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The Y is in an unfortunate color as well


Blends in perfectly and makes it a noun


It can also be a verb




“IIIIIIIII wanna seeeex YOU UP!”


...baby, let's talk about you and me.


Let’s talk about all the good things and the bad things that could be..


Let's talk abooout sex... Baby all through the night I'll make love to you (pitch perfect)




they knew what they were doing


Yeah, that's 100% on purpose


Agreed, that's the worst part of this cake.


…that’s just creepy to name your kid that


Like, this is HAHAHA name you think of for a video game where your protagonist has no canon name, so NPCs etc start conversations with "Hey Sexy" or "What's up, Master?" At most this should be a semi drunk "don't you think it'd be funny/a nice ego boost for our kid if everyone was forced to refer to our kid as Hello Sexy? or How are you doing Sexy?" And then you realise that's a terrible idea. But, nah.


I would do everything in my power to avoid saying their name. I'd just refer to them as "buddy", "my guy" or just "dude"


I shudder as a teacher thinking about this kid in my class...


We had a shi’theed in drumline back in like 2006, and the apostrophe didn’t make its way onto the attendance sheet. We were a silly bunch, the instructor thought he was being pranked, he apologized very, very much after asking if there was a shithead in the building.


There is zero chance this child grows up and chooses to use that name. Probably applies for a name change asap too. You name your child whatever you want. Just remember they change it whenever and go by whatever they want., even before they can change it legally.


I saw a patient whose first name was “Loversexy”. It was a baby. We called child welfare (for other reasons too).


Were their parents Prince fans, by chance?


Not sure. They were very young.


I heard a drunk woman in a restaurant keep calling her baby sexy and it was horrible and disturbing.


Especially knowing that drunkenness removes all filters of a person's personality. That's extremely disturbing.


I wouldn't even believe it. I'd assume this was a request by a paedophile and I'd want to see a birth certificate before even considering taking the job and I sure as shit wouldn't take photos of the cake after the name went on it. I just don't believe anyone would be so dense as to think sharing this on social media is somehow good for businesss unless it's actually a dog whistle.


I just assumed it was college kids who thought it would be funny to get a cocomelon cake and prank the maker at the same time


I call bullshit. Just blur out the name. They did this to get attention/ more business. Bet it worked like a charm, too.


I heard that in some countries, your newborn child's name has to be approved by the government, who have the power to deny it and force you to pick something else. I think about that every time I see some disgusting shit like this.


True, here in Finland they publish "this year's banned names" in newspapers every December. There's literally stuff like Lucifer, Dragon, Catman, Son of Jesus...


We have something similar in Germany, next to the names you've mentioned there were things like "Popcorn, Pinocchio, Ferrari and König (German word for "king")" on last years list.


Ferrari sounds like a strippers name, König could be her pimp.


Right? "Gentlemen, next on the stage, put your hands together for Ferrari!" Cue stripper music.


Lol, I could hear the announcer from that one South Park episode in my head when reading this.


Fun fact, it is a legit last name. And Mercedes is a first name.


These people think Enzo got named after the car...


I am honestly disappointed when I talk about Nikola Telsa and people think I'm talking about cars.


The man was infinitely more interesting than any aspect of the cars.


And every year I read that list and think „thank god, no child has to live with a name like that“


I went to school with a girl named Chihuahua. Parents weren't from Germany and she was named when they were living in another country. Live wasn't easy for her for sure.


Was she named after the dog, the city, or the state? (In the United States of Mexico)


I don't know and I really don't care. Everyone always thought of the dog. You could see the fear in every new teachers face, when they reached her name at the list, because they were sure that this would either be a typo or the name HAD to be pronounced differently. Naming someone after a city or a state is also not done here. There are no little Berlins or Hannovers running across the yard.


Is it bad I kinda like König?


It's a pretty common last name, not a first name.


There's a small influencer chick on TT who has a baby named Lucifer 😭


Isn't Hitler also a banned name in Germany?


Hitler was a family name and not a first name. The family name Hitler is not banned within Germany but almost everyone changed their name after WWII and was officially allowed to do so (same with Göring and Goebbels).


And I'm stuck with the name Reagan Nixon-Thatcher. Unfair.


Hi, I'm Boris Truss-Farage, pleased to meet you.


The very short time I worked as a telemarketer, I had to call a man named Thankgod.


Names like this were common in Germany: Traugott, Gottlieb, Gottfried etc. And these names also exist in English: Godbless, Godlove, Godswill, and more.


if you are named Gottlieb (Godloved), you should latinize your name and go by Amadeus (or the Greek version Theóphilos).


Frank Goodwill


As a first name. Like Gottlieb Fischer.


Was he Nigerian? Names like that are very common there - the previous president was named Goodluck Jonathan.


Dragon is not so bad compared to the others


I used to work with a team in China. They used the English translations of their names on Slack. So i worked with Dragon, Lucky and interestingly Viola. I've also met a Japanese guy called Ryuji. Which is Dragon-Temple. Metal.


Norway doesn't have a list afaik. But they will intervene and demand they change their child's name. And sometimes it gives them the option to defend their decision. I recall a few years ago I saw a news article where someone was called to defend the name "Snø" (Snow) and if they didn't have a satisfactory answer they'd be forced to change the name


I don't think Lucifer should be banned just because it has negative religious connotations. It is an actual name with Latin origin. That one's a bit odd imo.


Well names like Adolf or Hitler also gives people certain associations even if the name originally was legit


I mean one was a genocidal maniac who plunged the world into war resulting in the deaths of millions. The other is a fictional character from a book.


>Catman What about batman?


Lucifer is legit cool tho


In France, the name you declare at the Civil State (État Civil) has to be decent and not humiliating for your child. Not Penis, not Fart, etc


Yeah there was a case in Belgium like this “Bloem” is a kinda standard ish first name, I know someone named “Bloem” (bloem means flower, you know how some women are named rose…) But a judge ruled that two parents were not allowed to call their child “bloem” Why? Well, their surname is “pot” So she’d be called bloem pot…. Flower pot.


They ended up going for "Pol" instead and everyone was happy. At least initially.


There was a kinda similar case in France, with a baby named Mégane Renaud, just when the car of the same name by Renault was launched. It was initially refused by the administration, then after going to court it was finally allowed


One semi recurring comparable case like this in Germany is the double name Marie Johanna. Marie is a normal name, Johanna is a normal name, but put together, you are likely to have the name denied. Why? Well, Marihuana. 


As wrong as it is, I agree with this. There shouldn't be children named milfslayer69, because their parents decided to be irresponsible assholes. A child will have that name. A teenager will have that name. An adult will have that name.


That's the case in my country, and I assure you, it's not as Stalinist as it sounds. There's no list of names approved by a department of sensorship, nor an obscure form to be filled in and stamped by 12 officials on a full moon. When the child is born, the doctor declares the birth with the name chosen by the parents. Then, the state official in charge of registering the child's identity has the right to refuse the name "if it is contrary to the child's interests". So if you want to give a rotten name that's likely to harm your kid's life, the officer will say no, and you'll have to find another one. And if you want to play dumb by only giving shitty name, the officier choose for you


yuh like its not bad. its just like "no you cant name your child after a slur, a religious figure, a despot dictator like stalin or hitler, or like a buncha numbers or anything"


The law is: *The first name, alone or combined with the family name must not be contrary to the child's best interests.* *Example: a ridiculous or rude first name.* *The first name must respect another person's right to protection of his or her family name.* *Example: choosing as a first name the name of a famous person.* It doesn't mean you can't have weird or badly-written names, but you can avoid the most ridiculous ones, which will undoubtedly ruin the child's life. And as a non english speaker, I can never understand HOW an american can name is child DICK. And it's a common name ! Don't you know what it mean ?


Dick actually used to be a normal male English name, but because it acquired the additional slang meaning of penis, very few people use it as a person name anymore. I believe it’s actually a shortened form of the name Richard.


That probably stems from Dick being a contraction of Richard (for some reason)


French has the same issue. *Clothaire* 's feminine form is *Clitorine* , which means a woman who prefers to use her... well, I guess the start of the word will be obvious to an English speaker.


it used to be popular in England to coin nicknames by looking at the first syllable of a person’s name, then changing the consonant so that it creates a rhyme. Hence “Bill” is the nickname form of “William”: William>Will>Bill. a similar thing happened with Richard, because the “ch” used to be pronounced like “k”. so Richard(Rickard)>Rich(Rick)>Dick.


When I was a kid one of our games was looking through the phone book’s white pages for stupid names. I thought Harry Butt was bad (yes, real person in my small town growing up), but there are way worse choices being made by parents today 🙄


There was an actual Richard Head in our phone book, poor guy.


I found a Whya Doodit in the phone book once. Of course, I had to call Mr. Doodit. He answered with "namaskaar?"


There is a shop near me named M T Butts! It makes me chuckle every time I drive past.


Here in Germany, names do not have to be authorised, but the authorities can reject names in exceptional cases if they violate the dignity of the child. It is simply assumed that a child has a right to an appropriate name.


In most of Europe


That is true. In Germany you have to get your baby name approved and the name has to be gender specific. Gender Neutral names are allowed but you have to choose a second name that is gender specific. But they are still plenty of weird names that get approved like Pepsi-Carola, Schamira, King, Nussi, Colt and Silvester. And no the name Adolf is not forbidden.


As far as I know neutral names like for example "Kim" don't need to be followed by a gender specific name anymore.


Not anymore, you can name your daughter Alex and you don't need a second name


We have a few laws about that in Sweden. We can not choose names which would provoke, be damaging to a child, or straight up be inappropriate. So ”Sexy” would be off the table.


Hi, this is my mother Daila Butt... And my name is Sexy Butt...... LOL.


It is the case here. It very seldomly happens, but here the municipality, where you have to register the child’s birth and the name within three days of birth, _can_ refuse to register a child under the name the parents choose. That can be because it’s not appropriate, using non-standard characters (so Elon’s choices would not be acceptable here), using a Surname as a given name (unless these are already generally in use as a first name too) or for other reasons. For example, a few years ago there were two children of the same sex born at the same hospital at the same day, with parents with the same surname. And they choose the same name. The municipality refused on grounds there would be no end of problems for these children later on when they would have the same name as well as birthday, sex, and location of birth. I think the parents agreed to give each child a distinct second name. There are a few other restrictions, but I think Sexy would probably be rejected.


Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Germany, and some other European countries have that guidelines for baby names.


In Belgium the family Pot wanted to call their daughter “Bloem” (= Flower), the municipality told them they cannot name their child Bloem Pot, so they had to change it.


Welcome to Norway!


I’m sorry, but who names their child an adjective, let alone alone “sexy”. Make way, for my child’s name is going to be “fuckbucket”. Edit: I reread my comment and now I realize how tired I was last night. Never typing up shit at 12am ever again.


In Germany it's banned to name your child stupid names. There is a panel that decides if your chosen name is ok if it is a new name.


American celebrities would be devastated


I remember when a (former...?) German celebrity named his kids Jimi Blue, Wilson Gonzalez and Cheyenne Savannah and those names were considered very outlandish and weird. Then again, I also remember a story of a woman who was named Pepsi-Carola (Carola is a normal name). I think that woman is around 60 years old now, so stupid names don't seem to be a new phenomenon.


They are completely normal names. Apart from blue, okay. The law refers to calling your kid "Joghurt" or "Bier" or, in this case "Sexy". Pepsi Carolas parents got 10000 DM from Pepsi for naming the daughter like that. At the time, the law wasn't really enforced because there weren't so many cases of it. You can still call your daughter "Rain" or "Sunshine" or "Adolf" but "Regen" "Sonnenschein" or "Lenin" are not allowed.


Adolf would be out of question. Because it is a boy's name. But you could call her Andrea, which is strictly speaking also a boy's name. Also there is no list of forbidden names, but it is decided on per case basis. Possible that Lenin might be accepted by certain civil offices.


Andrea is a boy's name in Italy, but there are places where Andrea is a girl's name (feminine version of Andrew)


Andrea is definitely a girl's name here in Norway, yeah


Her in the us same thing


My midwife’s name was Fanta and her sister was Sprite! I think Sprite is kinda cute ngl.


A sprite is, after all, a cute little fairy-like creature.


Wasn’t it Marijuana-Pepsi


In Finland it's the same, if the name is not on list of names with a nameday on calendars, it needs to be approved. They list rejected names yearly, here's some examples: - Decepticon - Darth - Lucifer - Sphinx - Nosferatu ...yeah looks like we need this process to protect kids from their toolbox parents.


Autobot is fine then, I take it? “Autobot Clarkson! Your mother is here to collect you. Autobot!?”


>Autobot Clarkson The final form of Jeremy Clarkson. When he can finally become the car


"Autobot get your things together it's time to are roll out".


Lucifer aka Lucy


Same in Portugal. Theres a huge list of approved names. And you can file a request for a different name.


My half Portuguese/half American kid has a name that is super popular in Portugal but with an English spelling. She was rejected from enrolling at a daycare outside Lisbon because her name wasn’t on the list. They only let her sign up once it was established that the name rule doesn’t apply to kids born outside Portugal. But the discovery of this “foreigners with weird names are okay” rule also coincided with the school owners realizing that my in-laws were business owners in the city who everybody knows. I’ve always wondered if they use the name list as a way to reject kids they don’t want at their school. Since then the English spelling has been added.


They where assholes ate the school. There's no rule about that. Only when registering the baby. And since one of the parents is not Portuguese I am unsure if the list just does not apply to children with one or two foreign parents or if it's just a matter of making a request (with no hassle). But after the name is approved and the baby registered, no authority can complain or restrict anything


You're still allowed to name your child Schokominza (Choco Minta), Legolas, Milka (chocolate brand), Yoda and Hicks (literally the sound you make when you have a hiccup).


Milka is a hebrew name


What will the next kid be named...Mamma?? Second thought please don't procreate!!


Flanders. Stupid sexy Flanders!




As if I'm wearing nothing at all!


**nothing at all**


^^nothing ^^at ^^all


n o t h i n g a t a l l l l l


Nothing at all…




I know that as Soup. Sexy Soup? Um does it have another meaning?




Mamma Mia, here I go again


Most places have laws against this? Defo in UK and Oz you aren’t allowed to name a kid anything that would be considered ‘harmful to the welfare of the child’ so any cray cray name you cannot have. I remember they had to change the law in like France or Iceland ‘cos it was too strict and mapping showed most of the population would have the same name in 100 years or something 😂


Iceland IIRC? but it was more about the "only father can provide the last name" issue than a selected first name.


Iceland has two very different rules: 1. The first name has to be "traditional", as in there's a list you can pick from, and you can only deviate from that list if, say, one of the parents is a foreign national. 2. The last name doesn't work like it does in most languages. The last name translates into "son/daughter of father's name". So, if you have both a boy and a girl, they don't have the same last name. Say your name is Gunnar, your son's last name would be Gunnarsson, while your daugher's last name would be Gunnarsdóttir. What changed is that the last name can now also be constructed out of mother's first name (rule #2), which solves some edge cases around divorces or say a lesbian couple adopting a child. As for the first name of the child, there's still a list you need to pick from (rule #1).


Both parents are unfit to be parents at all


Bold of you to assume dad is in the picture here


There was a girl at my kids school whose actual name is Delightful Nutter.


No way. you're kidding


I wish I was


It's so absurd it's believable


Straight outta discworld


And we thought Magrit was the most unbelievable at the time


Played softball with a girl whose last name was Hickey and her brother was named Major. Why their parents did that to him I’ll never understand


Instant rank up once her brother enrolls. He shall be known as Sergeant Major.


In full, Sergeant Major Hickey 😬


I went through basic with a guy who's last name was Dick. It was the Army, so, yes, his name was Private Dick. I don't recall his first name.


Actually a plot point from Catch-22. One of the soldiers is a corporal (I think), but his name is Major Major, so everyone just assumes that's his rank. He hides under his desk to avoid having to give out orders.


Who THE FUCK would name their child an adjective with a last name like Nutter????


Have you met her brothers, **TOTAL** and **UTTER**??


I had worked with a person whose name literally translates to “masturbate”. Of course he shorten it when introducing himself to change the meaning.


Sounds like a reddit username.


You can’t call your child Fuckbucket. That’s the name of my dog.


“Fuckbucket” is actually a noun, not an adjective 🤓 So it should be fine


" cumstain " reporting in


It’s fine when people call their dogs their “fur babies” but when I call my children “skin dogs” everyone gives me weird looks


I, for one, prefer the adjective version, “fuckbucky”.


I like Fuckmuppet or Fucknuckle.


Like bobbing for apples but all dicks in various levels of erection?


Imagine yelling out to your kid to get their attention. You would be put on a list. Proceeds to yell at their kid in a park. "Sexy! Get your ass over here now! I swear to god, im going to give you a spanking!"


The sentence “Time to breastfeed Sexy” had a good chance of being uttered at some point.


Eww.. The only silver lining is if they were picking up the baby from daycare they'd probably say "I'm bringing sexy back."


*parent seeing child go through a lifetime of therapy for a joke from a song by an entitled drunk driver* “Worth it.” But also daycare worker saying “oh I love your kid! I swear, these other toddlers don’t know how to act!”




You know these kinds of parents never ever discipline their kids..👧


Nah, they're actually probably some of the most abusive.


Honestly, naming the child Sexy is already abusive.


I immediately imagined a parent getting questioned about calling their kid sexy. Then they whip the birth certificate out of their pocket stating that this kid is actually named sexy


Should be on a list anyway for giving the kid a name like that.


tricked into making a childs cake for some weird fetish no doubt :P


That would be infinitely better than naming a newborn infant "Sexy"


it would be reported to child services right away and in the united states they would probably remove the child from the family care. they did it with those parents who named their kids after nazi officers and hitler...


Mommy domme thing, for sure. It's far more logical than actually naming a child "Sexy" lol.


happy anniversary honey! i also got you some diapers and a new pacifier!


still a better option then an actual toddler being named sexy.


That'd make more sense than a kid being named Sexy. Pretty sure the kid would have people reporting the parents to the police and protective services constantly. If I heard that from a neighbor I'd be googling that number quick as fuck. Then asking reddit wtf else do I do? We'll just go with it being a stupid joke. My friends got me a cake that said fuck you on it. Or something along those lines. Could definitely see one in the group being a true jackass and doing this.


Yeah that's what I immediately thought. Has to be some type of weird baby roleplay fetish.


I hope so


im sorry but the Y being the same color as the base makes this already bad situation worse


Yeah and that’s objectively the cake decorator’s fault. They may not have named the child but they should have known not to do that.


Why can't we have traditional corny names like Megatron


Shut up Meg.


Is it Elon's kid?


It's an actual word, so no


53X¥ Actually, the cake maker misread the order.


> 53X¥ $€x¥


Well, his cars are named after SEXY. 🤣




This is a tragedy but not a tragedeigh




Whilst I know parents who gave their children stupid names, this one feels a bit clickbaity to me. The cake decorator (baker?) is simultaneously showing off a cake whilst being uncomfortable about said cake. It feels to me more like they wanted engagement and eyes on their skills, so they decided to make a controversial cake that didn't specifically shit on them.


Also could have popped the letters on there, snapped the picture, get the rage bait engagement, then put the real name on there. I'm gonna have to absolutely agree with you on this.


Yeah if this was real they could have taken a photo of the cake for SM before putting the name on it for the client.


We can only hope it's deceptive marketing


Cut to 2045. >Oh, you don't like me? You don't think I'm Sexy? Well, my birth certificate would disagree with you on that.


Let assume that's true, and the kid's name is sexy, they needed to make the "Y" the same color than the background?...




Someone's gonna name their kid Cumdump


Please tell me this is just a case of the customer lost a bet and didn't seriously name their child "Sexy".


Many parents are idiots: confirmed.


why is this not illegal? I remember someone getting stopped from calling their child seven, but I'd take that over being named "sexy" any fucking day.


Seven is actually kind of cool idk why


Should be interesting if that kid ever goes astray in public and the parents start shouting its name at the top of their lungs.


They named their child what?


I honestly don't know why there isn't a list of names you genuinely can't legally call your children. I mean, I understand that common sense normally plays a part, but clearly that is in short supply these days.


I can't imagine seeing your kid at the kindergarten and calling at him "hey sexy" Like what goes through the head of some people?


Middle school roasting sessions are gonna be hell for this kid. They do not pull their punches. 


I can only imagine what the parents of Sexy named Sexy's siblings, Butfuk, and Kinky.