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I had no idea this was a thing, but I’ve always had a 40k “you’ve been insulted” just because everyone else does it.


Same and with the other notes too that are funny


I really like the "Your the dumbass" one


I've got that one and Salty Sam's Pricing for 40,000


I have "I'm watching you" for 40k


I have the trifecta, "I'm watching you", "Your a dumbass", and "You've been insulted" all for 40k


“Your a dumbass” is the peak 40k listing. Cuz like, if you DO buy it…


I have 'Abandon House!' 'Can't find the keycard.' And 'Get me outta here!' 😆


I have the "How to get Rich" note at 40K haha


Where do I find that one haha


ive gotten it from ally vendors before for a low cap count. if I remember right once you open it, it just says “step 1: make a get rich quick guide. step 2: find a sucker to buy it”


That's gd brilliant


If you have joey bello as a camp ally you can buy it for 100 caps in his vendor




The new BOS ally had it in his store inventory when I first added him to my camp. Not sure about other sources though.


I’ve used “bless yall’s hearts” and “complaint to a madman”


Complaint to a madman is my favorite lol


"NO MORE I O U's" for 40k. Seemed fitting.


Thats the one I use lmao but I never knew why I just saw the YOU'VE BEEN INSULTED once and thought it was funny lol I did have it for 15k but a level 1000 plus bought it for the lols so I set it as high as possible after I found another


Someone bought my Your the Dumbass 😭😭


I think you can go get another one if you go to The Sludgeworks and check around? Not entirely sure since The Sludgeworks is out in the world, but all the notes and holotapes in interiors respawn even if you have them in your inventory when you revisit. I should see if I can go get another Your The Dumbass to just casually leave in my best friend's camp lmao.


i have a 'you just got insulted' for 15k lol


Pipe is life, is a bit rarer but still fun to run across. There's also a t-shirt plan if you can find it.


I accidentally dropped my last insult note so for now Pipe Is Life is my novelty 40k item.


What's on the note, haven't come across it. Think there was a skeleton and a big metal pipe a space Sundew Grove I came across long ago. Is that what this pipe is life thing. Yeah I never knew why people would put ridiculous prices for notes that don't do anything, but I was curious about it


No it’s just a note called “Pipe…” that says “pipe is life”. Also admittedly I never knew about the stash exploit and I played back in 2021. The reason I priced “You have been Insulted” so high was just a dig at anyone who came to my vendor. Looking for plans? Joke note for your life savings. Quite literally you have been insulted. Lol


Lol this is why I do it. Also got the nukashine label in there and “IOU Beer” for 420 caps😂


Touché, I can appreciate the irony and joke 😂🤣😂


One of my favorite items to see as the token overpriced joke is the clown outfit. I saw one going for about 5k caps today.


someone bought my clown outfit for 1k a few days back 😭


The irony.


it is from that skeleton at the pipe you can smell it and it gives a small buff and weird vision for a few sec


I found it today in the Grove, kinda expected smelling the pipe did something else like send you some other place or increased stats. Found the not very plain note really. Bit of a let down


I have free cooking lessons for 40k




40k toilet paper




Are you threatening me?




And surgical masks


Wait until you find “Shut up Meg” lol it’s a legitimate note, unfortunately no Peter Griffin


I laughed so hard when I found that holotape the other day.


w h e r e can I aquire that note


Its a holo tape in crater, it's in a footlocker


Probably around crater, since Meg is the leader. I'm not sure myself


After COVID 19 started, I placed toilet paper in my camp for $40k.


Mine is 40k for the note 'DO NOT TOUCH' 😂


I use the “You’re the asshole” and “you’ve been insulted” combo combo.


I have "your the dumbass" for such occasions


I'm still holding one roll of toilet paper from 2020 in my vendor at 40k as a reminder of when the real thing was damn hard to find, lol


Thats cheap in 2020 prices.


Makes more sense having that in there for shits and giggles more then my "iou toilet paper"


I think I ran across your camp once. Explained to my wife why there was a 2020 cap toilet paper in the vendor and thought it was funny lol


Haha same here.


People had trouble finding it? I never understood that. I must have had 2000 rolls on hand, I never even came close to running out.


You're the reason we couldn't find any! Lol.


Totally just a scavenger joke lol I didn't have 2000 rolls. 🤣


Sad thing is, many people DID. which is ridiculous. Just get a bidet! 💩👍


I just used the hose out front 🤷




I thought it was something along the lines of if you bought the vendor out it would start pulling from the stash. Thus why you see people with multiple 40k notes so it would take several accounts to actually do it if it ever came back. Either way, 1 vendor slot is a small price for some insurance and peace of mind.




The one with rally stripes and neon lights?


That would be a bitchin' gauntlet to use. Might be worth trying.


It’s not really ultra rare, is it? Cos I just scrapped one today.




That's also part of it yes 👍


Pipe is life will always be 40k


My Mole Miner Gauntlet Plan is priced at 40k for no other reason than it’s funny to me.


Pricing things for 40k is also used as jokes. I have a "Business is Bad" note "on sale" for 40k (the joke is that business is not bad). I also have a West Tec roof pie on sale for 31415 because, you know, it's pi.


Oh I know it's done for memes also, just thought I'd bring light to the actual reason it started ages ago lol .. I had no idea as I'm a newish player myself, but my mates a vet so he told me lol


The vendor bug was always extremely rare and unreliable. It was random and not something that happened in any foreseeable way. We don't even know if the 40k items prevented the bug as nobody has ever been able to replicate it or pinpoint why it happened. Some people put forth the idea that in order for the bug to occur the vending machine needed to be empty. But I personally know for a fact that it doesn't need to be empty. A little while back my charging fusion cores suddenly showed up listed for zero caps in my vending machine. As said I at that time had the 40k item for sale and also my vending machine was stocked with my usual crap. The 40k thing is superstition. We don't know how the vending machine bug works and we don't know if the 40k items prevent the bug. Some folks have said that they believe proximity between a vending machine and stash box can cause the bug. So some folks build vending machines and stash boxes far apart. This is also superstition and nobody knows if a vending machine being near a stash box can cause the bug. In all seriousness though this extremely rare bug doesn't seem to have any reliable workarounds. But it is an extremely rare bug. And it is not something that you should worry about. The important thing here is the tradition that grew out of the superstition. The toilet paper for 40k jokes. Also a lot of us old timers have absolutely no use for caps. And so we hunt expensive nonsense items when we are max caps to offload caps. The 40k items are bad for this. But if I am at max caps and I see a player selling a roll of toilet paper for 30k then I am buying that toilet paper roll. Not because I need tp for my bunghole but because I just want to get back down under max caps.


I usually try to keep a hoe for sale for 69c.


Oh, that’s gold! I’m doing that in my vendor!


I price "how to get rich fast" at 40k caps.


This is the way.


I know what I'm doing later


How do i get this one?


For 40k caps I think


Lite ally Joey Bello (the comedian) sells it.


I keep hearing about the bug coming back, fridge this or punch bowl that causing it, there’s no way I’m not having my happy little safeguard in place.


I do get the freezer bug like once every couple of weeks, on pc. I can’t for the life of me figure out any rhyme or reason for it though. Which is why I’m not using any display stands, I’ve heard they have the same issue.


They supposedly fixed the freezer bug in the last release. If you look at the release notes they are not very confident with it though. The wording basically says we think we fixed the freezer bug where items are placed in your vendor for zero caps. I can’t remember the exact wording.


Yeah. For what it’s worth though I think I actually haven’t had it happen since then now that I think about it.


I haven’t either. 🤞




Displays? Wtf...


Never knew about this, headed straight to find my guardian item to list for 40k. C:


I had heard of this exploit but did not know this was one of the reasons why folks put stuff in for 40k caps. I always considered it as a way to sort of display certain rare items, the “Pipe…” note of course, but also I have seen unique items that weren’t meant to be taken out of events show up in vendors, like “Luca’s Explosives,” for example. Another funny thing I saw once was someone had Junk for sale, it was toilet paper and they were selling it for ‘2020’ caps lol


Never knew that exploit stuff, been playing since forever too. I've put up RobCo or whatever shares for 40k because I thought it's funny :> And maybe to rip off an actual shareholder genius one day.


in general, items listed in vendors for 40k are never intended to be bought-- players assume that since you'd have to spend at least a few caps to fast travel to their camp, that it'd be almost impossible for someone to actually have 40k on hand to buy the item, so people will use it both for stuff like OP described, as jokes, as well as just to flex rare items... which of course has lead to other folks finding ways to have 40k caps on hand (like leaving unclaimed season rewards) so they can buy out the flexed item lol


I'll FT one of my 2nd account alts straight to the main account and snatch that shit all the way out of their vendor. Don't do this lol. There's plenty of people with max caps on alts for this. It's a hard lesson when that showpiece becomes a bad decision.


oh 100%, i was certainly not encouraging anyone to try flexing in their vendors, it can go wrong so easily


I was just piggybacking. I got you.


Do the same, no one expects a level 5 to have max caps wandering into their camp


Other times people will post actual high value items in their vendor for 40k with the intent to trade them, little do they know I value caps so little I'll burn my entire cap stash to buy stuff like that.


I'm burning caps for plans simply because I want to.


I’ve seen some people use it to brag that they got rare items. It can backfire though. Those of us who have caps to spare just might buy that ultra rare Fasnacht mask for $40,000 caps. 😂


The golden holotape, 40k.


I have Dubious Gold Bar for 40K.


i put notes like “you smart bastard” or “You have been insulted!” in my vendor for wild prices but i had no intent for anything you said. Mostly just to pump these notes to the top and hopefully give perusers a quick chuckle. If anyone were to actually buy these i’d refund them since i dont wanna lose precious insult notes lol


I've seen it repeatedly and I sell 'you have been insulted' for 5k. I assumed it was a way for high level dudes full of caps to distribute wealth lol Thanks for the info op


Yeah I assumed it was an excess cap dump item


*"You have been insulted!"* ...yeh. **...by your prices!**


I honestly just do it because it’s super funny to have captured frogs as 40000 caps lol


Well, that's not quite the correct explanation, but its close enough and gets the point across. It's a 40k fail-safe item to help mitigate a potentially returning bug that can grant people access to your stash if they purchase your last item. As long as you have at least 2 items for sale and one is 40k, then the buyer needs more than 40k caps to buy your last item, which is impossible since you can only hold 40k caps. TLDR: It's not meant to be an item that the owner is seriously trying to sell. It's to prevent a possible expoit.


I mean I just put You Have Been Insulted at 40k because I thought it was funny but I guess that to


Hahaha i though its was an internal joke of the comunnitie lmao i put one message paper called "JOB OFFER" at 39999 because it was the only message I had that was funny and to feel im part of this lol you make laugh hard im an idiot.


It’s also a tactic players use when they got items they don’t wanna sell for caps and want to trade, so if you see an item you like at 40k you can message the owner for details and set up a trade


i’ve been around for a long time but haven’t ever heard of this being a thing. sounds like a good idea, hopefully the community could implement this and make this a thing


Wait really? I just do it so my vendor says Hey man I admit it I owe you beer


I have my Bone extraction guide for 666 and my Beer IOU for 40k. That IOU is legal tender if someone wants to loan me 10 bucks right now, by the way.


The RobCo shares for 40k I've seen a few times, which is a creative one.


Ohhh i never saw this item i think. Will have to search for it


There is also treasure bonds (100)


I'm level 265 and didn't know this, appreciated!!


I've got a thousand bobby pins at 40k, takes a huge collective effort to clean that stash.


This game is so delightful 🙂


My expensive note is “Reason to Live” at 40k




God bless your heart I had zero clue. I just started this month and have been gathering a respectable amount of rare items. Crazy to think I had no clue any of that could get stolen if this bug happened again. Thank you!!! Happy vaulting everyone!! IGN is elementaryboar96818 on PC love meeting a playing with peeps!


I love the “I O U” notes I have a few of those in my shop. “I O U BEER” “ I O U WHISKEY”


I found an I O U Toilet Paper. That was a fun find XD


The bug is absolutely 100% still in effect today


The general theory behind the exploit was that players would have to rapidly buy everything from your vendor before everything loaded in and that your vendor would have to be close to enough to your stash to reach both (for some reason). Having the value of your vendor exceed 40k meant they'd just buy up your stuff without running into your stash inventory somehow, after which they'd be able to buy out as much of your stash (for 0 or low cap values) as they could before some critical camp loading step was reached. There were pretty consistent reports of it happening for a while, but it died down, likely quietly patched on server side. There are definitely more steps to the exploit, because as far as I know, there was never any confirmed reproduction, just speculation as to how it was happening and how to protect your stash. The easy trick would be just to have one low weight item at 40k. Given there's no cost to keeping it, and that bugs sometimes come back, a lot of people just keep the safeguard in place. Maybe someone will be crazy enough to buy the 40k item someday! Who knows...


Wasn't the issue that they could get stuff you didn't have in your vendor if they first cleared out the vendor? So the 40k items made it impossible to clean out the vendor and access your tash items.


Oh I just do it because that Ghoul Slayers Gamma gun is a meme.


Now, if players could actually ghoulify, this would be an amazing group-medic weapon


I always have one random thing at 40k Caps Just in case the glitch comes back. but I also have multiple god rolls in my vendors @ 40k Caps... So if someone with max caps comes across my camp, they can get a bargain and steal a B2525 fixer or a AA2525 rail for 40k Caps.


"Best Plan Ever" and "Bicycle" are my go-to 40k caps notes for this, I don't have anything that valuable in my stash but worst case they might slightly entertain someone (and hopefully not waste someone's caps)


I set my full GiddyUp Buttercup and Jangles the Moon Monkey at 40000 so I can display it for myself. I know no one is going to buy it but I can’t place it in my camp 🤷🏼‍♀️


I was hoping the new checkerboard display would allow us to display those in camp. Nope. 🤨


Interesting, so the exploit let players buy ANYTHING from your stash, or just from the items you had on sale?


ANYTHING for 0 caps


I just think its funny to sell The Best Plan Ever for 40k


I put a plunger for 40k cause it’s funny, I then learned about the glitch later


My 40k item is always “get rich quick”


I also use it as a way for generous players to sponsor me. I’ve sold a “Hey man” for 1000. A “you’re the dumba**” for 1000. And a couple “GAS certificates” and “IOU x” for a few hundred. Still waiting on “prayer” for 30k


Here i was thinking they were just trying to rip people off with the insultbot note lol


I got a cup of noodles going for 38k. Everything else is under 149


Its also because its funny to sell “You are insulted” for 40k


I have toilet paper in my camp for 40k just cause I find it funny


I personally like the 2020 caps roll of toilet paper one...


That is really really good to know. Like damn wish I had known this sooner lol.


I've been buying 40K notes all this time...and they're worthless???!!!




Frankly I put “you’ve been insulted!” At 40k cus I thought I was being original…


Thank you so much. It's been driving me crazy trying to figure out what the use for the You've been insulted note is to be worth so much.


I have a giant Mr Fuzzy in there for 30-40k caps so I don't accidentally scrap it since I still can't place it in my camp. It's been there since the first year so hopefully it stays that way.


So is the bug still active or?


Ooooo I thought this was bait for the whales to come in and help thr little guys


Might have to put a note for 40k now, just in case.


Mine are "I remember you, mom" and "I forgive you, dad". It's a message.


I put one of those you have been insulted for 40k caps into my vendor because it was a funny inside joke :(


Is this why??? Yesterday I came across a guy who was selling everything for 5 caps, ultracite armor plans, a bunch of C.A.M.P. building plans... now I feel bad if they were actually supposed to be priced the 300-400 caps like they were at other places...


That’s fine. Lots of people who have been around a long time post those plans for low caps just to clear them out or to help new players.


no idea this was a thing, I have a bottle of beer for 10000 as a joke to see if anyone would buy it but now I wonder if people think I'm trying to exploit it


For some reason I interpreted this as "40k Crossover." Plague Marine styled power-armour paint when? Please Todd.


There's the Plague Rider PA skin


I also put stupid items that make me laugh at 40k caps. Such as the endless supply of toothy man masks I acquired.


I always did it just for the memes


Oh that's why? I just put Adelaide's autograph for like 25k as a joke. Lol


40k for Mole Miner Gauntlet


I have 450hrs in and this is news to me. I will now be selling an insult bot note for 40k. Thanks OP. :)


I love this sub. Thanks for the info.


Not me but my wife saw one at a camp that we both loved "How to get rich quick" sold for 40k


Thanks for answering this! I was actually going to post asking the other day


My 40k item is Jangles the Moon Monkey


I remember this from like 2+ years back and when I started a vendor on steam I put a piece of popcorn and then a perfectly preserved pie when I finally got one randomly.


Im a newer player and set a Party Hat to 25k just for the meme lol


Many kudos and thanks for this info, I'm lvl 352 and didn't know this at all. Like at all. lol


Lately been selling ammo for one cap so new players would have ammo. I get tons of ammo as is.


Wow. I did this as a new player because I thought it was funny. I do the toilet paper one too. Cause Covid. But I'm only on day 17 today. 🤣😂


Since all I mostly list are plans I listed the note called “The Plan” as my 40k vendor item.


It's cool this is a real time colloquial culture effect were a tragedy happened and people did it to avoid it but now it's just done as a joke cause it's a tradition every one just sees.


It started out as a bug deterrent, now it's just a 'funny habit' for me now.


I assumed the Perfectly Preserved Pie was a funny meme that developed at some point lmao


I sold a toadeye for 40k caps . I know there legacy and can’t be displayed but I found it hilarious someone bought it. I have another one so I’m happy with the result


i didnt know this i just like my “Your a dumbass” and “You’ve been insulted!” notes next to eachother


I list random notes at 30k just in hope some rich person might just donate me the caps.


I always thought it was just a money laundering thing, where people with too many caps will buy it just because


Thank you for the heads up!


Caveat. If everything in your vendor is 0 caps, all is well.


Wow I didnt know this was a thing, I only ever sell Ammo or Aid Items like stems, Rad Away, and Rad X for 1 cap each to clear space in my Stash since I have the Horrific Habit of collecting EVERYTHING i find so this doesnt do much to me but ill definitely be setting a Note up for this


A buddy of mine and I just got back into 76 and I was wondering why I had a note in there for 40k.


Perfectly preserved pie for 40k and a roll of toilet paper for 40k


I posted a perfectly preserved pie for 40k caps without knowing this hahaha


I figured those were just extremely rare lol


I thought it was just a flex of "hey everyone, look what I got".


From what I know of the bug it was if they bought all the items in the vendor then it would glitch an show all that was in that players stashbox completely free so the 40k is a way to make sure it's not able to happen to u


This game is still so buggy it's insane. Vault 79 quest being bugged is crazy to me. Was watching my roommate play and he had to restart several times because NPC would just get stuck or not do their job. I hope Bethesda focuses their resources or they are going to lose this wave of new players to a constant buggy mess. At least in the single player games we can fix their shoddy work ourselves with mods. It's a different story here.


I’ll be listing an item at 40K when I hop on. Thanks for the heads up


I have a single Bobby pin in for 20k 😂 and also a non legendary lead pipe for 35k


So that's how the bug worked? When it was accidentally reactivated, we were all told to shut down our vendors so that's what I did back in the day. Should've instead put spoiled vegetables at 40k!


My eyes got big for a second. I thought this was a Warhammer reference or crossover.


Handy for anyone looking for a cap sink


I’d like to think my Perfectly Preserved Pie collection is priceless… so 40k will do if that’s all Beth can offer me


I genuinely thought it was just a running meme to list you’ve been insulted for 40k at this point. Or wondered if one of the insults was exceedingly rare