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Figure out what makes you feel fulfilled. Figure out a career path that gives some of that fulfillment. Set long term goals that are achievable. Set short term and medium term goals along the way that lead to the long term goal. Keep this list of goals near you, look at it every few days, and check things off of it. Clean your home for at least 20 minutes a day, and exercise for at least 20 minutes a day. These practices will lead to you feeling more in control of your life and your life feeling less bad chaotic. This will significantly reduce the number of situations that send you into a spiral. While making these habit changes, try to keep a journal of the situations that trigger thoughts causing you to spiral. This will help you discover the roots of your depression, be it fears, insecurities, self-loathing, repressed trauma, or a lack of fulfillment from your life. When you know what thoughts send you down a dark path, you can be better prepared to actively combat those thoughts and convincingly argue against them. Remember, your brain works for you. While, like breathing, it thinks when you aren’t actively telling it to, you can also take direct control and make it think what you want when you want. Finally, if you’re overthinking a situation, it’s usually because there is something that doesn’t fit with the world as you know it or want it to be. If you have to overthink about a situation, it’s usually because your eyes are telling you the outcome isn’t the one you want it to be, and so your brain is being tasked with figuring out excuses for how both what you witnessed and what you want to see are still simultaneously possible. The reality is what you want isn’t there, it’s not going to be, and no amount of mental gymnastics can make it so. You have to accept that the world isn’t what you want it to be.


Thank you


May I know more? I might be able to help!


my parents are abusive, but might cooperate for sake of my mental health, im 16 yo living in india, we dont have many options as far as psychological treatments goes. there seems to be no root cause of this, maybe just my own lifestyle, depression making that worse. ive had a few hobbies and interests inthe past, was never ever structured but the past few years i really stopped feeling happy, ever, never satisfied, unable to feel pleasure, not apathy as i do feel all the negative emotions, anhedonia. it really sucks, some days ill feel better than the other, but never genuinely captivated by anything. this has taken a toll on my ability to think, lack of interest in anything makes it really hard to think straight about things, this has exasperated my academic performance, although still doing significantly better than most others, i always feel inadequete, and as though i need to do better. i also have adhd, which makes it easier to understand why i underachieve for my intelligence.


I can see the cause broad as day as a healthcare practitioner well-versed in depression. You likely also have a biochemically based depression as well (the solution to which is not drugs btw)


I empathize with op so much... It's been a few years of feeling like I'm in the passenger seat of a reactionary pilot... I'm very interested in a non-pharmaceutical method of dealing with this


Omg, I feel so sorry. This is not a joke, serious. This is literally illegal. You need to get out of there.


The best motive for me is survival, things I want, and disappointing others. Add stakes to the mundane; if I don't do this thing right now then I won't allow myself to have caffeine today. Boom, easy motive. Have a friend hold you accountable for bigger things, someone that you wouldn't want to disappoint. Hate your job? Quit and feel the pressure of survival to have to get a new one before rent is due. This works for me!


the stakes dont exist if its set imposed and enforced by the same person. that just sounds like a way to expend energy and get things done and not a way to make me feel good about doing it. that cant last long, not long enough to make me feel like a better person. motive for what, to just keep going and fulfilling more of such tasks?


Start a business. It will probably fail but the excitement of it and all the possibilities will be a nice distraction from real life for a while. And who knows it might take off! I’ve done this like 20 times and it’s addicting. I finally have one that does pretty well. When I’m out trying and failing or succeeding it makes me feel more alive. And it helps with the depression and puts things into perspective. With depression you get stuck in a rut of only thinking about bad stuff and nothing new. Shake up your life. The bad stuff will always be there but you sometimes need to toss a metaphorical grenade to start your brain and emotions over. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of the grenade being metaphorical lol.


btw have given that a lot of thought recently, got some good ideas gonna try something out this vacation


You got it bro. And the whole subreddit is behind you!


I’ll keep it simple since you’re a punk: You need to exercise 3-4 times a week. Run/weight life to get some consistency and feelings of well being back in your life.




its kinda the opposite of experiencing 'the full spectrum of emotions' i have anhedonia, so basically i cant experience any form of pleasure. this has made me less empathetic, loose interest from every part of life. helping others doesnt make me feel good, however i do feel good when others think a certain way of me, or i feel superior.




good one




or medications and a good therapist, but the psychopathic business person sounds better than sociopathic, im not impulsive in any way, wont struggle with jobs or relationship, not that bad of an option tbh, i can get manipulative at times, i usually do so to introduce delusions that are good for the person, but dont see what stops me from otherwise


Get tested for ADHD. Rejection sensitivity dysphoria can look a lot like depression, when you are abused/traumatized. Adderal works. Guanfacine works. Exercise really helps. Get organized. Build a routine. I know you hate this, but it’s the cost you pay to achieve things in life. If you haven’t already, move out of your parents house. Obsess about this problem until you solve it. Do your own research, if you truly are an ENTP, you are the person in the best position to save yourself. You know yourself. Solve for X. Good luck.