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I shoved a piece of plastic in my keyboard overnight to hold down my W key… woke up to a text file open with 347,000 W’s


As todd wills it!


I believe you mean  As Todd wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww




That’s actually how the game Ark was made


I fkn love you for this answer.. 12k hrs in ark and I hate that number


Is there a viable way of afking on pc without downloading a program? I’ve been tryna figure it out, I got no controller.


My piece of plastic worked for a few hours g through the evening , I assume my game crashed and that’s why it stopped. I think that is a decent way though or putting something on the key that is heavy to hold it down


I use a 100g calibration weight for a scale. Couldn't find it today, so a desktop tripod is (hopefully still) putting in the work...


I just plug in a controller and use a rubberband to have the camera slowly move around my character. Works fine unless the game crashes.


Until* the game crashes


if on PC, play an instrument and do this [https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/co7wh8/lpt\_put\_your\_computer\_mouse\_over\_a\_watch\_or\_clock/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/co7wh8/lpt_put_your_computer_mouse_over_a_watch_or_clock/)


Why make it so hard on yourself? [https://sourceforge.net/projects/key-presser/](https://sourceforge.net/projects/key-presser/) edit: I just set it to press m every 30 seconds, then jump on an instrument. This will still work if some baby nukes the event.


Use your mouse software to make a macro that is toggleable on key press. Wasd with 100 sec delay between key press bound to mouse 5. I press it, afk, I press again, I play


Use a coin to hold the key in place.


Go into photo mode and then put something on top of your spacebar. Bonus: You'll have so many memories in your loading screens!


Just use Move Mouse.


I we worried if there was anti cheat software stuff like that would get detected


I’m using metal dice to weigh down my W key, works like a charm


Peasants just program your controller to do the same actions over and over indefinitely and plug that hoe in




Spoilers for most of them. Your game crashed or you got disconnected from the server. Speaking from experience here. Not even on PS.


For sure - even 1 successful event is one more than I would have been able to go to I guess


Yeah you have absolutely nothing to lose by trying.


My first time ever experience of the fasnach event was crashing seconds before the event ended. 10 minutes of my life I'll never get back


It must just be for all y'all I'm on ps4 and afked it for 4 days so far and still haven't crashed


My wife messaged me that my game crashed 10 minutes after I left


awesome of your wife to turn it back on and get you back to afk farming. keeper that one.


This actually did happen to me yesterday. She is a keeper.


Yeah sounds about right.


TIL why there are so many people chilling in Helvetia.


Nonsense they heard you were in town and wanted to come see you


They're a genie, they've undoubtedly got a long line of well wishers I'll see myself out


What good does AFK all day during this event do? I'm on day 3 of playing so I have no idea what the fuck is going on


The event is time limited and has a lot of masks and even a new resource generator that makes oil or cooking oil I don't remember. People want all the rewards and the event fasnacht only occurs at the start of every hour. So people try to afk to get more rewards on this event. As then they don't have to no life the game for hours on end


Why do people obsess over masks? Is it just for collectible satisfaction?


If there is a item in the game. There is going to be people who want it. This event only occurs once a year I think. So if you don't play now and get all the rewards you have to buy it from others or wait a year. Personal opinion on if you think the rewards are worth it. Some people just really want a glowing unicorn mask for example so they play it


Some of them are cool and/or very rare, so they're pretty sought after for trading.


When you've been playing this game for 5+ years, it gets a bit stale, there isn't exactly much to look forward to anymore. This is especially true since they have completely ruined the rarity of many items. Glowing masks are one of the few new things that OG players can still look forward to trying to get.


Shout out to everyone like me who had a super cell storm rip through their area yesterday. We won’t have power for 2-5 days. No fasnacht, dailies or weeklies for me.




EF now. They enhanced it.


On what plattform are you on? If I get double plans and mask I can give you them


If you're on Xbox, I'll hang onto a few masks for you! I already got one I wanted, literally the second time, so I'll have plenty for you to choose from. Sucks about the dailies and weeklies though 😢


If you're an Xbox player, you can play from an android phone (through the Xbox cloud app), or Xbox cloud website (if on apple). I realize that's not super helpful if you can't charge your phone, but might be for some! I did it for the last week while I was away from home.


I've been seeing people starting to join together to push afk players out of the event area, which I didnt realize was even possible


If you die in the event area and go to the map to respawn you can’t get pushed out or have to deal with nukes. Just need to stay in the map while dead and rubber band your controller / whatever you’d need to do to stay active on PC




Or an eraser and book. Learned that in my Minecraft glory days.


A stack of dimes taped together - like 8, I think. Then put them on a kep to hold it down and maintain input.


Yeah, it happens every year but usually towards the end of the event. I’m surprised it’s happening this early already.


I think it's a combination of the absolutely massive loot pool, and the fomo risk on the butter churn.


And also that the event was supposed to be reworked and more fun but its the same old slow slog its always been.


Was in a server with exactly 11 afk people and since the space was taken up by them, there wasn’t anyone else around to actually do the event. So at times, too many people are doing it.


That's basically THE reason AFKs are disliked so much. They kill the server for anyone trying to play multiplayer for the most part.


I’m on Xbox and I see no less than 5 at a time lol


Bloatfly syringer,  just saying..


Don't worry. I work from home. Have hit every single one since 7 am this morning. I can make a hotdogs now, and can put up streamers


I thought about doing that, but I don't want to leave my PC running almost 12 hours.


Good choice, my man. It's a fun game, but it's still just a game, not a life necessity.


Hot take: Wasting energy and paying for the electricity to have your PC/console add extra heat your house, just to AFK for a FOMO digital hat you'll probably never use is dumb. Solar power might make my bitching partially moot but still, this is dumb y'all lol


> digital hat you'll probably never use  Change it to "digital anything" in "every game ever that is online" and now we're talking!


FYI - damn near everyone AFKing for these masks is a trader going for the cash. There is a butter-churn plan that's nice this time, though. There's a reason you see massive AFK counts for this event, and really hostile conversations here over it, yet almost no one ever wearing the hats.


I’m here for the T bills need that bullion


Why? Your PC doesn't suffer by running 12 straight hours if your cooling system and fan curves are sufficient.


True but that energy bill might want to have a word with it.


I did an experiment once and left mine running 24/7 for a month and it added around ~~$200~~ *$100 to my bill. I'll AFK farm a few times but it really ain't worth it. Edit: My wife says it was $100 so ignore me, I'm not right.


What super computer are you running? Also clearly texas energy prices.


a standard refrigerator is 750 watts and cost about 9 cents an hour. i think they’ll be okay




I just called my son to ask him to check on mine and to correct it if necessary


I took my lunch break to go home and check.


I tried to do the afk on the respawn map overnight, and I didn't stop it when I woke up, I figured I'd let it go a couple more hours while I did other stuff, bc it looked like it was working. Turns out it was just frozen, and had been for most of the time I left it. I mean it worked for at least 3 events, but evidently stopped at some point.


This one made me laugh. 


Steam link on my phone- need to make sure I get that garland for the 1000th time.


It’s Ribbons 02 for me. Of course I’ve only done 4 Fasnachts so far, but Ribbons 02 have been 3 of the 4 plans…


Playstation remote play on your phone.


I do Xbox remote play.


How does this work?




Does this onky work for console version or can you do it for pc game pass?


Oooooh good call! Forgot this was a thing!


I’m monitoring myself playing the banjo on a side monitor, absolutely no idea how it’s actually going but it’s been three events so far.


I periodically remote play on my phone to see if I got disconnected so I can shut my Xbox off. Still there. Although I'm quite a distance from where I was. But I'm dead so I won't move much farther. I really just want either the robot or unicorn mask. After that I'm not doing it anymore.


I am seriously contemplating launching a new AFK service for the community at large.... > Donations only


Considering there's maintenance today, everyone is currently sitting in the main menu unfortunately


Folks are currently nuking Helvetia to clear out the AFK campers. Fking hilarious if you ask me.


Someone said if you die and don’t respawn you still get rewards though. Is that true?


Yes it’s actually preferred if I get nuked and die


me irl




That's brilliant. Personally I'm not a fan of AFKing in games. To each their own I guess.


Think about it this way. I’m only afking when I wouldn’t otherwise be playing . When I am, I’m there doing the event and getting the job done for afkers


Not so brilliant actually… the AFK’ers still get rewards while dead and now less people can actually do the event. People nuking the event are only screwing legit players, not those who are AFK. Way to go!


apparently doesn't work as if you die and don't respawn you still get the rewards. You just end up making the event suck more for people doing it for the next couple hours.


All they are doing is helping. Being dead AFK (provided you are doing some button press) still keeps the game going and the sweet rewards rolling in! So thank you!


Hmmmm, I’m gonna go equip as much crazy particle effect weapons I can to see if I can crash the games y’all are on 🤔


We used to nudge people out of range. I don't do it anymore, I get why people do it and if that's how they want to play it's none of my business. It only ever bothers me when people camp events that are often under populated. Why should we pay the game for you? But that definitely isn't the case with this event. Edit for example: on Moonshine Jamboree once, two lvl 30s camped on top of the house. That's fine except it was just the three of us, and while I'm higher level, I'm not crazy high and my build is for fun. It was really irritating.


If I’m being honest I don’t actually care, I just find the tantrums people are throwing on this sub to be really funny and I’m kind of fanning the flames lol


I'm at home but have stuff to do. Tied my controller to my oscillating fan and check in every once in a while. Going good.


I have it running on my home pc while at work so I just remote in and check it. If I've been kicked no mater just login and keep it going!!!


Tip for PC, sit on a chair or grab an instrument, then go into photomode and highlight Depth of Field, put some weight on your arrow key to switch it on and off. Never get kicked for AFKing... except when the server craps out.


there was a series of server updates today. starting at 10am EST. I bet a lot of people got booted. 😂


I don’t know how people do this because I lay down or play a instrument and go poop and by the time am down it says inactivity will cause a kick from server


I thought your game disconnects after being idle for too long?


I work from home so I am able to check my character every hour or so. Later after work, I will actually play the event and help the AFKers as well. Gotta retribute the help somehow


I just got a V/25FFR/15R Gatling Plasma, so miracles happen


My camp is overlooking Helvetia, same place it's been since before fasnacht was a thing. I'm hoping to get home from work and find my toon still peacefully playing the nukalele while the camera spins around him, but we'll see.


I hope you’re not the sky camp with the weather changer because people were absolutely destroying that camp for the visual effect it had on the area


Man, I hope you don't come home to find it nuked. 


Me too, but if so, well, I'll just have to accept it as the price of doing business.


You still get the rewards, even if your character is dead.


My character made it through the night! Got a couple butter churns from it but no glowing masks. Little fella is likely just sitting there playing the guitar rn


Can't you sell the butter churners for a good amount? They were expensive yesterday, at least. Nvm, it's probably untradeable. I just remember someone on Discord offering a lot of caps for it. Probably as a troll.


Someone nuked a group of y’all late at night east coast time and I watched it and then saw them post about it on here 😂


Shout out to everyone else making butter day one!


I checked on em this morning and had 2 more butter churn plans and no glowing masks


Remote play is your friend here....


Anyone know a way so my Xbox controller does not time out and shut off on pc?


Currently at work wondering how my guy is doing! Likely dc’d… UNLESS??!??


Good idea!


Grandma's old cabinet full of 20+ year old dental floss is holding my thumbs ticks down


Hair scrunchie I found under a couch at 1am for me!


I should do that tomorrow when I go to work. Just play an instrument and afk until I come back to actually play the game.


My PC ran just fine all night during AFK and came back to 2 butter churn plans and 2 SBQ masks. I went to bed and got disconnected during the night, I was sad when I decided to confidently wait in bed for another hour before checking only to see the server disconnected me and I don't even know when


Thank God for remote play I can just check at work


Had my girlfriend get me set up this afternoon lol. Luckily fallout is the only game she enjoys for the most part and was easy to explain.


Pro tip; download remote desktop on your cellphone if you get disconnected just connect back in, ez


I afk'd overnight, checked this morning and was still in the game so went to work. Probably got logged out soon after though I imagine.


I can see my screen through a camera, check every hour.. still good today! lol


What's the trick on console for this? Rubber band the controller? And the about starvation....just die and sit at a respawn screen?


For anyone who wants to afk on pc just have a macro press the ESC key over and over that should work


Been afk for easy 4 hour sessions then take an hour break then do another 4 hours


I can’t keep from being disconnected after a few hours. I have a friend check in from time-to-time. I am not being booted for being AFK or losing network, just plain ol’ random disconnect 😞


I left mine AFK for 10 minutes when I went to put some dinner in the oven, came back to nothing!


You should get the PS Remote Play app on your phone. I jumped on one over 4g today. Wasn't much help, but still.


I have no idea how people idle without being kicked. I only mind idlers when they build stupid death towers beside events but most I see at meat week and this mask one I can't spell are just chilling making music. That's chill as hell.


If you have a ps4 use that to afk instead of ps5. My afk ps4 is going strong at 6hrs now without a crash, whilst I do something else in the meantime. I left my ps5 on last night trying to afk and from rewards I gotten I can tell it crashed after an hour so I only did 1 FAS 😂


I work from home and ran the events all day. I actually quite enjoyed seeing the AFKers playing the instruments. And whenever the instruments were part of the event, the AFKers actually pulled their weight. 


Left mine AFK while at work and got 2 goblin 2 sun 1 alien 1 blue devil Played a few and contributed and got 1 goblin 1 sun 1 Minotaur which I don’t have yet. Currently AFKing again and hopefully all night.


I think I have my next nuke target....


Is this why they havent fixed the ps5 app crashing at least once per hour? Seriously though, these PS5 crashes are inexcusable at this point. Been going on since at least Mothman since I picked the game back up after a few years off. Are there any updates/plans to fix this??


The temptation is real. I haven't idled in a game since the very old TF2 days when I wanted to try it on a whim and here I am honestly considering nuking helvetia. I feel sick.


I don't mind if people afk. It only take a handful of players to actually do the event so I figure if we all take turns running the even while the others go afk we can all reap the benefits. Since yesterday morning I've been active in more than 20 events and been afk in less than 10. And because of the glitch preventing rewards dropping I've gotten less than 10 common masks from it all. You bet I'm going afk again tonight, at this point if I stop going afk it's because I've given up on the event entirely (and then the people complaining will complain that no one is helping them run the event, lol).


Don’t know how people do it. My spouse got disconnect after 40 mins


I've been sitting on a chair in the church tower in photo mode with an elastic band holding right on the controller.. 13 hours later, just got home from work and I'm still spinning woo!! 🎉


How do I even keep my fallout 76 open? My Xbox will turn off pretty quickly and I don’t know how to keep it on. Do I put something on mh controller to keep my guy moving or…


Open photo mode, wrap an elastic band around the right stick


Thank you tickled pits, your wisdom will not be forgotten


I've played a ton of events and haven't gotten shit. AFK'D one and got the Glowing Unicorn Mask. Go figure.


20 events in two days and I have like 6 different common or uncommon masks, the other 14 are dupes and duped plans. There's a good chance AFKing won't he worth it


I’ve been checking my discord profile because it’s linked, idk if it works if it crashes tho this is my first day going to work with it on.


Was it still going when you got home? Or crashed?


There is hope, to my amazement both my ps 4 and 5 afked for 8 hours last night without a crash or disconnect, I feel today may be my lucky day 🤞😂


How to keep the character afk without getting kicked? On PC


what do you afk for?


My partner informed me that my site got nuked AGAIN 😭


I did it overnight on my steam deck and when I woke up, the deck had gone to sleep and I was disconnected of course. Seems it only stayed on for an hour or two. Set it up again before heading to work, checked my steam status from the office and it says I'm offline so... not too hopeful that it's working as intended! Shall find out in a few hours I suppose, fingers crossed.


Afk right now with my hair tie on the joystick making me go in circles


I can't go more than 2 hours without crashing, so no wonder here.


lmao right. still yet to get a glowin mask. only got the loon and fiend mask so far.


If it makes you feel any better I’ve been struggling to attend them on Xbox afk or not 😅🤣


Pretty sure my character got kicked after an hour but I did get a vampire explosive 50 cal so kinda not mad


On PC my character goes all day almost til server crashes usually can afk it for 8 hours. On my Xbox though I'm lucky if the game goes 3 or more hours, rarely happens though, the game crashes constantly even if not afk. Started noticing people nuking the event area though, I'm assuming because of how many people afk it judging from messages I get lol.


Pc seems to kick you after 3 hours regardless of pressing down the W key. Does anyone else have this problem? I have only been asking while I seep because I work 9 hours and sleep 5. Regardless, I always come to my pc message saying I was disconnected.


I’m on ps4 and my game kicks me off I’m inactive too long 😂 y’all’s doesn’t do that?


Ive yet to get a glowing mask but i know them feels from meat week, afk with my controller propped. The crashing and freezing has only gotten worse since then what with skyline valley an all. Game crashes at LEAST 4 to 5 times a day and a few freezes in between


Are you a prophet? 3 is the most I've gotten on PS LMAO


I'm using an Xbox series X, USB cable, and a rubber band. I came home to a locked crash screen but I also came home to a robot mask, and a glowing alien mask...plus the usual commons. In total 6 masks so six hours before I crashed. Not a bad haul. My base is by the road where the Rad toads attack. I set up a good defence to assist. I have plenty of AFK items to snooze with.


I'm on PS5 and mine usually crashes after three events.


Xbox app on Android allows me to remote "play" from work 🤣


Just got home let’s find out lmao


Been to about 14 or 15 festivals, yes I’m at home after a surgery and have nothing better to do, and managed to get the same 3 mask and beret each time. Luckily found a couple uncommon at someone’s camp for a few caps. Would love to see a variety given out.


Not me, I bring my Steam deck and use a hot spot on my phone. Making airplane parts while collecting the same non glowing masks over and over.


Im getting blue devil mask last 13 runs 11 BD


Yeah i havent had much luck leaving it while at work or for the night either. Best i had was 3 rewards in a row but mostly only had 1 or none The 3 rewards were witch, owl and skull so...


I haven't lasted more than 3 events AFKing before the connection has dropped :(


Game has been crashing so much and people are spamming rockets and other stuff so it makes my game laggy and just looks like Vietnam all over again


You can actually install PS remote play on your phone to check out how it's going!


I'm working and at the same time keeping an eye on my ROG Ally to make sure it doesn't crash!


I'm going to treat this as evidence that people would rather be living in a Fallout reality, instead of their own.


Lmao someone just nuked the area I was in. I went to take a piss & my character is eating rads like no other 😂


Is the game only unstable on playstation? Why...?


Yes, another goblin mask


Ayeee I'm using my ps4 and ps5 and they're both probably going to crash/disconnect/freeze.


Two nights ago there was only me, and 3 other players. 1 was a dead afker. The other 2 were levels 10 and 20. Lost two robots. After the event I went to another server.


You get prizes for being online?


i sold a glowing alien mask for 9k caps. 💀 im sick


Oh dear.


I find it funny to nuke a base of the afkers