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Children dying or suffering from preventable illnesses is fucked up. It's child abuse Edit: one are........


To the GOP, cruelty is the feature, not the bug.


How is RFKJr the GOP??


In this instance, RFKjr and GOP have similar beliefs. Vaccines bad.


How is he not?


As an independent, it’s quite obvious that self-interest (*not* public interest) is the only thing that drives either party and both are full of jackals that get off on being cruel, violent and domineering. If you don’t recognize this, you’re either one of them or wildly deluded. ✌️


Only one side is pushing vaccines as evil. Enough with this "Both Sides" crap.


For real this is possibly the worst and least accurate use of both sides are bad-ism I've ever seen. Get a grip on reality, quit trolling, and/or actually educate yourself on some basic science.


This post is referring to RFK Jr, who is not and has never been a member of the Republican Party. Believe it or not, but there truly are anti vaxxer nuts on all sides


He's a Libertarian, also known as a Republican who likes weed.


No he’s not. He’s a former climate change lawyer, member of the Democratic Party until last year, and still advocates for higher taxes on the wealthy.


Being an enemy of both parties doesn’t make his alignment any less obvious. You can find players on both sides who sway in various hot topics, nothing new


The Left: "*We want everyone to have equal rights and access to affordable health care."* The Right: "*We want to* ***LITERALLY*** *murder blacks, gays, women, immigrants, trans people, atheists, and anyone who didn't vote for Trump!"* Your dumb ass: *"BoTh SiDeS!"*


>or wildly deluded. Says the both sider. There's no more lazy, ignorant, or deluded position in politics as the "both sides" argument.


What a brilliant way to dismiss the fact that democrats and conservatives are both humans serving their own interests, susceptible to and partaking in corruption, and commonly malicious, tribalist bullies and jackals. The moment you can disprove any of these facts, I’ll register and vote Democrat. Have fun with that… 🤡


People do what is in their interest? Wow. Such sage wisdom. You must feel very superior to everyone around you and literally never do anything in your own interest because that would be both sides at once and you are the same. Wow.


These are not facts, they are opinions. They are not remotely factual, at best they are based on limited subjective observations. It’s like a child saying Santa is real since the child met Santa at the mall. Admittedly many people on both sides are very self serving, but not all. Stating your opinion as fact is borderline narcissism. Happy to hear you are going to register and vote Democrat, now that your “facts” have been corrected. don’t lock yourself in stone, I still hope republicans or independents can get their act together. Any response other than you stating you switched to Democrat….at least for this election will expose you as a liar, and be promptly dismissed. Clown imogi was dead on.


Riddle me again this, if self-interest is driving anti-vaxxers, why are they advocating bringing back disease with very high mortality rates (why we targeted them in the first place) we eradicated almost a century ago?


Yeah but it's like saying both red and blue are colors. Yes they are both colors but they are wildly different colors. Both sides are far from the same. One is extremely worse.


Troll harder.


Genius. That would count as trolling in this case, right?


Both suck, but one is far, far worse than the other. If you can’t see that you’re incredibly delusional. One is actively suppressing democracy and pushing anti-science narratives.


Bothsiders are just trumpt*rds who don't want their family to know.


Its plain murder.




So when you intentionally cause someone to be no longer alive, that’s called murder.


I wish the media would stop treating the anti-vax people, the anti-educated, the anti-science, the flat-earthers, the Bible-bangers, the Creationists, etc. with equal consideration. Neither the media nor any of these groups are making the world better.


The media makes its decisions based on one thing and one thing alone. Clicks. More traffic = more ad revenue. The truth left a long time ago.


There are still tons of "media" that are deemed factually accurate.


We can help reducing their signal here by stop allowing posts to those sources. We shouldn’t be amplifying their signal even if people feel that “everyone needs to know what the enemy is doing”. Posting it here gives them a voice.


RFK is against the current minimal accountability and oversight needed to push vaccines.  He’s trying to reign in Big Pharma who puts profits before safety. He’s otherwise pro Vaccine


This is why the "Let them believe what they want" argument is no good. Dangerous beliefs end lives.


The only thing that could help is education


But at the same time, controlling the people belief is equally dangerous as it can easily be abused


Ah, reminds me of when I was explaining how vaxed people still spread the virus on my state sub only to be downvoted into oblivion. Just to have the inept cdc come out two weeks later and explain it. Yepp let them believe what they want sure is dangerous, especially when we're dealing with basic shit we learned in high school biology.


But.... why? So one day Dipshit von Kennedy woke up and decided to fly to the other side of the planet to tell dangerous lies to the people on one random remote island? Why?


[https://apnews.com/article/rfk-kennedy-election-vaccines-2ccde2df146f57b5e8c26e8494f0a16a](https://apnews.com/article/rfk-kennedy-election-vaccines-2ccde2df146f57b5e8c26e8494f0a16a) Apparently It was arranged by a local anti-vaxxer. The government had suspended vaccinations after an accident with MMR vaccine mixed with muscle relaxant the previous year and authorities were now trying to get it back on track. Sounds like the local anti-vaxxer wanted Kennedys help to disrupt those efforts.


But it's American Samoa! It's one-third the size of Rhode Island with one-twentieth the population! If it weren't for the Girl Scout Cookie, nobody would ever have heard of it!


Since it says "pop 200,000" it should be Samoa, not American Samoa. They're neighboring states, but Samoa is independent and has 5x the population. And anything to support the conspiracy theory i suppose.


Cool. So almost as big as Rhode Island, and with one-fifth the population. And 4,800 miles from the US mainland. San Diego, California is closer to Reykjavik, Iceland than it is to Samoa. That's how remote Samoa is. And yet Dipshit von Kennedy woke up one day and chartered a flight to that remote speck of dirt on the other side of an entire planet to kill people for no fucking reason at all, other than his own stupidity.


Missionaries have been doing it for years.


Hopefully his next visit will be to North Sentinel Island.


I wish I could reanimate JFK's corpse and send him to kick some sense into his nephew.


RFK jr truly is a monster. I think he is in a death race with the convicted criminal to see who can kill more people


Trump is, conservatively, responsible for perhaps 600,000 American deaths from COVID plus who knows how many globally due to America's influence.


Anti-vaxxers existed long before Trump, and he only joined them because it was shiny and seemed like a good grift. Trump's definitely responsible for a big chuck of those 600k deaths, but at least a couple 100k were going to reject science no matter what.


he did get the vaccine passed faster. due to fda deregulation


Not really true, and, as soon as it wouldn't help him with the election, he discouraged people from taking it despite being among the first to get it himself.








His environmental law record is absolutely incredible. But he’s a fucking idiot when it comes to vaccines.




No you don’t. I guarantee it. Just another lier who will never give examples of who was hurt by them. I’ve heard this exact same line at least 4 times in the last week, you fucking trolls need more script writers.


You need a more accurate screenname.


lol no you don’t.




No I’m not being facetious. Vaccine complications are incredibly rare. One in millions. Id believe you if you said “I met a person once who had an allergic reaction to a vaccine.” That’s honest. But no way you met multiple people who have had vaccine injuries unless they made some shit up.




which vaccines you had as a child?


Who is censoring them? Please show your evidence


“He is a dangerous conspiracy theorist and science denier whose agenda would be a disaster for our communities and the planet,” reads a letter from twelve green groups.




better than the complete disaster that would follow if you put the man whose brain was eaten by a worm into the White House




> Seriously. That's a juvenile comment. you seem utterly unaware that the comment was made by your beloved hero




Turns out losing part of your brain really does a number on your faculties, who would’ve thought


Ahh, the anti-vaxx logic. A life's work of quite literally killing babies is fine as long as he sues a few people for pollution.




Read the post." 83 children died, most of them babies". He has spent a career making money off the deaths of others, mostly children who die from vaccine avoidable diseases, and the fact that he is not in prison should really worry you.




That's a stupid question.


Didn't we learn RFK Jr's whole family is vaccinated, kind of like how everyone at Fox News is too?


i thought the kennedys all hate him


They even required it at a party of his.


Since most people get vaccinated as children, he probably is vaccinated as well.


Abetted by a relative of BBC Tulsi Gabbard


Huh? She has a large black phallus?


GOP: abortion is murder. Also GOP: vaccines are horseshit. *Children die* oh well.


They apparently claim choose to _never_ pull the lever in the trolley problem scenarios


He’s got them Ross Perot vibes. He says some stuff people like but putting him in charge will lead to some truly wild shit.


Didn't we just do that with Trump?


Yeah but it’s like every TV show, they’ll try to shove different actors into the same ridiculous plots.


Disgusting man. He does not deserve his father’s name


Failed white savior complex.


brain worm rob strikes again.


In this age of communication, we need new misinformation laws.


Why are people listening to this idiot. In a first world country with access to a huge bank account he couldn't keep a worm from eating his brain. Health is not his forte


Sounds like a manslaughter charge to me. Get him.


They're the reason my mother died from COVID. She was scared to get the vaccine. So when she finally got COVID it was a death sentence. She was in her late 60s, obese and had emphysema. They had to put her on a respirator, and eventually became unresponsive until she finally passed.


Sorry for your loss. 


Thank you.


Makes.complete sense and yet somehow every *single* time I laugh at the idea progressives will vote for this raging conservative fuckstick on Reddit I get mocked by bots and Russian shills.


If there were any justice, the fucking arsewipe would be charged and prosecuted for this.


The worm ate the sensible area of his brain and he's just a nonsense moron now with a respected lastname he's abusing. He definitely needs to be censored and muted to detour any more harm


or it was a goauld that controlled his tiny brain.


Prolife only when it's about controlling women and their bodies


Sorry for my ignorance but is RFK Jr. the brain worm guy?


Yeah, that's the one...


People that do this shit should be held criminally liable.


Any more I have no reasons to stop people from offing themselves. 


They did a great job on the photo for that article.


The parents are responsible...


He would do this to the entire US.


Where are the pro lifers at? Were those children’s deaths just “part of god’s plan”?


The only thing that will shake antivaxxers from their tree is many many many of their children dying. The problem is that they will blame anything else: the devil, the democrats, the gay ghost. This is why anti-intellectualism is so dangerous.


They're all in a hurry to get to their Jesus who's gonna pat them on their pointed, inbred heads after they're dead.


And will be shocked when he sadly shakes his head and points them to the gates of hell...


Are are they?


I think maybe we should give him measels.


Why would anyone listen to RFK?


Maybe they can start a church like Islam and Christianity - you know the other death cults?




Who remembers the QAnon hashtag “SaveTheChildren?” RFJ Jr sure didn’t…


If only...




If you think that RFK is electable or able to do what you say, you've got to be smoking some REALLY REALLY good shit. I've seen delusional people on Reddit, but wow... you take it to a new level.


Don't bother with this TROLL. Block and move on. Look through his prior comments: He's CANADIAN. Goodbye foreign agent in our elections. You're blocked.


He did make change, he killed 83 kids




lol okay






And your solution is to vote in someone who came from wealth, who pushes misinformation to make money, and who's lies have caused kids in Samoa to go unvaccinated causing a measles outbreak?




You’re Canadian, no one gives a shit about your opinion. Go back to your hockey game and STFU about American politics of which you clearly have no fucking clue what you’re talking about


Yeah, anyone that hasn't been able to shake off the Monarchy shouldn't tell other countries how to do politics.


A worm ate his brain.




Vaccines cause autism. - RFK Antidepressants cause school shootings - RFK Pesticides cause gender dysphoria - RFK COVID was possibly genetically modified to spare Jews and the Chinese - RFK


He's gonna jump on the chemtrails and gay frogs thing next


Maybe some don't want him because he is a womanizer who had a parasitic worm eat a portion of his brain?




So you're saying a Kennedy is not an oligarch? A KENNEDY! You must be a Russian troll, because anyone who knows anything about America knows that the Kennedys are one of America's premier oligarch families.




Up and coming? Bitch, I'm in my 50s. How's the weather in Novosibirsk today?


Freezing cold with high chance of freezing your balls off!




Maybe you’re not Russian, but you’re sure as fuck not American!




Then shut the fuck up. Fuck off and keep your shitty thoughts in your own shitty country.


You're a fucking idiot.


But what if a parasitic worm eats part of your establishment brain?


What are your thoughts on the Infrastructure bill? Or chips and sciences act? Loan forgiveness?


RFK’s comments about parasitic worms were fucking childish. He lied about that shit to try and wiggle his way out of alimony payments. What a bizarre thing to come up with. His brain wasn’t eaten by worms, it was just stupid to begin with. 😂


OMG. RFK Jr is a KENNEDY. He was BORN into the establishment. Just because he's a wingnut you think he's not part of the establishment? Hahaha.


Be honest, how deflating was it when your camp found out he had brain worms. Like you guys put so much time and energy into trying to undermine Biden with this dude, only for him to hilariously disqualify himself due to objectively funny reasons. Lol


He convinced every dead Samoan not to take the vaccine?


He showed up and started a mass media campaign over the measles vaccine.


He’s directly responsible. Directly.


Darwinian evolution at work here. It will help thin out the gene pool over time. Be patient.


83 people died, and you’re trying to spin this into a good thing?




You do see this post is regarding a MEASLES vaccine, right? Did you think measles just popped up four years ago?




You’re not doing this because you’re an idiot. It’s 2024. Measles vaccine is a standard vaccination. You were likely vaccinated against measles. There was a measles outbreak in NYC a few years back because many Orthodox Jews in the city refused to vaccinate their kids. This shit kills children. And it’s contagious. You cool with that?




😂 Are you challenging me to a fight? Badass! You’re an idiot, but at least you’re a super tough little dude! 🤣




Bad news, Sally, you were vaccinated for measles. Go fight your parents, not me.




Yeah, the chance that you were vaccinated for measles is more likely than the chance you weren’t. I never said you were born in the US.


Bro, being sick or getting your kids sick and dead or paralyzed isn't sexy. No girls are running over to you and be like "Oh you are so hottttt for being an anti-vax and anti-establishment. Take my virginity!"   You know those people who actually use violence (unlike Mr big talk over here), like the US military? They will force you to take like 20 vaccines to be "combat effective". If you refuse that order because you're a selfish idiot, they would put you on a figurative firing squad and kick you out.


The vaccine was banned by the Samoan govt before RFK even went down there. It was banned because it was killing people.


>The vaccine was banned by the Samoan govt before RFK even went down there. It was banned because it was killing people. The immunization program was suspended because of two deaths that were due to medical negligence. The vaccine is not and has not ever been banned in Samoa. Are you lying or just ignorant?


>Are you lying or just ignorant? Can't it be both? I vote both.


No response to me calling out your bullshit?