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He definitely is a cute little chonk


I love him!! 😍


He will be very happy to have you as a fan!


Its a pitty the pet shop don't sell them


Yeah I would love to have one as a pet but unfortunately they make terrible pets as they need their freedom. I'll try to make their lives as easy as possible with food and water but have to respect their wishes to be wild


If you want, check out my profile posts. I have five little buddies round my way. The neighbours don't like it, but it balances out as I don't like the neighbours so it's all good 😆


Ah, i've just had a look at your profile and I do remember some of your squirrel posts. Your pictures are really good quality. I love the ones where your squirrel buddies look like they are carefully disarming a bomb lol. Lol, good on you for not caring what your neighbors think and continuing to feed the squirrels. If the neighbours don't like it then too bad!


Seriously, how could you not love them. You may not like this, but, One of my neighbours was constantly running out with a wooden pole. I had a few drinks one night & went to his door & said: "If I see you hit any squirrels with your stupid pole I have a baseball bat & we will see how you like it" He aint been out with his pole since. I stay in a housing scheme in scotland & sometimes that's the only way to sort stuff out. How cruel !!


Wow that's awesome! Thank you for helping your local squirrels against that moron with the wooden pole. I definitely approve! I have to admit I admire your guts confronting him the eay you did. People like that only understand threats unfortunately. I'm glad you haven't seen him out with the pole since and I hope he doesn't cause any problems. Must have looked like a scene from a gangster movie lol. I'd like to think I would confront someome harming squirrels but knowing how unhinged some people can be, who knows 🤷‍♂️. If you don't mind me asking, what part of Scotland are you in? Do you see many red squirrels there? Unfortunately i've never seen one in the flesh.


I stay on the s.w coast about 30 miles from Glasgow. Lots of countryside, woods & the beach is only two miles away. Loads of squirrels. I don't know what type red/grey etc, but, they are cool 😎


Checked your profile. Nice stuff 👍


Thank you!






He is indeed a perfect little flexer