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Eh. She says the writing is excellent. Just can't get past the jank. Whatever. Not everyone has to enjoy the same games


which isn’t even a controversial opinion amongst people who actually love the game


If I remember correctly, that was more or less the consensus upon release.


Yeah, I have some friends that just can't get into the Fallout games no matter how hard they try


That’s me. I played close to 1200h of fallout 1 and 2. Just couldn’t get into 3 and beyond.


The jank is the charm in creation engine games


Idk at this point it feels like being in an abusive relationship.


New Vegas isn’t Creation Engine


Yeah I think they were made with Gamebryo


Gamebryo engine fallouts are some of the jakiest games ever made. It’s part of the charm


If is, however, a very controversial opinion among the loudest on Reddit.


Ya. Fallout nv and fallout 4 are one of my favorite games and they hold a special place in my heart but the game breaking bugs and crashes and poor performance suck a lot and Bethesda is basically famous for its bugs at this point


Yeah but very few of those same fan would describe even that admitted experience as "hating every minute of it."


We as fans acknowledge this with the sheer amount of mods we install to fix said jank.


Yeah it is needed. Really just the Utilities section from Viva New Vegas + Unofficial patch + stuff like iron sight alignment & smooth ironsights to make the aiming feel a bit less juddery is all you need to make the game run well and feel good to play though imo. That's still more mods than *most* games need (or ever should need) to be made functional, but most people go way overboard when modding these games imo. It probably puts a lot of people off even trying. It's the same with most Bethesda games tbh. Any time you see someone post a modlist it always has like 200+ mods in it. "Yeah bro check out my vanilla friendly Fallout 4 mod list" \*anime waifu runs past riding a nosalis from Metro 2033 like a horse\*


I downloaded a bugfix,utilities, UI and QOL collection and my mod list is already at 600+


this is a valid opinion honestly; the story keeps me hooked and the gameplay is occasionally really enjoyable, but isolate the gameplay and I wouldn’t want to play it either. Its a hard series to get into, especially the older games if you’re not used to the archaic controls and mechanics


Someone needs to introduce her to a very light Mod list that fixes the jankiness but keeps New Vegas’s spirit intact.


I never really had any issues with jank. like sometimes it's a bit buggy, but I've never had it crash on me despite that apparently being extremely common. maybe my pc is so garbage that it makes new vegas work through black magic


I think by jank the journalist means controls and animation wise. Current Vanilla New Vegas isn’t bad at all, unlike launch day.


Yeah, but you’re already alienating a bunch of potential players when you tell them you need mods to fix the game. Most people don’t want to go through the hassle and I don’t blame them.


Just an option. If that’s how they feel initially, and also don’t want to go through the effort to Mod, then the game isn’t for them. And that’s fine.


Got any recs?


I’d be here all day if I recommended you a bunch, so I’ll recommend a few. Keep in mind most of these require *xNVSE* and it’s buddies like *JIP LN NVSE*, *Johnny Guitar NVSE*, and *kNVSE Animation Plugin*. I know sprint is divisive among the community, but you can disable it in the Mod using MCM: **Movement:** *Just Assorted Mods*: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/66666 Or *Enhanced Movement* which is an alternative to *Just Assorted Mods*, fixes movement jank, and also adds going Prone which you can disable: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/85459 **Animations:** *The Clean Animations Mods* for Weapon Animations (make sure to browse them): https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/70599 *1st Person Sliding Fix*: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/85247 *3rd Person Animation Fixpack* which fixes the sliding and moonwalking in 3rd Person: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/85198 **Optional Bonus:** And finally here’s a more divisive Mod called *Titans of the New West 2.0* that makes Power Armor more like Fallout 1/2’s big bois: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/78688 *Obviously there’s way more, but the community likes light Mod lists. You can always find more by asking around or going on YouTube!*




If you wanna *really* keep things short and simple you can just follow the Viva New Vegas modding guide until the end of the "Utilities" section, then install the "Yukichigai Unofficial Patch" and "Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus" mods from the "Bug Fixes" section. Then just skip the rest of the guide. I don't think it will matter either way, but you might as well do the the "load order" thing mentioned in the "Base Finish" section too since it only takes 5 seconds. It doesn't matter that you're missing most of the mods, it will still order them correctly based on what you've installed. This will pretty much result in an entirely vanilla experience but with most of the glaring bugs fixed, crashing *mostly* fixed, micro stuttering completely fixed, and the ability to play the game at frame rates above 60fps.


xNVSE now and don't forget the 4GB patch, New Vegas Tick fix and YUP.


Right! Thank you. Those are extremely important.


Original game should be held accountable for its flaws


Of course. Fixing it manually isn’t erasing its flaws. The flaws will always be there.


That's perfectly understandable. FNV is one of the top 5 greatest RPGs ever made, but the actual shooting feels like ass and the engine is held together with duct tape and prayers. It DESPERATELY needs the remake treatment (even though Bethesda will never do it).


>It DESPERATELY needs the remake treatment Another casino needs your help


I like the games well enough but it is the jank that eventually has me putting it down. Bethesda makes stiff games is all.


no I’m mad about the video game reeeeeeeeee


Yeah that's actually my opinion too ngl I love new Vegas but I can't really bring myself to play it anymore nowadays cause of the jank.


Exactly, it’s still a good game but the jank is one of those things that holds it back.


It's pretty unfortunate that's how new vegas will be for future generations. Amazing writing and mechanics but jank controls and poor stability without mods


Isn’t this the argument about every Bethesda game? And, yes I know Obsidian did a lot of the heavy lifting on NV, but they still built it on the buggy af FO3 engine. Bethesda has always had more ambition than they could completely code.


Yeah but if she is going to make a clickbait article with phrases such as. "Hated almost every minute of it" Don't be surprised when people don't bother clicking on your article and actually spend a great deal of time reading the entire article. And "except the games". The vast majority of Fallout content is the games.


generally speaking the writers dont make the titles of an article that is usually the editors job.




what kinda shit are you on, man? I like FNV way more than is healthy just like everyone in here but all she said was there's jank, which there absolutely is. It's a banger game, but let's not pretend it's the most functional, non-buggy game that's ever been. It's kind of like a messy bowl of poutine.


Touch grass lmao


what the fuck does this even *mean* lmao


so i read the article and honestly it isnt bad, y'all are being misled by the clickbaity title. The article is mostly her just being sad that despite how much she tries she cant get into any of the fallout games because they are janky, which i feel is fair, they are certainly showing their age and not everyone can get past that. She does still take the time too mention that fnv's writing is great so we can all agree on that which is nice.


No wait you’re supposed to be mindlessly bashing games journalists




This but ironically


When they have absolutely shit takes they should absolutely be bashed, but when they have valid reasons they should be respected


That’s a solid take. My friend can’t get into them either and he’s a retro junkie so he plays tons of janky old school shit. Fallout isn’t for everyone.


Also writers usually don't make the headlines, the Editor does that.


Copy editors, who are going for the most engaging (which often means infuriating) title they can come up with.


Well, on /fallout, I once was bold enough to say that Nee Vegas overall had the best writing of the newer fallout games. A person got mad at me saying they literally every line in Fallout 3 is better than the least bad line of Nee Vegas. I was the one getting the down votes and decided sob back to my safe Vault where everyone has the same opinion because the overseer tells us to.


Right on. It's super weird that this alone jolted OP into a "we hate gaming journalists" thing. Did I miss the memo that we hate gaming journalists lmao? (Of course, I unsubscribed from gamergate updates ten years ago so I might've missed something... lmao)


I just hate that so many of the "articles" now are AI regurgitations of social media threads on trending topics in games. At least this is an actual opinion written by a human.


Remember how we grew up and moved past the 'gamergate' anti-journalism mindset 10* years ago? Yeah some people didnt. this is what we get when nerds got angry a decade ago and never moved on.


I mean... The series was always janky, including Fallout and Fallout 2 which, for the time, had a weird but fun combat


Lots of the jank and boringness can be fixed by mods, I know it’s not ideal, but if you’re seriously struggling to play then there’s your answer. (So long as you get past all the sex mods).


I doubt she tried playing.


Because “wahmen bad?”


She doesn't even mention a thing from tge game just that she likes the show the card game or something and the atmosphere of the universe but nothing else. She is a hater of the game she hates playing it.


She went into detail on features she didn’t like, such as UI and the janky mechanics, starting in the second paragraph. Did you not make it that far?


Where? She only speaks of generic things like crafting ammo for pee shooters for "spongy enemies". Where are those? I can go with the . 22 to take out half of the powder gangers and some legion or ncr patrols


those are parts of the game lol


What part? The tv show? The card game she bought? The fact she doesn't mention any character? I don't like playing baseball but im not writing an article about how this is a waste of time to play with bats and should be more entertaining like cricket (which i truly don't get)


Right, because the Bethesda engines are sssssssoooooooo stable.




Did you know a lot of the time writers for these articles cannot choose their own topic or headline? The websites that run these type of game articles are usually run by the same company and have horrible standards for both how they treat their writers as well as the quality of the articles themselves.


Thank you. Editors make headlines, not writers.


I hate dumbfucks who don't bother reading the actual article. She said the writing is good, just doesn't like the hanky gameplay, which is not an unfair opinion. Not one I agree with but still.


True. But I just played New Vegas for the first time and it was way less janky than 3 or 4. It's the only one in the series that really pulled me in


Really? New Vegas basically is 3 on a technical level, they improved some areas but a lot of it is the same


Yeah, I didn't really enjoy 3 or 4 much (except the base building in 4, loved that). I just assumed I was not a fallout game fan. But New Vegas definitely changed that for me. I have tried to replay 4 so many times and ALWAYS run into terrible bugs that ruin the game for me.


I hate dumbfucks who make excuses for clickbait headlines only intended to get people to read via outrage. "hated absolutely very minute of it" is a pretty strong thing to say when your main criticism is the game is old. And I'd expect people who's entire job is to write about games to be, I don't know, well experienced with games and have slightly more interesting takes. Gaming journalists simply rely on baiting engagement and advertising larger game studios. Youtubers have entirely replaced them, and for good reason, by actually bringing something to the table with either their charisma, or knowledge about the industry, rather than simply having some basic writing credentials and it being the only job going.


It ain't the journalists that decide the headlines but the editor's, to get hate clicks. Be mad at the editors not the journos


Clicked on her profile = 'News editor'. Crazy, I'm right. Who'd have thunk? And as someone with published articles (just for my portfolio) you always write an original headline and are kept in the loop about potential changes to your work because those potential changes are still under your name. Everything included in it, including the headline, reflects on you and so you have the final say over your editors. I'm not mad at the journos or editors. I'm mad at the dumbfucks who defend them and pretend that their industry is anything other than a soulless last hurrah. Full of low effort, SEO garbage and bait.


She is also a freelance journalist, and in this instance, she's clearly not a news editor. You know, seeing as she wrote the article. And I think you overestimate the control one gets over news articles , with a bunch of variables affecting the level of control one gets. Classic style news sites are dying, it's true thus the clickbait articles to get idiots angry. But the actual article is good, as an opinion piece.


People are allowed to dislike things.


What is your point?


My point is that this person is allowed to dislike something without being flamed. Hating someone for not liking nv is just as dumb as hating someone for preferring Honda over Ford.


I mean of course people are allowed to dislike things. And people are also allowed to talk shit about them for it. And you are allowed to not like that. I just think your statement was silly. Did you think they thought this journalist was not *allowed* to have that take?


What’s “silly” is feeling something as strong as hate over someone not liking game. Anyway, I’m leaving work and am done with reddit. Have a good night.


Yeah, you’ve already communicated that. What *I’m* saying is that it is silly to tell us that people are allowed to not like things. I mean, duh. Nobody is stopping them.


Redditor falls for click bait


this subreddit is so weird lmao


Embarrassing by association.


I think it's a loud minority of terminally online eltitsts


I don't quite understand.


That's bait.


I don't hate games journalists, because I'm not a baby. That lady likes the themes of Fallout, hates actually playing them. Good for her. It doesn't affect me, again, because I'm not a baby.




This was made for you [https://twitter.com/AustingrahamZ1/status/1029385497213366279?lang=en](https://twitter.com/AustingrahamZ1/status/1029385497213366279?lang=en)


I mean, I completely understand. It took me a very long time to get into fallout. I loved the settings, the premise etc but always found the game to be a walking simulator with a weird combat system. I really had to insist on them, it took me a lot of time for things to click. Also, my first save where I made it to Novac was wiped out suddenly and that didnt help in the slightest.


the title reads like an onion article lmao


I accept the jank in Fallout 3/New Vegas and really don't even notice it anymore unless I get a crash or a stuck loading screen. Fallout 4 however is a different story, there's always something breaking, like a quest. I never finished it because of the jank.


playing NV on my steam deck right now and it's honestly a blast, all these flashbacks and memories man


Ahhhh, so you're one of the people that gives New Vegas fans a bad name. Thanks for that...


Why do you hate anyone for having a different opinion than you? You can’t imagine a world where this game might not be enjoyable for someone? I love the game but who cares what she thinks?


Can we please just grow up beyond this surface level, boring "hAtE gAmInG jOuRnAliStS" 2016 type shit.


the article is honestly well done and tbh I get it I can’t stand fallout gameplay a lot of the time I only ever come back when the world draws me in. by the time I get to the Boomers I’m usually bored


When an opinion piece has an opinion 🤯🤯🤯🤯


People that don’t play games writing about games smh


Nice self reporting you didn't read the article. Which makes your comment profoundly ironic


did you actually read the article?(I understand if you didnt because who has time for that) but that is literally not true. Just because you dont agree with her doesnt mean she doesnt have the same hobby.


Almost like people who don’t read articles commenting about articles smh




buddy, pal, friend, i appreciate the energy but you cant just call someone sexist without having evidence or an argument too back it up. Next time how about you try something like dumbass or idiot or cunt as an insult first before you try the more heavyhanded stuff


I can and I did. Gamers have been having a meltdown on Reddit since gamersgate about women writing articles about games. This post itself was bait for that type of rage. Someone doesn't have to say "I hate women" to understand where they're coming from.


Something tells me you like being called a dumbass and hope the other person will react by calling you exactly that. Which I support one hundred percent.


FO3 and NV were never jank for shit, I have no clue why people actually believe this. It kinda goes to show popular priorities where people can argue that FO4 is the superior game on the basis that the "gunplay is better" while accepting that its an inferior RPG in every meaningful way. It takes more effort to kill people in NV because characters dont move realistically. Despite this, NV boasts an amazing arsenal of guns far superior to any of the truly hideous things that you can call guns in the neo art style that quite frankly takes any of the enjoyment you could have gotten from the more fluid gameplay anyway. Just my take.


>FO3 and NV were never jank Bruh I had to restart NV three times back when it came out cause all I could play it on was PS3 and I kept running into game ending bugs. It has soul in spades but it's jank af


>FO3 and NV were never jank for shit Then perhaps you were one of the lucky few who never experienced crashes or game breaking glitches. On my last NV playthrough, I got caught in a slight dip in the mountain terrain. All I did was walk forward into the slight decline, and I was locked in a falling animation. Later, I got repeated crashes when trying to get through a door in the dam just before the speech. FO3 offered me random crashes here or there. Both games I had to start again on. Make no mistake, the crashes and bugs aside, some of the gun play was very janky even at max stats with small arms while using a hunting rifle. They were janky as hell, but I enjoyed the shit out of them all the same, as did many others.


No, the only times that I had bad crashing with NV is when I jury rig the shit with mods


You saying no doesn't make it so that no one else experienced the jank.


Well for starters referring to crash issues as "jank" is new to me, jank from the people that have described it to me always referred to things like the combat or general gameplay, not crashing problems.


The jank is real though ngl. I love NV by the way.


Idk, if you don’t like FNV you might just not like RPGs.


Let's be fair though. FNV in it's base with no performance mods is literal hot garbage. Great game but can't even get through the damn thing.


Why do gamers just read the title to articles and then get extremely pissed at them for no reason


it's easy karma farming on reddit


maybe they just have a kink for being mad about stuff?


The obsession with hating games journalist is so weird 


So I take it you didn't even read the article


It’s important to note in this article that she remarked on the excellent writing but bad gameplay which is absolutely true. If your answer is “just download mods to make the gameplay better” then maybe the gameplay is not just not good!


People are allowed to have different opinions.


Holy shit, not everyone likes the same things????


The replies on her Twitter post about this 😂 https://twitter.com/TheM0rri/status/1784146591072334099?s=19




I've never had respect for Twitter/X




That came across the wrong way.


Tbh, the worldbuilding and writing was what got me into the games to start, I do enjoy the games too. But yeah I can get this point.


acting like the games are in fact not janky is just putting on those rose tinted glasses for the sake of being an elitist lol


I love fallout, yet I too don't enjoy playing fnv because it is a pretty tricky experience at points. I much prefer 4 and 76, as the combat and building is super fun.


Honestly, being able to build in 4 and 76 is a massive pro in my eyes since it's physical proof of our character improving the wasteland how we see fit and making it more habitable. It also makes the player homes feel more personal for me because I made that how I wanted it and i put effort into making that for myself


One journalist calls your special game janky (objectively true btw) and you're seething about it. You guys sound unhinged.


I actually really enjoy the gameplay in New Vegas. Now, it’s worth note that my first time playing it was in 2021, and I have never played it without at least a barebones modlist (bugfixes + JAM suite) With that said, the barrier for entry in a lightly modded new vegas playthrough is so damn low, I don’t feel too hesitant to say it’s fine to view the game through the lens of that package. In which case, I really think new vegas plays great. I actually love the gunplay and vats system. As someone who doesn’t really like FPS games, I find myself preferring the new vegas gameplay to fallout 4. It’s something about the weight or the physics. Now, if we really had to strip away all mods, sure…but why, in 2024, would someone insist on playing fallout new vegas without at least those core few mods? It makes the game so good. Being able to sprint on its own undoes so much of the criticism… and it takes like 10minutes to install it and the prerequisites.


Honestly, I hope for a FNV remake that keeps the writing and rpg mechanics but updates the combat. Legitimately, I can not play the game without at least 20 different mods to fix up the combat


Doesn’t sound disagreeable. The Bethesda fallout games are unfinished buggy messes that need 20 mods in order to not crash every 5 minutes. If it wasn’t for the distinctive setting and story, people would hate it and the games wouldn’t have any following. That’s what happened with Starfield and with Fallout 76(until recently).


fallout new vegas takes some time to get used to, it took me a solid 10 minutes to find the controls.


Gamergate and its consequences have been disastrous for gaming communities


You use the term journalist very generously.


She probably lost the fight in Goodsprings and quit.


She lost against the bugs.


Against the first geckos near the source


New Vegas, VTN Bloodlines and stalker series have this problem that you have to mod them to make them playable. I guess it's too much for lazy people.


In the article she mentions loving VtMB- a game which is nigh unplayable without significant patching- despite it's jank which makes me think someone needs to link her a list of bug fix/QoL mods


To be fair the jank is annoying asf. I made it althe waynto the very end just for the game to break and not be able to finish it


Lauren, can we switch jobs? Perchance??


And they ALWAYS use FnV picture... 😭😭 the only fallout that bethesda doesnt want to talk about, 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Actually a pretty good article. Articulating what holds her back from enjoying the game and how she’s actually jealous of us who really get into it


Gaming journalists spend all of their time complaining about games instead of actually playing the game and learning it. Like the guy who reviewed cuphead for IGN


Why do you hate it though? You are wasting hating something that doesn't have to effect you at all.


Because how else can OP compare not being constantly pandered to by outlets to the fall of western civilization?


Girl, I think you don't know how to play a game.


I didn't realize this sub is full of people who hate the game. Nice down votes.


thats not the reason you are being downvoted. You are being downvoted because you made the claim >Girl, I think you don't know how to play a game. which if you read the article simply isnt true as she does play games, albeit mostly games outside of the niche that fnv inhabits(like she plays league? Which sane person would do that lmao), with the exception of vampires the masquerade which does fall into a similair niche.


Maybe if you read the actual article, you wouldn't be getting downvoted


Well, being a journalist have some codes. Codes like giving your general opinion on the article, summarizing in a sentence as an explanation below. I see the article, I see an explanation. So I give a reaction. She shouldn't be writing like this then.


It's called clickbaiting. Yes, it's meant to spark a reaction, but it's also meant to bring in views. The article explain she likes the game but was put off by the jank.


Maybe in the end, she deserves comments like mine even just because of the clickbaiting. No regrets. Have a good day.


technically the editor of the article deserves your comments as they are the ones that come up with the title


Nice one, but a clickbaiter does not deserve the effort.


If you can't play older games because of "jank" then you should seriously reconsider your career as a "game journalist" Edit: lol so are we agreeing with the journalist or what? Idk about y'all but they don't sound very credible as a game journalist who can't play old games because they feel well... old lmfao


no you’re right…i don’t get why everyone’s bending over backwards to come to her rescue? like yes fallout games can be buggy but at least in my experience i’ve never encountered anything that made enjoying the games this impossible uphill battle…clickbait title is also her own fault


If I had to guess, the author probably played Fallout 4 first. Everyone I know who played 4 when it came out, I tried to recommend New Vegas to, and every single time I heard "it's too old, it plays/looks like shit" and I just can't help but roll my eyes Maybe I'm on my high horse or something but that's just not a valid complaint unless you're like 12 years old. It's not like we're talking about Two Worlds or something, these games are perfectly playable lmao




Powder gangers did her dirty


Journalists aren't people in 99% of cases


Did a journalist break your heart or something


A good urinalist is a urinalist who does not produce any articles and works at the local fast food joint . Or on a permanent vacation to an unknown destination.




This is why relatively niche things becoming popular is not a good thing. “Isn’t more people enjoying something a good thing?” No, not when the new “fans” are tourists and uninterested in what makes fallout what it is. Once enough of these types that “love it, but not really” infest something, it becomes more profitable to water it down to make it digestible for the masses. You see this again and again in media, it never fails.


It's literally the best rpg of all time.


Definitely in the hall if fame. The best though? I don’t know about that. I’d say Morrowind has it beat. Depends on how we are grading it though I suppose.


Yeah Morrowind is pretty good.


Morwind, it is good, just not my thing. I think I prefer post-apocalyptic over fantasy.


Totally fair. In general, I’m really not a fan of fantasy. I ran dungeons and dragons games for years and then I finally was like “fuck this” and switched to running Traveler. Sci-fi over fantasy all day. And furthermore, two D6 is the superior system over D20 for skill rolls. I’ll die on that hill.


Fallout fan excited to play it for the first time


Wow. Whoever made that review is a fucking idiot.




Degenerates like her belong on a cross.


The only correct response.






Honestly it's not the worst out of the upchuck of "news" coming out about the game lately.


So you're tellin me, you hate a series that started a show because of a game? But like the show? The writing?