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The expansion weapons are a commando's wet dream. Anchorage Ace, TtR, Bertha, Olga


Guerrilla players in shambles having gotten 0 new guns since launch


Archer players having 2 weapons


3. Crossbow, bow, compound bow. 4 if you count burning love. But I get your point, it's woefully under saturated.


Yeah the compound bow and regular one phase into each other way to easily


Because their only difference is damage. Bethesda couldn't be bothered to give them different draw times, aim times, ranges, accuracy values, etc. so many little stats they could've tweaked to make them feel distinct.


RoF is slightly different - compound takes a little longer per shot in order to achieve full draw, which affects range, trajectory, and (I think) damage. But I’d agree - I feel that they are too similar to notice the difference. I wish that ranking up in the perk cards would allow you to at least increase your RoF, at least a certain percentage per card.


I’ve got a ranger aesthetic going but I can’t use the quiver backpack cause I don’t use a bow due to the limited options lol. Would be cool to get a longbow that’d look cool while in power armor tho. Something like the great bows in Elden Ring


They did receive a handful of new weapons through bug corrections.


They started with negative weapons and got to 0... that's not really "support" for a build.


I wouldn’t say they had ‘negative’ weapons. Guerrilla weapons are just shared by other builds and can be modified to work with different perks. My point was that guerrillas have *technically* been provided with new weapons over the years. That doesn’t mean it isn’t by far the most neglected weapon class.


can you please name which new weapons guerillas have been given lol💀


I'm not the person you were talking to and I'm struggling to think of some. Best I do is the enclave was added along with mods but that's all I can think of. I haven't messed with it but can you mod the new laser rifle into a pistol?


enclave guns have been in the game for 6 years and they still can’t be silenced🫣


But they weren't legendary and mods are now available.


still, no one uses them for guerilla. the best thing they have is a 10mm pistol and it straight up just feels like a weaker fixer.


wasnt alien blaster dmg buffed a bit ?


Thats gunslinger


It was also buffed after a bugfix nerfed the hell out of it. It's sitting on a net loss, along with the Cryolator.


Melee players seething that we can’t reroll or craft a Zwei of our own. Or the Scythe


It’d be nice sure, but I’ve been absolutely crushing content with the Zweihander in a full health PA build and loving it. I’d take AA over the Executioners first star but it still does pleeeeenty of damage for me, personally.


Oh I was the same way til I broke out the thorn+scythe combo and have been loving that more. I had a good set before but swapped to a bolstering/unyielding civ eng set. Imo zwei with instigating for solo plays would be amazing and I can agree with the AA


Instigating in general would be so much nicer if it was just updated to be a high-go counterpart to executioners - make it do it’s bonus damage to enemies above a certain threshold. The double damage is super nice, and I was stoked when I finally rolled an Instigating/50crit/faster crit charge Compound Bow for an archer build, but it’s basically a solo-only build because so much as a tap from a pipe gun means I lose almost half of my damage.


Hey, quick question to you melee players. I prefer melee weapons in any game and usually avoid games that don't really have any, like CoD/Battlefield. In Fo76 I tried a few melee weapons and they just were not fun for me. Maybe I'm spoiled by games like Chivalry. I found a compromise by settling on a chainsaw build. It's kind-of melee, and scratches the same itch. But what I'm wondering is... am I missing something? Are there perks/legendaries that make melee weapons actually fun?


Been doing the event over and over and no anchorage ace IT SHALL BE MINE SOOON


yeah only got plans so far , at least got some weapons from the quests , but damn some bugs need fixing like the load time on conversations


I managed to get one, it's a great gun but I'm a heavy weapons guy. Hopefully you get yours soon too!


The new galling laser goes hard 999 rounds towards whatever you want to delete


I'll keep that in mind thank you I appreciate that


I just got it like a hour ago. If you are on Xbox I'd trade it to you


Man I would love to buy one from someone but I’m on ps4 😭thanks tho




What event?


The new nuke event with the big ole robots


Neurological warfare I believe


I did that event the other night and I'm not sure what folks were running, but it was over in about 30 seconds. Fastest I've ever seen it done. Damage exploit maybe?


They screwed the rad resistance of the Goliath’s so a gamma gun will wreck them up


That makes sense then. I was like WTF are these people using?? Lol


If you are on pc I can give you one


I appreciate it but I’m on PlayStation 🥺🫶


I could try to get it on ps, but not now, I’m focused on grinding on pc


Drop chance is very small.. just search player vendors. I'd done the bosses dozens of times and got 2-3 copies of the other weapons then yesterday I had enough RNG so switched to vendor hunt instead and found one for 2500 caps after a few dozen vendors.


If anchorage ace would ever drop, I’d probably agree. I’ve dropped 12 nukes and completed event every time. I’ve joined countless groups that have also dropped nukes in the new area and the damn event refuses to give me anything but plans for a dumb signs


Are you on Xbox? I have an extra one on me


No, but I appreciate it. I am going to grind till I have both versions. I love doing the silos just hate being the only person on the server willing to drop them. I’m running out of nuke cards. But again, thanks for the offer.


I got at least a dozen I believe if you want em I barely do the silos. PC


Wait can I have one? That Anchorage ace is the only one I'm missing On pc Duzk3431.


Was talking nude cards


My bad. I mean... ill.take those too 😄🤣 also nuke cards. I only have 2. Man old scoreboards used to give dozens now you actually have to do the mission and find the flying bots


I just down em as I come across em. When you hear the buzzing you start a swatting lol


Both versions?  There are two versions of Anchorage Ace?


Yes, two different paint jobs


Nope, the paint is just a mod and you can switch between them for 1 oil.


I’d be happy to take it off your hands if you have an extra! Been doing these events since the update and have yet to drop anything of interest.


Yeah, add my GT: Tom Bradys Arms and just send me a message.


Cool, thanks! I think I've messaged you correctly, haha


Damn that's rough, I had it drop a couple of times, not my thing and I figured because it came up so easily it must be pretty common and I just cashed them in for scrip. So I guess I should be selling those when I get them.


Me crying on top of a mountain of enhanced repair kits, longing for my Bertha and Olga, at least I got Anchorage Ace.


helga* is a lot of fun but I feel like it's not going to be Incredible until I get around to tweaking a mouse macro that keeps it in the fast-firing range as a full health PA big guns new-ish player I still haven't found anything better than holy fire up close or cremator at range - even going back to my ultracite vampire gatling laser feels like a huge downgrade, and I ran that thing for 100 levels


The AP/25% damage laser rifle is as good as laser rifles get. 


> save the Quad for events! This says it all really. the new, nerfed versions of the weapons are useable, but non-meta. Even the OP will not use them when he needs max DPS. So that I guess makes them fine/balanced especially for newer players. But anyone who has a meta weapon would only use these new weapons to just try them out. Which, is fine I guess


DPS vs single damage A one star bloodied hunting rifle will outperform most weapons per shot (i run one because im pretty bored of the meta) Bottom tier rifle in terms of DPS I absolute hate using my QE railway rifle but jesus christ can it carry a whole event on its own Practically every weapon needs a buff to catch up to it In my personal opinion, weapons with auto vs semi should use less AP in semi than in auto or have an actual damage buff in comparison to auto. There is no practical reason to use semi over auto in the handmade, combat, fixer, assault, railway, or radium rifles. in the quad versions, this extends to the laser rifle. Never a real reason to not use the flamer in the plasma rifle


Where do you find these?


It's a drop you can get by completing the new nuke boss


Hi, Melee main since launch here. I've been rocking the V63 Zweihander. Its badass. Power attacks one shot most things and do insane chunk damage to bosses, and I'm not even fully built into melee, I have a ton of heavy weapons related perks too so I have ranged options. I actually only have 1 star in all the slugger perks so I can have 1 star in the heavy weapons perks too and have other things good for melee like Incisor and Martial Artist and stuff. Personally, feels like a waste to me to spend 9 perk points on a 60% damage increase when you can spend 3 on a 30% damage increase and then have 6 more points to work other stuff in with.


Have you tried the Scythe yet? I was excited to get the Zweihander but I switched to the Scythe as soon as I got it. The stars are not great but the bleed damage wrecks most non boss enemies.


I tried the Scythe but it isnt great imo. The bleed damage seems weird when looking at enemy health bars, like you have to look away and look back to actuallt see their health drop, and plus the zweihander just fucking chunks everything.


Plus, the zweihander has better legendary effects, considering neither can be re-rolled.


You didn't mod it did you? The mod is bugged and actually reduces the damage.


Er... I am not sure. I didnt think either one had mods tbh so I probably didnt


Scythe has a sharp mod you can put on it that increases bleed I think and I believe it came with the option to mod it out of the box


Even as a non melee user I’ve seen 2100 power attack damage on first hit. It’s pretty insane


Wish the god damned event would trigger so I can get an anchorage ace


You need to nuke the new area to activate it. Start firing off nukes.


I was under the impression that the anchorage ace was part of the Dangerous Pasttimes which has become locked out of the public events rotation


Sadly no, It's From Neurological Warfare.


Well then, I retract my anger, but only slightly. I’m still pissed that Dangerous Past Times has clearly been pulled


Really ? I haven’t explored the new area yet and am a commando. Oh well I guess I know what I’m doing next


Finally! I’ve been trying to do commando forever!


Bro I hate the fact that I played that event so many times I never got the new weapons


Yeah too bad no one runs the event so I can get it.I got the Gatling laser twice I want the ace


Yeah, I really wish they'd invest in the other archetypes. They don't even need real development time since there are existing weapons that could be brought into the game to "buff" rifleman, gunslinger, and guerilla. Colt 3520 10mm pistol, Ranger Sequoia, Brush Gun, Trail Carbine, H&K MP9 SMG from FO2, a semi-auto scoped Bozoar...    They don't need to design much of anything. Just add a higher tier of weapons to the class. Alternatively, for much less effort, just give semi-auto weapons significantly higher crit and weak-spot damage.    It's really a case of "Why make big overhauls when we can make money on piddly, 2 hour assets in the Atomic Shop?"


CATER to the most used build, classsic


Anchorage Ace is also some serious fun. Long time Enclave/Railway/Fixer Rads-Addict and I’ve dropped my fixer lately for the SMG


Trying to get the Anchorage ace to drop, I'm at nearly 50 kills and have 1 Bertha, and like 3 of every plan that can drop. Feel like I'm getting so unlucky with weapon drops from the new stuff


Is AA that rare? I somehow ended up with two. If you want, I can hand my last one over.


Idk between the event and boss I've had 1 unique weapon drop total think I'm just having bad luck. I'll find it eventually been checking vendors for it but recently drained my caps buying plans lol thanks for the offer though


Dang there was a guys selling it for 100 caps. Regrets.


The Fallout wiki gives it a 4.5% chance of dropping from Neurological Warfare.


I’ve done about 50 ish of them and I just got one today so it doesn’t feel super common, most the weapons don’t really. I think I’ve only got one of each and I’ve not missed a single event that’s come up for it.


As of now, under 30 runs and got my third AA. If anyone wants one, DM me.


Same here, I haven't had any of the weapons drop and I've got to be around 50 events.


I have two god fixers yet i start using the handmade ist jist more fun to free aim :D


its tons of fun, wish there was an AA extended mag option for the 10mm smg but I'm still impressed by it


Am I correct that SMGs works best with criticals? What mods do you suggest for Anchorage Ace? I am trying to keep the AP cost low but is the 100% crit dmg worth it over either of the 50% crit dmg receivers?


Long aligned barrel gives it 186 range and it has +50% VATS. That +3 star concentrated fire and it hits farther away than almost anything at a 95% chance most of the time. If you use crit perks, the crit magazine is +100% crit damage. If you can crit every other shot it's better than 40% armor pen. . It is completely silent, not just silenced so other than events that disallow sneak you will always do stealth damage so take stealth damage perks.


The only thing I swapped on mine was the mag (I personally prefer the 40% armor penetration one). I run crit cards in my build and felt I just don’t need that much extra oomf from Ace. It’s an smg so a flying scorchbeast is a no go but one on the ground is dependent on how comfortable you are under it’s booty.


You're using it wrong.. Long aligned barrel gives it 186 range and it has +50% VATS. That +3 star concentrated fire and it hits farther away than almost anything at a 95% chance most of the time. Crits ignore armor, the crit magazine is +100% crit damage. You can crit every other shot which makes far better. It is completely silent, not just silenced so other than events that disallow sneak you will always do stealth damage.


I run a Q 50c -25ap enclave auto for anything outside of 25m. If it’s in my face it gets a similar flamer. I hate the way the long barrels look and I just need it to cover a specific range window. I get nothing out of the extra range and I’m already critting every 3rd shot so I’ll just keep the AP low af. I’m not at a loss for 10mm ammo either as a day 1 player. I know I could get more but honestly if I’m gonna go that route I’m just pulling out a q50c25 railway.


Every new weapon from map expansion is pretty cool and strong, as far as I know. Love it.


I've liked all the new expansion weapons I've tried so far except for the Gatling gun. But I don't have a heavy weapon build so no heavy weapons are very fun for me.


People shit on it because furious is mid but quad doesn’t even have any damage amplification and Ticket still has double clip size which feels way better than the default 10 I think if they left it bloodied it would’ve been way too strong I still prefer my QE25 but I think it’s still a solid entry point


AngryTurtle tested various choo choos and furious was the fastest for bosses. He was testing quads. He said quad faster fire with faster reload was god roll for bosses. Also said he thinks the server lags damage preventing quad explosive from fully performing.


Did he test the ttr? I remember watching a video of testing 50c vs E vs 25 ffr and 50c was the best performing because it seemed the other 2 suffered from server performance


I think this is accurate on the quad explosive. I can't tell you how many times I can register a headshot in VATS on my quad explosive with dmg numbers popping up, yet health not going down at all. I can 250 - 350 per shot on the ferals in guided meditation and it's hard to just shoot once, so it's usually 2 hits in quick succession every couple minutes, though, I'll put 6-8 hits into a single feral - like 2000+ dmg popping up but their health bars don't drop at all. I thought about pausing to see if they die but they don't. However, suddenly the next couple shots register and kill it. Note this isn't a repeatedly missing in VATS situation. When that happens no dmg numbers popup.


>I think if they left it bloodied it would’ve been way too strong >I still prefer my QE25 but I think it’s still a solid entry point This is the most reasonable take. a BL version would have been absurdly OP. But the new version isn't meta, and that's OK at least it's not trash


Furious is mid??


Yeah furious is extremely mid. There's so many situations that it does nothing or almost nothing. Kill an enemy in 2 or 3 hits? Almost no effect. Fighting multiple enemies and one shot touches a different guy? Furious resets. It's just not worth it compared to effects that are always active.


Yep. It is good on heavy guns that put a lot of bullets on enemies, but not for builds that kill things in a couple shots. It is a prefix I would expect ppl to use while trying to reroll their boss tier gun. I suspect the ghoul class is going to have some interaction with furious and perhaps other full health prefixes. Maybe doubles the dmg gain of 5% to 10%.


>Kill an enemy in 2 or 3 hits? Almost no effect. this applies to literally every other damage effect too then. Anti-Armor has the same drawback: does almost nothing on weak enemies, but it doesn't matter because they're weak. >Fighting multiple enemies and one shot touches a different guy this only applies with explosive or spray-and-pray weapons. Recoil on auto rail rifles is insane so VATS is basically mandatory, in which case I don't think it's possible to hit another target anyways. it arguably has less negatives than even Junkie or Aristocrat, which require some kind of resource management. Furious: Shoot more, do more damage. If it dies in a few hits then you didn't need the extra damage. Ticket to Revenge isn't supposed to be an "endgame" weapon anyways; it's arguably an easy-to-get entry-level powerful rail rifle that doesn't require tons of caps or legendary modules. The fact that it's lightweight and shaves off like 13 weight is also great for saving on stash or inventory space (insert 'joke' about inventory being the real endgame)


As 5 non bloodied characters I'm completely happy it isn't bloodied.


Why wouldn’t you just use the standard Quad?


...are you asking why I would use a gun I don't have over a free weapon?


A lot of the new weaponry is really awesome. The Zweihander is an absolute monster, just wish we could get plans for it or change the mods


If I didn't have an awesome war glaive, I'd definitely use the zweihander


Been curious about that, is the war glaive good? Does it have any cool or useful mods


It's pretty decent, as far as heavy melee goes. The blades can be made plasma, fire, cryo, or electric, for extra damage. Built right, it's a fun weapon. Mine is Anti-armor, faster swing speed, and +1 Strength. It does comparable damage to the zweihander on each hit, but has a faster follow-up attack


Gotcha thanks. Been into the two handers lately I'll give a shot


I've done two-handers most of the time I've played. There is nothing more satisfying that one-shotting a super mutant with a sprinting power attack


Man I just started. I used a variety until like level 80, then switched to heavy machine guns for a hundred levels and only recently moved off the plasma caster. This is so much more fun


You can get plans for it. It’s a drop chance in the new nuke event (edit: nvm I’m dumb. It’s not the weapon itself. That makes me sad.)


if you looked at a list of rewards for the event and saw the "blueprint" plan its just a wall decor blueprint, not plans to build one


That is why I corrected my post with an edit.


and I replied before your edit appeared for me


so much for my excitement at getting the plan


You're not dumb! I thought that's what it was too when I unlocked it lol


It should be at like 15lb. in stash.


I just got a plan for it yesterday, I didn't even knew the plan can be drop.


Are you positive? It's not the blueprint wall decoration, is it?


I just got one before I log off so didn't check it yet. I will log in to check when I got home


I’m in largely the same boat. TTR is my standard weapon now


I agree with OP on this one. It's not a bad weapon for just about any kind of build. It's not meta but it is good.


I quite agree. It’s a decent gun.


also gets a free skin


Plus furious isn’t that bad on things that take more than a few hits


There pushing bloody builds out and I'm all for it


Low health builds don’t use many bloody weapons and nothing has changed as far as a low health build being miles ahead of anything else. It’s the Uny armor boosting stats along with things like nerd rage that make it so desirable. I have a bloody explosive choo choo and it stays in my stash while I main a quad with vats hit chance. The damage I put out with just a basic quad is so high I don’t need anything better.


And adrenal reaction.


As long as unyielding is a thing with no counter part, bloodied styled (low health) builds will always be top. They need the opposite of unyielding where you can have up to 2-3 extra special points for how FULL your health is, maybe even keep it at 2max to make unyielding only slightly better


Uny would still be better bc you can use rads to lock your max health.  A full health stat almost by definition degrades over time.


Yeah but with something like a vampire auto axe/chainsaw, as long as your hitting with it you would basically always have the full effect, getting that boosted strength while still being full health


Same, it's been meta since the dawn of time. I wanna see my teammates have more diversity in their builds


Hopefully that's true. Nerf it until people start playing other builds. That's how you balance a game.


They are most certainly not. They are just giving alternatives to it


You'd be surprised how many are afraid to use VATs


Level 491 here. Yeah I used to use EPR Flamer, good damage and killing mass mobs, but the range is horrendous for tagging. So I switched to Railway Rifles around the start of last season for first time.. I am just smashing through levels now by actually being able to tag and kill everything pretty much instantly in VATS. I use to be scared of VATS as it was real time, never read into it.


Yep. It's currently my primary weapon. Love it!


i love it so so much. it melts when coupled with my commando build :)


Not only that but when you go Ghoul you can still use it as no bloodied!


I wish anchorage ace could be re rolled


I love having a weight reduced railway. Capacity isn't up to my quad, but it's OK for most things I come across as I'm skulking across the wasteland.


I just made my first railway build with the ticket to revenge. I am unstoppable. Me and my friend solod the daily op together with it. (We’re new so that was never possible before)


I've not tried them all yet, but I've liked all the new additions so far


When you say 1 shot what do you mean. Cause I have all the commando cards plus crit cards and I’m not one shotting.


Are you running any mutations? What about legendary perks?


Most the commonly ran mutations also maxed out int, luck, perc, strength, agi, and taking one for the team legendary perks


I just sold one of these out of my vendor machine, I didn't like it... my gatling gun is all I need


I scripped my Anchorage Ace, and so did my brother before he found out how good they are. He got another one shortly after.


the gatling gun with added legendary mods, the perks that give it a boost... I feel unstoppable! and if I run out of bullets I have a 3 star All Rise which does the same damage as about 4 bullets in one swing.


Is a Choo Choo viable in power armor?


Auto railroad basically requires VATS, it's very difficult to use without it. VATS and PA aren't the best mix due to core drain, but with electric absorption/a core recharger it's not that bad. I use VATS for my PA plasma caster build and I still end up with more cores than I need


yeah, when I forget to VATS with my auto RR it recoils straight up into the air immediately after 1 or 2 shots, it's pretty hilarious.


It's lots of fun, but if the enemy is a big boy I tend to get the quad out


I just want a railway minigun as a heavy gunner. Spikes are sooo cheap. Only decent 5mm weapon is the Gatling Gun (hand crank, not mini gun) that I’ve found so far, other than a vampire minigun. I prefer to use these sorts of things as my walking around weapons, since I don’t have max legendary perks yet (so I focused on special first, getting _Electric absorption_ and possibly _What Rads?_ last so I can maximize my perk cards, seems to be a better net benefit) and don’t like using Gatling lasers or plasma Gatlings or holy fire duel to ammo cost currently. Haven’t yet figured out how to maximize getting caps or farming ore / raw materials to make plasma cores and fusion cores. I do have the core recharger though! Edit: no my goodness apparently LMGs are heavy weapons. This might make some things more viable after all.


I like this gun a lot but am wondering if I can change out the auto receiver? I’d like to try it as a single fire.


I think a lot of it is because ticket to revenge has that 20 round ammo capacity. generally with railways, you're stuck between using bloody for high damage but only having 10 rounds and quad which lacks the same damage bonus potential. having a 20 round mag and a weapon that has an inherent damage bonus to it means that you're going to be dealing more damage. it's a great Midway point between something like a q2525 and a b2525.


not everything has to be bloodied to be a decent weapon if you buil it RR has insane vats accuracy and like 20 ap per shot


Yeah I have all the new weapons sitting in my stash and I decided to pull out ttr even though I'm a heavy gunner the thing is still a really good railway


I scrapped my AA [*]


I could agree they could say it’s nerfed but when my quad explosive runs out and I tab to that it still slaps




Automatic weapons. Handmade, Fixer, Railway, automatic Tesla, the submachine gun, and the 10mm SMG. Might be something else I’m not remembering.


Why not make a post in the subreddit instead of a comment on someone else’s post?  You’ll get more detailed answers.


Its honestly really strong. As much as i wanted it to be bloodied i gotta admit Bethesda did the right thing by changing it, if it was bloodied it would absolutely be better than every quad railway and every other gun in the game


Which railway rifle is this?


Until I'm lvl 300 and have all 5 star legendary perkard I'm playing bloody commando. I'm 280 and about 400 perk points away, It's going to be so good to play as a goul woundere. Or anything full health, When is playing as a goul set to come out any way.


I totally agree, actually i think every weapon they added is totally usable and fun to use as well. Especially Anchorage Ace! I'm having so much fun with that thing on my Guerilla


I had a two shot railway for I while I named one way ticket for two. I hope who every bought it's is enjoying. But yeah the new one name reminds me of that.


I tried using it on my vats crit build, switched rifleman perks for commando, and holy hell am I just shredding everything. I can kill most enemies in like 3 or 4 shots from just about any distance. Just hit vats, hold crit, and pull the trigger once or twice. I'm trying to get a quad with weapon speed and weight reduction just to see how much stronger I can be. Never used the railway much before now, but it's been pretty fun to kill stuff with such little effort


I got it, but the recoil is INSANE i took one shot at an enemy and wound up looking up at the sky Im a heavy build and never used a railway before, so i know im missing something lol. Id love to really give it a try .....can anyone hekp suggest what i might need to do to eliminate or help with the recoil? I find the weapon unuseable in its current syate and im debating on getting rid of it


You have to use all the railways in VATS only. It cannot be used outside of VATS


Ahhhh ok. So ill need to play around with my second build and make it VATS compatible again. Thanks for the help!


People are upset it's not a free god roll and unwilling to try anything that's not "meta", I've tried the gun and it's a great weapon with the new effects, besides it's a free gun......ppl aren't happy with free stuff 😂😂


Bethesda finally listened to the vast majority of the playerbase and stopped catering to bloodied all the time. Now they just need to keep it up


Guys, i understand nothing of whats being said here. And ive been playing since launch lmao. Where do i learn about this mystical meta and crafting preferences?


I just sold my Ticket to Revenge for 8000 caps. Not a fan of railway rifles. I don't want to be in VATS all the time.  I'll stick with my Cremator and backup vampires ultracite Gatling gun for now. Keep rolling in hopes of getting a vampires explosive Gatling gun. 


Furious isn't ideal on a weapon with a 20 round mag, sure, but it's a great roll. People are upset it's not perfect, but I don't know that it has to be. Double mag, custom paint, and easily acquirable are all sizable bonuses.


Yah it rips through enemies


TTR is awesome, i dumped my previous quad/explosive railway for it lol


I’ve been using it since I got it day one of the new expansion, it’s a great weapon that would be very OP if it was bloodied.


definetly agree, tried it out today and hell its fun 🤩


I am GLAD it's not bloodied, then only 1 build can use. Things like Furious and Aristocrats are way more flexible.


I'd have loved to try it as a bloodied half quad gun though.


You do you. I'm just glad my quad is still the best.


Have you felt your quad has been slightly nerfed since the update? My quad was always my go to amazing no problems and now I feel like it’s slightly off since


Don't think there's been a nerf


I feel like the damage isn’t registering all the time.  Maybe there’s a lot more server lag? The same with my Pepper Shaker.  I’m definitely hitting the target- but not all damage is counting.


Maybe that’s it, there certainly is something off but maybe it is the lag I’ve definitely noticed that too with vats


Its great if you dont have good weapons. One shotting mobs outside harder events isnt a great measure, you can do that quite easily with most weapons. Like oh wow you killed a radroach. 2 clips is a long time when a good well rolled weapon is downing any (non nuke) boss in one