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We’ve always shifted from the last station at every studio (about 5 different ones) I’ve visited in the past 5 years or so.


We’ve always shifted from our last station. Like in a 3x3 if you start on 1, then end pod 1 on 3, you start the next pod on 6


I've always moved laterally for the last 5 years between two studios. I think there is only one workout that has the A/B/A/B partner setup where they ask you to always start on A or B depending on where you were originally assigned.


Our studio does it like today I started at 3b. So when we moved pods I went to 4b, 5b, etc.


Pretty much every workout we do is “shift over laterally to the next pod”. For Joker, it makes sense to always start at A, B or C instead of lateral movement so you’re not doing back to back core, resistance or cardio.


The F45 I used to go to would always just shift over, so if you started in 1a and ended in 1c your next pod would be 2c, so on. In the F45 I just starting going to they have you start at the position you began in, so if you started in 1a and ended in 1c your next station would be 2a. It is absolutely scrambling my brain.


Thats how I've always done it and I've been to 4 other studios in California and Texas. Another tip is to see where your last location is in the screen. Like if you ended in the middle of POD 1, then you're in the middle at POD 2, for example.


We've always done it at my studio. Way easier than trying to remember where you started from and work out where to go next.


We’ve always shift laterally and it’s so much easier.


We Just move left from where you are. Too many idiots in our class to figure out what number they started on. Even this confuses people at times.


My studio is the only one I’ve been to that you shift to your new pod at the station where you started


We do it from the start station. Just seems simpler




For us us , supposed there are 3 pods A,B,C If you start at pod 1A, when you move to pod B, you start with pod 1B. I find it easier .


My studio is “start 1b, next pod start 2b, 3b, etc” I’ve been to two others that did “start the next pod where you ended the previous.” I don’t care either way, but the one I went to today, others were also confused. Another pair kept starting in the wrong spot so we just took the open one.


For us it depends on the trainer, sometimes it’s move from your first sometimes it’s move from your current… with joker moving from abs to abs was a killer haha


We shift to the same spot you started at the last pod.


The studios I’ve been to are “scoot down one pod and start from where you originally started” and to me that makes the most sense, especially with a workout like the joker


We always shift over too


Joker is the only one we move laterally for, the rest are generally “start where you started”