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This is what I like to think my real life build is, but intelligence is actually 4




My teachers and parents told me that all my life? Could they be working for Vault - Tec?


You'll never know


Very special! You want to go to the island!


You mean far harbor or the Epstein one?


The quote only makes sense if you've watched this movie https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0399201/ It didn't get famous, because the studio had to pull it. Turned out it was a scene-for-scene reshoot of another movie that they didn't credit or get permission for. Got proven in court. All except two scenes were identical.


Woah, really? I remember watching this in theatres, thought it was typically Michael Bay - didn't realise he'd stolen it.


Saw an article on it. He was recruited by the studio after they had the script from Caspian Tredwell-Owen. I hate that two of my favorite writers Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci are also implicated, because they were brought in to help with rewrites. https://variety.com/2005/biz/features/was-the-island-cloned-2-1117927239/


Perception -1


I have a minor panic attack every time I see a stingwing.


>minor You brave soul. I just Alt+F4 on the spot.


FallAltF4 its fallout but the game window closes every time an enemy is on screen.


So just a release build?


Pretty much yeah


so just what happens when you mfs load the game with 50k mods at once?


Isn't that how Fallout 76 was released?


Fallout 76 could have somebody else log into your character. Using their username and their password. Not yours. (Among many other problems.)


I 💩🧱 evrytim… 😭


Mine would be 1-2 all the way down with 4 in luck.


I'd like to think I have decent stats, but someone forgot to make my luck stat ever turn off. I've had *so* much weird shit that has gone wrongly right in my life, including literal bombs blowing up incorrectly and leaving me alive. Still draw the shit stick on things, but the luck is strong.


Everything is 1 for me


Ah, the Dunning Krueger build.


Puts all in int but still beelines for idiot savant.


Most of Reddit is just like this as well.


I put lots on strength as i am hoarder in this game. I need to pick up everything.


i cant stand carryweight limits in games so i just use the command to give me like 2k carry weight lol


There’s a mod that makes all junk 0 weight and honestly it goes a really long way without feeling game break-y imo.


Yeah, it feels totally normal to be able to carry 34 full Giddy-Up Buttercups, 60 typewriters, 29 telephones, and 15 microscopes. Along with all the ammunition you could ever use for weapons you never use, your weapons, and aid supplies. And God knows what else, because junk weighs nothing.


Oh it’s definitely immersion break-y, for sure. But if you like to hoard and craft I feel like it’s a must have for UX sake


Yeah, I use it too lmao


I would like to join your club! What is the mod called? :)


Weightless junk I believe


To the nexus!


I mean, carying even just 10 weapons isn't exactly immersion.


I just use a mod called salvage beacons. It’s not as game immersion breaking because you have to set things up in your settlement for the beacons to work. You basically place a beacon in a container and settlers will come and bring everything in the container back to whatever settlement workshop you want.


Sounds interesting! Would be great if it could work on an entire location, given that it’s been cleared.


You but would you carry the whole type writer or just take the gears and stuff you need?


Yeah that logic works better for some items more than others. For me I generally don’t have a whole lot of time for gaming these days, especially in one sitting, so it’s more about saving time/effort foraging which leads to faster progression with gun/armor mods and base building which leads to a more engaging playthrough for me.


You're asking a man who owns a physical, functioning, typewriter irl. I'm taking the whole thing lmao


I just find it tedious to constantly go back to a settlement simply to drop off some junk so that’s why I use those mods


But you are carrying that typewriter for 2 screws. Realistically you would just take the screws out and left the bulky shit behind. Also you need like 6 screws to attach a grip, so it question is what brakes immersion more, doing tedious inventory management + shopping for parts + multiple hauls or cheating.


The scrapper perk should let you field scrap junk.


It wouldn't bother me so much if we could craft, like, a sledge, or a cart... or even a wheelbarrow. Something.


Lemme have a pack Brahmin so my drug dealer is a legitimate business


There's already a trader for that. Doc what's his name.


Well ammo already weighs nothing and I’m carrying around what would be literal tons of it.


I think it weighs something in survival. Might be remembering wrong. Survival is quite fun once you get into the groove.


It does indeed, almost everything has a weight in survival. The only part of survival that kills me is only saving when you sleep. I can't ever bring myself to sleep in games lol


I mean carrying 250+ lbs of whatever stowed in a skintight vault armor as my character runs around the wasteland is already not normal.


Haven't you ever heard of hammer space?


Giving your dog (with no harness or pack) dozens of guns and armor pieces is totally realistic.


Immersion is such a weird argument when you’re carrying 30 fusion cores and 20 mini nukes lol


This sounds great for my second play through


To not break the game, just wear power armor. Then put your companion in power armor. You can carry like 1k combined with the right upgrades.


I find companions cumbersome and usually just hit that lone wanderer perk and roll with dogmeat


Well shit, now I need/want dogmeat power armor!


There's def dog armor! Ha just not Power Armor though, that would be awesome


I have the/a K9 armor mod, but yes power armor would be GOAT!


I use that too. In my mind I’m only taking the parts I need off the Type writer lmao


I do that, too! That's why it's been a real challenge playing 76 right now.


Pack rat is a lifesaver! You can get it down till all junk weights like .1-.5


Oh no... why did i read this 😭 ive never been so tempted


Have you found a way to use power armor without having to reenter the command every time?


same. i'm too much of a hoarder. if i can't do a carryweight cheat i will still loot EVERYTHING from a location even if it takes 100 trips. games are WAY more FUN wo carryweight limits.


There's a perk in endurance I think where if you don't have companions you can get up to 100 extra carry weight. I currently have over 400 carry weight without any armour bonuses like deep pocketed. Edit: with power armour I have 600


Lone Wanderer. It also gives you damage resistance and extra damage, while you don't have a companion accompanying you. I kinda hate having companions along most of the time, and I'm a hoarder, so I love this perk


Lone Wanderer is busted. There is no reason NOT to take it. Especially that you can get Dogmeat to tag along. You only babysit companions when absolutely necessary: if you want to get their perks or it's a specific quest. But other than that - it's such a no brainer. That and Idiot Savant seem almost auto include in any build.


I don't ever get Idiot Savant tbh. I almost always have a high intelligence build, and I just assumed it wasn't a very good perk with high intelligence The busted perk is Ricochet lol. Instant kill is a bit much


It’s still a good perk even with 10 intelligence. Somebody did all the math years ago now, and it turns out that you will always get more experience from taking the first or second level of idiot savant than taking another point in intelligence. There’s only two valid reasons to ever *not* get idiot savant: 1. I don’t want to gain levels that fast 2. I hate the sound when it triggers And there are mods to get rid of the laughter


You can always command your companion to pick up items. Their inventory seems to be infinite doing it that way.


An ordinal spread of attributes … a perfect 7654321 array … distributed dependent on what build you are going for … then every 5 levels increase a different attribute by 1 until all attributes are plus 1 … and then repeat … that way you keep the semblance of the ‘class’ of your character All very particular I know … but I play survival permadeath so immersing yourself 100% in your character’s build is a must to staying focused and staying alive lol


P-p-p-p-permadeath scoobs? Snikeys!


Lol … not as impossible as you think scoobs!best way to play the game IMHO … always adds an extra edge to any gaming session


Im just now attempting survival and i routineky alt f4 on death and go farm in project diablo 2 until im not frustrated anymore 😅


Lol … I hear you … it takes a few attempts to get rolling to begin … but you will begin to get ahead of the power curve around level 30 … and it will seem like you’re playing on normal … always have to be mindful of explosives though! much like real life lol


The combination of a chest piece with padded and an arm or leg piece with dense reduces explosive damage significantly.


Yes very true! better than PA in that sense … but then the lack of ballistic armor becomes a concern


Maannnnn you perma death folk make us regular survival folk look wimpy. Checks stats…oh dear I’ve died dozens of times. So what happens when you die? You have a proper funeral or better one of those celebration of life events?


Drop the controller in disbelief and despair … hang head for awhile … delete file … don’t touch the game for a few days … or maybe months … depending on the attachment


I think the only games I could ever play perma death were last of us 2 and Sekiro. Perma death on fallout after 30 hrs would probably just make me kill myself lol.


I was addicted to HC diablo 2 but eventually it made me lose my mind


Lol I tried that years ago … absolutely loved that game … but could never make it past the jungle … frustrating as hell lol


Everyone hates act 3 👍 


Especially if it's because of some weird glitch like getting run over by a parked car


I like playing challenge runs in normal mode. Soft I know, but I am not sure if you have beaten the game using ONLY pipe weapons, or ONLY punching. My next run, after this current only punching run, is gonna be permadeath. Then I'll do survival.


Lol no I haven’t … I’m not sure how I could possibly roleplay not using a gun or only handmade ones … are you in power armor … or just your underwear? sounds like quite a challenge either way!


I do the same thing in other RPGs, but try to keep the percentages the same. Adding 1 each level will skew the class balance I'm looking for. So instead, for example, I'll assign all my points, wherever that may be, and then pull out the phone and divide the total points into each attribute's number. I write down each percentage and try to stay near each percentage the rest of the game. So, if I have a warrior build, and my strength points are 31 percent of my total, I'll try to keep that percentage constant, and so on for every other stat. I know it's nerdy, and overly complicated, but I found it quite fun seeing how the points spread around according to the "build" percentages. I've done it your way, as well, and both are fun.


That makes sense … roleplaying whatever your build is always fun … keeps me invested in the character anyway


Indeed. It also forces me to change my playstyle accordingly. For example, I just started a juicehead playthrough on FO4 - 10 strength and all other stats 3. I'm only allowed to get perks in strength. It's pretty fun. I'm actually using the Junk Gun out of necessity, lol! The perks for heavy weapons makes it useful. Anyway, have a good one. 👍


I could see that build being very strong pardon the pun lol Take care 👍🏼


High intelligience. I prefer getting those perks rather than idiot savant.


Need rage definitely helps the early game a lot








It's great in theory, but in survival not so much. Typically you're getting killed in 1 or 2 shots anyways, especially early game, so there's not much opportunity for NR to pop


It's worth getting idiot savant even with high intelligence.




Even though Idiot Savant technically pays off even with high Int, I can't stand the sound it makes when it pops... no chance would I ever do a low Int build to make it pop constantly. It's just too absurd & distracting & startling when you're sneaking through a location.


I find the sound amusing. But then I also installed a mod that plays "wah-wah-waaah" when you die. It seems in keeping with Fallout's wackier side.


I found a mod that inserts Fred the fish’s “My leg!” into each explosion.


That is a cultural reference that I don't get, but I'll have to check it out.


It’s the fish from SpongeBob that screams “my leg” off camera anytime an accident happens


One of the best modding experiences I had was a Skyrim mod that replaced the sound an arrow makes when being released to some guy saying ^"Pew!". The opening scene with all of the imperial archers defending Helgen was a thing of beauty.


I'm all good with wacky & silliness...but when I'm being quiet & on-edge for any slight sound that might indicate an enemy around the corner, the sudden & loud Savant pop when I pick a lock on a door or hack a computer just makes me jump more than any in-game jump scares...


I’ve always felt Idiot Savant with a high INT feels like it should instead be called Inspiration and come with an “a-Ha!” sound instead.


It literally scares the shit outta me when I'm just building a settlement with nothing going on


I laugh like a child. Every. Time.


Silent Savant mod


I also max out intelligents


Charisma 11, so that I don’t have to worry about any speech checks early on! / the whole game.


I agree. I generally find the charisma checks more rewarding than hacking or lock picking. Not to mention the control skills are the closest thing to "magic" in this game.


Same I put everything into charisma first




I will put everything into endurance so I can run away from my problems just like irl!


I will put everything into agility so I can avoid all my responsibilites just like irl!


I'm always confused about how to proceed, just like IRL.


I won't put any points in so I can be wasted potential just like irl!


I will put everything into strenght so I can (pretend I) lift just like irl!


Special; 5133295 Book untouched preferably. Currently bumrushing Piper to cap affinity (through actual play) and avoiding damage perks explicitly to make a master save under level 18 (hopefully) I'm liable to restart the playthrough to pull Idiot Savant and make the master much closer to 10 on Survival. Should be able to run anything that's not sniper at that point. (Before anyone mentions mods; I'm nursing a PS4 through its twilight years as long as I can.)


Bumrushing Piper you say? Piper liked that


Amusingly enough, my job'd be easier if I swallowed some crow and pushed into advanced picking. Cause she likes it when you jam bobbypins into slots repeatedly. But there are a \*lot\* of novice locks around Boston that are away from locations to maximize Gift o gab later.


I thought I read something somewhere that GoG only ends up giving you like a level or two if you get it before level 10.


The longer I mentally review the information I know, the math somewhat checks out if you're basically done before 60 or so. Closer to 2 or 3... like 1 level per 20 unless you specifically gun for discovering everything (which still runs you against a hard cap) and are deliberately shooting for speech checks. Meh, number bigger, monke brain like.


Oo wow


Wow wow wow...wow


actually sir, it’ll be super easy, barely an inconvenience!


Ooh Seeing Ryan George quotes in a completely unrelated sub is TIGHT!




My man isn’t SPECIAL but SPECIIAL


Intelligence and strength as highest, then balanced. I get chameleon gear just not as easily. Tried a full Luck run because someone showed on YT that your wife survives and then on my run, they lied, she still died, ohwell, it got chameleon gear easier.


How does luck tie into chameleon gear? Excuse my noob


Luck has various outcomes, better chance of good loot, sometimes conversation differs in good ways, better outcomes etc.


Is there actual proof of this ? Wiki doesnt mention better loot aside from caps/ammo


The legendary spawn drop rate seems to suggest that luck plays no role in the quality of goods spawned https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_4_creatures#Legendary_enemies


9 luck


Exactly this followed by exactly that.


Good luck and god speed my friend İyi forumlar…


Danke shön


*Dankeschön Du Holzkopf :)


God some big balls going straight to nuka world


Nah bro you're gonna need strongback, lead belly, and decent Charisma early on to start on Survival... Strength should be at least 4 and I'd prob have Charisma around the same (4/5 to hit Local Leader quick). I think my ideal start is below, so I have all the mainnnnn stuff I need immediately (like hacking, lockpicking, strong back, lead belly & lifegiver, etc). You can easily shuffle 1 from luck if you want to start with Local Leader, but you'll gain a few levels before unlocking settlements anyway so you've got a little time there. Str - 6 Per- 4 End - 3 Char - 5 Int - 6 Agi - 2 Luck - 3


So does idiot savant reset at int lv 11?? If so I'll be trying that


Oh no, it doesn't. It's actually gets less likely, but I only need it to pop on a single quest for it to be worth it.


Idiot Savant is "most effective" with Int 2 or Int 15+, however no matter what your Intelligence, if you are trying to be as high level as possible then it is always worth it. Personally I find that I prefer the lower levels, so I don't take it anymore, but if you enjoy high level then it's excellent. [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Idiot\_Savant#Comparison\_to\_Intelligence-based\_XP\_gain](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Idiot_Savant#Comparison_to_Intelligence-based_XP_gain)


Yeah, I’m starting to regret being level 70 and just starting Far Harbor after meeting Shaun. Enemies are just bullet sponges.


They designed the game to level 50 and then just kind of automated the rest haphazardly.


Oh, really? Damn. I’m starting to think high INT runs aren’t as fun for long play.


It's personal preference. Some people love high level play. Others don't. Sometimes you have to find out for yourself. I found that I didn't enjoy it, so I stopped.


At this point, I wish I started this on PC and not PS5. I just need a general overall damage buff after 50.


There are a limited number of ways to increase your damage in the game. I would have to know your build to recommend any of them. The only "unlimited" source of damage increase in the game is if you happen to choose to become a RadWarrior with the Far Harbour Inquisitor perk. Technically then your health increases can become damage increases. Technically.


Is it stupid that if didnt realise you could scroll down until i was up to level 30 so all my top perks are full and i cant do much else 🤪🤪🤪


Extremely stupid. But we are all extremely stupid at times. We all have our days.


Not as stupid as me not understanding how to unlock perks so I just put my first 20 levels in the base SPECIAL stats


S3 P4 E1 C6 I3 A3 L3 then rest split between A&P because of VATS


Usually try to give a few extra for gunslinger and lock pick , because those are the skills that you need initially


I just made the dumbest looking character and gave him zero charisma


Spending 3 hours on nexus mods trying to find what mods I wanna use that run lmao


Ok so HOW do you get that base 11 with the special book? Drink a beer before reading it?






Your character is literally "☝🏻🤓" 😅😅




Are you flirting with me? Cause it's working


Max charisma and intelligence. The intelligence makes you level up faster, and charisma opens up speech checks.


All starting on 4 and then deciding by level 10 what play style I want to do. Also using stat boosting armour to fill it out till later. Highest I've got my strength is 21 with stats, armour drugs and alcohol. An unarmed strike is like a mini nuke.


I start my playthrough by abusing a duplication glitch to get 10 in all special stats at level 2.


I do this too, EXCEPT i leave charisma at 7 and luck and 5, reason being is I’ll still have 3 out of 10 chance speech check doesn’t work, and 5 because my luck won’t be on one side but in between


high Charisma/Intelligence, low Strength/Endurance, midrange for the rest I always bump Luck with the SPECIAL book


Is there a way to lower the amount of special points you get at the start of the game?


There's a [mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3063) for that.


I always abandon charisma since I can pass like 90% of speech checks anyway wearing Reginalds suit, some glasses and a hat and I can do all the speech checks if I have something like Grape Mentats, Day Tripper or a Beer. I started with very low agility too but now that I'm like level 60 I've pumped it up for access to perks like Blitz and Gun Fu.


Go survival mode> get max hunger and thirsty to get negative special point> glitch the “you’re special book” to get all the special to 10> you end up with all stat over 10 and some 20. Start playing and have fun.


I made mine smart so I could make a war machine out of ada


Honestly your stats looking pretty good.


Smart ass McGee over here


Nuka world is going to obliterate you, I got absolutely demolished when I discovered it on accident (at least I think it was nuka world, it was a nuka cola place with lots of robots and humans). Good luck though! For my playthrough I went heavy into strength and endurance, few points into the rest. I wanted to do a melee playthrough but found the melee weapons to be pretty lackluster, especially starting out. Ended up speccing into intelligence to get to "science", and then taking perks like gunslinger and rifleman to boost my ranged damage, and perks like armorer and gun nut to craft guns how I want them.


10 charisma so I never fail a speech check and 3 in the rest


I'm not gonna make a sniper build, I'm not gonna make a sniper build, legendary sniper rifle with deadeye? OK just one more sniper build.




dogmeat glitch  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°




To mix it up I first did a random number generator 1-7 to determine the trait I would max out right away which I got endurance which was interesting because I neve really took advantage of most of the endurance skill tree before. Then I just RNG'd the rest of them. Only 3 intelligence? Shit I'm not hacking much this game. Only 2 strength? Oof I guess I have to try not to hoard like I usually do. The next playthrough I got a full strength build so I'm using all melee weapons which is a playstyle I typically ignore. That's been fun so far. Next time I do one I'm hoping for either an all perception to play a super sneak or an all luck just for the luls of maxing out luck.


“DUAHHHHA!?” I miss being max dumb in Vegas and having the dialogue options reflect


Needs more intelligence


That's the plan, upon my return to the commonwealth the int bobblehead will take me to int 12


I always try different special setups but the things I most often do at the start are max out Preston's affinity because his perk is just too good not to get and find the railroad to get ballistic weave.


I don't know if anybody else enjoys being a dirty cheater like me, y'know, like starting the game with 10 in every S.P.E.C.I.A.L. but I'm just going to leave these console commands here: CGF "game.addperkpoints." X [Adds points to level-up/select perks without leveling the character.] Player.setlevel X [Sets your level to the number you choose. Can **not** decrease levels. Only increase levels.] Player.additem (itemID) X [adds item to inventory. Bottlecaps have an ID of 0000000F.] Example. 1A) Player.additem 0000000F X [adds bottlecaps to inventory.] Example. 1B) Player.additem f X [adds bottlecaps to inventory.] Example. 2A) Player.additem 00059b25 X [adds wonderglue to inventory.] Example. 2B) Player.additem 59b25 X [adds wonderglue to inventory.] Replace X with whatever number you want. If you leave X blank, it will default to 1.


Usually by turning on the tv


I always max out intelligence lol that xp gain early game is sooo important and helpful


If you're trying to get your stats all to ten you could do the special book dupe glitch


Max charisma all the time


Intelligence means nothing if you are gonna just fail every charisma check.


I max out strength I should have done perception and agility


I'm more likely to have more charisma


Max charisma, I'm not losing a single conversation point


You say you’re heading straight to nuka world? I don’t think you can get there until at least level 20


Usually through the “new game” option


there is this amazing thing called screenshotting