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BoS and enclave could easily be added


And Responders.


My mate and I were just talking about this. There is no good reason for the new factions not to have reputation other than design laziness. They could have easily added more unique pools for gold plans. They could make a competing storyline. The responders in White Springs are barely a faction compared to the other ones and their primary function was to lose your mind charging the vertibird battery for the privilege of going into the Pitt. I know ppl would complain about having to grind more faction rep, but 76 is a live service game that you have to continue adding content to in order to keep the player base active. The ppl with hundreds of hours in this game are not averse to grinding; they just want the grinding to be rewarding.


I remember saying they regretted using the rep system a few years ago


>I know ppl would complain about having to grind more faction rep, This is why right here. People did, and continue to, complain up a storm that they had/have to grind faction rep. Like it isn't a standard RPG (Read ROLE PLAYING) mechanic. They want to live in the waste land but not live in the waste land. šŸ¤·šŸæ Beth has been catering to whiners for years trying to get the player numbers up on this game and in the end I truly think the game has suffered for it.


So, I happen to think the rep fits perfectly into the idea of dailies that all the other MMOs have. I do not believe it has a fundamental flaw, but you can easily argue the scaling is off. That is an easy fix, though. A lot of aspects of the game have been too harsh at the beginning and they have routinely buffed them to make them easier. The devs also design specifically around mechanics that require us to log in each day to offload scrip, get caps, get gold, get rep. In that vein, dailies that double dip as both treasury notes and faction rep is not a bad system. You can argue that there was not enough variety in the dailies and that causes tedium; that Ward has had dialogue issues for 3 years making him annoying to deal with; and that the total faction rep you need to reach is too high; however, none of those lead to the conclusion that faction reputation is a flawed concept. Just that it needs reworks. I've played 76 for around 900 hrs. Getting faction rep probably took me 2 months. In that span of gaming, it was a chore, but it did not stop me from playing.




Possum scout stuff came out when we didn't have shit else to do in game so at that point everyone i played with loved having something to do that wasn't nuke the Queen for the 80th time that day. I can see how some of them could be hella annoying today with all the events, daily ops, expeditions, and extra bosses that are more fun and feel more important.


I just came back recently and I did some tadpole stuff and now Iā€™m occasionally checking the possum stuff to see if Iā€™m close by anything or gotten closer to finishing something. They are clear and defined goals. Wish they had added order of the squirrel with all the camp stuff this season. SAD


After spending years playing WoW back in the day, this is *legitimately nothing*. During Burning Crusade I spent *weeks* grinding reputation just to unlock daily quests so I could grind for *gold* instead. I did the Heroic dungeon grind just to be able to grind the 10 man dungeons, just to be able to grind the 25 man dungeons. I even tolerated a bit of PvP, which I *loathe*, for it. Fallout 76 you can basically show up to events buck-ass nude and just stand there and get credit for things with random people hard-carrying you through them. I don't even grind reputation for items (I don't even know what Foundation and Crater sell TBH), I do the dailies for scrip.


Vanilla WoW was super painful. I agree, compared to that this is cake


I go to events and sometimes I don't get to do anything because everyone gets to things or does them before me. Not my fault as I'm running around like crazy but if it's my first time doing the event I have no idea what to do. Do cut some people a break.


The worst part about "grinding" In this game is the loading screens.


The entire game feels like a grind. I feel like I've been in an endless grind since level 30.... I'm in the 190s now.


I thought the responders were wiped out?


Naw, you're thinking of the Fire Breathers


Probably? I haven't played the story in a long while


They were wiped out in the original 2018 storyline, but they came back when Bethesda added NPCs in the game.


Fire Breathers were Responders. They were the elite task force of the Responders faction, it's in the terminals and has been since 2018.


And the Communists in Skyline Valley


Would it really be Enclave so much as sucking up to M.O.D.U.S.?


MODUS is my Enclave šŸ˜¤


For the glory of MODUS!


Blue Ridge too. Plz


Blue Ridge needs more love ā¤ļø


Enclave needs more NPCs you acn actually interact with, MODUS aint enough.


There's more under rapidan camp, but that's either cut content or a future dlc.


Kinda like the closed off area in Whitespring Bunker that they could make into the General's quarters.


Well he killed them all so...


And Mothman!


Now I want Mothman Cult quests


Heck yeah man!


We could get special emotes so everyone would know who the really cool ones were. Like a secret dance the heathens just arenā€™t wise enough to do


The Wise Mothman, not the Dim Ones.


And vault-Tec officials (which would include the favor of vault 63, as well as the favor of the 76 overseer, and even 51's zax.)


Yes šŸ‘


Let them add enclave AFTER Iā€™ve gotten all of the mutation serums heh


An actual war between the 2 would be great. PvP events, etc.


Having spent the time to level up one factions reputation to max, no, I'm not disappointed at all.


Fr, I like the concept of reputation but it's just another painfully slow grind in this game


It wouldnā€™t be so bad if there were more ways of generating it. Buying from and trading with them should help increase reputation, along with more random encounters.


It's stupid repetitive, it should be refreshed and add a lot more tasks to do and even things that don't take 2 seconds.


Sorry if this is a dumb question but you don't have to max it, right? You chose to for some sort of bonus?


Kinda, the higher reputation the more items you unlock at their gold vendor. Lots of good stuff are at locked ta max level reputation


Ohhh shit. Yeah, that's a big deal.


Each level of rep you get more gold plans too from Mortimer and samuel


I maxed both, ama


Same but I used that raider glitch, and Iā€™m sure settlers had one too just not as great


What is the reward for doing that?


You unlock plans for each tier of rep you unlock between the two factions.


Is it worth it? Lol


It really depends on what you're after. Some weapon plans are locked behind the grind and if that's what you want then yeah, if you don't see anything beyond a certain rep level you care about then probably no. But I think some seasonal stuff ends up on these vendors so you could have a reason to down the line. Raider rep has a glitch you can use to get there pretty quickly, it's tedious but it is less so than spending months grinding daily quests. I don't think there is anything like that for settlers. If you do it all legit it takes a while because they limit what you can get through daily quests and a couple events.


TBH, I'm glad we never saw this shit again.


Same. God it was such a grind before they added Moonshine Jamboree and Eviction Notice. Itā€™s still a grind but it was a hellish slog before.


Three month of collecting mirelurk meat. Never again.


But surely you knew raider rep glitch? I did collect for a time mirelurk meat and then said, well why not, and did the rep glitch. Only grind was settlers. But even there I did the ward glitch, to make the pointless fetch quest daily grind easier.


What's the Ward glitch? I did Raiders, no regrets on skipping a rep grind.


You pickup the quest item in the world from the floor. Different spawn locations. Then store it in stash. Go to ward. Talk, don't skip. Choose first or last option, let him talk, then quest complete.Ā Ā  Ā Next day, take out the item from stash to inventory and put it back again from inventory. Talk to ward, option 1 or 3, no skip. Quest complete.Ā  Then the next day, go to stash, take item, out back.. and now you have a loop and never need to go get that item ever again. It save time and a headache. As it is not a fun daily. I still do it for 11 scrip and 2 treasury notes.


Holy fuck im trying this tonight. Always hated that quest.


Just as a clarification, it's a world drop, not the quest drop. Check YouTube for further instructions.


Hmm, ya im confused. The item you pick up from the raider will stay in your inventory. Theres no way to transfer it into ur stash box. :o


Sent you a pm.


So you still only get it once a day, but don't have to go look for it? Good enough, thank you. Didn't even realize he gives scrip and treasury notes.


Shit I've had the microscope sitting in my stash forever as a display item, gotta try this!


My biggest issue is that the best rep stuff is with Raiders but for some reason the Raiders require the story to be completed.


There just need to be more opportunities to gain rep each day. It was especially frustrating for settlers, who have a flat 1 daily quest to gain rep when the raiders have 3. Edit: also the fact that they were all fetch quests (and annoying ones, too) didn't help. I don't want to go chase down [person] or get [thing] every time. They could've done quests like protecting Foundation outposts from waves of Blood Eagles, or running around Crater repairing tech in the space station, or going on a scavenging run for Foundation like Ward is always complaining about and escort some NPCs while they look for supplies, and get bonus rewards for finding some hidden objectives like in Riding Shotgun. If there were some better daily quests, I would've fucking loved getting my rep up


Agreed, there should be a much better rep system. To clarify a bit though, Settlers do have a second option, the Photo task. However, it's also shared with the raiders, so it's a daily choice which to go with. The grind \_is\_ horrible though and a pathetic time gate for those daily login numbers the team has to show management. This is why I always split the gold with both at the end, no matter who I "side" with through the quest. It offers rep to both sides for a small hit to bullion. Bullion is much easier to farm than rep.


Ah, right, I forgot about the photo one. That one also sucked, because when most of us were doing that questline camera photos took up space in the photo gallery, so I just skipped that one altogether. I guess what I really should say is there should've been more rep opportunities that didn't *suck* tremendously. It isn't *that* hard to make a rep quest that isn't an especially annoying fetch quest


All those new outposts in the Forest made me think we were getting new dailies for the rep grind and adding in ones for BOS/Blue Ridge. They could still do it - and then give out rep for completing the two Blue Ridge events and Test Your Metal for BOS. I was disappointed when those new locations didn't really amount to anything. It'd be a fun way to add some RP as well if you wanna intentionally tank your rep with certain factions.


I still don't know what that Blue Ridge outpost is even for. I'm always glad to see new Blue Ridge locations, but idk why they added it with Atlantic City instead of whichever BRC update they're having soon


I think they're a way for new players to meet the factions immediately, since all of them have their HQs in the Savage Divide (or Toxic Valley) and to make the Forest feel more occupied. Which makes sense, it's the "best" region in the game from a pure survival/lore standpoint, so they're all there competing where it's safest. The Lumber Mill Responder's outpost says that the settlers and raiders need a neutral mediator. I had expected some kind of questline for that lore drop; we get hints of the tension in the Skyline Valley with a certain location (spoilers: >!the Rangers tried to keep the peace with Raiders and Settlers visiting their camping site, but tension boiled over and they killed each other.)!< I wish they'd do more with what we have though. Like, with the Skyline update, nobody mentions it at all even though it's on Foundation's doorstep. You'd think some of the NPCs would comment on the giant terrifying storm in the distance! These new outposts, and unfortunately a lot of Skyline, are a lot of fluff. Some miniquests or new vendors or just anything of substance would be really nice in future updates. I always appreciate "new" content but it feels very disconnected a lot of the time, a QOL one that fills in the gaps and brings the old updates connected to the new would be really nice.


The best way I've ever seen reputation handled in a video game was in WoW years ago where you could buy a tabard for your character and doings dungeon runs would yield rep toward the faction of the tabard you're wearing. You could also grind rep via dailies, but the tabard system gave you a choice and a pretty passive source of reputation because you were more than likely running dungeons all day anyway. Would be nice to have something like that. Maybe even something as simple as a consumable that gives you X reputation upon completing an event or quest.


Id want more rep mechanics but with a more forgiving system. The grind for settlers is painful.


Eh to me reputation grinds are just ā€œadditional dailiesā€ fun the first couple times but 80% of the grind tends to be tedium.


I wish there was Responders and Cultist reputation, but giving responders that system would lock the player out of a bunch of stuff if they just ran around fucking the responders over constantly. I will never forgive Bethesda for not letting me become a Mothman cultist but I *guess* I get why you can't be one That just leaves the blood eagles, which I like better than the regular nameless raiders Bethesda usually puts in because now I can understand and learn about these people, and know *why* they kill indiscriminately. Like raider gangs that just like murdering people is fine, but only if they have more to them than that, it'd be like joining the Fiends, you wouldn't actually join, you'd be forced to join and then get hopped up on drugs til you're a husky of your former self


sign me up; i wanna be Dogmeat.


I feel like the ghoul mechanic is kind of a way of doing this. They already said that being a ghoul would lock you out of options like trading with the Brotherhood.




Yes, at the wayward. One of the first NPCs added to the game. Voiced by Jason Miewes AKA Jay from Jay and Silent Bob (And Clerks)


WHAT! I didnā€™t realize that was Jay! Thatā€™s awesome lol


Yeah I so wanna build a camp next door called "RST Holotapes" and have a Jay and Bob Mannequin outside the door.


Oh right, Mort. Been a while.


A hell of a lot. Just travel around any of the major settlements and you'll see a few every now and then walking around Also the new expansion is all about Ghouls


Ugh, of course. I went through that whole thing and just forgot. Thanks.


Yes, if only it wasn't made to be as grindy as settlers and raiders. In that case, enclave, Bo's, responders, motoman etc.


Reputation can be so much fun with enough options. If there are just a few repeatable quests and a small daily rep limit, then it's just a chore, meaning there better be a darn decent carrot on the end of the stick.


I wish we could become enemies of the BoS and have a new quest pop up to destroy Fort Atlas.


Yeah. When they did the wastelanders update they had so much potential. They had the enclave, mothman cultists and mistress of mysteries and could have expanded on them and had new unique stuff. Then they went with general raider/settler sides. Then another branch of the BoS. They started with something great but buggy and have just twisted and reshaped it and now it's just a generic fallout thing


Not just that, you can gain reputation with *both*. I'd figured I would only be able to become an ally with the raiders and the settlers would want to kill me, and vice-versa. Honestly, developers shouldn't be scared of players missing out on content. That should be up to the players, *they* should be scared of missing out on content, it would add a lot of weight to the choices they make when they try to join a faction. Elder Scrolls Online was almost perfect in that regard, until the stupid Tamriel One patch.


Just looked it up, minus the levelling thing I imagine that was way after release. The story probably progressed enough to warrant the "Alliance stuff is now unrestricted" since by that time the Three Alliance War was mostly over. I played a little bit back when Coldharbour was the start and i'm unsure if this was during Tamriel One. I didnt play too much since my computer at the time went from running the game flawlessly to struggling to even handle a building. But now I have like 3 Max rank characters and completed the Ebonhearts TAW Storyline, years later.


Its bewildering that the BoS has no faction rep system or unique shop. Huge waste of an opportunity. At most they are the same as the Responders as far as their influence.


Yes. I want MODUS to give me something other than stim packs and Sugar Bombs for completing patrols every day like a trooper. Even if it's just a title or a medal.


Yes. I've been waiting for them to let us join the mothman cult. I hope we get some future dlc's with more content and lore for them.


Conceptually yes, itā€™s cool, but it needs to be reworked so itā€™s not so insanely grindy. Having an option to earn rep with the BoS wouldā€™ve been cool, and taking a page from the reward function for Expeditions couldā€™ve seen Valdez sell Daily Ops plans for gold, but you need to reach a certain level in BoS rep to purchase them. Rep easily couldā€™ve been rewarded for Daily Ops completions, but couldā€™ve also invoked new interest in completing some of the minor BoS events that nobody touches now.


No, and only because the rep grind is so slow and repetitive which equals boring. Maybe if there were more ways to raise rep, but as is I don't need or want any more rep grinds


Factions could and should be handled better. Make the grind easier with more dailies and associated events, but still a milestone achievement. I loved grinding rep in WoW, got some odd ones to exalted back in the day.


Like fuck, let me harness my evil with the blood eagles


Wouldn't say I'm disappointed. But just the two factions does feel like there was a design intent there that was never fully realized.


And that is serious grind workā€¦raiders glitch still works though. Foundation got patched couple of years ago


I'd really like to be able to keep earning goodwill with BOS beyond dropping off tech reports now and then.


No, I'm with you on that. You should get responders and BoS at least. I'd think doing responders dailies would at least get you something besides a few caps. And technical reports should give you BoS cred too imo. Am I the only one disappointed with the new "expansion"? Like that story line was mid. You could finish it in one sitting...and everything you did was pointless, because the whole time you're trying to stop the weather disaster and you dont even get a chance to. Everyone is saying how great it is....but I thought it was a lazy story with little to no impact on anything.


I wish there were more reputation factions for two reasons: More daily quests and better distribution items. For example, the Responders in Whitesprings? I don't think a vendor bot should just sell all the plans for Whitesprings furnishings. That works better as a faction locked reward and would add some prestige to the fancy furnishings.


Especially with daily quests already available for Responders and handing in technical data for BoS. Would be cool to build rep with them too and buy from unique vendors.


Should be like New Vegas. Reputations for everyone.


Aside from *possibly* the Brotherhood (if you are being generous), what other faction is even potentially consequential enough that the vault dweller would give any shit at all how they felt about him?


Brotherhood would be great if there was the BoS we chose vs the BoS we pushed out. But it also doesn't need a rep. Just needs a story.


I would love to get reputation with the Cult.


The daily quest would just be "Find 5 lanterns"


For real though. We BARELY need reputation with the two factions now. Gimmicky system with no relevance or tangibility, tacked on just to say itā€™s on there. Leave it the way it is or get rid of it.


I find the factions pointless in this game.




Not really, the grind sucked.




It's better his way. I murder every responder I see. Smh. Posers


Not looking for yet another slow grind, thanks!


Nah, the grind is annoying. A good solid questline is all the other factions need.


I do think the other factions should be more interactive, but rep grinds need to be toned down.


I'm definitely in favor of more factions, although the grind for reputation points would need to be lighter than the grind for Settlers & Raiders currently is. One thing I've always liked about WoW is the number of groups you can gain reputation with, and get new rewards with most of them. However, the grind for rep in WoW has always been *way* too much for my liking.


Also disappointed that you can attack them both after having max reputation without any consequences lol


Not if they are like their quests. I mean if I have to track down equipment, find vacuum tubes or kill a defector raider.....


Yes. I also hate the fact that these reputation gains are minimal. Limited to 1 daily.


Iā€™m still annoyed that I need to maintain reputation at all with the Raiders. Having been a player from the beginning of the franchise I feel almost programmed to kill them on sight. (Except for Gail and Ra Ra) Now I have to go out of my way to kill Blood Raiders. Just to get it out of my system lol.


I hate reputation. I don't need another daily grind.


No, not without a complete standing overhaul.


Just glad they were both glitchable back in the day. Glad I never have to think about those dailes ever again. You can still max raider rep in an hour.


I'd really like the cultists to get their own rep grind, or an entirely new faction and not just another Brotherhood branch. I feel like that entire Brotherhood/Enclave well has been dried up for a bit and dragging it from other games into the 76 lore was a bit of a stretch.


Theyā€™re from another game: the original one. Taggerdyā€™s group at Fort defiance is original story about fighting scorched. Ramaniā€™s californian group is Steel Reign installment after Wastelanders with a Supermutants story. Same for Enclave, it was the first ā€œend gameā€ quest: running a silo, launching a nuke and killing SBQ.


No offense if I'm wrong but I'm confused, did you reply to the right person? it just feels like a random explanation to something I didn't ask--I've been playing since day one, I remember the content as it got rolled out? My point is that this takes place so long before the other games that these factions seem kind of silly to just already be here.


The Enclave in particular are even set up to receive ranks and perks through the 'become a general' mechanism. I always felt that branch of the quest line had been cut down drastically. I wonder if it was a learned response by Bethesda to the totally unnecessary, time-locked hamstringing of the main quest that 'Anthem' used to slow progression? In contrast to *that* game; progression through the Enclave's organisation was successfully made part of the story and the plot, it was logical and administered through a reasonably involving mechanism. Plus a lot could have been done with rewards along the way. The jump straight to general after a handful of Enclave sub-quests and faction activities felt *very* cheap to me. And it is not as if the unbearable Raider-grind in particular is any better! That was **VERY** painful to slog through!


Only purpose for enclave on original game, was pointing you to run a silo, launch a nuke and kill SBQ, advising better on a team. Something that even now many people avoids. Why to add more difficulties? It belongs to a dead world game days, not like wastelanders quests designed for getting allies. Are very different concepts. Same for free states: you help a dead girlā€¦ thatā€™s the tragic story. Theyā€™re not a real faction. it could be as if you wanna be part of Thorpeā€™s raiders instead of Megā€™s group.


No, I crave another degenerate rep grind. šŸ¤£


Yea.. Because I want to spend Month(s) grinding 1-2 dailies to get rep... Fun


I was just thinking about this a day or two ago. I know this game isnā€™t technically an MMO, but it would be awesome if they added reputation levels and rewards for all the larger factions (i.e. responders, enclave, mothman cult, etc) and give them all a unique daily or two and maybe a public event to increase their reputation. Or maybe some kind of item you can claim/wear that earns reputation for them by doing any activities.


BOS should too since they have a whole questline, same for the Enclave, both also have proprietary item offers that could be effected just like settlers and raiders. Enclave could maybe even let you enter a locked room in Whitespring once you reach neighborly. Or maybe a new dialogue with the proprietor whom is so mysterious but maybe not if weā€™re in with management. Also if the game had reputation with responders, the high reputation could be for stamps access to the rarer stuff like Union PA. They could STILL implement it as a PA access fix. They should also do it for Free States and high rep allows you to hire a Free States ā€œallyā€ as an optional at your base. All the above factions already have events, daylies, or missions that could increase rep. Itā€™s a big lore loss in my opinion that they could still add even now and it would be really cool.


No, please. No mor rep grinding, i hate it.


Considering how brain-numbingly tedious those two are to grind, I would hope not myself. I mean the other factions are there, you just don't have you do the same stupid daily missions for six months every day to get them to like you...Which is a plus in my book. And there's already so many gold buillon things to buy that I'm not sure I want them to add some for let' say Responders / Blue Ridge / Brotherhood / Enclave... The pain, the horror... The absolute dread... Stilll need to buy a gazillion gold buillon and stamp plans, adding a huge batch of more grindables would murder my soul.


Good. Don't want to grind more rep.


While the idea has potential.... I know it's gonna be a time gated grind. No to that. Yes to the rest. Grind is OK. Time gates are a bit above loot boxes but still in the deepest circle of hell when it comes to game mechanics.


I'm more frustrated by the daily quests for the Settlers causing you to go against the Raiders most of the time and losing you a minor amount of reputation with them.


What grind? FO76 has no grind.šŸ˜‚ You Wanne know what a grind is? Go play WoW, Runescape or Ragnarok Online. Now add factions Todd, NOW!!


The enclave rolls differently. There is rank. Start at the bunker by White springs to become part of the enclave.


Yes, the reputation grind was insane and I don't want more


I am. But I don't want it to be a grinding thing. But more like an actual mechanic like in New vegas. Sure, you might get certain things but getting stuff shouldn't be the primary goal of reputation.


Yes. You're the only one. No one else has ever thought/said this(don't use the reddit search function)


Rep farm is such an MMO thing, and it sucks.


Oh sure I want to grind rep with other factions, sign me up /s


tbh I don't give a damn about my reputation. You're living in the past, it's a new generation.


Oh, not tired of doing the same more than 100 days in a row yet? Keep doing it and weā€™ll talk about rep next year. Remember: you can have 5 chars if you completed wastelanders quests and wanna look for more rep. Iā€™m happy being part of BoS after killing that dickhead, there are DOs and Dome event related. Responders have all the exps you want for freeā€¦ no walls. Take care with what you wishā€¦