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It'd be nice if stored items got a weight reduction in the stash box.


Or let perks affect stash or let us buy stash mods with bullion.


Upgrading the stash box would be something they could add to the end game grind.




Id drop any pursuit of a new legendary roll for my gear for that


upgrading stash box was the first thing i spent that limited currency i got in ESO as a free to play; i'd do the same with FO76


It was the most useful upgrade you could get in eso and it's the main reason I kept the sub (cool colors was nice too). But let's be real... F76 is making most of their money on a lack of stash and people needing to pay for the scrap and ammo boxes.


Yeah I have had Fallout First since I started. I don't think I would enjoy playing without it. Inventory management bugs me as it is with it. The survival tent is also super useful. I don't mind paying because I enjoy the game and I want them to continue it but with the legendary rolling system and loot it feels like the limits need to increase.


survival tent to cheese enemies = superior intelligence


Yeah I am relatively new and running into this. (lvl 175) I already did the tadpole grind to max out my carry weight and would definitely be up for a bullion or badge type of stash upgrade. It needs to be a good size one as well!


Sounds more like something they would lock behind the Atom Shop tbh


That perk that reduces the weight of power armor pieces would become so good if they did this.


Unless you're vending, you should be storing any PA pieces on a PA chassis in your stash. PA chasses weigh the same whether they are empty or full. 100lbs of my stash is PA chasses; 5 full for display, and 5 specifically for any 2-3* PA pieces I pick up during a play session. If I don't clear the legendary machine by the end of a session, I can pull any PA pieces off my ".SCRIP SURPLUS 1-5" chasses to grab every last bit of scrip I can.


For me, they’re as good as gone if I stack them on power armor.


Rename the chassis to what you have on it Could be like "Autostim + Ultra"


Ya but I’m no good at updating it if I change it so I don’t actually trust my own labels and end up checking them all again :)


I give each complete set a given name. It makes it harder to forget not to scrap them.


imagine gettting a perfectly matched set of power armor from event drops tho


I either use a period or a 'z' on named items so they're always at the top or bottom of a list.


I use stars at the beginning so it's always at the top of my inventory


i find that items on display in your C.A.M.P like PA or weapons still taking room in the stash to be redonkulous.


I feel like it makes perfect sense, at least for *equippable* items like clothing, weapons, armor, and chasses. Otherwise everyone would just display everything and there would be an exponential increase in usage of the ever-annoying "Trade Wall". Now, display-only items (like plushies and especially the Megaletdown skeleton) absolutely shouldn't take up stash space.


Now that I *JUST* found out you can name PA chasis, this is such a good idea. I'm gonna snag maybe 10 frames and just name them *sale* and then cash them in. Problem is that even if the course of just doing my dailies I quickly get all the available script for the day with just what I earn from an event, daily Ops, and expedition. They really should increase the amount of script and caps we can collect each day too


I guess you play longer (or luckier, lol) than I do, because I'm only able to clear out the machine every few days. In fact, I've only seen ONE Eviction Notice pop in *over a month* when I play.


I think it's because I run maybe 3 - 4 expeditions a day which take maybe 10 min so I can farm stamps, and each one gives a ton of 3* legendaries. I haven't seen EN is forever either 😕


It's just high level players dropping mini nukes in every direction from the highest point. That event screws every lower level player


And then you accidentally scrap the chassis :(


You only lose the chassis, not the parts on it. Just have to get another chassis and that's easy enough.


genuinely asking: are there plans for PA chassis?


There are not. However, there are many places they will spawn, and these days people don't grab them. Back when I started playing it was a different world and chassis were rare. Now they're almost always there.


Yea, but then you have to lug in 90 weight more


Yeah I know, I'm just lazy, that level of effort is way out of my league.


It's always weird to find an easy thing your brain decides is too much effort while other difficult things are no problem. Wtf brain


If I have extra power armour.. it goes on a frame then I just store the frame for reduced weight


I think we need more stash space 10000% but perks would never work. Think if you changed your build? You'd be Overencumbered in your stash and that wouldn't really work. They just need to increase the size at this point.


I agree. Stash should easily have twice as much space as it currently does.


Perks affecting the stash wouldn’t work - you could switch perks off to overfill your stash beyond what you’re supposed to. Mods for the stash, though…


That seems like a Bethesda move and I’m here for it


Upgrades for the stash are a good idea tbh, you can only put one, you can choose weps, armour or food drugs and Chema like the armour


Increase our stashbox capacity by getting and upgrading our personal shelter with Vault Scrap?


Mods yes but perks not just no but F* no. Why waste a perk on stash... omfg.


Or over the atom shop, like in other games such as eso, lotro or swtor. One could buy100 stash for 200atoms or 500 for 1000atoms


It would be nice if you could have perks for the camp and perks for your character. CAMP specific perks (crafting, building, defense) shouldn't be on your character.


Anything that doesn’t lean into getting you to buy fo1st isn’t going to happen.


Honestly, the subscription only marginally improves your QOL. You may have bottomless junk and ammo storage but everything else just fills that right up. There’s a city planners term for expanding freeways: “implied saturation.” No matter how many lanes they add to a busy freeway, the new roadway will be just that much more crowded. It doesn’t really alleviate or address the problem.


It all depends how you play the game. If you build a lot that scrap box is worth its weight in gold. If you like trading and selling than all your product will take up space quickly. Run eviction notice 3 times in a day? Going to have to store all that stuff for the next day. That could be hundreds of pounds of scrip easily. If you’re coming from previous fallout games than storage management isn’t going to be something you’re accustomed to. So on and so forth.


Being able to stuff infinite gear in to a tiny footlocker was one of the most charming quirks to me when i was new to the 3D fallouts.


I haven't played many subscription style games so is FO the worst at making it feel mandatory? ESO felt totally fine playing w/o a sub. Even before I was playing regularly FO76 it started feeling mandatory very early on. I thought sub services were meant to be a bonus rather than a necessity. And even with FO1st 1200 is still tough to manage stash if you enjoy multiple playstyles.


Like I said it’s really up to how you want to play. If you build a lot it’s basically mandatory. If you have multiple builds on one character because you don’t want to start over on another it’s close to mandatory. You can avoid stash issues by making different characters and have them hold your stuff, but transferring things on a public server can get sketchy if you play alone. In some cases it’s a must. In most cases it makes everything easier so you’re playing more and managing less.


The stash should have a universal 50% weight reduction. It would help non-1st players keep a decent amount of crafting materials and stash Legendaries for future use/scrip. But it would still encourage buying 1st for the scrap and ammo boxes. Even with a 50% reduction, by lvl 50 you'd be struggling with storage. Beth doesn't need to prey on the new players THIS MUCH. If you're new you should even consider FO1st until you're at least lvl 50. By then you'll know if you're gonna stick around.


Or a stash weight reduction perk


That's the same as just increasing stash weight isn't it?


Actually displayed items , should definitely get a weight reduction. But as long as storage is tied to FO1st subscription, public storage will never be adequate


Weight reduction is a better idea but they could earn more revenue by adding more storage in the fallout 1st sub


A lot of items actually are heavier in the stash then not


Most people hoard because they have jobs and don’t have hours to play till sometimes the weekend. If I hoard things then when I get on next time I don’t have to farm for hours for things that I need I can just do events and enjoy. Stash doesn’t need to be 5 bazillion lb limit but an upgrade would be nice. I have 1st and I only have maybe 5 weapons in my stash and the rest is chems,the food that’s in my freezer and the shop items. It’s ridiculous. If they think making the stash bigger will stop people from playing that is not accurate. I stop playing when I can no longer farm legendaries because my stash is full and no way to fast travel so it’s just a mess. And I have all maxed perks cards And excavator armor so far. So yeah it needs some kind of upgrade.


I do mad sales on chems every 2-3 weeks. My biggest stash eater is probably weapons, as every time I get a decent bloodied roll, I stash it just in case, I think I've 15 weapons from cremator/plasma caster size, down to crusader pistol. And 1 PA of each type, even though I don't wear it. I generally only hop on, do dailies/weeklies, farm 3-4 scorchbeast for meats, and every other day launch a nuke, but I glitch to the end to speed it up. My stash sits around 1100lbs, and personal carry of about 260/580. Really I just need to let some weapons go, but I might need them:) also plans take up too much room for sure, and I'm always at a loss as to which ones are actually worth anything, so once a month I transfer them all to whichever alt I'm running, learn all the ones I dont already know, then pass them to another, do the same, and whats left goes into my mains store for 100 caps.


Most of my plans I just sell at 10-12 caps PA plans I’ll sell around 50-100 depending. I just think if I don’t need em someone else may as well have em


Ya, intend to lowball, because there's nothing worse than seeing a buzz blade plan for 6000caps.


I just try not to rip people off as well plus hey it frees up space in my inventory


I ran expeditions(although a headache due to recent crashes when leaving) I still was obtaining enough legendaries to donate to atleast 3 players that didn’t even have there scrip for the day. So that says something. Our luck instead of updating stash somehow they will nerf drop amounts


If they ever decide to up the stash capacity they'll probably only bump it up to 16 or 1700... something small and then call it a day.


Even this would be monumental


For maybe a few months. Then we'd all find a way to constantly be at that limit.


u dont play alot i guess;D id be at that limkt 1 hour after release of the update 😂


like 5 minutes for me lol. Currently Maxed stash and carrying 500lb of various 3 stars, along with tons of chems and food w weight reduction perks. Granted, sometimes i just log in and hit the 500 scrip exchange and gradually decrease what i carry. But it’ll take a while


i forgot to say… the download might take 59 minutes 😂




There should be % chance to get legendary modules by scraping items with stars.


Nah not % chance, we should be able to scrap them for modules. Maybe a % chance for a core or smtn but we need a better system.


Considering you can just sell them for scripts and buy modules this is petty redundant


Vendor shouldn’t take up stash space


And that friends is how everyone will get unlimited Chems, ammo, and scrap storage by selling all individual items for 40k.


Not when the vendor only holds 120 items


Honestly cuz that was my first thought. All my heavy items will be free of weight


You say that like it (unlimited storage) would be a bad thing?


It sucks but honestly the real culprit it the 500 scrip limit, if i want to run 100 expeditions in a day, and scrip em why tf cant i ? I still need to do community stuff for cores, and rng is pita so even with 500 core and mods u might only get scrip, raise the scrip limit and stash can stay as is, i keep 3 weapons in there rest is scrip for the day or few days.


I would be down for a increase to 1600 with the amount of untradable items they give us. What I personally need is for modules and plans to be weightless. I'd pay good money for a plan filing cabinet like the ammo storage box with no weight limit and no slot limit.


It's been years since the 1200 upgrade, 1600 is a joke and not nearly enough.


We need unlimited scrip breakdown, the chances are so rare for that roll you are satisfied with. It fixes two issues.


1200 would be fine if it was for weapons, armor and appereal only. Every stackable and non-spoiling consumable should have seperate stash like the ammo and scrap has. And yes it should be free for all. Fallout first should have the tent, the monthly atoms and few unique cosmetics only. Yes I play fallout first. Its stupid others get gatekeeped from basic convenience like stash size. It is just a case of creating a problem, then sell the solution.


Or let the fridges and iceboxes have their own stash limit for food/drinks, that sort of thing. Similar to the FO1st ammo box.


Ya, the fridge/cryo-freezer should be their own stash for food/drink imo. The aid tab should stay as is. If your over encumbered from carrying too many drugs, that's on you.


I have a usual pre adventure weight I usually leave my base at and couldn't figure out why even after scraping all the junk and weapons I had like 30 pounds over my usually low weight. I somehow saved up 600 stinpacks and basically as much rad-away and rad-x as well as the other random drugs I usually just sell. I thought chems had no weight for some dumb reason lol. I gave a bunch away in donation box's because clearly I didn't use them enough to justify that many


You are supposed to scrip those bad legendaries..And if you hit yoyr limit I just drop the. WTF you gonna do with a 2 star raider torso?


I have enough 3 star legendary weapons to scrip for 2 full weeks. I already drop anything that isn't 3 star and even drop any heavy 3 stars that aren't useful.


Me too. Now I’ve started dropping everything over 3lbs that’s a 3 star too. (I’ve got full PA and heavy gun reduction so most PA weighs 2-2.5lb). So basically all torso pieces and every gun which isn’t a heavy (90% reduction) or lightweight, I drop. I drop sooooo much more than I keep.


Also, you can easily ignore any heavy gun 3 stars because there heavy, my staff is full of 3 star switch blades etc that weigh nothing


I feel this. With the scrip limit and bullion limit as well, it’s like the game “punishes” you for playing longer. Maybe I don’t wanna have a life today Bethesda! Grass is overrated and it’s hot!! Bongo bongo bongo I don’t wanna leave the Congo!!! But yea, sometimes I get to a point and just feel like I have to wait to play again or else I’m “wasting” stuff.


I personally would prefer if active camps/accessible vault sections were able to be loaded with categorized items that have a direct effect on your stash. Fridges reduce expiration speed.  Stash containers increase stash storage.  New categories would reduce "weight" of chems and armor and so on... It would give greater purpose to building and a greater purpose to the shelters in particular. But then again, I also think prefabs should also exist that come preloaded with certain items, for those who don't have a huge interest in building intricately.


Giving us more stash space is like building more lanes on a highway to reduce traffic. It won’t work but I’m still in favor of it.


Yes. I usually play for 2-3 hours at the end of each night. Half that time is spent managing inventory. Either deciding what to throw away/scrap/sell, trying to decide what in the stash I want to lose in order to make room for the next thing, or traveling from place to place to do the aforementioned selling/scrapping/trashing. It is a huge inconvenience and saps almost all of the fun out of the game. If I didn't have friends playing, who I enjoy talking with, I probably wouldn't play again. I stopped recommending it, entirely, with how little fun it is. The entire game is a grind for items that you're not allowed to keep.....


One thing that they *might* settle for would be adding certain premium items that apply a weight mod to a certain number of items stashed inside of them. For instance, a chem stash where you can store 100 weight worth of chems at 1/10 weight, even though that still eats up 100 weight from your shared stash. It'd be similar to the Military Cryo Freezer applying a no spoilage mod despite sharing space with your main stash (from what I hear, anyway).


First, they should at least have actual stash box inventory separate from display inventory and from the vendor, each having there own limit (this would possibly also stop that weird random bug, that I've heard about, that people were able to take anything from your displays and stash boxes for 1 cap) imo. Up the daily script limit. 500 a day is ridiculous! 1 EN and I'm scripted out for the day. I want to do more events but can't. Also, while we're at the script machine, have it reset every day at the same time as the server/shop.... I can't keep up with when I first used it every day 🙄


So I went and created a mule character for all my extra stuff I might need later. Then started grinding for stamps and overloaded that one and debated on making a 2nd mule character. Then I realized I have a hoarding problem. Think of it this way…one doesn’t need to keep things if the thing is easy to reacquire. Now I look for low level characters, drop 100 stimpaks for them. And watch them limp to the nearest train station 😈


Itd be really awesome if you could eventually make better stash boxes or if having more boxes boosted the limit slightly. I just hit lvl 60 and its already become stash manadgement or game crash


The only real storage change I want is cross character transfer so that we can transfer things safely and maybe even allow the transfer of character locked items between our own characters so we don't need to grind for plans on every character and we can transfer our atom shop consumables and repair kits and all that between characters.


Please note, this is purely my opinion, but everything being described here is exactly how live-service games are designed, and for a reason. The only reason we're able to get major expansions for a 6 year old game is because of monetization through Fallout 1st and the Atom Shop. Considering a good chunk of recent players either got the game heavily discounted or on GP, this is how they afford to keep it running. In the end, FO 1st isn't egregious, especially if you're either putting a lot of time in the game, or want to maximize the little time you have.


How did you come up with that number? I've ran 4 or 5 in a row and didn't even fill my personal weight. It definitely wasn't 500-600 units...




They give you 6 legendary items. It's rare, but I've definitely had times where I got mostly power armor pieces and heavy weapons.


When I do Eviction Notice, I suck it up and walk my heavy ass to Foundation and start selling. Kids today don’t want to work!


Work smarter not harder. Fast travel to an expedition, fast travel back to the refuge and then waddle down the steps to the mall. It's such an amazing and wonderful loophole


A perk card system for your camp would be neat. Just 2 or 3 slots to keep it balanced. With stuff like increased build budget, or reducing the cost of camp items, or weight reduction perks that affect your stash…


This would be awesome but also bog the servers down. Hence why they most likely will not do.


I feel like we should be able to spend something we can earn to upgrade the stash cap. Something like max cap limit or gold bullion or even legendary scrip!


Not sure why Bethesda hasn't offered more stash space with atoms yet.


ESO is another Beth property and it allows you to increase your bank size with gold (in 10 increments and each upgrade is more expensive than the last). IDK why they’re so strict with 76.


Like, I would never turn down more stash space, but I really doubt it will happen. The scrap box is the main driver to 1st, so there's no way they change that element. As for gear, I think people just need to accept that there's no reason to keep most gear drops, and by most I mean 99%. You are never going to use that overeaters sledge hammer, lets be honest.


As a non-FO1ster, I've given away at least 20 legendaries tonight alone at random new-ish person camps because trying to micromanage monetizing them given my weight limits is just pointless when I'm running a lot of events (for which I want the XP, not the scrip, but I feel wasteful leaving a ton of legendary things on the ground).


Sounds like you need weight reduction armor


Eviction notice is crazy with the legendaries


They accepting dropping stuff on the ground because scrip legendries aren't that important when we can get 6 more in 8 minutes if they need them. Personally I like using a mule to hold my excess scrip legendaries to either use on days I'm not going to play much or to have for double scrip weekends.


Or up the script count to double and not 500, make fo1st a Chem locker, or storage upgrades for bullion would be nice but everything has to take into account that 1=24 (max players on a server) and by increasing the stash space of a global server that's more memory the servers use and could become even more unstable then it already is. With how much the server takes on and everything accounted for, especially for a bethesda run company it's astounding they were able to stabilize it soo much and time and time again it just seems to get progressively better or worse(mostly when new content is added) but for the most part this game has really done a full 360 from where it began *shudders*


If they’re that easy to come by, they are also easy to just let go The stash limit is set as it is for server stability, the number of legendary drops doesn’t change anything there I think of them like take a penny leave a penny. Sometimes I’m dropping a ton of legendaries at Eviction Notice because there’s no room left for overflow. Sometimes I’m picking someone else’s up because they don’t have space It’s the ebb and flow of the wasteland


I agree with the stability issues being from the stash I’ve seen it happen in other games and also how big and outrageous some of the bases are. I hate that the budget is so low but I think if it were higher the game would be unplayable. I think if they gave us the ability to scrap the legendaries would solve a lot of issues with stash.


I just want items in a display to not count as stash weight


Yeah, you're totally right. Unfortunately all you'll get here are people making dumb statements about "back in the day the stash was even smaller" as if that solves anything or addresses the problem. Not to mention all the crap in the game these days that is character locked and untradeable which further compounds the problem.


Yah even with fallout 1st it's still a problem lol. You're still limited to 2 or 3 builds with how heavy everything weighs and if you want multiple options for playstyles. Why does Foundations Vengeance weigh 37 lol. That's a lot for ONE weapon.


well that's why I was always saying that WWR armor set is the true end game chase item. it changes everything, you can carry tons of scrip and legendary weapons. but you know, folks still recommend overeaters as best PA star, perhaos you also got into that trap? :D as of if WWR importance was not understood by devs that's another interesting question. one thing that many don't realize is that WWR stacks with 90% reduced weight on weapons allowing to carry hundreds of such weapons basically for free. but who knows, maybe it's going to be "fixed" soon because they removed stacking of WWR with weapon weight reduction perks.


I'm with you there. WWR is the best roll for that slot. Because of how asinine the weight system is in this game, I'm also forced to use Chem and Food reduction perks at all times. The game feels terrible without them because you'll have to stop every 10 mins to clean out your inventory or you can't move. At least with WWR and the 2 perks I can put it off for longer.


Nah wwr is meh its nice to have but me and most my mates only carry 1-3 weapons max , and overeaters on PA is the best star you can get, wwr is a 3rd star mod anyways


Everyone that's against more stash space, whether it be by bumping up the max, or more innovative ideas such as upgrades purchased with gold bullion- why? I literally can't fathom why a Player in a game based on HOARDING, would be against more stash space. I completely understand why the folks at Bethesda don't want to increase/improve stash. It's little Timmy over here sayin "nah it's fine" that's tripping me out.


Between the crashing on PS and the constant inventory management, I’m ready to hang up my nukashine hat.


I only crashed twice yesterday in about 6 hours on PS!


It’d be cool to get a scrapbox/ammo cabinet style gun display rack where you don’t have to have the weapon taking up stash capacity. Maybe a wardrobe too, my outfit hoarding is getting out of hand


The easiest and best solution is to remove the scrip limit.


The gear gameplay loop really needs tweaking. They added perk loadouts, but it is hard to experiment with different builds since you have limited storage for the respective gear for your build, and it takes ages to get said gear since you have a dumb limit on 500 scrip per day. They keep adding ways to throw legendaries at you, but not a way to get rid of them other than selling, giving away or throwing them on the ground. It is just a bad gameplay loop which forces you to stop playing. They could easily just remove the scrip limit, reduce the amount of scrip you get and we would still be rolling legendaries and never get a good roll, but at least then the grind loop wouldn't be so mindnumbing dumb.


They just need to remove the Daily Scrip limit. And possibly even make it so you can scrap Legendary gear to extract fragments of the 3 Legendary mods; then with say 5-10 Bloodied fragments you could craft Bloodied into a weapon of your choice, replacing its existing 1st Star. This would ensure no need to hoard stuff while having specific legendary modded drops actually be worth seeking out (whereas today they are all just blank scrip used for legendary rerolling at the workbench).


Oh fuck yes it's finally that time again. This shit has been too small for too long, how long have we had to deal with the small weight that becomes worse and worse as time goes on, it must have been years since they increase the stash from 800 to 1200. It's well past time for another increase! SPREAD THE WORD, WE WANT AN INCREASE! They will listen if many of us all voice our opinions, it's one of the few things that really works. It has in the past multiple times using this exact method, let's do it again! Get others to join in saying they want the increase also, more people = sooner the increase. We need way more than 1200 nowadays, 1200 is years outdated at this point. Don't let them start lying again saying the game has technical limitations, because they always use that excuse to try and avoid doing the increase, but it's just more lies on their end, as they always cave in eventually and still do the increase after more and more backlash piles up.


Adding bullion camp items that increases storage limits or add mods to storage limits would be amazing. For example, adding a container that adds 400 capacity or choosing between a chem box that adds 50% chem weight reduction and an ammo box that does the same for ammo. Weapon racks, wardrobe, you get the idea.


I’m happy to see this being brought up. They’ve added so much to the game over the years. The stash needs an increase. Especially due to weapons and items from quests. They’re unique. I don’t want to get rid of them, but they have weight.


Agree with everyone that has been saying we need to up the scrip again for balance with all the new content. Knowing Bethesda though, they’re more likely to nerf the legendary drops than up it again, last time they did it took a long time and many pleas before they finally did.


Agreed. While increasing the stash limit is obviously the easiest and preferred choice, I’d be ok if they did it similar to how it is in ESO. You get limited bank space, if you have the subscription, you get double bank space. However, you can also purchase 4 large chests, 4 small chests that can be placed and accessed in any of your homes. You can purchase these chests with crowns (eso atoms) or earnable in-game premium currencies. So if we could purchase additional stashes or upgrades to the stash with stamps, bullion, and atoms-that would be fair and still encourage others to subscribe to FO1st for the additional stash space given.


Eviction Notice, my favorite event because I can grab scrip or sell a bunch of shit… potentially get a groll or really good weapon/armor with sheer luck


I still really need to do some expeditions.


Give fo1st members a weapons cache. Give everyone else the scrapbox and ammobox free. Let items displayed in your camp not count towards stash weight. 3 steps to fix


good thing 99.99% of the stuff that drops is trash ..if im at max scrip i drop it right where im standing.


I sell legendary outrageously cheap just to offload weight.


An easy solution to this if they don't want to, or can't, raise the storage limit would be to remove the daily script limit instead. That's one of the more despised aspects of the game to begin with and removing it would also remove one of the reasons people fill their stash. Honestly, they could even increase the cost of modules or decrease the amount of scrip we get per item as a tradeoff... that'd be fine IMO.


Perks could work with one simple rule. You cannot remove any perk card or switch loadout if it would result in your stash going over capacity.


Mule the good stuff over I guess, sell or donate box the crap


Pretty sure ESO lets you buy increased bank space. Not sure why it isn’t a thing for fo76


They seriously need to raise the scrip limit as well, why is it SO low??


They could add storage boxes that you can only access from your own camp or shelter. They'd have limited capacity for each one & stackable items would still stack, up to 200 per stack. They'd each have a total unit or weight limit, but it wouldn't be included in your stash weight limit or inventory, you'd have to physically go to wherever you have the boxes. Limit it to maybe 10 or 20 boxes per account & you'd buy them individually in the atom store. Wouldn't matter if you're a 1st member or not. Limit how many you could place in your camp or shelter to 5 each or so. Oh...wait...ESO already does this...I have 8 of them in that game. Come on Beth, quit holding out on us.


I put a lot into a strength build for damage and bloody build and ss unyeilding with deep pocketed. Can't use pack rat. Chem or junk reduction. But a grocer backpack helps. As soon as I go with armor backpack I'm 300pts overweight. It's a pickle


I started using my free bunker as a stash box, building cheap stuff with steel and store it in the bunkers budget. Will loose some of the steel when scraping that shelfs but at least I got it out of my stash. And I try to keep max 500 items of everything. What‘s too much is being sold. But since I‘m now always close to the caps limit, I will perhaps start donating junk. Or buying more plans for stuff I don‘t need. :)


I've taken to using the market76 discord and posting under the giveaways for all my extra scrip pieces I can't use after I hit max for the day. It gets used by someone every time. I just post that it's on the floor of my base, and people can add me and come swipe it. Better than hunting for random low level players that can use it lol. But yes, I fully agree 1200lbs with no options to reduce weight of some items is a joke. I like the idea of using bullion to be able to buy stash upgrades in the form of weight reduction for some item types. Even if you can only choose one type to help with limitations. Just like the grocers and chemists backpack upgrades. We should have similar options for the stash. They could make it an atom shop item or an optional 1st upgrade and make a killing.


Stash box is for things you need. Stop hoarding and you'll be fine.


The stash limits are very annoying and there is myriad ways they could address it but I am realizing the longer I play that it's the daily currency limits that are the real bug bear of inventory management.  Think about it, all the repeatable content in the game is built like a looter game, but the currency and storage solutions (for non 1st players at least) is still built like it's a survival crafting game. Can you imagine if Diablo cut you off from selling/salvaging legendaries for the day after your 20th one? This game devalues its own rewards constantly by forcing you to either stop playing or stop caring about any and all rewards after you hit the daily limit. It's bizarre to see a game that works against itself so much.


Wouldn’t be surprised if they add a bigger stash box to the atomic shop, limited time, for like 1,200 atoms for a fallout 1st exclusive. I’m only lvl 100 so with grinding out events I’m always running out of space. I feel like they need to do something different about vendors taking up stash capacity


Whenever my stash is looking full, I just scrap/legendary exchange/sell everything I’m not using besides my backup/display gear. It doesn’t take that much time to go to Whitesprings and clear out all the crap in your stash, and just make sure you have plenty of space before going on an Expedition.


Increase stash size or increase sale capacity on scrip/caps. I get why people run multiple characters now and if it wasn't for the private server transfer thing you can do with the red boxes, I would be screwed...


I agree we could use some space… but after the expedition, just vendor and exchange? People see legendary and don’t want to get rid of them for some reason lol. There is no reason to stash shit legendaries at all. You get so many every day that you cap easily. What you should be asking for is a higher script exchange cap.


Here’s a take I don’t know. Many people will agree with, but it is probably a closer way of them adding this type of thing. Instead, additional storages that take up camp space, they aren’t safe from other players but your stash is. This allows players to make a box to give new players random shit without dropping it and having it disappear, it can allow for actual management, like you can have certain thing organized away and even hidden so other players don’t go stealing it. Now i also say they should raise the bounty you get when breaking into these things and or killing pets, like I don’t imagine it would be too hard for them to create a system where the bounty is equivalent to the portion of shit you stole, and possibly even with the option of letting the owner put their own reward on top for returning their stuff. Like the only really bad sides of this I could ever really see happening are very high levels going in and trying to steal from people who have a really nice stuff. But that’s why I would still say stashes are still only accessible by the owner letting us store the stuff that we really care about. This would also make hiding your camp mean more and Vendors will have to be aware. Because I would also like an addition to the vendor reverting it back to the old style, where each different vendor was its own inventory ( I have mostly plans in my camp. I literally cannot sell all of them. ) Any criticism this is just a basic idea. I really would rather have some type of storage that isn’t linked to my stash limited storage boxes with ability to put a lock on it.


This is how they get you to spend money. #fallout1st


Most of the time (atleast 50%) I'm playing I'm just trying to find a way to lower my weight so I can fast travel to my camp and then I have to scrap a bunch of potentially cool things because my stash box is full. Then I'm back to trying to explore and being super picky with what I pick up and then having to drop or walk for a half hour to get back to my camp.


Do you really get a ton of legendaries from expeditions? I’ve never done one but I know it is soul killing to sit there and wait for eviction notice and server hop for hours trying to get one.. Is this a good way to legendary farm?


SAY IT LOUDER!! BGS fix the stash ffs, it's insane I have to often completely drop everything I earned during an event just to accommodate the weight restrictions. This is the one thing literally every single player asks for.


Well said.


As usual I'll probably get downvoted for saying this...but this is why I have 4 mules filled with 3 star legendaries...it's the best solution I've come up with. So yes I agree they need to increase stash capacity...wouldn't hold your breath though lol.


Being completely honest here, you didn't actually have much of a game TO PLAY when stash was 400. No sheepsquatch, no Earl, no Living NPCs, no raids, no ops, no expeditions, no functional* settlements with traders, like 7 automated events and that was it. But each and every expansion or update should have added more stash each time to offset the new gear added in, the new events, the new modules, everything should have received an increase though.* Bullion when new bullion items were added, script Everytime the game updated and more legendary items were added, stash with every new piece of armor or weapon... The game has progressed but most of the currency and storage has stayed stagnant except for a 33% increase to caps and two tiny 400 bumps to stash limit.


Just let me know where you drop it if I'm in your server 🤣


I don’t find staying at 1200 to be that difficult. I would rather see an increase in caps and scrips per day.


I’ve got 1st and I still struggle with storage. This shouldn’t be an issue with 1st subscribers. Frustrating.


Damn what are you guys hoarding? Talking to the fallout 1st members. Non members is understandable.


I hope stash space stays the same as it is. I’ve lost to many good items to lack of stash space and will RAGE if they upgrade it 🤣🤣


Now that I'm regularly playing this game again, I've damn near hit the 1200 limit numerous times because if legendary items. I still don't understand why the daily scrip limit is 500. Bumping it to even 700 would be a major help in clearing out stash space honestly.


I agree....there are SO many things that have gone under the radar when it comes to even low level play...like, I'm barely level 170 and my "level ups" are already beginning to stack. All my perks are maxed, and the only reason I look forward to leveling is just for the perk cards to scrap for points.


Not being able to keep one of every gun to play with is super annoying. They have an opportunity to improve engagement but im sure the back end server costs plus how it impacts game performance are probably the main reasons they dont. I bricked my first play through of witcher cause I stored everything like a clown.


I’d love stash updates. I’d grind for mods to my stash even if they didn’t increase weight but made items weigh less. Why can I have -90% weapon weight but not increase my stash? If all my guns have that then I could fit a ton more so it doesn’t sound like an amt of items issue.


You guys really dont understand how skinner box game design works. IT IS DESIGNED THIS WAY ON PURPOSE THEY WANT YOU PLAYING THEY WANT YOU TO GET AGGRAVATED AT THE PITIFUL STORAGE SPACE THEY WANT YOU TO PAY THEM $15 A MONTH FOR FALLOUT 1ST TO ALLEVIATE THE ISSUE THEY CAUSED. THEY WANT TO GIVE YOU JUST ENOUGH ATOMS THAT YOU'RE CLOSE TO BUYING SOMETHING YOU WANT SO YOU BUY MORE ATOMS. If people stopped paying for Fallout 1st for 6 months and stopped playing things would change FAST because they want people playing and spending money on the ATOM shop.


I just started playing 76 a week after the show. I e always complained about the stash space. As I'm used to unlimited storage or at least stuff being lighter especially ammo. Finally finished my first camp last week.(still some touch-ups to do primarily the double walls and fusing items together to get that look I'm going for) So I cleaned up my stash keeping only 100 of each except for Screws, gears, adhesive, oil and acid among a couple others that's used for repairs. And still my stash is practically full all the time. I have a set of each type of PA that's like 80 right there. I have a backpack with the Chem mod so I keep all my aid items on me. Still full.. I don't hold on to mini nukes or missiles or explosives except Plasma nades. Still full! Now I'm finally around the end game, I do eviction notice whenever I see it. Two of those events and I literally can't do anything else. You can only trade for 500 Script a day and all the vendors share a pathetic 1400 caps. The game is literally unplayable for me at this point. I'm level 126 and I'm about to call it quits


As someone who enjoys displaying cool weapons in my CAMP, I really struggle with the stash size. I have FO 1st, so I have the ammo and scrap box separate, but I really enjoy CAMP building and design and the limit really takes away from that for me! It's so limiting, I would love to be able to increase stash capacity for caps or bullion.


I came back to 76 after watching the show (I played at launch for only a couple weeks but abandoned it) and I struggle with inventory management. Then a few people on some threads hit you with the, “Back in my day we only had 400 stash 👴”


FO76 players today would have died during 400lb limit in the beginning. Weight management is easy people don’t want to take the time to sort through what they need and don’t need. Do people really play this without a second console full of mules? Could never be me.


1)I play without first and can store an entire weeks worth the scrip 2)If you can fill your stash with legendaries quickly you don't need to store them at all


I’m willing to bet that Bethesda is going to find a way to monetize even more the stash system. Half the reason I subscribed for Fallout 1st is for the ammo and scrap box.


My stash is continuously maxed out. I don't know how much useful stuff AI have dropped into donation boxes and such because I can't carry it around or stash it. 1200 is not enough. I first thought it meant 1200 pieces. But nope.


Oh, so when I suggest a stash increase, everyone digs on me; but a few months later this post gets 500+ upvotes? So uncool... v~v Hopefully they think to increase the stash size one more time, or at least de-link displays and such from the stash in order to give some more wiggle room...


Give me bookshelves that I can stash notes in because I want to collect one of everything. Holotape player consoles for stashing holotapes in. Because same. Dressers and wardrobes for apparel. Things on display shouldn't be in my stash. Things in the vendor shouldn't be in my stash (this would potentially fix the vendor stash bug too.) The fact that every fucking container is linked pisses me off. ESO gives you special storage boxes that are slot limited, but not linked. 4 30-slots, 4 60-slots. I want to make a container that I can set in my camp and label "FREE SHIT" and have it be my own red Dono box. Shit I legitimately do not care about. You take it all? Cool, whatever. You might be a douche, you might not. But I didn't want or need it, so there you go. And then yes, up this 1200 limit because when some guns weigh 30 pounds IN STASH this is just ridiculous. I've started carrying all my food on me with 3 ranks of Good With Salt and Thru Hiker, and all my chems with chemist backpack, because they weigh less on me that way, than they do in my stash.


There are so many things wrong that could be done different when it comes to stash management. First and foremost, the game is nearly 6 years old, people have accumulated alot during that time, I believe a sizable stash increase is warranted at this point in time. Secondly, make all weight reduction perks apply to one's stash as well. Third, let people transfer non droppable items between their different characters so they can atleast move stuff to a mule that they aren't actively using. Fourth, make it to where vendors/displays don't share the same weight limit as your stash box. I could go on and on but you get the point. They're essentially doing every possible thing wrong when it comes to stash boxes, but we're talking about a game that still hasn't given us a better trade system where both parties have to click a "ready up" button so that people can stop getting scammed after years of asking, so I'm not holding my breath. Seems that if it doesn't somehow affect their finances in a positive or negative manner, they could care less about it.


Increasing the scrip limit would help also. Shit even just reducing chems and food weight in stash would be good. Playing without a scrap stash in this game is not fun. Still don't understand why nuke key cards weigh so much lol


I think they want you to drop or sell for others to enjoy, or scrip them to create new fun things.  But Bethesda hasn't ever seemed to want to enable my hoarding tendencies LOL


While I have zero faith whatsoever that hot toddy is going to implement any of this, I would like to show my support for this idea and put that same energy towards more camp budget and more camp slots. Fuck custom worlds, I have all these dope items for my camp that I want to use but I have to pick and choose between my decorations and prefabs for fear of maxing my budget.


being just level 60, not having fallout 1st and a junk hoarder KILLS my weight limit and stash and it makes me so sad dropping all of it, or selling it. making the junk box fallout 1st exclusive also sucks balls, ofc they have to paywall a feature that should be in the base game, and theres no way im spending 12 a month for that shit😔


I've been back on for a few days for the new dlc. I had 200 space filled from Fallout 1st being free a while ago and just dropping all my scrap into the scrap box. I'm already at 1053 capacity. It's kind of infuriating. There's plenty of stuff I really don't want to get rid of but might be forced to in order to keep space for more important stuff.


One successful Eviction Notice brought my stash from 950 to 1200


i do n t have fallout first...never will since Tod does everything to piss of their base...and ues stash management is a nightmare...yet 800 more would solve most of those issues for me...but i really need to up them the display count increased...game for hoarders ...wich prevents them from hording...if they dont pay...bought f76 for 3 pounds and thanks to all those shenanigans its still not worth much more to me


I still stand by my opinion that if you have the weight reduction perk cards that should reflect the amount stuff weighs in the stash


I mean don't digitally hoard


I would love if the stash box could be upgraded. I would also like to see a functional medicine cabinet that can be used to stash all your aid items, much like the scrap box and ammo box


I have a build I use everyday, and the before I can fast travel I have to switch out 3/4 weight management perks. Then swap them again before starting the event. It is boring tbh. Stamps/bullion or some quest-line to upgrade your stash limit would be great


*"We cannot increase the Stash Box size past 400, for fear of the database size severely impacting Server Performance."* **** *"We cannot increase the Stash Box size past 800, for fear of the database size severely impacting Server Performance."* **** *"We cannot increase the Stash Box size past 800, for fear of the database size severely impacting Server Performance."* **** *"We cannot increase the Stash Box size past 1200, for fear of the database size severely impacting Server Performance."* **** That's been the conversational loop about player storage for the duration of the game, pretty much. The Dev Team keeps citing performance concerns, then rushes off and does something nuts like adding bottomless storage while keeping our main Stash Box super tiny. I simply do not understand the logic anymore.


it'd be nice if todd realized that being a cheap scamming bastard and locking the infinite resource storage lockers behind first just ends up driving people away... had more than a few friends quit because they got tired of finding all sorts of cool stuff they wanted to try/needed, and then being perpetually stuck in power armor with legendary modifications just to carry half of it because the stash literally can only carry about 20 weapons if you even look funny at having more than 5 stimpacks and other aid items at any given time. my snark aside real talk, the scrap box should be free for all as should the ammo locker, just give them a 1.5k weight limit if not a first member, you will have instantly solved the stash issue for 90% of the player base then and there, and if you add an AID box next we're good till the end,


Fortunately Expeditions drops you off at the Whitespring Mall too. After which a short walk to exchange the Legendaries for scrips is in order. Or just dump them in you stash (if you’ve got the capacity)


I never get put at the mall I am always a random area on the map lol although I run with other people and I’m not the group leader so idk. Lol


I have 5 characters and can so easily fill two of them up on legendaries in a day and render them overencumbered that I often have to play the other 3 characters, even though I may not want to. Eviction Notice pops, in addition to all the legendary stuff I'm already full of? Character is rendered immobile after I've waddled to a train station and I have to stop playing them. I also have enough ammo and cores between them to fire continuously for a decade, but the only constant combat there is to expend it, Expeditions and Daily Ops, overload you with so many legendaries you can't run, and gives you 3x the ammo back that you used. I have farmed for ammo and ammo materials for nothing. These are some fucking weird problems to have in this type of game - too much ammo and endgame-level gear and cannot play the repeatable content because I'll get more of it. Expeditions are right there to blast through and enjoy and fire hundreds of thousands of ammo at, but then I'm overloaded with legendaries because the daily scrip cap is so low. I want to play, but I'm fucking around walking ten minutes to a train station to scrip shit legendaries and know that the character will still be overencumbered after I get there. Raise scrip limit to more than double what it is now, and stash to at least 1500. For the future of the game. Its well overdue.