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My good boy, it's acting!


I mean, she and Liam have played lovers as in C1 and close friends in C2. I think it's just fun to play lots of different dynamics with close friends. Liam is also a Very Dramatic (not a bad thing) role player so things are likely to escalate with him for good or ill. They're both eating this up.


Every table should have their drama queen, it adds spice.


I think Liam is down to clown and very comfortable acting out conflicts and they all know each others boundaries really well so marisha knows he's comfortable if she goes to that place and that's why we see it I think we see a lot of Marisha and Liam's past pcs because they are most likely to be the ones to tell Matt its ok to do whatever he wants with them consent is present in this game and some players enjoy juicy conflicts


This. Something I've realized over the years (and to be clear, I think this is a very good thing) is that Matt will handle dire situations differently depending on the player. He'll do WRETCHED things to Liam, Taliesin, and to a certain degree Marisha because they enjoy the drama of it. If Laura or Ashley is in a bad spot, he's often much gentler with the consequence/gives them an out because it's upsetting rather than fun for them.


Exactly he's very good at knowing what's fun for his friends and when he can let loose


Everyone of them wants to play. Marisha just has a talent for playing assholes. And does not plan ahead, is not good at improvisation. Look at Sam's what is my mother's name arc. *That* is how you play a divisive story line. But Sam is brilliant. Marisha's good. Just not on Sam's level.


Why, Poirot, you've shrewdly uncovered a fiendish vendetta! Marisha obviously has it out for Liam! I mean, we can all remember Campaign 1 and how Keyleth and Vax were sworn enemies, simmering with contempt for one another and constantly at each other's throats. /s The irony of making this bizarre post, when most of your post history is 'weirdly obsessive' ranting about Marisha and/or Laura. 


Don't work yourself into a shoot brother


How come when I work myself into a shoot, no one cares. But if I shoot myself at work, suddenly I'm the bad guy???


There's this thing called "playing pretend" that some people like to when playing their tactical war game simulation. It's also known as role-playing or even acting if you're feeling fancy.


There's this thing called "playing pretend" that some people like to when playing their tactical war game simulation. It's also known as role-playing or even acting if you're feeling fancy.


Considering c1 and 2, I'm gonna hazard a guess that it's RP.


Aaaand we got a new target of the week. Don't you guys ever get exhausted of this shit?


Don't lump us all in with this nonsense.


I didn't. I'm part of the lump. The lifeguard is only yelling at the people running, even though everyone else can hear it too.


"You guys" felt very broad and I may have misinterpreted what you meant. My b.


Almost 10 years of this shit and people are still dogpilling on Marisha for existing at this point. Holy fuck, that woman does not deserve nitpicking she gets.


> for existing Yeah, that's definitely the reason. /s Strange people weren't dog piling in prior episodes. Must have just now remembered she exists.


Did you watch C1 or C2? Sure in C2 Caleb and Beau butt heads a bit, but they were basically like brother and sister. In C1 Kiki and Vax were lovers. I think you are overlooking something here.


A deeper question is what is people's problem with Marisha?


How could you watch the latest episode and not cringe at her choices and exposition 


Not a damn clue tbh. I didn't understand it years ago in C1 and I'll never understand it in C3.


My only problem with her in C1 was that she didn't know her spells/abilities and tried to place the blame elsewhere instead of herself. Nothing wrong with being new to the game and not knowing everything just be direct with people about it. After that it seems clear she learned from that experience and has known her characters well. She really put effort into fixing it


I could see that. Again tho like you said, a new player jumped head first into a druid character. It's rough when you don't know what you're doing lol. I remember when they used to have paper with all their info on, and hers was like, literally a folder that she had to flip through every time lol.


I think too they started their home game in pathfinder so most of them were learning DnD for the first time in C1


You are falling for the acting


She's playing a role. Laudna is the problem. Marisha is an actor. Laudna bad. Marisha good. Ok? Good.


You're delusional


Laudna argued with Ashton all the time, she had some animosity with Fcg at time, Fearne and Chet are often too goofy to get really angry with, and Laudna and imogen had their rock dispute.


She doesn’t? That’s such a weird thing to assume.