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This is one of the most fun communities I've ever been a member of!


Overall playing 76 is really relaxing and fun. Running into another player randomly and not generally having to worry they're going to immediately open fire on you and waste you in one hit, then screaming bs in your ear with a walmart headset is nice. It's like the polar opposite to GTAO on pc.


I came across a lvl 200 something who was selling every ammo type for 1c, stimpaks for 5c. Then I came across another high lvl who was selling stimpaks for 50c and 5.56 ammo(the one I needed specifically) for 25c smh I enjoy finding good priced vendors.


No-one sane will buy ammo for anything other than one cap, wtf is that man doing with 25


I should start selling ammo, I usually use the ammo exchanger to get more ammo for my plasma flame thrower. So hard to find it.


You should check out the plasma caster. Its incredibly effective at farming plasma cartridges.


Truth, I have 30k plasma round and close to the same in Ultracite. The Plasma Caster is my main gun with a Cremator to soften things up.


I gotta get my hands on it!


Will do!


That’s what I’m sayin.. i seen he was home so I tried looking for him to give him the puke emote but couldn’t find him


I am not a lvl 200, but i do sell all my ammo (and i mean ALL OF MY AMMO.) got 1c. I am a Shotgunner first so i end up with waaay to much ammo to keep lol.


Don’t even get me started on the shells lmao I’ve got over 5k of em I guess I should sell some


Yeah lmao, honestly, when i started i thought i was gonna suffe4 from ammo issues like i did a year or so back, but 5hrs into my game and i was already 999 ammo on my hud, the kill to ammo gained ratio to shotguns is very nice.


My main build is my stealth camera build. But that's because I roleplay as a dirty commie. .38 fixer, .45 fixer, white alligator skin camera while wearing full CSA. I have the unlock everything max legendary. I open locked doors of player bases and try and stealth away, after collecting evidence on cam but before I can be killed. Never take anything just a little B&E. Lol


I wonder if they just forgot to make their camp public.


I like to think no because I was in a corner of the map with no fast travel options near by just exploring but who knows


It does sound like a fun thing to do, if you're not worried about getting stuff sold.


Or they were at max caps, when I get close to max caps I turn my camp icon off, if someone still manages to find it I pick it up.


I keep my camp private and always join a team with low levels, I sell everything for 1 cap, ammo, drinks, stims, magazines, bobbleheads, and treasure maps. All my resources are unlocked so when I join a team with a level 25 they can help themselves. My camp is in the mountains of the Savage Divide, not sure if you could just stumble onto it. If I make my camp public someone midlevel or higher will buy all my stuff, raid all my resources and sell my plans in their vendor for higher caps. Last night a level 600 cleaned out my entire inventory, I fast traveled to his camp and sure enough, he was selling all my plans for 100s. He logged out immediately, sigh. Been playing since launch, I have the weapons, armor, and build I want. I don't need anything and I'm not interested in the nickle and diming of the gamer marketplace.


I don't add a lot of stuff to my vendors because I give all of the cheap stuff away. I can't be bothered maintaining an inventory in my vendor of hundreds of items. However, in honor of all the new players I am selling all mutation serums for 200c each, Stable Fluxes for 100, Stimpak Diffusers for 40, low level plans like fusion generators, fancier camp things etc for 100 caps which is far less than I paid for most of them. I don't need caps and have more materials than I could ever use. I'd list most of it for 1c if it weren't for people buying it all up to resell. I want the new players who actually need the things to get them.




Lmao I built a house that looks like an actual house I’d own on a pond gave it a pier style public area and I love when people stop by to use the facilities.


Keep your eye out for my camp, My vendor is called Cap General (a play on Dollar General). Any plans I have are 2 caps, anything legendary is 50 caps, and my stimpaks and radaway are 3 caps. I know there will be people who are like "thats so cheap" but I remember when I was a lower level (I'm 309 atm), and I didn't have any caps and needed stimpaks etc. So, anything I have is under 55 caps. You can find me as DaughterofMaat in the game. I am out in the bog near the map edge though. 😂 But please don't pick my locks to get wanted, ask me to kill you and then one shot kill me...in my own camp... that's just not right... to the person who did that, I hope you enjoyed my husband and daughter killing you instantly. 😂


I read your gamer tag as "daughterofmeat" LOLOL!


hahahahahahahaha!! That would've been an awesome tag to use during Meat week!! 😂😂


well now i feel bad for charging 1 cap per expired food


I thought as soon as we started selling stuff our camp became visible. So we have a choice? Agreed about the community quality. I was wondering if it's ok for me to join public parties because I'm only 25. Then I saw someone ask the same question on Reddit and all these high level players were like hell yeah come on in!


Your camp is only visible if you choose "public" even if you have a vendor. When you open the map and hit the up arrow for your camp, there's the choice to make it private or public. Private means no one can see it on the map, but if you join a team, they will see your camp, can fast travel to it etc.


Great thanks!


It's certainly one of the communities of all time.


All my plans sell from 20 to maybe 100 caps. Randomly I'll put up a nuclear key card for 500. I don't need the money. I keep floating around 39k(then I'll buy some plans from vendors). Though I'm holding onto an extra weenie wagon plan incase I get really broke for some reason ;p. Side note. I wish we couple put up a script cost alternative to just caps. Let's say it's 100 caps but only 10 script for said item.