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Not to be that guy but those systems are 10 years old…


Careful now…the truth can really hurt someone.




The frames are terrible on the ps5 also in the new event.


Im confused people are having frame rate issues?? Mines internally installed and has no problems so far Edit: I'm an actual idiot 😅 thought this was on xbox series and ps5's my apologies!


Mine has had texture issues and didn’t load the colossi in the first run I did until I died once.


It runs on PS5 as a last gen game, so PS4. Xbox gets a graphical boost. My friend recently bought a series x and said the difference is night and day.


It runs beautifully on Xbox One X


PS4 version also gets a boost on PS5.


That’s where my friend played it and he said it looks even better on series x than the ps5


Owner of both cannot say I’ve noticed any difference at all.


Exactly. Making the parent comment irrelevant.


Well, it’s the same game on PS5/Xbox Series X, so not really surprising. Would be nice if they did an upgrade for newer consoles though


They did... they run at 60fps on current gen consoles. However, as someones who owns both PS5 and a Series S I can say that each update is making the game less and less stable.


Same experience on PS5 for me, new update equals more crashes.


It is to be expected with Fallout games. I pre ordered New Vegas but it was unplayable at launch so I didn't start it until 6 months later


I'm honestly not having much problems on the Series S.


Series X still running pretty strong though


Yeah Series X has no problems at all honestly


I am on xbox one and I agree with that statement. Having said that, there are new games still coming out for a 10 year old console. It's not just the players. All of us are afraid of moving on.


You're not missing out much on the newer gen consoles. Honestly the difference between internal drive and external for the optimized games is so annoying. And the only options for more internal are WAY to expensive. I miss not having to worry about that on the Xbox One


As someone who switched from the ps4 pro to ps5 I will say that for the most part it isn't s huge jump in quality. The games load a little faster and have better graphics but you can still play the same games and enjoy them about the same. There are exceptions but the point is, it wasn't really like a huge jump like for example Xbox 360 to Xbox one. To me it just feels like a ps4 pro + or something. The only reason it's worth it is for some of the games that aren't really supported on last gen anymore. Example: You can't get Phantom Liberty for Cyberpunk 2077 on last gen (very epic dlc btw). But for the most part you aren't really missing out on a lot in my opinion. I expected more from it.


The games that are made properly load way faster on PS5.


Actually you are correct. My point is that it's not really a huge jump on quality. Just faster load times and somewhat better graphics. It's not like an entire new advancement like previous consoles gen changes were.


You hit the nail on the head


Uh, the jump in quality is dependent on your setup. If you're still playing on a 1080p tv or monitor, then yeah, the change isn't that crazy. If you're playing on a proper 4k tv with VRR, then it's a pretty significant improvement.


If you're on a ps5, you are on a ps5. This isn't some fully customizable experience like a pc. Stop throwing around terminology you see pc guys use. Your TV is a TV. Your ps5 is a ps5. Your entire "setup" came from a Walmart like everyone else on a console lol.


I'm not even sure how to address this. "Your TV is a TV" is one of the most ignorant things I've heard in a while. TVs have a huge range of qualities and features. VRR (variable refresh rate) is a significant one in terms of quality.


And other fun things I tell myself to feel included. Your TV is a TV. It doesn't matter at all, there is only so much your fucking playstation 4 will be able to do.


Hi, PC user here. Regardless of PC or console, your peripherals make a HUGE difference on how things play and look. If your logic was sound there wouldn’t be 10,000 monitors or keyboards or speakers or mice or headsets or gamepads or etc to choose from. Assuming all TVs are the same is hilariously wrong, and just so ya know, TVs are just computer monitors with a tuner built in.


The TV quality plays a big part, though. I went from a 1080p to a 4k after a month of PS5 and it wasn't until I got the new TV and compared the two that I was like "huh, okay." So the screen quality isn't just for PC guys. All the internal shit like graphics and processing. Yeah for sure. But screen quality matters because you're looking at a screen. Have a good one!




The dude probably bought a pre built from Best Buy so he is r / PCMasterRace… Some people are too stupid to understand that’s a running joke, not a serious opinion.


PS5 doesn't have enough games to be worth the jump.


It's not fear. It's genuinely not worth the slight improvements.


Personally i just dont wanna pay absurd amounts of money for a new console with hardware thats also ancient when my old one works just as well 😂


The hardware in a Series X or Ps5 is definitely not ancient.


Ummm.... You do realize it's not one but two graphics cards generations behind right? It's about 6 years behind modern hardware at this point. I dunno if I'd call it ancient but it is pretty old. Even on the year of its release, it was already a generation behind tech wise.


Umm you do realize how much pc parts that are better than what is in the consoles is going to add up to way more than the console


Oh totally, but I can also see wanting to wait for that console msrp to drop drastically for what is now aging hardware, as usually does a few years into a console's life span or even waiting a generation. Why rush the upgrade when it will be hundreds less in a year or so?


Lol that’s already happened and happening. Series x was like $300-350 over the holidays, with the s often hitting lower than that. But you think paying $2,500 for a pc is better lol


That's a different argument but yes, exactly. Just wait til GTA6 comes out and all those sick bundle deals drop, happens every GTA release and you know it. A PC can range from 400-5000+, but can also be upgraded yadda yadda, that's not the point here though. The hardware in consoles is the same shit nowadays, so PC hardware is a good gauge for where top tier hardware is at and thus, the coming price drops and newer, cheaper versions of the console release. As you said, it's already happening and the deals are only going to get better over time, because of that widening tech gap.


Happened and happening for consoles lol not fucking pc parts. No one wants to spend up to thousands of dollars to deal with the shit you deal with on pc, constant issues, y’all are always asking what’s wrong with what, so you can save it with your elitist bullshit and leave people to game how they want.


Okay brother👍


I’ll be completely honest with you, Xbox One and PS4 were the last consoles I can look at you and say you’re making a cheaper and smart move if you just wanted to game and not be expensive and buy a PC. Nowadays you’re getting ripped off instead of just buying the PC.


Nah, consoles sold outdated shitty hardware from the start. The last up-to-date release was probably the first Gameboy.


That was the point of consoles, but building a computer really isn’t that hard and it’s a better investment if you have an income especially now since subscriptions are a must and now that Covid isn’t running rampant things are cheaper was my point. Like it saves me money only owning a PC / I barely spend money on games unless I purchase one now.


Ok so it works for you but i dont buy many games and was only telling you what works for me


Pretty sure we’re in the same ball park I just felt it was necessary to clarify after your 1st message because it for sure wasn’t about describing what works for you.


Buy a PC


That costs even more and did i not just write that my old ps4 works just fine? Things last if you take care of them.


No doubt but eventually and I mean that much sooner or later you are going to have upgrade or quite literally won’t have new games to play anymore They just aren’t going to keep things on PS4 forever and performance will just get worse with newer games and updates Not hating, I get it. Just saying




I mean I bought my PC years ago now and it still outperforms current consoles and at least on PC you can actually lower settings and worst case get mods for tons of games to fix or change things Once you have a complete PC it’s not that bad to keep up unless you insist on buying a new GPU or CPU every cycle. You have tons of time and options


So i'll do the same thing i did with my ps4pro. Wait for it to be dirt cheap and use it for the next 5-7 years 😂 it just works


Very true and fair


Sure but you also get stuck in the poor mans dilemma. Like people who don't have the money a good tool. Keep buying one that doesn't last but is effective or last a long time but not as effective. While buying a PC may be more costs up front. In the long term the savings are more for mamy reasons. Also the versatility if the PC is far greater. It becomes a tool that can both last and be more effective.


Thats a weird way to think about something. Especially commercial tech that releases a new version often. I buy what i need and in this case its the same console you have, i just wait for it to be cheap.


Ofcourse you can do that but you can't expect the same performance or the same access as newer hardware.


It works just as well as it did when it came out. The only difference is i play new games a few years later, which just means they're less glitchy when i get to them. Fallout is a perfect example of this. Todd bless.


I was gifted an XB1 about a year ago not realizing how dated it was, and I had the opportunity to upgrade to XSX recently and WOW what a night and day difference it is.


true . but i only just upgraded this year and a friend i play with every day still hasn’t upgraded. some of us don’t got that kinda scratch


That's also a 6 year old game (that looks like a 10 year old game lol)


Does that really matter when its the only system the game is on? Plenty of other games manage to run fine on the platforms they are on.


Developers can choose not to release games on these systems. If they are going to charge people money to purchase the game on an old system, it should still run on the old system.


Game is almost 6 years old.


Watch how fast they get abandoned, in droves, once gta 6 comes out.


True. Also, not to be that guy but the Creation engine FO76 is built on is over 10 years old…


There was a time, however, when the new systems were difficult to find in stores. I settled for series s on Amazon, because ps5 and series x were very hard to find in stock. But those days, thankfully are gone


I just got my first xbox one like 2 months ago😢


People play this game on Xbox One/PS4? Holy fucking no way. My series s and now X run it amazing.


I play on PS4!


So what, it's officially supported and should be adapted accordingly. Cyberpunk did a sucker punch with updates, but it was fair at least, damn reds and their shameful "secrets"...


Then dont sell the game on ten year old systems… Like thats not an excuse.


don't feel bad for us. Tech hasn't been a priority of mine for nearly a decade. I don't care about getting max fps, or the best visual/loading experiences. I'm just happy to be playing a semi-relevant game that isn't terrible.




And not having to drop $2k for results 25% better than a $400 console and having to constantly tinker with drivers and settings to get anything to run.


Constantly tinker with drivers? When was the last time you played on PC? 1998? I set it and forget it.


All while getting to avoid a plethora of blatant cheaters. Ironically, the "MaStEr RaCe".


And don't even get me started about the aesthetics of the hideous garish rainbow lighting and the various "speed holes". It's like Homer Simpson's gay Chinese cousin is in charge of PC case design.


Just say you're broke and move on man.




PC players are really taking you guys down, but that's really just proving the point lol


The fact I can just buy a console and it's good to go. It's simple, and easy plus no one I know is dumb enough to buy into PC


Frankly, as a kid the PC was for dad's work stuff, games were what we had the NES for. It was like that all the way through to the N64, then Xbox was the first system I bought entirely with my own money I just never got used to playing keyboard and mouse over a controller, never cared to play at a desk instead of on the couch, and I've never owned a pc as powerful game wise as whatever console I currently had. Hell, the PCs at my highschool were more powerful than ours Nothing wrong with PC, just never went that way


I recently upgraded from Xbox one to series S and it’s crazy how much faster things load in game. Like you go through a door and you’re loaded into the next room before you even have time to look at the loading screen. So worth the upgrade.


Just wait until you try NV or 3 on Series S Fast traveling is basically just Goku's Instant Transmission 


Yep, Im right here with you, I upgraded the week after Starfield released, and I basically have no issues. Seems we're the lucky ones around here


Surprised there are no native current gen versions.


Everytime so far that I have tried to join Neurological Warfare it has frozen my PS5 and am even unable to rejoin after restarting the app - It just locks up on the loading screen when rejoining it.. :Sadface:


The game was working perfectly for me pre update on ps4 pro. Post update it crashes every two minutes. I don’t think it is hardware related. The update messed up somehow.


Same here. I log in and instantly crash every time.


You’re on an 8 year old piece of hardware, the performance is only gonna get worse as more updates and shit gets added to the game


Yes true, buying a ps5 later this year


I've got a ps4 pro as well, try re-initializing the console ...reinstall the game...dry caching (l1 + r1 at the boot up of the game)


I don’t want to be that guy but it’s probably a bit of both. ‘Flawless’ Bethesda code and 10 year old hardware.


Crashes/freezes constantly and I’m noticing way more visual glitches than before on my PlayStation 5 after the new update. It’s definitely a software issue


Oh gosh yeah the frame rate for older consoles is a task and a half to deal with on par with crashing. Purchased my X Series in 21' and everything in 76 looked and felt 10x better.


PS5 here - runs poorly for us as well


I had no problems on a private server last night, tbf I saw all the posts before I tried the new update so figured private would be best.




You had me in the first half 🤣


Old systems. The devs shouldnt have to kneecap the game so that consoles that old are usable.


just imagine how will it would go over to simply stop supporting playstation at all lol there is no ps5 version


then they shouldn't have released fallout 76 on such a dog shit broken game engine. That's on them


Are you a pc gamer?


i am i also play on the xbox. no one forced beth to use a garbage engine or release it on the ps4 they should have made it pc only if they lacked the skills to make it function correctly


Functions just fine on PC and new gen consoles, don't be mad at Bethesda because you don't have the latest and greatest console.


The game runs god awful on ps5 😂. Was manageable before the update with a few crashes in a 3-4 hr session. Now it’s 4-5 in an hour


Sure it does kid as I'm stuck in the alpha silo on the series x cause the graphic shit the bed for the 127th time.if it dosen't hard crash me out again


I love this game but the jank is just unacceptable at this point. Why do I see the same bugs every time I come back (I've been playing since 2021)? No other game has this issue.


No other game has bugs? Are you high? In what world do you live in that only this game has bugs?


They never said "no other game has bugs." Your reading comprehension is abysmal.


You are kinda right i think It should be OK to discontinue servicing old systems




I'm sure the greedy companies will read this and realise their mistakes.


Then whats your point


The writing has been on the wall for years now so I had to drop the game on PS4 and switched to the PC version back in Season 8 and while I did lose everything I had on PS4 here I'm 745 Hours later in the Steam Version and I don't regret switching.


It has nothing to do with older systems. It has everything to do with this mess of an update. I guess that's what happens when the only focus of development is how they can milk more money out of players.


I’ve had this happen since I got back into it this year after a few hours it’ll crash usually just everything freeze but I’ll get a hard crash every so often however it does happen more in the new area.


Series x here. I had 2 crashes on release and was smooth all day otherwise!


I see a lotta hate and anger around here. I have a Series S, and honestly? Only issue I've noticed is an occasional buffer-crash when I sprint too quickly to a new area with lots of enemies 🤷🏻‍♂️


Currently, while playing on Series X, I have the issues of people spamming green and pink fireballs from the cremator, and it's not doing my eyes and justice. I feel like I gotta look away from the screen while blasting away.


I regret not buying this game on PC, but I don’t want to start from scratch


Isn’t the game still free on PC if you have prime?


I’d have to start all over on PC though.


Thats why Im a PC gamer. PC is timeless. Edit: lol getting downvoted for saying PC is timeless, gotta love reddit


Well my PC was archaic when the game released so I got it on PS4. Immediately had to upgrade to a PS4 Pro afterwards.


Oh well, thats understandable then


If you're going from PS4 you can transfer to PS5 and in my experience it runs at a smooth 60 FPS and I rarely notice any dips at all 


Yeah I’m on PS5 and it crashes every single time I play it. Usually one or two crashes is when I know it’s time to take a break.


As a ps5 player, this is simply not true. There are even dips in non combat situations. If you are doing an event you will 100% see frame drops though.


If you’re playing on Xbox then I think you can maybe transfer your account via Xbox app on PC? But I am not entirely sure since I dont have any console since Xbox360


All I want is a FOV slider on Series X. I’ll gladly pay for it.


Is that how ported games work? Fo76 isn't remastered or have any ps5 or Xbox one treatment.


I always see people complaining about crashes on PS4, but my death stranding PS4 isn't that bad. I can't afford a PC that can run supreme graphical settings/mods, and I rarely ever crash unless it's something super intense like trying to immediately load in on the colossal titan. Biggest gripe about the PS4 is the load time, which you just get a PS5 to fix. If I swap to PC, I have to completely reset. If I upgrade my console, I only lose my pictures


I play on ps5 and I don’t have any issues. I think it’s just the boujee pc players that act like they’re superior to console players. It’s a video game. Picture quality is key, yes, but if it’s not like Vegas sphere quality I’ll live. Who cares if I have to wait a second or 2 to load in. Quite honestly I don’t mind that I can’t count every blade of grass.


Yeah that shit bugged out for like 5 minutes last night. I was shooting at nothing cause the robots wouldn't show, but they were there definitely killing me. Still won 🤷


The engine is dogshit, I wouldn’t be surprised if


I think it's the servers not properly handling the influx of players


It’s interesting there so many issues. The game runs so much fucking better than before the patch on PC. It honestly feels like a different game to me


I’ve been doing the main quests on a private world because vault 63 was running sub-30fps on public server (PC)


I play on my xbox one. I'm using cloud gaming


Yeah I was sleeping on cloud gaming but if your not trying to play on Christmas day or some shit it runs extremely well and fo76 runs like a dream on cloud


Im on Steamdeck


surprisingly, my old ass xbox one runs fo76 really good


Why? Choices were made.


I am one of those. It’s been not fun 😅


The game runs best on cloud gaming, it keeps asking me to install on my xbone and I'm not gonna do that


I started playing this game on my Xbox one that I’ve had sense 2018. The amount of times I crashed and how slow the load out screen was getting the new Xbox just so this game could play better was worth it


Runs fine on my ps4


I upgraded to PS5 (finally!) last night. Night and day difference!


The problem with the PTS is they don't let console players play test it. So you're bound to get frame rate drops and gameplay problems on console versus PC.


I stream over gamepass so I’m good, thank goodness I got an internet upgrade


Runs great on my series x. Just get that or a ps5.


Lol @ these comments. My ps4 crashed less than my ps5 does for this game and this game only


XBone is my last counsel  I have two friends and this is prob the last game we'll play together


The crashes on PS5 in season 16 were awful, I had to make sure to manually close my game every 90 or so minutes to avoid crashing Alien Invasion (must have lost 10+ events cause of the crashes back then) Right now? I managed to crash my game 4 times back to back going into stash box at my tent…4 times in the space of 3 minutes


its not just old gen it crashes ps5 also


Yeah it crashes a good amount on current Gen anyway I don't even want to imagine how bad last Gen has it


No problem on my xb1 sonny jim.


Thats excellent, honestly. When you do upgrade, just get a Series S if the bigger spend isnt attractive to you. Several others and myself are all here reporting no issues on the streaming console or SX 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thankful for my 4080 pc 😇


I don’t. Why would someone playing on a device that old have an expectation of development happening with them in mind?


People think braying for "forward-compatibility" means performance will measure up as the years go on. The devs made it work so they could play at a minimum level, and theyre upset that their $50/yr investment at this point isnt holding up. That was me before I bought my Series S, tbh


Current gen consoles have been easily accessible for years and Pc has always been around. Upgrade.


Heh. Consoles.




The only reason that it wasn't dropped was probably the limited availability of the current gen consoles at launch. The current Gen is widely available now so I also don't get it. Nice for people that the older gen still gets support but I don't get the complaints when they start to lag behind.


“Oh no, my 11 year old console isn’t running this game very well. It must be the developers fault and not my 11 year old consoles outdated hardware not being able to keep up anymore”


Why? Its a hobby and if you don't keep up with it. Its what happens, if they don't have money to keep up with rhe hobby. They should work on that part first.


I don’t, play on the systems all you want but don’t rock decade old hardware then Pikachu.png when it doesn’t run current software optimally.


I switch between my PS4 and ps5, because they’re in different rooms, but actually, I think I prefer the graphics from the PS4. They actually look more visceral but the only thing that I’ve noticed is that everything loads way faster on the PS five but nothing really changed other than that.


I used to be on Xbox but partner wanted to play, on pc. So now I'm on PC and honestly, don't miss the crashes at all. I feel bad too but they're old systems VS a system that is upgradable without replacing the entire machine.


I'm kinda over getting killed by enemies that haven't "spawned" yet...


Just play


Can't fanthom people playing on console when 76 is not console exclusive. 🤡


Just buy a series s, it's legit the 50$ more expensive than last Gen was when it got released, last Gen was about 250. Series s is 300. "Next Gen" isn't that much more expensive than last Gen.


Im playing just fine on PS5. I use a PS4 Pro for my mules and during events like Fasnacht. I just noticed the terrible framerate on my first neuro warfare yesterday.


Runs fine on my nexgen Xbox


Im on PC haven’t had much trouble with the event, can’t imagine it on console.


To be fair. If those ppl haven't upgraded to a PS5/Series X by now. . . . it's their own fault.