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Bad news gets worse with time. Let them know and see where it goes. I guarantee you people in your building have done worse.


Reporting for DOD is “ if arrested even if not charged with anything. “ I would 1000000000% report.


Im sure there's something in OPs policy manual that would resolve this definitively


I had a public trust position and at least twice a year, they’d send an email reminding staff that we were to report any arrests. Staying silent and hoping for the best is not a good strategy.


Check yourself into counseling with EAP immediately. Then report.


this "month" and haven't reported it; back when I worked DoD would mean the guy would be exited from the building/job once the local PD shipped over the latest arrest records.


Yes you have to report. You should inform your manager and ethics department.


They will eventually find out about it. Also, does your policy say you need to report arrest within a certain timeframe. Tell your manager. I have seen people get multiple DUIs before my agency could fire him. Public Trust agency.


Glad everyone is ok. The main takeaway is lack of good judgement. That is why agencies want to know, to determine if you are still a good fit for trust. I would call your EAP immediately, before you report yourself, and enroll in some kind of recovery group for drinking, so you can point to the fact that you are already trying to get help and understand that drinking can be a real addiction. (loose ADA coverage attempt here) I am sure you will be mandated something by the judge. Do you have a Union? Next, go to them. Then look at your HR materials. You can go to your ethics team if you can’t find anything in your employee handbook. You have to report. They are eventually (soon) rolling out to a new system that is more efficient than the 5year reviews most of us go through, and we will be reviewed annually, electronically. Get your report in now. Tell them the truth and that your are scared shitless about all of this. PLEASE never do this again. Uber, Lyft, taxi, call a friend and wake them up. Stick your thumb out in the side of the road. Sleep in your car. I have had loved ones killed by a drunk driver. The driver always seems to get out of the accident ok.


I think it depends a lot on your situation, your agency, if it was a conviction or just arrest, etc. I'd reach out to a union rep or HR and request the reporting requirements for run ins with law enforcement. Keep it vague and out of your direct office until your sure what you have to do. No need to invite unnecessary gossip.


Most agencies don’t care about the conviction, once the silver bracelets go on, you’re guilty in the feds eyes.


I would…


Definitely report to SSO/PERSEC and also your direct supervisor.


Agreed! And, with continuous vetting, they may already know. If they get the report first, it won’t be good. Report it ASAP!!


This ^


You absolutely must report. They will find out, and you don't want them to find out from anyone but you.


Did you go to court yet? Your best bet might be to get a good lawyer and try to have it knocked down to reckless driving, it's been done before.  Maybe you can get lucky and get reckless driving with 6 months suspension. As far as reporting, someone else mentioned if you don't have a clearance you don't have to report it, I don't know anything about that but please read the other comments....


Absolutely, especially if you’re under the continuous evaluation program. They’ll find out eventually.




If you don't report it, and at any point during a future investigation it is found that you did not report it, you can be sure that you'll regret it. Reach out to your local security officer.


I would also talk to a union rep if you are in the bargaining unit.


A clearance is as much about honesty as it is about past mistakes.


Very true but also "no security clearance".


If your in a union this is when you use your rep


I'm public trust and Fed LEO. You should have reported it to your supervisor and CEO. Supervisor (or acting) in 24 hours, CEO via memo routed 1st regular day back at work. You're still okay, but report ASAP. Don't explain, just the facts. You could make a small apology at the end of the memo. IA will take it from there. One time, a misdemeanor isn't a big deal as long as you aren't a probi. Just don't expect any promotions until 2 years after the court is done with you.


Definitely report


Yes! Report it to your supervisor.


Depending on the agency. If you are required to report . If not required to immediately wait until they (mgt) ask . Never lie!


If you have a clearance, you are in a mandatory reporting position and must report. If you do not have a clearance - you generally do NOT need to report. And if you do, your personnel security office will tell you “I don’t want to hear about it now, it’ll come up during your periodic review, be sure to take care of whatever judgement the court mandates and keep records”


The OP stated they do not have a security clearance. Did you miss that part?


100% yes, didn’t read the content only the title. But will leave my comment up, assuming it’ll help someone else