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"...This divisive little fat/big fat thing only serves as a distraction to keep all non-thin people oppressed." This is absolute peak comedy. NOBODY is playing divide and conquer to keep you all oppressed like this is colonial India or something. You're doing that ALL BY YOURSELVES. Surprise: people will inevitably compete for status in a group, and apparently "fatter than thou" is the fat activist version.


"Can you fit into chairs? Yes? Then STFU." /s


And so the Fat Wars begin. Once allies but now pitched in a war unto death. Quivering mounds of the morbidly obese charge at full waddle speed towards the infinifat cavalry, an elite brigade powering their mobility scooters into attack formation.


i need this marvel movie. The Infinifat wars


Will the big fats just eat up all the small fats?


We'd need to wargame this situation; it's complex. A big fat is likely to eat the small fat, but the big fat is slower and more cumbersome, and so may not catch the small fat in the first place. We also need to consider the topology of the battleground. If the small fats can make it to high ground, like three or four steps up on a woodland trail, these are not inclusive places for big fats, and they'd likely retreat. A retreat in FA terms is called a roll back This wouldn't be the end. The big fats could launch an airstrike using size inclusive airplanes from American Airlines. Fresh fruit and garden salads would rain down on the small fats. The small fats would drop into starvation mode, and they'd become big fats on their meagre diet of fruit and salad. With everyone now the same enormous size, the war was over, and they all went back to not wiping their butts The end.


And the artillery! They'll complain they won't fit into the trebuchet!


“an elite brigade powering their mobility scooters into attack formation” 💀


I work at a target. We have 300+ pounders shopping there every day. Their idea that anyone below my 600 life status is actually thin is so insane.


You’re not getting it. *Those* people can still somewhat navigate in-person society with a lot of discomfort. The fact that they are out in the open and experience more shitlording on a day to day basis from society is no match to the struggles of the *one and true* Fat^tm, whose shitlording comes from those who are SUPPOSED to be closest to them but still only let you eat 2 family sized buckets of KFC for breakfast… :(


I just love the fact that in the FA oppression Olympics, being unable to shop at Target is the first struggle they list.


Meanwhile, the only option at Target for my 5’3” 105 lb ass is the kids’ section.


Oh yeah, the vanity sizing is out of control at Target. We get a lot of returns because of it.


I work at a thrift store and vanity sizing as a whole now is crazy. The same brands like american eagle, brandy melville, and ambercrombie, what was a size 14 about 5yrs ago is now like a size 6-8. Weve literally marveled over size 2-6s that are fucking huge. Because why is a size 6 from Old Navy almost the same size as a 0 from Torrid?


Old navy is really bad about it. I had a baby in 2000. In the 90s I pretty much always wore size medium. I was athletic but not tiny at all. I went to old navy looking for soft sweats right after I had my son. I had an emergency c-section and was still swollen and bloated from the anesthetic and looked pregnant still. I grabbed large sweat pants and went to the dressing room. Enormous on me. My husband kept bringing me new sizes. I had to go with an extra small. And they were loose enough that they didn’t cause pain because anything that put pressure on my abdomen hurt me. It blew my mind. Pre pregnancy me literally would not have been able to buy sweat pants there at all. That was such a bizarre experience but every time after that a large woman would talk about how she was actually a size small I’d think of that time in the old navy dressing room.


I went to get shorts a while back at old navy. I’ve always been a 0/00. All my jeans from years ago are those sizes and fit just fine. I tried on their smallest size and it was huge like falling off of me.


actually, I'm totally happy with you bagging on vanity sizing, but you have to leave Torrid out of the mix. They do their own sizing altogether and don't pretend to have the same sizing as other companies. Their size 0 is supposed to be size 12 or a L in other companies, their size 6 is a 30/32 in other companies.


No exactly, Torrid is plus size and has there own size range. So why is a Torrid zero the same as an Old Navy zero? Was my point lol, not exactly the same but pretty damn close. And you can see how theyve gotten bigger when older Old Navy clothes come in vs the newer ones. This is not exclusive to Old Navy, its across multiple brands. But im not pointing any blame at Torrid! Just using them as a comparative example.


I’m in the 110s weight wise and a size 2 and THERE WERE LITERALLY NO SWIMSUITS IN MY SIZE THERE. But there were TONS of plus 😭 It’s actually harder to find small clothes now tbh


I'm a little under 100 lbs with really short legs as a 5' woman and finding good pants/jeans is almost impossible. They are either too long or too tight at the waist. That and having to buy ugly shoes from the kids section 😔 


300+ is "thin" now. If you are able to breathe without a CPAP or can walk for an entire minute or more, you benefit from thin privilege


Looks like they’re eating their own


Gotta do what the body intuitively craves, I guess. 


Reminds me of Lrrr from Futurama. He'd absolutely be asking "Why doesn't the largest of the fat activists simply not eat the other ones?"


I see your point, but that quote was by Lrrr.


Ruler of the planet Omicron Persei 8? 😮


Right, yeah. Both hate people, so I often mix the two lol


Oh dear, the salt content cant be very good for their hearts


Well, what do you want them to do? Starve?!


Then they'll go into Starvation Mode and get even bigger!


Hard to maintain that much body mass unless you eat anything and everything all the time.


The best thing you can do as a "small fat" is wake up and get the hell away from this community of vipers. Even if you don't lose weight, it'll be good for your mental health at least.


they're crabs in a bucket.


facts! being away from that crowd is so much better, even for my self image


Maurices sells clothing up to 4x/28w-30w


So does Target and they're so vanity sized now that I'm almost sized out of the small sizes


What exactly is a vanity size? I've never understood completely. Is it that clothing companies are making sizes bigger but labeling them as "smaller" so that fat people don't think they're wearing an XXXL and think they're wearing an XXL? Is that the gist of it?


Yes that's exactly it. 25 years ago I was the same height and weight and was a size 6. Today I wear a 0. Some brands are worse than others.


I've used sewing patterns, and there's largely no vanity sizing there. The gap between my pattern size and clothing store size keeps getting bigger even though my measurements are the same.


Sewing patterns are wild in their own right. Finding my size w a new pattern is such a pain. There’s a lot of variety there too. It’s still easier than dealing w the stores though.


Ok, thank you, that's seems so crazy that vanity sizes have changed clothing so much!


Same, I went from a 10/8 to a 4/2. At this point I can't find anything at Walmart lol. It's ridiculous.


Pretty much, it’s basically not to offend people or make them double take. They actually vanity sized the coffees at Tim Horton’s 10 or so years ago too! They made a really big cup that was larger than what at the time was an XL, so to avoid people making themselves feel bad by ordering a ‘jumbo’ or a ‘extra EXTRA large’, now the old medium is the small and the old small is ‘senior size’ which is the new ‘XS’ coffee. They just shifted the size labels up to accommodate the new, larger size. People got so upset about not being a size 2 that brands started to make a size 4, or size 6 the new size 2. That way nobody is offended they aren’t that size! Well, except for the people who start to worry they’re letting themselves go when they see people 30+ lbs heavier wearing the same size as them in newer clothes.


Damn, I didn't know about the cup sizes too! That seems kinda dangerous, honestly.


It's also why Starbucks sizes aren't small, medium, etc.


No, I think for Sbux it’s just being pretentious. 😅 The names they use make sense in Italian, and when they started their whole thing was, let’s bring the Italian coffee experience to the masses. (Since then the Italian coffee experience has entirely lost to the American milkshake experience.) AFAIK the cup sizes have never changed.


This is correct. When SBux first opened, it had two sizes: Short and Tall. Short was one cup (8oz) and Tall was a cup and a half (12oz). BTW, Short is still an available size, they just don't put it on the menu. As American drink sizes kept growing, they then added Grande (Italian for "grand" or "big" -- as in This Is The Big One) -- it was TWO cups! (16oz). Just a few years later, that wasn't big enough so they added a TWO AND A HALF cup size. At 20oz. it is named after the Italian word for twenty, "Venti". In the iced coffee realm, they've added a 30oz, and named it the Italian word for thirty - "Trenta" - but thankfully this too is not listed on most menus. Thirty ounces is 3.75 cups of coffee. Why do you need almost a half of a pot of coffee in a single cup? Because in today's world "more = better". EDIT TO ADD: Before someone says "Well, there's less coffee in the iced one because of the ice!"... SBux Iced Coffee is double-strength. They take the ice into account, assuming it will melt and make it 'regular strength'.


Yeah I was working at Sbux when they introduced the Trenta; when I was there you could only get iced coffee and tea in that size, not like a mocha or a frap—I certainly hope that’s still true, lol. EDIT TO ADD: Your own edit reminds me of the time when some customer asked, in all seriousness, for “hot iced coffee”, and we were all like ::woman puzzling over geometry meme::


My cousin went to a coffee shop (after an appointment with the dentist so her teeth were sensitive) and asked for a cold hot chocolate. It makes more sense in this situation than the hot iced coffee but it was incredibly funny seeing the waiter’s face.


That explains a lot. I've lost 70lbs or so over the last 2 years, before that the last time I was anywhere near this light was the mid to late 2000s, and I noticed I can now wear medium shirts which seemed weird as I hadn't worn a medium anything since I was in middle school. Now I see current medium.must be the old large.


Oh that explains why the damn pants don’t fit anymore. I hadn’t been Jean shopping in years and I knew I wasn’t a size 2.


Think of it as "size inflation." It's been happening ever since mass produced clothing became a thing and needed a size label, at least in women's clothes where the number doesn't tie back to a real measurement. There's no real definition of what a "vanity size" vs a "real size" is, it's basically just relative to when you started clothes shopping. Marilyn Monroe *did* wear a size 12-16 at the time (near the beginning of commercial sizing existing) which is equivalent to roughly a 4-8 in sizes as they were when I started shopping, and may be more like a 2-6 now, but those retailers that people complained are excessively vanity sized might even mark it as a 0.


Vanity sizing is crazy these days. I'm a 5'10" male who fluctuates between 145-150 now, and XS Gap t-shirts are really loose on me. It's ridiculous.


Meanwhile, I'm 155 pounds and a medium shirt is too tight, I have to wear large. I haven't run into any vanity sizing on shirts yet.


A lot of stores don't even sell XS anymore. I was M/L all through highschool and now sometimes a small is too big and that's the smallest option. It's crazy going from being a size 8-10 as a teenager, to buying size 0 jeans from American eagle as an adult




They are. I bought my husband a set of trunks from a mid range sporting store and a back up set from Walmart, same waist size, but the Walmart version was so big the interior tie tied *at its tightest* still slipped off him (and he’s **not** a small or skinny man).


Men’s sizes are actually a measure of waist circumference a size fifty refers to inches so they can’t change that


Anything that isn’t measured in inches is likely vanity sized to hell though 


They had cute Halloween sweaters this year but they only went down to XS and I was SWIMMING in everything I tried on. I usually go for XXS when available but I figured a sweater in XS would have some room for layering and should work fine. I have a lot of XS in my closet because it's just easier to find and good for comfy sizing on bloated days, after the holidays when I've gained weight, etc. But this was ridiculous. Like I might have been able to belt it and wear it as a dress if it was just a little longer. Even the shoulder seams were extremely wide. They definitely don't run small at Maurice's.


So what is the cut off? Unless you've eaten your way into a position where literally no accommodation is available to function, you can't talk? Is a reply to a post "centering"? I'm not sure what these people even want anymore.


IDK but I know that I didn’t experience any of these issues when I had a BMI of 40 so in my personal experience even being morbidly obese means you’re not fat enough for these people


I think "small fat" would probably be a size 14 (US) today, the "average/mean size" (WHICH IS ALWAYS CONSIDERED TO BE "NORMAL" when it should just be a statistical number instead of "loving your curves".) The current average size is 18 and given the rates of vainity sizing, these people are likely to more like a size 24 when "normal" was a size 14..


Oh, 14 isn't small fat - it's straight sized, which to them means "thin". A size 14 who complains about fatphobia will be torn to shreds. She can shop anywhere.   Which blows my mind, because I was a 14 at my heaviest (and in the days before extreme vanity sizing became the standard), and I was definitely fat, and it sucked ass. It's crazy that you basically need to be disabled now for them to consider you fat.


I've been told that 14-18 is "midsized" and they also do NOT belong near the fats. These people just want to be surrounded by only people bigger than they are.


It's wild that they are adapting the same mindset that they love to accuse thin people about..."At least I'm smaller then them!" I've seen more obese people openly judge and ridicule others who were larger then them; only for them to turn right around and ridicule and judge the same people when they lose weight. And yet they love to cry victim when they think a thin person is doing the same thing to them.


This has been going on for a while. I remember my mother being a size 14 in the 1960's. She was probably a current size 4 or 6 at the time.


> So what is the cut off? So fat you are immobile is the most 'oppressed.'


But the most oppressed can't post online. "Fingers too fat... can't type."


If you're not a possible candidate for My 600 lb Life, you need to check your privilege. And, actually, a lot of those people can walk short distances, so are they even oppressed???


Genuinely the first time I heard about fategories was a rather infamous FA saying that only infiifats and death fats were truly oppressed. Because they didn't fit most places, obviously are usually barely mobile at best, need special equipment etc. I was convinced it was a 4chan troll for a while but they're better at it and it doesn't usually have a death toll


Death fats??


It's a term they themselves use, presumably when you get to the Tammy Slaton level of needing to be put in a coma to save your life. I think they think they're reclaiming morbid obesity or something, most death cults don't straight up say they cheer their members onto their deaths


I think the cutoff is when you’ve overeaten to the point you can’t wipe your own butt anymore.  The appropriate response of any right-thinking activist to being in this situation is to publicize this fact far and wide, and use it for clout.  Apparently.  😂 Not being able to wipe means you have unlocked the glorious pinnacle of oppression and therefore everyone else must now defer to you and not talk in your presence, or at least, never express opinions different from yours.  Not to mention, it is now their duty to take care of your personal hygiene tasks.  They owe you that much, considering how privileged they are compared to you.  It is also the duty of thinner people to bring you allllll the pizza and ice cream and chocolate, none of which are related in the slightest to your inability to reach around yourself.


Wipe gate is still so wild to me, you couldn't water board the fact I hadn't been able to wipe my own ass for years out of me. But of course she had been shilling the story on her patreon for years, but the person who made a choice for their own health was the one exploiting the community for money


I am continually amazed by some of the stuff the more extreme people in this movement think to do/say, as if they are perfectly reasonable actions or statements.  I have to keep watching for the sheer entertainment value.  Real life is stranger than fiction…no one could have made up #asswipegate in a fictional story; the audience would be all, come on, that would never happen, and lose their suspension of disbelief.  But here we are.  😂




Does that count as weight loss surgery?


The pendulum has swung too damn far. I'm glad it's not like it was a few decades ago where we were calling Britney fat and telling people to drink water if they feel hungry, but good fucking god


I think it's disturbing we can quantify the Britney Era as "a few decade ago." Going to go cry now.


I remember it was a media storm when Jessica Simpson gained some weight. Nowadays, no one would bat an eye. 


I feel awful because I was in my early teens when this happened and I remember genuinely thinking she was fat at the time. Like I felt bad that she was being bullied for it, but I didn't disagree. I look at those pictures now and I'm like MY GOD she is banging! But it's like it went from heroin chic, to embracing the Kardashian body and calling that body positivity, now any judgement against any body even if they call *themselves* deathfat and superfat is out of line. I console myself that Real World people don't think like this.


I think Britney and Jessica suffered from being muscular and not having a tiny bone structure, which to us back then equaled fat :/ 


Not only calling normal sized women fat, but remember when the tabloids became OBSESSED with Mary Kate Olsen’s size? They wrote the articles to make it sound like it was a bad thing and she might have an eating disorder, but it felt like almost a fetish thing to just reiterate over and over how thin she was, and the public ate it up. Nobody could win in the aughts. If a celebrity gained a couple pounds and dared to wear a bikini on the beach, tabloids made it into an article. If a young starlet was getting extremely thin, likely from the crazy pressure to not be fat, tabloids sensationalized it. It was such an impossible time to grow up as a girl and NOT develop an eating disorder, or at least a lifelong dissatisfaction with your body, even if you were thin.


I found one person who dared criticized the OP and other FA people. I thought that the FA loved each and every fat body? I thought their common "enemy" were "the thins"? So what exactly makes someone fat enough in the eyes of the FA crowd? Do you lose your fat privileges when you are able to shop at Target and sit in stadium chairs? The FA crowd cries when BMI is brought up but will quickly categorize and judge people based on their fatness.


Right? They've skewed the concept of fat so much at this point that I'm getting secondhand body dysmorphia. Like I was 180 at 5'6" which is overweight by any normal standard but according to them anyone who can wear "straight sizes" is a "thin" and oppressing them. It's ridiculous.


185 at 5'5", just a few pounds past the obese line... at the time I saw I was reaching a threshold of either I could be "the fat girl" or I could pull out all the stops to do something about it. And now the vibe is that I wasn't even fat?


I wonder this too. It's a good question. I do admire how they created a hierarchy among themselves where the fattest people are at the top. I mean good for them? It would be better if they lost weight, but I have to admire their tennacity on being accepted.


FA toxic hierarchy is like what anti-feminists think that feminists do. It’s bizarre


They really are like a parody of a left-leaning organization. They're literally doing the Judean People's Front/People's Front of Judea bit from Life of Brian


It doesn't help the majority of the leaders are wealthy, privileged, white women/AFAB people trying desperately to be oppressed.


I have been fat. I was 5'2 and 202 lbs. A size 14 was getting a little tight a size 16 was too big. My BMI was 36.9 and class 2 obesity. I would have been considered a small or mid fat. Now I am 5'3 (long story) and 138 lbs. Have I noticed people treating me better? Honestly no. I have gotten more attention from the opposite sex, but women have treated me worse. Men didn't treat me badly before either. They were always polite. All in all except for more interest from men, I have been treated slightly worse. Iwas hardly oppressedor disrespected. I'm sure that'snot the case for everyone, but that's my experience. 


I’d love for someone to comment this on their post I’m curious what their response would be.


>keep all non-thin people oppressed I spit out my drink LOL


I count calories every day just to... *checks notes*.. . keep all non-thin people oppressed.


If you're so bad off that you can't fit your ass in any public seat then "small fats" on the Internet are the least of your problems.


This is worded like they can't fit into the whole stadium 😆


It's a form of gatekeeping: if you fit through the gate your opinions don't matter.


You deserve an award for this.


Because of the normalization of obesity someone in the 30-35 BMI does not appear to be fat anymore. Most people that are in this size will at best think they are chubby or "technically obese" but few will accept it. Honestly, until someone is solidly into the morbid obesity category there will be people that do not release they are obese.


Holy hell. I'm at 32 BMI and I feel that I am still fat. Uncomfortably so. Not as bad as when I was 80 pounds heavier, but still. Just the concept of "small fat" boggles me. Why would anyone want to identify as any of these groups!?


When I cross over into 25 or 25.5, if I say I am overweight, people look at me like I have dysmorphia. I am overweight. I didn't say I think I am huge or anything, but it is a medical fact.


Yeah majority of Americans are overweight so it’s become the norm.


Hehe I like when they tell each other to shut the infinifuck up. These hierarchical slapfights really highlight the collective narcissism of a joyless movement that lives and breathes (oxygen-assisted) victimhood


>shut the infinifuck up I love this


OOP seems to want to be able to engage in all of their comforting, self-sabotaging behaviors... and they want to 'win' for doing so. while i'm sure they will find communities in which they may gain authority by winning the race to the bottom, they'll still be at the bottom. sort of like how if you gain status by stepping on everyone you're... simply going to rule over broken people. it's not hard, if your actual goal is community and solutions therefore, to relate to people who're slightly different than yourself. people like OOP do not want to relate, though, and they don't even want to lead-- they simply want to be the boss. they have no desire to acknowledge others as full people. it's not terribly difficult to understand that if one person has a BMI of say 35 and another a BMI of say 60 both are fat. both are accurate in calling themselves fat, and both will have experiences common to fat people... but the larger person will of course face greater challenges to physical accessibility, health, social acceptance, romantic success, etc. it's not terribly difficult to understand that even when this is the case, the smaller person may also be facing their own challenges related to their weight. it's ironic that we so often see these people competing in the oppression olympics because many so-called social-justice types like to point out, rightly, that such arguments hinge upon the fallacy of relative privation. if i've lost a unit of blood and someone else has lost three then we both need blood-- that their loss is greater does not magically enable me to be healthy with insufficient blood. same deal here. of course triage is a thing-- and i'd go so far as to agree that this extends to social issues-- when someone is suffering more or is at greater immediate risk then it makes sense to give them priority. however, OOP and their ilk are not asking for expedited treatment, they're asking for everyone else to not complain... probably because OOP is jealous of them. this really reads as just that-- OOP is jealous that smaller 'fats' have less problems, and they're attempting to deal with their jealousy by shaming them for voicing any complaint. OOP resents anyone thinner than their self and uses other's sympathy to shame them into silence (and presumably OOP also enjoys knowing that they'll be dealing with those very real issues without any support, and they'll feel bad for asking for it).


This is counterproductive because infinifats appear to need small fats - not just to claim that they are the numerical majority but their abilities, resources, funding, positions in society etc. I think this used to be acknowledged at least implicitly. You offer them self esteem and a supportive community they offer you opportunities influence and social pull. The movement shouldn’t become all about educated, politically astute, upwardly mobile fat women’s problems, but if you kick most of them out or tell them to come back when they hit 500, you’re hurting yourself.




Were the funnel cakes too small? Was that her complaint?


Too tiny and not sweet enough!




I’m just under her height and breached just over her weight at my heaviest- 200lbs for that height is obese, and very noticeable. I was morbidly obese at 230 / 4’11, I might have not looked like I should have been on My 600lb Life but *shit* I was big as hell, especially for someone growing up in the 1990’s and early 2000s during peak heroin chic.


I was confused by that. I was 5'4 205 at my peak and wore a size 12 and didn't have an issue fitting anywhere (including airplanes and theme park rides) or difficulty being active.


She must have a different sort of fat distribution. You be fat as hell and still fit places if you get lucky with your weight distribution.


Funnel cakes at any sort of themepark are always overpriced though. Heck, anywhere you get a funnel cake, it's probably overpriced, they're just fried batter. LOL 200 pounds does seem small to not fit on rides. We went to a six flags with a friend who fit on roughly half the rides we tried to ride but he was over 400 pounds.


I’m a slut for funnel cake. Anytime I go to a fair I have to get one. Which is only like once a year so not that bad. But of course they’re overpriced, it’s fair food, everything is overpriced lol


What's the podcast name?


I weigh the same as her and am a FOOT taller. Absolutely bonkers


So… we’re mad now that some people can fit into normal settings?


> someone who can shop at Target or Maurices, fit in stadium, concert venue, or transportations eating, be able to avoid special ordering for medical devices, jewelry, furniture ect Please tell me more about how oppressed you are because *checks notes* you've eaten so much food over the years you now weigh as much as a BMW Isetta (I was going with Fiat Niki originally but I learned today those little things weight 1300 pounds). If you have a hard time finding shirts to cover your body at Target, a store other commenters have pointed out go up to size 30, I don't think you should be worrying about jewelry at all. Nor should you be worried about going to concerts or stadiums.


And, just how fat do you have to be to have to special order jewelry? Okay, rings, maybe, but bracelets, earrings, necklaces, brooches, pins?


Necklace and bracelet extenders. There are no earring extenders, but sometimes earrings don't sit where they should because of cheek fat.


tbf, at my heaviest one of my little wake-up calls was putting on a necklace I hadn’t worn in a while and it was too tight around my neck.


Thanks, everyone for the information. I don't wear jewelry, so I'd never known about this, but I have, of course seen many people wearing jewelry and their bracelets and necklaces seemed to fit fairly loosely. Plus, I have my late mother's necklaces, etc., and looking at them, I just thought, wow; how fat would you have to be before these wouldn't fit. And she was of normal weight, probably would be considered thin, today!


Amberlynn Reid fat




No idea. I'm also a guy. Only thing I understand are s-XL and inches in jean sizing lol


Size 30 is about the size of Samyra.


It's very big. Straight sizes for women usually go from 00-14, and in-store plus sizes for places like Target go from 16-24 (women's sizes are always even numbered).  I just looked it up to get an idea, and the one chart I was able to find that went up that high gave the following measurements for a size 30: Bust: 56-58 inches; Waist: 51-53 inches; Hips: 59-61 inches (Edited for clarity)


* The 200 lb folks are privileged over the 300 lb folks. * The 300 lb folks are privileged over the 400 lb folks. * The 400 lb folks who carry most of their extra weight in their lower half are privileged over the 400 lb folks who carry it in their upper body. * The 500 lb folks who are ambulatory are privileged over the 400 lb folks who are not. * Tall super fats are privileged over short super fats. The discourse reminds me of what I have occasionally encountered in spaces for black women. I totally agree that light-skinned black women like myself have it easier than darker-skinned black women and thus we shouldn't let our experiences of racism dominate the conversation. But we still need to be a part of the conversation! Because not only does racism suck no matter who is experiencing it, the power of minorities to effect change hinges on their numbers. Excluding people from your camp because you don't think they meet the bar to be in your camp guarantees that your camp will only be occupied by people who are too marginalized and downtrodden to be influential. You actually need folks who are not the quintessential poster children, because these are the folks who have the ability to convince mainstream society that there is a widespread problem in need of fixing. No one cares if less than 1% of the population is miserable. But they do care if their best friend or their favorite auntie is. People are more likely to care about a cause if people they know and respect are the face that cause. Most of us know and respect folks who are smallfat and midfat. Most of us don't know and respect folks who are inifinifat and deathfat. The OOP may be annoyed by the smallfats, but if they want positive change to ever happen, they need to be welcoming the smallfats. Not pushing them away. This is social activism 101.


They’ve plugged into the hyper-victimization mindset that seems to be on the rise in a lot of areas in the culture. Everybody is either a hammer or a nail. You’re either oppressed, or you’re an oppressor. Every relationship is a power relationship. So since they’ve decided they’re being oppressed, they have to identify and point out all the people and groups who are victimizing them. So I suppose I’m a bad guy too. I’m a little bit overweight, but probably not enough for them, and I’m actually trying to lose weight. That’s the worst kind of people to them. People actively trying to lose weight. And people who recognize that being grossly overweight is really unhealthy.


Im always amazed at seeing people’s social media bios, where they list all their (usually self-diagnosed) mental illnesses, who they want to have sex with, and all the ways they are oppressed by SoCIeTy. Maybe I’m old fashioned (or just old, lol) but I was brought up to consider that kinda stuff Private. Not to be shouted from the rooftops at Internet strangers. I mean, my Insta bio says that I‘m married, a mom, and I like gardening, dogs, and lifting weights. Nothing about my sexual preferences or my (real, actually diagnosed by MDs) disability.


Most of my life, I was VERY FAT. 100 Ibs in kindergarten, 200 by middle school, 300 in high school, 397 at my highest. I stayed over 300 lbs through most of my twenties. I've been in a healthy weight range for a decade now. I still feel like a fat person, I feel I'm perceived as a fat person, I don't know what others see but despite the size of my jeans or the number on the scale I very much live life in the mind of a very fat person.


Damn, that's around 50 kilograms in kindergarten? When I say I am sorry for you it is meant in the non-condescending way! That is way too much for a small child to bear, to move around in...


My childhood was an abject hell. I feel sorry for that innocent little girl every day. She deserved better.


Yep. So much better! To think that the people letting this happen to their children are much more widespread nowadays (I guess in the double meaning of the word). It's abhorrent. There are so many children who are being abused and neglected in various ways, often cumulatively. It makes me feel not good.


I was the fattest person most people had seen for most of my life in the late eighties and nineties. I see kids my size all the time now. My heart aches.


I hear you, friend. I've only lost 80 pounds, but I still don't really see that much of a difference. I guess we just get used to thinking of ourselves in certain terms. At least shopping for clothes is much more enjoyable now.


80 pounds is so much, and I promise you look like a brand new person. I'm proud of you. It's really hard and absolutely worth it. Even without the confidence I assumed would come along with sustained dramatic weight loss, everything about my life is better than when I was physically a very large person. Funny thing, though, I kinda miss taking up space sometimes. I used to be so embarrassed by the amount of room I took up but being (by my own standards) a smaller person has muted me even more than when I was compulsively policing my words for fear of becoming the focus of ridicule.


Thank you for your kind words. I know everything you said is true, and I am trying to believe it myself. Regardless of how I actually look, I feel and move loads better and the struggle is worth it.


This internet stranger is proud of you… that’s an amazing accomplishment! You should feel very proud! Even though, according to the FAs, you must be an imaginary person. Because as we all know, permanent weight loss is impossible. (/sarcasm, lol)


These chicks all have a very weird scarcity mindset, like there's a limited supply of victim points in the world, and others are taking what should be theirs. A victim complex in and of itself is highly narcissistic, too. Genuine victims of legitimately terrible things tend to reject being labelled a victim, preferring to be survivors with eyes on a better future. People with narcissistic victim complexes are just using victimhood as a manipulation tactic. Eg, if you've ever watched true crime shows like 'Who the F*ck Did I Marry?', there's an awful lot of romance scammer dudes using fictional dead offspring as a way to fast-track intimacy via manipulating women's empathy.


They’re like, if you don’t sleep with a CPAP machine GTFO


oh my god. they have a fat caste system.


I can’t imagine being alive at any point in human history in any region of the world and thinking I was oppressed because I ate more than was necessary or enjoyable.


We've hit the point where they've either killed off or persuaded themselves to ignore the outsider enemies. Now it's either the extremists break off and found their version of the FLDS or Robespierre goes to the guillotine


It has begun.


Oh my gosh these people need to get over themselves. “Harm reduction” doesn’t really belong in the same conversation as “can’t shop at Maurice’s or Target”.




I wonder about the lack of empathy some "superfats" show toward "smallfats". In the U.S. the childhood obesity rate is only half the adult rate. I'll guess that a good proportion of "superfats" can remember their own "smallfat" stage. Have they forgotten that it wasn't a walk in the park? Is life for them so grim that they just don't care about other people's lesser problems?


I mean look at the anti-children people, screaming that children shouldn't be allowed in public, wanting to bully a very vulnerable section of humanity. They were presumably children once


Wait what this is a thing???!


Go on child free groups and if they don't keep it under control, they will screech and stomp that children dare be near their sacred majesty. Fandoms aimed at children, which they think they own, someone posts a photo of their kid playing animal crossing and they cry about oppression. But their cat in the corner of the room while they play it is fine To be clear, you don't want kids no one should force or shame you on it. It doesn't give you the right to abuse one of the most vulnerable sections of humanity. But like the FA extremists they're a small vocal minority


This is absolutely hilarious, they’re eating their own 💀 This was always going to happen because they just keep moving the goalposts. Insisting that only the fattest & biggest people in the movement are allowed to claim oppression is a great way to alienate a big part of your community.


Not necessarily. Humans are stupid. They may just aspire to be fatter instead.


Its this kind of ranking victim mentality, where we rank others apparent oppression and dismiss anyone with fewer “privileged statuses” and any opinion/life experience they have, that I have completely stepped away from engaging in any capacity. This kind of deeply personal and deliberate exclusion of people, only because someone else has it worse than you allegedly, is why nearly every social justice movement in this country fails. Nobody hates fats worse than larger fats.


The way they change their definitions based on how well they suit their agenda is pretty staggering. In FA land, a size 14 who calls herself "midsized" is actually a small fat who is "distancing herself from fatness", but at the same time, if she calls herself a small fat, she's just "a thin person trying to be oppressed" because she can buy clothes at Old Navy. I saw Virgie Tovar tell an interviewer that "70% of Americans are plus-sized", meaning she was using the statistic of 70% of Americans being overweight or obese as her metric, but "overweight" could be 5'4" and 150 pounds if you're using BMI. Most people need to be in the obese range before they're actually "plus-sized", and I was technically obese (BMI 30) when I wore a size 14. And why use the BMI to make that assertion anyway if you think the BMI is racist, sexist, eugenicist, transphobic, xenophobic, colonialist, and everything else evil under the sun? And Virgie is not the only FA I've seen use BMI statistics to claim that obesity is the standard in the US. It's absolutely maddening.


I read these to my wife and it’s hard to even process the non sense they spew. I can’t imagine these people have it so good they have to fight about who is fatter. I was almost 400lbs. This non sense never crossed my mind. Maybe because I’m male. I don’t know. Reading it is exhausting.


Has nothing to do with your sex or gender lol. Though most FA’s seem to be women, that’s not representative of what most women who are fat feel or believe. They’re just a very loud, very *large* crowd.


Anyone women I ask about this “movement” either has no desire to be a part of it or has never heard of it. Which makes me happy. I hate to think of the young women being misled by these people.


Like lunarpixies said it’s a very loud minority. But I want to add that this loud minority seems to thrive the most online, so most people probably don’t encounter it on a daily basis.


Good. Eat yourselves. I love how other moderately fat people expressing their woes = morbidly obese people being silent. Ironically, telling others to silence themselves if they are not as fat. Like telling people in an injury support group that the most injured are more valid because they have more problems. “you can’t complain about being miserable due to your broken ankle, both my legs are broken! I’m being silenced!”




15 minutes


LMAO @ "harm reduction." People who have never done any IRL activism (but spend 10 hours a day on twitter) treat social justice language that they barely understand like the Blue Eyes White Dragon of online debate sometimes.


Who knew they’d cannibalize their own following lol. It’s almost like when you fabricate logic to justify a group, shit can go south.


“Fit in a stadium” 😂 💀


lol... *whut???*


I am so fucking obese, but these people would consider me a "small fat", holy shit.


The small fats need to silence themselves so the infinifats can speak their truth from the comfort of their conference calls. They don’t know what existing in a marginalized body is like until they’ve racked up 20k on DoorDash.


I know the answer is going to be depressing but what BMI range (roughly) is a "smallfat"? I am guessing it is going to be "merely" about 40.


I think small fat starts at 35 BMI which is on the brink of obesity


30 is obesity, 35 used to be called extreme obesity but we are not allowed to call it that now. There are suggestions that actually obesity should come down to 27 or 28 based on real body fat measurements I read yesterday. Seems that not only are people not secretly buff, due to sedentary lifestyles they are actually very lacking in muscle.


Sedentary lifestyles are a killer in and of themselves.


I'm so tired of people who gatekeep obesity as if it were sth worth gatekeeping in the first place. OOP is right though that "smallfats" are privileged... except so are bigger ones. It IS a privilege to be able to easily access so much food you're able to get to such state at all, while many people around the world are literally starving (literally as in "struggle to find any food for next meal", not BS FAs "I hadn't eaten in 1 hour, I'm literally starving lol!1!!!!!!!!")


so according to the list of "privileges" in the second picture i am smallfat/thin? small win i guess


well idk if i can shop at those stores as my country doesnt have them.


Knowing them these “thin people identifying as small fats” are like BMI 30-35.


Didn't they start the oppression Olympics by inventing these arbitrary categories in the first place? But please, do continue with this kind of reasoning. It might drive some people out of the cult and towards a healthier lifestyle. Physically and mentally.


We live in such a ridiculous world where people competing to see who is fatter is considered privilege.


This is such a bizarre conversation. I'm a "smallfat" (US 14/16). I can shop anywhere for clothing and fit in 99% of commercial seating, including airplanes, comfortably. And nobody can take that away from me. :)


Ain't no gatekeeping like identity gatekeeping.


If they could they'd eat each other. Last fat standing!


I think the rude person is truly doing the world a favor. If everyone associated obesity with being a self-centered rude a-hole, maybe fewer people would be obese. We should all be doing our part to upvote the rudest obese people online, especially those who are rude to other obese people, because that will help combat fat acceptance.


Let’s put the fat activists and one bag of twinkies in a desert island and Telecast their organised fight for equality


I get a good laugh out of a lot of these but my god this shit just gets depressing sometimes 


Maybe that will at least help prevent an increase in "true fats" or whatever tf they call the ones they allow...


I just learned what a small fat is, and I think I fit that category. It’s what an actual plus size person (not obese) is. I wear a 16 and a L. I can fit into all mainstream stores, fit in airplanes, amusement park rides, horses, and can walk around malls etc all day long with no issues. I joined a plus size sub Reddit and it’s all people who are 400 lbs. So if you are like me and just a thicker person don’t join 😂


I hate how they say opression. They're opressing themselves. Keeping themselves down. The fat is opressive


I also hate how this crowd (plus tons of other people) use big and serious words like "oppression". It makes these words meaningless when everything is considered "oppression"


The thing is Tovar isn’t that fat, she is a small fat herself no?


As a “small fat”, (5’0 150lbs thanks to meds, depression, birth control… ) I know a term that does cover everyone— unhealthy! Good lord yes there are things I can do that my obese friends can’t, but we are all unhealthy at the end of the day, and working to fix that.


And yet, if a slightly overweight person/small fat says they're not REALLY fat, one of the FAs is bound to tell them they're "trying to align with thinness to escape oppression." Pick a lane, fams, jeezums.


“Harm reduction” lmao