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In this instance, dap-up little man for being reasonable. “Thanks for trying man”


Poor Jordan….he is so embarrassed by her….I feel sorry for him…good luck Jordan, with dealing with YOUR MOM for life!!!


Would've blurred his face. He doesn't need to get teased at school while also having a mom like that.


Something tells me the district knows.


My wife before we were married lived in a different state with her children. Her name actually is Karen unfortunately but yeah, when something she didn’t like happened at her kids school she went and complained. They learned her name quick. She’s way more “chill” now but I feel it’s cause her daughter tells her not to freak out like this lady in the video and she listens to save her daughter a bit of embarrassment. That’s right they can be taught!! “Karens” I mean.


Yay! Positive message: they can be taught. Takes patience and time. Thank you.


Adopt a local Karen today. You too can help be part of the rehabilitation process.


It takes a village to rehabilitate a Karen.


I'm sponsoring 4 Karens, they're a handful.




This message is a gem.


I got that reference!


Well, I hope the administrators aren't the ones teasing him!


No, they would be teasing his mother 💀💀💀


"Karen, this is the seventh time this week you've called us."


Principal here…we know all the Jordan’s moms. Kids can’t choose their parents and we don’t hold against them. More empathy than anything


She looks like her family does home school. Poor kid


Right? If they felt that bad they would have at least done him this courtesy, he even expresses anxiety about them posting this.


With a mom like that I’m sure this wouldn’t be the first time his classmates have seen her act like that. They could probably identify her just be her annoying piss voice.


boy's a hero for putting up with this crap all his life.


Better that they don't. He comes out of it looking like the hero. He'd have gotten teased once they recognized his mom anyway. Him being like "stop it, mom" is the best thing to save him.


Jordon about to end up posting on r/insaneparents in a few years


Fuck. You have just single-handedly ensured that the things I've been procrastinating, will continue to be procrastinated. How did I not know this sub existed? Also... Holy shit. My mother is absolutely insane. But, she's fucking minor league compared to some of those.


It really gives you a lot of insight. Recognizing the traits and experiences from those posts reminds me that my life is pretty good despite how things were growing up. Its kinda validating after spending your whole childhood thinking that certain behaviors from grown adults were okay/deserved


Sometimes it's good to not know all subreddits, you might end up at X/Q-Chan! Edit: r/raisedbynarcissists


Take my upvote, I feel really bad for you. Also, I like the minor league phrase.


Omg that was a terrible /r deep dive. I’m second-hand scarred by all the horrible narcissistic parenting.




Meh, it won't be for life. If he's a little bit lucky, he'll find a sane SO, and write her out of his life. By 25, she'll be a distant memory.


It's so sad that this is going to be a core memory that lasts with him forever. This is the kind of stuff therapy is for, unlocking childhood trauma.


Sounds like you speak from experience. My experience, to be exact. This is the way.


I'm still on decent terms with my parents (I'm in my 40s), but I had to move across the country to get to this point. Distance is good for us. However, they've never really liked my wife, and they don't understand my son. They've never made any attempt to be in his life. So, there's a decent chance they'll never see my wife or son again. It's sad. I had such a great relationship with many of the elders of my family when I was a kid. We were around each other all the time. It just didn't work out that way as they started to die off, and my parents' generation became the elders. I feel terrible for my son.


I can relate, my Mom is crazy so my kids don’t see her & their fathers side don’t really bother with them. They say “they’ve raised their kids” so won’t babysit or anything like that. It’s sad because the love I have for my Grandparents is insane & my kids will never have that experience


Whenever I see this, I think they should have blurred the kid’s face. He did nothing wrong and deserved some anonymity


For real. I see this kid's future, he grows up and has a family of his own. He is so embarrassed by his mom for the shit she put him through that he doesn't invite her to the wedding and doesn't allow her to spend time with the grandkids.


The poor lad knows his mother is a Karen. He is doomed.


Nope. He knows better! He’s gonna be fine once he escapes. I’ve seen kids his age join in with the hostile stupid parent. They are the ones in trouble.


This lady is gonna wonder why she hasn’t heard from her son in years after he moves out. Edit: also what’s the point of wearing a mask to protect others if you pull it down every time you want to blather on.




Better call 311 to get him a citation


WoooOooo shitty is the color of her energy


Took me a second to process this was related to the 311 comment


Omg mind blown


WoooOooo acting like a bitch comes naturally


I hear that's the non emergency line


This is my husband basically. We live far away and very happy to be far away from my MIL. She likes to use “I’m your only mother” card any chance she can. It’s exhausting.


Yup, haven't talked to mine in a decade


Yep, bet that kid is dreaming about going to college far, far away. He’ll be alright.


I’m rooting for Jordan


Joooordan!!! Jooordan!!! Joooordan!!! Jooordan!!! Joooordan!!!


Team Jordan forever


We all are.


Thanks, I needed that.


**"Mom, they're going to post this on the Internet!"** Kid knows his stuff.


Yep that kid shows signs he's way smarter than that. If he ever sees this: Good job man!


And very mature for his age, way more mature than the person who gave birth to him. Hey kid! When you read this, just know, you’re gonna do alright ma man. You keep doing you 👍


“Mom they’re gonna put this on the internet” yep. And at least he knows how his character appears in the viral swarm about to descend on his mothers identity. He looks like he’s on the brink of frustrated and embarrassed tears when he tries to talk to the guys. I feel so sorry for this kid. He actually understands the social ramifications of this. Meanwhile his mom is dog-wagging her finger everywhere with a holier-than-thou attitude about two kids parking in an empty lot. I know it won’t help a woman like this, but she deserves to hear her son tell her “I told you so”


>He looks like he's on the brink of frustrated and embarrassed tears Probably because this is far from the first time his mom's done this, and he's seeing the pattern of damage. Jordan here looks like he has enough "mommy issues" to open up a comic book shop. I hope he finds peace wherever he ends up and leaves this bitch in the dust.


Yah, being raised by a nutcase usually does that.


Until he escapes though hes gonna be in deep trouble. If there is one thing narcissists REALLY hate (and Karens really are just that) its being disagreed with, and they REALLY love to take it out on people who have no escape from them.


God this just made me feel a deep sense if dread I haven't felt in 3 years. I lived with a woman called Karen who was a typical Karen. She was my landlady and for a time friend. But she truly was a narcissist. If anyone, family, friend or random passerby did something she didn't like, she'd lose her shit. When I got my own place I invited her round, try a d bury the hatchet. I had adopted a very timid cat that I think suffered abuse from previous owners. And I told her this. Half an hour into her being at mine, my cat started to feel brave enough to get from under the sofa, and Karen chased her around the house. I lost my shit and just went in on her, told her exactly what she was, pointed out all her faults, and kicked her out. It was VERY cathartic to verbally kick a Karen to the curb.


Good for you but, was the cat ok ?


She was/is. She ran away and hid, after the Karen was removed from the house, I made sure my cat (Carmilla) got a lot of fuss and treats. She's become a lot more trusting of guests in the house since then. She's very well looked after and loved by me.


Glad to hear it. Cats are good judges of people. Glad she found you after the abuse she had. I have a old girl from a rescue that was abused i think and still is very wary of people, this after 3 years but she’s safe here now.


Yeah,dont fuck with my cat (s).


His mom taught him well. By example. By bad examples I mean.


If you can't be a good example, try to be a horrific warning.


In the words of Taylor Tomlinson: "Hall of fame, hall of shame, doesn't matter, as long as my picture's on the wall."


I'm stealing this.


Take it! It's free.


My mom always told me I could be a good example or a horrifying lesson.😆


i know the feeling


Her kid knows what is coming. I bet he is even on Reddit, or at the very least has seen plenty of TikTok videos of other Karen’s and knows the social media shitstorm coming to his family. At least he is finding out early about who his mom really is. It took me 30 years before I realized my parents are just old children.


That kid should be taken away from his parent. She pulled him behind a car and theoretically put his life in danger. This is not acceptable for a parent under any circumstances.


I agree with you but not because of that. Use that an excuse to get the kid away from his fucked up mom. Source: I had a mom like that


Nah, he just doesn't want to end up in a viral video. He even mentioned it at the beginning.


They should have done her like [Andrew Bernard](https://youtu.be/HAIzFIOJA2c) of The Office style.


Yeah. He seems to be more self aware than she is. She’s setting an example of what not to do. The woman’s husband was clearly doomed since he married her.


He is not doomed per says he just doesn’t go out in public with her ! But yeah he married a Karen … hope dad at least gave the cool kid a few bucks for his troubles with mom .


Im betting hard against that. Narcissists unhinged enough to do this shit in public are almost 100% abusive in a relationship as well, especially on the psychological and emotional end. And Karen is really just a synonym for narcissist at this point.


Bro, look she's ridiculous but I really hate when people try to extrapolate someone's entire persona from a 20 second video.


I mean her ranting aside those guys were still double parked like assholes lol so i see two assholes in the car and one outside


This is possibly the most Karen thing ever Karened. Empty parking lot, private property, not even illegal. The cops can't enforce anything parking related except for handicap parking (and maybe fire lane in some states). Her kid is so embarrassed seeing that his mom is about to become internet famous.


The cops can do something, they can drag her out of the way for her illegal entrapment of their vehicle, and otherwise wasting police time.


That makes me think it’s staged


I was that kid 20 years ago. Took me a solid decade to unlearn a lot of stupid behaviors even though I had suffered from the same BS. I was never able to keep my mom from acting out like this, even if I saw it coming and had time to try and deescalate her.


Same. Oi….


Yeah, and now my mom wonders why I don’t talk to her anymore.


This is such bad acting, tho.0


Clearly staged. Why else would she get down on her knees behind the car, other than for the fun little shot of a crazy lady in the backup camera?


I can't believe I had to scroll this far to find this. Clearly staged and bad acting, like another commenter said, this is in an empty parking lot where all the businesses are closed.


Ditto, that’s obviously their mom and little bother.


Yes, whenever people's voices are a half octave higher than normal, it's usually because of bad acting.


The biggest giveaway (aside from just straight-up bad acting) is that they announce everything that's going on like a play-by-play commentary team. Also, the camera shots are set up perfectly for the best angles, no one is talking or yelling over anyone so they can all get their lines out clearly, and they're conveniently parked away from any other cars or people that could potentially intervene and ruin their skit.


Yeah, no way this is real.


Only on Reddit would people not see through the extremely bad acting. The kid is literally doing the same three "annoyed" moves over and over while intentionally staying in frame the entire time.


Not to mention this is in a completely empty lot where all these businesses are closed.


And the lady stands to the side of the car so they can shoot her fully until they have her move for the "backup camera shot". The whole thing is just so staged.




Terrible acting.


I thought so too! Especially seeing the shot of her in the rear view cam 😂


I'm so glad someone else noticed this. You could totally tell by the acting. So bad!


Not as bad as tik tok, makes redditors look like brain surgeons.




No idea how people fall for this shit




Like, at least try to make it look like it might be real? Absolutely 1,000 empty spaces around the car. The backup cam was a nice try though and would’ve been funny.


Good morning USAAAAAAA




*…Riiicky Spanish…* 🌬️


“Listen, beloved.” Holy shit, if you think that’s how humans talk you probably don’t get outside much.


Alright, can we get the source it was pulled from to see the video in its entirety? Settle the is this staged or not debate.


100% staged


They're literally the only car in the lot.


Like not even a question


Broadway plays are less staged than this.


Pre K puppet show is less staged


Redditors try not to think something is staged impossible


Cant you see the way the car is perfectly over the line in an empty lot? Obviously these people planned this whole thing, drove to the lot, and filmed for 20 minutes so they could look unhinged on the internet for fun. /s


I’ve seen this ‘Mom and son’ do the same dance in other videos. Completely staged


It seems very staged to me…. 🤷🏼‍♂️




Looks staged, no?


100% staged. The parking lot is empty and no one else is around. They found some empty shopping strip closed on sunday or something and tried to make a viral video. Its as real as the "gold digger" videos.


Nothing is real. My ma was approached by a crazy woman for parking funny in an almost empty lot. She didn't do all that though. Just asked her a bunch of stupid questions like she was trying to scold her.


A few years ago a lady parked over the line into our spot then complained that she couldn’t get in her car. Some people’s entitlement is outrageous, I could believe this video is real. She literally threw chocolate at our car (sees parking area) like you really spent money just to waste it because YOURE the dumbass? I’m never surprised by people doing the absolute most for nothing


One time while I was in the Army me and a buddy were sent to go pick some stuff up from a distribution building on base. So we took his truck and the parking lot was packed so we ended up parking 1/2 a mile away and walking back. After we got all the stuff we needed and set it outside in the parking lot i stood by while he went to get the truck so we could load it up. While waiting some Sergeant that was double parked with his truck told me he was about to leave and my buddy would be able to take his spot so we could load up. I kinda just stared at him for a sec before explaining that I wouldn't have to wait for my buddy to bring his truck around if the Sergeant hadn't double parked. He just blew me off and drove away. Well a couple days later that same sergeant saw me and called me over then got pissed at me for not standing at parade rest the second I stepped up to him. Then kept me there while he ranted about how he wasn't in the wrong for double parking and how I was wrong for even mentioning it and that if I kept up my attitude he would get me in trouble with my command team. One of the more surreal and confusing moments in my Army career.


A good command team would have had *his* command team hem his ass up. Minor chide for the enlistedman, an ass-chewing for the NCO who *should have fucking known better*. Maybe I was just blessed with a command team that didn't put up with the stupid shit.


Had that happen to me on the bus. Was sitting down and this lady sat next to me. She then kept looking at me and finally said can you move over? I looked down fully within my seat and realized she was in encroaching into my area. Told her…umm look where you are at. She replied “I was just making sure.” Like making sure of what you dilweed.


Bro. The acting is awful. You really think the lady started yelling into the reverse camera?


Sounds staged as well /s


It *does* sound staged. Oh my God. YouTube kids don’t know what real life is anymore.


Yes, and she squatted to talk into the rear camera with exaggerated gestures... cmon...


Idk. I work in mental health care and this type of behavior definitely happens.


This type of behavior happens but THIS is a rendition……..


Yeah, the kid was the only thing that made me question it. Hope he has an agent.


Yeah he's playing the part of distressed kid #1 very well


Probably gonna work


About 15 seconds in I was like - This is staged.


The way she get down to the backup camera, and cam person pans right to it, definitely staged.


I think she was reading the license plate and repeating it over the phone. Squatting down to be a bitch about it because she knows they can’t back up without hitting her. But that’s just me I work retail and this bullshit happens on the regular


It does


if it is, that kid is a really good actor. he looks super uncomfortable


i mean he was crying as well - pretty sure at that age i wouldn't want a video of my crazy mom on the internet with me in tears of embarrassment.


I hate the internet. Why? Why would you stage this? Why do we watch it. Can we just go back to Hampsterdance? Those were better internet times.


No something about the tone of the kids voice when he says “idk why my mom is this way” seemed genuine. He looked genuinely upset.


Yeah I didn’t catch on until the end. Her talking into the reverse camera was a dead give away.


Can’t believe this is so low on the comment post this is so obvious. I give up on the world


What is facepalm is how often staged shit gets to the top of /r/facepalm.


The amount of staged videos on this subreddit at the moment is saddening


And the amount of people in the comments who are eating it up really bums be out too.


The amount of people in the world who stage videos is what makes me sad.


The world itself is a stage


I thought it was a vampire


The most infuriating part of all of this staged video is the annoying - "Watch what happens next!" "You won't believe what this lady does!"


Any video with the stupid tick tock narration gets an automatic downvote. Especially when it's staged, like this


If a video tells me to “wait for it!” or “watch until the end!” or something similar, I immediately stop watching it.


Staged as fuck. Terrible acting.


Lowkey funny imagining this as a real life situation. The kid would behave exactly like this because he understands his mum is gonna be a viral internet Karen and she dragged him into it


But you'll NEVER believe how this argument ends!!


I was the kid in SO many situations with my parental unit. I now live in a other country and am NC with parental unit. The other comments are right, Jordan will be okay. He just has to survive. He's already breaking, you can see it in his eyes when he apologizes Edit: I'm aware it's an old video and more than likely staged, but I have legit lived this.


Ya I get there’s a good chance this is staged. It my mom was this person. I’ve apologized to many retail workers for her behaviour


My mom legit is that person. I've seen her go OFF at an electronics store employee just because they were not helping her get out fast enough - "you all are just standing around not doing anything!" ....Mother they have other jobs to do other than help you get your new laptop quicker. I legit told her off in front of everyone, apologized to the workers and said "I'll be in the car" (I was underage, went with her to the store)


I feel like we could probably go back and forth all day haha. My mom once lost it at a Walmart cashier because she was upset at the selection underwear available in her size. Poor teenager didn’t deserve that.


OMG I'VE WITNESSED MINE DO THAT WITH BRAS! That person looked so done with the day, holy shit. She always barks for the manager when the employee shows any sign of "ugh" and wonders how I always gave a better chance to get things handled without the chaos 🤣 Crazy moms club, unite!


I would have actually called 911 and reported the woman for not only refusing to let me leave, but pulling her minor child to stand behind the vehicle. I mean, that's got to count for child endangerment.


Woman is illegally incarcerating them (restricting their movement). This is absolutely a police matter…people whining for involving the police are stupid and deserve the be tread upon.


This can’t be real. Double parked in an empty parking lot… ffs.


This so staged


This feels incredibly staged.


This seems a bit staged to me


We're pretending this is real?


Parking lot is empty and she is mad because they parked the car over the parking lines?.


I know, right? Be sure to like and subscribe so you never miss any outrage.


There really isn’t any good excuse for parking taking up more than one spot, but considering there was no one near by this lady was way over the top.


Poor kid! This is a private parking lot, the police don’t give tickets in private parking lots for poor parking. The parking lot is also empty so I really don’t see what the problem is.


Those guys still parked like douchebags tho let's be real.


“You won’t believe how this argument ends”. Video ends before argument does…..


She’s about to get her ass arrested for unlawful detention.


Nice acting...by some of them. No way anyone would get upset at someone parking 5 inches over the line on a completely empty lot.


Dude, Americans literally shoot each other for ringing their doorbell. I've read stories that made their way to legitimate news sources about how an Americans fence is ever so slightly over their neighbours property line and it results in months long legal battles. You can guarantee that someone would be this kind of petty.


That meteriologist guy is defo a sicko, shoulda get help.


Seriously. A girl in the passenger seat said she’d “kick my ass for hitting on her boyfriend” in an Albertsons parking lot yesterday after her bf parked next to me.. I looked in his direction cause I only had one place to look- my car. Also the whole parking lot was empty so idk why they even parked next to the only car there. I wanted to argue but I got out of there cause who knows anymore. Moral of the story: a lot of people are batshit crazy, not mentally well, insecure and mad at their own lives. It’s hard for normal people to comprehend acting so weird in public.


I used to manage a Parkour gym in a small shopping center like this and the owner would stand out in the empty parking lot day after day and yell at people and threaten to call the police for parking in the spots that were technically “his”… He’d come inside afterwards red in the face and go off like I had any sympathy for him. Staged or not, this is not a fantasy. There are people exactly like this.


From the many of us who've encountered such people, count yourself fortunate that you're clearly not one of them. And when you finally do meet such a person, you should be able to understand that some people may not believe you.


You KNOW she’s a special Karen when she wears a mask but then pulls it down to talk


10 years later on relationship advice: "my son doesn't talk to me and I don't know why" 🙄


Poor kid. He clearly didn’t inherit his moms… brains?




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Funny part is when the cops show up they can technically arrest her for not allowing them to leave. Could be considered false imprisonment. Not sure why idiots in an empty parking lot think they can act like this. Poor kid he obviously deals with this a lot and is really fed up with it. Bet he gets punished for apologizing


False Imprisonment 101


This kid will be moving out of the house as soon as he is able.


The kids a homie. Poor guy


That poor kid! I can’t even figure out why the mom is foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog……..A bad parking job?! JFC she’s a nightmare and I wish we could have seen the cops come and cite her for preventing someone from leaving or disturbing the peace or *something.* she was a straight up menace.


This lady is acting like a complete Karen. It ain't no cars around so. Smh


Unlawful detainment is a crime.


Shame on the guy that uploaded this, to further that poor child’s humiliation. And also: He was obviously *trying* to get Mom to stop, so saying “kid get your Mom to move” is asking the impossible and just furthering the boy’s embarrassment. She’s a giant asshole, if this is real, but so is the videographer.


yo what the fuck is this even about? That poor kid looks so fucking done with his moms shit, I actually feel bad for him.