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The majority in this state are GQP now, im sure they embrace this


that's only what they want you to think. Republicans aren't actually a majority anywhere.


They are as registered voters in FL. Republicans lead registered Dems in this state by nearly a million voters.


people who don't vote at all outnumber them both. when things get really bad, which they will, these people will hopefully start to register.


I'm independent but vote Dem. I don't want to register as a Dem for fear they will pull me off the voter rolls


ditto. registered as an independent and vote with whoever actually supports the people.


typically in times of bad economies we vote with our wallet. And that generally entails voting for the party that is not in power during the bad economy. Yeah, I know our economy is actually very good in some ways. More people employed than usual. Wages higher than inflation for the last year. Some good news. But not all. Prices at the grocery are way up. Cars cost more, both new AND used (take a look at used car prices....damn near what a new car cost before the Covid troubles). If it costs me way more to feed my family and buy a horse (car), I'm probably not going to feel good about the economy. And if I start voting with my wallet, the Dems have had the helm since 2021. If republicans were running anyone other than Trump, they would be winning by a landslide right now.


This article is about Florida, where Republicans have had the helm for decades.


True. But Floridians don't control the national economy. And the national economy does affect FL. There is a saying that all politics are local. And that's generally true. But how does one localize the price increase in products made outside the state? Especially when most of what we buy are products made outside the state. Can't be done. Which puts us back on a national scale. And on that scale Dems have had control for the better part of 4 years.


Nominal control. Thanks to the filibuster in the Senate, a gerrymandered majority in the House and a SCOTUS that was fraudulently stacked against progressives, the GOP has effective veto power over much of what Biden would like to accomplish.


Then explain how FL has the highest inflation in the country?


I think this is definitely spot on alongside the propaganda Republicans push that they are better with economics... despite there being zero evidence of that being true. we need to break away from the current structure of our government and the oppressive corporate oligarchy that has a death grip on our society.


Performative politics is destroying American society.


Serious question for any Republican - is this important to you?


Different question. Why does being a republican require you to take the freedom of choices away from fellow American citizens? What part of American culture does that come from?


I suspect it has something to do with religion. I don't see many non-religious people concerned with controlling various aspects of how other people live their lives.


When something stupid like this comes up in the right-hand, I always look to see what is in the left-hand. He is distracting us for a reason. Probably trying to take attention away from the six week abortion ban. Too many people fall for this trick.


Desantis just doesn't understand freedom. The freedom choice here is to let a legal product exist and allow the residents of Florida to decide for themselves as in buy or don't buy. He won't allow women the choice in abortion. He won't allow readers their choice in books. Whenever he is faced with a 'woke' situation, he decides to ban whatever the 'woke' is. That's not freedom. That's Hitleresque.


Oh, he understands freedom alright. He just doesn’t really support it. Freedom is a mere stage prop for these MAGA fuckers.


So by his logic… lab grown meat = woke.


I’m waiting for “Florida bans wind speeds greater than 50 mph.”


Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner! This should become a thing. We should all urge our respective district representatives to the State government to push for such a law. Impressive thought process bonzoboy2000! P.S. Just remember that we may actually feel quite bad about the intellect of our elected Florida officials when this bill is overwhelming passed and signed into law. And just think of the poor FL court system when we all start suing the State because a hurricane broke the law and the State did not arrest it. :-)


It has nothing to do with the large commercial beef industry in this state who probably donated heavily to all the state reps from rural areas and to the governor.


Follow the money. That's always where we find the beef. :-)


So f-ing tired of this culture war. 2026 can't get here soon enough.


Why, so his wife can be governor?  She's leading in the polls now.


Any poll this far out is worthless and vaporhype. They're about to get a reality check this year thanks to abortion and weed being on the ballot.


glad this fat f\*\*\*\* is passing these stupid laws and not doing a thing about the rising homelessness crisis in the state. anyone see the news cover it? you'd think we were in 'communist' california with the ever-increasing amount of homeless people. i cannot wait till this idiot is out of office, this culture war BS is so tiring to hear.


But didn’t he basically make being homeless illegal?


Yeah that’ll fix it /s


Republicans are just weird


Dumb and evil too


What about the global elite buying up all the houses?? Can we do something about that please.


meanwhile these actual 'global elite' dickbags will continue raising prices of every consumable product. ​ God forbid we find a sustainable and cheap alternative.


"Free market"


Post number 4 on the same topic, this sub is fantastic


Thank you Florida. Now if we could only ban all the ingredients that Europe bans.


Random podcast came in about how back when Nader was still big, he really focused on regulation to benefit the consumer. Like making sure cars were safe because stop lauti producers were making cars where you were five times more likely to die in an accident compared to now. He really had us in mind! Of course, his adversaries cried it was government over regulation. But this? Now THIS is an example of over regulation. Called unnecessary regulation because it infringes on our ability to choose. *If you like to have CHOICE, please get out and vote in November!


Say "global elite" one more time.. 💀 The language & branding of the current political theater is killing me. You are what you eat and you can't unconsume what you take in. Language is powerful; propaganda wouldn't exist if it didn't work; No one is immune; We're all a bunch of muppets; The internet has killed critical thinking and made us very complaint and open to suggestions. .. Question is why do they want us to think and believe what they are tell you. How does what you think make you behave.


Great, now I want it even more.


Someone should tell DeSantis, he is the 'Global Elite' telling us what to eat. Also what happened to letting businesses do business. Republicans are lost.


Is “Lab grown meat” another term for “global elites”? Are they scared that we will literally eat the rich?


Thanks Ron. My home insurance went up by five thousand dollars over the last two years and any unlicensed idiot can now carry a concealed firearm here, but at least you’re protecting me from fake hamburgers and abortions. I feel so much safer now!