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Last night I was in a server with a guy RPing Old Man Winter. He was wearing the mask, the shirt and suspenders, wielding a cane, and spent the entire event begging not to be burned in an old man voice. Easily one of the best things I've ever encountered in this game.


That’s amazing lol


I did the emote and had someone do the "no" emote and then the "puke" emote. So I did it again and they were hitting me so then the remaining group of people started doing it around them. It was beautiful.


Had almost the exact same thing happen during that one but it was one guy, but later he went over to a guy by himself and gave him the thumbs down so I ran up next to him and I started playing again right in his face it was some good times


I also love everyone using the "follow me" emote. And when rewards drop - people using the angry emote as they receive a beret for the 7th time


The fingers crossed emotes while we wait to see what we'll get...


Haha it's been the worst thing that's happened to me in this game. Flashbacks to being in basic training and waking up at 5am, all lights snapped on, Reveille blasting, drill instructors yelling, having to get fully dressed, shaved, bed made in 10 minutes. Good times, good times, and now I get to hear it every event!


It's the only emote I've ever spent atoms on and it was fully worth it. I love playing before/after any event, and during Fasnacht especially. It's definitely most fun when you do it and set off a chain of a bunch of other people joining in so it just becomes a cacophony of trumpets. I'm sure eventually I'll get bored with it, but right now I am having a blast.


Honestly, I wish there were more emotes in general. I was so disappointed that the ones like the dance are FO1st exclusives.


I screwed up and missed the 'good luck' emote last season but getting the horn one takes a lot of the sting out I'm surprised there isn't a pool of non-scoreboard emotes they rotate through in the atom shop


Given how memed the Fortnite dances are, you'd think they'd cash in on it. The mods for Fallout 4 are full of crap like that, clearly the engine can handle it.


right? with how people love to circle up and do the mothman/robot dances and now the horn, they could print money 500 atoms at a time


Haha I just saw a big group doing it this morning. Mad at myself for not buying the emote, but happy for others having fun


As of yesterday I think it was still available in the emotes tab if you want it


Horny people unite!


I'm kind of regretting not getting it now, not gonna lie Edit: it's still there! I'm all horned up now. Err, I mean I got the emote now.


I use it all the time. During neurological warfare all do it before the event after each robot death and when the event completes. Did it once at a different event and had some guy do the no emote and shoot at me so a few others came up did the horn emote and shoot at him during the entire event. Horn gang is real lol


Ok weird question but do half too have fallout 1st to get the audio emotes???


Had the same exact experience yesterday. Wonder if it was the same lobby saw you were on pc so very possible.


For everyone else, there's a mod that will silence the sound of the emote.


I’m done with it. Everybody doing the same… I just mute the game during fasnacht. I didn’t see everyone making noise with an emote since that werewolf 2 halloweens ago.


I love hearing it and seeing people use the full emote, especially before events. RALLY THE SURVIVORS!


I'm glad everyone is having fun with it, but it would be nice if we could mute it, I'm getting tired of everyone spamming it constantly.


Mute your game. Problem solved. Let people enjoy things, it's a video game after all


Yeah that's what I wanted, to mute it. I'm not telling anyone not to enjoy anything.


I do the same thing. Each Fasnacht it starts out slowly with just me and by the end there's always at least one other person playing their bugle constantly, usually many more. Dying of thirst is my favorite emote for doing that, but less people have it.


I hate people calling bugles trumpets and horns


I bought the emote literally yesterday. Best 250 Atoms I ever spent.


Ugh I always wait to buy these on sale but caved for this one


Folks like you are the reason I went and sought out a mod to mute that stupid emote. People that do this are actively trying to ruin the game experience for other people and I legit do not understand why folks are like this.


I personally don't like the bulge either but your take is crazy. You might find your life sucks a whole lot less if you put that victim card in the trash. Nobody actually cares enough about you to intentionally try and ruin your game. That level of narcissism is wow


I'm not trying to play a "Victim Card" here, I'm just pointing out that there are people intentionally spamming that emote purely because it annoys others ... and they know there is no way to mute it so their targets can do nothing about it but leave. That's a pretty petty level of motivation for *anything* in life.


Was it on playstation? I mightve been one of the people using the horn lol


No I’m on pc, but I love how common it is right now


I may have been the one shooting at you then.


If they were wearing the enclave intel officer outfit then that was me


Don't remember. But I'll be shooting intel officers on sight now just in case.


Yeah honestly it's wholesome seeing everyone dress up and come together, I kind of like peaceful events similar to the meat cook, that's kind of my only reference though