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I removed the doors to my camp. I got tired of spawning into new servers and having to double click the doors to fix the buggy open/close animations.


Shout out to the buggy enclave laser doors


More effective than a lock at deterring someone from entering.


Pffft lock schmock. Let me pick your locks, I want someone to hunt me down and collect their bounty.


At least then I'm wanted.... heh...heh... ohawww.


Awwww. Its OK. Mothman loves you ❤️


So you would lock pick a low level players weenie wagon? Might as well put walls around it.


I pick the lock and level the goods behind.


I dont think so if the walls are far enough. Either way kee0 away from low level players constant supply of food and water, but do let karma get your way if so.


You get a bounty for picking people's locks? I wpuld have never known. Is there any reason to get a bounty on purpose?


I get bored. But also i figure whoever hunts me down gets a little more progress towards the challenge of killing wanted players :)


That's fair and actually helpful too I guess. Dp you lose caps or anything? My first encounter with a bounty I thought it was an event. I stalked this dude for a bit into a mine, snuck up on him and threw an ice grenade and started blasting him woth my minigun. He ran all the way to me and we were both panicked like fuck they aren't dying! Then I realized it was a player and waved and left laughing my ass off at my own stupidity. I guess you can't collect a bounty while in pasicifist mode which is fine.


I went like 5 days with a bounty on my head. Doing events and all types of stuff until someone finally put me down


I kind of just want to go around picking locks. I won't steal anything, I just want you to know you can't keep me out.


No players hunt you if tour wanted cause its a atom challenge in the survival tab gives 20 40 80 per tier


Also the buggy alien laser doors.


And the buggy alien sliding doors!


Have those ever been a camp item? Despite the bugs I kinda want them.


I noticed it's with anything that you can turn on/off with, jukebox, radio, etc. I ended up scrapping my jukebox


Oh, you'd hate my camps then, I have like 2-3 doors per doorway just because I can.


Is thar what causes that? Dang I thought I did something when I built like a fool


Hence why I only use the theater curtain doors from 2 Scoreboards ago 👀 They never go buggy and stay closed.


The alien one’s drive me bonkers


I don't even close my own doors tbf


I have an open door policy because I'm lazy


I have a no door policy because I don't have any good looking doors.


I have an open door policy because I am too stupid to figure out how to place a door.


To be fair, lots of the coolest doors don't work with many prefabs


*screams in Ogua Curtain*


That fucking curtain is always open!!!!


I have a garage door on a switch I usually leave open to let people in and can close if I want to mess with apparel or need to let resource generators build up


I do because I dont like coming home to a singular tick somehow having made it past my line of turrets, and is somehow sitting in a spot where the indoor turret doesnt see him, and adelaide isnt doing jack shit to kill it, so its just eating all my furniture having a grand fucking time. If I close the door, the turrets kill it outside of the door. Problem solved.


The closed door bug is so annoying I removed them lol


Same. Latest camp has doors and I’m already super annoyed.


Me neither, what’s the point? Someone will eventually come along and leave both doors open. Have doors on each end of my camp, always open.


Camp allies will often be to blame for opening doors.... just an FYI I


I came here to say this! I'm ready to fence those bastards in! 😂🤣


Funny story. I had the one from nuka world and he kept opening my doors all throughout my base. Solution? I made a nuka cola room for him with a prison gate and the vending machine secret door. Locked the prison gate and you could open the vending machine door and see him in the corner. Stopped him from wandering around tbh.


god this irritated me so much when i first started again a month or two ago. i finally gave up and anyway, i actually leave my front door open to show off the interior now that it’s actually worth showing off.


Weird I keep my ally in a closed room and he never leaves


They do seem to have different behaviors. Wanderer settler goes all over the entire camp, Adelaide doesn't leave her desk.


I'm gonna leave your doors open so hard now. No door has ever been left open as hard as I'm going to leave yours open.


Don't threaten my doors with a good time.


Grab 'em by the knobs.


Yep, I have a typical house style of camp, upstairs is my bedroom with a locked bathroom where I go and hide when people are in my camp. I also have a vending machine in there, so I can stock it in private... I hate being watched while I'm managing my vendor machines lol.... anyway, saw someone was headed my way one day, cool, jumped upstairs into my bathroom and closed the door behind me and crouched because habit... suddenly this player unlocks the bathroom door, sees me crouched there like a weirdo, realises they're also now wanted, and takes off running.... meanwhile I just blinked, went 'ok den', and locked my damn bathroom door again lmao 🤣


This image is now burned into my mind and I'm totally stealing this idea!!


Just wait there crouched on the toilet and when they come in scream "KNOCK FIRST!"


OMG!! I totally will next time 🤣🤣


you will never get me and no door will be closed again!


I’m the opposite,I get irritated when people close my doors😂 I like them open


Same. I like to lock mine in the open position.


And stop dropping your spoiled meat in my workroom!


I usually only do that for vendors who price too high, haha.


lmao, just did this last night. no one wants to buy your low tier legendaries for 9999 caps! One Spoiled Fruit for you!


You should keep some raw fertilizer with you and drop that instead 💩


Reminds me of when I was active on Conan Exiles. My clan destroyed the Alpha Clan of the server at that time in one big attack after they'd spent months being obnoxious on the Discord server, but I wasn't done with them yet, so I farmed up a bunch of manure and climbed up to their very hard to reach base to deposit it and some salt in their oven inventory so that when they came back they could be salty and eat shit.


I leave them Insult Bot notes!


...why it's the first time I hear about that? That's clever~ 🤭


Wanna take it one step further? Drop toilet paper, raw fertilizer and corn in their bed.


I just drop toilet paper on their bed for fun. -sighs- I wish one could TP a player's camp.


Bethesda's should let us do that for Halloween haha 😄


Ive heard this is known as "Doing an Amber"


Duuude 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I have a portable toilet in my camp and drop everything in there lol


Mmmm free fertiliser - I actually pick up any bags of spoiled food I come across 😂


Means your shop prices sucked


Highly doubt that as I always price things at par price or lower


I was mostly joking but that is a reason people leave spoiled food


Ah, fair enough. That I haven't had happen to me yet


I was in someones camp earlier and went round closing doors, next thing i know they had removed half the doors 😂


I close the doors, I also turn off the lights you forgot to turn off when you left, gotta save that power ;)


If you turn off the lights in my camp, I will find you, and I will shake my fist at you. Darn pranksters!




This was more meant to be funny as opposed to actually angry




Hospital doors open and close automatically


In my country we say born in a bus


Where I’m from we say born in a barn


Ours is "Raised on a farm".


Born in a barn for me as well. Dad was a country boy.


Irish here - yeah we say 'were you born in a barn' here too if you don't close the door!


For Christ's sake they don't know how to use the toilet


See, this is where im the opposite. I got locks on my doors, so when theyre open its like the shops open for business. If they close them, then the next person stopping by wont be able to get in.


The game defaults them to open, a lot. Also your ally will open and close things not locked.


I kind of like when they leave the doors open, it lets me know someone has been by to visit. Which is actually the same reason I don’t keep an ally in my CAMP (that and the mind numbing repetitive dialogue).


That is nice. The feeling of someone dropped by to check out your stuff. Don't have an ally yet, what's the benefit of them?


Many come to this game after playing fall out 4... you think Lord High King Dogmeat of the mighty Sanctuary Kingdom will tolerate your closed doors? To the Pillory with you peasants!


If I'm coming to look at your vendor and I've been looking for it for > 5 mins and I still can't find it then I'm looting everything in your base and leaving every door open in my wake.


Lol. I have come across a couple bases where the vendors could of been easier to find. Others they are smack dab on the porch


"I'm not trying to cool this whole bog!"


Doors open is just one less click and wait for me. NTA.


I never mind the doors tbh. I have the fireplace secret doors because they're the best looking when they're shut but most of the time I'm in and out and don't mind. Other people can do what they want but the doors look beat when they're close and you're indoors which isn't usually the case. And they may not see the door in the first place. Yesterday at my camp a level 40 came by and was taking a look around and closing the doors, it's obvious what kind of door it is when you're in there so I let people do it if they're admiring the decor anyway. I don't mind apart from that


When I poke around someone's base I try to go with the "leave it as I found it" idea


You’re letting bloatflies in!!!


I know right!? And my base is near some bee swarm spawns, little buggers get in all the time


I don't get why they can't just code doors to close on their own. Plenty of other games do it. I'm less concerned with players than I am my fucking ally walking through my house opening every door


you guys build doors?


I have a beautiful view so I have no doors and my walls are all windows. I love exploring people's camps, and I hope they look at mine.


This! I make damn sure that I close every door that I open in someone’s camp and I hate with a deep passion when I get back to mine and all of my doors are wide open. Just because we’re in a game doesn’t mean that you should forget your manners.


Say it louder for the people in the back!


OMFG this is such a mood. I used to keep mine locked for that reason. But someone picked the lock, asked me to kill him then one shot killed me in my own camp. My daughter and husband killed them instantly. 😂


Just today since morning I was thinking to make the same post.. do what you want in my camp, I don't care.. but SHUT THE DAMN DOOR! .. every time I fast travel to my camp, everything is open, hell they would left the vault open if it was possible.. I close it, do my business, after 10 minutes going back to wide open house again


I know right? It's so simple yet so annoying, takes 2 seconds to turn and close it as you leave


I never know if the owner wants the door open or close because 9/10 its a shop and open doors could be a way of seeing inviting so I leave them open. If they are closed I’ll close them back when I leave. If everything is ridiculously greedily priced I’m opening all doors, looting everything I can and am leaving spoiled food everywhere. Don’t price basic things 8k a piece are you nuts? I show up to see 30 8-10k pipe pistols 3 starred who is buying those?!


Some prices are set way to high. Went to a shop last night cuz they had over 400 plans. Average price was easily over 3k


A reason my camp is an open concept ( fancy word for "i forgot about doors") *edit: forgot to close the ( ) xd.


My next base is probably gonna be a bar/pub kinda thing. Open build


I do take the birthday cake when I see it..... Nomnomnom sorry y'all. It is my favorite!


I wish we could make auto closing doors. The NPCs love to leave mine open!


In Fallout 4, I use the Slocum's Joe Auto-Close Doors in ALL my settlements. Wish we had something like that in 76.


The only thing that ever bothered me is someone came to my camp and walked through turning off every light along their way.


Yeah, that's happened to me too. Is it some kind of saving the already blown up planet virtue signalling? I have a fusion generator too. Puzzling.


Wait you have doors? Must be nice 🤣


I can't even get my ally to close a door. LOL (I also do not close doors)


My fuckin ally leaves all my door open.


I hate closing my doors and find it hilarious when I come home and find someone has closed them all for me. It’s slightly annoying every time I walk in to a raider thief sitting at my kitchen table but they only occasionally turn hostile so no real harm. I think it’s much more interesting how my turrets constantly shoot at wandering traders for no reason doing no damage.


My brother yelled at me the other day for closing all the Nuka-Cola machines when I was done. But it's just payback for him turning off all the radios I turn on.


I try to wave at the camp owner when I arrive and only look in the dwellings if the doors are open. I don't mind people going in my house but appreciate it if they close the door when they leave. ( I placed my ally in a shack a bit away from the house and haven't had any issues with them in my house. )


"I ain't paying to air condition the whole wasteland! Close my mf door"


Yeah, that is universal. After visiting someone's place, shut the doors. I follow that rule, why can't everyone else


Unrelated to doors specifically, but when I spawn into someone else's camp, and I see broken stuff (most often turrets) I can't help but fix it on my way in. I've never had anybody catch me doing this but I imagine I would be embarrassed. Sorry, don't mind me. Just cleaning your base a little.


Love this


Don't repair mine please. It'll take forever to re-wreck properly.


This! I yell at my friends all the time “you were born in a vault not a barn”.


To be fair, I leave them open when I'm in the house and close them when I leave because I have gotten stuck in a room


I knew me closing every door I opened in a camp when I was done wasn’t for nothing.


I'm sorry. I'm 1000% that shithead that's gonna turn off all your lights and leave your door open. Then run off like that gif of skeletor. It sparks joy.


"What? Were you raised in a barn? Shut the door!" - Ash Williams


Gonna let the botflies in


I used to get mad about my doors... then I realised it was my Ally the whole time... DAMMIT Rosalita! What!? Were you born in a barn or something!?


As a dad who hates things being left on, I get so annoyed when my radiation shower is left on by people


Is there a good list for etiquette? This one is a more obvious one but I’m a new player and would like to be a good guest. I’ve really enjoyed how awesome the community is and would like to reciprocate that awesomeness


This is really more of a personal pet peeve I guess. I've only been playing for just under 2 weeks myself, and for overall etiquette it's just the basics really. Close the doors, say hi to the owner if they're there, leave it as you found it. Basic stuff. If people are really touchy with their stuff they will put locks on it


Yep. I lock a section of my doors to keep my precious water impenetrable. The other three doors, I close myself. Is it annoying? Yup. But just part of the game to me. I *do* close other camps doors!


I've given up on my doors staying closed. I fenced in the cozy little house I built so my fetch collectron had a nice yard to play in, but when doors are open it always decides to go visit the wayward. The thing is doors seem to always bee open, all of them, every last one. I close them, Then despite nobody showing up they doors wind up open again. It's not my ally, cause that's Adelaide and she just hangs out at her table being awesome. When I observe my dog it doesn't open doors so I don't think it's that, but I swear they open even when nobody comes through my camp. It's like my camp is haunted by a ghost. I just don't bother shutting them anymore cause my camp ghost will just open them back up again the second I'm not looking. Stupid camp ghost.




I'm not going to tell you where I buried the mines...


Im the opposite, I turn off lights and shut doors,


Occasionally, when I have time, I'll go around and turn off all the lights at your camp also. It's hard to get to the ceiling ones way up high sometimes, people should install light switches for convenience.


Interesting argument, one counter point though. I am in your C.A.M.P and you left your cement truck unlocked 😈


Don't have that yet, but I'd probably keep that unlocked. Not that worrisome if someone nabs some concrete


curtains for the win


Lock random doors with 0 1 and 2


I'm getting to the point where I'm just not going to use doors and instead just store the "door" wall while in camp and put it back before I leave.


Sorry Dad


I gave up on closing the door when I realised it was Gramps more than any player that kept opening it. I build the man a home and he keeps trying to escape into the wilderness smh


I thought I was the only one. Act like you were raise right and like you pay a power bill >:(


I stopped closing doors behind me when i got a bounty on my head because i got locked into someones base😭


Lol I have bloody curtains on mine. Tbh I forget to close mine all the time.


My cabin glitches and I somehow have 2 doors opening one in each orientation so my doors are never fully closed. But I intentionally leave all my stuff unlocked, come in grab some water and junk


I gave up on closing my doors because Nana Junko was apparently raised in a barn. Also to be fair most Vault Dwellers didn't have to manually close a door for about 25 years.


Open doors: monster get in and shoot me while crafting. Im in the brink of locking my house. I'll need to rearrange the layout to create outdoor space for vendor. .. or not, idc about selling stuff anyway


I like to think people are too intimidated by my camp so they never unlock any of my crap. That's just my head canon anyways lol


In my week or so of returning, I don't think I've ever spawned into a camp with a closed door. But now, I think I'll close them all just to be thay guy


Where you born in a Barn??? I’m not made out of money, you know? DONT TOUCH THE THERMOSTAT!!!


I don't bother with doors on my CAMP builds.


I have some automatic doors with merged pressure plates it confuses so many people


Powered doors with a hidden switch don’t seem to bug out for me like the normal ones


IDKKK WHYYYY they dont just add the auto-close doors like how they added them to fallout 4. LIKE HUHH.


If you're the kind of person who leaves someone else's doors open I hope Room Temperature Ronaldo finds you for the rest of your life


I thought I was the only one. I’m so happy I’m not alone!




My doors are always open


I will absolutely leave every door you have open.


I'm revoking your invite to my hot tub party


Did this happen last night in goodsprings and then you killed me in your vault?


That's a big no. Don't even have a vault


I have like having doors on my house for the realism of it. But i, keep them open 24/7


I went to a camp that used an existing structure recently. Idk if they were using it to farm something or what, let alone whether it had enough of anything in there to farm. But they blocked all the doors in said structure with the construction barricade from the current season rewards along with existing doors to the structure. They did the same thing in their own camp to areas throughout. What's weird is that they had vendors inside the barricades in two places and one sitting outside that you really had to search for. They had nothing significant of value, so I moved along. The structure was the house with the radroach sitting on the toilet between the Nuka Cola factory and Camden Park.


My own companion will not close my doors, I cannot expect anyone else to do it...


I leave the doors to my house locked and have the red rocker garage for work benches


Stopped using doors due to cannot place blueprint due to floating items big


Next time I'll leave the door open, eat your perfectly preserved pie and leave spoiled meat in your bed.


My camp has no doors for this very reason.


You use doors? Game glitches too much to use them. I'll open the door and it opens an re-shuts in a second. Got tired of it. I use doors in the shelter because I'll lock them now and then.


Haven't had any door glitches yet myself


My camp minion opens my door every time I close it so I gave up


Meanwhile I’m PISSED when people close mine


Genuine question here. Does your camp remain visible after you close the game?? Cause I've spawned to a half destroyed camp a couple of times so far even though it was perfectly fine when I turned off my PC


No it doesn't


This is why I just use the big garage doors as the entrance to my camp


My favorite thing to do is to turn off every light in someone’s camp. Just because we live in a wasteland doesn’t mean we should just waste electricity


Talk to your camp NPCs about that one


Don't have any yet


My only door that isn't always open is a gate that most people just jump over, myself included


I was thinking the same thing. I have two structures. One with a locked door and one with a standard door. EVERY time that I went back to my camp, the doors were always both opened. I was so confused. Then, I learned that my ally keeps opening them... Seems like a dumb system to lock a door, and then have your decorations unlock and open it. 🙄




I usually turn off a light or two just to annoy people


I have 2 actual doors that I leave perma open 🤣 I have up on having doors between rooms. For one build space and for two people can't close things 😭 If I see doors open I close them in other people's camps too 🤣🤣🤣


I always close doors! I love when people come to my place but they only come to shop 😔 my doors would be open if they went inside, I'm sure of it lol




I have the opposite problem, I leave all my doors open and people close them.


I leave doors off for this reason.


I have a building in my camp with 4 doors. It has a wooden door, then the train car door, then a laser grid door, then a vault door, all attached to the log cabin pre-fab that's filled with meat and corpses. I don't lock them but the idea is that it's supposed to be like extra security or whatever in a roleplay sense. It's the joke of like you open the door just to find another door. And nobody EVER fucking closes them 🤦‍♂️


Sorry, that was me.


I close doors. I can hear my mom yelling at me when I was a kid to "Close the damn door!", "You're letting all the cold air out!" lol My camp has no doors. I don't have any cool looking ones and don't feel like adding a extra step to get inside a building. I'm lazy.  My collectron, weenie wagon, and purified water are wide open. I don't want to keep building locks all the time.