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I haven’t looked into them. I didn’t see a US option on their website.


Do not bother. Pocketbook verse pro user here. It's hella slow and frustrating to use (unless other readers are slow too, then it's pretty alright).


E ink is generally slow compared to other screens you are familiar with.


The smaller, cheaper Pocketbook models (Basic Lux and Verse) have physical buttons, but they are not waterproof. The Pocketbook Era has buttons and is also waterproof, while still being fairly light. My past two readers have been Pocketbooks that I strictly side-load with, no specific shop connection (Pocketbook does have one, but you can get e-books from anywhere). If those aren't easily available in your region, Kobo is a good choice too. Those were my first readers, years back before they stopped selling their devices here in Germany, and I was happy with those too. No first hand experience with the newer models, though. The InkPalm looks interesting, but the user reviews aren't all that convincing. I think I generally prefer sticking to Pocketbook and Kobo, and I think Amazon's Kindles are great also, but like you, I prefer shopping elsewhere. The couple times I tried e-book readers from lesser known, smaller brands, they didn't last as long as the Kobos and Pocketbooks I've had.


Seconding kobo, I love both the Clara and Libra series. If you don’t need color, the BW screens are crisper and sharper for standard reading.


I have had B&N nooks since they came out and much prefer the shopping experience to the Kindle. I only read on mine, and have found it fine.


Easy rec here is the Kobo Libra IMO


The Nook GlowLight 4 Plus costs $200 and has physical buttons. You can use all of the storage to load EPUB and PDF files using a USB-C cable.


[boox palma](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mTx2iW2nMsY)


I am thinking of buying the pocketbook verse pro azure as my first one ever