• By -


My actual dream feature, is the when the game selects a server for me to join, it checks if my camp is not blocked by someone else.


Whenever my camp is blocked by another camp (luckily doesn't happen much) I'll try and join that person's team so I can fast travel to their camp. And I'll do all my business (scrapping, repairing etc) there. It's Our camp now.


Found the commie!


Now THIS would be nice. I didn't spend a fortune on learning recipes and working hours on end to finish building my base just for it to be yeeted out of the game by someone who decided to place a temporary 1x1 woodhut-block in the same spot lmaooo


I fast traveled to a camp the other day, just to use as a point to walk to a location I hadn't discovered yet (they didn't have a vendor setup so I didn't expect much). It dropped me at the bottom of a cliff, and the camp was setup at the top. I climbed up to the top to find this guys camp. It was the camp module, and a bed on the edge of a cliff. Dude was just laying there sleeping. Haha it was hilarious.


This used to be an option when you only had 1 camp spot. Beth took it away when they added additional spots. Would be nice to have it back though. I’m not building a 2nd camp. I’ll server hop until my camp can be placed.


Turn off other players explosive animations


I'd upvote this but I can't see the button past the technicolor blast spam.


Man all the cremators are fuckin blinding


God yeah. Neurological Warfare is fun for the first minute or so when I can just be blasting away at one of the bots by myself, but as soon as everyone turns their attention to it I just have to turn away because the explosions are so wildly blinding it makes my eyes hurt.


Neurological warfare lasts more than a minute for you?! 90% of the ones im in are for 30 seconds. Had one legitimate go for 15 seconds yesterday. Wild.


They should last longer once the Goliath’s insane radiation damage weakness is patched, since it’s likely unintentional.


Me when I’m in a ultrasensitive trigger finger competition and my opponent is a fo76 player with explosive strobe lights


Goodness, I wish this was a choice. The song “Blinded by the Light” stays in my mind at group events these days


double the camp space, double the budget... I love building


I'm no programmer but I get camp budget is tied to server stability. With that in mind wouldn't they have to include workshop building budgets too? I have no idea if it's possible but I really doubt anyone would mind them stripping those workshop budgets down drastically and spreading it out to players camp budgets.


Maybe? But yeah if that's the case I'd be fine with them just yeeting the workshops entirely to give us bigger budgets. We can go out and farm the materials ourselves anyway


I’d rather they keep workshops and just lessen the budget to increase camp budget. Workshops have use outside of farming the materials they’re dedicated too (and that’s outside of the ones that produce specialty goods like the ammo factory or industrial farm) like being able to place extra scavenger collectrons at each, makes farming certain items much smoother.


Ohhh shit, you have a good point. I'm still relatively new to the game (running my first proper run rn, almost at lvl 50) so I'm yet to fully understand how the workshops work. My bad!


SAME. I've been complaining bigtime to my hubby about how small the budget is... just let me BUILD and IMPRESS my fellow wastelanders!!! I want to make a bar, shop, house, garden and workshop all separate as a small community in my camp, but I'm already maxed out with one house sharing my livingspace and shop atm


most importantly, fix the numerous "can't place item" bugs that have been around since launch


A ledger or some kind of book keeping for my vendor. I am a trader of sorts and would love a way to keep track of what I've sold and how much and to who.


I totally second this!!! I can’t remember what got sold first and at which price!


Wall paper system for ceilings and rooves


YES! and the option to place it on both side of the walls for when you build rooms inside!!


This is possible now throught glitches. Would be nice to have an official way to do it.


IT IS???? I must know HOW oh my god


I believe you can place two doorways into each other, facing opposite directions. Then change them to regular walls.


AAAH, so it'll take up double the camp budget? Fuck...


Yupp.. but hey, aesthetic


Also for the sides of block foundations


A chat box


This will forever be one of my mains. I'm so sad we can't chat with people :(


Just to ask people at events if we're ready to begin or to ask for help with a quest or something. Or even to just shoot the shit in chat


YES! Like it'd actually be a useful feature, not just for fun! But I'd also like to just be able to tell people "thank you" after they use my shop. For now I'll just stay with my thumbs up, waving and heart emoting lmao


There is a mod for this on PC called [Text Chat](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/151). I've been using it for about a year now.


Double the camp building budget


Locking legendary stats when re-rolling.


A stash that is accessible by all characters on an account. Hate getting perfect rolls on a character and not being able to use it on another character that really needs it.


Yes, even a small weight limitation is fine just to for shared stash among character. 30-50kg just for item swapping between characters.


That would make all those "know" plans much more useful.


Customizable PA, with a painting system in game and decals, although that would mean less atoms spent in PA paints so no way it happens.


It could also cost more. 😅 Set up a consumable item to add a paint to a designated slot, with slots themselves a purchasable item, like Perk loadouts.


This. I have Hellcat armor and want to LARP a Space Marine. I would love to customize the paint scheme


The paint sprayer (or whatever) and paint could be acquired with atoms. Want to paint more than one thing or repaint? Spend some atoms.


100% here for guilds/player-factions. I would love fishing though.


Ooooh!! A bit of fishing would be fun actually! That way we can mount even more things on our walls too >:)


I have simple wants. Double the scrip and caps limit. That is all. Also show heavy weapons some love without making them obnoxious.


For real. I have so much shit saved up that I hit my cap, scrip and gold limits for the WHOLE DAY within a few minutes of my play session. Not sure what the plan with incentivizing us to play less is about.


I'd give my left nut for half vertical walls. We have horizontal, is vertical too difficult?


OOOOH YES!!! I'd also give your left nut for that tbh.


A camp guestbook would be nice. Until then I will leave a single camera film (ammo) to show my appreciation to camps I like. Hope the message gets to the builders!


Lmao the guestbook would be equal parts cursed and wholesome. I want one so bad!! The camera film thing is pretty sweet though haha


I think the only way a guestbook could work is if it only had simple signatures and maybe pre-written messages to select from. Or it would be a great way to make a ban hammer honeypot.


Definitely a banhammer honeypot in that case. I want to be able to leave unhinged messages in peoples guestbooks. Something like "I like your camp G! Out of jealousy I placed an active mine in your mailbox. Have a nice day!"


Yeah I love seeing the creativity that goes into people's camps, and I myself have only just recently gotten slightly more creative with my building and it's cool. Right now the only indicator someone was at your place if you aren't there is the cha-ching of them buying stuff, but there isn't always something worth buying for everyone. Would be cool to have a very simple book asset that allows people to "sign it" which basically just leaves their tag and one of a couple pre-made options they can select as a comment if they choose to do so. Real basic stuff like "Cool Camp!" or "X was here!"


Removing the "can't remove because structure would be inaccessible" thing. You don't know how many ROOF tiles I've been unable to delete unless I delete nearly my whole building. That and a lot of the limits on building in general. So what if items intersect, half the time they're not intersecting with anything anyway! Outside of building a cool idea would be being able to set different build loadouts. So instead of switching builds and having to manually change weapons just have a loadout ready to go.


Dude I fucking HATE the "inaccessible" popup... I'm p sure it actually made me scrap my first build entirely because I got pissed off lmao!


Let us scrap ammo you cowards!


Honestly I'd love the multi ammo type set up like nv


The ability to lock items you don’t want to sell or dismantle. You can favorite only so many items or name weapons & armor to make them appear lower on the list but I’m talking about plans and other items I want to keep. I’m sitting on a Weenie Wagon plan that every time I add plans to my vendor I have to triple check I didn’t add it by accident for 10 caps 😬.


OOOH THIS. I agree. I've accidentally scrapped my power armor frame so many times...


Yeah, I did that with some SS armor. I did Eviction Notice & was throwing the armor into my stash box & accidentally took off a piece I was wearing. Sold it to the scrip vendor…. RIP. Still haven’t rolled a piece as good.


Actually clenching my fists at bethesda rn


I hope they didn't give up the pets system completely. A cat, dog or sloth would be soooo cool <3


I need a cat, even if it's just in my camp meowing at me every 20 seconds...


Trained guard Molerats. They'll never see them coming. They can eat the scavengers who will not shut up and keep loitering at my water farm.


Fuck that, I wanna ride a glowing mirelurk into battle!


You'll need a Mirelurk howdah, there's nowhere for a saddle. And just like that I want to raise a Deathclaw from an egg, make a suit of custom armour for it and ride it into battle like Master Blaster from Mad Max 3. I shall name her Missus Wiggles.


I have a pet lvl 100 diseased megasloth at my camp. My friend with high charisma shared a pet card then I got lucky with the first random spawn location.


Vendor $$$ ratings. When you're looking at their camp on the map the vendor list should have an average cost rating in the corner. So you can weed out what you don't want to bother with. Ain't nothing stupider than a wastelander posting everything with ridiculous prices.


Or the shoppers just being able to rate the seller/shop! That'd be nice too


Whenever I encounter one of those absurdly expensive player vendors who sell common items for far too many caps (example: their least expensive item is a mr. buzzblade plan for 5000 caps), I just encircle their entire camp with loot bags that each contain 1 spoiled meat, fruit, or vegetable. If enough people do this it would be hilarious to see 50 loot bags of spoiled consumables in front of unreasonable vendors; *maybe* that would be sufficient to shame them into lowering their prices or deactivating their vendor entirely. lol But yeah, an average and/or median price would be great, especially if it were available for each item category.


And how about the ability to see how long ago you last visited a certain player's camp, so you know if you've been there in the past week.


Stability. I'd also take a jet pack that actually works.


I would love an auction house. Rather than having to travel to every camp. Players should just have the option to place something for sale with an auction house, and then we can basically visit all the camp shops in one place. It could be something like an old department store catalog you buy stuff from, and it then gets sent to a mailbox you build at camp. That would still honor the game's period parody and be a big quality of life improvement for players. Also, a pip boy companion app would be cool. Something we can use consumables and equip items from. Matchmaking for expeditions and daily ops would be nice. I think that there should be hardcore servers as well, that recreate the survival difficulty from the single-player games. It would be tough, but with a group of people, I think it would be a lot of fun. Especially given the appetite for souls-like games, I don't think the difficulty would turn people away.


I considered the auction house idea but I'm torn bc I like when people visit my camp and see my house lmao The difficulty thing is a fun touch though!! I'd love that


A customizable guild system like in other MMO's would be a nice addition.


Right?? I forgot that's what we usually call it lmao. Exactly what I meant with teams/factions. It'd just add such a nice addition to teaming up and stuff. It's right on brand for the universe too!


An entire season dedicated to qol The bug in the finale of the gold vault raid where npcs freeze up is a huge pain in the ass and has existed since it came out. The slight animation/server delay on animations like entering power armor or crafting is crazy. It shouldn't take like 7 seconds just to get in a crafting station from PA. Camp boosts also take too long to use and at this point since we have so many. Also because F76 runs on the worst triple a engine ever created loading into vault 63 made it painfully obvious the game renders the entire indoor area at once despite not being on the screen or even in the same room and the same goes for passing massive cities. Frames should not be dropping 144 to 40 on new Gen pc's in a 6 year old game. So probably a 2.0 engine update, or some shit would be heavenly. Add more useful legendary effects because there's almost nothing worth keeping when you re-roll 95% of the time and remove the 4th and 5th star on legendary items visually if they're not going to be used even since launch. Camp building can be so janky at times. Double walls require glitching, placing certain fences requires glitching, placing staircases incorrectly will make it so you can't delete them, forcing you to restart the camp from scratch. There's also just generally not being able to place stuff unless you're moving at the same time.




Immortal pet cat.


This above everything for sure


No crashes would be a great feature on PS4 but what do I know?


A way to use push-to-talk while using a controller! I have to use a controller for certain reasons and I keep the voice chat off because I don't want to disturb players every time I get jumpscared by a ghoul or something, but I feel always so bad when someone comes to my CAMP to chill and I can't talk to them :( (Also a bigger CAMP budget! I love to build detailed structures but by the time I'm done with the roofing I am halfway through my budget :( )


Much higher daily script limit, gold bullion limit, and vendor cap limit


I want to see a proper rivalry between the wise moth man cultists and the vengeful ones


Make building a little easier. I just want to move the damn stairs without it being a hassle.


THIS. I am a professional hater of stairs in this game lmao


And a way to sort what your buildables. Right now I have resource generating structures under appliances, flood decorations, and misc structures.


Fishing would be cool. A more indepth method of mining and refining those materials. Alot more crops that we could plant. There are many flowers and other plants that are useful within the game. Canning that would allow the players to store food much longer.


NICE! I love the idea of more kitcheny stuff too. Maybe a dedicated spot to store said cans and stuff too?


Clean underwear.


I- uh. I actually went in-game and undressed my character to see if the underwear is dirty or not LMAO


Three front warfare via outposts and events. Brotherhood, Enclave, and probably super mutants. Players can align with either of the first two factions and can assault other faction outposts in a daily quest.  Every week the faction can give a special quest to try and sabotage the other in some way. Maybe in an expedition or daily ops kind of style. Every month there can be a weekend where there is a PvP instance where factions can face off along side their chosen ally (brotherhood sends infantry and a BoS Knight boss, Enclave sends bots with a beefed up Sentry Bot as a boss). Winners of the monthly event get a reward crate with a couple plans, flux, cores, treasury notes, and a legendary or two. Second place, so long as they aren't behind the super mutants/haven't lost their outposts to them can get half the rewards of the victor. Super mutants would be the PvE faction that assaults at random the outposts. Maybe every thirty minutes. Gives each faction an assault an hour. Obviously all that is a big project, but I just want to see the Broterhood and Enclave start their slap fight already.


Holyshit I LOVE the idea of this!! Siding with one of the major factions and going into PVP would be so much fun! iirc that's also the way PvP works in ESO, which I'm pretty sure was also made by bethesda- so they could probably cheat it a bit by ripping the concept from their other game and remaking it for fo76!


A good PvP event would require major weapon and armor balances. Make it a level playing field regardless of player level. Limit the perk cards and remove and damage related ones. No legendary weapons or perks. If not it won’t be fun when you have a bunch of high level bloodied builds spamming the same load out. Make skill more important than owning the best equipment.


They could nullifying legendary effects on weapons. Not that hard, they've done it unintentionally before.


Sometimes I think it’s easier for them to unintentionally do something good instead of intentionally doing something correct.


I though about two things last time I played. An option to rate someone's CAMP and the option to have a donation box at your camp like at the train stations.


The 4th and maybe even 5th star legendaries we were promised like 3 or 4 years ago.......


Teach players how to make their camp public during the camp tutorial, or teach them that when they place down a vendor for the first time. SO many of the new players who joined in recent months had no clue


A wardrobe for my outfits. I'm tired of them taking up space in my stash.


Literally just camp space. Goddamnit I hate some random set arbitrary number its shitty game design. Also wish perk cards worked for stash, sucks my 300 stimpacks weigh like 10lbs on me and like 400 in my stash


CAMP interactivity. I want more NPCs, I want events to trigger at player CAMPs, and CAMP related questlines. I put so much love into mine and want them to be a bigger part of the game


Better Rewards display page after quests or events. I can't believe you can complete a quest, and it'll show a few garbage items and then: .... ....!? Really!? It's so anticlimactic. Give us a pop up similar to expeditions, let me KNOW what I got ffs! Same with Player Vendor sales. One tiny line that shows for 2 seconds? Oh you missed it? Too bad! Go back and look at your vendor and try and guess what you just sold. Give me an invoice or something.


The ability to make a bases in the trees. I love the treehouse in the Mire but would love to be able to build one anywhere on the map. Cheaper prices on camp building items. Come on Bethesda, do you really need to charge that many Atoms on stuff? Sortable inventory for stash and scrap A way to pause the game and not be attacked. People need to go to the bathroom and not be mauled while they are gone. Custom power armor building, modeled around the ship building in Starfield. Cheaper prices on Fast Travel


If I need to get my avatar to safety while I go afk, I usually fast travel to the Rusty Pick or White Spring Refuge or something - whatever is free fast travel and also inside somewhere safe.


Terminals you can write in as a camp item. I love my themed camps, and my character with his own backstory and lore, and I want to storytell like Bethesda does (since I can't explain it any other way.)


Hoooldon a second, this is such a fun idea??? What the hell


- ALL buffs should last a minimum of 2 hours with a perk card that stretches it to a max of 4 hours. (Those 30 min buffs are terrible. Lets spend a min punching a bag for 29 mins of tume! By the time I get where im going, ill have to go back and use it again!) - ammo converter UI needs to be completely over hauled. It is atrocious. I will add more to this as I think of them...


Specific legendary perks for each character build loadout! An undo button after scrapping or selling an item. A ranking system for rare or common items. A way to filter consumables by effect.


I have a dream that one night Todd is visited by the ghost of Christmas gaming and wakes up with a desire to fix all of the glitches.


He'd just roll over on his mound of treasure, pat his pillow pile made of Faberge eggs, snuggle up in his unicorn hide blanket and go back to dreaming of a law that makes it mandatory to purchase Skyrim every day.


More than 1 lite ally please!! At least in shelters??


Mine would be really simple stuff Unlimited stash not hidden behind a pay wall Unlimited camp budget Unlimited allies in camp More people around your camp based on rep with factions Ability to que for events Some kind of currency converter Oh an rolling individual stars at a greatly higher cost 100 cores an mods each or something like that The game not crashing 15 times a day


I want to see a massive dump of miscellaneous camp decor items so I don’t always have to see the same 100 (Known) plans and recipes at every vendor


YESSSS! I'm in desperate need of more decor stuff!!


A more interactive radio that talks about events, nuke launches, also updates with new songs


The ability to combine C.A.M.P.S. and make T.O.W.N.S.


Mounted creatures to traverse the wasteland on!


Verified Camps! A rating system where X amount of upvotes gets your camp icon placed in blue, or some other way to know your camp is often visited and loved. Then, once a year the top verified camps are voted on by the community for a chance to become a permanent game world location.


>voted on by the community for a chance to become a permanent game world location Legitimately inspired idea, yes please! Bethesda could curate the list of finalists to avoid any trolling, but this seems like it'd be very low-effort on their part and would be a huge win for player engagement.




Working text chat. Not sure why games became so antisocial. Text chat isn't even that hard to implement.


let me use crafting tables and such while in my power armor.


Text chat. Even if it was just with "quick responses" and no custom text to avoid trolls and others that would hinder another's experience, being able to say simple things in text form would go a long way.


Remove the arbitrary limits. Gameplay balance stuff makes sense (hell I even get the stash limit, even though it should at least be doubled, can’t have hoarders stockpiling enough data to crash a server) but there is no reason you shouldn’t be able to have both 5 mannequins and 5 power armor displays bro


Now I know this is never gonna happen but functional vehicles, the map is huge and the roads are mostly intact, I think it’s a waste that no vehicles can be driven because the artists cooked with the designs




A next-gen optimized version to get rid of the abysmal load times.


Some actual challenges to the game. Exploring the wasteland shouldn’t be this easy/care free


• Would love a feature to have multiple stash boxes in your camp take up a certain number of space for better organization (ex: 1200 / 200 = 6 = 6 stash boxes with a 200 stash limit each). • Fine tuned legendary crafting (i.e less grinding to get desired legendary effects) : allows you to roll 1 star, 2 star and 3 star legendary effects individually. • I would like if they re-opened Vault 76 and made it into a community hub where players can trade, team up and just play together with each other. Also would be a good place to find random encounter vendors from time to time. • Worshop/Camp supply lines : camps and/or captured workshops harvested resources can be sent to another camp or workshop. If in a team, resources produced can be divided between team members accordingly and sent to their desired workshop or camp.


I'm seeing a lot of camp and cosmetic related stuff and not enough talk about the lack of things to do for endgame.


A once a month war between Raiders & Settlers depending on who you sided with!!


I'd like to have legit side games to do similar to RDR or GTA online whether it's playing poker, darts, bowling, dice etc


FO1st could include a larger camp budget, or we could buy a bit more space for atoms on a single camp module (tie it to one camp per)


A grand exchange like RuneScape


Honestly, when players use your gambling items in camp that it gives you their caps they use instead of going into nothing


Removal of the Fallout 1st Subscription!! 


I want inventory management for my vendor. Detailed ins and outs of purchases. Names of who purchased and what they bought etc... I often miss what has been purchased from my vendor, and to my knowledge, there is no way of finding out.


Oh yeah, this!! I completely forgot, but it always annoys me when I miss the 2 second notification of "-user- bought -item- from your shop". I want to know what sells the best and what's in demand!


A working ammo converter


You don't like the cumbersome 74 step process to turn your ammo into tokens you can't be arsed to redeem because instead of a more less button they used arbitrary and dumbass amounts that always leave you with tokens sitting? Part of the reason i completely reworked my build to go commando railway was because all I needed for ammo was commonplace steel.


YES THIS. Let me just dump all the ammo into it and convert automatically into points that I spend on ammo I want. Stop making the process an overly complicated mathematics course.


Riding bikes, having the ability to pick parts off of all the dirt bikes just lying around, then being able to take those parts back to camp and fix them at the tinker's bench, have a new workbench to work on bikes to get them to 100% and usable.


Proximity text chat.


All of us and canada commonwealth and mounts to ride so you can Explore it all.


As you mentioned, player owned factions/guilds. Maybe even adding a guild camp that has a bigger space than the normal one and a bigger budget and is shared across all the players in the faction. (Sidenote: very curious what the player home they will be adding in the next update will be like) More factions that use reputation meters. And for the meters not to be just another grind thing but an actual mechanic that affects how the faction treats you. There being a different bonus for both being hated or allied. And I wish you could be disliked/hated by the BoS. This kinda adds to the first one, but player owned towns. Or just an option to put more npcs into your camp because I love making little towns lol but they always just have one ally and a couple robots and it's weird 😭


A item like the power armor frame for regular armor. I just want it to help organize all my armor and also save some weight in my stash.


I want one button tap to be normal jump. Tap and hold be mutated jump. Double tap and hold he jet pack.


A motorcycle. Drive by shooting monsters.


Factions, or something similar to clans where we contribute as a group in various activities that moves the needle. It can be as simple as Settlers vs Raiders and each week there’s activities teams/clans can participate in and the reward are like unlocks, or currency payouts, or reputation. Whatever. Just something to bring the community closer together and working together towards goals within the game.


Survival back…


I just want to be able to obtain skins for my railway


I've been thinking about the combining camps idea for a while and would really love it. Imagine clans being able to create mini frontier towns! Maybe have it so that the town founder can build a large road or town square or whatever, with plots that can be assigned to other players. Presumably the plots would have to be a bit smaller than current camps to maintain server stability or whatever, but even if everyone only gets one modest building, it'd be so cool being able to wander around a cluster of different camps; go for a drink at one player's dive bar before heading over to the music hall opposite, then hitting up the nuka cola themed arcade next door. So many possibilities! And yeah you should totally try to share this link with Bethesda. I'm sure they're already aware that people want more camp space (no doubt there's good reasons for not massively increasing it but, please Todd, just a little more!) but there's plenty of great ideas here that would be wonderful for them to implement.


More quests with deep choices and actual consequences. Yes I know they have to take into account that we all share the world which is fine and all but just want more lol Imma be honest, the newest questline with Vault 63 and the Lost Ghouls I felt was godawful. Felt like shitty fan fiction. I wanted to explore more of V63 and didn’t enjoy any of the new characters except for maybe the Overseer’s niece.


Small wall sections similar to the small wooden floor sections but in every variation/theme such as vault and so on.


I would like to see a number for an object so I know how much of my C.A.M.P. budget it will take up - before you put something down and when something is down and you're in build mode. I would like to be able to change the pip boy light to multiple colors like you can with the miner and power armor helmet. There's something about the green light that bugs me. I would love to combine my camp with my SO's, as was mentioned elsewhere - at least where the two can be right next to each other.


More content. Better endgame. More rare dropable items from events.


More storage and camp space, higher daily cap/legendary scrip limits from vendors


I would like a two minute timer to rejoin a public server. I just finished taking over a workshop when I got a gun flash animation stuck on my character and was blocking my vision unless I crouched. Tried fast traveling but finally had to log out. I was too frustrated to try the workshop again so picked up a new quest instead.


Honestly, it may be thinking small, but... just a lot of convenience/quality of life features, but I think if they were all implemented, it'd be such a dramatic difference and make it far easier to convince people to give the game a shot. * The game should automatically calculate all fast travel costs as if you hopped to the nearest free spot first. * We *need* to be able to lock equipment from being scrappable aside from giving them an Atom shop skin or favoriting them. * Show us when the freaking season is going to end somewhere ingame. * Like half of the game's perk cards should be made straight-up permanent passives once you have them, at least partially. I think you should even still have to earn/rank up the actual card itself and need an equivalent amount of the associated stat, but there's no reason I should have to swap certain things. As long as I have selected all three lock picking cards and have at least 3 Per on my current build, my lock picking skill should just be 3 at all times, period. Int and crafting perks are the worst for this, since there's virtually no overlap between a lot of them and there's more than you can ever have perk points for. Now obviously this doesn't cover weapon damage bonuses, etc., but stuff that has no practical use in combat so there's no tactical decision to be made, it's just wasting your time. I think you could even make the passive effects weaker - say, once you have Gunsmith level 5 and at least 5 Int, you can passively make any gun/mod that requires it without equipping it, *but* the durability loss effect only comes into play while you have it equipped (and maybe buff the durability loss a bit to compensate), something like that. There's so many little small tweaks you could make to the perk system to make it less clunky and more friendly to both new and old players. * Add a 'temporary highlight' option for dailies similar to the magnifying glass icon you can mark junk with. Make a similar but separate icon that shows up on anything with relevant scrap or if it's a valid item type for any daily/weekly you currently have tracked. * Remove Ward.


Deathclaws being deadly again by default. Also Deathclaw as a camp defense without the need to do the whole pacify and what not.


Less Buggy LOL


My pie-in-the-sky ideas: I’ve always wanted a communal building space. This wouldn’t work as the game is designed now but when 76 was announced I was imagining a situation where you were usually on one server. Each world has like a town square where everybody gets a plot and they all build up next to each other. There could be regular raids from MOBS that work like events and everybody has to come to town and defend shit. You can leave the server and start on a new one but you lose your plot. I just love the idea of really building a community- literally. Also- and this is probably sacrilege- but it’s time to update some of the game’s base mechanics. We should be able to duck under things. There should be some basic climbing abilities. It’s 2024! Camp items: We need railings, we need more curtains, and we need better stair options.


All I want is the ability to lock in specific legendary effects and reroll the others. And vehicles. This Dreadnok needs his Thunder Machine.


It'd be cool if they did something with all the land on the west of the map, west of that thick river


Make the AmmoPoints machine function like a normal vendor instead of the weird Psuedo PC setup


A camp vendor ledger would be nice, i always miss the top left messages, and would love to see whats been selling and for what prices so i can adjust better.


-text chat. Cross server. Let me talk with clanmates, trade channels, LFG etc... -paid expansions that add whole new areas similar to Appalachia in size with new story quests and factions.


A chat box A mail system Double sided wall decorations Being able to build close to other people's buildings to make proper pop up towns and markets. Putting water and food inside of bunkers


-Vehicles, like bikes or something. -Armour as cosmetics.


I just want cross play so I can explore with the homies that don’t have PC’s


I just want more camp budget and I want mailboxes as a way to leave messages for players at their camp...give us some predefined messages and allow gifts. I'd like to drop gifts for players that have a nice camp, who kicked ass in a group/event, etc. You could tie the mailbox to the recipient's stash...if they're full you can't leave a gift


Don't make the ACTIVATE button the same as the Get Out Of Power Armor button.


Able to lock whatever you want so you don't accidentally break down something. Also able to select a lot of things at once to break down. Like break down all weapons, armor, etc. They have break down junk but not break down weapons only. Or even mark items as junk.


As a new player, here's what I want, aside from more building space and budget: The custom Vault Suits from FO4 (unless they're already in the game) and even if we can only use the Vault numbers that are in FO76, that would be okay. Color options for clothing/armor/power armor. Would love a color wheel, but even a preset list of the rainbow colors, plus some extras would be nice. I wouldn't even mind having to find dyes or craft dyes using flowers, fruits, etc. Allow us to put our profile's emblem on a flag, clothing, armor, power armor, or even just stick it as a decal on the wall or as a rug. The possibilities are endless here. Dedicated storage items for Notes and holotapes. They don't weigh anything, but I'd love to have them organized in my C.A.M.P. so I can rid myself of non-quest notes and holos to make my inventory clearer. Storage for clothing/armor. I wouldn't even mind a weight limit, like the stash box, but just for clothing and armor so I can collect sets. Speaking of which, in the same vein as the storage, it should have a tab for sets of armor, so you can equip a full set of matching armor if you have it. Text chat. I think this one speaks for itself. However, similar to this, I'd love a note system where you can leave little notes for others to find in your current world. (And then allow us to rate good/bad notes and report these notes if they break rules.) Each player would have a limit to how many notes they could place. If they hit the max, the player is warned which note will be erased upon attempting to place another. The notes would have a distinct glow to them, so they are not confused for background objects, and they could even have a small compass icon if necessary.


I just wish Fallout 1st was there for anything other than allowing me to play the game without spending 25-50% of the time managing my stash. I'm constantly going back and forth to places to offload inventory to make sure I don't get to 1200 stash weight. And it feels like I get rid of a ton of shit sitting in my stash, and now I'm at like 1120, Wonderful. I also would be more okay with it, if this wasn't a paid game. They're essentially annoying you until you give them money so they can stop annoying you.


More and more camp space is all I’d need I think


player housing that isnt our own camp


im sure this has been said but an ingame item for item trading system


Chatbox on console would be great. Recently saw a player Nuke the No-mans-land between south of the big but east of the skyline valley. Nothing spawned, and Nuke zone was literally not in a reachable area (I got the ‘you cannot go there’ message). Same player who launched the Nuke then launched another, in basically the same place and again, nothing at all happened. Not sure if they were aiming to kick off neurological warfare event or what they thought was happening


2000 weight limit on stash


For the love of god, just double camp storage and scrip/bullion vendors… I promise rolling ~2 extra legendaries a day won’t ruin the gameplay loop


Bro alllllll of this yes yes yes can we all just submit this lo l


1. A way to see what’s in other players Vendor from the map. I hate having to spend so much time fast traveling to a bunch of camps that have a bunch of duplicate plans. 2. A way for my vendor to stay open when I’m not online. Something akin to the Madden Ultimate Team Auction house would be awesome. Just put it up and let anyone buy it. Limiting to a single server while only playing kind of sucks when you are looking to dump items or seeking a specific item.


Basic pet companion. It can have a features like “picks up junk of nearby corpses” I would spend way too much in the atom shop


isolated stashes Chems Food/drink Library Armory Misc And for the love of whatever deity Bethesda worships, let us put cores in the ammo storage


A way to expand camp storage. Giving vendors their own inventory, they're not in my storage box. They're in my vendor. Same with Bobble Heads and magazines.


i would be happy if we could put resouce generators in our vaults. we visit vaults with planters in them? why cant i put my antique water cooler and other resource generators in my vault? they give us these huge vaults and limit the budget. if they will not do that at least remove the weights for displayed items from our 1400 weight pool.


Pick your legendary effects, even if they cost a lot of resources let me pick the effects.


The problem is the technical limitations of the engine and server bank. I think what we have now is basically as good as it’s going to get, the sheer amount of spaghetti code would be insane. I just hope that they create a new multiplayer game as a result of this games popularity.


My answer to this will always be: known plans/unknown plans category when hovering above camp icons on the map.


Player factions / bonuses for building adjacent camps. It’s awesome when there’s like a little cluster of 5-6 camps, encourage it.


Guns stored on weapon displays no longer take up stash space


Factions would be so cool. Could have weekly PvE events that would record a score (time completion for a boss fight, or something similar) and then compete against other factions to earn rewards. So much opportunity to community-build - could have a ranking system to assign certain privileges to certain members (i.e., Leaders and Co-leaders can build at the faction base, start raids etc.).


Vault Boy Cartoon to play on TV’s and Projectors you place in CAMP. Hell, with the recent Fallout success, they could develop a vault boy cartoon for Netflix and just have it run in the game as well. Give the TV’s a function! Not just more songs, but more radio stations! It’s been years, why is the DJ still 23, saying the same shit over and over? I would love a jazzy radio station, and an ambient station among other things. CAMP guest book would be great. I’d like to know how many people have visited my CAMP. The ability to toggle more clothes under armor. There are plenty of outfits that would look so cool under armor, but only a small handful of clothes will do this. Oh, and there should be a percentage slider for how often your ally’s repeat the same 5 lines. Breaks immersion.


Separate camp budget for decorations.


To not have the game crash every 20 minutes on ps5. I can dream.