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"Nobody has ever died from it being too warm outside" Uhhh - yes they have.


Over 1000 this week alone


He means real people. And by that I mean Alabamian Americans. (assumption on the state, probably correct)


I mean he clearly said Texas but sure ok


If a Texan dies of heat exhaustion and no one's around to care... did they make a noise?


Did HE make a noise. This isn't theatre camp! /s


Probably a little *uunnngghh* as they exhale their last breath


Does it really matter? They're both the same flavor of dumbass 


I have to say you are wrong. Tell an Alabamian that their state sucks and your invited into the bbq. Tell a Texan their state sucks you are the bbq.


As an Alabamian, you’re invited to my BBQ… cause FUCK THIS STATE. But you better not bring no unseasoned nothin’!


Alabama knows its worth. Texas does not.


Eh, Texas bbq sucks anyway.


Canadians in St Louis do a better job


Reading comprehension kinda matters


Yeah, there's an odd bit of irony in that reply.


We all need to stop ingesting dumb ass. The FDA should provide warning labels-


Today I learned there was different flavors of dumbass


It says texas.


Reading is woke


I don’t think that will be a problem for any anti-woke activists


You and your assumptions…. It's called reading! Top to bottom, left to right... a group of words together is called a sentence. Take Tylenol for any headaches... Midol for any cramps.


Oh yeah? Well, you can get a good look at a t-bone by sticking your head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.


Pfft…John Hancock. It’s Herbie Hancock, duh.


You majored in Sanskrit? A 5,000 year old dead language?  Yeah Here’s Latin. Best I can do. 


That’s so insanely factually incorrect that he’s either trolling or the stupidest fuck in the universe


It's the latter, most often the latter.


There is tough completion for the title. Just sayin...


A kid from my high school died of dehydration from a football workout during summer two a days. The coaches didn’t have adequate water or shading. I spoke the the coach sometime after, he was crying. He said he would never make that mistake again and would forever have water, shade, and other things to keep the kids safe. Some other people never learn, and more will die.


It's coach led hazing. That's all it is. Suffer for the team.


There are no more toxic losers on this earth than sports teachers/coaches , it’s the same everywhere.


It’s abuse


How is that dipshit not in jail?


Cause football is the most important thing at schools nowadays


It is in texas. Next to criminalized porn and criminalized abortions.


The fact that it took that poor kids death for him to realize humans need water and shade when it’s hot is … demoralizing. How is stupidity like this so prevalent??


Just to give an idea of the thought process and not trying to be an asshole.  "If you gonna be dumb, you gonna be tough. That wanting to get into shade and wanting water? That's baby stuff. 'Real men' go without!!!" I don't agree with it, but growing up around football and dumb people trying to use science around these people doesn't work.  I know it seems counter intuitive, but you gotta use logic in the form of food, not people for fuckers to get the point.


The anti-woke crowd and anti-science crowd are the same crowd.


Came here to say this.  Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke are killers.


Just this year a football player died here in Australia of heat stroke during training, and it was not a particularly hot day. This coach is an idiot.


I’ve gotten heat stroke 3 times and I felt like I was gonna die every time. Shit ain’t nothing to mess with.


Gonna be hilarious when some kid dies.


Sportsball practice in Texas without at least three child deaths is a rather dull affair.


He’ll get a wake up after he kills a kid from heat exposure and that statement’s brought up.


> He’ll get a wake up after he kills a kid from heat exposure and that statement’s brought up. Hopefully during his trail for murder.


I hope it’s a trial and not a trail. :)


Nah put him on an hours-long hiking trail in the Texas heat with no water. Let's see how tough he is.


Ahh, the "mediterranean treatment"! Boomers dying on unprepared hikes on greek islands ist THE fad this summer.


He probably already has a trail started.


Unfortunately... no I don't think he will. He'll Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender. He'll say it's the kid's fault for being too weak. He'll say it's the parents' fault for not stepping in. He'll attack the people accusing him of wrongdoing. He'll make himself the victim, and imply the kid was out to get him or otherwise guilty of something that made his death 'Okay'. This is is a guy who's male ego is threatened by the idea of showing enough concern for the kids playing sports for him that he'll allow them a drink of water if it's hot out. I don't see him being 'sorry' about anything.


Yeah, somebody got the right answer. Conservatives are not capable of introspection, something is actually mentally wrong with fucking conservatives.


That kid just chose to die, in order to make me look bad. The lengths, children these days are going, just to frame an upstanding citizen. The little bastard even had pronouns, while dying! That should tell you everything, you need to know!


He'll claim he shouldn't have to tell the players when to drink.


Despite the fact that he's not even providing them water to drink, which is effectively telling them when they can drink.


I'm just predicting how he'll try and play this.


Probably not. These people are astonishingly resilient when it comes to learning lessons or introspection when faced with irrefutable evidence that they are wrong.


Looking back, I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often. I remember kids passing out and they had to be carried for the remainder of the run or we had to do more laps. This was in the Houston area doing two a day and we still had one of the worst football teams.


Maybe the coach should have been teaching them to play football instead of carrying passed out teammates.


I'm surprized the players did not get together and kick the coach's ass for that. or a pissed-off dad come kick the coach's butt when the dad finds out what the coach has been doing to his son.


This was probably in 2003 so it was a bit different than now. This was basically all 8th graders going into 9th and because they had them training with seniors they just couldn't keep up. The coaches were all pissed no one was in shape so they decided to teach everyone a lesson.


Its along the same as you will run until I am tired.


Then he'd be considered "woke".


you underestimate the Texan commitment to high school football... about a dozen kids have died on the practice field every year for at least the last 50 years, and, as far as I know, no coach or school has ever been held accountable in any way


This is what ignorance and a lack of education get you.


Don’t forget the overabundance of bravado.


The water he drinks has lead in it.


It forges boys into men.


Translation “I would like to be fired immediately please”.


It read more like “I think I’m a god” to me


I am the demiurge, look about me as I create boymenteam. 


He just made himself a huge liability to his school system


I don't support doxxing but OP or OC-OP needs to send this to the superintendent and the local news simultaneously. This is endangering kids lives over a false sense of machisimo.


In Texas? Only if the team doesn’t win


A Texas football coach? Have to do a lot more than posting crap online and endangering minors to get fired from that job.


Shit, you could probably molest like 4 or 5 before they start to wag their finger at you.


I wonder what he will say when one of his kids dies from heat stroke.


Probably that he was a sissy


He most definitely will. 'Told y'all that Boi was soft dag nabit'.


*woke sissy.


He'll blame Joe Biden.


Give America heat strokes again.


He was infected by the wokeness and it killed him! OPs basically a dr, just trying to save a kid from the evil woke virus.


Probably something along the lines of “the lord works in mysterious ways”, “was he vaccinated?”, or “thoughts and prayers”. Those are the only options in the cult manual…


“He had preexisting conditions”.


Huh... I thought the field belonged to the tax payers. Must've brought one from home.


Heat related injuries are mentioned in OSHA, and everything in OSHA is written in blood.


Abbott doesn't want workers having mandatory water breaks either so there will definitely be more bodies dropping.


It's like these guys never worked a hard day in the hot sun in their entire lives.


“Nobody has ever died of heat stroke!” Filling your trophy case requires more than just work; it requires intelligence. I believe in the hard work and the grind and the pain and suffering that leads to accomplishment, absolutely. But this guy is way too into his alternative facts, with too much of a can’t-be-wrong attitude. Look for him in the headlines when he ends up killing somebody’s kid, all because he wanted to make a point.


>Filling your trophy case requires more than just work; it requires intelligence. Yep, and it requires knowing the basics of human physiology, which is, that even sight dehydration negatively impacts athletic performance. There's a reason why professional athletes drink during games when it's hot, and it's not because they like to lose.


I see a legal case on the horizon.


Something about how this is written screams old man with no basic health knowledge 


That coach is definitely a creationist. He gets violently angry at the mear concept of evolution.


He lost me at, “Take a knee, folks.”


The dig at the theater kids in the end seems WILDLY POINTED and UNNECESSARY. What a dick. In the meantime he is putting kids in serious danger on the taxpayers dime and should be exposed and dealt with.


I'm a 42 year old ex-theater kid who also played football and ran track in highschool. Fuck this guy.


Meatloaf was a life long theatre kid and made millions more than him


Well, he’s giving his players permission to treat marginalized communities like shit. He’s teaching his players that theater kids are weird and LGBTQ people don’t belong anywhere.


That's just called society in texas


There is society in Texas?


Yeah but it's shitty


Like Florida?


Different but just as bad. Florida is CRAZY, Texas is just hateful and stupid. We get all the bad with no pizzazz


I am gay and was varsity football wrestling and track. I would have kicked that coach's ass big time if he did that to my teammates.


Yeah I don’t get the poke at theater kids. I was a fucking theater kid, Coach Moron.


well yea you'd know a thing or two about air conditioning, wouldn't ya?


Welcome to Southern (ESPECIALLY Texan) culture. Us theatre folk have to fight tooth and fucking nail to be taken seriously in the South and it blows.


He couldn't hack it in theater. Workload would break him.


100% because the guy’s son probably wanted to do theater over voluntary heat exhaustion and CTE


"nobody has ever died from it being too warm outside" is a lie. People die from heat stroke all the time.


In 2001, NFL player Korey Stringer died from heat stroke during training camp. What a fucking moron this coach is


Fuck that coach. I’d pull my kid so quick it would make his head spin. Been an athlete my entire life. Would never put up with that shit. Child endangerment.


You’re gonna deny my kid water when it’s 112 outside?? FUCK YOU!!


And I’m from Texas. Gets so hot you can barely see. 115 sometimes. Fire this asshole.


*"Precious bodily fluids"*... - Col. Jack D. Ripper


Being hydrated is gay


You’re literally putting water in your body that was inside another man at one point or touched a man’s body. That’s like super gay bro.


Water created the creatures that evolved into man… gay


Men are between 60 and 70 percent water. So when you’re drinking water you’re drinking 70 percent man. So gay


I mean if your anti-woke - you're self declaring as stupid so it's not surprising to have this take.


I may play ball next fall, but I will never sign that. Now me and my loser friends are gonna head out to buy Aerosmith tickets. Top priority of the summer.


That this isn't top comment astounds me. A classic film quote. A+ and upvite for you.


See you in court fuck nuts.


Didn't an athlete die literally last year around this time because he coaches refused to let him have water? Can't see this ending well...


Yes! I believe the kid was 16 or 17? It was very sad. I believe his family is actively suing the school.


This email will be useful for the family of the soon to be dead student athlete.


Because in Texas heatstroke, dehydration, and multiple concussions builds character.


Idiot MAGA nonsense


Be sure to save this for the trial that is no doubt coming.


I think I counted 15 pronouns in that post, maybe the coach needs to go join theatre club. Or the science club so he can learn about heat stoke and dehydration. (It actually impedes physical performance, not improves it. That's literally what sports drinks are marketed on.) I thought coaches and PE teachers had to at least know the basics of health, do they just get people off the street? What does "two a days" mean? I've only heard that phrase in relation to how many packs of cigarettes you smoke.


In the summer, high school football teams will have two practices in one day. One in the morning and one in the afternoon/evening. Two a days have been mythologized as some holy crucible that every player must go through to be a better player, teammate and MAN. In reality it’s high school football’s version of boot camp and coaches like this one get off on the fact that they had to suffer through it, by god, so these pampered babies have to go through it too. I’m surprised schools even allow them anymore because of the risk of heat stroke and severe dehydration.


Which oddly. The NFL has done away with 2-A-Days since 2011.


That’s terrible. The only athlete in my family is my brother and he’s a triathlete. I used to kid with him that he ALWAYS had a water bottle but my mom reminded me that we like my brother and would prefer he not die of heat stroke.


Practice in the morning and practice in the afternoon/evening. When I coached football we worked the kids in the morning with water breaks and the evening practices were a little more laid back. Evening practice was more designed to work on specific position skills. They both included conditioning but the kids always got water breaks. This guy is a dangerous idiot in my opinion. Filling up a trophy case is not what youth sports are about.


50 actual high school football players have died from heatstroke in the past 25 years. [https://today.tamu.edu/2022/07/19/too-hot-to-handle/](https://today.tamu.edu/2022/07/19/too-hot-to-handle/)


If he was my kids' coach....he would not be my kids' coach. You dont die for football.


That’s why I never played football in high school. The coaches were like this.


In 1970, Schenectady school district merged the high schools for soccer. We practiced at a midway point, which was in the city's Central Park. Coach was the first in the district to mandate we bring a gallon of water PER session on two-a-days. Football players HATED us, for the water AND the fact we could swim in the pool/swimming hole AFTER the afternoon session lol


My high school coach was exactly like this, one water break per 2 hour practice. It was a common site to see kids drink, puke, and then drink again so that they got some water to stay in. Went to college and the coach hired work study kids to keep gallon jugs from the food service filled with cold water all over the field. Take your turn at a drill go to the back of the line, here’s water, drink! It was a complete 180 and it made practice so much easier to focus on learning and practicing instead of thinking about water all the time.


Well. He just opened the school to a massive lawsuit in the tragic event should a kid die.


Y’know what, yea, fuck it. Water is now woke. Let all those anti-wokes not drink water for the rest of their lives.


No they just buy the scammy anti-woke bottled water for $50 a case


I have a feeling he's one of those morbidly obese coaches who can barely walk but shouts orders at his players to work harder.


Again, why trash pronouns and theater camp? Yes. Football in Texas is huge from a young age BUT what gives this doucheawn the right to trash things that have nothing to do with his precious football program? Yessir, you are the AH


Fellas. Is it gay to want to stay hydrated & avoid a painful death?


"No one has ever died from being too warm outside" That's a remarkably ignorant statement. I guarantee that people died in the United States **TODAY** from being too hot outside. Anyone who listens to a word that asshole has to say is an idiot.


Don't schools in America have to do a risk assessment of any activities to ensure they're safe for students?


I doubt it. Our school children are too busy out running from bullets to worry about school safety


Our school district in DFW bans outside activities, including recess, if it’s too hot or too cold. 


Adam Sandler in shambles right now.


"If he dies, he dies." -Ivan Drago and some Texas football coach


This can't be real or at least from a real coach. As a former high school football coach, at least in Indiana, the decision for water breaks or even if it was too hot to practice outside is not in the coach's hands. The athletic trainers monitor the temperature and decide when water breaks are necessary and if practice can even be outside. Also, some coaches have been charged in the deaths of players from heat stroke, I don't know of any that have been found guilty yet, but this would definitely be used as evidence if this coach had someone die on the field.


Nice for them to put it into writing. Will be great evidence in the inevitable lawsuit when a player is injured from the heat.


So, is it safe to assume "coach" peaked in High School and never left the football program in his town?


I would not let my kid play on this team.


I wouldn’t let my kid anywhere near this twisted psychotic.


Funny how we even had heat indexes in the army during training. Deployment is different, but in training we definitely had water, ice sheets, mandatory hydration breaks, etc.


My college wrestling coach was like that. One day we were out sprinting in 95 degree heat, heat index of hot as hell, after having run 5 miles to get to the field we were sprinting in. One of my teammates collapses and is carried to the coach by two othrr teammates. They said "he doesn't look good coach" Coach: "Well then go sit him somewhere and get him water. Anyone else wanna quit?" One of the assistant coaches decided to take the kid to the hospital and they had to pump him full of fluids. Needless to say, he got lucky and the kid was okay. The head coach also had enough empathy to feel terrible about it and never did that again. From then on, we got consistent water breaks.


“Please let my child have some water during hot days” “I’m so fucking sick of this liberal woke gender pronouns Joe Biden society”


[Jordan McNair](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jordan_McNair#:~:text=University%20of%20Maryland.-,Death,%C2%B0C%20recorded%20upon%20arrival.) died from this exact thing in 2018.


The communist loving leftist media made up heat stroke death reports over the years I guess.


I would say the school district will have a field day with this, but it's Texas, so they probably don't give a shit.


Why black out the names? People need to know this lunatic is out there.


His bitterness and hatred toward young people is so evident.


That was the loooongest walk to get to WOKE


What is up with high school football coaches treating athletes worse than the military? There are hundreds of professionals in both the medical and sports world who have seen athletes die or have career ending injuries from heatstroke. This is why I never did sports in high school because all of these coaches seemed like they enjoyed utterly destroying athletes while living viciously through them to compensate their own failed dreams as they deny them basic human rights.


Wow. I had no idea that working in the heat forges boys into men and men into a team. Excuse me while I check my underwear to make sure I don't have any unexpected growths.


This one has lost all sense of perspective. It's a sport. A game. Play it to the best of your abilities but always remember it's a game. Not a life and death grudge match against Darth Vader. Keep your perspective. That will serve you far better in life than the droolings of those insane folks who attach a war attitude to a high school sport played by teenagers. Ugh.


Uh. Even military boot camps will call off PT when it gets too hot...


Literal combat leaders: stay hydrated. dehydration is a soldier's worst enemy Professional teams: have entire staffs to oversee hydration this fucking twat: i will forge them into men with fire and brimstone.


Exhibit A right here in the eventual wrongful death lawsuit.


Hope this guy dies of heat stroke.


Well, I mean it goes kinda without saying talking about a Texas HIGH SCHOOL football coach, but fuck this guy thinking he's fucking more important than the well being of children in his fucking care.


Old coach was like this, water only when you “earn it”


This is a very dangerous mindset. Everyone who works out hard in the heat needs water. Heck I play with my lightsaber in the yard and I take water breaks.


Hey, not all of us theater kids are that woke. I'm a straight guy and I love to do theater. If that's what he thinks, then his favorite actors have to be gay as hell to get such big theater roles in movies and TV shows


Bet this shows up on r/agedlikemilk in a couple weeks.


I want to staple a pictures of Korey Stringer to this fuckers forehead. And I mean that from my soul.


And that’s why the University of Florida helped in the development of something called Gatorade.


I was unironically on his side until he said nobody ever died from it being too hot outside. I know that's bullshit because one of our patients passed away recently due to heatstroke exacerbating their preexisting condition. My curiosity got the best of me, so I decided to follow up on heat-related deaths within the US. According to the [US Environmental Protection Agency](https://www.epa.gov/climate-indicators/climate-change-indicators-heat-related-deaths), over 11000 Americans, as of 2021, have died from heat-related causes since 1979. Coach Dickhead is probably going to call that woke propaganda, though.


Love how he brought pronouns into something that has nothing to do with pronouns. Can really tell what type of guy he is. Spent all his time on the field in highschool, and not enough time in the class room.


Hey coach... "**Sixty-seven high school athletes have died from exertional heat illness since 1982**, according to the National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Research. Most of those deaths (52%) happened in August during the opening weeks of fall sports seasons, and the overwhelming majority of them (94%) were football linemen." You should believe in hydrated not overheated.


this attitude has killed about a dozen kids in Texas every year of my life... I am 55


“Sorry, Johnny; Coach got heatstroke and lost his damn mind, so football’s off the table this semester. How do you feel about theater club?”


Nobody has ever died from it being too warm outside?! WTF is that moron going off about? There's been people who've died from heat stroke just sitting in there homes, like [this former football player](https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/12/sport/marion-barber-cause-of-death-nfl-spt/index.html), the likelihood of death increases when there's no water breaks and you are excessively sweating due to all that hardwork in the Texas sun.


So I guess I should tell my friend to stop drinking water, because having her kidneys function properly is woke


Get this cretin away from kids, good grief. 


It’s a Highschool team. None of those trophies matter anything


- Remember son, dying is gay. - Yes Father.


Ah yes - nothing builds a team better than not paying attention to the wellbeing of its members but only listening to the fragile ego of a guy who never heard of heatstroke.


Heatstroke? More like heatsWOKE!


Anyone else find these idiots using “woke” as a catch-all to describe anything they don’t like or agree with INCREDIBLY annoying? FFS…


We have to start using reverse psychology with these people. “Only wimpy cry babies dehydrate themselves in an attempt to be more masculine. Those woke libs are constantly putting kids through heat exhaustion to get them to accept they don’t have to be a boy or girl while grooming them. Only real men drink water and promote teamwork and sportsmanship in a reinforcing and positive way!”


well first time a kid goes to the hospital this will bite him in the ass


Massive wrongful death lawsuit incoming! And given this douche canoe made it unambiguous, probably manslaughter charges as well.


The payout for the inevitable lawsuit makes my inner paralegal all tingly


Be hilarious if everyone on the football team quit and joined theater.


Definitely should be fired, people die from heat all the time. Very easy to research proof on that one.


"Hey dad, I'm joining theater. There's girls there and I'd like to get laid and not die."


Hey, Coach Smallpecker, can we take a water break?