.


Does this logic work backwards? Could you say to him "you've been doing really well. You're a productive, professional member of this team, and we've really come to rely on you. Based on this, I'd like to propose we reduce the amount of tax you're paying. I'd like to set your pay to a lower bracket to help you reduce your taxable income"


Lmao, that actually might work to be honest.


Employers love this one weird trick to lowering their labour expenses!


This is such a good unethical life pro tip


People always hear “the more you make, the more they take” they don’t understand they take a % of a specific amount over X dollars. They assume the income tax is a flat amount across the entire amount like sales tax.


Oh I love that. My wife use to do taxes and I learned how tax brackets and everything worked. Heating guys say this stuff always makes me laugh. I’ll try to explain it but they are adamant they know how it works.


Too much rodent feces and asbestos


But the cooling guys are on top of that shit like whipped cream on a decaf iced mocha.


I’ve had this argument with coworkers. And trying too hard just made ME less intelligent. I gave up.


I have co-workers who think just doing a couple of shifts of double time sets you back farther than just working straight time -_-


Just like overtime, they say you end up paying more in taxes than what you make. Ok.


I don't get how people can see their check being larger and still they're convinced that their not getting as much money. Last guy I worked with said that to me like 4 times, and everytime I was so confused I couldn't bring myself to explain it to him cause it really just does not make the slightest bit of sense. Work overtime, bigger check? Yes.


I’m there with you. It never makes sense like dude 10 hours of overtime helps out the check to look good. More overtime for me.


have you ever SEEN a dinosaur? 😶‍🌫️


I grew up in Florida, alligators are a common occurrence. So yes, I've seen a dinosaur.


Technically, birds are dinosaurs, so yeah, every day.


Um, birds aren't real, so like, um - gotcha?


No. My parrot is very real. She called me a whore the other day. I really need to watch what I say while gaming.


Most people with crazy ideas/conspiracy theories tell you to “do your research“ as an answer when you question them.


You'll notice they all repeat the same lines and phrases. Lots of this crap is pushed online by failed comedians who had to self promote and mediocre SEO types who lost their jobs as tools advanced. If I can get you to google [string] that's traffic to my optimized site. If I can hit any of the classic conspiracy theory notes on my page I've got a reader. Now I can sell you dick pills or direct you to other shit. Just more useful idiots pushing something designed to go viral within a certain community to move products. Berky filters, powdered cheese, and gold. Or whatever they're in to now.


Yessir, meanwhile their research is Alex Jones and Bit Chute. NEVER is it something in a published scientific paper by someone trained in the field because "They are all in on it". Covid really exposed how many crazies we live with on a daily bases.


Covid politically divided the asylum.


Pyramids were ancient power generators, and were built by an advanced civilization that THEY don't want you to know about. Oreo cookies are part of a Knights Templar conspiracy. Michelle Obama is a man.


Alrighty, please enlighten me about these Oreo Templar Knights please


Do your research. /s




well that's good enough for me, im convinced!


No. As we all know from stargate are pyramids landingspots for alien spaceships! They even admitted that they are creating a tv show to tell people in stargate itself! Do your research! ^/s


I thought they were built over an ancient sun destroying machine. Did Michael Bay lie as well?


I dunno where the Michelle Obama thing came from but I had a laborer on a job going on and on about how gay Barack was for sucking Michelle's cock. Dude was the most unhinged conspiracy theorists I've ever come across.


Always real weird too when you bring up how often they talk and think about it.


I think I've met that guy. Would not stop talking about Michelle's imaginary horse cock because her dress folded a certain way when she walked, which would mean the thang is going past her knees but sure buddy


Racist shits being racists shits more or less. Just like the Obama birth certificate thing. Anything to delegitimize the guy and his family for the crime of being a black president.


On the Oreo thing...exactly! That's what happened to Hydrox. The more better cookie!


>If the electrical trades are the more well put together of trades then....oh boy. This is correct.


It's like being the most sane in an insane asylum.


Or the most handsome patient in the Burn Ward.


Skinniest kid at fat camp


Uncle Touchy's favorite kisser...


As long as they know what they're doing in the trade & I can learn from them I'll let their philosophies in one ear and out the other.. some times you just know when you can't change someones mind or even open it to new considerations


Seriously. Spend some time in an HVAC group on FB and you'll be questioning how they manage to get out of bed in the morning and dress themselves, let alone do any sort of technical work.


From the guy that saw a Black Flag sticker on my hardhat and asked if I was into Skrewdriver: "Well, you know the Jews started it (WW2). . . "


I was an intern at a modern rock/alternative FM station in San Francisco in the mid 90s, and got to meet Henry Rollins. He was friends with the senior DJ I interned for, and Rollins was playing one of our big multi-band events. He was back stage and introduced me to his friend Greg. I had no idea who he was at the time, but after hearing them talk, I have no doubt Henry and Greg would have started a fight with anyone that equated them to Skrewdriver. Fun times. My DJ, Steve Masters, was friends with a huge eclectic group of people, from Henry Rollins to Dolores O'Riordan, and they would drop in to the studio all the time.


As much as having Henry pop out of the corner and beat his ass would have been great, he wasn't comparing Black Flag to Skrewdriver. . . He was checking to see if I might be sympathetic or inclined towards being a racist piece of shit too. What he saw was a dirty little street punk who may or may not have strong opinions vis a vis race, racism, and Nazism, so he "checked" me. It doesn't happen every day, but that kind of checking happens down here (Louisiana) enough that it's still a Thing. . . Although skipping right past dropping the N-word to gauge reaction to full-on neo-nazi shit was pretty special. The two incidents I mentioned also happened 8 years apart and at the same company (which he still works at as far as I know) if that tells you anything. Edit: I did take up the habit of humming "Nazi Punks Fuck Off" every time he walked by, which seemed to bug him, so at least I got some chuckles out of his dumb ass lol.


Nice. I don't deal with that as much in central California, but it definitely happens. A while back I worked with one guy named Bill that had moved from central Nevada, and literally the first day he was on site, he bragged about having a union card and started telling racist jokes replete with the n word. I told our company owner that I refused to work with him, as did about six other people. Kind of put the company in a bind because we only had 28 people working for us, and had just taken on a large bridge project near San Francisco. It was a prevailing wage job, and we kept Bill off the site as much as possible, but some days we just needed the body. That's when we learned he really didn't know what the fuck he was doing. Our primary job was putting together a mobile concrete batch plant, and whatever crew had disassembled it had left it kind of a clusterfuck. It was a mess, but nothing a competent person couldn't figure out. We're talking 50 or so wires coming into a 16 inch can, and spliced to motors, sensors, and the control booth. Some of them didn't have numbers anymore, but there were maybe 12 different wire colors in the can, so it wasn't hard to straighten everything out. Bill gave up right away, and said that it was too much of a mess, and that if this were a proper Union shop, we would refuse the work until whoever messed it up had fixed their damage. I don't know what the fuck he was talking about. I didn't care, either, and I called our company owner and told him that I thought Bill was a fraud with a fake Union card. He also told me to be careful making accusations like that unless I could back them up. But he also put me in charge of the batch plant. I got it done, and called the Local 401 office and ask them if Bill was on their books. I got put on hold for a while, and when somebody else came back on the line, they wanted to know who I was, if I knew where Bill was, and how I knew him. Then a different voice on the other end identified himself as a sheriff deputy, and asked if I knew exactly where Bill was. When I said he was 50 feet from me, they asked me not to alert him and for my exact location. Turns out, he had been using forged papers in many places, and several electrical outfits had accused him of stealing materials and tools. I don't even think it was 15 minutes later when a few local (Martinez, California) cops rolled up on site, and went to the general contractor's trailer. Quite a few people were scrambling to leave or hide, as usually happens on a site, but they had blocked the road out from the base of the Benicia Bridge, and the only other way to leave was to jump in the San Francisco Bay. My boss was pissed at me at first, blowing up my Nextel. I reminded him that he told me that if I was going to make an accusation, I better prove it, so I did. We also spent the next couple weeks going over all this shit work Bill had done, and found that he definitely didn't know what the fuck he was doing. We later learned that he had spent a good part of his adult life in and out of prison, where he probably learned to hang out with the skinheads and aryan brotherhood fucks. The company general manager recommended that I be promoted to lead the bridge site, and the owner kind of reluctantly did. Gave me a modest raise, and said, "Don't fuck this up". We were down three people after that, because Bill was gone, and two other people disappeared that afternoon and never came back. But we got it done in time, so it worked out for us. It was still kind of a divisive moment, though, because some people I worked with would laugh and joke along with Bill and had no problem with his racism.


this is a great story. wow.


>Then a different voice on the other end identified himself as a sheriff deputy. . .   Yikes. . . A single phone call seeking information resulting in a sheriff getting on the line followed immediately by an arrest across state lines is rough on a guy but probably the very definition of "sucks to suck" lol.  Sadly, my thing with Nazi dude isn't the most flat out racist bullshit I've heard over the years, it's just the most wtf?!  The crown goes to the entire maintenance dept at the industrial tank farm I spent my first couple years in the trade contracted to from 2006 to 2008 or so. Group of four to six white dudes in their forties to seventies (depending on the day) who would sit around arguing about whose grandaddy was higher up in the old KKK, give each other shit for being nice to the old black dude they had around to do grunt work but did not welcome into the shop break room, and just generally talk shit on gays, labor rights, and Muslims (as was the fashion at the time). Oh, and my direct boss who worked for the same contractor and claimed to have fought in Desert Storm (at 15 years old), popped mad pills, and eventually skipped town after getting hired by the plant then fired for stealing from both the plant and the company I still worked for. He was also obsessed with MIA/POW conspiracy theories. That got real fun when it finally dawned on him that the corner store we'd been getting breakfast at for months was owned and run by (gasp) Vietnamese people. Real peach of a guy.  Top prize, however, goes to the plant electrician and lone Democrat who, during the 2008 primary, once remarked to me that he "didn't want to vote for a n------r but I'll be goddamned if I would ever vote for a woman."


Worked with a hospital pharmacist who didn't believe in evolution -- his literal job was to develop the protocol for shifting treatments for patients with antibiotic resistant infections. You know, things like MRSA, that become established because of selection pressures favoring specific traits across generations..


I have a degree in biochemistry. I used to study with this VERY bright pre-med girl who didn't believe in evolution. it's so weird that she could sit in biology classes for years, making the kind of grades you need to get into medical school, and not believe any of it.


It's weird, there's a lot of people who think Jesus is testing their faith by literally deceiving most people with "stuff making sense" and was fabricated that way to lead the unfaithful astray as why things are like that.


So Jesus is gaslighting us. He sounds nice


I have experienced this before too. They understood and used the concept of evolution to succeed but said that they don’t believe in evolution. Evolution is not something you “believe” in or not, it is a theory that explains massive amounts of experimental data. It can therefore be used to model the world without interference from someones belief system. I think saying you don’t believe in evolution after being educated about it is a cultural statement. People can be incredibly irrational about their religious identify. Some parts of our society weaponize belief systems and these people just want to feel apart of their upbringing so it is somewhat understandable.


My brother-in-law is a missile scientist, and he literally worked with a physicist/engineer who believed the earth is flat. Literal parts of their job requires accounting for the curvature of the earth in their calculations, and this guy actively worked on the physics of that modeling, yet he believed the earth was flat.


Didn’t you know big math was in on it too??? /s must have never needed to fire one.


Ah, well, I used to operate a nuclear reactor in the Navy. Some of my coworkers there did not believe in dinosaurs either.


The first jman I worked with in commercial was a religious guy that didn’t believe in dinosaurs. He said I didn’t need a tape for bending pipe. If it’s just not working out, it’s god saying you need to try something different. I left his linesmen out one day when he had to leave early for a church thing. The next morning he was giving me shit for it. I told him to have a little faith.


I like the guys that manage to believe that government is incompetent but also somehow capable of grand overarching conspiracies like pick one lol


Incompetent to serve the people competent enough to steal money and fuck the people


and I don't think it's so much a conspiracy as the interests of the rich do not align with my own the mundanity of hoarding capital


Don't forget the guys who hate the government because the bigger the government the less freedom but also police are saints and should never be criticized.


Right? Like 9/11 Any idea how many tens of thousands of people it would have taken the government to pull that off… and not a single one of them leaked.


I was on a job site where the head timber framer was caterwauling that hurricane Katrina was the gov't testing it's new weather weapons.


The rich old families pull the strings and use the state employees as their puppets. We built nukes and only a handful of men knew what the end goal of the overarching project was. It’s not absurd to think we are lied to or manipulated to believe false truths.


I’ve got the guys at the shop constantly listening to ghost, cryptid, serial murder and cult podcasts. They’ve asked me multiple times if I believe in ghost, cryptids and aliens. To which I say it’s all the same thing, something from the other universes poking through reality like a cat leaning from behind a curtain. Usually gets me a cross eyed confused look. Not to mention when they get on religion and I throw wrenches in their minds that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all follow the same god just don’t agree on how to worship, it’s fun watching the hamsters spin their wheels


Are you me?🧐


Used to work with a bunch of creationist plant journeymen. I got teased for believing in evolution. “So your grandma is a monkey?” Like any critical thinking professions there’s still a good amount of idiots in it.


I used to work with an atheist who was adamant that the story of Noah was actually based upon a spaceship that brought everything to the Earth to populate it as part of a science experiment. Even the dinosaurs. When I asked him about dinosaurs fossils, extinction and all that shit he said that the aliens come back regularly to modify the experiment and had killed off all the dinosaurs.


I mean ya. Kinda. Look at all of animal species on earth, many have striking similarities but are vastly different. Humans are animals that have intelligence as a dominant trait. The smartest survived and the dumb ones died off becaused they fucked with a poisonous snake or ate toxic mushrooms or some shit.... at least up until recently. Today our superior intelligence in society has protected even the dumbest of the dumb from themselves... (mostly). It blows my mind people are anti evolution but can't name any parts on a cell. Or are flat earthers yet don't understand even the basic mathematics that explain orbiting body's... and it is fine if you don't understand this stuff, but if you are spouting off against proven theories developed over hundreds of years by the smartest people who ever lived... then you better at least understand the basics or stfu. /rant.


Before I became an electrician I was a welder and one of they guys i worked with was 100% against electric vehicles. He said every car charger you see is just hooked up to a diesel generator somewhere else. He had some of the most crazy theories on things. I learned to just nod and go “oh shit that’s crazy” every time he’s tell me something. We had a guy quit because they got into a huge debate about acetone. The crazy guy said it doesn’t clean it only moves the oils around and you where better off cleaning the surface of the metal with a dry rag. The other guy was red in the face trying to explain to him, that just wasn’t true.


Birds are government drones of tou didn't know too.




YouTube ; Bill Hicks dinosaurs


RIP The Prophet


How many times have they been electrocuted?


Worked under the VP network engineer over-seeing the entire network of a VERY large company everyone knows. Well he not only believes, but flat out knows, Big Foot is real. Put two drinks in the guy, he won't shut up about it. Also worked with a senior project manager at WellPoint (I'll use their name because fuck that place) that said, out loud, at work, that Buddhism and Muslims worship the devil. They are demons in human flesh.. her exact words. My brain disconnected and I flat out said 'dude, you can't say that out loud. That's the craziest thing I've ever heard.' She told me she'll die for Jesus. I got a call from my manager about how its been reported to him I yelled at her - I'm on notice. So yeah, there's a lot of crazy people out there in any profession.


I like to tell people that there used to be lead in a lot of other products. They brought Breck Shampoo back to the market, but it’s not as good as it used to be, because it used to contain 4 grams per bottle of tetra ethyl lead, and that’s what made your hair so shiny and bouncy. Have you had a fudge sicle lately? When we were kids, they used to have a genuinely fudgey mouth feel when you bit into one. But now they’re just like frozen chocolate milk. Why? Because each one had 200mg of lead oxide mixed in that made the iced layers stick together differently. No food chemist to date has been able to figure out how to replicate it. But to your point, yes, tradesmen believe some crazy shit, and electricians are in kind of a sweet spot for that sort of thing. My theory is that it’s because they have to be smarter than the average bear to do their job and pass the tests, but they rarely have any formal education or scientific education beyond high school. Add a little religion in, and bam, there you are. Most of this should be covered in high school, but who knows how much of that sticks.


In my IEC class we had a discussion about what the pyramids were all about and the only thing the whole class could agree on is that they were not built from the top down.


We had a guy as a temp worker whos ideas i couldnt follow. He claims.... The earth is flat... We never landed on the moon... Humans grew to be 40- 50' tall and they have found skeletons to prove it... No man has been in space... Sattalites are not real... Earth, a floating plateau, is the ONLY real celestial body besides the sun, which is somehow round, and the moon, which is a flat pie dish shape... And yes dinosaurs fossils were put there by god to mislead and test us... And he is muslim, which i thought was odd concidering his beliefs... So when i sent him a link to his cell phone, which wouldnt work without sattalites i informed him, that had easily readable info on alot of his topics.... His response...."thats to much to read" So my point is, not everyone is privy to the info you may have, or they may just be that ignorant to the topic and choose what i call magic to explain things they find unexplainable. Indoctorination should be a punnishable offence in some cases, imo.


lol. Electricians are the only people that think electricians are intelligent. I work for a city government in facilities maintenance and we have a few electricians. One guy, let’s call him Dave, is a full on QAnon bro. Give him 30 seconds of your time and he’ll tell you all about “the plan”. Dudes a fucking moron. When COVID came we had a masking requirement in our shop. He wouldn’t do it, said it was against his beliefs. When HR got involved they asked him if he wore a mask when he worked in dusty environments. He replied “of course, I’m not stupid”. So they fired him. He still doesn’t understand why.


Shit, your industrial HVAC guys are usually way more intelligent / technical than your average electrician. That doesn’t mean electricians aren’t intelligent, but they do tend to think of themselves as the most intelligent in the trades for some goofy ass reason haha


What about the flat earthers


I worked with someone who thought the moon landing wasn’t real… at NASA.


I would happily engage in that conspiracy over “dinosaurs are not real” any day.


I am nearing my license test and during my apprenticeship over the last 4 years I have met the following: Flat Earthers, Christian fundamentalists, Election deniers, Obama did 9/11ers, Bush did 9/11ers, Bernie Sanders did 9/11ers, Holocaust deniers, Convicted rapists, Proud boys, An insurrectionist who was literally in the capital building on Jan 6th with video to prove it, Admittedly, I haven't met an open dinosaur denier, but that probably fits in with the Christian fundamentalists ("the world is only 6k years old!", or sumthin). By comparison my brother the union carpenter, works with way more reasonable people, possibly due to half of them actually needing to get an education and learn American history to become US citizens.


I work with not one but **two** guys right now that believe the earth is flat.


I had a carpenter look me in the eye, extend a slice of watermelon at me, and say “hey kid you want some ni***rmelon?” Yeah. The trades are bad. They’ll be dead soon though.


Welcome to the real world There are people like this in every field and every trade Hang in there brother


The moon landing was faked by NASA with help from Stanley Kubrick Chemtrails are a government plot to spread viruses to us citizens for secret biological studies The earth is flat (another nasa conspiracy) Vaccines cause autism


The moon landing was faked by Kubrick, but he was such a stickler for accuracy that they shot on location.


JFK can't jet fuel the Moon landing.


95% of my coworkers say the dumbest shit. Believe the dumbest shit. Have the worst politics. It’s depressing.


I feel you on that man.


Our last "J-man" was a conspiracy nut. I love me a good conspiracy theory as some entertaining fiction, but this guy outright believes that most politicians are just actors wearing masks. That 5g was to activate the "clot shot" to turn us into zombies. That any religion other than Christianity is just Satan's plot to claim souls. The list goes on and on. He probably should be commited.


2nd j-man I was paired up with during my apprenticeship was very... traditional. Women belonged in the home and needed to be told what to do. He would call his wife when it was time to wake up and tell her what to do for the day, the order he wanted it done, and when it was to be done. He was mildly irritated by being paired with me cause I'm a woman. *gasp!* After listening to him talk to his wife once, I told him he's lucky she loves him cause I'd never put up with that shit. 3rd was an anti-vaxxer who didn't understand how vaccines worked in the body. I had to explain it to him. He was also a flat-earther, we never landed on the moon, and the water vapor planes left were chemtrails. During my 5th year, I was working with another apprentice who was also a flat-earther. The earth was a disk and everything was a simulation. I asked why and he said that if he can't touch it, it's not real. Another one believed everything Alex Jones went on about. All meat at the stores was cloned from cells. I told him I'd look into it. Yes the FDA approved cloned meat for consumption, it is not fiscally smart to do that. So you clone an adult with traits you want and breed from there. At least I was able to get to a middle ground. Also had a sign up in the office connex that read "This is a conspiracy-free area. You will be told to leave ". All because of one man. I did tell him one morning at the taco stand to stfu about politics cause it was 5 a.m.. Too damn early for it. I don't put up with racism, sexism, religious fuckery, or any of that shit. I'm a feisty little redhead who has zero fucks to give for the willingly ignorant.


This takes the cake.


There’s a certain sector people that don’t believe in birds, found that out last month


I'm 100% sure that 95% of those people are just internet trolls that are just looking for comradery through a screen and keyboard because they aren't able to make IRL friendships.


One of my instructor's doesn't believe in science and the other is a orthodox Christian saying jews and catholics worship the church of Satan....I thought electricians are geniuses but I feel like it's more like some are very good at matching colors....and not much else


Well I had one coworker who was a classic Nazi, tattoo of a swastika and all. Then I had another who was a vocal white supremacist. Made sure neither lasted long.


Not work, but my sister was anti-vax, despite our mother spending some of her teen years in an iron lung due to polio. Sis passed away the day after last thanksgiving from Covid. Her kids are *still* anti-vax. I'll likely outlive them all.


This is just sad.


Almost 7 months later and it's still not sunk in. She was just 64. We were supposed to outlive Mom.


Are they extreme Christians? Some believe that the earth is only a few thousand years old.


Moon Nazis.


The brevity and absurdity of those two words together absolutely sent me lmao


What is worse, thinking dinosaurs never existed or that oil reserves are LMAO decomposed dinosaurs?


Never argue with a moron, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


my boss told me as serious as he could be to homeschool my kids because they're teaching them to be gay in school... truly deranged family that was


Look man I love conspiracy theories. That shit is funny. I do legitimately believe the CIA kills people for their own motives etc etc . Like they've basically admitted it. Had a journeyman I was working w that legitimately believed the moon landing was fake. This dude is a big trumper. So I was like you mean to tell me, that one of the US' greatest achievements was fake ? You mean to tell me that the greatest country in the world didn't go to the moon ? I told him , bro , If you were running your mouth with that retarded bullshit 40 50 years ago in the America you believe to be so great we need to go back to , they'd call you a goddamned communist sympathizer and run you out of town. You should've seen the look on his face. Like , ya I'll admit, Ive been given the gift of gab , but I'm a wise cracking asshole one way or another. The dudes screws were turning between America = great and America= unable to do something. Before I let him ponder even further I took it to the next logical step. I said, man, it's so obvious, you gotta ask yourself why we didn't go back, like what did we find ? Clearly it was Bigfoot and Aliens working side by side to abduct cattle for their off world moon vampire farm, and I'll be damned if I hear any other word of America not being able to go to the moon.


Ain’t no basically admitting it my man. Regime changes are openly talked about and in many cia declassified documents .


Guess what I don’t believe in electrical too! There’s no such thing as electricity


Fuckin' magnets, how do they work?


Tide goes in, tide goes out, can't explain that!


I’ve had to pretend that I’m somewhat sympathetic to the MAGA cult for like 6 years. Awkward laughing is now something I can put on my resume.


One thing I’ve learned since moving into more of a hybrid office/field job, those people are at the white collar jobs too, I used to think it was only the trades, but it reality it’s the world lol


Dino bones were put here by Satan to fool us. /s I've worked with a guy like that


Put some dinosaur stickers on your tool box.


Can you believe some folks think the Earth is flat? Crazy stuff, right?


Someone told me of a magical thing called a dustpan that you use to clear up. But that's just crazy talk ,right guys? guys?


there also people who think they were real but not as old as people claim based on cave drawings. i watched a thing on it on how cave drawings perfectly described some dinosaurs we had never seen and then we found some non fossilized skin or something even though it was claimed no humans roamed the earth at dino time


Guy I work with doesn’t believe in hearing protection. Running a concrete saw, hand him some ear plugs. Swats em away…” I can hear just fine after 20 years doing this. I’m not gonna start now.”


I’m not sure I believe narwhals are real.


My uncle is in HVAC and he thinks the world is only a couple thousand tears old


Same. A guy on my crew is like this. Doesn't believe dinosaurs are real because of the carbon-14 dating is accurate....


I’m glad nobody brought up aliens and UFOs. Those are almost certainly real imo


Kids nowadays are so fucking stupid!! 😂😂


Worked with a flat earther here in greece. His explanation was that we live in a dome and everything you see above in the night sky was holograms. He also didnt want to grasp the fact that the light from the sun takes time to reach us. His reasoning was "since i can see the sun, how does it take 8 minutes to reach me". He also spoke to god while high on grass, and said god showed him where to find more to smoke.


The teacher at my first year of electrical school took 4 hours of class time to teach us about flat earth😂


No one career choice is immune from delusion, ignorance, or stupidity. I'm a mechanical contractor, and on one site, the electrician was a vocal conspiracy theorist and would spout off to anyone in earshot. It got to the point that we all would avoid him whenever possible and ignore him the rest. It got so bad that the painters had to put up a sign, directed at the electrician, that read ... "My silence does not mean that I agree with you. It means that your level of stupidity has rendered me speechless." I have the pic of the sign but can't post it here.


How the hell is this related to this sub.


Born again Christians who work in technical fields (electronics, radio, mechanical, chemical) who think God created Earth and Adam and Eve like 6000 years ago, the Bible is the literal inerrant word of God. And I may get banned for it, but college educated people who are devout Mormons and hew to the LDS doctrine.


There's a lot of stupid fuckers with thinking man jobs. Hell, people use their fucking smartphones to tell you the Earth is flat and the antichrist is coming too. With the trades, you have revolutionary leftist or heehaw backwater redneck ultra conservative at the extremes of both ends.


I had a Jman that believed the earth was inside a giant bowl with the stars painted on it, that the moon generated light, and possibly that the earth was flat because the Bible told him so. Always would show up to the supply house in sandals and petuli oil in his huge beard. Ate so much garlic he always smelled of it. Everyone would call him "The Space Wizard."


I worked with a Leo who questioned the earths roundness. and spent his night shifts watching trump YouTube vids. like yikes.


My boss's wife believes that women shouldn't be allowed to vote


not the craziest but one of the worst is several guys i’ve met who refuse to believe sunscreen is effective whatsoever. just saying it’s not that big of a deal all the way to saying that sun screen doesn’t do anything and sun burns don’t cause cancer and that cancer is caused by modern diets and aspartame and all that nonsense. just rly concerning lol


I’m usually alone in my head thinking about pyramids and harnessing earth power…and aliens. Mind wanders to far places while the body does its daily routine of things. It’s nice after 18 years and everything is just a to do, not a how to. If only the two young bucks had a little hussle, but that’s just asking rocks to be marshmallows.


This is actually a conspiracy theory whipped up by specific groups from certain religions which i will not mention in an attempt to dissuade arguments or insults being flung. It basically goes like this. -The world is a few thousand years old, my book tells me so. -Then what's up with dinosaurs? -They're fake, and the world is in on it to trick you into thinking (insert religion here) is fake. -Oh, you're that kinda crazy...


Well then you have dicks like me who would tell you dinosaurs don't exist just because I'd know it erk ya. But I did work with a guy that said the Illuminati was trying to kill him. Guy had al kinds of crazy stuff.


Kid I work with won’t wear sunscreen, takes his shirt off and gets burnt all the time. I’ve tried telling him he should wear sunscreen, and he tells me he’s tried it, but it doesn’t cool him down, he feels just as hot. He thought the purpose of sunscreen was to make you feel cooler. 🤦‍♂️ The next day I told him to google melanoma, and he said he doesn’t care, he’s gonna get cancer anyway. I don’t even know how to argue with him at this point. Dumb people want to be dumb.


I had a guy that worked for the blockwork crew, doing the acid washing of the walls, who told me he used to be a genius and the products he worked with lowered his intelligence to a normal persons level. I was totally down with that thought process, until he then told me how he was abducted by aliens and the government was tracking him because of it…..


-Synthetic birds. -Mass hypnosis through the vaccine. -Solar flares make everyone go crazy. -Moon landing never happened. -Justin Trudeau is the cause of all of Canada's problems. -Misogynistic -Extremely racist. -Anti LGBTQ. The last 3 I added because I believe those ideals are fucking crazy and ignorant. All of these were discussions we had today. I'll ask him about dinosaurs on Monday.


I mean... Some people say dinos were just big land-bound birds. Not reptilian at all. I call them combat chickens.


Had a dude try to explain to me how the earth is the center of the galaxy. Then he went on about the subliminal messaging the government does on kids while they’re sleeping with the TV on


I’m training in commercial plumbing right now and the guy teaching me told me yesterday that a guy who got fired recently was a full on flat earther


I know a guy that serviced nuclear ICBM in the military, believes in flat earth.


My first construction job was me working under a guy who thought that the earth was flat and if you got to the end of the earth (Antarctica or the north pole) there was a guy waiting there telling you to not go any further like a bouncer outside of a nightclub. He said past that is where the dinosaurs and aliens live. He also believed in black jesus.


The more we'll put together of the trades... you fuckers don't even know how to clean up after yourselves...


My coworker too. She's muslim and don't believe in anything like evolution but she want a degree in chemistry. She work with us to acknowledge how to work in real life.


This is why I moved out of Texas….


How'd you know about TX?.... 🤣🤣 It really is pretty baffling how many in my neck of the woods just won't budge when it comes to abandoning their hammered-in beliefs... ITS OKAY TO CHANGE YOUR MIND WHEN PRESENTED W NEW AND LOGICAL INFORMATION