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I swear the only events I see these days are Campfire Tales, Beast of Burden, and Uranium Fever


more campfire tales please. i still need possum badges


Dog I’ve been playing this game for 3 years and I have to ask: You can get fucking possum badges from campfire tales?!?!?!??!


There was a period where it was glitched and you couldn't, but that was fixed at some point.


And dailies, I only found this out last month!


Yes and two dailies. Stings n things and operation Tiddy.


I'm going off memory here but I think what fools people is that it's not always part of the reward. But those events will occasionally reward a badge.


According to the wiki its 25% drop chance. Most will tell you that seems high but it feels right to me. I have been doing them daily since they started and I have an excess amount of badges.


> operation Tiddy.


Do your Stings and Things daily quest too. Tip: immediately after campfire tales, area loot all the insects, fast travel to Treadly for the stings and things quest, and you've probably got all the insect parts in your inventory already from CT. 


oh yes. this is how i role.


What are the insect parts for? :)


Scout Leader Treadly gives a daily quest called Stings and Things. He wants you to collect various insect bits plus a radroach meat and he turns it into a bug repellant for you, plus a chance of possum badges. If you head straight to him after doing an insect-heavy event like Campfire Tales or Teatime, there's a good chance you got most of the requirements in your inventory already. 


Swear the drop rate is 10% upon event successful completion for a badge. Would be nice if the odds increased. Also I could be wrong but I believe the event can be triggered by someone in the area at the right time in game.


I believe its actually a 25% drop rate, but sure doesn’t feel like it


oh, I need to figure out how to run it. i can solo it so id love to be able to start it in my own


I've done Campfire Tales probably 80-100 times, plus Stings and Things roughly 20 times. I still only have the one badge, for the one challenge that I completed... at this point I would love 10%.


There’s another daily to do but it is tedious and luck based


agreed. it has to be more like 1% I do operation tidy every single day and I have 8 badges. Ive only ever spent 12


Ive never gotten badges from thag event are yoi saposed to get badges?


It has happened for me on two occasions. I thought it was because i had done all the other possum scout daily events but that doesn’t seem to be the case


Man I used to do that event every time it came up and I've never had a single badge yet period. Must be a pretty rare drop but I guess it makes a bit of sense considering it's a quest about them


how far along on the pioneer scouts are you? They didn’t start to drop for me until i was a possum


Well I've done all the tests on the computer but have no tadpole badges for some reason. That could be it though, an added bonus for getting through the scouts missions.


oh yeah, that’s it. there is more than just the test. check the challenges. archer, hunter and athlete are pretty easy. you probably have code breaker already


They are incredibly rare


Good to know. Its never clear in game whats actually rare or not


I keep getting Eviction Notice. Which would normally be great but I am swimming in legendaries right now. When it rains it pours…


I need to figure out what is the 500lbs of stuff I’m storing that I don’t know what it is is.


Check your inert flux, missiles, meds and glowing mass. All add up quickly.


I have none of that.


I have a fair amount in weapons. I have a number I display. Some of those are not light. And none are serious so if I find say a legendary weight reduced war drum I will be swapping that in for the one that weighs 20lbs. I also think the harpoon gun looks cool. And the cave diving outfit. All those plans I have for sale. It is why I price them cheap as they are all 0.25. And if they don’t sell I either donate them or just drop them in my camp. I never understand why people have 10 of every ultracite plan for sale. I have a fair amount in apparel. I went through once and threw a bunch of stuff out that I was ‘never going to wear’. Like for a while I was keeping one of everything. I sell my key cards. I only keep 10. And very limited ‘backup’ meds and no pre-war food. A few Nuke Cola for scoreboard quest related reasons.


Nuka cola too!


I go to each tab (ammo, aid, food & drink, etc) with it set to sort by stack weight. That shows the heaviest stuff first, to drop/sell/scrap. Done within a minute and no more problem.


Nuclear key cards maybe?


That would be sick, I use those a lot. I buy them.


They sell fast for 100 caps


100 caps is worth not having to do 3 loading screens and risk the bot being in an ass location.


Jail Break popped a week or so ago and I think it's the first time in like 3-4 years I've seen it pop up. I mean, I still don't mind an Eviction Notice and Rad Rumble every now and then... ^^And ^^Campfire ^^Tales ^^For ^^Badges ^^^Please ...I've learned to just server hop and see if something strikes my fancy.


I'm pretty new, about a month in. I have mo idea what that event is and I hit every single event that pops up lol


All I see is Moonshine Jamboree. I have so goddamn much Gulper Slurry I can't sell it fast enough.


Lucky you, for me all I see is swarm, distinguished, and project paradise. Needless to say, I’m running low on treasury notes 😭


Can you get me some of that Beast of Burden? Been trying to get all the Blue Ridge Caravan items and I just never see that or Safe and Sound pop up.


Uranium fever. Distinguished guests. Path to enlightenment and lode baring


Probably cause it was dropping repair kits like crazy. I still have over 100 from that event.


I was wondering how I amassed 92 improved repair kits


I thought that was a feature. And was thinking, that's nice, finally new rewards for events. Because why no, revamping of events and giving some extra rewards is always nice.


oooh thats where they came from! and of course bethesda would not want to be too generous with us, wouldnt they?


I thought it was a reward from something random I did. I ended up with 20 kits


Same lol


Yeah I went from 40 to 133 since the update dropped lol


That and it wouldn't tell you what plans it was dropping, they'd just appear in your inventory.


Oooook I thought I was trippin


It does tell you, in its own way. When the rewards pop up on screen, it often listed the plans last. But due to the number of reward items given, the list would end with "...", telling you that there is more to the list.


No I think that was intended, I just don't think the event was intended to be so easy, I think it was meant to be more like a horde event that would spawn so many enemies you'd break at least one gun to complete it because that's what it was like on the PTS.


They list it as HARD, but it was fairly easy. The biggest gripe I had was that others would sometimes forget to start the event.


I only played it once on the PTS but it was easier than the runs on live for me.


IDK, might have been bugged on some PTS servers then too. I built a turret camp to try to solo it with my level 1000 bloodied commando build and it just wasn't happening, my camp would be razed in minutes and I'd be kiting like 10 enemies around as they kept spawning as fast as I could kill them. I'd burn like 2k 5.56 rounds plus 20 nuka grenades per event and still fail it near the end most of the time.


They had that like this the entire PTS. I’m pretty sure that was intentional, and if it wasn’t, sure they’d have pulled it sooner.


Ohhhh so thats where mine came from… thanks!


Yeah. Lol. I was surprised when I found out that it drops 2-3 improved repair kits. Something that drops from the Queen!


Is that what happened, I thought they just changed the system to make repairs easier I'll probably be set for quite some time than.


It's the least they could do with the TTR and Bertha breaking so damn quickly. Honestly I think they should drop Repair Kits at the start of each huge update and then remove them from the rewards list once they've balanced a few things, just to give us some play room with new weps and armor


I also got a few off of the SBQ, still wondering what that was about


The scorchbeast queen has been giving improved repair kits for a *long* time.


That's normal though.


I have never used one, except for the first time I repaired something because I was new to the interface and didn't know how to use workbench repair. Are there things that don't have a workbench option at all? Pretty sure I saw something once without the button for it, that may have been when I used the repair kit.


i use as emergency repair kits. you can use your radial menu to repair items in the favorites where. i tend to use it there when i forgot to do the workbench repair


Repair kits are great for when you atent paying attention and your weapon breaks in the middle of an event and you need to repair asap. 


I have at least a dozen weapons on me. If my AA plasma caster breaks, I can switch to executioner, or troubleshooter's, which has turned out to be extremely useful. Then there is the holy fire, 2 cremators, aristo cryolator, a couple gatling lasers and plasma gatling, and a 2 shot gatling gun, plus foundation'vengeance. Oh, and a quad pepper shaker, but Im waiting to get the lase mod for it. Man, I love bear arms. Also, my weapons never break. I have max int for xp, so the 5 point weapon damage reduction card is on me, and the luck card that repairs weapons, 1 point. Armor breaks more often, but I repair it at a bench.


Repair kits can be used directly in battle, for armor or weapons. I can't remember the last time I ever workbench repaired.


I went a few months before realizing that there was workbench repair. Even bought some repair kits. Just kept thinking it was really unfair that all my best weapons depended on such a scarce resource. Felt like a real moron when I finally saw the option.


Not sure if that reason alone would be why it got pulled. I mean, for sure, it warrants an edit to the rewards, but that seems like a relatively easy fix.


Wait That where they come from


Whomp, there it is!


I have five fucking hundred


That’s odd. I never got any repair kits when I participated. I’m kind of salty lol. I never have any repair kits.
















Hopefully they rework it a bit. It was pretty much just sitting up top and killing the three lost champions when they spawn until you fill the bar.


Thats all anything is in this game.


hey! rude! sometimes you also have to scavenger hunt an object that may or may not have a tiny pool of possible spawns


You saying that makes me wonder if that’s what they’re doing.


Hopefully to fix spawns. I did the event solo and it was a lot of fun with loads of spawns and mobs all over the place. Though with other people the event kinda sucks as all the mobs just melt and you basically just stand around waiting for the timers to run out.


Shitty spawn points, and cremator spam made it boring.


Y'all need to let this dead horse lie. Most people build Cremator for multishot with slow damage. It does more damage over a period of time for less ammo but doesn't delete stuff instantly. The people deleting mobs are your typical bloodied crit builds that are just one shotting stuff.


Me being blind as hell seeing colors says otherwise but ok. Also I do have a cremator and if it's a direct hit or vats shot things die in 1 second be fr


So you're too blind to see what is a really happening?


0/10 come up with a better witty line that actually makes sense 🤣


Listen, I told you what's up. The people deleting mobs isn't the Cremator guys. It's the bloodied builds. They're one tapping everything. Point your ire at them.


Bro said he'd like to see. It's not about the deleting of mobs. Here's a video of fighting a 2 story robot that I can't see for half the time. Even my health bar can't be seen at times. That's what they're talking about. Trying to see and tag stuff is tricky when this is what your screen looks like. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tURoHqwZxas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tURoHqwZxas)


> Shitty spawn points, and cremator spam made it boring. Nothing about this comments suggest it was a visual complaint. Cremator spam.made it boring suggests this person thinks cremators are killing all his spawns.


Yeah, if you've got more than 3 people there with decent setups it's just kind of boring.


I know this is not the answer to the question, but im only doing that event for the rewards. Im still trying to get a Red Terror for my heavy gunner build


Browse vendors you might find one. I bought one yesterday.


I found a few but im sure as hell not paying 10-20k for one


Of course that’s your call, but also 10K is not exactly a lot of money in this game. Especially for a new, rare weapon. 


It is for some players


IDK why you're getting downvoted. Must be from people bouncing off the cap limit who have also forgotten what it was like to have no more than a couple thousand caps at any given moment. Alas, I can only offset one vote. 1 up for you.


There are dozens of us. Dozens!


Echoing what you're saying, and on top of that the biggest issue for new players is the daily vendor limit. You can at max earn 1400 caps per day if you are a new player with one character without dabbling into selling things in your own vendor (which is less likely that a newer player would be super successful at), so that 10k caps could be as much as A FULL WEEK of hitting the vendor cap limit every single day, then spending 100% of your efforts on one gun you might not even like.


Thx :) As a since launch player, I remember when there were no player vendors and you had to buy plans and mod plans from bots. Or hope someone had dropped some item you wanted into a blue suitcase.... I was around a year in and L150 or so before I ever had more than about 4k caps at any given time.


This is why I have everything so cheap in my vendor, cuz I never had caps as a new player. (I still don't, tbh 😂 I really like plushies). If you happen to see my camp (DaughterofMaat), I have plans for 2 caps and my 3 star legendaries are 50 caps. Everything else is in between 2 and 50 caps. Be sure to do the mothman dance to say hi! 😂😂😂


Me too. Not as cheap as you, but uniques or sought after plans are usually 3-5k at most. Everything else is in the hundreds or lower


Lowkey not hard to get caps tho if you sell the max caps to vendors and just keep doing events. Doesn't matter which ones the small ones are good too you can easily make 2k-2.5k caps per day they just accumulate fast af. I spent 15k caps yesterday for a pepper shaker plan and had 17k caps and in like 2 hours of playing I was back at 19k by just doing events and picking up caps off enemies


You are not wrong, and I'm not saying it can't be done. (I know I can hit max daily caps in 15 seconds by selling a bot vendor 3 mutation serums.) Just pointing out for a variety of reasons (and without making a lengthy list of same), it is much more difficult for new/lower level players to raise and hold on to a lot of caps.


I believe the correct adage here is, "Get ya money up, not ya funny up!"


I’m sure it is, but that just means they can’t afford it. Getting every item for a bargain price isn’t, and shouldn’t be, guaranteed. 


It's a drop for a non-timed event anyone can solo in their sleep, a pricing like that is beyond absurd even if it's new. It's even more absurd since it's fairly common for an event drop since the loot pool is only 16 items, and oversaturated as hell in vendors after the hourly event phase we just had with it.


Not that absurd atm since the event isn't running so its not obtainable. Prices always rise when it's not possible to get the item even if only for a short time. Also the weapons weren't that common from the events, I probably did over 100 dangerous pastimes before it was pulled and only ever got 1 red death drop though I noticed Bertha was dropping more often at least for me.


It happens anytime new event weapons come out. Nothing out of the ordinary. Holy Fires still sell for 4k-5k each and they've been out for over a year.


I dropped 6k but then I was looking for something to drop caps on.


I'm shocked at how many of the new variants I've found for less than 2K caps in player vendors. Especially the Anchorage Ace Of course I already have one, but I'll gladly stash a spare of any weapon I can.


Oh they are selling for that much? I have one but haven't tried it yet


[I was lucky to find this. ](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/137083958214000640/1253426690475163748/image.png?ex=667bbed2&is=667a6d52&hm=ce6f189692009349d0365173cfb6b73bd92474625551621d1d1a91eadcec9495&) I suspect harder to find now when the event isn’t happening.


What? I’ve scrapped 2.


Wait people are paying that much? I scripped it. 😬


Yeah, was trying to do the same thing and wondered why it wasn't popping. Got lucky and found one for 1k caps! Just keep logging and re-logging till you find a good deal.


Are you on PC? I've got two! Edit: just saw your other comment that you are on PS5!


Nope, on PS5 sadly :'D


Thats okay! If you ever make the jump to PC, send me a message! I'll help out with a little care package of supplies. Stims, radaway, plus some building materials (and maybe plans if I've got any :D )


If you're on Xbox I can give you mine. I've moved away from heavy guns for a while so they're just taking space in my stash box.


Im on PS5 sadly, but thanks for the offer :D




If you have a Vintage Water cooler plan I'd like that (I'm scared of accidentally scrapping the ones a friend of mine built in my camp for me). Otherwise you can have it for free.




SoundingEnd993. My camp is slighty north of Whitesprings next to Cliffwatch. It's got the cave camp icon


Bro I pulled up the first day the season dropped and my very first time doing the event I got the Red Terror. Shit is good af esp if you do a PA build cuz of stabilized perk.


I feel for you bro I’ve sold 6 of these for 2500. Won’t vendor it for more than that.


Just like that one prison break event. 2 times since january, both in the past 3 weeks.


I haven't seen prison break in years lol wasn't that the main way to get the handmade plan at launch?


Not prison break i don't think, but patrol duty or whatever its called, both at the prison though.


Yuup i remember xD


An you had to be under level 45 or something stupid like that right? Or server hop like mad for harpers ferry vendor?


On the release version the Handmade Rifle plans where level locked and you could only buy them when your character level was between level 15 and 19. Back then I had to create a new character and sneak with him to Harpers Ferry before hitting level 20 to finally get the plans.


Shit, didn't realise it was that low lol how did the ever expect anyone to get to harpers ferry to grab them at that level? I do prefer the plans costing a hell of lot more but being easier to find tho


Huh now that you mention it I haven’t seen Prison Break in ages.


It's totally still there, but ot feels like 1/20th of a chance compared to others


Yeah I’ll have to look out for it I forgot about it I haven’t seen it or come across it in forever. I think the last time I did it was before the fix (I think it was taken out for quite some time like Back on the Beat).


Lol I just saw it pop yesterday for the first time in a long time too


Completely forgot about this event lol


It was a really boring event with a lazy af boss. I do want the plans tho…


The plans, ammo, and repair kits were the best part about it. It was boring. The Lost spawning at slow rates is the only reason the event doesn’t end sooner.


I hear the tesla rifle you can get there is low key amazing.


I got it, its not better than my quad regular one


Maybe this https://youtu.be/KcUHCU8dxiQ?si=VoRHQZfebTvT17r3


Yup this is the reason why.


There was a exploit similar to expeditions, with enemies respawning if you stood in a certain spot, the event basically never ends, OP your statement of it not being in rotation is true, it was just a blanket statement to shut us up from Bethesda.


There was an xp exploit.


It was bcs of an exploit that spawned infinite enemies.


Imagine having developers communicate with players when changing the game. 


I haven't seen it either. But if it's not in the normal pool for random selection then it probably hasn't been pulled on purpose. Being BGS they probably just fucked it up as per usual.


there was a glitch where if you start the mission with a second left on the clock it would fail and spawn infinite lost enemies, you could leave the area and it would still spawn them according to [This guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcUHCU8dxiQ). Too long didn't read?; expansion launched with bugs and rather than fixing it quickly they removed it from rotation. I'd be shocked if it doesn't pop up near next patch.


That sounds kind of awesome, actually


It’s to redo the spawn points


event rewards have been lacking and suck, a shame need more good rewards and legendary cores so all events are worth doing


I think the event wasn't working as intended, it didn't seem like the enemy spawns were working properly. On the PTS it would spawn HORDES of enemies, more enemies than rad rumble. On live servers it was spawning a pathetic amount of enemies and it was making the event way too easy. I think if they did pull it they pulled it till they can patch it.


You could finagle it easily to keep it spawning like a hyper Westtek. So, they pulled.


At least I got 2 BERTHAs


It was bugged where you could hit the button on the intercom to start the event and even if the event was up it would spawn Lost over and over, and over. People were farming lost like crazy for xp and it was the best xp spot by far. I guess they couldn't fix it in time so they rotated it out.


Spawn Camping, lack of spawns, crazy rewards etc could be anything really.


Thankfully I got my Red Terror lmg before they pulled it for having a glitchy loot pool


I could have sworn I did this event the day before yesterday.


Really? Why bother having a PTS.


They already stated they pulled it to tune it up. Will be brought back in a future update.


Something tells me dops plan was working fine. Until today.


All I know is early on there was a glitch where you could respawn the lost outside of it over and over again. I don’t know what that’d have to do with the event, but who the fuck knows with BGS.


Truuuuuu, I've noticed it's gone, too.


Todd hates fun


Bring back Pass the Buck! Lol


As least is Fasnacht now. I need me some more Meat Week and Primal Cuts. The amount of treasury notes and legendary cores I got last time was insane


They’re just fixing it.


I got the event yesterday finally, so it does seem to be in the rotation... It just might be weighted lower so that it doesn't show as often


Wait when did they pull it ? I did one last night


It's gonna be an week event like fasnacht, treasure hunter, meat week it showed up on the hour every hour any event that does that is a week event


If you spammed the intercom before the event started it would instantly fail and spawn an unlimited amount of lost


I never see feed the people anymore did they do something to that one cause I used to always join it.


they added it to the random rotation now


Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it's not happening. An event happens every 20 minutes. There are tons of events, it's quite possible it just cycled through while you were sleeping.


Probably due to the complaints Edit: They just confirmed that it was