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Joey, this is the third time you've threatened civil war this week. Sit down. Just sit down and let the adults talk.


He threatened civil war when we forgot pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving.


Homer, that's your solution to everything, to threaten civil war; it's not gonna happen!


These candy asses have threatened civil war every week since Obama won 16 years ago. Talking loud, saying nothing.


Civil war doesn’t even make sense. Almost every state is largely purple, as in there’s plenty of democrats and republicans and independents and whatnot in each. So Where do you draw the lines for this supposed civil war? We all just gonna start shooting our neighbors? Because some geezer had an affair with a prostitute?? Really??? Civil war over that huh. Makes total sense lol.


And it’s funny cause the people who want to fight for him claim to have “family values.” Lol I don’t want to be a part of their family where they think fucking a pornstar when your wife just gave birth, and comparing said pornstar to your daughter, is in any way considered a value.


The entire 2016 Trump campaign was centered around “locking up” HRC. Now the idea of charging a politician is unthinkable. These are not serious people.


They’re seriously deluded people.


Who scream patriotism but don’t think obeying the laws of our nation applies to them if it suits their end game.


Yup, that’s them.


Banana Republicans...


They're incredible hypocrites, without a doubt. But their ever-increasing indignance and their attitude of "we're always right and justified, no matter what values we need to abandon" makes them very, very dangerous to democracy.


Their values are fascism Law exist to bind you and protect them its only purpose


Yeah, who would re-elect a failure? He said he'd lock up HRC, and yet, which one of them is a convicted felon? hmm... "I am gonna vote for Trump because I are an idiot."


They are very serious people. They are just serious about throwing everyone they don't like into specialized camps just because they don't like them and no other reason. They like people on "their" side and "their" side should be immune to all consequences. The "other" side though?


I mean "family values" is the "polite" way of saying you think 2 men being together is going to destroy society but it's still hot to watch 2 women get it on


Clever and succinct. And painfully true


While mocking a guy who supports his drug addicted son, who suffered from losing his sister and mother in a car accident... Edit: was sister, not brother.


His sister died in the accident. Beau Biden died of cancer as an adult. But that much loss is going to fuck you up, especially when you're a kid


Thanks for the correction


While also talking about how it would be to fuck your own daughter


I mean he wants to fuck his daughter too, so the comparison makes sense.


Well yeah, I’m not surprised he made the comparison. I’m surprised at the Christian who still defend the man.


I'm not in the slightest. The modern Christian doesn't care if you actually uphold the allegedly wholesome Christian values, it only matters if you announce yourself as one. That's it.


Most politicians in America announce themselves as Christian. Joe Biden is one of those. I don’t think they care about announcing yourself as Christian either. They just care if you share their bigotry.




And Biden actually goes to church. And I bet he could answer questions about his favorite parts of the Bible with specifics and not a general “I like a lot of things in the Bible” answer.


True. He frequently makes public comments about how sexy she looks. Must give him solid wood, at least as big as a drawer knob.


They want an excuse to shoot the types of people that they don't like.


Its why The Purge movie makes the right wing cream their jeans.


Even though their characters are the villains of the series and usually meet gruesome deaths for doing the things they are guilty of actually doing in real life These idiots need the nation to thrive for their own sake. How many opps? Too many options.


A guy in Okeana Ohio recently shot his neighbor for being a liberal. Then there was that guy that shotgunned a church full of kids in Knoxville TN for being too liberal. Then there was that guy in Oakland CA that got stopped on his way to shoot up the Tides Foundation for being too liberal, and ended up getting into a shootout with cops on the freeway. So, um, yeah. They've been fantasizing about it for years. Expect some crazy rightwingnuts to pop off any day now.


And they all end up dead


Not always several shooters have been taken alive and are at trial or in prison already. It’s how you know the shooter was white before they announce their race, they often take white guys into custody alive even if they are a mass shooter lol. Right wing shooter are often labeled lone wolves anyway and they never take responsibility for the terrorism.


It’s very dumb. It’s not North vs South anymore. What, is Texas gonna secede and then San Antonio secedes from Texas to rejoin the Union? Gimme a break.


I shut down Texas secessionists real quick by telling them the first hurricane & they'll be begging for help from the US. They won't even put money into their power grid, you really think they have the cash ready to clean up after a hurricane?


Plus actual civil wars are messy. And disruptive. Once Walmart, the internet, etc. are down people will say "Fuck this! Just go back to normal, please!" Look at how people lost their shit four years ago when they couldn't get haircuts or their poppers at Chili's during COVID. Those same folks wouldn't last a week in an actual civil war.


When football season is cancelled the civil war ends. It’s just that simple.


Absolutely. Forgot about that one (not much of a sports guy). 😂


Yeah but the crazies will do some crazy mental gymnastics about how it's the federal government that's causing them to be unable to afford these things.


Yeah, they're definitely out there, but usually it's a slow burning realization that Texas literally can't afford to secede.


I don't think the succession of Texas is a likely scenario at this point in time, but being from the UK and living through Brexit I can tell you that some of the crazies here are still living in denial and enjoying their hard won "sovereignty".


It hasn't been likely in over 100 years, the crybabies in Texas just like to whine & fantasize about being their own country.


If you think about it realisticly, Texas becoming their own state would go bad in many way. Drug cartels would have a heyday with a brand new country just forming, just figuring out how to structure their government, smack in the middle of the cartels distribution route.


Let Texas secede. Then like a good oligarchy ruled by the 1%, the US will "invade", take their oil and install a democracy-friendly regime. Win-win. /s, kinda.


Exactly, any serious conflict would have some serious Balkanization effects across the country. To quote xkcd: > There are more Trump voters in California than Texas, more Biden voters in Texas than New York, more Trump voters in New York than Ohio, more Biden voters in Ohio than Massachusetts, more Trump voters in Massachusetts than Mississippi, and more Biden voters in Mississippi than Vermont.


So what you're saying is the USA could fall apart, letting their adversaries gain more power globally. These dumb motherfuckers have done more than any force in history to return China to its global dominance. And honestly the CCP maybe evil but at least they're not crazy.


Civil War would likely be very messy, with a lot of domestic terrorism and small cells scattered throughout the continental US as opposed to strict lines between states/territory. It would also mean the end of modern comforts most Americans are used to, as well as the US no longer being considered a major player in world politics or trade, at least not for a long time.


There aren’t enough cohesive groups to even do this. They would all turn on each other very quickly. The fact that we know when other countries are about to attack days before they do is all you need to know about how easy it is to shut down shit at home


Pretty much every city is blue and the space in between is red. The economic power of the blue dwarfs the red.


What happens when dependent red states run out of food stamp money. Or insurance or healthcare. Where are they going to go to the doctor? There is already an issue with rural medicine.


You stop right there, I need my welfare, Medicare and my Oxy along with my free internet so I can hate the government.


It will just boil down to uncoordinated domestic terrorism by MAGAts. And hopefully a mighty crackdown and a continuation of the grinding of the wheels of justice.


If that happens, MAGA could be declared a domestic terror organization.


They should've been 3 years ago.


That will go down as the most expensive nut in human history


Some of them have already begun shooting their neighbors. Several because "they might be a Democrat." They're just looking for excuses to live their gravy seal murder fantasies.


Yes, civil war is in fact neighbors shooting neighbors. You don't need those neighbors to be from different states to call it a civil war, it can be very chaotic geographically speaking. Also, you can have more than 2 sides in a civil war.


It's code for wanting to shoot up minorities and Democrats. And TBH, I can see them increasing those attacks, they are unhinged.


To top it off they really believe their guns will help them. Against tanks and jets. If an all out civil war broke out because democrats won an election it will be a short fight.


The Red Dawn movie really did a number on conservative minds.


To be fair, they hope that enough military personnel would join the coup. And it's not like all military/ex-military are opposing Trump. There are MAGA nuts there, like everywhere else. I doubt it would be enough, but some lunatics could change the sides.


He'd want military, cops, "hunters", and man children that want to LARP Call of Duty


Shit, they've been talking civil war since Waco, in my memory.


That OTHER time they wanted to civil war the country on behalf of a pedo with a jesus complex?


If I had a nickle.... I'd have two nickles which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice.


Notice none of the actual war veterans are calling for war, that’s because these guys have no idea how brutal actual war is


From the academics I have read/seen it’s expected to be an increase in violence, psychos going out and trying to murder politicians etc.


Agreed. Stochastic terrorism, lone wolf attacks, etc. 


I remember when they were claiming Obama wouldn't step down at the end of his term. I called BS and affirmed I would join the revolution if that happened. It didn't. Pure projection. I would join the Union side if these nut jobs ever organized against the government. I'm a actually a patriotic American.


Yeah I had this dismissive attitude. Then Jan 6th happened. If a traitor tells you who they really are, believe them.


Holy shit, it's been 16 years since he was elected? Damn I'm getting old...


They want other people to go to war for them. They're too comfy in their privileged life to fight for it.


Social media does that. Writing words behind a keyboard makes people show their true faces. If a real war does break out within the US or against another nation, guess who’ll be the first to say “don’t draft me!”?


Private school boys with broccoli cuts agree with each other on their dads' talking points.


Well my dad says...and hes a close friend of blah blah blah and they say its basically a done deal.


My Daddy once caught a bullet, with his bare hands.


My Daddy will kick your daddy’s ass all the way from here to China, Japan or where ever the hell you from.


Chinese food!! No soul food here!!!!






My Daddy caught a bullet, with his bare hands while walking 10 miles up hill, both ways, in the snow to get to school


Those broccoli cuts are going to be the manbuns of gen z


It’s the 90’s bowl cut of gen z


We need a buddy movie with a mullet, bowl, bun, and broccoli


Sounds like ingredients for a soup.


That's a cooking show


Except manbuns or ponytails in men may go in an out of style but never become tacky, they're as ancient as humanity. Broccoli cuts are experimental shit


Lmao fr


that haircut is a giant red flag for me lol, literally every time I see a squad of florets they're being shitty to people around them, loud, disruptive, and disrespectful. they're exhausting to be around. I'm glad I didn't have to go to school with those kinda kids, what a pain


I have the misfortune of being aware of a broccoli headed live streamer with a punchable face who provokes people then immediately hides behind his bodyguard. No need to name him and give more attention but IYKYK.


Broccoli cuts 😂


MOST underrated comment


Oh yeah, I'm sure that all the Trump supporters are going to be out in force tomorrow, ready to overthrow the government and rescue their God Emperor. All a few dozen of them.


There are dozens of them! DOZENS! They meet at the waffle house every tuesday to shit talk, drink beer and pick fights in the parking lot at 2 am.


Waffle House serves beer now? And here I was thinking it couldn’t get any better!


In all seriousness there’s a LOT of them. They’re just too stupid to organize anything to actually be afraid of.


as long as they don't run into their old nemesis stairs... that bastard takes out half their forces


Some people just want an excuse to hurt others. It's exausting to read about.


Playing right into Putin's hands. Fighting amongst ourselves is exactly what weakens a nation. Divide and conquer. But these MAGA dumb asses will never see that.


The US ruling class has more than just a little something to do with it as well.


Weakening education standards, allowing tribalism between lower class and middle class, allowing news to be one sided and then the rich pumped those networks against those that are lower educated. it was systematic in nature.




I was just sayin'. But yeah. Outside interference is a thing as well.


They usually pick issues we already have in America like racism and classism and try to exacerbate them online. When I first saw all the generation specific subs popping up like “boomersbeingfools” and genz genx etc I thought maybe they could be another Russian psyop and maybe they made all the subs for a little extra generational division lol. They probably didn’t but it wouldn’t be that shocking if they did lol. Not only have Americans become more divided politically it’s also a generational thing where young people and even gen X feel like boomers sold out the younger generations. Something I noticed way back in 2015 is Russian trolls posing as conservative Americans often make serious efforts to be as insufferable as possible and to never agree or back down from an argument. That way when you think about your neighbors who are republicans you can’t help but think of them as probably just as insufferable. Conservatives haven’t always taken pride in being insufferable like they do nowadays and I think part of that is long term influence of Russian trolls often getting more likes and views for being the most insufferable tweeter of the day etc. Like they were upset at being called deplorables for a couple of years but at fascism took over their party it’s become like a badge of honor, because you can’t be a fascist leader without being absolutely deplorable. Conservatives have been brainwashed to think social justice is a bad thing over the past 8-10 years because of all the “SJW” propaganda lmao, it’s why they have no problem lowering work age limits or making women have rape babies because fuck social justice and workers rights amirite/s


>Not only have Americans become more divided politically it’s also a generational thing where young people and even gen X feel like boomers sold out the younger generations. Don't blame Russia for that, that's what happened. Not everyone in the boomer generation realized that's what they did, but when you outnumber other voting blocks and vote progressively in your youth, use the benefits, then vote conservatively to retain your wealth, you are selling out future generations.


Most of them can’t name a city in most countries outside their capitols (if even that) on top of that most can’t fathom that they are being used. Their world is so small they think democrats are their only enemy while our nations actual enemies watch and plan our downfall.


Active measures. Putin is an ex KGB after all, he knows how to weaken a nation.


He's totally laughing while playing with his matryoshka doll collection right now


This dork isn't gonna do anything


I’d throw that stringbean through a wall easily.


Posers. I'm bringing it back.


Not on his own, but when the priests say it’s okay to rape and pillage, “dorks” like him are in front of the line


Unfortunately, we also can't ignore it; it's how we got into this mess to begin with.


These tough guys never come to the hood and say that shit tho. It's always twitter. I made a post about how it's easy to yell at a preppy kid in a suit in the internet. Tell Me Chris Tyrone Damion Damien Damian Josh Dante #1,2,3 Darell And nem. Come yell at the projects. But no. They just gone twitter finger it up. In the even if a "civil war" these people go crazy holed up in their homes working up the courage to "take the world back" There not gonna be a twitter in the civil war.


I think they really just want to watch other people hurt others. Most of these fools are cowards and would cry at the thought of real, physical danger.


And the general gameification of life. People treating important things like a sport that one needs to "win". All just a replacement for their personal failure to be satisfied in life and lacking the introspection to find deeper meaning and just lash out like the base idiots they are. Pretty pathetic for these people of decent means that have no excuse for being this stupid, ignorant, and angry.


"I don't care about unity. I care about your defeat." We know. This has literally been what MAGA has been about this entire time. They've simply stopped pretending that they support Donald Trump for the betterment of the country.


I'm like watching DJT talk or try to do anything and I'm like, really? Over this guy? People want to kill each other over this dumb piece of shit?


Are these the same folks who shriek “it’S a rEPUblIC NOt a DeMOcrACY!!!” when the electoral college comes up?


Every time I see that sentence, I think of a whiny kindergartener saying "THATS NOT A RECTANGLE ITS A SQUARE UR STOOPID" about the same level of intelligence, too.


"It's a republic, not a democracy?" I think I had a stroke reading that.


It's like saying "My car is a sedan, not a Toyota."


Anytime I hear that I assume ignorance or desire for dictatorship, or both. A Republic is simply the opposite of a Monarchy. Somebody from the people rules instead of a hereditary clan. A democratic republic means the leaders must be elected by the people. A democratic state is always a republic, but a republic is not always a democracy. The only non-democratic republic is a dictatorship. When the founders insisted on a republic, they had a well founded fear that it could revert back to monarchy, just like what happened with Oliver Cromwell’s Commonwealth in the previous century. The full exchange of the famous quote: Elizabeth Willing Powell: “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” Benjamin Franklin: “A republic, if you can keep it.” The mindset at the time was such that a monarchy felt natural. Some people even suggested to make George Washington a king, thankfully he rejected it. The founders were NOT against democracy, and they were absolutely against tyrants (dictators). Mouth breathers today take the quote out of context to imply that old Ben was against democracy. The reason the idiots are against the word democracy is because they’re against the Democratic party, and they can’t tell the difference between the two.


"My allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy!"


Republic is democracy but they’re too dumb to get that


I’m convinced it’s because “democracy” sounds like “democrat” and “republic” sounds like “republican”.


They're going to learn that they aren't the only ones with weapons


What? But the left hates guns and wants to ban them! Fox News told me so!


Everyone think they have an army until they meet the U.S army.


Amen to that.


I’ll say this as a history nerd, if there was another civil war, I learned no half-measures after the war. Reconstruction and what followed was a nightmare because unity was prioritized over accountability. I don’t know what it would look like, but whoever starts a civil war will get punished into oblivion as will all those that supported a traitor. A generation or two will need to grow up being reminded daily that they started something and now get to find out the consequences.


Europe has tried squeezing losers for the sake of "accountability" after WWI, didn't turn out too well.


Yeah, it's a delicate balance. Too much leniency just pauses the conflict. Too little creates the WWII scenario.


So what’s the over/under on the number of idiots who end their free lives by committing violence because Trump got convicted?


I’m going to guess…. Over 500.


*Gently squeezes Scouter weakly*


Same as the number who ended their freedom by committing violence January 6.


See now I want to know how long it takes for Trump to pardon the assholes that commit murder for him if he wins the election.


I hope we never have to find out


Vote. Your life and the lives of the people closest to you depends on it.


Nah man, he'll say he's gonna do it in the middle of one of his rants and never think about it again


Several thousand. J6 alone was a couple thousand.


Multiple. Not many but non-zero number.


When I was visiting family in Tennessee I saw a couple of older gentleman open carrying in a Arby’s at lunch time and they are 100% the ones thinking they will be fighting a civil war but I just got a great laugh to myself when I thought these guys probably think they can go out and kill liberals from 8-12 and then hop on over and get their beef and cheddar then go home like nothing happened like honey I’m home from slaughtering the Biden voters. These people are so delusional the second that something major happens that would force close their fast food restaurant, cause they for sure aren’t staying open if there is gun fire in the streets, and disrupt their normal lives they won’t fight jack shit


I laugh at the open carry crowd. It's asking for trouble. I have my licensed carry card and I always keep my firearm concealed. Open carry is just advertising your small penis.


Open carry just advertises to the criminal that they should sneak up on you and take you out before you even know what’s going on. But even that’s probably not going to happen because this country actually isn’t as dangerous as they think (not saying these things don’t happen but on average it’s more and more unlikely and certainly safer than many places in the world)


Same here. Concealed carry can be a great way to be prepared for a self-defense scenario. Open carry is inviting a self-defense scenario in the name of looking like fat John Wayne (I've never seen a fit person open carry out of uniform).


![gif](giphy|3o7budCPrX0vfKo4c8) Whiny butthurt people screaming into the void amuse me


Gravy seals standing by.




Just wait. His other trials are going to be far more damning. That Indictment in Florida is so crystal clear on when and how he broke Federal laws a 10 year old could understand it. Spoiler. My favorite part is when they’re going to play a recording of him admitting that he’s breaking a Espionage Act law and that he knows he shouldn’t be but is anyway because he just can’t help but flaunt his buffoonish disregard for law or decency in court. And he *KNEW* they were recording. He broke the highest laws in our country, and bragged about it while he was doing it on record.


a 10 year old could understand it So none of his cultists will understand it. Got it.


Ah, the quiet part out loud. I love it when the veil falls.


Imagine thinking your countrymen are more of a threat than your actual enemies.


The last time I was in North Carolina was in early 2022 and I saw a guy wearing a shirt that said “No Taliban Ever Called Me a Deplorable”


When you align with the taliban that's how you know you're right... Or something.


There is a solution in the Constitution for people who wish to engage in treason against the United States, as this "zomg it's time for civil war" seems to want to do. Let's freaking grow a pair and start using that solution. Because all these years of forgiveness and understanding have led us here. Moving forward with more of the same will cost us everything.


Life imprisonment or death penalty?


Some days I really wish the left was as organized as the right thinks we are. It’s very telling just how religion is being used to organize these lunatics


Fun fact I pulled out of my ass: if this were not a democracy, das Angry Turnip would have been in front of a firing squad.


Holding people accountable for their crimes means we no longer live in a democracy? How can people be this fucking stupid?!


Says a adult going by "Joey".


A man is found guilty in court by jury of his peers. All jurors deliberated in private and found him guilty per how the judicial system works. “We no longer live in a democracy”. Some people are just born dumb. No amount of anything will help them, so it’s best to just do your research and don’t hire them or associate with them.


and yet none of them are doing no war, they just wanna others doing the dying. other ppl´s lives are a sacrifice they are willing to take.


Hurry up and fucking do it you cowardly pieces of shit. GET SOME we’re tired of your endless streams of steamy shit START IT and let’s end this


Just report them to the FBI and move along.


I saw him doing his bit online and I'm thinking "I wonder if he will vlog during his fantasy civil war. He'll probably die first since he'll keep blowing his cover doing vlog."


We do live in a democracy. Thats why even though he’s a rich former president, he gets treated like everyone else. He’s guilty. Treat him as such.


Yikes. This should be reported


Joey is a domestic terrorist.


Destroying a country over the one of the worst humans that walked the planet. Good job, America.


I've seen footage of the type of people who show up to Trump rallies. I'm not worried.


Fuck it, bring their right wing bull shit on.


Bring it Joey. Time to FAFO.


They were afraid to get the Covid vaccine.


My Dad.. Yeah, he's not a democrat. So anyhow, one day we were talking and I was like Dad, don't you want everyone to get along and for as many people as possible to live happy lives and be at peace and he said hell no, that would mean giving in to *them and the way they want to make the USA.. I'm sure he means gay. 😂😂 I laugh, but it isn't really funny. They didn't want peace, they aren't interested in meeting in the middle.. It's their way or the highway (to civil war. ) I just think they forget they aren't the only one bout it. . It wouldn't be as easy as they think. He forgets who he raised.. They forget who they raised!! Democrat or not.


How ironic is this? This meltdown from people calling others snowflakes for years.


so Broski says the civil war has started, lets see what he does tomorrow. maybe he will surprise me and take up arms, but my money is on him doing the same shit he did today and the day before that, get on the Internet and cry a lot. these idiots are all talk because they know if they do mobilize they'll be rounded up and put in prison with the J6 morons.


What happened to "If you don't like it here, then leave"? Why aren't his kind saying that now?


Finally. I can find common ground with these homophobic bigots hellbent on stripping the right to bodily autonomy. I, too, no longer care for unity with them, and only care for their defeat; thus the feeling is mutual. Say when. I’m your huckleberry.


Yup. The time for discussion and debate is slowly coming to an end. All you need to understand what's coming if this orange chasm of endless stupidity is elected again is written in the manifesto that is Project 2025. If *that* is the America that MAGA Conservatives are aiming for, then they will have to pay for it in blood.


If the 15% of our nation want to act like idiots, let them. FAFO


I'm literally drowning in maga tears, won't someone think of the inbred???


Ummmm, the people gave the case to a jury. The jury voted and convicted on all counts. That is pretty democratic no?




Going to war for Trumps cheatin conman pedo ass is about the most clown shit ive ever heard.


People really want to kill their neighbors over Donald Trump? Mind boggling. 


What kind of a democracy has jury trials by regular citizens who can hold anyone, regardless of class, race or creed responsible for their actions? I mean, that has Facist regime written all over it!


Liberals won the first Civil War he's living in our America he should be grateful.


We no longer live in a democracy???? Are these mfs for real?! They attempted a fucking coup and *now* we don’t live in a democracy. You know what? That’s enough reddit for today, lol


the pro lifers want to kill people because their chief cheetoh rapist burned through multiple legal teams and still lost his cases..... makes sense


Can you imagine how quick that little twink boy would start crying the second a single bullet soared anywhere near him? Fucking losers who never grew past their parents political opinions because they’re too stupid to question literally a single thing.


You know how these fucking clowns are suffering from celebrity worship syndrome? Not a single MAGA has turned around and took this on the chin and endorsed another republican candidate for the presidency. It’s got absolutely nothing to do with politics and everything to do with an unhealthy obsession with a criminal idol.


What a punk ass mofo. And they have the nerve to claim they’re the patriots while simultaneously wanting the country to burn


They want problems they can shoot at. They are children who want simple solutions.


Tough on crime people when the tough isn't shooting a black child 37 times in the back.


YEA! LETS STORM THE CAPITOL AND OVERTHROW THE GOVORNMENT! Ok... do you know how to start up and subsequently run a govornment? Or are we doing pure anarchy? I DONT KNOW! YOURE AN IDIOT! LOOK I STOLE A FLAG AND THAT GUYS PEN!


I thought "we aren't a democracy, we're a Republic." Trump's cultists can't keep their arguments straight.