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Sheepsquatches. We sheep stick together. Two sheepsquatch players seeing each other in the wild causes a bouncy reaction like no two other randoms experience


We of Team Aries would like a word. ... Actually, maybe not...


Say hi Rudy


Is the word "baaaa"?


*How dare you*


So you know which one of them ate my brother?? I'm calling my lawyer moth! 


Harvey Mothman, Attorney at Law.


Did you get that sheep I squatch ya?


Hey your Brother enjoyed being "eaten". He was a fully consenting adult though when you see him can you ask him for the Sheepsquatch rod back please.......after he washes it.


My friend and me bumped into another sheepsqautch mascot and he was genuinely so happy happened last night at the spin the wheel event I wonder if it was you


if you see one in a tattered dress, that’s probably me


What mask do you wear


By day, I'm a mild mannered responder, offering Medical care, food, and water to all in need, But by night, I slip into my secret bunker and become... THE MISTRESS OF MYSTERY, Appalachia's secret power, bringing justice to villains wherever they hide, by the blade, the voice, and the eye!




😂 That is very apt


I like the Raiders tbh. But weirdly enough I also like the scrappy settlers out there by themselves in say... the cranberry bog talking bout "it anit much but it's a living" ...bro you see that Scorchbeaar Queen like 1 screen over right??


I actually am liking the raiders a lot more. I'm always a goody two shoes in games, so I would normally side with someone like foundation immediately. But I feel that there are way more raiders in crater with just awesome personality and character.


I think some dialogue you hear there gives you some empathy to them too, this is a summary because I don't remember the dialogue but it was like: After the bombs dropped I returned home to someone living in MY house, but because I try to get it back I'M the bad guy


The raiders are great, just stubborn and territorial


Dudes out there casually chopping wood in the Mire while I'm scared shitless armed to the teeth


The only reason I dislike the raiders is because if I remember correctly one of the loading screen texts indicate the raiders were started by a bunch of wealthy tourists on vacation when the bombs dropped.


If the scavengers joined together they'd be a force to be reckoned with.


I found myself liking the Raiders, you know what you are getting with them and as long as they are treated right, they are no problem. The Settlers of Foundation on the other hand, I hate the stance they take when it comes to people living in Appalachia already, which is basically "we don't care who was here first, we are here now and hence all of this is ours."


To be fair, Ward brings the average likeability of the Settlers way down. Without him they wouldn't be so bad.


While I took a break from the game before Wastelanders, I was endlessly fascinated by the Fire Breathers. I still am.


were they alive at morgantown airport?, joined some time when nuka world was the scoreboard


Before wastelanders there were no NPCs. Everyone was dead.


ah thought there would have been a last stand on the airport , game would feel probably empty without npcs


It did, the only npcs that weren’t hostile were robots. It was one of the biggest complaints we had on release that the game felt lifeless, because Bethesda basically wanted the entire game to be centered around the players


I wear the uniform proudly. 😤


It's, in my opinion, a very nice uniform.


Not sure about faction, but my favorite encounter is easily Lucy. Every single time I meet her owner, I take my time and I kneel for a whole minute in respect of Lucy too. Especially as someone who lost their pet not so long ago.


She's a random encounter? That makes so much more sense now!


She is, yeah. Apparently she can be found in every region, as I have this encounter fairly often (I built my camp near Groves Family Cabin). One of, if not THE only encounter where I always pay my respects/take it seriously.


I feel like my faction is still just Vault 76, not Vault-tec mind you but the vault itself as well as the overseer. Although I can’t remember if the overseer supports Vault-tec and their super messed up ways.


The Overseer has faith in Vault-tec, but not to the point that she would follow any morally reprehensible order they might give her. To be fair, her Vault was one that was actually meant to do exactly what they said it would do.


She is hesitant about it. Mostly she wants to rebuild appalachia. I personally like uniforms so i guess my ffaction is vault 76 security.


Just a lone wanderer searching for camps of other former vault dwellers from 76 in which to find respite, a crafting bench or a vendor with much needed supplies.


I kinda like the free state tbh. "Do no harm, but take no shit"


I vibe with the Freestaters and the Cult of the L A M P


Responders all the way! I fell in love with the group. I try my best to make a bunch of healing salves and goodybags for the newer players (Since most of them are coming from the show and probably have no real knowledge of the games.) I also add/join groups with lower levels and just follow them around (i have nothing better to do besides challenges and events so lots of free time.


I'm a devoted follower of Rev. Delbert Winters' teaching. I put on pastor vestments in Flatwoods and haven't taken them off (minus the odds hazmat suit). Feed the hungry.


I'm a reminant of the gourmands and the old raider clans, fishbones and I came up together.


Pioneer scouts 🫡🇺🇸


I am very gay for Mothman.


fellas, is it gay to love an insect?


I am also very gay for the Mothman


"If it's a Moth*man*, why are there eggs everywhere?"


Just got to this part of the new quests last night haha I literally had to stop and think about it for a minute.


Republic of Dave 🗣️


Sir this is Fallout 76


Hello, we are settlers for the Grand Republic of Dave. We have decided to expand our borders into Appalachia!


My character has been through a few factions and I soft roleplay that they are still important to him. He started by embracing the Responders message of helping, but over the years and journeys in Appalachia he has embraced the occult. He isn't a follower of Mothman or any crytpid specifically, but will use their powers to further his own. The look has evolved to creep/spooky, but despite that, he remembers his responder days and helps news out.


The man being chased by the chicken I think lol 😂


I still don’t know what happens if you save him from the chicken. It’s just too funny watching him run off into the distance with chicken in toe.


Not much. He thanks you and asks if he can take the meat I think. You can still loot the meat.


Enclave pipe enthusiast.


A Child of Atom. You can find me preaching in game chat from inside my radioactive barrel filled church next to the Abandoned Waste Dump in the Valley. ALL HAIL ATOM, BASK IN HIS MIGHTY GLOW!


My PS4 character is a scout for the BOS. My PC character is so new she is yet to decide


My main is a auto axe coal miner he loves to pick rocks clean from what he can find but faction wise i got no clue what to pick if even there is a miner faction


*Heavy breathing intensifies* Join the molemen.. for the greater good


The greater good.


The loosely put together Cannibal Collective... See you at the next barbeque!


I miss being a cannibal but I constantly would end up falling through the world...WAIT IS THAT HOW I GET TO THE BARBECUE Todd was trying to help it's like he said it's not a bug it's just a feature


Im just the weird little goblin that shows up occasionally to get quests then come back 7 years later because i forgot what i had to do


I'm a BOS/Enclave simp. The second I get BOS Recon or a Scout mask theyre not coming off.


I'm a supermutant. I may not be big, or green, or *that* ugly, but believe me when i say: I'm as stupid as a piece of burnt toast.


Enclave. For the proper way to rebuild America in the wastes. But started as a commie


I love the fact that we basically *are* the Enclave in this game. Well, MODUS is the Enclave, but we're MODUS's boss. I like to think that's exactly how he likes it. I've been thinking I'd love to have an expansion where a second branch of the Enclave tries to move in, and their leader is technically lower-ranked than the player character (probably a Senator or something). The first group they send into the bunker gets captured by MODUS and the player convinces them to recognize us as the big boss around here, becoming our minions. But then we meet the Senator who refuses to recognize us because we were promoted from nothing by an insane AI and an automated system. Eventually, they try to beat us at our own game by using A.V.A. from the scrapped "Race For The Presidency" PvP event. The event gets retooled into a quest where we travel across the map to print out rigged ballots and submit them as votes (which is how Secretary Eckhart became President in the bunker's backstory), eventually beating the Senator and becoming the new President of the United States (as far as Appalachia's automated voting system is concerned). Of course, the Senator still doesn't accept this and retreats to a secret Enclave facility to plot revenge. From the various notes and terminals around the facility, we learn that the Enclave found a way to make intelligent Super Mutants and were even designing prototype Power Armor to be used by them. As a last resort, the Senator turned themselves into a Super Mutant and fights us in a prototype of Frank Horrigans' armor. Even after being defeated, the Senator still refuses to acknowledge you, but MODUS interrupts and says that, ultimately, his approval is all that matters. "The President is the leader of the Enclave, and is therefore my leader. To wit: I am the Enclave." The Senator curses MODUS and calls you a fool for letting yourself be used by him, but is suddenly crushed by an orbital drop pod from the Kovac-Muldoon satellite. MODUS calmly informs you that since you've become President, he's taken the liberty of delivering your new suit. The drop pod opens up to reveal your reward for the questline: [The Presidential Power Armor](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Presidential_power_armor). (Also, you finally gain access to the Executive Suite of the Whitespring Bunker, as well as some human NPCs working as your staff there.)


Oh my god that is beautiful power armor paint. And i love you idea.


Same... I love all of the Prezzy PA Paints. The final ones we had from the last real Scoreboard were and still are awesome.


Go submit this to Bethesda lol This sounds pretty dope, except for the Presidential PA, we already have that skin. Maybe it should be a completely new PA type?


That was fantastic to read well done man, love the Enclave this would be sick


Enclave through and through 🫡


I'm a 76er baby. In lore we all grew up together. We're family and we're survivors who endure and continue to overcome together. In real life, I grew up with mmos. SWG(rip), WoW, SWTOR, ESO, you name it. And this is the best community I've ever seen


Carnivores represent! I got meat week flags! Who's gonna eat da meat? I AM!


Who do you think you are?? I AM!


Meat week every week!


Ain't no friends in the wasteland. Pay me and i'll watch your back, but don't expect a favor.


By day I am a Cryptid and Cultist Hunter. Wearing the skin of my foes upon my back and self (Blue Devil Head, suit and Cryptid Hunter backpack). Guided by my Raider Punk and his Cryptid and conspiracy seeking network at my humble base, I scour the wasteland, protecting the settlers from Sheepsquatch, Flatwoods Monsters, Grafton Monsters and especially the Cult of Mothman along with the dangerous ones they summon! Although we have to remember. Pipe.....is life.


I witnessed a masked man being attacked by a group of raiders, I helped him fend off the assailants as they were hostile to me and the man was not. He was known only as "The Electrician" i followed him for a while as he would not speak to me, i turned my back to him and just as I did a bolt of lightning came down behind me and he was gone.


I had the same thing happen I thought it was a glitch. Happened last night


I'm definitely a Responder, through and through!


Irl, I am a big fan of creepy stuff so originally, I was a fan of Mothman cult stuff...until I saw how weird their group was. Reminded me of a certain religion irl and I just couldn't back that, so she is more of a spooky cryptid fan without the presence of that cult mentality. However! I've been very fascinated by the Responders and wore their little paramedic jumpsuit and a military beret running around helping people. When the power armor hit, it was an immediate buy. I also made a camp themed after them that has a fire station, a clinic, and a tiny apartment complex. Here lately, though, I started up my pioneer scouts challenges and have really been diggin the scouts. Reminds me of my days as a girl scout so I have been role playing the HELL out of that. Fortunately, this season's theme came at the PERFECT time for me (I know a lot of folks hate this season's items but I love them!) So I ended up making an entire camp dedicated to the Pioneer scouts as well; I even got the shelter, too, and plan on decking it out while I am going through all of these challenges for the scouts so me and my friends have a fun themed area to chill while we prepare for our scout challenges! When not decked out in P.S. or Responders, I am running around in my grandma's wedding dress and a dirty army helmet or trench runner's garb just vibin and survivin. Lol.


I’m loving this season. I’ve always liked scout theming my camps in this game but there’s never really been enough items to really go ham on it. Which is kinda weird, as it’s been a significant part of the game since the beginning. Had this game started with NPCs, I guarantee there would be a wasteland group (probably just a one off, but a faction woulda been neat) of Pioneer Scouts. I’ve finally got my Scout lodge up and running now on a cliff north of Dark Hallow. Educational museum of Shenandoah and a gift shop on the first floor, take the stairs to the top of the cliff to the farm to learn about the Wasteland food cycle! (Razorgrain, corn, and Nuka Quantum, obviously). To the left you’ll find a mock Pioneer Scout campsite, complete with photo ops with Miner Moe. Our counselor should be around here somewhere for the campfire singalong…unrelated, has anyone seen our hockey mask and chainsaw?


I cosplay raider including my camp, armor, hell even some weapons. But I can’t bring myself to play as a raider. All I do is give new players cooked radstag, mirelurk, and stimpacks with pocketed combat armor !


The Enclave is America's future


Oh holy mothman!!!! 😁


Brahmin appreciation society. I live in the chally mask, and the chally backpack. Brahmin are your friend 🐮


Pipe is life, but that's separate for my love for the one true savior, mothman. 


When the game first came it I mostly had my character roleplay the Enclave general he was. But when the settler update went live I stuck to being a raider all the way.


The divine light of the holy moth man is my torch in this dark wasteland


The Enclave. STILL waiting for that door to get unlocked.




Smiling man, looked him up and didn’t expect a whole lore section about him


Full Brotherhood, I will purge this wasteland of the filth that lives in it. The ashes of my enemies will form a new layer of earth. Purity by gatling laser, lol


I’m a taffy man myself. A bag of Royal Jelly Taffy and a (fasnacht enhanced) smile on my face, when you see the pink apron you know the taffy man is here to play.


Cryptid hunter who moonlights for the Blue Ridge Caravan Co.


I wish there were free state npcs, such a cool faction


Honestly, same. It would be WILD to find out that main dude survived and carried the teaching outside of Appalachia.


Enclave. And the BOS aren’t the “good guys” lol they’re a faction with their own agenda like any other.


I kind of fluctuate between everything, but do like the brotherhood a lot


I was BOS when I was roleplaying my military brat survivalist character. He was based on Krauser from Resident Evil 4 but I got kinda sick of just doing what I thought he would do as a character so I changed him up into a wannabe raider who is *deep* into the Mothman lore. Not my fault those cultists are unbelievers worshipping a false prophet. If they would just decide to see the light, I wouldn't need to keep killing them all the time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


the guy that gets chased by a chicken also that lovers couple with dino and forgot her name youngest member of the enclave , nuke launch at lvl 19


I like to consider my character to be a splinter of the responders, just trying to do what's best for the people of Appalachia. I suppose my favorite encounter is insult bot. I always stop and listen to what ever nugget of wisdom he has to offer


I like to think I'd be a Responder with a Pioneer Scout background. Both feel very "help others."


I played this game for almost two years without claiming a faction, then suddenly, almost out of nowhere, each of my characters has a theme and a story and whatnot. My main is Free States. My mule / second run is a responder.


I'm a strong believer in Father Creeds Cult of the Megasloth 🥰 peace, love, beer drinking, and mothman sacrifices.


I use the super mutant outfit and sneak alongside groups of super mutants. It's fun, a little smelly, and the food is terrible, but protein is protein, I guess.


I don't really wanna tell you about the NPC fighting while the Ogua lingers around and the sheepsquatch watches. But I know a spot.


I have just over 400 hours in the game now, and I've still never seen this pipe encounter 😢


I’ve seen it once before and never again, I have no idea if it’s rare or not 😅 I legit found it once just wandering the border of the map lol


RAIDER! - nate FO4


Like in fallout over all or just 76?if the former than great khans,if the later than an unaffiliated mercenary.


I’m the Brotherhood of Me, f’ks not given. Say hi to your Mom for me.


Free States. The drip of communism, with the idealism of Anarchists


I'm mostly acting like a responder and trying to be a good man, but I must have murdered hundreds of the settlers that spawn at my camp for the crime of repetitive dialogue spamming. I guess I'm a proto-Pickman, since I'm always annoyed I can't drag their bodies somewhere to display as a warning.


I think the settlers have to be the most mentally sane faction, but the BOS quest line in this game is very good and very long as well, so it’s gotta be one of them


God Bless the Enclave!


Oof hard question tbh, I actually have a hard time with this so much that my main character has three builds that are also thematically themed around factions I like. Fiest, I got the Park Ranger build with plasma rifles and matching PA for my love of the forest department and them maybe getting some pull together. Second, I have my Pioneer Scout/master build with my gauss pistol foe the Pioneer scouts ans I like to imagine I've found a way to rank up to being a Marshall in the scouts. Happy to be able to get power armor paint for the scouts finally with the season although i wish there was a special one. Third is technically two different factions for the same build, my heavy gunner build with my different mini guns and galling gun is for both The US Army (thinking of buying that PA skin on sale rn the red one to complete it), but also I use it for the Raiders with my skull lord paint, I love the idea of becoming a warlord and a state springing from that. When it comes the Park Rangers, and even more so both the Pioneer scouts and US Army I love the idea of either being apart of them from before the war, or joining with one of the robots and rising up somehow to help coalesce these disparate factions, kinda like what happened with the responders but doing it as a player. Maybe one day player action will be reflected in faction plots like through events and how many people represent their side and how well they turn out.


Mistress of Mystery, baby. My character doesn't equip the gear - it's all sitting in a little shrine in her bedroom - but she certainly follows in their footsteps.


I like to think hes a mercenary. He works for the highest bidder, but also DESPISES communists


TLDR; My faction is me and the people of Appalachia. The real citizens of Appalachia. My guy dresses over the top in basically all bones (Cultist Monarch Outfit, Skull Mask (atomic shop), Imposter Sheepsquatch Helmet, prisoners collar, and the cryptid hunters backpack with the cryptid teeth and severed baby doll head Flairs). He is basically just a man, but with his hands and ears in everything kind of like Gideon Ofnir from Elden Ring. But without the genocide and other war crimes. Association to many and allegiant to few. He's planning on overthrowing the Enclave and the Brotherhood at a moment's notice despite having aided them both extensively. He works with those who have power and resources he can acquire in order to utilize them in the perspective of making the Wastes as free as possible for everyone. He's a bit of an optimist in terms of wanting settlers and raiders to work together against the remnants of the government and their insatiable thirst for tech. Does not give a shit about hierarchy. Planning on becoming a ghoul next year.


I have always viewed myself as more of a jack of all factions. I'm willing to help them but never consider myself as part of a specific one.


I'm a proud member of the Enclave , wearing their fancy uniform and even gave one set to my companion who was a mechanic from the BoS when he came to my camp. But from all factions in Appalachia, I consider the Raiders as my most reliable allies.


Enclave here, make sure to check your radio


Mysterious raider knight of mothy enclave settlements. I will respond when called.


There's a lot of factions I still don't know of because I'm garbage at doing story quests but if I had to pick...[pipe](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76FilthyCasuals/comments/1c4b34w/marathoned_the_show_this_weekend_with_my_husband/).


I’m a raider cannibal that’s addicted to chems


Sons of Dane!!


Kill raiders on sight


My buddy keeps telling me raiders are actually chill af. Help me prove Him wrong. Why do you hate em so much


I dislike all the raider NPCs. Nothing made me more frustrated in this game then that one BOS mission where you had to get that girl to return to Atlas and not become a raider


I'm a loan survivor and only align myself with others where appropriate. When I need something from them. And occasionally, when they need something from me, regardless of faction. I help those who need it and take down those who harm.


Enclave. Whole reason Im helping any other faction is ~~purely to gain intel.~~ because I'm a nice guy! I just want to build back America :)


I'm with "take my picture" guy.


Foundation. Only way we're really going to survive the wasteland is by working together. Many of mankinds greatest developments have been through cooperation and rebuilding Appalachia will be another one