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I'm waiting till I've got more for now I've only got about 800 of them




They’re pretty easy to find in bulk for 10 caps or less. I usually wait till I have a few thousand of one and then pop a guns and bullets 5 so you get double the mats from scrapping all the guns.


Ah yeah, thanks for reminding me to use those. Just did 600 maps without gb5. Oh well, guess I'll use it with the few hundred I have from other regions.


Well it was 1000 but I had to test a couple out


Absolutely, I’m hoarding maps for when I’m bored between events.


Basically what I spent my day doing yesterday


I just dropped a couple hundred at Fasnacht yesterday afternoon.


Same, but only an hour ago. Csmt be bothered with all that hassle


Lmao, I thought I was the only one who thought this would be a good idea. Dropped about 20+ in there and they disappeared quickly… like everything else but w/e


I had been meaning to drop them for a couple days, then I got a plan I already had and it seemed like the time.


Archeologist badge!


And enjoy the search!! Feels great to find them on your own…and to find them with help! It’s a win win.


Looooots of scrapping and learning mods!


Yes use them please!....I will sell you more, I have over 85k of all maps in my vendor for you to buy lol


Typical raider




I have over 85k of all maps in my vendor........85K is 85K


I’d buy some if you are on pc


Not the person you replied to, but I generally throw mine into my vendor at a cap a piece because I can't be bothered with them myself and am on PC. Camp is usually up by crater but business has dropped off hard since fasnacht so probably going to throw up my secondary camp near Helvetia and try to make something cute for people to enjoy between the events, if I can.


The dupers in this game are really basking in their impunity :) next they'll be emailing Beth support, saying "I've got a bajillion of everything, I dare you to ban me!"


I bought every one of them and put in my vendor...I dont care if they are duped or not i still make caps


Yeah, right. Even at the price of 1 cap per map the overall buying price would be more than a million caps. You're telling us that you've spent a million+ caps on maps?


Well apparently you cant math


He did meth not math


No no, that checks out. 85k + the 10% Todd tax is definitely over a million.


Not even close, Adding 10% to 85k is only 93,500 ...........Damn did any of you pay attention In school lol




Pretty sure 85k maps at 1 cap each doesnt equal over a million. Probably closer to 85k....




That's not how that reads at all.




you cant make meeeee


I’ve been playing the game for 2 years and I’ve just sold every map at my vendor, I tried once to find a location and couldn’t figure it out so I gave up and just sell them for 10 caps each, had no idea there was solid loot in them I always figured it was as meaningless as opening up miners lockers


Yeah you schould use the maps as a new Player, When you area anelder veteran you dont need that stuff anymore. Makes just sense at the beginning. And under [https://fallout.fandom.com/](https://fallout.fandom.com/) you can find alle the soultions.


Exactly I just gathered them up thinking everything inside will be useless but as a new player you'll get some great stuff


really? I always thought they were garbage so I pretty much threw them away regularly. For years.


Man… they dont even weight anything


I've been playing (off and on) since the game came out and I don't know how to use treasure maps. Lol i've got to the location on a few of them but never find anything.


Over level 400 and have yet to waste my time with a single one.


They actually have decent rewards. I wouldn’t bother hunting them down one at a time. But if you can find some in a vendor and get a few hundred or a few thousand of the same one it’s super worth the time to just spam A on them for a bit.


What are the decent rewards? I'm almost lvl 400 and never bothered with them


They’re a crazy good source for steel, because of all the weapons. All nearby players (party members?) get loot when one is opened.


I've done a few, both back around launch and now, and I have never had any luck. The rewards have not been worth the time of hoofing it to the locations. Only positive has been the XP gained from killing enemies as I travel, but then you consider the lack of XP from spending that time not doing any kind of quest and it feels like a wash at best.


They're actually a lot of fun


Yes!!! I love doing the treasure maps when I’m bored, needing some stuff to scrap, or I keep them in case I need them for challenges/daily (:


Bonus tip: drop a small camp (or tent, if have First) nearby, and then get your teammates to join you. They will get random junk, etc for free if they "attend" the digging. 


Honestly I cannot be bothered with them. Even with the use of online guides they have, in my experience, not been worth the time of going to dig the things up. More power to the rest of you that get good stuff, you can come swing by my vendor and pick some up for a cap a piece if you like.


And buy those I’m selling!


I'm a level 191, is this even still viable for me? lol


Does this post include drunken players who wake up the next day only to realise they've bought 7,000 maps? Um, I'm asking for a friend.. yep, a friend they'll believe that. 


Besides buying them from players, how are people getting so many? I saw a vendor yesterday that had 26k maps for sale


Really? I'm level 90 ish and haven't gone to look for a single one. I kind of assumed the only thing that would be there was a level 3 locked trunk.


Level 119 only started doing them yesterday and was pleasantly surprised by what I was grabbing. If you have multiple of same you can just spam the take button and get all sorts of stuff sure some scrap but good finds in there too


They’re good for finding unknown plans! Just don’t spam dig too fast if you have, say, 100 maps. Your character will reach max weight quicker than you’d think, and every item after that will just disappear


How to actually use them? I see some rough drawing of a location but the map is so massive. Is the expectation for you to look around the entire map?


You google the location


I think it's kind of a roaming as usual and remember there's a map for that location thing. I occasionally look through the ones I have to get an idea of what to look for. Twice now I randomly got to a place and said "wait, I've seen this on a map." Then its a matter of finding the landmarks and aligning the image, then just dig on the x. It's very straight forward.


If you look closely at the map, you can usually identify some kind of landmark. There's one for the forest where the nuclear power plant is visible in the treasure map and you work backwards from there. That one was a challenge.


It’s not too hard to find a lot of them. It’s already narrowed down to the region. Some can be hard if it’s just like a random radio tower or something. I know one I found just outside of point pleasant pretty easily because I recognized the bridge on the map. But then there was another in the cranberry bog that was obviously one of the monorail pillars, but I ended up just googling that one because there’s like 50 of those things and the dirt piles you dig at can be easy to miss even if you are in the right spot. I would recommend giving it a good effort before you google though. At least to me they’re quite fun to look for.


Thanks. Is it in the ground and I have to dig somehow or in a box somewhere? Basically, is there a way to tell it apart from the random trash that is lying around?


There is a distinct ‘mound’ of soil that is noticeably different than the regular ground texture. The difference is subtle in some locations and almost cartoonish in others in my experience.


It looks like a fresh grave I suppose is the best way to describe it.


I had a little bingo with all the areas and maps, but I found out you can dig once for every map, even if it's the same map, so it's useless. I thought it was like a one and done thing, I like treasure hunting, but I like when you can only dig once. I no longer see it as a treasure, but as a farm spot _sigh_


I was going to comment about the severe lack of maps lately but all of a sudden they’re back.


Sever lack because of people hoarding it seems 😂


Ugh i got so many. I buy a dozen anytime i find them on a vendor, but i never find time to actually dig them up. Loot has been pretty useless anyhow. I still need to do northern divide, mire and bog, and i really hope loot is better there. Its Not worth the time to find eleven rounds .38, a run down snub revolver and a nearly broken switchblade. If it wasnt for the map, id think the owner simply threw that stuff in a ditch


Can you dig up the same spot multiple times if you have multiple maps, or do you need to switch servers or just go away from the spot for a while?


Yes you can keep pressing dig


This is why I hoard them and then use them all at once. They are kind of a pain to run around for, but with several copies of each map you can get good results just based on the odds.


Sweet, guess I know what I'm when I get back