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I can make shit up too. I was going to donate $10,000 to trump, but I CANCELED that and now I'm spending it on hookers and blow in New York.


More believable.


Sounds more fun too.


Hey, that's what Trump probably has done.


Money ends up in the same place, regardless!


Remember to cover it up as legal expenses when you've got to get a lawyer to silence the hooker!


The true trickle down economics.


We have been trickled on


Finally it works!!


Probably refused to pay, though.


“4 seconds? I’m not paying for that.”


Exactly, what better way to support Trump than to get some hookers to spank you while you do rails off another hooker's ass? The only better way would be also to be married at the time and make sure your wife just had your child.


All except for paying the hookers. He doesn't pay for any services he doesn't have to. There are so many stories of small and medium businesses doing work for him, just to flat out not pay and never intend to. All the types of business that enable our country to literally eat, drink, survive, plus all of the fun stuff. There was someone in YouTube comments whose family was unfortunate enough to be hired by him, and that job was worth enough to tank their business and take a large portion of their will to live with it. I wonder how many of his donations and votes are from families like that? It hurts me, physically, writing this. My chest hurts. He doesn't feel anything.


The one time he actually paid someone he caught 34 felonies


As a fat, middle aged guy you have to make choices between blow and hookers if you want to avoid a heart attack. This is a part of growing up that nobody warned me about.


get blow or get blown. what to choose, what to choose.


And unironically much better for the economy and country as a whole


DOW is at its highest ever after Trump Conviction, so probably some traders taking lines and fucking some callgirls this weekend.


Particularly because a donation of more than $3,300 is illegal. https://www.fec.gov/updates/contribution-limits-for-2023-2024/


Use the discount code “Fuck Trump” to get 15% off your first hooker and…gram? of blow. I’m not sure what a common denomination for blow purchases would be. Screw it. Use “YOLO2012” for 25% off your first Kg.


Or as Don Jr calls it… Tuesday.


Pirro brings the Coke, Guilfolye brings the STDs, and Rudy brings the whiskey.


The party of family values.


I think my favorite thing about this is that no matter what they bring up, there's proof Felon Trump supported whoever they bring up.


Some family values are all about cocaine.


And that's why they call it the aristocrats


>The party of family values Or The family of party values?


The whisky and the hair dye


You can always tell when Rudy's been with Trump because Trump will have a black hair dye stain on his lower gut.




Check out that exhaust fan!


And those fking intakes. Hot diggity


As a New Yorker, thank you for your support of our hookers and blow economy. Covid hit every sector hard and every dollar counts.


that sound like fun too. what out for the STDs and fentanyl they cut the coke with.


They cut the coke with STDs and fentanyl?


Only the stuff they sell to tourists.




Of course! Just ask Fox News. Cocaine is rampant with STD's brought across the border by satanic migrants.


Oh dang, they're putting std's in the coke now. Will wonders never cease.


Really you’re just spending it on what Trump would have if he weren’t in prison. Just supporting the local economy


That’s how this whole thing started.


I was going to spend $7 billion on bribes to Supreme Court Justices and Circuit court judges. But after the behavior of Eileen Cannon and six of the Supreme Court justices, I’m helping people in Florida get home insurance instead.


This is the way


Well, it makes sense, in tribute! I like it, exactly what he would spend it on!


The Democratic Party got $50 billion in donations in the first ten minutes after the verdict from former Republicans who said they could never support a convicted felon for President.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Does anyone believe he was vacationing in NYC or donated $5K to anyone?


Guys like that don't vacation in NYC. Too many of "those" folks for him to enjoy it. He's a Branson, Missouri guy.


Or if he’s got the money, probably going to a cheap Caribbean cruise or all inclusive and then complaining that all the staff are brown.


The boomers who watch Fox all day literally think big cities like NYC are Fallujah in '03. It's funny/sad that Fox tells them how bad these places are while they're headquartered along with the rest of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp right in the middle of Manhattan, but critical thinking is not their audience's strong suit


Guy wouldn't be a proper Trump supporter if he actually made the donations he publicly claimed he would. It's such a weird thing to say that if you don't go to your first choice of holiday destination your second option is to give your money to a political cause. Is there really nothing in-between like an alternate destination or extravagant purchase? It's obviously "virtue" signalling that he's not actually going to pay for, but it's such a weird decision he wants people to believe he's made.


He wouldn't be a proper MAGAT if he was well travelled. The vast majority of his mouthbreathing supporters have spent literally their entire life in a 50 mile radius


Only the Closed mind is certain.


Ahh, classic right-wing projection. Constantly accuse the other side of virtue signaling and then do it yourself.


I’m willing to bet he has another post about not being able to afford eggs because of Biden


$5000 would exceed the legal individual donation limit to a Presidential campaign.. so if he’s not donating to a PAC, that’s Election Finance Fraud.. Trump campaign committing campaign fraud? ..that part of his story checks out.


Yeah, came here to say this, max is $3,300 per candidate, this is admission of a crime if he did it. >[The limits on contributions made by persons to candidates \(increased to $3,300 per election, per candidate\) \(52 U.S.C. § 30116\(a\)\(1\)\(A\)\);](https://www.fec.gov/updates/contribution-limits-for-2023-2024/)


Campaign finance violations seem to be standard Trumpanzee policy, so there's that . . .


Bold of you to assume this man has $5000.


We can find out once second quarter donations are posted next month: [https://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup/results?name=brett+easterbrook](https://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup/results?name=brett+easterbrook)


Considering the legal maximum donation to a candidate is $3,300, he's full of shit, or committing crime. https://www.fec.gov/updates/contribution-limits-for-2023-2024/


Idk, but this time cancel culture is ok I guess. And I’d be willing to bet money at some point he has gotten angry over woke cancel culture in the past.


It’s possible. If it’s true it just makes him a bigger idiot too. Imagine giving up your personal time and that much of your own money for this.






You win the thread


Translation - I just did something that only hurts me and then decided I'd hurt myself some more. I might punch myself in the nuts next.


He must work 15 hour shifts at the ball-crushing factory.


Excellent, already improving the demographic of the place.


New Yorkers: it's working.


I, for one, am happier. The chances I would have interacted with this person were minuscule, but not zero.


Trump is uncorruptible because he's already rich. Anyway, here's my vacation savings, my dear leader, hope it helps


Yeah, if it's one thing that New Yorkers famously love, it's tourists, rofl. I'm sure New Yorkers are crying over this.


And all restaurant staffs rejoiced that this boomer prick won't be making their evening miserable.


Lmao, I used to be bothered by people saying Chicago is a murder hellhole until I realized it's keeping Republicans away from here.


I'm from Chicago. We mostly murder republicans. Keeps Madigan and Pritzker in charge. Soros pays top dollar for our munitions. Great work if you can get it.


Welcome to the California mindset. Let the red state garbage say and believe whatever they want.


The funny part is that Trump will pocket these donations for his own use and sneer at these suckers who finance him.


yes, and he will do something illegal with that money as well. He never learns.


He doesn’t appear to have the _need_ to learn. They just let him keep on doing whatever he wants with no repercussions. I hope I’m wrong, but I doubt he’ll see any consequences with respect to these felony convictions.


Sadly I agree with that. But, I do wish that he will take the fall for something that the us government actually puts him behind bars. But, then his health will of course be "too poor to serve time".


Admitting he's in poor health would destroy him (more) in the polls though. Somehow despite being geriatric and the heaviest thing he's ever lifted being a golf club he's cultivated a "strongman" image with his base.


Yeah, as fit as any soon 78 year old man that's been living on junk food. I don't get just how delusional you'd have to be to seen him as "strong".


I cannot stand listening to his nasally, whiny, raspy voice for more than a few seconds. He is such a weak fucker.


Yeah, just lacks anything that makes an interesting human.


He won't have to learn have you seen the guy recently? He does not look healthy at all.


Yeah, and he talks like someone with severe issues. At times at least, seems to be later in the day when he can't keep up. Overweight. Old. Doesn't seem to believe in anything "Healthy" as well. He's soon 78.


Sundowning is the term for it.


I'm sure them reading off 34 guilty counts didn't do much for his health. Stress can kill.


Maybe for hookers and blow


he genuinely did not and still doesn't understand the soldiers that sacrificed themselves for the country. he doesn't understand why anyone would do something that doesn't benefit themselves. his donors are stupid losers in his mind.


New Yorkers in shambles! ![gif](giphy|kC2cRqEt8o41COgjoV|downsized)


Fixed it for you: ...donated that $5000 to the ~~Trump campaign~~ E. Jean Carroll fund.




Heaven forbid one gets caught buying a hooker and then bribing and trying to cover it up. Good job america, you voted this clown to be president once.


No they voted for him twice, he only became president once. And they're gonna vote for him a third time, cause they have zero critical thinking skills, and want it to be okay for them to be racist, exist, xenophobic, etc.


Actually, we NEVER voted him to be president; he only got in because of the archaic electoral college. He's never won an election by actual vote count in his life.


Well, this week he got all 12 votes.


Ice cold, I love it.


First time he's won the popular vote.


This is important to understand.


He won something this week by votes, ammirite?!?


You know nothing about America and its politics. We didn't vote for shit, the electoral college(a handful of rich fucks) elected him.


BUT THE OTHER GUY HAS A (D) BEHIND HIS NAME!!!!!!!! /s obviously


true, but me boy here wonders what´s elections in the usa would be like if it was "one citizen = one vote" system.


You mean like in a real and functioning democracy? Then it would have been mostly democrats for the last 70 years or so, I believe there was only 2 times in recent history where a Rep president also won the public vote. Iirc of course, only read that on Reddit myself some time in the past and haven't checked it again.


People still LOVE him 🤦‍♂️


Sixty seven thousand six hundred CANCELLED grandpas send their love.


67k is a lot.. like a small town almost


Stormy Daniels is not a hooker.




The greatest trick republicans ever pulled was convincing ppl to actively work against themselves. Don’t take a vacation, give it to Trump! Don’t donate to charities, give it to Trump! Don’t donate to the church, give it to Trump! The “billionaire” lol. And they fall for it, every time. Then blame minorities for their money troubles. It’s fascinating, if not so horrible at the same time.


That reminds me of that GOP woman in Arizona who asked people to skip a meal and send her the money. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Standing your ground saves $5,000. Donating it to a billionaire is priceless. Priceless because you threw your money way.


This is why I’m not worried about their huge “donor influx” after his conviction. Its all the same morons that were already voting for him anyway just bankrupting themselves. It’s great to watch.


No… don’t… come back…


Yeah let’s see the receipts, buddy.


So you gave up having a good time to support the Felon Melon! What other stupid decisions have you made and decided to broadcast to the world?


I hit myself in the nuts! - Him I assume.


Imagine bragging about giving money to a millionaire


People donated to that Kardashian just to make her the youngest billionaire. This country's iq drops every year


Our species wasn’t ready for the internet


So brave. Most states prosecute criminals. So there is no place for you to go if you want to find a place that ignores paying off prostitutes with bribe money. Thats not legal anywhere. Mad at New York? The state let Trump get away with all kinds of shenanigans for years prior to this. This is a drop in the bucket and the evidence was so overwhelming it couldnt be ignored.


Paying hush money isn't illegal. It's using campaign funds and funneling it through your business as 'legal expenses' and such that is illegal. That's what he got convicted for, for falsifying business records. And they were felony counts as those acts were to conceal another crime, which was the influencing the election by conspiring to promote or prevent the election of a candidate by unlawful means. If he just wrote her a check directly himself from his personal account this case wouldn't exist. Media really does a disservice when they always want to refer to this case as a 'hush money' case when that's really not what the chargers are about.


Snowflake says what?


What’s that, a two night stay? Lol


The real fun fact is there is NO Trump campaign fund as he hasn't been through the nomination at the convention. He has no Election fund, it's A JFC which so far this year has brought in 190 million $. It has disbursed 105 million to Trump as a person and about 9 million to his Save America PAC which has rented the Mar Lago dining room & paid Trump for appearances at fund raisers there. Grifters gotta grift.


Yeah, I did the same. Moved out of Texas, sold my house in Florida- will never go back to either sh*tholes - and donated to Biden.


Good. He needs the help paying off the $500 million he will pay the state.


Draining the swamp and keeping them out. Win win!




Awesome!! Now leave the country you also no longer believe in. We need the space to clean up the mess your Dear Leader has made.


“A fool and his money…”


Where is New York gonna possibly find 5000 dollars???


I just sent $50,000 to New York. You can do it, too. It costs literally nothing to lie on the Internet as a means of virtue signaling.


Tells you a lot about the disposable income of the boomers.


It certainly tells you they're liars because they cannot donate more than $2,500 to a campaign. But we knew that anyways.


Party/PAC contributions are $5k


Major win for New York!


I can’t tell what is more embarrassing, making these things up or thinking it would have any impact on anything.


'I was going to have a fun time, but I thought my money was better spent donating to a treasonous, grifting, convicted felon who's supposed to already be a billionaire.' And that's somehow supposed to not be a self-own.


As a New Yorker, nobody cares


Why don't you go to hawaii you asswipe? -.- this is like a fucking bad sitcom. One more jesus with trump meme and I become a terrorist.


Make New York Great Again


So butthurt that law and order played out


Uh they probably didn’t want you snyway


He lied. He literally changed his story up in his replies.


So I will stay home and be miserable while a "billionaire" uses my money to pay his delinquent legal bills.


And then everyone in your head clapped!


People donating money to a multi-millionaire. That will never not be bizarre to me.


Just looked up this morons name on the donation list, surprise, surprise, no donation made. might be fun to post that info in a rep sub and watch his (s)Xhitter acct blow up. I would laugh my ass off watching him actually be out the 5K by guilt.


Oh no! One less chunky white dough ball from Shitstain, AR stopping to look up at the top of the escalator and go “sure is tall!”


My god these Trumpers are such manbabies


As a New Yorker I can say that we don’t want him


Sbarro in Times Square is going to suffer


The guys a supposed billionaire and is proven to have misused business finances to benifit himself. He also majorly profited from his 4 years as president, taking millions from taxpayers every time he went on a golfing trip. What would donny even want your pitiful 5k? He doesn't even want to take pictures with his political doners that attend his 100k maralago fundraiser attendants, because they simply don't give him enough money. Don would take your 5k, buy himself an overly priced steak, cremate it well done and smother it in ketchup and then fart loudly in your general direction as thanks. What's sad is you would probably love inhaling his odious farts too. Creepo


Oh, he'll take the 5k. Think about Trump Steaks, Trump Water, Trump Vodka, Trump University, NFTs of his ridiculous trading cards, now sneakers and bibles and T-shirts with his mug shot -- remember, with this guy, NO grift is too small.


Isn’t the single person contribution limit $3300? Seems like dude just admitted to a FEC violation.


Why stop there, Sparky? Don't ever go to the East Coast of the US - NY is there. In fact, never get on a plane again - it may have gone to NYC! Boycott the Stock Market! Never another bagel! Hey, didja know where trump is from? Man, when the fans hate the home team, you know sumpin's wrong!


Wait til he sees who has his name on big ass buildings there..


In July it’s about to have 300k Pokémon players flood it for a weekend People don’t realize how little a drop in the bucket they are for big cities


As a native NYer let me say this. Good. Fuck off.


So you're boycotting Trump Tower and Wall Street? Good call.


I stopped caring. All of these dumbasses who keep giving money to the orange cheetoh are going to end up dependent on the social programs they tried to take from others. Poetic justice at its finest. Only way it could be any better is if they were accepted for financial assistance and the orange cancels it when he's elected. I tried for years. I no longer have any sympathy for these people. You can't fix stupid, only kick back and eat popcorn.


Makes me want to visit even more


People out here starving, but no no, let's stuff the face of the corpulent orange monster.


"I'm giving my money to a guy who got convicted for financial crimes and claims to have billions". I mean, that's a weird flex but if you want to out yourself as a idiot I guess I can't stop you.


I CANCELED my mortgage payment and gave it to Trump. Never again and never give up.


A direct $5,000 donation by an individual to a campaign is illegal. The maximum allowed by law is $3,300. Brett The Idiot just publicly admitted to committing election fraud in support of an asshole just convicted on 34 counts of paying off someone he fucked and thus committing election fraud. MAGA really are the dumbest motherfuckers on earth.


I laughed so hard at this muppet the other night. Check the comments of his post, 90% of his replies to people is a snopes link claiming Biden a pedo, doesn’t matter what the other person says. Real stable & productive individual


“I just gave money to a convicted felon and limited my ability to travel” is not the flex he thinks it is


Just proves the old adage - "There's a sucker born every minute"


Lol. Okay. New York will really miss all that money. And Trump will just give that money to New York as he has to file more court papers.


But wait! I thought inflation was so bad because of Biden himself that they couldn’t afford eggs? How can he be so well off these days to throw $5k down the drain like that? 


I just flushed 5k down the toilet


You sir are a fucking idiot.


1. He never had a vacation to New York 2. He has never had $5000 3. He has never been to New York


**He never had a trip planned to New York** People like this are absolute nutters and will say anything for the attention lol. The only person I trust for situations like this is John Burk


Should have just vacationed somewhere else.


I just cancelled my $5,000 vacation to NYC, withdrew the funds in small bills, wiped my ass with them, masturbated on them, poured gasoline on them, and set them on fire. Then I punched myself in the balls for good measure. MAGA!




SPOILER: He never had a vacation to New York planned. MAGAs are fucking pathological liars. Every single one of them.


The donation limit for an individual in 2024 is $3,300. Maybe he donated 5k by buying up worthless DJT stock so he could donate like the Russian oligarchs do.


67k likes on this shit☹️


That’s like $4 on the dark web. Twitter likes are bullshit.


Man, I wish there was a way to tell when likes come from bots. Sometimes, I see the most moronic take ever, and it has a lot of likes, and I never know if they come from Artificial Intelligence or Natural Stupidity.


Pathetic virtue signaling from an idiot. And nothing of value was lost.


I cancelled my six month cruise and donated the 25k to the re-election of Joe Biden 🙄


More fantastic news for NY


trump finally doing something for my city, keeping his asshole followers away


So you believe a president is above the law!


Sad day, NY just lost a huge piece of shit


Good. Then every server that would have served you in restaurants would get a different customer who actually tips.


This dude probably wasn’t even going to NY.


I'll tell you who are disappointed by this...Times Square scammers. This mouth gaping moron would be such an easy mark.


Trump has gotten so many donations, makes me think the economy is not so bad after all-if you can afford to donate anything to a billionaire.


New York will be fine.