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i enjoy the new area, especially the vibes and atmosphere just waiting for them to add more stuff to do, more reason to actually hang around in the area, like more public events and maybe daily quests the free fast travel central trade hub, similar to Nuka World on Tour, is very devoid of visitors and activity i think there is some sort of part 2 update for skyline valley coming? hopefully that includes like more public events


There is a part two coming. Howard confirmed that in an interview recently.


One of the lead devs talked about it too, it’s gonna involve the Blue Ridge Caravan moving into the area, and there’s going to be some kind of housing system similar to Skyrim allegedly


awesome! i was pretty sure, but didn't have any sources on hand


Really? Well now I'm actually a little excited to explore Skyline


Any new weapons coming? What about armor sets?


Gradually taking on the quests about 1 per day, and exploring the new zone. It's a very glitchy update, but I'm a massive fan of having a new area to explore, even if it doesn't feel quite as fleshed out as the rest of the map (no treasure maps, not as many marked locations, lots of empty space on the edges, clearly visible auto-gen foliage borders where they switched the algorithms to new plant types, storm doesn't play any differently than other weathers apart from lighting). Still though, new items, weapons, enemy types, Nuke boss, areas to explore... it's exactly what I've been hoping for in an expansion. And so far the quests seem pretty well written, even if there's still no real choice elements to them. I'm hoping they set out to make future expansions in the same vein as this one: expand the map. Just add more of what the base game did well, and increase content within existing features. No need to reinvent the wheel. There's so much potential for all the unused edges of the map, they could keep it up for another 5 years just making these kinds of expansions and patching bugs/stability, and I'd be thrilled about it.


… even if it doesn't feel quite as fleshed out as the rest of the map … This. It is an appreciated addition. Do not get me wrong. But it does not have the same random depth of the rest of the map. I have the same complaint about the expedition areas. They are fine. But when you are out exploring on the main map you find random things that the developers took time to incorporate that serve absolutely zero value to anything really at all.


> absolutely zero value to anything really at all. it's world-building :) Making a world look like it's actually been lived in is just as important as lore or story stuff, although it's easy to look over as being some trivial thing. Just like in real life, sometimes we come across some weird or seemingly random thing that we can only imagine the back story for. Or sometimes the way something is arranged tells a story on its own, like a body in a fridge, a campsite with blood and claw marks, a stash of chems in someone's office, or... a pipe sticking out of the ground. This game could have the most amazing story ever, but if the world itself is just some cookie-cutter Fallout 4 asset dump where you just move from point to point to finish the story, the physical environment is pointless. A lot of indie games unfortunately do this, thinking that "gameplay is everything," but the game environment ends up being this dead area that's just an obstacle to finishing the story. But yeah, the new area is definitely lacking more of that, and it feels a bit lifeless because of it. I can only assume the upcoming story additions in Shenandoah will help bring more life to it.


Yeah, I'm absolutely here for world-building as an end in itself. I'm far more likely to remember a dense story about>!a frat party gone zombie-invasion due to radiated cola!< than some 'new armor leg piece with random legendary stat modifier'


And they made that want to add or change the map with time and updates, to flesh it out.


Constant crashing on ps5


I'm disappointed by the lack of quests. It only took a week of casual play to complete one big questline. I had hoped there would be lots of side quests or more events. I really thought there would be more than a week's worth of activity in the expansion. And as others suggested, it's so weird that there isn't anything scout-related.


I accidentally blew through them all in a day because I didn't expect it to be so short


Same. I did it in two, rather quick, gaming sessions. Within 36 hours of its launch, I was done and bored.


I am actually waiting a while before I do more, I am up to the point where I am supposed to talk to hugo and the other guy. I am just letting it sit there for now lol


Yeah, with them working on new stuff to add to it, they certainly rushed it. We’re getting a lot of its pre-war life as themes but nothing for its current as a storm harbouring hellscape


Playing on ps5, I haven’t been able to stay on long enough to do anything because my game keeps crashing


It was fun right up until I finished the new quest. Now I'm bored.  They really missed out by not adding a Park Service faction. 


The fact this season plays on Scout theme, and the main quest loosely tying in park services/rangers, but the quest and area itself offer no true Pioneer Scout activities or Squirrel badges is beyond baffling. Very solid but flawed first expansion. When the quest ends, it simply just ends all need to be in skyline valley unless you’re exploring/camp building. I hope when they inevitably expand the left side of the map that the seasonal/online team and quest team work together.


That’s what kind of annoys me about this expansion a little bit. It introduces the Lost and the dwellers of Vault 63 but doesn’t incorporate other elements of the whole game within it. No dailies, no connections to other quests or enemies or factions, nothing that seems to integrate this part of the map with the rest of the map or the game. It feels so disjointed.


Also a little miffed about all of the new areas on the map to discover, like it is cool that these areas exist but there is nothing more to them besides set dressing


So many non destroyed terminals that can’t even be opened! I love reading terminal entries but this expansion gave us almost nothing in terms of them. Exploration felt dull, I agree.


Yeah, it was intriguing to run across the >!Communists!< at the Scout camp, but they didn't have any quests or any Pioneer Scout related things to do there.


I was hoping they'd lead to a second questline once the Vault 63 stuff was done...


its wild there wasn't another tier of scouts in this one given the theme.


I genuinely believed that Kevin was going to become a new Camp ally. I mean what with all his talk about wanting a home, and being absolutely terrified of the world around him. I just want a park ranger ally.


Oh, absolutely. I would also love to buy Kevin's artwork. He should teach you random facts about animal life.


I suspect that Bethesda decided to put the main questline first in the two halves of the update after the reception to AC being split in half. So we’ll have more coming soon.


Yeah once I finished I got bored with it immediately. I haven’t messed with any of the new weapons yet though so that’s my next to do. TBH I’m just doing my dailies and weeklies and then bouncing most days.


Hey but we got a completely annihilated communist faction that we barely know anything about


The communists are nice to shoot at though.


I’m one of those playing since launch high levels, so have been wanting new territory to explore for a long time. That said, the crashes and now a bugged quest (cant get past the laser grid returning to Audrey), are very frustrating, to say the least.


I ran it that laser grid issue, i quit to the menu once or twice and it resolved itself.


Wish that would work for me/hope that will work eventually. Been 3 days, several FT to and from (and the obligatory crashes along the way) and i still cant get back in. Verified I have the diamond marked part in inventory, have the diamond marker, only active quest….


I haven't been playing since launch, but I have been since around wild appalachia, and so I was also really looking forward to new territory. The crashes and bugs made me put the game down full stop, at least for a little while. I know I'll come back to it at some point, but for now I'm just going to keep playing cata classic.


Same, been playing since launch. This is my go-to game to chill. I ran into the laser grid issue too. It has not been resolved. I’ve tried in my private server, my husband’s private server, a public server, on a team, not on a team, shutting everything down, toggling quest on and off, and even playing on different days. I’m totally stuck and can’t get through and Bethesda support escalated my ticket and I never heard from them again (this was almost a week ago). Their support is usually so good too (at least in my experience). I’m pretty damn annoyed.


>goto game to chill Yup, it’s an easy unwind for the hour I have between the time I get home from work and before dinner prep. No self induced pressure to oh, I have to complete this or that before I can log off….Just log off and go do irl stuff needs to be done…and I’d venture you know the honeydo list is rarely empty :)


I know they have more plans for the area, but right now it feels kinda boring and empty. I explored it for the first couple of days, but I've not been back since.


Game unplayable due to never ending constant crashes since the update but otherwise given I haven’t been able to explore it pretty alright probably.


New questline was great. A lot of little disappointments though. Got Thrashers and Pheasants added as new creatures, neither drop a new kind of meat. Zero new plants so no new Healing Salve or Disease Cure recipes. No workshops. Aside from finding the missing belongings for that ranger there’s no other side quests in the expansion. There’s at least three big locations where it feels like there was intended to be more and it’s just not there.


Problem too is that because of the options they gave for the end quest, there's no way we will ever get new contact interacting with this vaults population. Technically speaking it shouldn't even be possible to have daily ops with the Lost. There were already so many ways they could be adding new content. Robots could suddenly decide to build a new city or structure based on old plans that finally reached the build date. Mole Miners could collapse some area revealing a network of underground dungeons. Could have roving settlements filled with various faction types to interact or attack. I hope they add more to that area especially stuff like maps or workshops. Over tho I want more random encounters in truly random locations and more 3 star level boss cryptids running about.


Bro the mole miner tunnels and pre planned robot city are 🔥 ideas


Workshops are clearly an idea they had that didn't work out. Not surprised they didn't add any of them. I love your underground mole miner dungeons idea.


Yeah, it’s going to be like the BoS where it’s never brought up again. I thought people were saying there was supposed to be something about mole miners coming but then nothing happened.


Can't spell mole miner without lemon rim. Makes you think.


I get that there's just too many options for them to want to make possible follow ups to each choice possible. Especially when there are options like kill or save everyone. I'd be surprised if anyone ever revisits those vaults and locations after finishing the quest line. We need more value for revisiting locations. Why I'm adamant that the way to do so is with more distinct random encounters but ones that could happen anywhere not just in prechosen spots. They could even be tuned to individuals. Imagine you encounter someone tied to a tree begging to be rescued before they come back. Rescuing them could have them appear in other random encounters to help you out with ammo or chems as thanks for having saved them. Or you realize they were a psychotic murderer u just set free before authorities could arrive. and they randomly show up to back stab you later. Or their family members even. So many ways they could have a cheap steady flow of new things to do and see in old forgotten places. could encounter encapments with people selling rare goods and plans even, or discover rare spawns taking up residence, or even boss level creatures. They could slide a couple in every patch and never have to worry about building another major set piece for a long time.


Lost might still be able to be generated thanks to the lightning harvesters - according to the notes nearby the one at the substation, they were intended to draw down energy from the larger weather machine to test the effects on ghouls, so when we run dangerous pastimes it may be possible that any ghouls nearby could be converted into Lost. We also had a dev say that the Lost will make it to daily ops eventually, so that’ll be happening no matter what. We also know there’s more content coming for the region - Mischief Night is being re-added at Camp Rapidan and Blue Ridge is moving in to start running caravans around the whole region (this is why the roads can’t be built on). There’s also cut content for Rapidan (with a presidental bunker beneath it; this is still referenced and will likely be used for future content), Camp Liberty (something about being able to infiltrate them; not sure if that’s being used, but there is a council referenced we haven’t met and a strong implication they’re in contact with other communists) and the Slumber Mills (the whole thing with Marcs and some other Vault 63 engineer who stole the weather machine schematics; specifically, beneath the hotel is the engineering wing of vault 63, and there’s no way we aren’t going down there at some point). The region is setup for the devs to add more content to it over time, just like the base game was. As for future interactions with vault 63, we could see some of their people who were out scouting when the storm hit or whoever was in engineering. This is turn could be affected by our choices on the main questline (ie if you went with Hugo, you basically can’t interact with them anymore and have to do everything yourself).


Ah that's good to know. Am especially always Jonsen for more Halloween content for my spooky Silent Hill camp. People who were isolated from the bad end choice could be good for later development in that area.


Agreed. With the part two coming in fall, I suspect the devs just decided to not formally call this update a part one and put the quest line first due to the reception the first half of AC received. People’s opinions of this update are already much higher since we started with the story.


For me, 2 of those end options heavily implied different directions V63 might be headed with other factions talking to the respective people in the end.


> There’s at least three big locations where it feels like there was intended to be more and it’s just not there. according to godd: >The map expansion, we feel is a much better, you know, we're dropping these big free content updates, I think that's a much more meaningful one, we're going to see how Skyline Valley does, **there's another part to it that then is coming as well**, and so I don't want to spoil everything. I think a lot of those locations are *still* intended to have stuff there


That would be great, but I am annoyed that this info is related through an interview with the press, and not you know, communicated to the fan base actually playing the game. Definitely don’t remember them announcing that we were just getting Skyline Valley Part 1 before release. In fact they still haven’t announced that a second part is coming. 


yeah the in-game communication in general is *real bad*


Yeah no meat from the giant turkeys was a surprise


I’m taking my time with it. Been focusing on the scoreboard and only slowly exploring the new region. I didn’t want to do everything in one day and then have nothing for later, so I’m saving it for when I’m bored.


It was a great new quest line. But llyou finish it and, what, have a new event and a new world boss? They missed an opportunity to add daily quests, and Pioneer Scout business would have been perfect for the area. There is a not-insignificant number of new POIs that are also just... there. No quests or anything being you to those locations. Just a couple of small missed opportunities is all.


Encountered the electrician, saved his ass from some blood eagles, tried talking to him, then he SHAZAM'D out of existence...so I'd say pretty great. No, but for real. I think the expansion is cool, can't really argue since everything was free.


It’d be great if I could play without it crashing incessantly.


Totally- still haven’t done the quests but that’s bc I got some other shit going on but the events so far have been good!! I got all the rewards from “dangerous pastimes” already but am yet to get them all from Neurological Warfare- straight up all I care about is the map table… as a cartography nerd, I NEEEDDD that shit so bad you have no idea


Dude ik, I’ve been doing everyone I’ve seen, along with server hopping trying to see if I can join one that’s got the new boss battle just for that damn map table lol


I finally did neurological warfare for the first time yesterday and that was the plan I got, immediately slapped that into my camp




I literally think that was the only plan I wanted out of it, I threw it down right next to the other map table and was immediately filled with glee I'm sorry! rng hates me for literally everything else I promise 😂😭


outside of the 2 public events it feels like there's never any reason to be in that zone after you finish the quests.


For anyone who’s complaining that it’s too short (not arguing, I agree,) they’ve essentially confirmed the next update is going to add more content to Skyline Valley.


Night actually feels like night there.


7/10, 8/10 without the crashing


I'm playing through the story with a friend who can't grind everyday so I've been slowly going through that a little bit at a time. The bosses are great for drops and getting progressively stronger is interesting but they're still just big bullet sponges, wish they'd added some additional mechanics like breaking the ultracite when you fight the titan (maybe having to discharge lightning collectors to make them vulnerable or something) new weapons and collectibles seem fun the areas nice, definitely get big Stranger Things upside down vibes from it the first time a pack of turkeys bum rushed me and my buddy we about had a heart attack lol


I'm mostly pretty pleased with this update! New area is awesome, it's pretty crazy to have a new area to explore after 6 years. Feels nice to have an active quest to have to complete. Been a while since we had something scripted to do. I'm still busy combing through the areas and SLOWLY completing the new quests. Dangerous pastimes is actually a pretty decent event to solo but EVEN THEN I find myself standing around between waves. In a group it's just boring. Haven't done the new world boss yet but it sounds cool! It'll be nice to nuke a new area! Haven't personally had any new crashes, no more than usual (XSX sorry PS players). Only bug I've had is after FT I seem to get teleported back to where I loaded in after about 15-30 seconds. New weapons are a welcome sight, I just wish we could reroll them all while keeping the unique traits they come with


I love it haven't touched any of the quests yet. The Goliaths are great and probably the best part about the update. The only thing is I wish there were more mechanics during the fight. There are these massive red quadrants but they don't serve any purpose and you can literally just camp one area to kill the bosses. I wish they were utilized better imo


I appreciate that they gave us so many waterfalls in the new area. Builders rejoice!


Other than issues with PlayStation crashing every time you check your stash it’s been enjoyable. A bit short but fun. I am annoyed that they decided to make building camps near any road in Skyline not available. I enjoy making checkpoint style camps but can’t in the new zone.


Pretty underwhelmed honestly. Questline was interesting but didn't really end up anywhere. Area is cool to explore, but not a lot happening.


Once the new quest is completed and all locations unlocked there’s really no reason to go back to the area. There’s nothing keeping there. I hope they add another reason to keep visiting the area, new events, open up areas that are currently blocked off, also would have loved more about the communists and park rangers.


It was a fun 8 hours, but Im not really keen on all but 5 locations being completely unused and without a purpose. Why did they even hype Pioneer Scouts? Other than a camp full of chinese spies ( >!which are actually brainwashed campers ugh!< ), its not even a part of the expansion.


It needs more stuff to do. Only two events? no workshops? I get why the nukes don't land but it does feel like the area is one big quest line and then... why bother going back really. I think one week in I got all the new plans from the events.


Too quick and I cant find a reason to go down there again. Fun story but im back to westtek grinding. Also haven't seen the new event all week. No longer on the hour?


The collapsed road tunnel by the thunder mountain substation in the north part of the valley doesn't seem to have an entrance for the other side and I believe they just didn't put one in the game and little details like that drive me nuts. Other than that it's cool.


Yeah I saw that and was wondering where it went lol


I'm like, where are the rest of the quests


Very short, have only sound like two side quests if they could have been be called that. You get some cool weapons from it though


I like the area, enjoyed the quests, do wish there was more content but I can see areas where more could be added later, bugs are poop, lost are fun, turkeys are annoying


I dig it


Barely touched it cause i'm still smurfing my way to lvl 50. But i did go to a camp for shopping, got myself a few fast travel points and blasted me a few thrashers.


Well… more places for killing mutants, humans and some kind of animals (wolves, honeybeasts…). Fine for challenges. But not so new.


The glitch of the new event not triggering pissed me off


It's just alright. And the technical issues (which have always been there and have now gotten even worse) are incredibly frustrating.


Stopped to play. Canceled fallout 1st. Can't play at all, constant crashes (ps5).


I wish there was some reason to keep visiting the new area. I blew through the main quest in 2 days and now there’s nothing to do. Having a new vendor, daily missions, hub area or something would have been cool


The new area has the prettiest skyline in the entire franchise ngl. Cant wait to get more factions and quests involved there and i think there is going to be some content with the new human communist faction that i really wanna see


I'm lucky if I can play 10 minutes without the game crashing so I can't really comment on how the new area is...


I can't even log in without crashing, so I have to wait for a patch or a miracle.


The map feels empty, lifeless and there is not much to do in there, also I found the questline short and dull. Very disappointed for such a long development tbh


It’s both horrible, good (but not great), and fun at the same time: First, the horrible parts: - It wasn’t ready - It was rushed out the door so that they could have an announcement at the Summer expo - It caused players who weren’t paying attention to lose tickets and the rewards that they would have gotten with them because of the short notice - It has literally killed player vending on the PS due to horrible crash bugs. The Good: - A new random event and a new nuke event. Both needs work, but is definitely nice to have new toys. - New quest and storylines. The Fun: - Pickaxe Mania 2024. This one bug is, in my opinion, the best part of the release. - Presidents Suit. Something for the apparel collectors. What kills me is that the two items above are literally the best part of the update. And both are bugs. Maybe it’s just me, but the new content feels like they just finally got it all working just before releasing it but it hasn’t gone through any polishing or final testing.


Cant get past powerhouse of the cell quest. Stuck at clear the lost from R&D area. Lame


That quest is extremely buggy overall


I saw the servers went down for maintenance last night, but still broken. Hopefully someone finds a workaround soon!


It's not "the servers", it's that particular server you're on that's going down for maintenance. You can join a new one and play on. But yeah, hopefully it gets resolved if restarting the game doesn't work.


Maybe if it’ll stop crashing I would let you know


On PS5. I really appreciate how the game crashes dozens of times a day, when I try to scrap goods, buy from player vendors or access my stash. Came crash reports went from @ 1mb per to around 33mb per. Aside from that, the new content is cool. Haven't explored everything but like the new events.


Boring until it crashes then switch games.




Haven’t finished the quests yet, although I’ve just been exploring and still have gotten pretty far into the new campaign. Story, weapons, area, basically the core of the new DLC is great and I’ve been really enjoying it. But ofc, just like everyone else in this thread, the bugs have been awful. Literally last night I crashed (like 10th so far in the day) and then the next 30 minutes it kept crashing after I would sign in. Had like 12 attempts before it finally signed in without crashing. So overall, very good release. It’s just that the PS version has always crashed but now it’s getting unbearable. Plus the numerous other bugs it’s a bit rough. But with all that being said, pickaxes being worth modules enhances this dlc even more so lol. I was there during the Pickaxe rush of 2024!


Story was okay but pretty rough around the edges with regards to quality control in dialogue and overall kinda shallow. Whole area feels more than a little incomplete, I understand a sort of Part 2 is coming that might expand on some unused/underutilized locations but the lack of new drops from creatures and new recipes really hurts what appears to be intended as the foundation for future content


Generally I like it. It does still need a bit of work though


Love the area, the events are fine, wish there were more story and things to do.


Serious game crashing has been introduced are my main thoughts. Almost unplayable.


I wish f76 to be a mmo like f14.


It's good. Not great. Not mediocre. But good. You can tell they've actually put some thought into it but the events could be improved.


Loved area till I realized every single road is unable to be built on. As someone who likes roadside/checkpoint builds, that puts a damper on mood.


Well. I like it. Today I was surprised by some communist in their swimsuits.


I have been enjoying myself.


I like the new area. Just seems a bit small.


Very short story! Awesome but short. Loved the voice acting with The Lost. I’m really itching to see what happens next!


There's only 2 events. And one of those is mostly off the table now. Overall I've enjoyed the new content, but the area feels empty. There are things that suggest side quests (like a robot workbench under a motel) but no side quest to go with it.


Feels like a good starting point to gradually add more to because once you've done the main quest that's about it. Wish they would make Dangerous Past Times more frequent because now that it's in the regular event pool I have yet to see it.


for the first time after hourly events gone i have nothing to do... and the crashing is very exhausting , amazing other than that


I enjoyed it but I feel like it is lacking content for what it is suposed to be. Maybe I am just expecting to much.


Where TF is it?!


Really waiting for the game to become more stable before diving in, nothing worse than constant crashes while trying to accomplish things.


I've enjoyed exploring the areas and having new quests for sure. I want to see the events more often in the mix but other than that I'm digging it. I will say, the red haze really bummed me out when looking for camp locations. But thankfully I've got the clear weather station so it just pushes off the storm. I know it's all post apocalypse, but I'll always want to build a nice lean camp that's enjoyable.


I liked the main quest, the new weapons are dope and I really like the new raid boss(es) I played maybe 10 hours since it was released and now I'm back to the usual stuff I did before, so I'm a little disappointed that there weren't any new day-to-day stuff like new dailies or some actual side quests I hope they surprise us and keep adding to the new area though I doubt it, it just feels rushed


I’d love for the new weapons to drop more. I’ve done a good 20-30 of the new events and so far… nothing 😂


I’ve not fully discovered it but I dig it.


Why don’t the roads connect to any other roads


If I’m being honest, I feel like the player dialogue absolutely blows.


I like the expansion map it’s like being in some alternate dimension


It's good. And I want more.


I'm done with the main DLC quest. Haven't hit up any events in a few days. Went back to working on my camp and baby stepping the main quest


I miss the new event and not a fan of it being pretty rare now. Did not get a lot of the stuff from the event and in 2 long play sessions in 2 days now I have not seen it once. Kinda wish some events had triggers you could do to activate them whenever you want. But maybe that would be too much chaos.


Fallout expansion = Unplayable. Elden ring expansion = Works day one. Thanks for making it easy bethesda. Let me know when I can play fallout again ok.


Idk, game keeps crashing


Well it really does crash every 15-30 minutes but I like the new weapons starting with V.


With how much they charge for fallout first and shop content, I expected a lot more. It’s not great that the new content runs dry in a few hours. Vault 63 was done dirty. The actual vault entrance is discarded. It’s possibly the largest vault in the lore and it’s been reduced to way less area than a missile silo. The new area is just really barren. They didn’t even bring in a new (good) workshop. The structure in the middle of the storm was cool looking, that it serves as a new entrance to vault 63… weird to me. I really did enjoy the hellish atmosphere of the red storm, the lost enemies, the main quest itself, and the concept of a map expansion. I hope they continue building onto it.


Total flop as veteran economy player. We need an actual sandbox update so badly. I'd care a lot more about how busted the new boss is if I had some new prefixes or rebalanced old ones to grind for. Or anything rare.... Absolutely mind boggling how anyone greenlit buffing auto melee....and why in the world would I ever drop a nuke anywhere else now that new boss is 3 guaranteed 3 stars for a fraction of the effort as the others??? I'm fully aware I'll never be able to enjoy this game like I used to at 4500 hours; but they seriously lack a fundamental understanding of power creep, or how loot incentive and horizontal progression works in an ARPG. I'm not shitting on anyone's else experience, or telling anyone they're wrong for liking it, so please don't @me with your bad faith. I just think the expansion is a nothing burger.


I still need them nuka baubles from the titan


Not good.


Thx god we got pickaxes else everyone is done after a day


I liked the new storyline, and I like the map addition. I like the giant storm looming overhead that gives the area its own flavor and feel, and I've enjoyed moving two of my CAMPs into the valley. I'm disappointed there weren't enemies that were more challenging, though. My biggest complaint is that the Dangerous Pastimes event is really boring, and the new boss fight event is pretty underwhelming. There's some cool loot drops, though!


Nice but I’d like to not crash every 5-10 minutes, would enjoy it more, I think… (PS5) At least I can now farm Pickaxes to complete SS UNY armor set and get me a Q/E/25 Railway… so that’s nice


Honestly the story was ok. It had the classic fucked up ending that you could choose, which I liked, but the reward was a shitty melee weapon no one would ever use combined with SAME AMOUNT OF CAPS AS ALL THE OTHER PRECEDING QUEST (300). It lacked any sort of effort or well thought out reward system which really irks me. Same for the new event and boss fights. Let’s just add giant robots with giant health bars and call it an expansion! Yawn. The new map area is cool though. I love that and would like to see more of it. However, Bethesda, for the love of Liberty Prime, use your creativity and blank check from Microsoft to add some meaningful rewards, a better Season design, and mechanics that arent simply “big thing with big hp”. 6.5/10


Crashes too much to even bother trying to play. How is that even possible these days


Short.  And much too much content was cut, either for good, or to be released in another update.  It makes some locations confusing, since they clearly had a bigger purpose before being scaled back.   Otherwise, it feels mostly like a second forest region with slightly tougher enemies and an annoying constant red glow and low audio rumble like a nuke zone, made worse when a nuke has actually been dropped, making the whole zone totally unbearable due to noise pollution and an even more atrocious orange glow.   The whole thing feels about the same quality as The Pitt for me... and I don't care for the new quest... or the new vault, which is seemingly everywhere, and implied it's connected by now unusable high speed rail in order to explain away why some of the vault is in the Ash Heap, and some is in Skyline Valley. I'm unimpressed.  But it's free right?


no thoughts i've been locked in the asylum farming red dress lol


Crash after crash. Vendors flickering. Watoga train station scrip vendor is unusable as well.


I would love to explore more, but I can barely take a step without the game crashing, it’s been very difficult to enjoy.


I accidentally wandered in and killed 50 communists.


Love Skyline Valley. Love to play it someday. (PSN)


I don't like dark area nor horror game elements


I don't know. I'm playing the game wrong. I have hardly been to the new area. I'm always maxed out on weight everywhere, and today maxed out the assigned spots on my vendor.


Personally I don’t like it. The map area doesn’t have much to explore, doesn’t even have a workshop to claim. The quest took a whole of 1.5 hours to complete. No side quests. Barely any new events. It’s just a hype release and bad


I was also very surprised there wasn’t at least one workshop!


Well, it took a while for foundation to be built, and for the map, we have to be fleshed out, so it's only reasonable to assume it's the same case here.


i'm level 28 and barely have any .45 ammo to get me through the day


I encountered a quest breaking bug over the weekend(I never received the vault 63 access card from Oberlin). I opened a ticket with Bethesda since I’m unable to proceed with the Main quest. Other than that it’s been fun and I’ve enjoyed it. I do wish Bethesda would resolve my ticket faster. It’s been 4 days since I haven’t been able to progress because of a single missing item.


Apart from being stuck with the barrier glitch it seems really good so far. Enjoying the new enemies and atmosphere.


Barely done it. Pickaxe life.


I started the first 4-5 quests, then got bored. The terrain is cool, the turkeys are startling, and the Mole is a terrifying enemy, but not much to explore from what I’ve seen so far. I discovered all the locations by foot and covered a fair amount of the new territory, but I find the lack of enemy clusters to be discouraging. I really like the weather station boss, though. Easily my favorite boss.




I love having a nuke-proof camp.


I finished all the quests on Saturday. Back to the scoreboard.


Fun and a great addition but man I wish people would do the boss more often.I need the anchorage ace


I finished all the quest the first day, but I genuinely enjoyed the story and I like the events. Honestly I'm very underwhelmed, but I like the map it's cool. Im upset that the season reward scythe is tiny as shit and not a full sized scythe


How buggy it’s been and how little it is, I’m taking my time and chewing it. Started the quest but not finishing it yet. Just coming back to it when I’m bored of my daily stuff, like a refresher. Taking it little bit at a time


I still fucking love how the Lost sound


Cool new map expansion, but they did NOTHING with the communists OR THE COMMIE BEAR! I'm so mad.


Enjoying it, but sure seems that the interest in events have died off pretty fast. I haven't seen a neurological warfare event for quite a few days.


It's been fun and I'm thankful for a new area. Glitches always exist but none have rained on the parade much.


Finished the quest line in one go over couple hours. Events were fun first couple times, then meh and broke down. Roamed the countryside a little, and nothing special. For my money, too much fanfare for too little a tune


Events DP and NW are boring


The new enemies scare me


It's cool. New area. New shit to do. I probably rushed the questline but it's OK. Still having fun wandering. The non-boss quest needs a buff. The boss quest is cool if you can get little to figure out the take all the bosses down to Low health at the same time.


The story is absolutely the highlight imho. I like >!Hugo!< as a villain- it's obvious to an extent, but there's also enough reasonable doubt to actually get you questioning whether >!he's just a bit selfish and only wants to cure his wife or if he's an actual evil bastard.!< It's a much better design choice than the really black and white morality between Rahmani and Shin back in the BOS update. I really wish his boss fight was more enjoyable though; despite being the same as every other major boss fight with waves of one enemy type while you fight the big bad, the immediate buildup to it feels a bit short when compared to the other missions in the quest line considering all you do is go up about three or so flights of stairs. Audrey is also probably one of my favorite characters in all of 76 now, she's genuinely well written and the fact there's actual emotion in her voice acting helps. That, and the whole 'lesbian vaguely communist ghoul' trait being genuinely hilarious. Unfortunately that's about where my praise ends. I hate that the worldspace isn't really properly connected to Appalachia as a whole with daily quests, treasure maps, or even challenges that the other regions had on launch. It feels empty, a lot of the foliage either doesn't harvest properly or is outright floating, there's no real incentive to go there after completing the main quest beyond grinding super mutant kills for score, there's a LOT of cool ideas that ended up feeling half baked, such as the whole brainwashed pioneer scout angle and the fact that the one park ranger we got is entirely forgettable. Judging by the fact they already announced a part 2, it's pretty clear they rushed this out and that's a shame. The region is also REALLY buggy- I've had more crashes (on PC) in Skyline Valley than I otherwise have across the rest of the map. I find that enemies tend to get stuck here more than in other areas of the worldspace - whether it's bad navmeshing or just general path finding issues is unclear, but enemies tend to stop dead in their tracks and just stare at me. Supermutants in particular also tend to glitch through the floors, especially at one of the research sites and at Gridstone. Vault 63 is filled with clutter, but it's haphazard in what clutter you can actually take and what clutter you can't- and it gets annoying when you're hunting for one last teddy bear and can grab all but ONE of them in the entirety of the Vault. The lack of an incentive to go to Vault 63 after completing the main story is genuinely disappointing; combine that with some of the most annoyingly spammed voice lines in the entire game and I literally only visit it when I need to scrap board games since there's a billion of them in both levels of the vault. Also, I don't know if this is just a me thing, but I have the weirdest audio issues with this update and this update alone- the lost all have obnoxiously loud voice lines, but EVERYTHING else is absurdly quiet. Also, it's disappointing that despite the overall Pioneer Scout theme for the scoreboard that it kinda sucks. The armor's ugly, the weapon sucks, and the CAMP items are so thematically specific that there's not much you can really do with them unless you're like me and happen to enjoy the Pioneer Scouts. I hope the next skyline update fixes some of these issues; I really want to enjoy this update but I've gotten incredibly bored with it once I beat the main quest.


Enjoyed the new quest line but the general amount of content is under whelming. I feel like it's equivalent of the content in each expedition expansion but in map form. I feel like I barely did anything and already finished all the content that was added.


No spoilers, but I need help with the last bit of it with the ending of it. Xbox


finally convinced me to cancel my 1st sub because they can't be arsed to fix quest progression bugs


Story was pretty good but the end was pretty much recycled from the Atlas storyline. The new quest was pretty lackluster and with the new week seems to have completely vanished. The new World Boss is just an even worse ammo sponge and as it currently sits, I rarely see it triggered as people rather do SBQ or Eeral. Zone isn't to bad when its not buggy or glitchy but theres Zero to do which pretty much makes it DOA.


I think it’s pretty good outside of the Quests/NPC’s bugging out. Also wish that Bethesda would modify Dangerous Pasttimes so that enemies spawn a lot faster and or spawn Legendary enemies a lot quicker like in the PTS. I remember being showered in multiple legendaries like EO back when it was live.


Crashed trying the new boss 3 times in a row entering the arena through the door. So I just jump I. Early from the cliffs above now to avoid that potential issue everytime


It's a POS with all the crashing, ask me a week after it's fixed.


I got to Vault 63 and got Given to menial quest. You want me to solve 3 BS problem for the residents or look through papers for a key? I'm a war machine lol. I'm going to continue but that was such a bummer. The events aren't bad though.


New player to the game, I binged this game all May after getting it on sale and Enjoyed all of it. But I have almost no interest in the Expanded Area or the Scouts Scoreboard which made me not want to play much. I think I've logged 2 days since the new season.


I'm sad that the new event didn't stay featured for thr 2nd week.


Been having a blast besides the damn crashing :(


I love the expansion to the map. The new event isn’t that great and the new boss is a really dull bullet sponge with almost no ads. Instead of improving on how bad the new season system is, this season feels even worse. Honestly the season system by itself is making me think about finally putting this game down, it’s such a downgrade. I cancelled my first renewal, but it’s still got a couple months so maybe they’ll improve something… maybe… So yeah, yay for exploring new locations, boo for almost everything else.


I’m back to over 100 repair kit+ I am happy


Took me three days to discover everything and find everything and sight see now I'm just back to regular areas


I'd like to play one of the new events one of these days


Really not enjoying how unstable it made the game on PS5. I just pray my game doesn’t crash every time I press square


The ~~railroad~~ quest line isn't too bad but I'm getting a weird dialogue issue (on PC). I'll start talking to someone and there will be a pause until I hold down the mouselook button (shift) and look around. Then the next line of conversation will come up. If I try to skip it or back away or whatever the whole conversation has to be restarted. That and some weird stuff (like the local settler not spawning in when I went to see the vault door stuck in the road, so I couldn't progress until restarting the game) have made the new upgrade a bit on the buggy side.


The PS5 (4) version makes them look like total idiots. Again.


I really enjoyed the quest! I thought it was a far more interesting and well written story than the AC quests


Love it, but bugged quest stops me from advancing (clear the area in the research labs, done it on 5 separate occasions, but no progress)


Overall enjoyable. Story is meh, feels a bit rushed and I am sorry for the console players. Hope they fix it asap


I enjoyed taking my time to finish the new main quest and to explore every new map point, the only thing keeping me from going back more is the annoying storm, which I'd hoped would be settled once we turn the weather machine off.


I have only really done events, explored. I have not gone into vault 63, questwise. It's a lot of new stuff, look forward to the content.