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I got mocked for saying there should be a "lock camp" option if you have more than one camp. 


We really need a lock option for both camps and weapons / items in this game. I see it in other games, so not sure why they don't have it here.


Yeah you can apply paint to weapons to stop sales but not scrapping


That would be genius 😭😭😭


Lol I had the terrifying realization that I need a third camp slot last night as my I switched from my retirement villa to my newbie/water camp as I I went over the max. Closer and closer to getting all there  Serum recipes. Too many vendors!


Lock camp would be cool, but IMO the limit on camp builds is already such a low hard cap that you can't really go crazy like you could in a modded FO4 This is partly why all my camps are mostly just Enclave medallions for a big floating floor and 2 small prefabs.


I’ve done this….It hurts — I even wrote a post like yours..So trust me when I tell you, after the pain goes away, you *will* rebuild, & it will be even better.


Idk how I could ever do better it was so amazing 😭


I've done this to so many camps. I primarily build in this game, and one thing I will say is this- yes, it hurts, and let it. You made a great camp. But, and this is the important bit, you grown since you built it. You've probably learned a few tricks, or seen a couple things that inspired you. Use those when you rebuild. It won't be identical to the first time, but it'll reflect what you've learned since then Honestly, that's the thing I love about building in this game, is revisiting old builds with new knowledge.


If only stairs and roofs worked they frustrate ne to no end when i place nothing then want to remove it later and the game says its impossible with nothing connected to it


Yeah, that's an old and odd glitch with the structure dependency stuff. I hate that the only solution to those is just straight moving CAMP to reset everything.


Beacause now you know all the fucked up tricks that made that build possible. You can implement them and build (no pun intended) on your ideas for the camp. Hell, rebuild in the same spot. You have the vision of your old CAMP, but can start from scratch. Im currently doing the same. Deleted the wrong CAMP and it was my favorite. Currently on v3 (v2 was my favorite). All have been on the same river, but a few clicks away from one another.


I always am happy with the camp I build after my last so trust the pain is only temporary 😅


Because now you know all the things you learned building it the first time!


This is a rite of passage for many of us, I did the exact same thing with my first ever CAMP too, and was devastated to lose the CAMP that most felt like “home” Like others have said even though I didn’t think I could build it better, in the end I was able to. I kept it as close to the original as possible, it still felt like “home” but with a bit more polish than before It won’t feel possible right now, but once that feeling of loss dies down, I’m certain you’ll be able to build it back better than before


Honestly.....I feel kind sad that I dont remember what my first "home" camp looked like. I guess it's the double edged sword of being a builder.......to forget your original camp and what "home" was like. I regret not taking pics of it.


I’ve been starting new characters and buying up extra CAMP slots to avoid saying goodbye to my CAMPs for as long as possible I have one that I let go of that was the first CAMP belonging to my second character. I didn’t think I’d get attached to my alts, boy was I wrong. I sometimes think about that house on the river and feel sad I never recorded any video of it I do have one great photo with it in the background though


Murder barn. My BFF worried about how fast I made a hellbilly garage.


Oh no. I have my camp over by the river at Whitesprings. I hope you can work something out, I know how a lot of us put so much time into cool looking camps.


I'm running around spending a fortune trying to place it at different spots but the elevation is screwing me 😭


I kinda wish there were options to temporarily set it down and move parts of it around. Could sending a ticket to Bethesda help?


I'm in the middle of this right now. After the update, i started the game to find my entire camp has been stored. I spent the first few hours trying to put my house down somewhere... anywhere. Of course, i couldn't get it to work. Spent the next few hours debating whether i even wanted to play the game anymore. Today i finally got myself to start rebuilding. GOD. That part where i realized i needed to scrap my entire stored house to have the budget for the new one. ;\_; I held my breath and did it. I've got the foundation, walls, and roof up. Now i just need to put in all the crafting stuff, then i can decorate! I had tons of knicknacks everywhere, but i guess there may be a few things i'll leave out and it should be an improvement. NEVER wanted to rebuild, but at least there's that.


Lucky you, my camp and all the stuff just disappeared 😭


Happened to me. Spent a whole day on just wall items. Thought I was moving my second vendor camp. Nope. Castle Bunnicula got nuked.


My nightmare


I got so fed up with the building system and moving camps and stuff, not being able to replace it, that I just started spending atoms for extra camps lol, I have like 5 now and they all look amazing. Idk what the cap is or if I will buy anymore, but I love building in general in this game, it’s pretty much the only thing I do.


I have a farm at Wixom homestead I've rebuilt at least 20 times, and at least half of them was because I moved the wrong camp. People aren't wrong, you can do it the same or better. Check out r/fallout76settlements for some inspiration/tips


i take photo mode pics of all my camps so even if i accidentally do this, i’ll at least remember it through the loading screens 🫡


Oh no, I’m sorry to hear this. I hope you can bring it back & it’s even better than before.


I'm sorry to hear that, I've done something similar. I now do this by design as it's a perfect opportunity to rebuild and incorporate all the new camp items that are around now. I have done this with a number of my old camps


Is there a way to blueprint the whole main structure of your CAMP without having to select each piece? Just now thinking that I would really not like this to happen to me.


This is what you DONT want to do. You want to BP sections of your CAMP instead. You're more than likely going to have to manually rebuild parts but trying to put down the entire camp won't work, even in the exact same spot 99.999 percent of the time.


Should be able to select everything. Just check the tags at bottom when you enter blueprint mode


I just did this last night! So disheartening.


Ugh now that's real pain. I'm mad I moved mine that I built near some "canyons", and once I moved it I lost everything. Literally all my posters, crafters, crops, fences, turrets and other decorations all gone. Now I got to recollect mats and put new stuff up.


It's extremely stupid that this can even happen as easily as it can.


I have been playing since the Wastelanders came out. Back then you only had one camp. I have scrapped a few and then regretted it. One was a scrappy cabin with a water wheel generator. When i built it, i got it a little crooked. always bothered me. So i scrapped it and tried to rebuild. Never could get it to look as good as that first time. Sorry for your loss.


That suck. Truly. But at least you didn’t log in to find this: https://www.reddit.com/r/fallout76settlements/s/kWuCvikuhC


Oh geez I'd have been livid


My in canon story, I left home to help a bunch of wastelanders destroy a Scorch Beast Queen. After a long day of battle, victory was ours! We built a bonfire, and ate and drank until dawn. I drag my drunken ass home, halfway across Appalachia, ready for a nice nap, and instead of my beloved Camp, there’s a crater half a mile long leading to a vault door where my home used to be! Because Fallout. Fallout never changes.


Making some RP style reason why my camp is gone now might actually help me deal with this loss better


We've all done it or will do it, it is painful but I bet you never do it again. You know more about camp building now so make another camp even better than the one you lost!


Literally did this exact same thing with my new Skyline Valley camp. I put like 15 hours into it and that was before decorating. Just building, rebuilding. Anyways I fucked it up and now it won’t place because of the exact issue you’re having. Just had to move the camp radius by a few blocks, the same location is within the new radius too but it still won’t let me place it. Back to rebuilding, but it’s for sure a major knock to my motivation to carry on.


Why let us put it there in the first place if they won't let us put it back 😭


I feel your pain 💕🥹


My condolences from another camp lover and person who has messed up a camp... twice. I'm sorry this happened homie but take it from me: I've rebuilt in the same spot almost six times now(after the two incidents, so 8 times now) and have loved every iteration, learning some new trick or spot every time, and even got the atoms for building 7600 of the utility/non items in my camp. It sucks when it happens, but what you've learned and done will help with the next one. Chin up homie! And also get a camera or use the photomode to take pictures of you at your camp! I have a memory of each base iteration in my loading screens, and as much as I miss each of them, they're not gone. The wasteland takes no prisoners, and is unforgiving. Doesn't mean we need to be. Forgive yourself for the mistake and I bet the new one will be top notch!


Time to make a CAMP in the new area!


Yoo, the circular one made from enclave medallions? Damned!


I'm in the opposite boat. I found a place I've only seen a 2 or 3 other people build at with a creek and an oil deposit right by it. Sure, the landscape is pretty awful looking but I use a BoS Scout Tower as my primary building and that thing looks cool no matter where you put it. The only problem is that blood ticks spawn across the creek and every time I go to my CAMPS something is destroyed. Hell, I've even put up a row of turrets along the creek and these keep getting destroyed too. My tower even got destroyed once. I hate to leave a place with such great resources but I just can't justify staying because of the annoyance factor and the fact that I don't love the space.


Missile turrets work great coupled with some heavy lasers and spotlights to help triangulate. I built an enclave bunker next to a lead deposit far northeast right next to a fissure lol. It cranks out lvl 100 scorched. I placed the turrets on the roof and they start tagging a beast from ways off.


Interesting, my camp is exactly there (between the abandoned carriages and the bridge) but I have never had a problem moving the camp around.


Same with my first character. I built atop Seneca. Made my second character after wastelanders came out, and just pretended my first didn't exist.


Most players have a lost camp tale. Give yourself time to grieve and then, BUILD ANOTHER ONE! Impress yourself again, and us, well, we're hard to impress, but dammit, YOU are no one trick pony!


It's okay, that just means it's time to move on to new things! I just got rid of my electrical tower base from the launch of the game and replaced it with a bar in Skyline Valley called 'The Goon Cave' ;3


I remember this heartbreak. You will rebuild better. Make sure your take pictures in photo mode of your camp just incase you move again!


you want to quit because you moved your camp? huh?


Just uninstall and move on. Elden Ring dlc is coming tomorrow anyways.


I really wish there was an undo button for this. I moved one of my best camps to closer to the new map, and had to scrap the whole thing because the elevation there was so different from where my camp was.